THE SALISBURY WATCHMAN, SALISBURY, N. C. CLIMBED STAIRS OH HER HANDS TooffltoWdkUprigfcL Operttioa Adfiied. Sared by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This woman now raises chickens and does manual labor. Read her story: Richmond, Ind. "For two years I was so sick and weak with troubles from my age that wnen going up stairs I had to go very alowly with my h?.ia on the steps, then sit down at the top to rest. The doctor said he thought I should have an operation, and my friends thought I would not live to move into our new house. My aaugnter asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable . 3 U U 3 4.1 sa. rli i BB BUC UOU UULCH lb Willi gOOd results. I did so, my weakness dis appeared, I gained in strength, moved into our new home, did au kinds of garden work, shoveled dirt, .did build ing and cement work, and raised hun dreds of chickens and ducks. I can not say enough in praise of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and if these facts are useful you may pub lish them for the benefit of other women." Mrs. M. O. JOHNSTON.Route D. Box 190, Richmond. Ind. TO KILL RATS, MICE AND COCKROACHES ALWAYS USB STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE U. S. Government Buys It SOLD EVBRYWHBRB 5c and 11.00 Found One Optimist. "Happy man !" "Why so?" "He's already planning a fishing trip for next summer." "I thought there must be a few per sons in this world who were not wor rying aliont the high cost of living or the war in Europe." ACTRESS TELLS SECRET. A well known actress gives, the follow ing recipe for gray hair: To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and use come in each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not color the , scalp, is t sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. England's royal flying corps has a mechanical section in which are sev eral woman drivers who wear khaki. Mrs. C. R. Brown of Los Angeles, Cal., ojvns, .a c,t which Is twenty-one years old. ' ,' Ask for and Get THE HIGHEST QUALITY SPAGHETTI 36 fkg Redf Book fret SKINNER MFG. CO. OMAHA, USA lAtttST MACAMOM FACTORY IK 1M0UCA If you have a cheap stomach and can not eat what you want without suffering the tortures of dyspepsia. If you have headaches and feel mean all over, If your liver and bowels are on strike it is up to you to set those or gans In proper condition to receive and assimilate food by at once using Green's August Flower Which for 5 1 years has been a favorite household remedy in many thousands of homes for all stomach disorders, acid eructation, nervous indigestion, constipation and biliousness. 25c and 75c sizes at alf Druggists and Dealers. Havre you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout ? Take BHCUMACIDK to remove tbecanse and drive the poison from the system. 'uutuciH oi the nun FCTS BHBOUTUH OI THI OCTSIDI" At All DrngKUti Ja. Baily & Sea, Wfcektale Distributors Baltimore, KM. COLORED people can have nice, long,, straight hair by using Exslento ' Quinins Pomade, which is a Half Grower, not a Kinky Hair remover. You can see the results by using several times. Try a package. Price 25c at all drug stores or by mail on receipt of stamps or coin. Agents wanted everywhere. Write for par ticulars. Exelento Medicine Co., At lanta, Ga. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PUNTS Early Jersey and Charleston Wakefield, Suc cession tnd Flat Dutch, by express, 500, 11.00, 1,000, $1.50, 5,000, at 11.25. Satisfaction guar anteed. Postpaid 25c per 100. . D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE, S. C PARKkR'6 HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. ForKastonns -?lor ana BeMtty iaGraror Faded Hair, 0.andtlOOtPrngs-it. KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest class of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. Galeski Optical Co., Richmond, Va. APPENDICITIS If yon have been threatened or hare GALL8TONBS INDIGESTION, GAS or pains in the right CDC E tide write for valuable Book of Information r Hfcw L. a. Bomag, PUT. w-a, SIS 8. WAJKBOR.1 8T..CHIl'Art- f.!Mim 1 1 1 1 mi mi 11 If iMi,, EY HONORED BY STATE LAWMAKERS RESOLUTION PAYING TRIBUTE TO HIS MEMORY IS PASSED IN HOUSE AND SENATE. WITH THE STATE LAWMAKERS Resume of the Doingsxof trie General Assembly During the Past Week Told in a Brief and Interesting Way. For Our Miny Readers. Raleieh. Senate and house both adopted resolutions paying tribute to Admiral Dewey and asking the North Caro lina delegation in Congress to offi cially represent the state at the Dew ey funeral. The senate received a notable bill by Senator Allen of ayne to abolish capital, punishment except for crim inal assault proven by more than one witness. . A bill by Senator Long would give lodging house keepers liens on baggage of gusts. A number, of additional bills were offered both for statewide and for county laws for the election of county boards of education and superintend ents of schools. Senate and house both adjourned in honor of Robert E. Lee. The speakers desk in the house is draped with Confederate and state flags. The senate passed a resolution directing the appointment of a joint committee of legislators to give spe cial attention to preparation, introduc tion and passage of whatever bills this legislature must enact for the proper operation of the constitutional amendments, especially those limiting legislation as to municipal and county affairs. The resolution calls for sep arate committees to prepare meas ures as to municipal and as to county affairs. Senator Brenizer expressed the sentiment of the senate, when he declared that while the legislators ap preciated the work of the State Bar Association in preparing such meas ures, It was far too important a mat ter to leave open in that way and must be taken care of directly by the legis lature. The Dewey resolution from the house was put through immediate pas sage and ordered enrolled for ratifica tion after Senators Oates and Camer on had spoken in its 'advocacy. The adoption was by a rising vote. On mo tion of Senator Oates, the President of the Senate was directed to wire Senator Simmons of the action of the Asembly in this matter. ' The Kittrell Resolution eulogizing Admiral Dewey and providing that ad journment be in his honor along with Robert E. Lee, was taken up. Repres entative Grier objected to adjournment1 that would confuse this honor for Gen eral Lee with any other person. The reference to Dewey as to adjournment was withdrawn and the tribute to Dewey' adopted. The Senate committee on "proposi tions and grievances" has again voted to "Save Pender" in the spirited stock law fight which has stirred the Legis lature this session and two years ago. There was a two hours' hearing on the bill to provide special tax for building a stock fence around Pender so that "free range" could be restored and an unfavorable report on this by an unfavorable report on this by the committee was the result, only two senators, one of them Senator Burnett, of Brunswick, voting for ravorable re port. The hearing was in the senate chamber which was thronged by op posing Pender delegations, the stock law contingent wearing badges read ing "Save Pender" and the free rang ers big streamers reading "Save Pen der Democracy" and setting out big popular majorities in the county for free range. The Senate held a lengthy debate on the resolution to sanction the action of Governor Craig and the state's prison directors in disbursing $10 to the needy families of well be haved state convicts. It resulted in the addition of the Jones resolution and endorsement by a roll call vote of 35 to 10. Senator Person introduced a bill to amend the bill with a provision that no salaried state or county officers shall serve more than two terms. A bill by Senator Jones, of Ashe ville, would require railroad compa nies to pay off semi-monthly, the engi neers, conductors, firemen, flagmen, brakemen and other employes as well as the shop employes as the law re quires. In the House Representative Beas ley introduced a bill to exempt from "taxation mortgages and notes given in the purchase of homes in accord ance "wit hthe reign of Governor Bickett, exemptions to be as high as $3,000. In the house. Matthews of Bertie, offered a bill to prevent increases in county tax assessments by the Cor poration Commission without notice. The senate received a message from Governor Bickett transmitting the re port and recommendations of Com missioner of Insurance James R. Young, the message stressing espe cially the importance of consideration of the recommendations by-Mr. Young that there be Workmen's Compensa tion legislation and legislation amend ing the state regulations as to fire escapes. There was Introduced out Of order a bill by Long, of Halifax, to give lodging house keepers to lien on the baggage of guests until bills are paid. Senator Gough, of Robeson, created merriment at the expense of Senator Person, of Franklin;- the senate's most dressy member, to regulate and amend the attire of Senator Person by pre scribing that he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor should he appear in public without his red vest. Senator Brenizer offered an amendment that the senator from Franklin be branded i "mollycoddle" should he violate the orovislons of the bill, , DEW The house passed the omnibus Jus tice of the peace bill and raised the standard in licensing embalmers. The Clark bill passed to amend the law as to disposition of penalties in case of usury charged on mortgages. What is intended to make secret remedies under various and sundry trademarks and names come out in the open, is the purpose of a bill in troduced in the senate by Senator Scales, of Guilford. A similar meas ure was Introduced in the house by Representative Page. In this action the State of North Carolina is the first state in the union to attempt the open formula. While the measure has strong friends in both houses, those behind the bill are expecting a fight from the opposition. There is about $300,000,000 invested in these reme dies which the law aims at and their line up against the measure is ex pected. There is no fight on the so called patent madicines, official reme dies and remedies compounded on the prescription of a physician. If a scrap comes one thing is sure, the introduc ers of the bills in both houses are not afraid to meet it and will be found to be able to take carevof themselves in the most approved manner. In Line With Governor. This measure is in "line with the recommendation of Governor Bickett jn his inaugural address: ' The other recommendations of Governor Bickett were embodied in bills introduced .by Senator Warren of Beaufort county. One provides that no prisoners shall be sent to the county chain gang who ara sentenced to more than two years. The other was for the appointment of the governor, chairman of the state tax commission and the state treas urer to form a commission to investi gate and make a comprehensive re port on a system of taxation to be sub mitted to the nest General Assembly. . Another measure introduced by Senator Warren was to prohibit boys from acting as agents of teelgraph and telephone companies. This would pre vent the employment of persons under 18 years of age for the delivery of in trastate messages. - Another important measure was in troduced by Senator Allen. This pro vides for the establishment of a re formatory for women at the state prison. Senator McNider put in a bill amending the law relative to divorce. Grown tired of inaction, members of the lower house of the North Carolfna General Assembly introduced a num ber of bills whose import is of con siderably more concern than any here tofore coming up for the august con sideration of that body. Gallatin Rob erts, of Buncombe, who many thought, would be speaker of the house for the present session, came across with one of the notablebill. It calls for woman suffrage in a niod-r-fied degree. Mr. Roberts' bill is so worded that few recognized its im portance when its title: "A- bill to be entitled an act to authorize any city or town to amend its charter in regard to municipal suffrage," was read. This bill, with those of Page and Griffin, the former to provide for the election of county boards of edu cation through popular ballot; the latter to authorize the enactment of stock law over the -eastern counties now without it, comprised the really important proposed legislation of the day. Mr. Roberts' bill provides tne ma chinery whereby women will be per mitted to vote in municipal elections. While woman is not mentioned in the bill, it is stated that all persons above 21 years of age, who are not idiots, luntaics, convicts or Illiterates (except those of the latter who are qualified as state electors) under the constitu tion), shall be permitted to vote in municipal elections. This, it is understood, is in line with the requests to be made this year by the weman's suffrage league. In many of the northern and western states women are permitted to vote in cer tain municipal election. It is believ ed that the women will ask for noth ing more revolutionary than this. They seem to think that to ask for the complete enfranchisement of women would be too much at this time. With the view of affording to North Carolina counties an opportunity to borrow money for road construction at a rate of less than 6 per cent Repre sentative Clark, of Pitt, introduced a bill in the house of representatives which, if enacted, will make available each year for the next 41 years the sum of $400,000. This sum is to be secured by state bonds bearing 4 per cent interest and is to be loaned to counties, townships er road districts at an interest of 5 per cent. This bill with three Others introduced by Repre sentative Clark to regulate the sum moning of expert witnesses, to amend to amend the pendent families, and one by Mr. Clayton to authorize the payment of a part of prisoner's earn to amend the dependent families, and one by Mr. Hooker to call for a report from the state fish commissioner, com prised the total of important bills in troduced in the house. School for Blind. Three bills were introduced by Sen tor Harding of Pitt, relative to the School for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind here. These provide for the erection of ten fireproof Cottages on the 80 acre tract owned by the state here which was purchase dfor that pur pose; the changing of the title of prin cipal to superintendent to make the title conform to that of the heads of other state institutions; to require sheriffs in the various counties to bring blind children to the institution when notified by the superintendent of the school. Mr. Hooker's bill as to the fish com mission report is looked upon as the first gun in the fight for a repeal or amendment of existing fish laws. It calls for a full report from the com missioner within a week. Representa tives from the coast counties are looking forward to this report with some degree of glee. They believe It will show that the commission has been working under a plan of opera tion much more expensive to the state than the average citizen knows any thing about. They think that the re port will give strength to their side of the argument. ALL RUN-DOWN AND NERVOUS Says This Lady Who Had to Sup port Family of Four. Read Below Her Statement About Cardui. Tallapoosa, Ga. Mrs. Sallie ELdson, of this place, writes: "I was in very poor health, all run-down, nervous, had fainting spells, dizziness and heart fettering. I had these symptoms us ually at my . . . times. I had a very hard time, working for seven years in a hotel after my father died. I had to support out family of four. I read the Birthday Almanac and thought I would begin taking Cardui. I received good benefit from It. I am sure it will do all that it claims to do. I took three or four bottles before it began to show effects. After that I Improved rapidly and gained in health and strength. I took nine bottles in all. This is the only time I have .taken It. I was down to 108 pounds and I gained to 122. I felt like a new woman. I couldn't sleep before and had to be rubbed, I would get so nerv ous and numb. And all this was stopped by Cardui." The true value of a medicine can be determined only by the results ob tained from its actual use. The thou sands "of letters we have received every year for many years from grateful users of Cardui, are powerful tributes-to Its worth and effectiveness. If you suffer from womanly ailments, try Cardui, the woman's tonic. Adv. His Clutch Slipped. Harold, aged four, was trudging the distance of many blocks with his fa ther to Sunday school, and the long tramp was almost too much for him. The father, glancing back, noticed the small boy's fatigue and, slackening his pace, asked : "Am I walking too fast, son?" "No." returned the small boy. puff ing and panting breathlessly, "it's me. papa." Christian Herald. FRUIT LAXATIVE FOR SICK CHILD "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver and bowels. Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs" that this is their ideal laxative, because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels with out griping. , When cross, irritable, feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless ''fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bow els, and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic remem ber, a good "inside cleaning" should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child i tomorrow. Ask at the store for a 50 ! cent bottle of "California Syrup of ; Figs," which has directions for babies, i children of all ages and grown-ups i printed on the bottle. Adv. ! To Be Sure. ! "A writpr says the average small boy is no longer ambitious to fight In i dians." i "And no wonder. Tackling adver ! saries who are not familiar with the j use of machine guns, asphyxiating gas and hand grenades in warfare would i be rather tame sport nowadays." FOR PIMPLY FACES Cuticura Is Best Samples Free by ! Mail to Anyone Anywhere. pies and blackheads. Smear the affect ed surfaces with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off in five minutes with Cuticura ! Soap and hot water, bathing some min- utes. Repeat night and morning. No better toilet preparations exist. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address, postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston.' Sold everywhere. Adv. To Study Vocational Education. The third annual convention of the Vocational Educational association of the middle West will be held at the Auditorium, Chicago. January 18 to L'U. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up. The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds np the system, 50 cents. Wanted Information. Father When I was a sniall boy I was left an orphan. Tommy What did you do with It? MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Croup, Pneumonia and Asthma ; GOOSE GREASE LINIMENT for Neuralgia, Rheumatism and Sprains. For sale by all Druggists. GOOSE GREASE COMPANY, MFR'S, Greensboro, N. C. Adv. Miss Mabel Blackburn has invented an overshoe for horses' feet which pre vents slipping on wet streets. The occasional uae of Roman Eye Balsam at night upon retiring will prevent and re lieve tired eyes, watery eyes, and eye strain. Adv. There is a growing demand for mild :igars among London women. IS GRAND LODGE OF NORTH CARO LINA MASONS ELECT WIL MINGTON MAN. HOLD SESSION AT RALEIGH Memorial Exercises to Late Grand Secretary John C. Drewry, is Feat ure of Annual Meeting. Raleigh. Dr. Claude L. Pridgen, of Wilmington, was elected Grand Mas ter of the Grand Lodge of North Caro lina Masons at session devoted in part to memorial exercises in honor of the memory of the late Grand Secretary John C. Drewry, an address byGrand Master James W. Witton, of the Dis trict of, Columbia, and routine busi ness. Other officers elected prior to the adjournment of the Grand Lodge were: Deputy Grand Master, George S. Xorfleet, Winston-Salem. Senior Grand Warden, Henry A. Grady, Clinton. Junior Grand Warden, Dr. J. C. Braswell, Whitakers. Grand Treasurer, Leo 1). Hartt, Ral eigh. Grand Secretary, W. W. Wilson, Ral eigh. John W. Cotton of Tarboro was elected a director of the Oxford Or phanage to succeed himself for a term of five years, A. B. Andrews of Ral eigh to fill the unexpired term of G. Rosenthal on the board of directors of the Oxford Orphanage, J. E. Lath am of Greensboro director of the Ma sonic and Eastern Star Home for a term of five years to succeed himself, ! R. N. Hackett. Wilkesboro, represent- ative to George Washington Museum, I Alexandria, Va., for a term of three i years; A. B. Andrews and C. B. Crab- tree, directors on the part of the : Grand Lodge of the John C. Drewry ! fund. Past Grand Master Frank P. Hop . good was complimented highly in the ; address of Grand Master James W. Witton of Washington, 'D. C. when he ! said, "I have been associated with Col. Frank P. Hopgood of North Car- olina in San Francisco in oil land ! case for the Department of Justice for some time, and I have grown to love and admire him- If all North Caro lina Masons are as lovable as he is, l there must be a lot of love in this Grand Lodge." lusurance Revenue Increases. Raleigh. The report and recom mendations of Commissione? of Insur ance James R. Young to Governor Bickett to be transmitted tO the leg islature was filed with the governor. The report shows a steady increase in the revenue of the department, the increase averaging about $15,000 per annum. The receipts this fiscal year will be about $365,000. The commissioner reports the build ing inspection laws, fire marshal reg ulations, fire escape statutes and oth er regulations for public safety work ing well. He Tecommends that an allowance be made fgr vigorous pros ecutions of violators of the statute as to investment and promotion com panies as a protection to the people of the state. The commissioner recommends a number of minor changes in the state's standard fire insurance policy which he says will become the stand ard policy for most if not all the states of the union. He would have the law as to changes in capital stock and charities subject to approval by the Insurance Department made to apply to foreign companies where the home state does not maintain a like regulation. There is recommendation that "whole family" insurance be al lowed for fraternal insurance. He recommends the enactment of a workman's compensation law proper ly safeguarded. As to building ai.d lean associa tions, he recommends a more clear statutory expression as to their an nual licensing, with nominal .fees charged to be used in the expenses of the examinations. He would have an additional deputy clerk to examine the building and loan associations. ' He reports the insurance value of state property to be about $7,000,000, and that the allowance made for premiums on this insurance permits only about 30 per cent insurance on this property. There should be an in crease of $5,000 or $10,000. During the past year the state paid out for insurance on state property $20,00,2 and received from the companies for fire losses $27,000. Name Commencement Officers. Chapel Hill. Commencement mar shals " chosen by the junior class at t! meeting last week. Fred Farthing, of Boone, was elected chief marshal, and the number of assistant marshals this year was increased to eight. These are as follows: C. IL ' Herty. Jr.. Chapel Hill; R. C. deRo j set, Jr.. Wilmington; R. Wrenn, ; Mount Airy; W. G. Burgess, Shelby; ; Victor S. Bryant, Jr., Durham; C. R : Williams, Graham ; J. B. Linker, Shlis ! buhy, and W. H. Stephenson, Raleigh Lutherans Raise Fund for Lenoir. Newton. The Catawba Lutheran, published by the association of Luth eran pastors of the Tennessee Synod in Catawba county, carries in its cur rent issue an itemized report of con tributions and subscriptions to the Lenoir College endowment fund of $100,000, and shows that a total of more than $2,000 was secured in No vember and December last, making the money raised to date something over $33,000. The entire Tennessee Synod is behind the movement to give the college $100,000 endowment. PRIDGEN NAMED NEW GRAND MASTER 3. Manalin, the Lost Opportunity. "I see an old gentleman approach ing. He wears a silk hat and seems absorbed in a pamphlet he is reading. Further down the street several small boys are waiting with snowballs in their hands. What will happen?" "Nothing. I know something those small boys evidently don't know. The old gentleman has to walk only about ten feet before he will turn into his own house, whel'e, I assure you, he will be quite safe." I With the Fingers ! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers if you will apply on the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. At lKtle cost one can get a small bot tle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or sore ness or the danger of Infection. This new drug is an ether compound, and dries the moment it is applied and does not inflame or even irritate the surrounding skin. Just think! You can lift off your corns, and calluses now without a bit of pain or soreness. If your druggist hasn't freezone he can easily get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. adv. A Practical Plan. "That brisk young man who just now went out is a sort of philanthro pist," said the custodian of a skyAcrap er. "He's behind a movement to get aged scrubwoman off their knees." "Well, well ! How does he propose to go ahout it?" "His plan is quite simple. He's sell ing a mop with a long handle." "Pape's Diapepsin" cures sick, sour stomachs in five minutes Time It! "Really does" put bad stomachs in order "really does" overcome, indiges tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness in five minutes that just that makes-Pape's Diapepsin the lar gest selling stomach regulator In the world. If what you eat ferments into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, andigested food and arcid; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul ; tongue coated ; your insides filled with bile and indigestible waste, re member the moment "Pape's Diapep sin" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonishing almost marvelous, and the joy is its harmlessness. A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dia pepsin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction. It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated. It belongs in your home should always be kept handy in case of sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at night. It's the Quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. Adv. Taxing His Patience. "So you are trying life on the farm?" "No," replied the former city dwell er. "I'm following some rules I read In a book and life on the farm is trying me." Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. Em erson. TO LIVE LONG! A recipe given by a famous physician for long life was : "Keep the kidneys in good order l Try to eliminate thru the 6kin and intestines the poisons that otherwise clog the kidneys. Avoid eat ing meat as much as possible; avoid too much salt, alcohol, tea. Try a milk and vegetable diet. Drink plenty of water, and exercise so you sweat the skin helps to eliminate the toxic poisons and uric acid." For those past middle life, for those easily recognized symptoms of inflam mation, as backache, scalding water," or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheumatism, "rusty" joints, stiffness, get Anuric at the drug store. This is a wonderful eliminator of uric acid and was discovered by Dr. Pierce of Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. If your druggist does not keep it send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce for trial package and you will find that it is many times more potent than lithia and that it dissolves uric acid as hot water does sugar. ENDS DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION. GAS I I II f Sold for 47 -years. F'op Malaria, Chills and Fever. Also a Fine General Strengthening Tonic. 50c aad $1.00 at all Dn Stmm. has three members yon should know' if -yon desire to enjoy life. 1. The popular liquid form of Peruna the reliable tonic of the American household, with a loa history of Mcoew to trotting all catarrhal difficulties. 2. The tablet form, which is made after the same formulary and is more convenient for many. ideal laxative, by the regular use oi wnicn constipation may oe otcjxumc natural action restored. Masaap has no habit forming drag, bat is an aid tonatora, Your druggiathas all three. Soman thousands aave received benefit ftwous, use of one or both these remedies that they are a recognized part of the equijianest I every careful nouaenow. THE KXDKA COMFAKT Honest. "'fe's honest, anyhow." "What makes you think so?" 'I asked him the other day if he thought peace was near in Europe and he said right off the bat that he didn't know a blamed thing about it." INSIST 01. YAM NUTS Up-to-date "grocers have them the new food with an "unforgetable flavor," made from Southern yams. Try YAM NUTS once, they'll win you sure. The William Co., Greenville, S, C. Adv. Bang! "Did you know that the Steenth Na tional bank has busted?" "Yes; I her.rd the report." Indigestion produces disagreeable and sometimes alarming symptoms. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills stimulate the diges tive processes to function naturally. Adv. In Vienna a girl can be insured against being an old maid. WHAT IS LAX-FOS Is an improved Cascara (a tonic-laxative) Pleasant to take In LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved by the addition of certain harmless chem icals which increase the efficiency of the Cascara, making it better than ordinary Cascara.' LAX-FOS is pleasant to taka and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. Adapted to children as well as adults. Just try one bottle for constipation. 50a Backache Yager's Liniment is excel lent for any kind of pain or congestion. It ' quickly re lieves backache and rheu matic pains, and is a splen did remedy for Neuralgia, . Sciatica, chest pains, sprains, strains, swellings and en largements, a? ' Keep a bottle id yoor home for emergencies you never can tell when yon will require something ot tb : sort. The 25 cent bottle of Yager's Liniment contains four times as much as the usual bottle of lini ment sold for that price. AT ALL DEALERS GILBERT BROS. & CO. BALTIMORE. MD. 0 "Hnnt's Core" is guaranteed to stop and permanently core that terrible lushing. It Is com pounded for that purpose and yonr money will be promptly refunded without question If Hnnt's Cure fails to core Itob.Hcsema, Tetter, Ring Worm or any other skin disease. He the box. For sale by all drag stores or by mall from the A. B. Richards Medicine Co., W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, WO. 4--1917. NOTHING STANDS AS HIOH, as a remedy for every womanly ailment as Dr. Pierce's Favorite rw l Prescription. It's the only I medicine for women certain in its effects. H. "Favorite Prescription" is t an invigorating, restorative rf f tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine, and a complete cure for all the functional derangements. J painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses peculiar to the sex. I For young girls just kUV0 entering womanhood ; for ; women at tne critical time; nursing mothers; and emery woman who is run-down," tired or overworked it is a special, safe, and certain help. Dr.'Prerce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to taka as candy. How to preserve health and beauty is told in Doctor JPierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. It is free. Send Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., four dimes, or stamps, to cover wrapping and mailing. FRESH -CRISP-WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS THE SAMrtMY METHODS APPLIED IN TNE MAKING OF THESE BISCUITS MAKE THIM THE STANDARD f EXCELLENCE fyqr Pcatsr has Sum, or if not he shoaLi. cfsk him or writ s qivtaa his name. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY c tTh".0 m