p ' - - - ' '' n -rmwini V A:.v;v;f?. LO0L NEWS rr of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS 7 is Lee HiiMHycntt, who shot i?e Cifpr Sainrrtay night, ofnrHinff to rjU 'rlc. IP ill aw'' ' - o proving. j flirt Southern Railway's pay roll tit-re for Jauuary is paid to havH been ovfc- a quarter of a mslliou dollars. Stuait B -Marshall, general manager of th Tallassee power Cimpanv of Badin, is think ng of making his home n Salisbury. RevC P Fisher of " Faith who was extended a call from St Paul and Bethel Lutheran churches has declined the iuvitation to become then pastor. Last Wednesday font Chin ese were before the. County Court for gambling. They were found guilty and were taxed $50 and costs. They took an appeal. Leon Sloop, a salesman at 'Belk Harry Co 's, fell on tht ice Tueeday at G O Kluttz' on South Maiu street, .where, ht rooms, and as a result is nurs iiif a badly bruised bhoulder. There were 44 births and 31 deaths in Salisbury Town ship, outside of Salisbury, East Spencer and Spencer, during 1916. There will be a meeting of the Rowan County Teachers' Association in the old court house. Salisbury. Saturday, January 27th. At this time plans for the annual county commencement exercises will he discussed. ST Dorsett, of Washing ton. D. CM was a visitor hre and at Spencer during the past week. Mr Dorsett is in terested in a new variety of solid rubber auto tire which he exhibited to those interest The Spencer Couucil Jr. O. II. A. M. held a roll-call mating Tuesday night, Jan iary 9th. A large number of members were present, the new officers were installed and several new members were initiated. A street car and H Z , White's delivery automobile colliid Monday afternoon at f Onnnml and Fulton streets The front o the auto was badly damaged W T Overman, a native of Salisbury, who has bpeu assistant cashier of the Bank of Dunn for several years has been elected cashier o the Farmers and Merchants bank at Wendell. A carao of the Patrioti Order Sons ot America was instituted af Mill Bridge last Thursday by C M C Barger, W A Daniel aud J C Kesier, of SaMsbury This camp starts off with 32 charter members. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days 1 CARRIAGES Miss Minnie Overcash .nd Robert O Morrison, both of Landis, ere united in- mar riage at the home of W L Kimball, Esq , on Sunday tveuing, January 7th Miss -Mary Smith of Landis and C Clinton Goodman of Salisbury. were married at the home of W L Kimball last Sunday evening. The marriage of Mfsa Lla May Monroe, daughter of De- Duty Sheriff Henry Monroe of Franklin township, and Clar ence. Hartley, of Salisbury, took place at. tue parouge of the ITirst Baptist church nn Jaimarv 14th. Pastor C A v a- W Benjamin F Shuping, aged 66 years, died at the home of his brother, Robert A Shup ing, four miles west of Salis bury, Friday night from the effects of cancer of the blad der. The funeral was preach ed at Franklin Presbyterian church of which he was an elder, by Rev Wallace. The interment vas in the graven yard at Bethel with the rest of the family. He had been doing business at Rutherford ton of late year?, but went to his brothers several months ago where remained until his death. This is the third G 1 hmas officiating Mis? Beulah Aim E:g'!e and death in the Shuping family Glenn Van Trexler, a young since December 2nd, when a ocss. nip. from Moieran owri- brother. William and his wife !hip drove to Spencer and died at Witt, Illinois than were united in marriage at Lister, Mrs Mary A Kluttz, on thfi narsonsee of the Metho- December 29th. Surviving dist church Saturday after- are Henry J of Oklahoma noon. January 6th, Rev 0 M Jacob A of Iowa; John E of a rfnrininff the cere Tav'or Sonusr?. Ill: J M of monv. IVTrs Trexler is a Mt Pleasant, N C, and C P of daughter of Mr and Mr W G Salisbury. Eagle. The many fri-nds oF Thorn i he marriage of Miss Ollie as A Coogheuour, aged 7 IlartmaM, daughter of Mrs years, will regret to learn of Mollie H Ttmau, and Ohas M his death which took place a Bogg, of Chn?tnfit Hill look hi home her-! early last place last Thur?day nicrht at Thursday morning tiom the the parsonage of Haven Luth- effects of heait trouble., Mr eran' church, the iast or, R-v Cugheuour leaves a wile, Gho H Lingle, performing the nee Miss Mamie Swicegood, mrdrerefct will refund moneyU PAZO ceremOny, They Will DiaKB filgQI CUUUICU auu tt uiutucx, OINTMENT falls to care? any case ox Itcninp ...... n m i r f U BHnd.BleingorProtrudmgPHesinStoMday , a r home in feailSOUry MapC W Kj L'OUgUCUO.Ui . firvlnnfi in ni 1 1 7 OtY Q 11 rl The Concord Tribune says 7' Z Miss Brown, daughterSof John business man and will be a M Brown, and Quincy missed in the community. Goodman were united in h'he funeral took place from mnrriaee at the home ol the iinmft Saturdav morninff, bride's parent Sunday morn- Rev w A Lambeth of the drri' tT; HHdr Methodist church officiating ,.stiliff Mr Gnodmau is The interment was m Chest ortini? a store at Rockwell nut Hill Cemetery. Mr where he expects to do busi- mOUghenour was a member of ness and maKe ms nome. the -pirBt Methodist church At an elecraut birthday and a Confederate soldhr luncheon last Thursday at the Mauy 0f hiscomraides attend home of Mr ana Mrs mwu e(J ttfe perFfG0 k ncpirman iu uuuui . " " 1 daughter, Miss Mildred,, the knecked him oil' the loco motive and badiy dirfigured him. He was picked up un conscious, taken to a hospital and given ine Heal aUuti'.n but died about 10 o'clock. Jut what caanrd the accident is not known. He was an electrician and leaves a wife, wr children, a father ajd Fswral bii.thni. Mrs Tan k- er.-ly wa visiting in Charles- S (' thn timn of the but arrriv-d next iy. iis remai'ws were, taken to Cum rston, S. C, tor . in terment. With much s:rrow tht many inenas oi weorge a Kluttz will learn of his dfcath which took j lace at his horn- on East Inns street eariy Monday morning th' renh of a strok" of par-nlis. H- was a n; w f this eounlv till!, . J ac" int some years age. Beside a host of friend? he leaves a son Walter M Crump of Concord, and two daughters, Mrs Mc Corkle of Salisbury and Mrs Ku"?eue Gray of Winston Ka'em, The funeral will he held from the 'First Presby terian church tomorrow morn ing, Dr Byron (Mark officiat ing. The iuterment will be iu Ches'nu Hill beside his wife. au'i was i.;r'y y jcar five uiouths uld. H has breii connect nd with pome of Salis bury' l-i !i'g m-Tjantile estai'lih n-nts, but during the past fev ye.'ri lias -erved the city-as san'tary officer. At one ?iin- he w&s a city aldnr n ::!. w;i-a ' nfde at e veteran na a ;n There is more Catarrh iu this section of the country than all other diseases put together, ;and until the last few years was sup posed to te incurable. . .For a great Many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and prescribed local renjedies and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, ana therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by r . J . Uheney & Co., 1 oledo, U., is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internal ly. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Sold by drug-g-ists, 75c Take Mali's Family Pills for constipa tion. Address: P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo O, Rowan County Farmers' Union. At the recent meeting of the Rowan County Farmers' Union held with Gold Knob local there was a gfxd attendance and a lot of very encourasinjr reports mad-. The following officers were elected for the year: President, Prof. F B Brown. Vice-President. J S. McCork- lo Secretary - Treasurer,. A X,' Kluttz. ' Chaplain, jrbi;' iklfAgnttv Conductor; g SJoop.' fi Doorkeeper, T Ji A Badger ..... ' County Business- Agent, prim 3ruse. -, ' . - V'Vs LuKe.V J$iicip -: c !'.! 'n.it. j which his fuuoral was coo . ductel yesterday aiVmooir, ! -j hH Ftoekhoid of th Kev W W Way officiating . Firgt Natioual Bank of Spe,t and beside, nurreron? tf lii'ls cer held a mfteting lagt weeki quite i.Mu n-.rt i i declared a dividend of 8 Dr H Q Alexander was pres ent and made one of his great speeches. Sttan Troubles. If you have troubla with your stcmach you should try Chamber- am s 1 ablets. So many have oeen resvjred to health by the use of the tablets and their cost is so little, 25 cents, that it is worth. while to give them a trial. GrofQ. Ihe fiiet appUcaUon eive Eas d Best 50t Mrs W Clarence Kluttz, whose husband, Dr Kluttz, died at El Paso, Texas, last -week, returned here with Mr and Mrs John E Ramswy who were visiting thre. Probab ly Mrs KlutU will make her iiome in Salisbury in the future. At the meeting of ths Oat tlrt Breeders' Association in Whwtwi-Siftlem last week which was well attended and a fuirp.fisa in every way, C H, Ed warl rnnke'rs'ev, Ua-risou ot-saiiwwy w, . - t of th9 wed ; of elected vice prrsident of tuojdin, in April, of Miss Over-1 n?ineer A Tanker Beef Cattle Association, County Demonstrator S stahlpr was altwtBd Becretary i Miss and treasurer of State Bee ; child of Xeepers' Association. Kger ey of CI - a wrn a DA .j M i i i . i ' fit. mndp opeUUOI, wan ov p i ..... ... the. only jured by the burfc!ivg ()! 'A J Li rrr man ami m"" Norvell was Mirufman IS ' I A 4- Mr and Mrs uver- rotary engiuo usn-i lu . i .... i ! young lady. Mr Norvell is a ijeadlight, Friday afternoon i native of Lynchburg ya;, , . die(i severai hours the AshiHe JW e :W-OBe of its toni; aud laxative wci, lsaj- ; r - t f JQ0J'2 ad dos not cause nervousness not . D.auou uj. vuw nwtcx ialMKt. Kcmember the full name and , an(l TrUSt UO. AmtteMfsMM B. w eaovE. asc jdUv a"0 v later.. A Piece 01 ine pasxmg bit him in tb,e face which attendeil lh" -rvic-4. iH Mil tint wer- in!ei''fd iu toe Euglih cnit-tt-ry. KeeKlee wife, a eon, Chas A Klutiz, ' grid two daughters, Mesciam es Georpe Pennick of Uich- p-ond, Va , and Mabjl Hart man of Salisbury, su'viys. Dr W h Crump, one of Salisbury's promiuent lhys'N ciaus, aged nearly 30 years, died about 3 30 o'clock this morning from .the effects of tnberculosis Dr M. A V - rf Crump gave up his practice and went to Ashville some oT eight months ago hut grew worse and returned, tnaling hi? home with his d lighter. Mr J l McU -'k'e, : Wheie he died. ur Crump was a ratine ot iMvie county bit came to Ho wan with his mother in 1866. lie was ed ucated at Lenoir and David son colleges and . studied mediciue at Jefferson College graduating iu 1879. He be nn nracticine near South per cent., plac-d a civdit of 8 per cent, to the aurplu fund aud elected directors. The direct ( ors elected R C Jonss, presi ; dent: T E Johnston, cashier, and W 1) Kizziah, assistant cashier. -. r ' rr Yoa Need a General V Take Grove's ' itandarJ Grove's Tas. is equaity valaabis J I icic because it contains K -r n ionic properties of QPINX- ' K". M. It acts on the Liver, Jte s : V.itt?, Enriches the Blood i ' . -tne Wbcle gystem. SO River, but moved to Salisbury year. There was a called meeting of the Classisof the Reformed Church in North Carolina h dd hern H?t wfk. Dr J l Opple, of Hooi,(,Q'h,e; $Vetjh erick, Md , was ' preseut and addressed the meeting on the sublet cf education and ex nlaiued the movement to rais- f 1,0-,000 for the col leges of this church. A cam paign with thip object in view is to take place during Au gust aud September of thjs. Crv Lecturer afdd Oracnij" P ve- VVitt Patterson and . Lie ei- ler. , . '' Executive Committee Geo W Park, J S McCorkle, P C Banger W P Sloop and Chester G Deal. The county , was divided into two organizing districts, the Southern Railway being the di viding line. Mr Patterson is to look after the western end of tne county and Mr Trexler will look after the eastern part of the county. Among several resolutions passed were the following: Whereas the State Union which met at Raleigh, passed a resolution in favor of taxing male doirs $1 and females at and beif-vina such a law, as as the i ne now 'in force in Lio', an county, which levies a tax of $1 and respeciively. is ui just and unconstitutional, and places an unnecessary burden upmi tlu poorer class of our people. Therefore be it resolved: That Liowan county farmers' union go on record as being op posed to any such State wide law. That the present law in force in. Rowan county taxing males at $1 and females at $2, be abolish ed. That this organization go on record as favoring that the max imum of the public schools, in Rowan county be mads higher than the seventh grade, and that our teachers be paid higher sala ries, in proportion to their work so they can fit and prepare them selves for their duty and t. teach to a hetter advantar Resolved, tb' ll.j Rowan county faru iV uuionjgo on rec ord as being' opposed to gamb ling, swi ii-iling, and horse racing at the P oples Agriculttire Pair. The -.foregoing" resolutions were adapted and made a rec ords of the Rowan cotmty; f arna- stting Firsts Csttn at China WilliamMcDaniel was given a, TieiaV-inireiore A1-igistrate W L iri..1! n..':...j! ' fi r- riayji-iauJrQy ; oju a cuargu ox haying sit-fire to some cotton in the picker room of the Patter son Manufacturirg Company al China Grove last October. , Con nie ,Messick who was working with McDaniel the night of the night of the fire was ' the chief witness and testified that he saw NicDaniel strike a matoh and set fire to the cotton. McDaniel was held fox the February term of the Bowaa Superior fccourt, be ing required to give bond in the sum of $350 for his appearance. WHAT IS LAX-FS LAX FOS is an improved Cascara (a tonic-laiatlfs) pleasant to take In LAX-FOS Vae Cascara is improved by the addition of certain harmless chem icals wksh increase the efficieacy of the Cascfft, making itlf;tter than ordinary Casctra. LAX-FOS is pleasant to take 1 i . . . .. 3 r . i l. nna uues sot gripe i aisraro sromacn. Adapted to cr ldret as well ss adults. Just try oa bottle for constipation. 50c The Peoples National Bank SALISBURY. N- C Does a general backing business anJ cor diallj inviies your itccount. WE PAY FOUR. PER CENT interest ever three mouths in. oat Barings depart ment. Prompt, careftil, as.d confidential atten tion given to all business entrusted tons. N. a MsCanlaas, W.T. Busby, President. Cashier. J. D. Norwood, John Mcanless, Vice-President. Asst. Cashier p RUB OUT PAIN xvith goo oil liniment. That's the surest way to rioo them. The best rubbing liniment isJ ers' union. LSNIfflililT An invitation was given the Union to, taeot with Sur ler lo ci in March, which war unaAi mousl; accepted. GoodfoTthAihasof Horses, Muies, Cattle,; Etc Qood fry??-? own A cAes, ' Pejus, RheuJBtfcxR, Sprang Cuisj Bin, Etc 25c 30c, $h AfciJlIJealeim. i - j r mm-" '

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