NO. 4. FOURTH SERIES S AIISRURY NrC., WEDHE3D Al v J&tiXlARY 10TH. 1917. Wm. H. BTEW.JJ PAPIST BREAKS FAITH WITH HERETIC WIFE. 1 WEBB-KENTON BE CONSTmJTIOMAL. A NlTIOftAL'TlCTORT. ' :' Bo China Emvi TOTING RDSTLl IS ROimNM. JSHOTHER Mm FORTRESS FALLS. VOL.2 UiT' lUIUI HIV J- 5 t 4 ' i CaMc Declares to His Protestant Wiffr See is Livim Life of Shame. A new form of cruelty appear ed in a divorce action tried this morningr before Judge Thomas C; in religion the husband twitted ', ViJc roi f p an hpirior ifnmarripfl and living a life of shame.- Louis Ceurvorst, the husband, is a uatnouc. Mane ueurvorst the wife is a Protestant. They were married in 1914 in a Pro testant church. A year later. Mrs Ceurvorst testified, her hus band began to tell her that they were not married under the IJtws of his church. "I finally agreed to marry him in his own church," testified Kirs Ceurvorst. ''He said he didn't want to take into his church a woman who had lived ihe life that I had lived." Judge Wilson ruled that' the actions of Ceuovorst were cruelty and granted the wife a decree of divorce. The foregoing item, from the -Wichita (Kan ) Beacon, of Dec 3, seems to charge the cruelty suffered by Mrs Ceurvorst to her husband; but the fact is that Ceurvorst told the truth when he declared to his wife that he and she Were" not married according to the laws of Rome though they had been married In la- Protestant church and in conformity with the law of the land. At the bottom of this unhappy affair is the conflict of Romish papal law with the statutory law of the States. The wife was married according to American law, and was satisfied to remain a law abiding party to the con tract. Her papist partner refuses ' to abide by American law because he yields superior allegiance to -Romish law and papal govern ment. Beneath all this is a bigger question than the martial troubles of the Ceurvorst family. It raises the question as. to whether this country and its people should con form to American law or to the law of papal Rome. And that question will loom larger and larger in this country until it is definitely settled. The papal system claims the right to regulate marriage. 1 The laws of the several States assert the same right. In such a case as-that under consideration, the two come in conflict. Which is to prevail? - ' .. There is no dodging this ques tion. It must be. met squarely, and answered definitely . Un til it is so met and answered, the priests and their dupes will go on breaking up families and distress- innocent victims of mixed mar ... riageswith Just such cruelty as here appears. The pope of Rome asserts p monopoly over the marriage of his subjects, that they must marry according to the rulers of Rome, otherwise they are not married although the State may say they are. This characteristic assump tion strikes at the very heart of the American home. What'' are we going to do about it? The Menace ANOTHER SALISBURY CASE. It Proves Tftat Here's a Way Oat for- fiany - Suffering Salisbnry Folks. Just another report of a case in Salisbury. Another typical case Kidney ailments relieved in Salis bury with Doan s Kidney- Prils " Mrs. M. A. Winecoff, 331 E Kerr street, Salisbury, says: "My back ached so that I could hardly drag myself around and in the morning I could hardly get out o bed. My kidneys were in bad shape and the kidney secretions were unnatural. My nerves were unstrung. I suffered from head aches and often felt as though would lose my reason,- I tried many medicines but nothing seem ed to do me any good until I took Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at the People's Drug Co.. They re lieved me from the first and-1 continued taking them until my back didn't ache and my kidneys caused me no trouble. n .. Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy, get Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Winecoff bad u;ik, r J xt v ?w, r TnrT, Ba urgBB AWi ac. jah on ; ?ostfan, China Grove, N. C. Victory Is Best Sweeping Ever Won in tie F12M Against Liquor. Washington. JanV 8 In the most sweeping" of all decisions uo- hodin prohibition laws, the Supreme Court today upheld as Constitutional and valid the Webb-Kenyon law prohibiting i shipments of-liquor from to "dry" States. It also sustain ed West Virginia's recent- amend ment to her law prohibiting im portation in interstate commerce of liquor for personal use. After having been vetoed by President Tatt, who held it un constitutional, and having been re-passed by Congress over his veto, the law was sustained by: the Supreme Court by a vote of 7 to 2. Lea&ers of the prohibition move ment declare it is to their fight second only in importance to the proposed constitutional amend ment. , Lawyers for liquor interests whor heard the decision today admitted it upheld and applied the law "in its fullest sense." Chief Justice. White rnnounced the majority opinion, to which Justice Holmes and . Vandeveuter dissented. Justice McReynolds, while agreeing with the majority decision, did not concur in the opinion. Prefers Chamberlain's. " "In the course of a con versa tion with Chamberlain Medicine Co's representative today, wehad occasion to discuss in a general way the merits of their different preparations At his suggestion I take pleasure in expressing my estimation of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have a family oJL six children and have used this remedy in my nomejor years, a i consider it the only cough remedy I on the market, as I have tried nearly all kinds." Earl C. Ross, Publisher Hamilton Lounty re- euiiicairNews, S y racuse t Katt Weather Forcast For December, 1917. Prom 8 to 16. fair, with sleet and rain, some snow northwest, and cold winds along. Prom 16 to 23, wind and rain, py snort storms irom west. ome snow and cold along, hreating. Prom 23. to 29, fair and frosty alonsr with threatinsr rain and snow. Some cold winds. Prom. 29 to Feb. 6, fair, but if wind is northeast on the 29th at from 8 to 10 p 'm., snow, and if southwest, cold rains, if due west, sleet. January shows " some cold days and warm days along, and short storms from 19 to 23. Henry Reid Route No. 3v Salisbury, N"C There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was sup posed to be iacurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and tnererore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internal ly. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Thev offer one hundred dollars tor any case it ians to cure, oena . . r for circulars and testimonials, boJd by druggists, oc l ae TT 1 1 T7 Tl I I! I 1 t-. nan s r amiiy jtius tor tuusupa- tion. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo O. Plans Started to Build Paper Plant in State. Raleigh, Jan. 8 Propositions were received here tonight for the establishment of a news print paper plant in North Xa,rp- lina by committees from the newspaper associations of the state. The proposals are to be , . rnt in definite form for submis- f. - , (paper men of the state to be held i at ?n earl v date. 1 ThA nurnnse-ia m ha r rinnr. x, , - . . , " " ao. bUtt u tpreseui mgu cost oi newsprint ' I paper. The Vote by Ste WlM in AH Seeing: Complete official returns on the Presidential election f compiledby the Associated Press;, show that Wilson received -97116,2 votes; and Hughes 8547;474,-a .pruraltty cf 568,822 for" -Wilson. In 1912 Wilson, (Dem.), received 6,297, 099; Taft, (Rep ), . 3,846,399; Roosevelt, (Prog.), 4,124,959; - The total popular vote for the four candidates was 18 638,871 , against 15,045,322 in 1912. This is an increase ot 3,593 549, ac qounted for by the increased po pulation and the women vote in the new suffrage - States The following table shows the vote by States for Vilson -and Hughes: Pluralities Wilson. Alabama 97,778 Arizona 33,170 Arkansas 112,106 California 446 289 Colorado 178,816 Connecticut 99 789 Delaware 24,521 Florida S6.1C8 Hughes, by States 28,662 69,116 W 20,524 49 827 462.516 102,308 106,514 25,794 14,611 11,225 56,368 12,646 W 62,359 W 3,773. W 76508 W 6,728 H 1,278 H 41,497 W 114,606 W 13.653 W 202,293 H 16.942 H 58,750 H 36,932 W 28,046 W 73,231 W ' 5,388 H 21,012 W 20,927 H 52,322 H 392 H 76,130 W 28,693 W 34,313 W 41,056 W 5 649 W 56 W 57,964 H 2.392 W 118.630 H 47,493 W 2,620 W 90,110 W 50,890 W .6.726 H 181,950 H 4,464 H 60,037. W 5 ,070 H " 37,220 W 220,960 W 29.892 W 17,542 H 53,465 W 16,144 W 2.721 H 23,281 H 6,618 W Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 125,831 70,021 950,081 1,152,316 324,063 351,005 221.699 314,568 269,900 280,449 277 656 211.854 . 6,644 69,508 117,847 268 812 339 097 179,544 4,253 369.339 66.750 117,771 Kansas Kentucky Louisaa---".79,875 Maine 64,118 Maryland 138,859 Mass. 247.835 Michigan 287,775 Minnesota 179,1':2 Mississippi 80,383 Missouri 398,032 Montana 101,063 Nebraska- 158,827 Nevada 17.776 12,127 if. H'pshire 43,779 43,723 New Jersey 211,018' 258,982 N.Mexico 33 553 31,161 New York 756.880 875,510 n. Carolina 17,S3 n. Dakofa 55,271 120 890 52 651 Ohio Oklahoma 604 946 514,836 148,123 97,233 120.Q87-126.81S.. 521 784 703 731 40,394 .44458 .Oregon . v Penna. Rhode Is. S. Carolina 61,846 1809 64,261 116,111 94 949 54,133 40 250 49,350 167,244 143,124 221,323 21,698 S. Dakota 59,191 Tennessee 153,334 Texas 285,909 Utah 84,015 Vermont 22.708 Virginia - 102,824 W'hington 183 388 W. Va. 140,303 Wisconsin 193,042 Wyoming 28,316 Total 9 116.296 8.547,474 The vote for Benson, Socialist can didate for President, was 750.000, with eight missing States estimated, against 901,873 for Debs (Soc.) in 1912 The vote for Hanly Prohibition can didate, was 225J.01, against 207,928 for Ohafin in 1912 . To Cure a Cold In One. Day Take LAXA.TTVB BROMO Quinine. It stop the Cough and Headache and works on the Cold. Druggists rvfand money if it fails to cure. B. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c F. LflflShBllllv. 8th Floor, 543 W. 17th btrect JNew orK uity, uener- al Sales Manager of the largest concern of its kind in the world wants three or four men in Row- adjoining Counties to work for him snarp timp nr all tViP titnp an tuuuu auu a., lucu iu He can use only those who have a rig or auto. Work is very pleasant and no previous selling experience is necessary. Work consists of leaving a wonderful new household necessity in the homes on free trial. Tests at more than thirty of leading Uni versities and the Government Bureau of Standards show this new article to be four times as efficient as article now in gener al use in this section. Article is needed in every rural home and benefits every member of the household, brinariuar" cheer, coai- fnrt and hanoiness into the hnmp. ii . . Not necessary ta be away from home nights. Pay from $6 00 to $15 oo.per day according to abil- la. , - f . - nj and number 01 homes visited. in wxinug txLi., uieuiiori what townships will be most con venient for you to work in; what your regular occupation is.; "your age; married or single; how long you have lived in the community' what kind of rig or 'auio you have; whether vqu wish to work 'spare time or siCil(Is?; bow much time you will have to devote to , weeks. I docicred him and used the, work; when you rai start, j various coutrh medicines- but no and about how many boms- are j . hJrur did htm much s-ood until T I TOitHin'RiT milfs nf voiv in"arli . ' .7 , r- r J 7 nirecuon. ,ADis isaspienaia op an County and counties adjoin- uuiiuuiij w acai ueu iu n.uw ing to make good money, -or k . wg steady or spare -time, borne of the fieldsmen earn,$300.00,per month: one-farmer earned $1000 working spare time only. No n vestment or bond necessary. opened, its's prfegf termnTja es day, patellar y 2n : tendance, fildjsta students ar? ba new ones Mne, toLitewa was one ol the mosfe siaellloiiws; in the ... history :"of tiescbana indications are' that thejiippfig term win oe snu more snecs- ful. : :: -.v'? --.V - Mrs J-W Miller, the jifm of the girl's .dormitQryspCTt the Christmas holidays noire, Va.T w4hjerdajagE Tne following - new, s have enrolled at China High School for the sprjn ICatie Phifer, Liawrence Lee Kluttz, Bur well Deal, i view viva few others. We extend to knQQ a hearty welcome and wish -teta much success in their workH Miss Lillian Brown, the prtg lish teacher, has resigned $ her work. We are very sryi w lose uer out we - are giatfjm know that Miss Jones from einia has been secured in place. The -student bodyf mi faculty extends to her Va ij;buchitza river retirevl be- hearty welcome Miss Mary Bostian ing in Miss Rena is tealfiHia MerceF place, who was not able to turn to her work on account fit J - - l illness. The advanced agriculture I class, with their teacher, PrdsdZf Charles E Miller, Pilot Stock Farm for the pu pose of judging some of- thQ stock. There will be a team of boy4 from the Farm Lite School compete for the prie which will j bo sriven"-a-t the Norl.h fiirolina Live Slock Association iwhicHRSl aiietar theaters,, bom- will 'be held at Winston January 9th. The boys hope tayit bri ng t We siryeif -sup them. 'Painful Coushs Relieved.' Dr. King's New Discovery is a soothing, healing remedy for coughs and colds that has stood the test of nearly fifty years. For that cough that strains the throat and saps the try Dr. Kind's New Discovery. Thfr soothing pine balsams and mild laxative ingredients soon drive the cold from the system. Have a bottle on hand for winter colds, croup, grippe and bron chial affections. At your Drug gist, pOc. - Sh. Salisbnry Firm Lands BteDrainate Contract. Statesville, Jan. 8 The board of commissioners of the Snow Creek drainage district met in Statesville today for the purpose ol receiving bids for the drain age work, Sigmon1 Rhinehardt & Rutledge of Stanley, made a bid of 6 1 8 cents per cubic yard T , 71 tfO zr w i lul u" " ft"u dU L ouu,u J'ttIU I fr rock. The contract went to Karr & M Moore of Salisbury and Fort Wayne, Ind., at 6 cents per cubic yard for dirt and $2 per cubic yard for rock. The contractors will begin work April I, 1917, finishing the job January 1, 1918." " " The total cost of the contract ed work will be $35,000. Will D. Alexander of Char lotle was elects 1 engineer for the district. Advertisements for bonds will be given as soon as an as i i. ii i i sessmeni run ms ubbu maae. j The board of commissioners will hold a meeting Friday. I w - Soon Over His Cold. Everyone speaks well of Cham berlain Cough Retnedy after having used it. Mrs George Lewis, Pittsfield, N. Y. has this to say regarding it: "Last winter iiiv 1 i i tie boy five years old,: -was iiik with a cold for two or thrp i . J- .:-ri 1 1 : i o ; uegan-ut,iuS vuauii-ciuiiu sougn - s Reffiedy. He then improved ove- u;s con" i rtnin v and in a few days was D Tj Side?, the county cor oner, has bis office at G W WrightV furniture store. Phones 55 and 565 L. Advance In Rumania Eore Stubborn ly Mt but Advance Centinoes. ', Jan.- 7. Although the Teutonic Allies have made further advances ' ia Rumania, both'ia their opera- Uioti driving eastward from the inuntam region and northward tfrbm VVallachia into Moldavia. ibe Russiansnd Rumanians at varioos points are giving them battle and at several places haye met with success . Between Fokshani and Fundetli I j the Riissiansmade a-Sttpjig attack ovef a front f about 16 miles. ttjunev gaineu routra near tJDiie chi. saysllhe Geraian war' dfficer but elsewhere OTr Tfnnlirl xTtli . : ' r' heavy casualties. The Petrograd" Ltmlcial commuoicaion however. 'says the Russians re-established theirs former position near Kapa-tUBo;- northwest of Fokshani, m3.3e an advance in the vicinity ,mof;.ffaspitza Lake, am in a SUr- pnsfeattack capture,! trenches to ihfe-ilortbwest in the Oituz -valley." "vt Admission is mide bv -Wtro- ""'y:.-.-:--i. .. ' " '- rrafl.that the Russians an;i iht i3-0" tiie upper reaches v.-Jsire th advancing invaders, fjerlin . says that between tg and Putna valleys the .. ..... -iCTe:nuei:were.p'u?nea oacK iur- 1 1. thegtpwftjd th w as s mtin 4v a L 3-j . ...f; .i . r '.I e plains: , iMount. stormed by a Ger- -P rjnt and captured. eROftnern end ot jthe Kus- orCourlan(h the Rus- sianftrlirn- Syed strong .attacks neafeOif a ut : were . repulsed, suffftte, laities and. losing l.SmiiiiS'ht. .4Hftjsoners, accord- XTiS i&Eeltf ear Riga, con- sider tijjg is still in prog- i3fess; 3w Salem-fUficd s ing Rome reports an advance of about 500 yards by the Italians near Hill No. 208 during a sur prise attack. In Macedonia, the British endeavored again to push forward their line near Lake Doi- ran but failed, according to Ber-s lin. Ire to Sewers Clogged? The bewels are the sewerage system of the body. You can well imagine the result when they are stopped up as is the case in con stipation. As a purgative you will find Chamberlain's Tablets excellent. fpy are mild and gentle in their action. They also improve the digestion. Christinas Exercise at Lutheran Chanel, De cember 24th, 1916. The Christmas service rendered at Lutheran Chapel last Sunday, December 24th, was a signal suc cess. The children and young people acquitted themselves ad mirably, holding the interest and attention of the very large audi ence present from the beginning to the close of the seryice. The offering, $20,24, was for the orphans at Salem Va At the conclusion of the service, the Sunday school treat, consisting of oranges, apples, candy and nuts, was handed to 279 pupils. The pastor, Rev C A Brown, was not forgotten but was kindly and thoue-htiullv remembered by a goodly number of his members in the nature of a handsome sum of money for which he is very thankful.- He is closing his ninth year in the pastorate. His-people are very kind and thoughtful of him and his family. Besides the pek has nassed since the season for fresh meat, but that some one or more of his members has visited the parson- age.briiiging a liberal supply of fresh meat, sausage etc. for all of whicn he and lamily are very thankful. - With the year 1917 he enters Upon his tenth year in the present pastorate and, too, under the most encouraging conditions. The work is in better shape and more money is being raised both for stomach you should try Chamber , ,. . , . i t- Iain's Tablets. So many have locaa wui auu ucucvuiciiv-c, lixc latter is nearly double what was nine years ago, when- Pastor Brown took charge , Yon JackensBD's Troops Take Fokshani and Hearty 4,1)00 Prisenerx. Jan. 8 Another of Ruman ia's fortresses has fallen into the hands of the Tea tonic Allies -Keeping up their intensive for ward; movement into Moldavia, Field Marshal von Mackensen's troops have taken Fokshani and with it nearly 4 000 prisoners and some cannon and machine guns. At last reports, the in vaders were pursuing the de- m : s v - reacea Kussiaos, while in spite of tpe snow and-cold weather the troops of Archduke Joseph jf Austria were pressing back tne Rumanians eastward intc Moldavia between the Putna and Oitiiz Valleys. . mi-. . t L j n i me capture oi HOKSliani, OB the railroad 45 miles northwest of Galatz, apparently places tbit- ' mi nor in t uanuoe town in jrrout lennardv. i i - j i n n,iiisiati war office tiOfS iui ui i to i the cu ture of Fuk- "": (or I- u repulse of w i i v.i'lers in the region o itioiifschi, where they art iid i have suffered heavy casu alties. Tue r;,. of Teutonic Allie I at.fcw.Us at ctvpral olher places also is announced. Up iu the region of liiga, iho Uussians have takeu trenches from the Germans nar tbe vil lage of Kalnem and' in addition captured prisoners, machint gun, trench mortars and one heavy battery. In a three-day battjle in this region the Rus sians took 16 cannon and about 800 prisoners. . In Volhynia, near Nova Selki, and iivGalicia north of Zborow, the: Germans .attempted ad - vances against the Russians bat were repulsed,- according" ftf Petograd. y I the other theaters, ther4s Inafifi Cbswtisufe- "' -' Lack of exercise itl the -winter is a frequent c&nsee of constipa tion. You feel heayyv d till and listless your complexion is sal low and pimply; and energy at low ebb. Clean up this condi tion at once with Kr. King's New1 Life Pills, , a mild : laxative that relieves the congested in testines without griping.- A dose before retiring will assure you a full and easy movement in the morning. 25c. at your Drug gist. ADVISES HOW TBIY0I5 WD CURE I COLD. State Board ef Health fesaes M DistribE ties in MM anifCnrinc Celds. The cold germ will find little work to do this winter in North Carolina if the advice of the State Board of Health is taken and strictly applied. In re sponse to numerous inquiries received by the Board as to how to cure ubad colds" and how to avoid them, the educational de partment has prepared for free distribution an attractive, illus trated, vest pocket siae card giv ing all the necessary information on one side as to ' How to Avoid BadColds' and making sug gestions on the other side as to "How to Cure a 'Bad Cold' The card carries also an illustra tion making clear the importance and proper use ot the handker chief in case of a cold in the fol lowing lines: 4 'If you have to cough and sneeze do it" behind your han chief, please." In order to avoid colds, the card says. 'Keep away from people with colds, grippe, "sniffles,"' and Goughs. Live, Van sleeP in fresh air Avoid over heated rooms, sud den chilling, wet foet. constipa tion and in ii;iwinc6. Keep healthy. tr i and robust at all times. Weak, "fun down," ov erworked people often fall yict ims to colds which strong healthy pjaople ward off. Stomach Treaties. If j on have trouble with your n rpstftH tn health hv th? use it j of tbe tabiets and their cuat is so little, 25 cents, that it is .worth j while to give then a trial. fccurM Fir TZ wueign, Jan. ,7.2 .jrfrt commit on;. the TOgnmiaBf and local committees $0$' Raleigh Chamber of ' C6mWe and .0jrganimionsarortsh. ing the arrangements for the i angnral ceremonies arHiyZ A special legiUw: Looisbnrir e( (fjfiofi dect Bickett U:mdj$W tUe cerettrontes, bi6h, mediately on arrival if ernof train trm IjottttBM There will rie the usuaf nony, incfndlDg th9 presii tion of the Great Seal of StSte by Governor Craig to hl:ftai&& sor and the administertilg fli )ath of office by Gbief Jatto v alter uark. Tne BfMk ised .;B$effirtt"2&'; rented by Chairman rmof she House Cot&mitteTg tStif&2 atioh It will be: eiSij" landsome, with gold; Je& i cntion " of ih utaje of th Governor, tbe da dteiiiiai.' ral; the name of he 'cQejCr Ki tice and the names of ihi in augural cbmmitte. Tfca 0-'-ninistering of ckj' so the other: state ofieera follow the InngMaddrte- ; Immedifeiir & monies in the auditorioxtts Gov ernor and Mb. Bfekitt tfffl W: escorted to the oyrnp?' ai sion where , thero - wfll br . luncheon in tthei hrii night there wll be a itjfX' themansioni toa'm:- prominentcifhseir frbto W- Fccipanis. THdjimB BicketU state officers mothersf This yrili to 11:30 o'eloek: there will be a by UliaiLt inaliglt- al ball in the city anditoriam, Sl:an'jLfc:tFrr Stiff iJt. Rheumatic pains and Sjefews- get into tbe joints and jmnlctt ' maiking every movemeni'.foy-' tare. Kelieve yonr saaerinff: with Sloan's Liniment: ifcfntBl ly penetrates witboat frijffife: ia sootnes ana warm yoftr sore mnscles: The coneit&- blood issmalatie to e6nV singly application -frill drii e oM the pain. .Sloan's LinimanfeJ. clfean, convenient! and .q.aicld effective, it doer not i stein tbm? skin or ctog th pores: Gtr ootue to-aay at your .Drnggisfc 5o. Washington. Jan. 8.THwtf' a bewildering maze of JnfAa tions' and heated coHoqnie wlriefr turned the hearing into ajtiiip' roar, .the House Rulei CornH; : wrested for several Jtonrs todg'. With Thomas W. Lawson of -1?aPf tbn without obtaim'ng any deftfll information to aubstantiate! stbrtev of "lea" to Wall Stitetf : inadysuice of the: Preftidt'7 peacrnoite.;. Whexf the conwiiltwf adjottfiie1 uiltU tornnrird; witli Mr son's examination uncompleteiC .m motion tq cite him before' the has of the House for cohtcnV'j cause he refused tar irivenaittBs&' had been consider in; eecuilr session and taken under adviat ment. ClftiiThtCill I Wfienit ianoinfuf3 and fever sends ehiM'nlj down yonr baojk jsiaf4p a cold.- A timlyof3.ft: Bell Pine Tar Honeys wHl itio the -sneezes'1 and shtjes"J Jnaf pine balsam knseris tWpMr:' the honey soothes ' iuto the sore throaj;. Thfr s.ffit$2L qualities kill the germ and-thsr' congested condition-sfrelievfed CronpT who'.pingl cbnjgnHiK chronic. ujhiaV affectic qujkiy At ail -Dj gists; 5C. noiand V... J' -' - -. . -c. -- - -, 1- v-

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