mm ---K t KL J Mi i arldri isaaror. i 1, 7tw .dmiral JJewey, kDOwn as me i fcspeia 1 TV V ' 1 J I I I I II I 1 1 1 TTT flir 1"T1 7 n UU. T.I 4 m 3 sroremnTja 'Kay, jma-wnp-nas 8! nig The next treak on trie calendar rrur K,nWH s?$ntatiig to nana nmruinp ... ' 1 ' ! rvmvifv n.nd,,itnis peUevea,, i ratlin wui tiu a uig aW JattPeloans are ifrlind land- prs : y 4 , . a i-,- i - -1 yi .j hi. t. i i wi cm uu va. j j z. w w fePbe'i Mh there is no ;o WW will draw I ft. Ewad.te. urn. -cffiria: Iffifo "tSU be a mMpjr telW 'wawr ""'ywr-ac Tfc r-t i VJiTvlr fa r thtfrwif nose QfcO fexerenldierest. These MWhit lUmffiH rth more tE (P Vl ?Mfifif8ged securi- itt. iav.'iwa nwv, -r.- WbTOTSotW tBSn straight farm WexJr fee rgxeal: Fireand others intj n "P-i a turniPV! , . .. i ... IfighfiOTg oney for the loans ' til iHWWffltmaTO8alW irom the dis -once will attract more attention jr;n,, , ,,h , , , I crlv icliivi uaun clu wiuuiwu., The "Leak" inquiry now lp- Wr ict-iana imryKdmir:hs m likeiy be a grekt mers of the coun- cIudsSecrGar173feAdo,MkUl V, v . mannenryoi m ayu& ivu o DocmTf tii e farmers oi tne coun (SPJSP WirfMP ,hc result of the pro- AfcMtS'JfsP? JfeSitenessof the Wilson ad- ,trrff.,thP! Cmaa ambassador. v, - uK6ftiSfifftofi6ry Prom 8 to 16, fair, with sleet Tho JnquiJvULBrobabWknd rain. some snow northwest, 111 WfVUV DW-CIO CliiV v. null ma&x. oiaers and be ad cod winds along. extended affair. From 16 to 23, wind ana rain, by short storms from west, as been playing havoc QmG snQW and cold along Deat iimiffltiXem cttlHABOTIS threatine amon2iue:elderlyciiisJipi T?vm count' sunsali mranr tbu rn A t:n 9Q f n.i r and f rostv adftTiiemmt rWet along with threating rain and 1 itits with TnnrVi rptr annw Sonift fiOld W1I1QS. Elect Officers. annual stockholders meetings of the various banks of Salisbury were held during the- it week, officers e'ected, divi dends declared and all were found to be in fin condition. Tbe officers for the Peoples National Bank are as follows: N B McCanles8, president. J D Norwood, vice-president. ; W T Busby, cashier. Jnhn MeCanleas. assistant! cashier. ' Officers for the Davis and Wi ley Bank are as follows President, 0 D Davis. Vice-President P B Beard Cashier, J M McCorkle. Bookkeepers, James and' John Davis. The Salisbury Bank and Tr ust Company re elected its old of ficers and reported an increase of deposits of 1102,000, making its insets S239.326.60. W E M Whirter is cashier of this pro gressive bank. , The Wachovia Bank ami Trust Company with headquarters in Winston Salem, reported a splen did ye'ar's business and the of ficers of the Salisbury branch were re-elected, to-wit: Dr L H Clement, chairman of the local committee, and W P Snider, cashier. The officers of the First Na tional Bank of Salisbury are as follows: H N Woodson president. Dr R V Brawley, vice-president. W B Stracham, cashier. E H Woodson, assistant cash ier. I Art "4 r JT-T-A Ti J.V1 A Ifr WBABf ega.v snow. Some cold winds v.-ii', . ;T r J HYnm to eb. b. iai M Wtrflnfe"?)? its wind 110rtheast on the 29th at rmrtct hva rev. snmo f i i - m h UUb b Prom 29 to Feb. 6, fair, but if ooibve to. some ft.L A , a if n&XSi-nn&filv s- southwest, cold rains, if due . v.v. ... -t-p-T-rf . . .. SVl affifiMK" Hon ffSggfeJtPWmeson, ftoTd? 'Thos A Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up Sys The Old Standard srtaeral streagrtheriii GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, an; Mltlenrictaes the blaod,an( br. ids u p thi ,ys m. AtfMtotuc For adults and Children v Ut fenofi-, r3rc8'Shupingj eVuhrnSTVuSM OfiO W EtS'. rririiasyoir are gone not torgottoni ltchman notes that Dr ?leacy,V1pastor of the! vterian enurcn oi 4AM1 MllfiC Second. PresDv.te . ... I lariotte, is otit m aavocacy oi j arlptpe, is. ou , . 1 i 11UU Hit) 1) . - , . ;o sav a word at any time lnMefSfiffvtl-iiricr that mar tirari ASjfeldered a prerogative o&etSEe1. No doubt reforma. fOTfps6 fS reclaiming wayward tfiofhave some merit and we auosBis long as the world ex PIS&5m with tho most, stren jfiieiJSrts to prevent it, v-Lere ftf fe a certain amount of hu- nfaii Junk, but our idea of refor mrnJories is, that at best, they (administered and exist mere- l-ras a"pound of cure," while the xmnce of jirevention' ' woula be far more efScatious, Why not hold parents responsible for the conduct of their offspring, just as we do when a man's stock de stroys a neighbor's garden, and note the result. No, we prefer to patch rather than protect. vest, sleet. There is not much out of the January snows Som cuiu di doi by tbe waring days and warm days along, and ul"luolJ 6 , ' . J n. . cCH InaInno met llflW hilt MlA Kpit.lfih sliort storms rrom is to zo. nww0 Heniiy RUD, tare planning a big drive ror Route No. .3,' Salisbury, N. C spring. nnnnnHHSHM It Always Helps tayt Mrt. SyivtflU Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in wiitlng of htf experience with Cardui, the woman's tenia tie wys further: "Before 1 began to use Cardui, my back cai head would hud so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardry able to 4o any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like a new woman. I soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do ail my housework, as well as run t big water mill. 1 wish every suffering wpman would give MM The Woman's Tonic a trial I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good." Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc, are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the wornan s tonic Voti cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty ye ars. 4 s1 D6nt!Rtib It, On Bruises or Sore Muscles loan's' Linfment quickly pene trates and sootnes turnout rabhina. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments,, does not 6tain the skin. Have a bottle handy' for emergency, Theumatic aches and pains, neuralgia, lum bago, gout, 6trn'i-R, sprains and lame back, yield to Sloaa't Liniment. At all druggists, 25c. 50 and $1.00. -- : . ' ,.IJ 1. - ' .1 (I 1. iitinaiffiflnnyutiitiiiiniiiii lumniniici iiiiiiiinmnsuiuiiiiiniii tHHiritiWinuumiiiiumiHMfHMHimiu iiiiiiiiffli m SI r3 liimnn liililUUttMIUIIlUUIimillHlWHIHli Hemznw JtJiist; ana onouiacrs are possible If you will wear -a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. Tbe dragging weight of an unconfined bust BO stretches the supporting muscles tliut tbe contour of the figure is spoiled. 1 m mm rrr BRAoJl fc. pnt the bust back where it belongs, prevent the r- full bust from "JrfPS Jhe appearance of fiab- si biness, eliminate tbe danger jof dragging muscles e;;" and confine the flesh of the shoulder gjii) a v graceful line to the entire upper body. fes They are the daintiest and most serviceable gar- g! tnents imaginable come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Banr!- r eau, eta, Boned with Walohn," the rustless Sf; honing cermittinr washing without removal. ftave yoor dealer show you Bien Jolie grsssiorea, 3 it not stocked, we will glaaiy cead him, prepaid, samples to show you. ggj ( BENJAMIN & J0HN3S r g 51 Warren Street Kc-vav!:. N. J gj Biwey- tO L'-a-l- On improved farm lands .L L.o wan county. Five year loans at No loans considered for les than $1000, not -on les than forty acres. ."Write P, V Critcher, attorney, Jxiagfc0n, N. C. ' , I "-Got rid of dandruff j it makes til scalp itch and the hair fall out Be rnse aboutyour hair, cultivate it, like the women iu I Paris do. They regularly use i. r F m PiADtfS EMI Dl Liu thft wonderful French Hair ' Tonic. Try it for your ilf. "Mote its ftitaiiisiteimalitv and fraprance. Aristo- I rraftc men and women the world over use and endorse this ia mous preparation. It keeps the scalp clean and white and preserves the youthful brilliancy of the hair. ! Bttra 50c bottle from your dealer or Bend 10c to our Ameri- K i Cim utrice-s lor a testing Dottle, iioove an tnings aon z negricct j rTIro.rmUDPeptU ED.mADDNew York f f from Haclnncr After a night of restlessness due to a hacking cough, with . its strain and disturbance on your - whole system, you fed comtdetelv exhausted. Da not let the cold wear you out and encourage more serious illness. Take Dr. King's New, Discovery and get grateful relief, it quiets die annoying cough, relieves the colds and gripper-rmakes you fed com fortable agam and you get the much needed rest. Your druggist has sold it for years. Try it , To the Tax PaycVs oF Rawan County: . . . ' You are urgently requested to meet trie unaersi8ucu ... and places named below, and settlo your State and County 1 axes. Your attention is respectlully called to the fact that these taxes are past due and that the law requires me. to make an earlier settlement with btate and county, ana 10 ao so rausi t.uiwi, . Cleveland Steele Mt. Ulla Atwell Atwell China Grove China Grove. Providence Litaker Atwell Litaker Gold Hill Gold Hill Gold Hill Morgan Morgan Atwell and Steele at Cleveland at. Bear Poplar a' Sberrill's Store at J. Corriher Store at.Knochville at Landis at China Grove at Craven at Shuping's Mill at Oveccash's Store at Faith at Gold Hill at Rockwell at Granite Quarry at Morgan M'r Ground at Williams' Store at Mill Bridge H - , 5! K a u M M U n M B c Onyx9 3 H Hosiery You Get GOOD Value at ANY Prico Silk lisle or Cotton 1 per pair WHOLESALE 25c to $5.( Emery Beers Companyjm. 153-161 EAST 24th ST. NEW YORK SATISFIED WITH YOUR COMPLEXION? care of your complexion id your complexion will take care of you. CHOOSE PURE AIDS. CHOOSE CRCME ELCAYA PURE, DAINTY, TOILET CREAM THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST FOR YEARS. "makes the skzn like velvet Nj SEND 10J TOR '.ARGE SAMPLE , JAMES C. CRANE7.; 1C1 FULTON ST., NEW YORK kAREYU i 1 1 Tuesday, January 16 Wednesday. Jan. 17 Wednesday, Jan.. 17 Thursday, Jan. 18 Friday, January 19 Monday, January 22 Tuesday January 23 Tuesday, 'January 23 Wednesday, Jan. 24 Thursday? Jan. 25 Thursday,, Jan. 25 Friday, January 26 Monday, January 29 Tuesday, January 30 Tuesday, January 30 Wednesday, Jan. 31 Thursday, Feb. 1 Friday, February 2 Cleveland at Barber's Junction This the 29th day of December, 1916 - , J. SI, KRIDER, Sheriff off Rowan County :''''"For a cenerous trial tube of this exceptional tooth paste, send tc ta stomps and your dealer's name to Vlvaudon. Dept. 5. Times Building, New York. N. Y. 1 r " 11 SS55 S; Li iJ n . 2j cj ? SfiM e Well, way back in 1901, after I had been in this bright, happy world for several days, I began to get worried like, I didn't have any name. Folks were calling me "it" and "the new one" and "whatdya-call-it." I didn't like it a bit Then one day I heard the Big Chief telephoning all his department heads to meet in his office. Pretty soon they all came filing in. Tall chaps, short chaps, fat chaps and sKinny chaps. "Now that he is here," said the Big Chief, "what will you name him?,f My! how they wrangled and wrangled and wrangled. You know, you have heard them argue whether He'd be called Jack or John or Jim before. Finally, one fellow spoke up and said : "Why not call him 'SOVEREIGN'? His mother was a" Virginian, his father an aristocrat of, the Carolinas. He comes from the very best stock. He comes from the very sweetest, ripest, mellowest Vir- ginia and Carolina tobacco. He is being raised right in one of the cleanest, whitest, healthiest hones on earth. He is a South erner born, a Southerner bred, a Southern gentleman the king of them all a real SOVEREIGN. The Folks of the South KNOWgood blood. The Folks of the South KNOW good tobacco. SOVEREIGN the best is none too good a name." So I was named, friend, for I want you as one of my friends, and it means a whole heap when I say I am guaranty If you don't like me return me to your dealer and get your money back. I have said it A Southern gentleman is known the world over f or koepLig his word, and I have given you mine ; THE GENTLEMAN s O OP THE SOUTH - - jS(s- ' ' ' " '. v

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