OUR COUNTRY'S GREATEST PROBLEM. What About Romanism? fire Jou Interested in the Free Institutions a! Our Repabiis? A special series of sermons on Sunday nights will- be preached in the First Baptist church by Pastor Chas. A., G Thomas, be ginning- January 14th, at 7:30 General subject: ' "Romanism Un, masked. ' 1. The celibacv of ihe priesis and nuns unscriptural, or God given love set aside without rea son or revelation. 2, The tragedv of the confes sional, or shall woman teil her soul's secret to the priesis? 3. To whom shall go to Mary or Christ, or shall men worship gods created by the Pope? 4. The pope, priests and purga tory, or breaking prison- chains f r priestly profits. 5 Indulgence, or buying- pardon and getting chaff for our money. 6. The pope's iniailioity and .the perplexing problems it brings to the tJnited States. 7. The designs of Rome on our country and the duty of Protest antism to awake. 8 Romanism, the enemy of Democracy or the call to Ameri--cariatriotism. 9. Romanism in American pon tics, or our statesmen and politi cans in league with Home. 10. Is Protestantism capitulating before Romanism, or an aggres sive priesthood vs. an indifferent Protestant ministry. 11. The last great war, Rome's overthrow, or the destruction of man's greatest privileges. 12. The duty of American citi zens, or the clarion call to action. Pastor Thomas in a circular in reference to the subjects says: 'These sermons are ihe answer to many requests froth many men And women. I have . been doing" preached fourteen sermon? on the .subject and looked in vain for others to sound a note or approval ibut only the laymen gave support in the matter. In these sermons 1 shall make no attack on individ uals and their right of belief, Dut n a foreign half breed religion which seeks to enslave men and control government. Every year the problem of Romanism grows more difficult. .'Romanism takes away man's liberty and enslaves womanhood. Rome strikes the home and school. It calls Pro testants heretics, puts shame on our marriages and brands our children with disgrace. Our large .cities are dominated by the priests and used to ' advance Rome's best interests. The houses of Good Shepherd- are slave pens for our children when possible and the Knights of Columbus are! nr!irf fnrrp nf f p-ui tism Evangelist Black was killed two years ago in Texas and his murd erers have not yet paid the penal tv to the law. Ro. nanism has threatened the lives of other American patriot?. Let every . American citizen be on guard Keep your eyes on the aisassins of American liberties and the murderers of our free institutions. Let every citizen hear these ser mons. Bring your friends. Every sermon' will deal with the most vital questions touching the State, church and individual." o doubt these sermons will be worth, hearing and The Watch an hopes that all who can Protestants and Romanists, will go to hear Pastor Thomas with open minds feeling sure that thev will be benefited there's v. Pastor Thomas is not given to making wild and "unfounded statements but comes to conclusions by honest reasoning, on substantial grounds and by convincing auio orities. V Thebewels are the seweraee system of the body. You can well : -Imagine the result when they are j popped up as is the case in eon- ' ILmJ excellent. They are mild and, getatle in their action. They also, improte the digestion. - I Tiios.W. Bictott lissisurated Grsvernor. Raleigh, Jan. ll.-This was truly an epochal day for Raleigh and North Carolina, marking as it did the passing of the Graig administration and the induction into the high office of Governor Thomas W Bickett and the ad justmentof ike estate Legislature Mo the new conditions as to legis lation brcugh: moat by-the im mediate operation of the consti tutional amendments ratified at the last election. The Craig administration pass ed out with its record of road building and general business progress, and Mr tiicKeti, tire new transition ot tenants into landlords, making country life as comfortable as 'town life and an appeal to sustain interest in ev ery worthy individual and collec tive enterprise. The inaufirural ceremonies were most sacccssful in every detail, closing tonight with a brilliant reception at the Mansion" by Governor and Mrs Bickett and the other State officers and their wives to members of the General Assembly and citizens in general and the ball in the auditorium, the pleasures of which were shar ed bv hundreds of society folk from every quarter of the state and from neighboring states. Governor Craig went to the union station this afternoon, es corted by mem hers of his personal military staff, and bidding them and hosts of other friends good bye, boarded the westbound Southern Railway train for Asheville. . m-mm-m fiCT QUICKLY. Delay Has Bssn DanzaroQS in Salisbnry. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly-in time of danger. L;iJja time. w o-s kidney... .danger Doan's Kidney Pills are most ef fective Plenty of Salisbury evidence of their worth . Mrs. T. Robinson, 122 E. Kerr St., Salisbury, says: 'I had rheumatic twinges in my limbs and back. I learned of the mer it of Doan's Kidney Pills through my frieuds and I used them. They lived up to th"e claims made for them. Whenever I notice that my kidneys are the least out of, order or my back becomes weak and lame, I take a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills and they bring reilef." Prico 50c, at dealers. Don't simply ask for h, aiduey remed r get Dut!i s K;:lney Pills, the same that Mrs Robinson had. Foster-Milb urn Co., Props., Buffalo. N. Y. Plans CSISglStDd fGf Buffalo BHi'S FiMQrai. Denver, Co!.. Jan. 1-3. Final arrangements wer,e made for the funeral of Col. William F Cody (Buffalo Cnl) at a me3ting of committees representing the Elks and the City of Denver late today. Tlie only sjng his friends ev er heard him sing, 'Tenting on the Old Camp Grounds," will be one of two Vocal numbers suns: at his funeral. Tiie body is to lie in st'ite three hours in the Capitol tomorrow morniog, aL-tended-by' National guardsmen, and representatives of organiza tions, of whieh the colonel was a member. A superintendent of a rural sch ol near here today brought in the first contribution to a monument for Gol Cody. It consisted ol' 47 new buffalo nick els, one for each child in the school. Sioux Indians of the Pine Ridge reservation, in Qouth Dakota, are expected to i- j 1 ceremonies in connection with ! Colonel Cody's death. Coionei Cody was in Salisbury on several occasions. His liast vlsn was on clODer ain, " Demg connected with the 101 Ranch Wild West bhow. It was in the late nineties wheri his show iraii was -.vWetei' by a head on f?eitlc?us,1f ,no.rc!l of Lniwood and manyof iiis trained animals were killed. ' NOt BEST MEANS OF DI3$FECT!3N. S3S. ' dim . fl. J tir i - fl. tv' t-i It is now known that people more than things are carriers of infection ''Disinfection , bv fu migation." says the itaU; r.ouru or Health, belongs to a by got; age in sanitary -.science Be cause formaldehyde lumes w i ; Kin cultures or Dacterm wiw-n .: im posed to it it was oatdraliv in ferred that fumigation w;i , xhe logical method of all disinfecfion. But careful obseryation am; icsts have proven that di?east.'s are not spread so much by inarici.itr objects as they are by human ic ings. Diptheria, measles, 'w 'loop ing cough, scarlet fever, ceebro spinal meningitis an-1 pro'Mbly infantile paralysis are all sr.ad through the discharges mainly the mouth and- nose secretions.. of people having the disease 'The best disinfeciion. ' says the Boards 'iis soap and w-.'-ei , sunlight and fresh air app'itri faithfully during the omrse if the disease To sterilize all dis charges, burn mouth and uose secretions and maintain strict personal cleanliness in e;se of sickness renders little n-cd for any other disinfection of any kind. "When people learn that no ill smelling fumes or anv other mode of terminal disinsection can take the place of soap, water and fresh air, and daily personal cleanliness," says the Board? jaii i tai y ouicuc. nut navrj (lidUC a great gain No m;: iner of dis infection at the end of illness can atone for careless wholesale filth. ; during the cau-e.. .aisuJlz. ness. r - - Painful Couahs Relieved. Dr. King's New Discovery i.-s a soothing, healing reme.ty for coughs and colds that bai sto 1 the test of nearly tif.y yeai,s For that cough thai st-rain s tiie throat and saps the "vi i'.iy iry Dr. Kiug'.s New Disco w. y. The soothing pine balsams mild laxative ingredients su ; T di-iv.-the cold from the syto n :'- ix-.' a bottle on hind fo .v: i:vr colds, croup, grippe a. id r;i chial affe-itiuus. At yon' D.-ug gist, 50c. Immigration Bill Ready For President's Yeie. Freed of language o'jected to by the State Department bocau-c it was offensive to J.ip:m. the long-discussed immigration biil was agreeu upon this we. 4; hv a conference committee ol the twp houses of Congress and ihe Sen ate promptly adopted i:.e c i,)!.:: ence report by a vote' of S3 to L-'. The House was expels.-; to uke simibr action yesterd-iv. As originally passed the bill contained a provision designed to exclude Japanese in. the event of abrogation of the so-called gent leman's agreement under which Japan for 10 years has prevented her laborers from coming to the United States. A substitute in serted by the conferees, after consulting officials of the depart ment says: "No alien now in any wav ex cluded or prevented from entering the United Siates "shall be adrnttr ted to the United States." This sentence, 'sufficiently- di rect to satisfy Papific Coast leg islators. is regarded -as broad enough tq safeguard", against ob jection from any i ur-eig n - govern ment- -The literacy test provi- spite of the hict tNai President Vihvn j it- wi 1 has let it be knjwn that behe. cue. of another, veto Friends of tne bill claim thev will be-able & pas it oyjgf a ,g- to. "' . ' - '': ' " t T-ri h. '4 . : - , , , I ir.n no imma-nnt nmn n he . -r. admitted- lnpludeg-IudiaV Iudo ( Uhina, 1 urkestan, Borneo, bu- maffa.'Ndm nninao 'holoKots in A ' V'- - "-u. w.v.v" . sums, auap ana waier Dssiymiieutaflis. iy atter s o.ioCk tonight the last Fumigation as an effective member of the crew of tae cruis- means of killing bacteria nasi e.r Milwaukee, which went ashore about lost caste among public near here-early today .was landed health workers for the reason j on the beich. Not a lije ws that people can't be fumigated. Host.- and hut one. 'man was hurt ; 'Saibis fii3 tailed to Mtidoi U. - - Rnri T i i - u. . . , umi. m.u. -hui i- m the . rescue of the nundreds aboard ihe sira'nded vesseJ. JV In . a hgh: .r their" lives .agalilt a heavy sea. mora than t In ree hundred United States 1 t j...vuorj vrere lrou nt ashore to- pug .it M D.r-iecues uuors troin tlie T . . . ... A-ui w,iucee. which roiled in the Vi-irf wit i. I ., f u: - Ul loss, on tne northern Caii- fomiti co.ist where she struck siwre uj a foic early toe ay Breakers were spraying over ;fie warship's superstructure, and tne lccessanl pouading of the vraves-was driving . tise vessel further a-i.iore in the s:iad. The Milwaukee's false bottom was flooded in .in effort ;to anchor her againt '.he wash ol .the sea. Na vai othoer ashore said it was h';.irdlvr i)0-Nt hie that the cruiser Lw'ou.d ever Hoat aiTain "The Mijwaukee is stuck on the ssud only a. few hundred y-ir-is iViitn' the submarine II 3, which grounded a month ago near the entrance to Hurnb.ddt bay. The cruiser was attempting to salvage the subaierAt-jis ;it the time of thi acciuent. Wit :)in forty or fitly miles on this prt of the coast six other vessels have struck shore during the last few years, and noue of them has been saved Spso Oyer His till Everyone ipeaks weii of Cham berla.n's Cough h'ea.edy after having used it. 'Mrs George Lewis, Putsfieid. N Y. has- ibis to say reganting n: "Last wiuler iKttife bov . five years ojd, : was stck with a co d for two or three weeks. I doccred him and used various c:ugh medjeinea but no thing d:4 htiti much good until I b eg a u u s i n g t . h i ux be r U in 's Con gh Remedy. He then improved rapidly and in a few days was over his cold." MMsy of Sra. C. A. Sloop. On the 11th of Javiuary the relatives and iri-nds of the Sloop family mt .it tiie hme of W. M. S'ftop on Rural No. 2, China jrovc, for the purpose of cele brating the -birthdjy of Mrs C A ioop, better knovn as Aunt Katie Sloop. Although the weather was exceedingly cold and dis greeable a large crowd was present Among them present were. Rev E D. Brown and wife, of T-hyraiira church and Rev G () K'iichi'e of Grace. Her tvp Giirt;1!; W '4 Sloop and Mrs M & Ketch je. aii of h-r' granichiU dren, twpiVe in were present with Ue exceptiuu ut Mfs $ G Kiuttii and J A Ketehie who for some reason could not be present, numbering about HO persons in all. Just before dinner a short but appropriate service was held by Rev Brown, assisted by Rev Ritchie, after which a most sump tuous dinner was spread in the yard of which all ate to their satisfaction and yet much remain ed. The teachers of the Patterson school, Miss Smith and Mr Cress, who are alvyays willing and ready to justify their scholars, marched the school down at the noon hour tq. enjoy the feast with thecrovvd. After a short time, of euijoymetit they were marched to the school room, again to continue their duties. Old. A Utii Katie was. 90 years of age and is still enjoying verv good health beiny the- nhWi woman in the neighborhood. She received mantf nice pre"nts among hich was' n.ice rocking chair whir.lv sh W'J ' -il c -; , wvviucu IU r II MIX to the utmost The -occasion was a most eninv The, old and young . . ' " - ' i 4 hvv 4M uappy mooa ana will be remembered by all who were present. Wishing Grandma Sloop . . . "i.ujr iuuic suca occasions. S. ' THE POOR STATE OFFICERS. ; Wi BfJIV Iten to Mr Hfl a fnllfifitinii Par i - - -...,.... t. vvuvvMUll i ! Iron.". j A State officer, savs the Raleig'h i News and Observe'-, givinga ! reason why the salaries of State ! officers should be increased said: ! ' Viiv if is impossih! for the . officers to. live on the present ! s i lanes. Ail hav e to have Lnies to m.ike buckle -ind to side tongfue ; meet. Take Judge 'Pell, for in- I stance he lias to run a niu-ht law , I school; Chairman Travis of corporation commit' :i has to . practice I w betwi-en iun-s; Ben I r '' I. .... j farm at iviihbroox: i rl J iryan Grimes Secretary ol Sate, has to farm in P i l count y. ;m Cor poration Commissi jn-. r Lee and Auditor Wood both hive --to run mercantile establishments m their home towns 11 Asked why they didn't break away ir.tn such a 1 v- cr! posi tion, he saiii: A':, v . .u,. too poor to get away, un 1 besides, some gave up their -iw ;'.,-;. when they came ;-.. re and busi nesses have gone to smash.". Without prtssiny ;A 'l or. -th e merits of the deniaiid fur .more pay for Suae wftiei .K, i.ic i.:Vnd merk has to say th.-;i -.y . h talk as that cjuou: tse-i-i!-. le-'i ;o d-. feat it. It is uncandid; it is bosh. Mr Grimes had a fV.m n.-iore he was elected Secretary f r-jtte Mr Lee was a merchant ;it ''ay nesvilh and Mr Wood dt As'he-' boro before they io .k ofhe. i Mr Lncy didn't have a fa'?ci then he has paid icr cnivi out vi his earnings and if Judge and t-'hairmau Truvis put m Mde lines it 3s pcobably because, the average omcehoider, . they, wnt to put on aide Hue., f 'x ''' Some ot these gtitreme?i h a,d a chance to -retire last, summer; nd they st,rej?irjvuy reiafr it . ' 1 r"-, 3JM-fi lft W(c decrown. tug remark or .ail the nonsense is the last. After va;. ing that the ofheers had to put, on side iihe3, to live, it is stat d that the reason they don't quit iV ihat thy . are too poor having lot all they had since they have been in office. Well if that isn't euaugh to kill all aitempis at salary r ising it will be because tne Legislators overlook such fool remarks, Mb taliBFlaia's. "In the course of a conversa tion with Chamberlain" Medicine Co's representative to lav, we had occasion to discuss in a geueral way the merits of their different preparations At his suggestion I take pleasure in expressing my estimation of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, I have a family of six children and' have i used this remedy in mydioiqe for years. I consider it . the only cough remedy on the market, as' L haye tried neariv ;Ui kind-, ".-Earl. Ross, Publisher Hamilton County- Re publican Xevs, Syracuse, Kan. Weather Forrasi For Ossomte, 131?, v Prom 8 to 16, fair, with sleet and rain, some snow northwest, and cold winds aloii" From 16 to 23, wind and rain, by short storms frura west. ome snow uud coid threitting. along, Fio.m 23 to 29, fair and frosty along with threading rain, and snow. Some oojd winds. From 29, to Feb.. f, fair, bu,t if wind is northeast ou tlie 20:tb at from 8 to 10 p. m., snow, and; if southwest, cold yams, f faQ west, sleet. ' January shows some cold : da;ys aud warm days along, and short storms from 19 to 23. Route No. 3, Salisbury, S; C IliU'J.tl l.j Uuok of exercise in the wi isV frequent cause ot cQqsvi- mm. iou rei hea-yy cla'! .hd listless your co.mpiexion ' sal -low and pimply, and eneryat low ebb. Clean up this c edi tion at once with Dr. Kio-'c New Life Pills, a mild la. ttive " 1-tltC I 1113, 1 tntu relieves the cotisreste.! in A testines witli!ut srrininsr 1 6 "efore retiring will asu re, ! VOU a f ull and fiasv rrnrcrr cr. i' -t - . vm Lawsoa Will Haw to' Tal& oj answer mnr Washington-, Jan.. I3r Mem bers of the House Rules Commit tee, aimed with the broadest au thority to compel witnesses, -par ticularly Tnomas W Lawson, to answer quest i n. wt'ii resuin-'' Monday their investigation of tuiii'.rs tii.it ad. v.i no - i;u orm --'i to ic.iLru'u wan enreet u i-'resiue.'i ' Vtlson's peace note. Determined to gc to the hot- ... . . . i i i . .. ... . -wiu oi me sr-uaiion ;,'Jore re porting Ho the fl Um; Oil thf Wood resoluiion for a .sweeping cougri:sisional i n q i . r y into "jp.uk. stories. - t;:.- co'iimittee has subpoenaed ali iiersofis anr, papers tnat it . consul nght iuea light on the rvrnors. re sides Lawson. Bernard liaruchof Aew x-jc-k and several OiherNew urk and Chicago brokers, hav 'ee:i a keu; lo u . ; - y .londay. A I o h& --'.-i.-:i f-o ashington yniDecembir 2(', i.: 1 i.v :,:v :.; tii a i..xovs art 'y i !; --. proritc.l bv ad vance lniurirjauon v,.. w.. -'-il JS'.ei r- . ' T- trcs. - .tiling- ol ' ' :':1 - .d owed among member, of Cori- 3 lOUlL; i:iie. cJoveJop ! witn the re - :-ni-;.-g. Undet :. bv . :- C'VOiuai L tee i;. i :' h ;.)! jj an 5- re-oiu-. u?i executive u;u.uev.', wv,ch -"-'- - u road iiec .i 1'viliug r.i ihe a Vj.-Ujli'i : r- tlnu -c' t...dav ; .ipwe.-v:l '.uc-n iwer an y it on, wes''lrawu se.snm ol the c mough - tj crni v every posibl avenue ot esc a c ii: i n contempt wuivra-i and the .f"1 ' u ropls f p. , eted, di1?- jl. li iSO ;iS f';;- cnarges t rau Houe. in a;iu aa.souu a,s. i , as poaaute i n stT at Hk a i n committee's i.aod.,, tat- Uintu. br ;. up i-ir;t a an .. .4 ... . . n. nil . J r ijk I - . -. . . . .5, dfiwayour bi-ik, : u .- acoid. A taneiy d- i.se or Beiis p-fse Tar Hot i-jv - will .-.ran the sneers uud snifii-js. The pine balsam loo-.-ens . t he phlegm and clears the bropeU'iai lubsa, the honey, so-cri.jki n-ii reiiaves the sore thro a. The autiseptic qualities' kill the gt-.n 'anr. Vt.e congost-d co iditiou is relieved. Croup, who p.ing cough and chronic Uroiurtlui aff?';tiot:s quickly relieved Ajs Drug gists 2ric. Inotlier Victim of Papai liiiprisoainant. The Cincinnati Enquirer, of November 12, li.J6. mils the usu al story of a ynung jvtrL Mnpris oned in the so-c.llcd Houe of the Good Sieph-erd, ai Warsaw ;nd Haiu r, avenues in that city4 igfI-H I'-ociiinc so d-.jsper s,te in her desire to esc:'.p.. as io risk her life and to suffer -riot injury. Her 'presence Uic is account ed for by a a'sory to the effect that her parents, in Atlanta, Ga., could not control her, and had seht her to this nicc: For ,i;i line Asa. result 'of that ''dis cipune, or wnacever a was that caused her to attempt escape through a fourth story window, Ruby Collins is now in the Cin cinnati General Hospital. Ort the evening ot November U, when she had been in this place but a few day.s.Jiuhv tied a sheet and blanket together, low ered them from the window, and tned.to descend, When the rope broke she feU fully, thr- stories to the. grouud. then wled, half conscious to V at, where she .hv v.". r watchful, places and sent ue. hoi'ital. . '-What legal or ; jnoral -tiht have even parents foturn their children over to aiicli an" iosiitu. tion? The least that kanheidQ cently done concerniugiuh ter rifying prisons is to' pjace every one of them un.ds? official in spection sci inmates ca.i have sone .' ftSbnr-.nce of .v.iif.-..iilbie treatment 'twere is , o muh mystery about these say the least. peaces,, to fori Lea Emm Fatally Sfeoots teHiijf ; Casper Saturday Wi&tP- ? Miss Linda Casper, agea 18,S as shot and instantly kUle4 A ;h'3 resl'ceof MrsLCShule -Vl - '"burHt 9 o'clock Satur-1 - f.'t by Lee Huneycutt," $7 y Jd. and proprietbVf &t :ll , y sro on corner "taiSf V: uli bystreet who turned' 'xcvol.vr upon hmi-.Z mflic 3d two serious woundl- ir tiring three shots intct thV- "7 m custody by fiicei later, asserted hd because "ciucu lo mm, j - 1 that he wanted to eiau abe was roifh . 7 7 ouut uy oetore 9 o'clock Miss ' Lt,f operand an escort, Leorlara .-an, aad gone to - the. ..fadWl'l ceof Mrs Shulenbergejr M? "-st Cremetery stref '"er 1 wei-G there with a' ihf -" friends when Huueycul i!vaTSv In aas wer to a. ! g& iu ! front door, Mrs. Shufonberger idmitt.d Huneycutt, who tipott f motoring the room, begari firing, I u 'ovwver. SuOtS re e-z red directly at Misfc q3-' a i vL,. was sitting at tfia ?c o; tiiaronm oiinn,j.v..-'4'v oujiuuga UJ Si.' - th-r p-rsous there. - W' there. ATtPi- 1 1 .... ' suuis nam . naon vn area. Hunfivmn: h 4.L-i AL - vwapoii anct pulled the ttfgg&r j iw-i'je, firing the two remaiainff-V bullet.; into his $fcomaclfc,- ym ': Officers were called frf' , u.caiBr ana Jp- tia.nson responding, and; rxuoeycutt m charge. '! ; Q to the floor after 15linff' i -s own bod v and hnfy'r'l va rushed to tim hniN; :-u, -.iciaais announce w hen asked' why he chc girl, by tho officers Y ' ieudiug physicians. Hnnmn pyn ted to have replied. W v;iaicia't Usten -to me.'V. HeT ai-st cbjecterl to au operation bw 'iter consetited to it. The three shots all took iffect uthe girl's bod v. ,AJ o vuo .rating the heart, another J g a flesh wound across the at to men fi id the .third broktei ..aria above the elbow. !(n..ii'.'nnf 1 ,wuuu was tperateaa gro-M y ouro uei-e for several :u mtbs ana is u native of RowuitftN oas-a wife and 6ev- .r eial small cliildrtia living on the f.'V'l Of d between iSpencer and Frank a-" 'in. , Miss C-:".-;ryc liiii . wit.K- n-'J"!":;'' 3hnleuoei- The bod is her sister. was a native - . uh-, Sb Matthews ciiurch ueigL aXM-.ad in MOTgWj." -ownsbip, wa.- ta'.-.n to Summer'V sett's u n .Qrt'.., "parlors and:f -f.reparett i"o- ourial, whereijfe iji was viewed by quite a nnmber ; 'f people. The funeral lioofe ? fi place from St. Matthews' churchv JUUUj aisernoon, Rev H A if ' L'rexler officiating, the interment :i i he church. Miss Casper SLij -a orpnan and had inherited property which, was held in trusl by the Clerk of the Court until -4 ihe became of legal age. , If. $ 1 1 It is said Huneycutt had beAtl; ?j i aiimatfe with Miss CaspeRfortt4 ' -ear or more aud that h fiwr'' iiinkhvg at the time of the'mtix 4; der. SljanLliiimantFor Stiff JpiaU liheumatic paina and ackei Hi.. gi into the joints. and muscles, X uianiug ever,y movement tor ture. Relieve your suffering' witu aiuAsunimeat; itquick-' i.y penetrates without. rnhMn, w and soothes antl war ma -vrm . jv-w t i oui uimibeu io action single application will drive y the pain. Sloan's Linimer eleau, convenient; and qui elective', it lioes not stairF ?.:.! a or ciog i-bo pores. Get ujttle to-day at your DrUj 25c, -'',': fit