- r-.-st. : - . 8g Eortdtcocad-di8s cosset laauafy Salisbury. K. C, Jan.' 10, 1917 Vto Quinine That Dees Not Affact the K: 4Cftte Of iU tonic stod laxfctive'effect, LAXA 1 IVfi BROMO s better than ordiiiart tine ana doer t,pt cause nervousuesiS9 ta in he3? - I'fB'ficN'r the full auwTar EARLY SCRIPTURES AU LOST Oldest. Known -Manuscripts Show th Bible as It Existed Soon .After Apostolic Days. The oldest Bible manuscripts tiow In existence data fr'oii abont SOO to 450 A. D., and show ns the Bible as it ex isted soon after the apostolic days. All the earlier manuscripts were ei ther lost or destroyed la the terrible persecutions rhlch were directed not "only against the Christians but against their treasured sacred writings, their enemies thus hoping to stamp out even the slightest traces of Christianity. The three oldest manuscripts now in existence are known as the Sinai tic, the Alexandrian and the Vatican man uscripts, the Christian Herald says. The Slnaltlc was i'onnd by the -eminent Bible scholar, Tlschendorf, In a con Tent on Mount Sinai in 1844. It con tains the Sertaagint, other parts of tthe Old Testament, the New Testa ment complete, and some of the apoc ryphal books. The writing, after a lapse of more than fifteen hundred yearSf is gtni clear and legible. The Alexandrian marrtcrript, which came jto light In 1628, i3 not quite, so ancient jas the Sinaitic It has the Old Testa ment complete, except that ten leaves are missing, and the New Testament lacks nearly thirty leaves. It is in the iBritish museum. . The Vatican man- jiscrlpt the most ancient of all is a igreat treasure, consisting of about seven hundred leaves Of vellum bound In book form. Fart of Genesis is missing, and also a number of the 'psalms. The New Testament Is com iplete up to Hebrews, ninth chapter. Other early Bible manuscripts of great value, but inferior to the three men tioned are the Codex Ephraem and the Codes Bezae, besides which there Is a long list qt lateis manuscripts. itonte Ministers Hand f Ultimatum to Greek tad!CdnOCtlo Kills Durham Painter. GSYemrnent. . ; l patham, Jan. 6-Cou Mc Firus, Greece, Via Lon Fariand, a white painter of don, Jan. 9. Ministers of thelthis city, died this afternoon Entente Powers today hand, at hia home in 'Isva street, at d to the Cxovernment au ul- 2:30 o'clock'this afternoon, as timatura giving (ireece 4 the result oi liaylng consum hours to comply with tbe'de- ed a quart of grain alcohol mands contained in thenot raixeU with a pink dopr the drawn up by France, Gr real name of. which physicians Britain and Russia on Ptcenuiwho attended him had not ber 31. learned. ivicr-ariann, it is Included in the ultimatum claimed, craving whit-key or was a request bythe Entente some form of drink, render Powers that the Greek Gov ling the same purpose, secured fulfill at the earliest the alcohol and made the possible moment the agree- mixture several days ago ment of December 14, regard- Just whan he drank the ing the transfer of Greek liquid fire aud poison, frieuds troops from Thessaly. were unable to say. He was The Entente note toGreect found in an uncenscious con demands, among otner things dition Monday, aud never that all Greek forces outside regained consciousness. He of Pelononnesns be re.luced has no relatives in Durham. to anumber strictly nee s:ary to tire preservation of order; that ail me.;--tings of rrt-ry ists hi Greece, nn lh -f I lie isthmus oi uorinin, ne. pn hi hi Ifii that ail pj soi:S de tained lor l.igh tveasuis or loi other n"'itical rea' i-s e re f-abed ft)l" Livv il ; tii-it li-e commfiiidant of Uk- hi- Army C w is be durnHr' (i f)ii tLat Hie uivk Uuvt ri.iiir'n make apologias to the Aiiits Mirusiers a nn n;if at somt public f-"p t in Ati eu. The Eutt-te A!i-p n-e.-t-ut' edtotbeiexK Govt-piRi n' on December 14 a a em a no. that nil Greek i roups bt- withdrav- n from Tfiesnly and that only ;j certain nnnr er ol soldiers be cuic utrated it Peloponnesus 'File uUim.-ilum t:f Hjh Kj: tente Power.-, after makhiy its demands en Ureece Mrve Greece guarantees acaizist any extension of the re vol u tlocary movement. - V m m mm III UAJlAOsAUlU .J Sal has sold Dr. King's New H coiosrsince tne day ne S " rTvarf)r1 7 vK?o' mum : crrtr he" was clerking for his "old bosa" ; he made satisfied cus tomerswhen he sold Dr.King's New Discovery. ' " ' . It has been the standard preparation for bronchial affections for nearly 50 years. J Those who have used it longest are its best friends. It gives grateful relief in stub- ra born coughs and colds. 1 ry it. M ""' J" r " i'" ' mi TF- I - " - M n r7 ii m n "Onyx" M hosiery To the Tax Payers of Tiawan County: ' I J J ' ; You are urgent! v re(fueLed to meet tne,4inaersigueurai inc and places named below, and settle your Stalte and County XTaxes. Your altemion is respectfully called to tne race maim . past due and that the law requires me to make an earlier settlement with- State and County and to do so must collect the. taxes. Friday,- January 12 Frid ay , J anuarj 12 . Monday,- January 15 Monday, January 15 Tuesd ayy J anu ary 1 6 ' Wednesday rJahr 17 Wednesday, Jan 17 Thursday, Jan: 18 Friday, January 19 Monday, January 22 Tuesday January 23 Tuesday January 23 Wednesday, Jan. 24 Thursday, Jan. 25 Thursday, Jan. 25 Friday, January 26 Monday, January 29 Tuesday, January 30 Tuesday, January 30 Wednesday, Jan. 31 Thursday, Feb. 1 Friday, February 2 Franklin Locke Unity Scctch Irish Cleveland . Steele ' " Mt. Ulla Atwell Atwell China Grove China Grove Providence Lttaker Atwell Litaker Gold Hill Gold Hill Gold Hill ' Morgan Morgan Atwell and Steele Cleveland at Franklin at Saint's store at--Woodleaf " -' at Mf. Vernon " at Cleveland . at Bear Poplar a Sherrill's Store at J. Oorriher Store at Enoch ville at Landis at China Grove at Craven at ishuping's Mill at Oveccashs Store at Faith at Gold Hill at Rockwell : at Granite Quarry at Morgan M'r Ground at Williams' Store at Mill Bridge at Barber's Junction This the 29th day of December, 1916 J. H. KRIDER, Sheriff of Rowan County. y-VGe GOOD Vahie at ANY Pries SHkj Lule or Cotton A l,;.J5cto$5.9 per pair Rheumatism Is My Weather Prophet. T can tell stormy weather days I off by the twinges in my shoul ders and knees, nut here s an old friend that soon drives out the pains and aches. Sloan's Liniment is so easy to jiddIt. no rubbing at all. it sinks right in and fixes the pain. Cleaner than mussy plasters and ointments. Try it for gout, lumbago, neu ralgia, bruises and sprains. ' At your druggist, Zdc. due. and 1JW. SAFE, BUT K0T COMFORTABLE RafeMttsftfiist Have Rassed Son. 11 Moments InlrU Peoti1Ja Place of Two hjHitiers were In the oods one day "th . their rabbit dog, named r'Sklp.?., ; They were tramping along Lwhen "Skip" suddenly caught sight of ;a rabbit and gave cliase. He ran the Victim on to posted land near a farm i house. The owner of the dog, hear llng him mate unusual noises, deter i mined to see what was the matter J Leaving his gun with his companion, jhe climbed over th? fence and looked (if or "Skip." He beheld what he thought Iwas a dog suddenly gone mad. "Skip" jwas whining, yelping,- growling and" bit- Ing at a large mllkcan. Dog and can jrolled oyer and oyer, "Skip" In appar ient frenzy, biting and scratching It iwith his" paws. Then he would en deavor to hurl himself inside "without iregard for bumped or bruised legs. ! Upon making an investigation, the (hunter found -that the unfortunate cot itontall, In seeldng shelter, had rushed Into the Tnilkcnn, wherfej although the Idos Could not get at him, he .must cer tainly have had alarming doubts con cerning hia safety. Youth's Companion, Piles Cured la 6 to 4 Days Vot drogidst -will refund money If PAZC OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching BHiid.BleedirsrorProtriidine Piles in 6tol4day Xhe fiistiapplicaiioD .ei ves Ease end Rest. 50c "-1 W ,-,f., , - 1 tu. Or. Bell's Antics fo 5s5t in ftrras; Af raid of- Their Own Reflection. 1 An interesting bit of animal psy chology is revealed, in a story that comes from Elklns, -W. Va,-of how a baby's life was saved by the fear of 'wild hogs for their own likeness re flected from a mirror. Wild hogs that , exist in the mom. talis of Randolph .county came down into the foothills and charged -into the Lome of Sanford Phillips, upsetting furniture and attacking Phillips' two- year-old son.. The animals had torn nearly all the jdothing from the child when he ran tnto'S corner where a big mirror hung. Tb.e hogs. followed, but soon stopped when they beheld their likenesses in tha;Wg glass." Only a second did they hesitate, however, then turned, plung inf from the hous? back un the moun- ItahiMde. The child was only slightly Injured. Youth's Companion. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up Systetr The Old Standard seneral strengthening teste GKOVS'8 TASTELESS chiU TONIC, drives oof Slalariaveatlches tte blood.and builds np the uy tern. A tree tonic. For adults aud children. SOc WHAT IS SO PICTURES 360 ARTICLES 1 ON ALL NEWS STANDS I v ? fl SI 15 Cents 0 5 POPULAR MECHANICS AKAOAZINS " WRITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT All the Oreat' Events' In Mechanics,1 Engineering and Invention throughout the World, are described in an interest ing manner, as they occu. 3,000,000 readers each month, s -i Shoo Notes 20 aeh"Utus tolls Mr the Ehop, and how to make repair at home. . . indoor and outdoor srorts ahd play. Largely conrtnirtie ; tella how to baud boats, motorcycles, wireless, ete. f ea SALI IT 36,090 NCWS DEALERS Ak ymzr dalr to ibw yoo copy: If net ton.itent u news (tasd. Mnd SlO far yw's ralwerqition. cr fifteen cents for euf KaUleeoe to the publisher. Catsiacne f Mfrhtnlcil Books free oe r.iunt. POFULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE C- Nartb MieMgM Avmsw, Chleag Popalar. Mecfianlem offmrt no premiamt; c'oe.s not join in "dabbing offmrt," and c.-Ti.ooys no tolicitort to scar tubteriptiona PROGRESSION THE WATCH WORD In no other field of science has there been such mar- velous revelations in the past few years as in the scence of optics. THEORIES - i of a few years back are exploded. Education has given us the means of proving when we are right. No guess work here. J0HNR. BROWN Ottomelrift, CHINA GROVE, N, C. UX-FOS is an improved Cascara v(& toolc-lixatife) pleasant to take In LAXFOS the Cascara is improved by the. addition of certain harmless chem icals .which increase the efficiency of the Cascara, making it better than ordinary Cascara; ' LAX-FOS is pleasant to take and-does not gripe nor disturb stomach. Adapted to children as well as adults. Jfcst try one bottle for constipation. SOc. 400 Typewriters All kiads and all grades, REMINGTONS $12, np. -'Intrnctionp with each machine. - Type and repair part for all makes of Typewriters. EMPIRE TYPE FOUND RY) BUFFALO, N. Y. 1M-16. 1 pr. II. flltfll l-.Il'TIIUIlllltlMIIIIIllHlHIIt-ailllUIIIIIIlllllIlflllinitl Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the Supporting muscles that the contour of the figure is spoiled. put the bust back where It belongs, prevent the full bust from having the appearance of flab bmess, eliminate the danger of dragging muscles and confine the flesh, of the shoulder giving a graceful line to the entire upper body. They are the daintiest and most serviceable gar ments imaginable come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Band eau, etc Boned with Walohn," the rustless boning-rpermittinB; washing without removal. Ilave your dealer show yon Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stocked, we will gladly Bend him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES 51 Warren Street Newark, N. J liiiiisji Get rid of dandruff it makes the scalp itch and the hair fall out. JBe zvise about your hair, cultivate it, like the women in Paris do. They regularly use PIS' lAUD'S EAU D the wonderful French Hair Tonic. " Try it for your self. Note its exquisite quality and fragrance. Aristo cratic men and women the world, over use and endorse this famous reparation. It keeps the scalp clean and white and preserves the youthful brilliancy of the hajr. Buy a SOc bottle from your dealer or send 10c to our Ameri can Offices for a testing bottle . Above all, things don't neglect your hair. PAEF05ISFJFD.PINAUD?DLH RPMJDBIut, New York mi Emery -Beers Compcmy,iM WHOLESALE 153-161 EAST 24th ST. NEW YORK ' ' SATISFIED WITH YOUR COMPLEXION? care of your complexion and your complexion will tate care ofjjou. CHOOSE PURE AIDS. CHOOSE CREME ELCAYA PURE. DAINTY, TOILET CREAM THAT HAS 8T00D THE TEST FOR YEARS. "Makes the skin like velvet" SEND 10C FOR LARGE SAMPLE JAMES C. CRANE, 104 FULTON ST.. NEW YORK kABEY Tak THE ViL.sKslAl 3 For a eenerous trial tube of this exceptional tooth pasta, send 8c In stamps , v and yo "f dealer's name to Vlvaudon, Dept. 5. Times Building, New Yoric. W. Y. 0ra! m'Wmsm November ljfc fft It was midnight, cold and dark. The cal endar told the date Monday, November 4th, 1901. They tell me i opened my eyes and blinked in the glare of the big electric lights. Around me were men in spotless white talking in low tones. "Jim," one said, "we have been watching for this little fellow for a long while and now he s hen Jim picked me up, looked me over, struck & -match and took a long, deep puff. Then he took another. "Gentlemen," he said,"He is perfect. Qual ity does tell. You cant fail to recognize good blood. His mother was a'Virginian, his father an aristocrat of the Carolinas. He comes from the very best stock the very sweetest, ripest, mellowest Virginia and Carolina tobacco, and we will raise him right in one of the whitest, cleanest, health iest homes on earth' Even then I was glad all over to hear his words. It is a great thing to have real breeding behind you, to know who your folks are. It starts a fellow right Ho Folks of the South KNOW good blood. I j Folks of the South KNOW good tobacco. Jit-. That is why I jusfc Mr. Reader, for one 1 io have heaps of friends down South here. I want you of my friends, .and it means a whole lot when I say ' 'l like me your mercy bacl tSae world over f or hoei IS 'roii" do; return me A Q ti "TV S. -,K7p Buy me. dealer and set ping wcrc!;, A. Jouthei n gentleman Is known. ;"5 T:T$ m?na 01 TOB rfSP -sF 3? S 40 0 M THE BOUTll ' 4 .i- .- ft'