f," A Home Newapaper Published in the Interest ot tfce Poople and for Governmental Affairs. VOL. XIII. NO. 6. FOTOTH SERIES SALISBURY, N. C WEDNEq&. JANUARY 24TH, 1917. Win. H. ST2WART, ED. AND PRO?. Th mm r ' m . ,.. M LOCAL NEWS . of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS, !l;to8 That Doss Wot Afct Tha r I ;;'S BiGMC OUiNINRi- liettfrt '.! i. -niius.i Qf ijrii; lnr - r cause nervousue ft- ;: -'t T fhi lljil Cavli; aj All plana have been com pleted for the drainage oi Grant's creek from a point north of the Mocksville road on to the Yadkin river. To Cure a Cold In One Day i Take LAXATIVB BROMO Quinine. It stops the ! Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. ; Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. I "W. GROVB'S signature on each box. 25c. i Salisbury is to be shown iu moving pictures before Jong under the direction of a cer tain film coLceru of New York, making pictures of 4 'The Princess." Sloan's Liniment Far Stiff Joint.s Rheumatic paias anl aches get into the joints and muscles, making every .movement tor ture. Relieve your suffering with Sloan's Liniment; it quick Jy penetrates without rubbing and soothes and warms your ore muscles. The congested blood is stimulated to action; a single application will drive out tthe pain. Sloan's Liniment is clean, convenient and quickly effective, it does not stain the fikin' or clog the pores. Get a bottle to-day at your Druggist 25c. LC Sugffs, a wealthy negro of Greensboro was chosen to head Livingstone College, a local colored institution of learning, to succeed Dr W H Caroler resigned. Prof Suggs was a graduate of Lincoln University in Pennsylvania Drives Oat jHalaria, Builds Up Sys- - The Old 8tndri general stresgthetticii GROVB'S TASTELESS ehilt TONIC, dxir Halaria.enriches the tiliood, and builds aptti. ; -ttem. A tone tonic. For adults and children Vv; .The liowau County Fedei a1 Farm Loan Association was organized at the meeting lieM in th old court houe Friday which was well at tended, considering the iti 'dement weather and bad Toade. Practica'ly evey ttownship in the county whs irepreeenttid and much in--tterest was manifested StnintlYer His Cold. Everyone speaks well of Cham Iberlain's Couh Retnedy after ih.aving used it. Mrs George 3Lwis, Pittsfield, N. Y. . has this itoay regarding it: "Last winter tmy little boy five years old, was tsick with aold for two or three weeks. I doctcrd him and used.. various cough medicjs but no- ithing did him much good will I Ibegan using Chamberlain sootiprji VRemedy. He then improved iratjpidly and in a few days was over Jhis cold." Attention is called to the tatement in this paper of the ibills audited and paid by the board of County Commissiofi ers -on Monday, December 4h. The commissioners Lavt? 'decided to snake a report of this kind mon lily so that all iinterested ma y ke p thorpu gh If posted on the .county's finances. IHoYtaCheftTfeatCold. When it is painful to breathe tand fever sends chills up and down your back, von are in for . e3d. a timely dose r Dr. Beirs Pine Tar Honey will stop ke sneezes and sniffles. The pine balsam loosens the phleyai And dears the bronchial tubes, . .. , ,. the honey soothes and rel.ev eS ithe 'sore throit. The antiseptic ..qualities kUl the germ and the coogested condition is relifc d. tCroup, whooping cough and chronic bronchial affections quickly relieved. At all Drug gists, 25c. WHAT IS LAXHF9 LAX-FOS is an improved Cascara (a tonic-laxative) pleasant to take In LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved by the addition of certain harmless chem icals which increase the efficiency of the Cascara, making it better than ordinary Cascara. LAX-FOS is pleasant to take and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. Adapted to children as well as adults. Just try one bottle for constipation. 50c ST. PAUL, number of our people are somewhat afflicted with measles and pneumonia. T , T r, JOlin L Koers IS building a new . Dr H C Honbarger and son are very busy making- baskets during this rainv weather. If any one wants a basket see the Dr. Colonel T E Webb has a few jmore Belgian hare for snle Fcr hares see the Colonel. Kev C M Fox preached a fine sermon Sunday at St Pauls church as a supply pastor ACT QUICKLY. Delay Has Been Dangerous in Salisbury. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger. in time of kidney danger Doan's Kidney Pills are most ef fective. Plenty of Salisbury evidence of their worth. Mrs. T. Robinson,. 122 E. Kerr St:, Salisbury, says: '"I bad rheumatic twinges in my limbs and back. I learned of the mer it of Doan's Kidney Pills through my friends and I used them. They lived up to the claims- made for them. Whenever I notice that my kidneys are the least uutof order or my back becomes weak and lame, I jt.ike few doses of Doan's Kidney pills and they bring relief." Price 50c, at dealers. Don't simply ask for a tc:dney eraed ' ger. Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Robinson had. Poster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo. N. Y. CHRISTIANA. Jao, 22. Io preaching at Christiana ves'erday. Kev N D Bodie, the pastor, being unable to be present. - He has been and is still clown with a severe attack of lagrippe bordering on pneu monia. He has our sympathies and prayers. While he was to a certain extent overlooked at the iChrtmas services, a number oi the Christiana members joined in and raised him a pnrse of near $20 with some other i.hir-gs in the way of provisions. There are many colds iu this section with whooping cough and measles near round. Otherwise . . cma , , Vaccination se.ms to be the ofder of lhe d?i. n ffee schools, and we think ihr. parents taake a mistake when t'm: object to it. Viola. Stomach Troubles. If you have trouble with your stcmnch you should try Chamber lain's Tablets. So manv have Deen restored to health by the use q the tablets and their cost is so little, 2a cents, that it is worth whi'e to give them a trial. Warrants re beiug curved on a large number ot pgoj le in Faith, about thirty, for refusing to have their chil-th'-'-u vaccinated afttii being jsiTs&d. to do so They wi'l be gi-veu a bearing in lhe court house Saturday. Palnfal Cooahs Relieved. Dr. King's New Discovery is a soothing, healing remedy for roughs and colds thit has stood ol nariV t-'fv years. -j I cr that cougu :bat st.raius-the tlv.oat and s-ps vitssilt ry j Dr. King's New Discovery. Tte j sootning pine baisams.and mild . !a'ative ingrediouts toon drive Lh.j cold from the system. Have a bottie on hand r'or winter colds, croup, grip pf and bron chial affections. At your Drug gist, 50c. TO MEET THE DEFICIT. Plans toed Upon in Programme to Be Submitted. Washington, Jan 16. Admin istration plans for meeting the Treasury deficit at the end of the next fiscal year, took the form of a definite programme today, em bracing increases in the inherit ance tax, a new tax on excess profits of corporations and part nerships, and a bond is3ue of $289,000 000. A bill including these proposals and bearing the endorsement of President Wilson and Secretary McAdoo will be framed at once and pressed in the House. The increase in revenue under the plan is expected to be more than $500,000,000 annually, and if it fails to take care of the de ficit a $100,000,000 issue of Treasury certificates of indebted ness may be decided on. As agreed to informally today by Democrats of the ways and means committee and approved by the President and Secretary ot the Treasury, the excess prof its tax would be at the rate of eight or ten per cent on such re turns in excess of eight per cent on investment, and would yield something more than $200,000, 000, the inheritance tax would be raised to one and one-half in stead of one per cent on mini mum estates and from ten to fif teen per cent on those of more than $15,000,000, yielding an ad ditional revenue of about $22, 000,000; and the bond issue of $289,00 000 would be designated expressly for emergency expens es, such as the Mexican trouble, the Alaskan railway, the new armor and nitrate plants, pur chase of the Danish Indies, and appropriations for the shipping board. . . In this form the programme will be submitted by Democrats of the committee to their Repub lican cojl.eague.s, who will be ask ed to make any suggestions im mediately so the measure may be brought into the House. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was sup posed to be iacurabie. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedui and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment,. pronounced it in curable. Science has proven Cata'rh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.', is tlv: only constitutional cure on the laarket. ft is taken internal ly. It acts direptly on the bjoqd and mucous surfaces of the system They offer one hundred dollars fer any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Sold by druggists, 75c Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Wiatber Fofcast For Decker, 1917. Prom 8 to 16, fiijr, with sleef and rain, some, snow northwest, and cold winds along. Prom 16 to 23, wind and rain, by short storms from west, omo snow and cold along-, ' thr eating From 23 to 29, fair and frosty . a burni -g bui ding, along with threating rain and j r snow. Some cold winds. ! Mtes B-sn Cooper and Lee From 9 to Feb. 6, fair, but if H Wat-on, of Spencer, were wind is northeast on the 29th at manied at the home of the from 8 to 10 p m., snow ."and if . -j , 4 o u southwest, cold rainn, if dHei'd P'reiifs in Salisbury west, sleet. ' Hnu(ny. )iev C A (i 'Ihpnias January shows some cold tjfficiatii.i. uays aim warm aays along, ana short storms from 19 to 23. j j j i .i Koute ilo. , hsbiry, N C Are Toar Sewers Cloggeu? I The bcwels are th. sewerage system of the body. You can "ell 1 imagine the result when they are - . stipation. As a purgative vou will find Chambers '-rw excellent. They are mild and ger tie in their action. Tkey alsp J improve the digestion. T- No Need ToRub!: j1 t.val;i.ge crowd. "fOR. stiff 8ore muscles apply' 'v' -'ts V Bol'aby n). . oi.juii s liniment io me pain ."tSfeZ? Rheuraatim, gout,. lttmbtfo, neuralgia sprains .;ad bruises are quickly relieved by i: use. Cleaner and more bromDtlv ffJ. live th;:s musjy plasteri or ointments, it uuc uvi nam iae stin or ciog the pores. The family medicine '(chest in thousands of homes, has a place fof Sloan's Liniment. At all drurfgisti; 2Sci 50c. and $1.00. Ear' Sii'id jy in ;-?ii iir the j. f c r il Hrad b . 1 from d i' !i t ti i? h : ; t w . j 1 i 1 1 b .' '! til 1" a ?1r; k I t") ??-'' 8. r'j "I: ;pi di n: iibed l'. ly w;isj ;i.4 r;ui) (!M?' that turned and killed Baldy jMiller hoiiih time agr. Mm ChamberlsSfl's. "'In the course of a conversa tion with Chamberlain Medicine ("o's representative todav, we had co-'ti -.ion io discuss ii? a general vvav ho meriis of their different !rcp irai i n At his suggestion I t,ift pleasure ui'ejcpreing' mv eti.natlon of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have a family o! six children and have used this remedy in my home for years. I consider it the only cough remedy n tlui market, as. layg nearly all UiHqs." Iarl 0- Boss, Publisher Hamilton County Re pubcan News, Syracuse, Kan. n. jwari t ;!, a young wh:?e nm, a.id be .Jouei3, a u.-'i wpi wfiv a!leted iu C lie; rd .ii the charge of bit- king into tbn lioue of .Tl.i.: a? Willjfiin here last W'vk, ie ivtiii a giillipg Fii'luy p tT'-Mig by Ho'iuitor Cb m -lit Mt- Wilhelm. up Om wlniin x iflol v. as dran by the vxbite robber, looking ovr them, could not make any p-stiv iudentifioaticn but rtated ti at the white min i - femhb d i he on enter ic g h- r h rje an-i drawing gun on er I iin parties i-laisnl b n''! to - statlich 'H ii. wili bf tried, for .' ii.'g u?3 outgoing freight. The "-any Salisbury friends of Dr H A Greene a!l fami ly, for a residents number of ;eais 'f Salisbury but l : o w living in Pennsylvania where Dr (ip eir is naged in mhiMMiui wurK:. will re girt. to lejrn of the Bfrjops acideutit Uiat befall the family, being bruieed in their narrow es xpe from leath iu A number of important lai1 tzaits farm' along the' , yadkin ri ;er have b.-en pur jrj'actid by , C'otten repre t t g a big GnQm which ( going to build a big power , plant on lhe river some miles be OW Salisbury. lhe reu s bible class of the, t , , First Methodwt cUnrch gae: ; their annual barbecue to thejl 1 rn8niDers oi tue cuurcn ac me Tabernacle last night k is""""! hj i , i ; " ' : H III -J III year.-, did at bis Imm on tli -V'Wikin Jiar Sprnci M.md n atd tlM int-rmesit look pbi -t iti fo'loWJiu.it y in Uin old t . 1 1 ; 1 y b-sryinvc vi'id. ; -; ic wift ot ,i A ti . b ...gi.. l.d at ih.tr I,.,:.,. a i !Srjr are- mill ". d , t. ()f a ,., ;, .,; ,F ln l a rcdncli ..I . tn.U bs. "vV;jK ;j h-iiivr- ot" Davie e iM'y and h;v-- n ri-.-r)aii! and s 'v-vai c:ri; :i n Hr-r ifii);ii.,s wi-i.v !-!-':: tu Cooie-mee fr inter men' Mouday. Kufiif P K Msemaii, ag-d 73 one of Kowan s oldest and bt.tft ki-i.w.i in , iin ii M day in t bis ei'y -;i;d t I'm , rMai lii;k pbice a lh- n -nice yeserd y Ji-v ; y Kii Hid St r n't L birch rni.d.juLii ice.-. -ri (1 i, cLiary;e . i ' lie 1 b-i'ir.e-it lj ;b--ali. '' i;i.t i." h t I (.'"' U) :te' , ' lr i r - I f a Licit uf t'M'Mvi H ill t!l viliU'l - ti frHaui-'n1 ca:5se of ousi.ijM- H i Y--U I'-fi lieay, ibl 1 : lid !i:Ihs. yoaf cuip'e.'iou U sul :ow tii'd pi:tiiiy. atid wnwrgy ai !nw ebb iJhvui up ibis ootidt tMin til mice with Dr King's N'e a- Ij"b; Pills, a mikl litx;it:v tn.ti reliever tito c-ugested in testines witb"Ut griping. A d ;sh b(jfope retiring -wrJwsihre you a full arid e:isy movement in the morning. 25c. at your Drug gist. The condition of ii , . i i Lee tiuneycutt. . wuo snot ant 5 killed Liuda Casper poire Hme ago and then shot him self with suicidal intviit, con tinues to improve and his chances for recovery are sid lo be bright DOG 0 'S JOY Suggestions to Childless Women. Among the virtues of Lydia E. Pinkhanvs Vegetable Compound is the ability" to correct sterility in t$a, Cases ' of mny women- hia fact & well established as evidenced by the fellpWfflg letter and hundreds of others W nave published in these colums. Poplar Bluff, Mo, "I want other women to know what a blessing Lydia J2i. tiu&uoui b v trac table Compound has been to me. We had always wanted a baby in our home but I was in poor health and no atole to do my. wrk. My mother and hus band both urged me to try Lydia E. Pink ham's VegetfthW ComPou.nd, I so. mv health im proved and I m new the mother of a pne baby girl and do all my own house work,"-Mrs. Allia B. Timmons, 2X8 Almond St., Poplar Bluff, Mo, In many other homes, once childless, there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound makes women normal, healthy and strong Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medk cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice it will! be confidential and helpful. HUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the euresft way to stop them. The best rubbbj liniment is Good for he Ailments of Horses, Males, Cattle, Etc Good for snuf own A dies, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuia, Burns, Etc. 25c 50c $1. At all Defers. MOTHERH WOMAN 0 PI M IS H sx m a sa g. Cold Sores and Fever Blisters are only outward manifestations of the inflammation of the mucous surface that lines the lungs, the stomach and all the digestive tract, but they give you evidence of how sore a membrane may Decome as a result of inflamma tion, which is stagnation of the blood rightfully called acute catarrh. If you suffer from such conditions - - wuiuuuug UUU i chrome, don t run the risk of svstemir tQrrh Clear it Up With PERUNA When vonr svfitffm ;j oionrorinf . s : .i , . . and healed the cold gone and equal to aU its tasks, and be at peace wnat it did for this sufferer: Mrs. L. A. Patterson. 238 Utah Avenue. Memphis, Tern, seys are hard with us. but lean i.iyAfflS1rtXSn-4lTy M ?Tdrn-, Tims season of the year when coughs and colds Tare dmvSTI: t;;ialiy d"ri8 the to our neighbors, for the tenkt it hasbeento uT" always reiCimmend Peruaa Ypu needn't suffer longer The ,qrly ventilated, , r , , &ouics 1 m u,uui en wno nave coid3 is another cause. 9 Damp clothing and wet feet are often responsible for thatcroupy cough, sore throat and tight chest Dr. Kinsr's New Di?rnwrv ia fbo vArvJ.. . UU. -L .1 :,J viiuwicii witcxi uiey eaten cold. Grown-ups like it too. For nearly 50 years it has been used in bronchial affec tions with satisfactory results. It quickly loosens the cough and checks the cold. Your druggist has sold it for years. Try it TAXNCT'ICE. ' To the Tax Payers of Rawan Countv: -r-r You are urgently request-d to meet .'.:e undersi. ted at the times and places named below, arul pttl. vn.ir stn omV n,, t Your attention is respectfully called Far.L uuc duu tudi ine iaw requires ne to make ar earlier settlement with State and County, and to do so. must coiled the taxes. Atweli Litaker Gold Hill Gold m Gold. Hi'l Morgan Morgan Atweli and Steele Cleveland at Oveccash's Store. at Fakh at Gold, HUl at Rockwell at Granite Quarry atMcrg-anM'r Ground at Williams' Store at Mill Bridge at Barber s .TumMinn - This the 29th day of December, J. H. WRITER, SALISBURY'S BjGGNERAL STORE A Full Line oi General Me ehandiee Constantly On Hand FOOT REST HOSIERY whether it's appearance you want in hosiery o' wb;tthv il we; r vou will gt it if yu get ' Fo;' Rest ' And 1 i to-- an enduco ment to most ot .j.?. You'll A VI) e 0. S Y. Fall and wiuUv goodf. heavy weigh; underwear for men and woman, also Dre tioodr T b:joes, Pauts, Overalls, Hats, No-ions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have; a well selected etock of staple and fancy groceriee, country produce, leed stuff, etn. When in need come to see 11 Farmers are iiw4fe(i to ters while in the t1v. W. W. TAYLOR, 'Phone 39. 103 S. WINTER TO if Ri ST FARES daily untU April 30, i9i7. In many places ta Texan, Louisiana and Mexico. Stopoven. Kfa'" talis J4j 81, 1317. Br VL J ti 1 ft don't let them become 0 SSSSSM with the worH. T ,uu with such a remedy at hand. Peruna can be ob'uucs J in tal!et form, rouc&a carry it with rou aad take it sys tematically and regula y fnr a remedy, or as needed lor a preventive. Get a box today. Penini Company, Columbus, Ohio J diafty school rooms or colds. Contact with iui youx Jf..X 'If 1 1 -Jn--i w to the face that these taxes are Thursday, Jan. 25 Thursday, Jan. 25 F. day, January 2f M-:iday, January 2 Tr ?sday, January 30 Tu:-.?day. January 30 WTlneday, Jan. 31 Thursday, Feb. 1 Fi'xiay, February 2 1916 Sheriff of F jwan County. m: - ;ka :ny pla m headqu4r Ye tnJ: Main St., Saibtmry, N. C. only one nigM I Memphis to Texas. r", ,11 s ng c. in ncns entire train rui.s trough, K ?v-phis to Texas. Lew k. " lenpl," - ":3Q p. in. Arrive D Las 11:45 a. m. next morning,, ft. V0rth 1:25 n. m. tSbr vv j" XT. Al .chfr hro tr to Texas ria 'Jotton Bei: Po. te t V. enphis 9:?c. a.m. E. H. Suttjn. Disk ict Passenger Ageat 009 West 8U St.. Cbattsnooga. leua. r. -r-T m -M w .m v a m r

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