Th Caroliii WatdOTMi (J 1 A Home Newapaper Published in the Interest of the People and forO&overnmentalQAffairs. 'SALISBURY, m C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3RD; 1917. VOL. Xm. NO. 3. FOURTH SERIES Wm. H, STEWAET, ED. ANJ PROP. LOCAL NEWS -z of interest to z ALL OF OUR READERS, Monday, New Year Day, was observed by all the banks Rowan County Association P. 0. S. of A Meets at China Grove. The Rowan County Associa tion Patriotic Order Sons of America -met with the China Grove Camp, No. 17, last Thurs- j.: t ofo Q io i-ii ! fa-v nia-Vit and nuite. a number ot LUIS SSTV-llUil Ul llic Owa.i ' " . J !- l v ? i NEW HOSPITAL WANTS SITE AND $40,000. , Hospital Committee of Western North Caro i lina Conference, in Session Here- ! That taere is to be a modern land well equipped hospital in I SECOND BIG DAM FOR ALOIS ICQ. -- . determination of the hospital i committee oi the Wes.;rn Korth . I I 2. I I V III I I 1 I 1 I I rM lllfllil L'l . - . MJ r j Carolina Methodist L -nterence G F Brown, of Statesville, j which held an important meeting a capable printer, has aecept j in Salisbury Thursday night ed a nosition with the ! This committee was appointed at Watcbman. a recent session of the confer etice in Gsstonia. November 28. Sixty marriage licenses wtuej present at the Salisbury meet- issued bv Register of Deede ; no- was thr. chairman. Rev. C J C Deaton during the month of December. N W Menius, of Litakr township, one of Rowan's new commissioner?, has just killed two hogs weighing 400 and 415 pounds respectively. The county public schools which suspended operation? Friday, Decern bei2'2ud, ftr a week's vacation, resumed Monday. The city schools resumed today. Work is progressing nicely on the Congregational church building on the corner oi Main and Liberty street?, the walls to the buildiug.are no -a Teaching the third story Rd pressed brick with black mor tar is being used and tie trimmings' are of granite, -making an exceptionally handsome structure. t The "Dixie," the new color ed moving picture theatre opened Saturday afternoon The place is run by former chief of police J Frank Miller and the Watchman w irh-r him much success. Dr J W Tankersley, of Greensboro, a former Salis burian and a son of A Tank- M. Pickens of Spencer, Revs W. A. Lambeth of Salisbury, R- G. Tuttle, C. W. Byrd of sbeyllle, i Dr. J. W. Long of Greensboro, Rev. E. L. Bain of Winston-Salem and J. B. Ivey of Charlotte. By request of Rey J. L. Nelson Lenoir lodged a bid for the pro posed hospital to be located there. The most important step taken by the committee was to the ef fect that the chairman, Rev. C. M. Pickens, and the secreary, Rev. E. L. Bain, addressed a let ter to the various medical so cieties, Board of Trades and oth er org- nidations in Gastouid, Ohr-rlo-.te. Statesville.. tli'vh Point, Greensooro, Winston-Sale in, Asheville and filckory, sec-ting- forth the action cf the con- lerence, stating the conditions necessary to be met before a city will be considered a competitor for the hospital, and that the in tention of the Conference to raise a sufficient additional sum to that of the community to build a hos pital to cost not. less than $150, 00. Among the conditions vhich must be met, in accordance with the action of the Conference, is that the community where the hospital -is to be located must furnish an adequate medical staff a suitable site, at least S4r',000 in delegates were present, all the camps being represented except one. The president, Mr, Peeler, of Faith, presided, and G. O. Kluttz was secretary. The reports of the various camps were read and showed the order in fine condition. The subject of woman suffer age was discussed. J L. Shup ing and T. E Webb spoke in the affirmative, and G. H. "Page and W A. Daniel the negative. A good many interesting points were brought out, some of which were quite humorous. The ques tion was left to a vote of the members present and the vote stood about five to forty in favor of the negative. By vote it was decided to meet next in Salisbury, with Camp No. 24, on the last Monday night in March. After the business of the eve- nine was over the China Grove Camp served refreshments, most ly to J. L. Stuping, A. G. Shank, H. C. Sloop and G. W. Hill. The refreshments were of the very best and there was a superabundance, such as the good people of that place how to supply. All enjoyed the occasion very much and are looking for- worward with pleasure to the next meeting to be held in Salisbury. To Be Constructed at Fail of Yadlri River Three Miles Belfiw Badfn. Albemarle, Dec. 28. That. work on the second big dam to be built by the A.merican Aluminum Com pany at the Falls of the Vac! kin aoout three miles below Baiin is to commence upon a big'scaJe is evidenced by th fact that a double track of railway is to be continued down tne river from Badin to the falls It is reported upjon good auth ority that the fina survey for this road is now being ,inade and that stakes are being driven prepara tory to active construction work of the road. The? fact that the road is to be doubfe tracked from Badin to the falls is conclusive proof that the work is considered to be exceedingly heavy. It is reported that work on the construction of this ne w extension of railway will be commenced immediately and that trains will be running threemiles farther down the Yadkin just as quick as labor and materia? can place the track in order This will mean no doubt the addition of several hundred additional workers on the big development which is literally tearing up the woods for several miles up and down the Yadkin river just east of this city. Deficit of $279,000,000 Faced by U. S. Next Year I Washington,' Dec. 31. cec- retary McAdoo estimated tonight that under existing revenue laws the government's deficit on June 30, 1918, will be $279,000,000 and that in-order to meet this condi tion and give the Treasury the necessary working balance of $100,0(0,000, Congress will have to raise $379,000,000 additional revenue during the coming fiscal year. '1 He Secretary takes it tor "ranted that bonds will be issued for $184 256.000 to reimbuse the general fund for $162,418,000 es timated expenditures for the Mexican border patrol , up to June 30, 1917, and for $21,838,000 estimated expenditures for- the Alaskan railway to June 30, 1918 This would leave $194,817,000 to be raised by taxation. ANOTHER SALISBURY CASE. r It Proves That There's a Way Oat lor Rany Suffering Salisbury Folks. Just another report of a case in Salisbury. Another typical case. Kidney ailments relieved in Salis bury with Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. M. A. Winecoff, 331 E ran to an towards hmJauiL ana -r y , hm i e u mnwh.i. " - ierr sireei, oaii&uuiv, says. tsrsiey ul cpCuuC1, w ipnuinment to cost not les than wv arhA n that T rmild h;. i I I "kvu uw- " - - The hospital committee ad journed to meet again in Salis bury, March 15th. ly returned irom uie ;Si5oyo0t and ia i-ion must border where he was one ot prove to the commktee that such the medical Staff with I hlcity is most suitable for the hos ...... i J N. C. trooDP, will locate mjphal. Wilmington for the practice ofsurgery only. Friday Sheriff Krider learn ed that two yoang m M m M. ' were trying to sell several! t hams at a aad ,Bf- "JX'lut uptd upon investigation found oui!.vn your bac you are ia for that the men had stolen thmj a cold. A timely dose of Dr. from the grandmother of one " Bell's Pine Tar Honey will stop " "B . . . , tne sneezes and sniffles, lne and both were taken into -e balsam ioosens the phlegm custody and will be given a' and clears the bronchial tubes. the honey sootnes ana relieves GERMANY'S PEACE PROPOSAL REJECTED. Suggested Conference War Maneuver d not Peace Offer Says Reply. Paris, Dec. 30. In reply to the proffer of Germany and her Al lies, fo? a peace conference, the Entente Allies, in a collective note, declare that they "refuse to consider a proposal which is empty and insincere." The note was handed to the American Am bassador, William Graves Sharp, today by Premier Briand, and was made public simultaneously in London and Paris. The note does not specifically Mrs Maggie Bean, aged 61 years, died at the home of her son, J H Bean, at Frank tin, Thursday afternoon of pneumonia. She lived in Kowan county a short time, having moved from Edenton to which place her remains were shipped Friday for interment, Henry Gilts Crapford, outline the definite war aims of lgd ?8 years, a well known hearing later. Hardy Lentz has made an application to the authorities for the installation of a gaso line tank to be installed on North Main street in front of the Norman Furniture Com pany which it is said, will he the only supply station of tlii kind in that section of Salis bury. Henry W Kluttz, of Route No. 1, Rockwell, was in town yesterday on business. Mr. mnt.17. ia 74 vears old and the sore throat. The antiseptic qualities kill the germ and the congested condition is renevea. Croup, whooping ctmgu and chronic bronchial affections quickly relieved. At all gists, 25c. drag myself around and in the morning I could hardly get out of bed. My kidneys were in bad shape and the kidney secretions Vere unnatural. My nerves were unstrung. I suffered from head aches and often felt as though I would lose my reason. I tried many medicines but nothing seem ed to do me any good until I took Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at the People's Drug Co. They re lieved me from the first and I continued taking them until my back didn't ache and my kidneys caused me no trouble." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy, get Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Winecoff had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo. N. Y. Wednesday afternoon Mies Margaret Andrew and WaK ter Ellis, '.both - of, Spencer, gave their families and friends' a -Hp, raipawayvto David, county? and were married . AideiinajiI Klli?. a broth hi- of the- ffroom." forbd- the regisfejf v deeds, .in rtowau noinny .to itsiii licence to thn couple, baling his objections on the age of the parties, each being only about 17 yeai old; . Foiled in thnv plsrifr- in lvwan t'ey we-it to Davidson rind were married. How UieHceuse for r:i:!orswas eeeured in Lex inslon is net known. Alter the ceremony tn groom 'pliored the lioie bf the bride ipi'snig iamny oi me in;r:iage and the von rig j.-ie Inft for H'chmond. Vs.. any of the Entente Governments except Belgium.. Before the war, it is pointed out, Belgium asked her nothing but to live in har mony with her neighbors. As sailed in spite of the treaties guaranteeing her inviola'.ilitv. Belgium, the note says, has tak en up ar ns to defend her inde pendence anu "Inr neutrality violated by Germany uelgu ...v dim, whi :h is de clared to be t only ain of her King an 1 ' -o err, inert, is de scribed as ,mih- -est-.iijluhment oi peace hiti justice, liut they only .: csire pe.i.-e which. w"ou1d assure tu tueir country l.-fiMmate c. reparation, guarantees and safe guards for the future." The note, which is the joint Mi?s Minnie Lone? of the act ot Belgium, France, Great Shepheris vicinity, Iredell Britain, Italy, Japan, Montene- gounty, and Guy Lowrance, gro Portugal, Rumania, Russia, OI Kowan county, were mari and berbia, declares that the fried feriday at the Methodist present strife was desired nro- parsonage Dy Kev j u rkeever yoked and declared by Germany in Troutman. Mr Lowrance and a utria-Hnfio- t is a prominent young farmer Inactivity Causes Constipation. " Lack of exercise in the winter is a frequent cause' of constipa tion . You feel he:;.;T.y, dull and listless your complexion is sal low and pimply, and energy al low ebb. Clean up this condi tion at once with Dr. King's New Life Pills, a mild laxative that, relieves the congested in testines without griping. A dose before retiring will assure you a full and easy movement in the morning. 23c. at your Druggist. rarmer of WoodJeaf, died at ins home Sunday morning f tor a brief illness. The ameral was hld and the m cerraent took place Monday tt the Presbyterian church. Surviviug is ttie widow and i number of grown children. Mrs J B Yo&t, aged 45 ears, died at her home near he f air gro.und, Sunday af ernoorj, from the effects of jueumonia: Her remains Arere interred in the Chest. mt Hill cemetery Monday fternoon. Surviving is the Husband and seven children. Mrs Calvin X'uttz died at ier Lome near Cleveland ITi-uid :aorning and the in- : jrmen't took place Saturday t. Luke's Lutheran ihcrch cemetery. The ser dc was conducted by Rev. 3 S Brown. Deceased was a laughter of .Andrew Shup ingv and hie bride is the daughter of one optlje leading farmers at Shepherd v and Austria-Hungary, and that! Germany made no effort to bring about a pacific solution of the trouble Bet ween. Serbia and Austria-Hungary, as did Great Brit ain, France and Russia. - A peace concluded upoa the German idea would be only to the advantage of the Central In memory of John Joseph Stewart, Jr., Born Jan. 1st, 1868 Died Oct. 25th, 1914 1 I rlre Tour Sewers ' i ne ocweis are tne sewerage system of the body. You can well imagine the result when they are Powers, says the note, while dis stopped up as is tne case in con- asters caused by the war demand suuawon. as a purgative you , will find ChamhPriin' TahLf, penalties reparation and guaran Drug- i Hungarian Coronation Harked fcy Brilliance and Display of Wealth, Budapest, Dec. CO. Via Lon don, Dec. 31. An assemblage of 1,5C0 Hungarian nobles witness ed the coronation of King Charles Queen Zita. It was the most brilliant in the history of the country- Not even the crowning V ' t ! tion . Mr Kllis bolls a p.. -i - As a purgative you find Chamberlain's Tablets excellent. They are mild and gentle in their action. They also improve the digestion. aeaver You V a Genera) o v Tuks Grove's li tfiit Stan la, GroveS TsV. ? .-rar. is nUy valuable af 4? Ionic b 'ase it contain T ' j itjr -.onv:p..r-Tertie8ofQUINlf ; . !. It tm the liver, Tktt 1 - . f. Wrrr.ijea the Blood ? i i if - Sycteai. SOcem. Stable L!nn, Etq., who is to rep'e.jent Rowan in the State senate, left Tuesday tor R tees. The German overtures are de scribed as a calculated attempt to influence the tuture course of tne war ana to ena it by impos-1 ing a German peace . The over tures also are said to have the effect of intimidating neutral J J Boatian of China Grore was a Salisbury visitor Satur day. , Painful Courts Relieved. Dr. King's New Discovery is soothing, healing remedy for came to town on horse-back, j of Francis Joseph presented such He is cheerful, energetic and ia spectacle of the kingdom s enjoying good health. Frank Lattimore, a negro, was caught iu a house on Liberty street last week, beiug wanied for a deadly assault on a twelve-year-old boy, Pinkton Evans, will b j given a hearing. Several -days ago while under the influence of liquor he attack ed the grandmother of the boy and tbe little fellow at- A. 4 1 V..... Vnf! leuiptcn iu uc cuu uw ' and gold spur was struck on the head with; , 1, a spfde, breaking his skull. The boy was taken to the wealth. The coronation was entirely a Hungarian event. No foreign Princes were pre sent except King Ferdinand of Dairy Schools. Announcement of DairySchools for January, 1917, by the Agri cultural Department has been made for the following times and places: Rowan county, Miranda School House? January 1st to 5th. Iredell county, Elmwood School House, January 29th; Shawnee School House, January 30th. Rowan county, Kluttz and Menius School House, January 31st; Oak Grove School House, j February 1st. Mi.-. YY'tton Capps and William A Ramsey were married Sunday evening at the lTiai'SH of the First Pres byteri?n church, the cere moiiy rHng performed by Dr Byron ( lark. The couple's honeymron trip will inclnde n virit to the National Cfjpi--il. Mr Ramsey is fiaggage master on the Southern be tween Salisbury and Golds- born. His bride !;;js been i'oi;n-ct d wit ii t'ne Western Uiiion otiif.-e in Gieeusboro i ri'eiitly l';ut was for several yars with tlie Southern Bt-11 in Its Sal'sbury office. 'Ihe marring of Miss Ida Sutton, daughter of W F Sutton, and SO Hill, son ot G W Hill, took place in Chini Grove last Wednesday evn- iuv. These are popular young . people and have many friends who wish them a long and happy life. They are making their home with G VV tiilJ, There is more Catarrh in thi i'atluT cf tlie groom, for the section of the country than all ! rt-:ent. .i i j. j.n 1 1 . . i otne. uiseases uui lugciua, anu i leigh. ,lr Murphy went to nllhll nn;n acmoii coughs and colds that has stood to the capital Sunday night opinion in the Central Powers fche test of nearly fift7 years. and is actively seeking the "worn out by economic pressure For that cough that strainsr the caucus nomination for the and crushed by the supreme ef- throat and saps the vitality try sr.eakershin. Mr Phillina thp whirii Via Wn ireQ,i Dr. King's New Discovery. The other Rowan representative, their inhabitants." soothing pine balsams and mild is already in Raleigh for the ' Finally," it isasserted, "these iaxawve mgreaieiussoon anve opening today. overtures attempt to justify in the cold from the system. Have advancing the eyes of the world, "V1110 uu KttUU AU1 a new series of crimes subma- colds crouP SriPPe and br0Q- F. LeeShepOV , 8th Floor, 543 W. 17th rine warfare, deportations, lore- chial affections- At yur Drug" oucetcw iui vity, oeuer- , laW . fr, 1 r IcriSt, DUC the inhabitants against their own countries and violations of neu trality." Rev. I L Shaver and Joseph .II Rrenda'l, Jr., of this county, were in the of See yesterday. They were on al Sales Manager ot the larg-est concern of its kind in the world wants three or four men in Row an Lounty ana several men in adjoining Counties to work for him spare time or an tne time. cnon nVPr uu puw U oo-, -.mItt VirwQ v..V,v U,r a rig or auto. Work is very Everyone speaks well of Cham- taeir wav to liurham to re pleasant and no previous selh'ag berlain's Cough Remedy after same studies at Trinity CoN experience is necessary, work saving useu it. mrs tieorge MegH.' consists of leaving- a wonderful Lewis, Pittsfield, N. Y., has this! - a new household necessity in the t0 saY regarding it: "Last winter Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System homes on free trial. Tests at mJ httle boy ; five years old, was 1 The oid standard ererai Btrenethins to. 1 ii-:1. f tt. oiVt nrltU o f x, ! uk''s iAsieuijixinuiTOmconwiow versities atid the Government weeks. I doctored him and used t m hu tonic For aduiu&adchiidres. soc Bureau of Standards show this various cougi medicines but no- new article to be four times as thmg did him. much good until I At the meeting of the board efficient as article now in gener- began using Chamberlain's Cough of county coxeissioners Tuei. ;ap!dTand ta a few dXT" morning George Y Thom- over his cold." " lasou, present superintendent. if j'oads for Bulgaria, who attended m tne urltil the last few years was sup- Mrs Rebecca Mize, rormeiiy capacity of a Magyar Magnate, j posed to be incurable. For a 0f Salisbury, who went to whu-h he is bv birth. Frederick ' great many years uoctors pro- fjhxo pome momns ago 10 De " J 1 A. I m I , . . Am- nounced it a local al use in this section. Article is needed in every rural home and benefits every member of the household, bringing cheer, com fort and happiness into the home. Not necessary to be away from' home nights. Pay from $6 00 to $15 00 per day according tq abil ity and number of homes visited, and ' prescribed local remedies, and by i In writing Mr Sheppy, mention . , -u :.. ii. . Lu.i what townshlOS will be most rnn- sr ner cmui nu in iuy otatw . f . r . , few , r:::;;rrC7.iT; i. : orpnaiiage, w,i mHi.ieu to ; , - vmir uusiautiy loniug u.v. IJ.w.r.un r.f rl' rir Ha rn . r---- , j i Drcmber -30th. The couple I will ma;H their home tm or C. Pentield, the American bas.ador, was one of the neutral diplomats present. j local treatment, pronounced it in King Charles was attired in ' curable. Science has pre veil the red Hungarian uniform, with I Catarrh to be a constitutional a pale blue mantle, black boots ; -.--J;- s, Queen Zita wore j cth Cur uul:i :'. , u?rUi bv pale blue brocaded silk with a . f. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O, voil and the diamond-studded ! is the only constitutional r ! io Will r,-i ! v in un o i'" : wh-Ti-; i !vO'jp- pMi is r.r.d to own an orange fa nn . v'lsre on age; married or single; how lonar ; you have lived in the community: ! what kind of rig or auto you have; whether vou wish to work ; spare time or steady; how much time you will have to devote to i the work; when you can start. i and about how many eanatorinm and is in a very critical condition. The-N'ro : crown above a dark blue cap. the market. It is taken ni termi te held in jail awaiting th ; Ux-Fcs. AKlid, iff8cUltxa2-efUverTon5s , Th ( onteome of the boy's injurie,. ; "X. ' ! To Cure a Cold In One Day l contains Cascara ia'.-.u" ritaulating Laxative and '. fr-.rm. n at ri-L' asn--! ytaI v otin ilrAO rn'r Oril i Tl or Tate LAXATIVH BROMO Quinine. It stops the rljstaib stomach. At be same time, it aids ouen and Headache ana works on ine wu. , digestion. arouses the licx and secreUons ISov SSSJSSr. i .lVi: I F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. homes are Thr wt-dding O; Miss Essie , within six miles ol you in each ly. It acts directly on the biond P,;tts and Harvey D Cauble direction, i o is is a splendid op artri "nnroiis surfaces of th srteiTi ,r. cnimni7Pfl in nvftsptihi portunity for several men in Row- offer one hundred C -llar , n fHV fr;PT,d ?t the Frt ?n County and counties adjoin- ny case it fails to cure. r1 r.arFonnce Sundae at- s to mfke sood monev work for circulars and testimonial.; . ' ' .. ; a a ti ingsieauy or spare time. Some Sold by druggists, 7.-- Take ei noon heo A ihomo, of the field men earn $300.00 per Hall's Family Pills for constipa , otnc.ating. Al cauoie is an month; one farmer earned $1000 Address: : rinyiujo ui. iUU .uuii.u.i j mm- wuntm spare time only. .No Carey Hostian 0f Cldna w" Grove spent a few days last 'n thi capar 'ty. week with his uncle, j j Bos- stomacli Troubles. uan, near mat place. Bowan county, cl oseu to succeed himself: tion. ket. investment or bond necessary. Span's Liniment Fer Stiff Joints. Rheumatic pains an! ;iches get into the joints j.t u muscles, making every movement tor ture. Reliovo your suffering with Sloa.i's Liniment; itquiuk ly penetrates without rubbing, and sooth,es and warms your sore iflusolea. The congested uiuuu suLiuuiitiiHu -to action; a 3 1 ... single appiicauoa will anv? out the pan. Sloan's L'ri'rr.-nfc is i . i oieau, convenient and qinoKiy etiecuvo, it aoos not st i.n the skin or clog the pk-as. Gat a bottle to-day at your Druggist, 25c; If you have trouble -with your stomach you should try Chamber lain's Tablets So many have oe-n restored to health bv the use of the tablets and their cost is so little, 25 cents, that it -is worth while to give them a trial. Dr. J Thomas Wright has re -opened his offices in the the Gru'u) ' lilding, now th& Wallace v lilding, and resum e pr.iwt'M-e, of his special - electrical and j n LVj iidence with U:-n bright. ties, i.ioh in 6 to 14 Days tJ.r Jinfv -i t. tifnnd aracy If TAZ9 OJNTMENT nils t cure anrcaac of Itehinv J Wind, Bleeding or Pro tm d i ne Pile in 6tol4dar&

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