v -s V: 13 - t i' 3 W V-' 5 . ; hi s s 'i f i n.,.j iWritten by! ST.-PAUL'S. Miss Bessie Julian has besn kept at home for some time with a bad cold. QRe v M LRidenhour has resigned hie T7orkat'St PauTe and Bethel Luteimu eburc Li ps and""has taken upwork at St Stevens' in Cabarrus coun-jsuv' V J K mum Brolherhood at Spsncer Banqust; . TIis auniial hacquet and iiiBtkllatiou of bfficws of the Brotherhood of Locomotivn Firfmien tok place Uit Thur, 'ay nigbt and was a very pleasant event Nearly 100 firemen gathered around the tah'e. Preceding the banquet there was an installa- liou rf H;e oilicert for the I rew yar and some speech making by members. " J VI a?nk, t-se rearing presi dent, who istalied the ne .v ceremoni? Friday, January igth, 1917, is De LavaM5ervice Day At Our Store. GOME EARLY AND AVOID DELAYS. TELLOUR NEiQHBOR For the beDefft of U6ere of De JLaral Cretin Separators we have arranged . . A De Laval Service Day. i.ve urore-tbat every l)e Laval u?e- hri; cr hi- ;om cl ' ft !. ft .. P . la-MewStomaclii L If y do -"Digestoneine' will giv e ou ane. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY - SALISBURY, N. C . ' The new olfic-vs " s trer saver. Mid Mrs H L Pip- Kin coM cf-oiv The banquet' ty. St Paul's has extended a call to Rev 0 P Fkher to take up the work here, not know ing yet whether in: -ril acc,? the call. Most of the farmers ar very busy plowing and chop ing. Walter Safrit and sibter re turned home from from Dur- Jinm and 'rpnnrtei a fin9 tllD. One of St Paul's most pot u d S t. lar young ladies was out horse-buck riding Suodpy evening and reports a fine trip. January 14th, st five o'clock everyone was greatly enr prised to hear the wed-;n;: ceremony beic read by Kev HA VVelkei-; pastor of m. H'sior to ns f'. r a -careful inspeetio 1 wh:ciiwi.0 '.n- !!;!- . - Should any pai-i;, due V, viii' if uu ' ve-r rc i hf niy v.iu - e ; ' bVMnu; for the pi ice of the nt;w uJir'tnscjd, nuc-Ciir ; 'Lw v and ' . - - rrSusrge. . t - - , njj..j 1-jf.Hn r.a rHTr-n ; ( ca ' is wi -:(.n- and J IVi .Sink, ecretar vice. rreu!,,!; ,,V";,i A IB' Laval SeTrice expert will be wllk. -m f. n'.sr. wi'h oft c -s riie Lndi- 8 ty, t j,, rrani- work. Bring in yonr v&s.v v o-.k.U-V ... lie -.... ! j ai j iu luti -ii.Ji.il erhoow. were ah-o inslailed: J.'Jckson, vice presi-; Hv;;1.y De Laval separator give t'-e be t itJ.fc--i':: at au citii!; 1rfO of-A0" , kecileas-t cost, and we urge yen to take adva rae of this f re : reiary; 'irs h S btedman, ' ,wl .,,1 vi,. 1 t ?e date mentioned and get the byneli . fJk w ticsvic ca're and operation of your separa; ', as a the i ve m ROWAN HARDWARE & MACHINERY CO , S":;w1wKi'raa;;y!Rcrarabw'J""a"p. 9th' Salisbury, N. 0. No;; -.. iJ'.v- . !.J.,. - - Thiiia prescription prepared especially or MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or sz doses vrilli break any cae, end if taken then as a tonic the Feer will not return. It acts on the liver belter tha" Calomel sad does not rie or sicken. 25 RUB-RQY-TI5PJI Will aire Rheumatism, Neu ralgia; Headaches, Cramps, Colic SprainSjBruises, Cuts, Burns. Old Sores;-Tetter, Ring-Worm,-Er zema, etc Antiseptic Anodyne used internally or externally. 25c 6 -Tf t-f a h IHi Hope Reformed church. The lorely cerern ny was used to unite Miss Kj&a Honbargor and Lee Web. The briae was very becnmingly dree?. -' in a blue co?t s-uit. Immedi ately following the ceremony Mrs T E Webb invited th v present to Iho d'rdng iv m and a most 2- : : 3!ive suiipT was served. Mrs Webbisooe of attractive and loviv.g daughters oi Dr and Mi tt C Honbargjr! Both a mem ber of the S F A club snd both of St Pial's most loving young people, Mr and Mr Webb will raako their horn for a short while at fhe groom's fatl rV, after which they will make their furnrn fee !H to Tilk Upright. Goeratioo Aunsec. Saved hy hih. E. PbKhaEi's Vegetable Ccmosind. hi:. .. - still Tb:s woman now raises chick.-n? and does inanuu.1 labor. Read her story: Richmon!, InL "For two years I was bo Ei..k and weak with troubles from my age tnat, when going up stairs I had to gi, very slowly with my hands on the steps, then sit down at the top to rest. The doctor said he j thought I should 1 have an operation, and my friend3 thought I would not live to move into our new house. My daughter asked me to trv Lvd;a E. Pinkham's Vegetable Co-ifovvi as she had taken it with good rc-,a.v.-.. I did so, my weakness dis Epp i'ed, I gained in strength, moved our nev home, did all kinds of garden work, shoveled dirt, did build i : .'nd cement work, and raised hun rirecs of chickens and ducks. I can-r-?zy enough in praise of Lydia E. H.-.khar-'s Vecretable Compound and if iht fcits are useful you may pub lish .itm -for the benefit of other 'feJr.'?"ISRS 1 '4: borne at Faith where Mr 1 eou WOffigE. Mrs. m. O. Johnston, Route will take up granite work. Their many friends wish them a long and hapy life. D, Bos J90, l.ichmo'nd, Jnd. t''; . '':;;:iril with their soft, 1 V l: r-!'.J.-; ' mellow li-ht will save tha eyes of the I 1' L ':',V,';;:- i'.n-V2 Eciontific investfgration has shown that g t3 yiZ; ifii'-t l.v?fa the light of a good kerosene oil lamp is g Jsi ;-:.,v'-''iV '' the softest and least tiring of any light I PBB ! '"frr' ; a Tha Rayo is the best oil lamp made. I Cy ; ( tA' It cives a steady, white liftM, minus the Bt,-ffl n tHV'v' jCM flicker ef gas and the glare of electricity. rgiiiiiffl nV I V-.lTit!Vit-..v-a-- . Uc- Alad'." in Security Oil the most eccnom- B jcal oil for best results. B STANDARD QIL, COMPANY 1 S (New Jersey) fl ! BALTIMORE. MD. I J Washifli-ton, D. C Charlotte. N C. B ff& Norfolk, Va. Charleston W. Va. J9 g-few Richmond. Va. Charleston, S. C P Ave you going- to buy a sewing-j machrner lr you are it will pay you to see me. I will compete my machine with Sears, Roebuck & Co., John Smith or any other firm in price and quality. Will furnish any style of machine you want. I handle needles oils and supplies for all kinds of machines. Come to see me or write me be ; fore you buy. Also repair sew ing machines and organs. Work guaranteed. Office in front of drug store. ; C. VV. Harrington. ' 12 27. Rockwell, N. C. ,:t lies' Moss) Bar "At Salisbury, N. C. PAY FOUR PER CENT on time de CH-ts, General Banking Business if w. Interest payable every Smrrth? '--. nipt attenion given to any busi r.'ts entrusted to ua. Your business solicited. T Peoples National Bank ! r- - Henderson, J. D. Kcrvrrd, prp.sident. ct.'hiE!, ! 1 . W. T. 3 Pr '.'.'". I p Trade with SI3PHI AI 1 .Alexander Hamilton v v n eieven IFirst Secretary of theTreasur? years -oia ne was put J to work as errand boy in a bank. By study, industry and thrift he learned the business, saved enough to make profitable investments, became prom inent, fought in the Revolution, signed the Declaration of Independence and was first Secretary of the Treasury. If you are ambitious to get ahead in the world, begin by saving a part of your regular earn ings, for money paves the way to the desirable things " of life. Start an account with us this week and add to it every pay day. Soon you will have enough to buy property, take a desired trip, send your son to college or make profitable investments. Multiply your money Li our care. SALISBURY BANK hM TRUST GO. I BM"M"MgMM'a:3nW1'1t,il mWWMMJIUnii I TiTiTtiwblf i Tn Cure a Cnl1 In One nv Coueh and Kc(-' -he and works off the Cr' J. H -Druggists refuu isoney if it fails to cure. ! 3 S. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c : E r, f c r. J w v V g ;. J.t! i WORD. Drinks in Salisbury Tested for Me!. j By order of Jadge R. Lee Wright of the Rowan county court, Sheriff Krider recently sent sample oi drinks that are being dit?penaed in Salid bury to Raleig h to have lb em p analyzed. Reports coming j back are that the beverage have a largei percent, of rl-! cohol in tnem ihan the lawll nllnnrn n n A '4- .., i, U V 1 if ttuuwo auu lb is yiuuauifi tiiai. as a result the county court will have an increase of busi ness during the present week. These bever.iges have been persistently sold by various parties as soft drinks and have given tbe authority i much troub In nor.tber fielcfof scieucs liz.z there been such mar velous revelations in the pust I'ew years as in the fcctice of optics. iiihORlES i f -"S ' ' ' 3 1 Wmw i 1 fi CGtarrh ineaiis ; v iiuw-- yurgmg oi meg e :.? Bwcuiaiionw.a U - ji course you i an Sthis condition, it I colds, e;c. ID, of a ' few .years back are exploded. Education has 3'.''"-n us the means of proving when we are riyht. Xo guess work here. Or.tometriBt, i li-.r n.-t in ',!' . I IP: "'! ;. f- K.VPTi :K rVJ'I- :-V)!T, i Ai.O X. V j i j (J ! ,,r i i : i 1 1 i n i k ' e o 1'18 StagL'StlGUj orging"oi the impure blood, j be we:i -jriderf t-Toabse, couas, g 5f SQO PICTURES ARTICLES EACH MONTH - r i5 Cents creases the circ-jfasion, irvigorai33 tliei system, teiaovis hs vase matter andU brightens you up. ' Over 44 "Years Of service to its public enti Jes it to a it place with you. . It Makes Good i The Peruns Compds;y Golumbiis, Ohio 3 lou can get Peruna in tablet iaa for cenvenience. vn m t -1 L1 IRE? POPULAR MECHANICS .MAGAZINE V'HES S3 YCfJ CAM UNDERSTAND IT AU the Great' Events in Mechanics.1 r E Ceennj ana Invention thrniic-hnn. - i.-r u j -i . . o- i..c iri,uu,are aescnoea in an interest manner, as theyowiiViJ A ! "' i i's: 3B f 'Ct9S 20 PJw"each"!CTtie"tl Is eftsr t ' . . n;ilietep wr.ytodothin4sitt -N. ; tr.e bhop, and how to make repairs at home. f.rt! .Isar Mecltanics -spagen of onetnai I As . . , , . ""door and outdoor -,! "ort ari-l play. LftTBelyconBtmctire; tella -' i "Oiv to taild boats, motorcycles, wireless, etc. CAa SIV BV f nr. uci.f ..... .... .. L'.j '"i ! J3UJVy nt,?S DtALEnS R, man "With laUilly '.! f-:'-yii'rti,thawToaeovr.UtmtemirAittt tho publishers. request. Wanted fit f!p. to work aero: on shares. Good orSSSJtri ion I C Q WOMr...! O T 1 f ': -"-k- wje cf Mcchanlcsl Books free on r lana, u-b Wii.iams. SalisliMrv. i .......... m r7 T ' L ' .-uii nirwi-ICS HI, N 0 -Phone 957-J - ' --.. w a.ifcivs x v T ri-K th Michigan Avenua, Cblcsso Report uf the Condition cf T5H BAil OF SPENCER, at .rp'-.-c r, in the ''tat1 of North Caro lii.H & th1 el of bis uiesj Jje?ember 27, 1916. KESUURCES. , Lnan.H; d co: nts. $107,637.76 Ov-rd rafts ecnred 163 0 fiunitun sr.d t!xture9 .... 3 OOJ.OO Due fi'ura Ntttijukl Punks 23,27U9 Die from State Banks and Banker 15.635.6S Jtish iteaiii 6 924.05 GnlJ cuiui S00.00 Silver coi '., includingall minorcoi.i eurency . 2,85-4.25 yational bank notes and oihe; V. y. notes i 1,073.0 $6.0 .57 Total 170,861.34 LIABILITIES. Capital stock ; aid in 2n.r00.OJ nil pjus fund 250i-.(X' Und-vuied profits le'rf cur ie. ! t XDn es i:d taxes pd. 2.848.20 Oepf sit -libjeet to oh-ek 76 79!. 60 Tim oertil'.esites of deposit 180,00 sasings dt posits. . 55,332 78 Cashier's checs out standing 8 208 46 140.513.14 Total $170SU1.3J Stat" of O . C.nin'y of R. wr.n, ss; I, .J. K. I'otstfit, prtvident of 'lie a.aoye ,'r-. !? ' fi i . !'? si. iii y tWfii." ihat in- , .- t:i: nit-O! i- ;i U-: it ill' f.'CS if n;j kiic" S -- t - and belief J K. D 5KSBTT. president. Corie::t tif-.-i : H. P. BliiNPM ) A J. Gemayei. Dir- ctoi J. VV. Cakltjn J VV. .-. tit:' I'M'. V I1.: ! IV P'jl DR. BELL'S ANXUSAm ? Jt'ecftaiuet ' ofer Jno nraminm.! 111 (III ! ill. I ! Ill ii i Notice Ta Creditors. Having qualified as adruinistraiix of the estate cf Joe Aidrey, this is to notifr all; persons having claims against the snid de cedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with ihc undersigned on or befoie the 11th dav of January 1918, or this notice ill be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Person" indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This Jaunary 11th, 1917. Alice Ardbey, administratrix. A H. Price, attorney. North Carolina, Rowan County. hi U THE GROCER, He carries a full line of Higi (irade Groceries at . ery low prices, buys all kinds of Produce, Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables; SSee him Headquarters for Watkinp Medicine Co. ?!?tione 57. 119 W. Inniss St. 1 Rowan countv court V. Wallace, J V. Wallace and L. Wallace, trading as V. Wallace & Sons vS Elias Atial J Tlie above mimed defendant will take notice that an action entitled as -ibov hs been comuienced in Rowan county court iy the plaintilft! to recover ot the defendant the sum of two hundred eight dollars and 56 cents ($208 .56) which summons is re turnable before said Rowan coun'y at the court house in Salisbury at ten o'clock on January 24, 1917. The defendant will aho take notice that a warrani of attachment was issued by J. Frank Met Nubbins, cleri ot'niW court, on the 14th day of DeceniLer, 1916 against the properly oi said defendant, whinli warrant is returnable before the said court et the lime and place above named, for the return of the summons, when aid w pre, the de fendant is required to appear and answer or dem r lo the complaint or the relief de manded will be gi anted I his December 22. 1 9 ! 6 J. Frank Mo "unnix-, clerk, John L TiPiidlenian, attorney. HUP! SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE A Ful Line of General Meicbandise' Constantly On Hand FOOr REST HOSIERY wliether it's appearauce you want in hosiery or wheather it wear you will ge it if you get "Foot Rest." And thi. too is au euduce rnent to most of us. You'll SAVE s ONEY. Fall-and winter goods, heavy weight underwear tor men and women, also Press Good:, Shoe?, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc, GROCERIES. I have a wall selected stoefc of staple and fancy groceries, country produce, ieed stuff, etc. When in need come to see' me. Farmrra are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, . W. TAYLOR, 'Phone 39. 103 S. Maiii St., Salisbury, N. C. w will snm'eeiate JL A (Mil it I ders. Call ct offics or address Win. H. Stewart Editor end Proarietor, Salisbury N.C. Morlpge Said lJ Kea" Esiate. Purstiuiit to t'ie terms contained in a mortgage (nisi i: ed :;.:!:! i iv K L Pic s-; I ?ind wile, Minni- L 1j1-k, on October 18, 1913. to A . S Ei-nharrit, fnh registered in I the office of th- rCegist r of D- eds in Book ijN'o 47 ps; 103 :lfniir linvin been made . in the payment uf ;i incip il and interest as : provided for siil mortga", the underpinned ; will sell at public auction, to the highest : bid!er for oas-h. at the court jione door in . the ciiy of "ali.-biiry at 12 o'clock M.F on I Saturday, January 27, 1917, i 'i!i .vii;jdrscribed real estate to-wit: Si!iM': l- Li.t alter twii;-hip. near the tiostiun Cross hoatfs, and bounded ns fol lows: Beginning at sl;ne side corner.niBs thence S, 2 W. 29 73 chains to -a stone. Rodman 8 corner; theDce & 87J VV 19 chains to a stone, Koseman's corner; thence N 2 E 19 42 chains to a stone, Stirewalt's corner; thence N 46 E 16 23 chaina to a stone, Stirewalt's comer: thence a new line S 77 E 8.80 chains to the beginning con taining 53 38-100 acres more or less For back title see deed from W. 8 Earnhardt and wife to Minnie L. Flees. , This mortgage is suhject to one of fire hnndred ($500 00) dollars executed to J. M Glover, and from the proceeds of sal the Glover mortgage will first be paid. This Decemcer23, 1916. W. S. Eakhhabdt. Solid Comfort Any time, any where, the Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater means comfort insurance. No matter if tho bed room's so cold you can see your breath just touch a match to the Perfection and it thaws out the chills before you are ready to dress. For a warm bathroom, a cozy break fast room, or a comfortable living room at the end of the day's work, get the Perfection. Clean, handsome, durable. Inexpensive to buy, inexpensive to use. Ask any good department store, hardware or furniture dealer Use Aladdin Security Oil for best results STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Washington, D. C. Charlotte. N. C Norfolk, Va. Charleston. W. V.-.. Charleston, S. C. PERF SMOKELESS naMME::,'sXRwrtnjnVsV. -me - w Hii:t:.-sV..r.K'aKu..-nr --4 1 1 i i TON HEATERS Ml Bl ' 9.: ' " ' -jaflk. Richmond, Va Iff? it- 3 Cor no join ta "clubbing offerm." aJ n . , , . , . . ... ..tou.ii orrerm, ana ;.

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