THE SALISBURY WATCHMAN, SALISBURY, N. C. "CASCARETS" ACT Oil LIVER; BOWELS No sick headache, biliousness, bad taste or constipation by morning. Get ft 10-cent box. Are you keeping your bowels, liver, and stomach clean, pure and fresh with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every few days wltk Baits, Cathartic Pills, Castor Oil or Purgative Waters? Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and reg ulate the stomach, remove the sour and fermenting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poisons In the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will make you feel great by morning. They '' work while you sleep never gripe, sicken or cause any inconvenience, and cost only 10 cents a box from your store. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never have Headache, Biliousness, Coated Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or Constipation. Adr. Warning About Water Pipes. Now is the time that fires are caused by householders attempting to thaw but service pipes by burning oil-soaked rags and using other ill-advised meth ods in which an open flame is used. The proper way for the householder to restore an ice-clogged pipe to serv ice is to wrap it with cloth and pour hot water upon It, or, if the freezing Is too severe to yield to this treatment, the best plan is to send for a plumber. Apparently this is a minor detail, but attention to it may prevent needless fire loss running into thousands of dol lars. Engineering Record. A Trial Gave Instant Relief Never Disappoints Great Kidney Remedy . Being broken down in health, suffering with' kidney trouble, despairing of ever being well again, I was advised by a friend to try Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which gave me instant relief, and after using several, bottles, I am now sound and well, and can safely recommend Swamp-Root to anyone suffering with back or kidney troubles. . I also had rheumatism, and I have had more relief from Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root than any other remedy. A sufficient trial will convince anybody of the merits of Swamp-Root. Yours verv trulv, P. E. NELSON", Murphy, N. C. Subscribed and sworn to before me "this 17th day of Julv, 1909. EDMUND B. NORVELL, Notary Public, Cherokee County, N. C. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamion, N. T., for a sample size bot tle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable infor mation, telling about the kidneys and blad der. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar aise bottles for sale at all drug torts. Adv. Inopportune. "Do you subscribe to the theorj that there is something good in the worst of us?" asked the philosophical person. "Yes," replied the practical man, "but I don't propose to waste any of my time trying to find out what" it Is when a footpad pokes a pistol in my face and tells me to hand over my money." GIRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT, BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur iant and Remove Dandruff Real Surprise for You. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluf fy, abundant and appears as soft, lus trous and beautiful as a young girl's after a "Danderine hair cleanse." Just try this moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at, a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once, Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invig orates the scalp, forever stopping itch ing and falling hair. But what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use when you will actually sea new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it, surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store and just try it. Adv. Unprofitable. Lott One never loses anything by keeping "an engagement punctually. Scott Except half an hour's time waiting for the other fellow. Chicago Herald. Some folks think that castor oil should follow a dose of Vermifuge. Not so with Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot." A single dose not only eradicates Worms or Tapeworm, 'bat tones up the digestion as well. Adv. Acquiescence. "I'd like to see you try to kiss me." "Well, you know, I always try to do anything you like." The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of Its tonle ana ltxitlve effect, Laxauye Bromo Quinine can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the bead. There is only one "Bromo Quinine.' B. W. GBOVB'S If nature is on each box. ate. The war in Europe has made it nec essary to employ women-at night in the factories of England. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the orig inal little liver pills put up 40 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Adv. Vivien Frederick is one of the pret tiest actresses in New York. THE WEEITS EVENTS taportant News of the State, Natiea, ud World Told in a Few Uses for Your Cesveiieiei ROUND ABOUT THE WORLD A Condensed Record of Happenings f Interest From All Points f the World. Washington In agricultural products the year 1916 was the greatest in the nation's existence, the value of which is report ed by the department of agriculture to have been $13,449,000,000. The state department has borrowed the cruiser Des Moines from the navy department to bring more than one thousand American refugees out of Syria and Palestine. The refugees will be taken to Barcelona, Spain for trans-shipment to the United States. The entente allies, in a note ad dressed by Arthur Balfour, British for eign minister, to Ambassador Spring Rice, and delivered to the state de partment, amplify their reply to Pres ident Wilson's peace note by explain ing in detail why they believe it im possible at present to attain a peace which will assure them such guaran tees as they consider essential. Petrograd (Russia) correspondents say it is reported in the Russian cap ital that Sergius Sazonoff, former for eign minister, has been appointed Rus sian ambassador to Great Britain. The post of. Russian ambassador to Great Britain was made vacant recently by the death of Count Beckendorff. Admiral Dewey, the nation's Spanish American war hero, who cut the cable and captured Manila and presented the Philippines as a Fourth of July offering, is dead in Washington. He was the ranking naval officer of the world, eighty years old and had seen sixty-two years of active service in the navy. Sovereignty over the Danish West Indies, after hajf a century of nego tiations, will pass to the United States, with the exchange of ratifications of the purchase treaty by Secretary Lan sing and Danish Minister Brun. Spreading a dragnet over the finan cial district of New York, the house rules committee extended .the peace note leak investigation to a general in quiry into the stock market. At an executive meeting the committee con sidered the advisability of employing expert counsel familiar with financial affairs to conduct the examination of witnesses. It is also planned to ask congress to make an extension of time to report. Domestic More than twenty-five thousand Na tional Guardsmen now on the Mexi can border have been designated by Major General Funston for return home and muster out of the federal service, under the order issued by the war department. All these organiza tions will be started homeward as soon as transportation facilities can be provided. A New York dispatch says that the American commission for relief of Bel gium is preparing for at least another year's work and the necessity of rais ing approximately $150,000,000 more will be discussed by the commission in New York. The departure of 25,000 troops now on the border will leave between 45,- 000 and 50,000 men of the Guard still in the federal service doing border patrol. Crops alone in 1916 were worth more than crops and animal products combined in any years in the history of the United States prior to 1912. A Wellton, Ariz., dispatch announces that Lieut. Col. Harry G. Bishop and Lieut. W. A. Robertson, missing army aviators, exhausted from walking four days in the wilds of Sonora, Mex., without food or water, were found more than thirty-two miles to the south of the border by a civilian searching party from Wellton. A posse of ten men which left Ok mulgee, Okla., in search of alleged bank robbers, returned with the dead bodies of Oscar Poe, Will Hart and Harry Hart. The men killed were en gaged in a battle with the posse eigh teen miles souhtwest of Okmulgee. The chief of police of Okmulgee was .the only member of the posse to" re ceive an injury, and he was but slight ly wounded in the hand. The faintest sound becomes so pro nounced by the aid of an improvement on the sound amplifier perfected by R. B. Abbott, instructor of physics at the University of California, that the fall of a feather makes a noise like a wrestler striking the mat. New York bankers are endeavoring to float another $250,000,000 loan for Great Britain in this country. This is tne third flotation, including the Anglo-French, of British loans made in the United States since the out break of the European war. Fifty persons were seriously hurt, ten probably fatally, when half the population of the little town of Har ford, Pa., was trapped by fire in the Odd Fellows' hall, a frame structure, during a wedding reception and dance. An oil lamp fell and exploded and soon the. entire floor was blazing. Bills reinforcing Tennessee's prohi bition laws by prohibiting lookers. and making it unlawful for any person to have intoxicating liquor for sale in his possession were sent to Governor Rye by the legislature, and will be come effective just as soon as the governor affixes his signature. Crop production for the year 1916 was comparatively low and did not reach anything lik6 record figures, ex cept in a few minor instances, but the high prices sent the total values up. Employers in all parts of the state of West Virginia were much concerned when it became known that Senator M. V. Godbey (Rep.) had introduced a measure in the legislature providing for an eight-hour day in all branches of industry and business except farm ing, with the privilege given the em ployed to work three hours overtime at time and one-half. Mexican The news received in El Paso, Tex as, is to the effect that actual with drawal operations are under way at El Valle, the southern outpost of the punitive expedition in Mexico. Predictions are that the entire puni tive expedition win arrive in Colum bus, N. M., shortly. All supplies billed to Americans in the Casas Gra'ndes-Colonia Dublano district and sent to Juarez for trans portation over the Mexico Northwest ern railroad have been ordered held at Juarez. It is stated in El faso that no fur-1 ther shipments of supplies will be made to the punitive expedition in Mexico. It is apparent at Colonia Dublan, field headquarters for General Per shing's column, that a withdrawal movement is under way. European War Throughout Sunday, January 21, thousands of persons flocked to East London (England) hoping to satisfy their curiosity as to the effect of an explosion in the munitions factory there. None of them, however, was able to obtain a near view ef the scene, owing to rigid police regula tions, and could only wander through the outlying streets where most of the windows were shattered by the con cussion. Newspaper reporters who were al lowed to approach near the scene of the explosion in London describe what was formerly the site of the explosive store as a hole a hundred yards across and eighty feet deep with masses of earth, iron and all sorts of wreckage covering an area of about six acres around the hole. On the whole, anent the explosions in East London, one is struck by the number of people killed. Judging from the fact that most of the fac tories were nearly empty and from the known proportion of casualties in cer tain houses, it does not appear that the death roll will exceed 300. The British and Turks in Mesopo tamia have been engaged in vigorous fighting along the Tigris river in the vicinity of Kut-el-Amara (Garden of Eden). Both London and Constan tinople war offices make claims to successes for their troops. A British official communication an nounces that northeast of Kut, Brit ish troops have driven the Turks from a small strip of land they were hold ing on the right bank of the Tigris and that King George's men are now in control of an entire trench section on a front of 2,500 yards to a depth of 1,100 yards. In the capture of Nanesti, on the Sereth river, in Roumania, hard fight ing of a hand-to-hand character took place in the streets. In withdrawing from the village German batteries rak ed the Russians as they made their way across the bridges over the Ser eth. inflicting heavy losses on them. On the line in France near Loose the Britishin a daylight raid blew up German dugouts, causing many cas ualties among the occupants. Artillery duels are reported to be violent in the Verdun sector. The minister of the Brazilian marine has received a telegram from the cap tain of the port of Pernambuco, Bra zil, declaring the previously report ed declaration of the commander of the Brazilian steamer Maranhao that he encountered two cargo vessels ac companied by two auxiliary ships, be lieved to Germans, all flying the Amer ican' flag, is. true. George Bernard, the middleweight champion pugilist of France, was kill ed while making a flight. He enlist ed at the beginning of the war when 19 years of age. The Greek cabinet has discussed at length a British proposal to lease the j Greek merchant marine. It was de cided to take measures to assure the retention of the number of ships nec essary to provide the foodstuffs which Greece requires. The Russians announce the follow ing captures during 1916: Officers 8, 770; men, 420,000; guns, 525; machine guns, 1,661; trench mortars and mine throwers, 421. This shows a total of 428,000 officers and men. A Berlin dispatch announces that a British steamer, the Yarrowdale, was taken into a harbor (name of the harbor not given) on December '31 as a prize by a prize crew of sixteen men. The Yarrowdale carried 469 prisoners, the crews of steamers cap tured by a German auxiliary cruiser in the Atlantic. The cargoes of the captured ves sels December 31 by the Germans consisted of foodstuffs, including 6,000 tons of wheat, 2,000 tons of flour and 1,900 horses. The Germans made a rich haul in the latest capture of vessels in the Atlantic. The Yarrowdale had on board 117 motor lorries, one motor car, 6,300 cases or rifle cartridges, 30,000 rolls of barbed wire and 3,330 tons of steel bars, besides a quantity of bacon and sausage. The British troops in France have hit the German line hard at two places and have succeeded in making slight gains. The Germens announce that the tak ing of the Yarrowdale into a harbor December 31 has been kept secret for military reasons purely, and is only made public because of the statement made by the British admiralty on Jan uary 17. Great Britain's reply to President Wilson's peace note includes this sen tence: "So long as Germany remains the Germany which without a shadow of justification overran and barbarous ly ill-treated a country it was pledged to defend, no state can regard its rights as secure if they have no bet ter protection than a solmen treaty." The allies say that international law as it is now interpreted can never prevent war, and that some form of international sanction miist be devis ed which dees not now exist- which would give any pause to aggressors. These are the ships that the en tentes admit have been sunk, captured or destroyed by the Germans in the recent past: British Dramatist, Rad norshire, Minieh, Netherbyhall, Mount Temple, King George, Georgic, Vol taire; French Nantes and Asmieres. At any rate whereabouts of these vessels is unknown, and it is con ceded that they are lost. 1.S0I PROPOSES LEAGUE FOR PEACE MAKE MONROE DOCTRINE WORLD DOCTRINE, SAYS PRESIDENT IN ADDRESS TO SENATE. APPEARS BEFORE -SENATE Discusses Nation's Foreign Relations. Declares That Lasting Peace in Europe Cannot Be a Victory For Either Side. Washington. Whether the United States shall enter a world peace league and, as many contend, thereby abandon its traditional policy of isola tion and no entangling alliances was laid squarely before Congress and the, country by President Wilson in a per sonal address to the senate. For the first time in more than a hundred years, a President of the United States appeared in the senate chamber to discuss the nation's for eign relations after the manner of Washington, Adams and Madison. The effect was to leave congress, all official quarters and the foreign diplomats amazed and bewildered. Immediately, there arose a sharp division of opinion over the propriety as well as the sub stance of the President's proposal. "Startling," "staggering," "astound ing," "the noblest utterance that has fallen from human lips since the Dec laration of Independence" were among the expressions of senators. The President, himself, after his address, said: "I have said what everybody has been longing for and has thought im possible. Now it appears to be pos sible." The chief points of the Presi dent's address were'- That a lasting peace in Eu rope cannot be a peace of victory for either side. That peace must be followed by a definite concert of power to assure the world that no catas trophe of war shall overwhelm it again. That in such a concert of pow ers, the United States cannot withhold its participation to guar antee peace and justice through out the world. And that before a peace is made the United States Government should frankly formulate the con ditions upon which it would feel justified in asking the American people for their formal and solemn adherence. "It is clear to every man who thinks," the President told the senate, "that there is in this promise no breach in either our traditions and our policy as a nation, but a fulfillment rather of all that we have professed or striven for. President Wilson's address was sent to American diplomats in the bellig erent countries last Monday, two days before the United States received the note from Minister Balfour, of the British Foreign Office, supplementing the Entente reply to his peace note, and on the same day that German Foreign Minister Zimmerman declared it was impossible for the Central Pow ers to openly lay down their terms. The President's address was inrtnd ed as an open message to the world of the conditions under which he would urge the United States to enter a world federation to guarantee future peace. There is nothing in the ad Sress or in the instructions accompany ing its presentation that will of ifseTT necessitate an answer, according to the Administration view but some re sponse nevertheless is expected from both groups of belligerents. Fear of a "leak" surrounded the sending of the address abroad with such secrecy as has seldom been equalled in the State Department. Only President Wilson, Secretary Lan sing and the men who transmitted it are known definitely . to have been aware of it. While the President was speaking, copies of his address had been for warded to belligerent countries for the information of the foreign offices, and were being prepared for representa tives of neutral Government here. MARINE IS KILLED IN FIGHT IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Washington. A night fight between native bandits and American marines in the Dominican republic, resulting in the death of one and the severe injury of another, was reported to the navy department. Captain Knapp, commanding the American cruiser forces, reported the fight occurred Saturday night In the vicinity of the Porvenir sugar plantation near Ma coris, the secne of two similar en counters recently. POLAND WANTS TO BE RECOGNIZED BY UNITED STATES New York. Resolutions calling up on President Wilson to take Immediate steps for the recognition by the United States of the government of the King dom of Poland, "which, in accordance with international law and on . terri tory liberated from occupation by the Russian military, already has begun its work for the welfare and happiness of the Polish nation," were adopted here by the Polish national defense committee. RUSSIA PURCHASES MUCH EQUIPMENT HERE. New York. Purchase in the United States of refrigerating equipment to the value- of $30,000,000 to conserve and develop along economic lines the fresh beef and dairy industry of Rus sia, has been authorized by the Russian-American conservation and indus trial stock company, backed by the Russian government, according to J. H. Qullk, of Moscow, who arrived here on the steamship Bergensfjord from Bergen 25.243 OF NATIONAL GUARD SENT MAJOR GENERAL FUNSTON DES IGNATES COMPANIES WHICH ARE ORDERED HOME. NOW AWAITING FACILITIES As Soon as Railroad Provides These, Movement Will Begin, About 50, 000 Will be Left on Border Patrol Duty. Washington. More than 25,000 Na tional Guardsmen, now on the Mexican border, have been designated by Ma jor General Funston for return home and muster out of the Federal service, under the order issued by the War De partment. All these organizations will be start ed homeward as soon as transportation facilities can be provided. Their de parture will leave between 45,000 and 50,000 men of the guard still in the Federal servicedoing border patrol. War Department officials continue to withhold comment on reports that the movement of General PershLag's regulars out of Mexico soon will be under way, and the statement an nouncing the guardsmen designated for relief does not connect these or ders with the withdrawal plans in any way. The understanding has been, however, that with the return of the expedition in Mexico, and re adjustment of the border patrol, all of the state troops gradually, wound be sent home. The department's statement said: "General Funston has selected these organizations chiefly in accordance with the rule of returning first those troops longest in service on the bor der. To some extent, however, this rule could not be followed without unequal weakening of the border guard, and the departures from it are so explained. The total strength of the organizations selected is 25,243." The guardsmen designated for re turn and muster out. include : North Carolina First Infantry. South Carolina Troop A, cavalry; company A, engineers; field hospital i company. j r Tennessee Ambulance company, No. 1; field hospital, No. 1. I Virginia Second Infantry. I CONGRESS MAKES EFFORT I TO SPEED UP LEGISLATION. ! "Leak" Probe Transferred. Try to I Avoid Extra Session. j Washington. With the peace note 'leak" investigation transferred to New York, Administration leaders in Congress believe the attention of members generally now can be con centrated upon the clogged legislative program. House and senate leaders are just as anxious as President Wilson over the press of important business re maining on the calendar. No secret is made of the fact that all of them earnestly desire to avoid an extra ses sion, if it possibly can be done. Responding to the President's per sonal appeal for action on important legislation, the steering committee will meet and endeavor to arrange a program for. the remainter of the ses sion and for longer day and possible night sesions. A caucus of Democratic senators will be called during the week te ratify the suggestions. SWITZERLAND STIRRED BY GERMAN ORDER. Berne, Switzerland. The German measure prohibiting all importations, news of which was received here un expectedly, caused considerable com ment throughout Switzerland. The government will make remonstrances to Berlin as the entire economic sit uation of . the country is affected by this species of blockade. MACKINSEN CAPTURES BRIDGEHEAD POSITION. Berlin, via Sayville. The entire bridgehead position at Nanesti, on the Sereth Line in northern Rumania, fell into Field Marshall von Mackensen's hands with the town. COFPLICATED QUESTION IS LIKELY TO BE RAISED. Washington. The German Admir alty statement that neutral subjects in the crews of vessels captured by the German raider in the South Atlantic "have been removed as prisoners of war," will raise a complicated ques tion if any Americans are among them. It was said that if American officials abroad did not clear up whether Americans were among the prisoners, an mquiry would be ad dressed to the Berlin Government. MTNY ARE KILED WHEN CHEMICAL PLANT EXPLODES. London. A portion of the area of London was shaken severely when a chemical plant in which munitions were manufactured, was the center of a series of explositons, scattering de scruction over a considerable section of the district in which the works were located. There is no evidence that the explosion was other than the result of a fire, such as that to which any factory is' subject. Forty bodies have been recovered. CAPTAIN AND CREW LOST WITH VESSEL. Newport News, Va. Captain Mitch ell ind 31 men of the British steamer Cabotia sent down October 20 by a German sumbarine, perished on the night the ship was torpedoed, accord ing to T. W. Edgar, who was chief of ficer on the Cabotia. Edgar is here on the British steamer Kelvinbrae. He says that the crew left the Ca bothia in four boats one of which was commanded by the captain. Two of the boats were picked up. 1 STATUE FOH MITCHELL General Carr Discusses His Plans For Carrying Out Weighty Task As signed Him. Durham. Gen. Julian S. Carr, who was commissioned by Governor Locke Craig as agent for the people of North Carolina to have erected a suitable monument on the summit of Blue Ridge Mountains in memory of Dr. Elisha Mitchell, has proached his pre tentious plans for the ineeption of this national movement. The monument of granite to be a replica of the Wash ington memorial will necessitate the expenditure of $151,000. The multiple .agencies and institutions which the life of the scientist, minister and edu cator touche will be solicited to sub scribe $101,000 and' the state and na tional governments joinly $50,600. Opportunities for contributions will be extended to every individual and institution but the campaign at once takes on a systematic appeal. TeD grouped organizations will be solicited in the. aggregate with definite sums named : The University of North Carolina and the twelve colleges of the state, $10,000; the boys and girls of the state through the agencies of public and private schools, $10,000; colored children of North Carolina will donate' $1,000; alumni of Yale University (Dr. Mitchell's alma mater), $10,000; the American Association of Scientists 10,000 in number $10,000; churches North and South especially the Pres byterian church in which Dr. Mitchell was elder and minister, $10,000 ; West ern North Carolina through the offices of public spirited citizens, counties and cities, $10,000; railways, hotels, vis itors and tourists, $10,000; other pa triotic and generous citizens, $20,000. The total aggregates $101,000. The nation-wide appeal of General Carr, with particular reference to the people of North Carolina, emphasizes the magnitude of the undertaking and the worthiness of the cause. The let ter says in part: "Impelled by a sense of duty 'and Jeep feeling of pride in everything that concerns the honor and presperity of our state, I have accepted from Gov ernor Craig a commission to act as agent for the people of North Carolina in erecting on the summit of the Blue Ridge Mountains a suitable monument In memory of Dr. Elisha Mitchell. "It is proposed to protect the grave by a handsome covering of granite or marble; and to erect nearby, on land belonging to the state, a replica of the Washington monument. Nothing short of this would be worthy of the state, the mountain, and the great man. who gave his. life to its exploration and measurement. "An unlimited supply of granite, al ready at hand on the summit of the mountain, will reduce the cost to half what ft otherwise would be. Still, the enterprise is gigantic; and it will re quire at least $150,000 possibly more. "The people of North Carolina are equal to this great achievement. Dr. Mitchell gave them forty years of his life in active, unremitting educational and scientific work. His name is en rolled high in the list of American icientists, teachers and discoverers. He was also a minister of the Presbyterian church and his whole life was marked by philanthropic public service, as well as by countless good deeds in private. The erecting of a great monument to his memory will appeal to thousands of hearts throughout the United States. "Let us all unite and erect on the highest mountain in America, east of the Mississippi river, a monument worthy of Mitchell, worthy of the mountain and worthy of the Old North State." Metts Succeeds Col. Rodman. Camp Stewart, El Paso, Texas. Lieut. Col. John Van B. Metts, Second regiment, was promoted to be colonel of the Second, succeeding Colonel Rodman, whose resignation has just been accepted by the president. The appointment is very pleasing to the officers and men of the second. Charlotte Gets Teachers' Meeting. Raleigh. The executive committee of the North Carolina Teachers' As sembly, in conference here, selected Charlotte as the place for the next annual session, Thanksgiving week. Raleigh, Wilmington and Asheville were other points' considered. NORTH CAROLINA BRIEFS. D. Q. Smyre, a Catawba county farmer, sold at Newton last week 50 bushels of wheat for $100.00. From present indications there will be manv candidates for the offiop nnw j held by Congressman George E. Hood, who represents the Third District. Solicitor C. L. Abernethy, of New Bern, has assserted that he will be strictly on the job" when the time comes and it is understood here that Senator Matt Allen, of Wayne county, will also be among those present. Another new cotton mill, for Gas tonia has beeii chartered with a capi tal stock of $400,000. A commission .was issued by Gov ernor Bickett to C. M. Faircloth, of Clinton, promoting him from major to lieutenant colonel of the Second Regi ment, to succeed Col. J. Van B. Metts, promoted to colonel. The past railroad pay day in Hamlet was the largest in history, more than $160,000 being paid out. The Unionville High School build ing In Union county was destroyed by Are last week. This was one of first high schools established in the south Mr. W. J. Cameron, actuary of the North Carolina Insurance Department, has tendered his resignation to Com missioner James R. Young, to take ef fect February 1. In number of trees North Carolina Is superior to any of the other states of the Union, with the exception of Florida and Texas. North Carolina has 166 varieties as compared with 328 for Florida and 198 for Texas. Georgia comes nxt with 134, and Ala bama with 121. The big state of Cali fornia has only 94 species. If all the woody plants are counted, North Caro lina has about 450. Good Health MaKes a Happy Home Good health makes housework easy. Bad health takes all happiness out of it. Hosts of women drag along in daily misery, back aching, worried, "blue, tired, because they don't know what ails them. These same troubles come with w,eak kidneys, and, if the kidney action is distressingly disordered, there should be no doubt that the kidneys need help. Get a box of Doan's Kidney Pills. They have helped thousands of discour aged women. A North Carolina Case Mrs. W. B. Har relson, James St., Mt. Olive. N. C. ays: "I had pains in the small of my back, with headaches and dizzy spells. Oth er annoying symptoms of kid ney trouble both- ereu we, l w v. u Finally I used f nnon'. Tf I A n V U Pills and they cured me. I consider them a splendid kidney medicine." Get Dou'a at Any Store. 60c a Bos doan's vasy FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. STOCK LICK IT-STOCK LIKE IT For Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Contains Cop peras for Worms, Sulphur for the Blood, Saltpeter for the Kidneys, Nux Vomica, Tonic, and Pure Dairy Salt. Used by Vet erinarians 12 years. No Dosing. Drop Brick in feed-box. Ask your dealer for Blackman's or write BLACKMAN STOCK REMEDY COMPANY CHATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE Make the Liver Da its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver is right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly com; pel a lazy liver do its duty. Cures Con stipation, In digestion, Sick Headache,4 and Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICl Genuine must bear Signature Conscientious Scruples. "A man doesn't necessarily have to smoke to enjoy a smoking jacket." "No, b1it a smoking jacket is like a golf suit. A man feels that he ought to have some valid excuse for wearing it." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that' it Signature of tLyifffiZj&U In Use for Over SO Teats. - Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria The Spirit of Victory. "Nothing can beat this," says a French journal, commenting on an ar ticle published by the Austrians in a little paper in Montenegro called the News of Cetinje. The little paper notes that on Mount Lovcerr will be erected a colossal monument to recall to future generations the conquest by the Aus trian armies of this Gibraltar of the Adriatic. The sketch of this work, presented to the Emperor Francis Jo seph but a short time before his death by the artist, was approved by the aged ruler. It represents the Spirit of Victory. Its enormous hands are crossed upon a gigantic sword and it looks toward a horizon "beyond which now trembles the traitress Italy." Where Dad's Down To. "Pa, the servant girl says she will leave if we don't give her more money." "All right, ma, I suppose we'll have to do it, but I want you to know that you'll have to stake me to carfare now and then because that leaves me with sixty a week to struggle along on." Apt to Starve. "A contributor to a magazine says he likes a fat wife." "And his wife is fat?" "So I understand." "Well, if he tries to support her by contributing poetry to magazines she won't stay fat long." Evasive. "Does this automobile racing pay?" "Well, it does manage to raise the dust." There has been No Increase In the price of Grape-Nuts Nor Any Decrease In the Size o! Package Or Quality 0! the Food. tOX IfaBTCWt f f LY? ii iirihts, i sV