. " fee I lie A Home Newapaper Published iu the Interest ot the People and for Governmental Affairs SALISBURY, N. C WEDNESJtlY. JANUARY m ST, 1917. VOL. XIII. NO. 7. FOURTH SERIES Wm. H, STEWART, ED. AND PRO? T LOCAL NEWS zz of interest to ALL OF OUR HEADERS, The much discussed vac- cinatioii eass irora Faith . , i j i were cutiuuuea until next : , lUWlllllg J. UCoUdJ CVCUllJfj tVJ UNO Saturday by consent "f both school building- dy the lo.cal phy the State and the defense, jsicians, Drs Boyden and Ram- Thecpeu season for quail , eXDires todav. ha vim? htt-n in I effect since December 1st. After today it is unlawful to shoot birds in tirs county. The many friends here of F F Smith will . be glad to ! kuow he h again with Spaik? shows. This show is hardly complete without the Majo. Bert E Torrei.ce has return- ed to Salisbury iTom boh radO where he Stent sv-rfli wtieks at a sanatorium for lubercui losis and nna'iy was curef. He will resume his work with the Southern. Mrs Ray Troutman, daugh ter of J N Rimer of lower Ro wan who is in the hospital at Concord for treatment and has been operated upou for appendicitis, is rapidly im proving. There was a largely -attend- ed meeting of the Rowr-n Bar Association in the court hou?e Friday afternoon for the pur pose of arranging thecaleodar for the civil docket ot the February term of Rowan Superior Court. TV USto&m That Dees lis! Atct T'-e 3 . t'is.iiSCad.C TJ!, iivfC is Ui-ir. . QlHas te -vvi --t cars ucm-..! ' The Salisbury Hardware and Furniture Company will erect at an early date a new garage, a handsome twostory building, on the lots owned by them in rear of their sto e. They will carry a large stock! ni,n.ni ,i u ' of Cheveioiet and axon cars, i The treasurer of Salisbury Council. No 26, Jr O U A Ai, received last week a check for of the late Baldy Miller and ! being the amount of insur anee carried by the deceased . , To Cure a Cold in One Day "TB3ceiA2ta.il vs bkumu uuimne. it stops tue Cough and Headache and works off the Coitf. ! uruggisti reiuna money 11 xaiis to cure. JB. W. GROVE' signature on each box. 25c I . . ,r. , i luaiuu "law, JuuuK'dnts, including entrance re- man ot JJanviIIe. Va., wa arrested here last week bv the . . , local po.ice on mtormation o uiu.jw from Uanvilie to the ekect that he was wanted in that city for a number of offenses. toery of S500 of a youth in an .auto "Joy ride." airives Out .Malaria, Builds L'p y?? The Old Standard general strencthenifiji t. GROVE'S TASTELESS chUl TOUIC. drive, WalaHa.enriches the Mood, and builds u p th- tsxo, A tree tonic. For adults and c&Udrec. SOr There is an epidemic of: measles throughout this city at present and it is estimated that there are several hua dred cases none of which ha Vw proved fatal. The attendance at the public schools has been greatly iiiterf erred with and reduced. Ire Ton Sewers Clogged? -inepcweis are tne sewerage t system of the body. You can well imagine the result when they are stopped up as is the case in con- stipation. . As a purgative r" will find Chamberlain's Tablets! excellent. They are mild and gentle in their action. They also ! improve the digestion. j Di B. C. Taylor PEIT5T. T.. T m j Cinna Grove: Mouday, lues-lay and Wednesday. Saturday. . . Examination Free. Farm Life School News Items. i There was a basket ball game between China Grove High School and Kannapolis Y M C A. at Kannapolis Monday night in : which the visitors were defeated i by a score of 24 and 29. I There were several addresses given at the community -club mj ., saur on the subject of medical inspection. These addresses were enjoyed by every one. Prof Chas E Miller and the ooys who went to winston-Salem report having a pleasant time, ialso a profitable time, as they learned much about stock judg- i'ig and sales- then t0 LQev won a prize which was a young Hol- stein calf valued at $150. The kind matron at the girls' dormitory gave the students the privelege of pulling candy last Friday evening from 6 to 8 o'clock, which they enjoyed very much. We hope that this privi lege will be granted again soon. we are soory to note that the matron at the girls' dormitory is very ill but we hope that she wiil soon recover. ACT QUICKLY. Dalay Has Been Dangerous in Salisbury. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger. In time of kidney danger Doan's Kidney Pills are most ef fective. Plenty of Salisbury evidence of their worth. Mrs. T. Robinson, 122 E. Kerr St., Salisbury,1 says: ''I had rheumatic twinges in my limbs and back. I learned of the mer it of Doan's Kidney Pills through my friends and I used them. They lived up to the claims made for them. Whenever I notice that my kidneys are the least out of order or my back becomes weak and lame, I take a few close-; oi uoan s ivianey fins ana ithev bring relief." Price 50c, at aii dealers. Don't snap y a? k ior a aney remea. 1 rL i,, o-.ik, u. Doan's Kidney Pilis, the same that Mrs. Robinson had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo. N, Y, L NeW D8SCri CirCu!af- ! The A. and M. College has (containing a numoer oi g( oa I i1 lustrations of buildings ard ! interiors. These pictures are n 1 j. i j n i Well elected and well executed. m . , .1 -4. u-t he text Covers the pc.UltS which usually concern prospective stu- .nuirements. curricula, mies of : -vernment, self- holp, rooms and expenses oucg men who r j t . i luctned to see,: technical training for life should write for .copies to the Registrar, West UileI,1 I Eervoue speaks well of Cham- berlrin's Cough Reaiedy after having used it. Mrs George Lewis, Pittsfield, N. Y. has this to say regarding it: "Last winter my little boy, five years old, was isick vitn a com ior two or inree eek-s. I doctcred him and used various cough medicines but no thing aid him much good until I began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedv. He then improved j rapidly and in a few days was !ovpr "is cold." - j j tad Of Thanks. We express to some of our kind and good neighbors and wide circle of friends our sin cere thanks for their kindness durinsr the illness, death and ! bbnai oi our lauier, orawioiu j Lccke fepuping. J j The Family. WHAT IS LAX-FOS is an improved Cascsra aAhmIa I.h4!ua nAAA4it4 in kvi& i luuiii-iaACinc; jisaaaHi iu iqrc In LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved by tha Edditicn of certain harmless caenj- icais which increase the efficiency of the Adapted to children as well as adults. I jt try one bottle for constipation. 50c Cascara, making it better tfcc-i ordinary Deen restored to health by the use J1U Tnic because it contains fcr? Cascara. LAX-FOS i? ple bars', to take Qf the tablets and their cost is so ! lu' Ji!fflra tonic pronertiesof QUINX& S George McConnaughey, more generally known as Mike, died here Wednesday night and the funeral was hel l from St Luke's Episcopal church Friday morning eon ducted by Ryv W W Way and the interment took place at the Lutheran cemetery. A number of ConferiV'ate sol diers attended, the deceased having been a Confederate soldier. Nellie, the three-mouth-old daughter of Mr and Mrs C L Logan, died at their home on West Kerr street last Wed nesday after an illness of several days and her remains wie interred at the Calvary Baptist ctjurch cJmeery in Fiankiin township that day. Mrs W A Luckey, agJ,d -76 yoars, died at her home iu Cleveland -yesterday morning fo;n tho effects of Bright's disease. Her husband, Opt Luckey, who is still living at the age of 90 years, and four children survive. Her re mains were taken to the Third Creek Presbyterian church for interment today. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was sup posed to be iacurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internal ly. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Address: P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Making Efforts to Get Methodist Hospital. The Rowan Medical Society had a meeting iu the old court house Wednesday and the tir?t real work in connect ion with Salisbury's effort to - ecu re the proposed Methodist hospital was inaugurated at that meeting. Then the doctors met the board of the Chamber of Commerce and there was mucli discussion on that subject. The conference .coinmiitee of the Methodist church on the proposed hospital will meet in Salisbury on March 15th. It is hoped that Salisbury will get the hospital. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your dmg-pist -will refuno money if PAZC OINTMENT fails to cure eny cast of Itching Blind, Bleeding-or Prot nidinsr riles in S to 14 days. The first application eives iCase od Rest 5Cc Policemen dingus and Hall made a liquor seizure early Saturday moruing at the Terminal hotel when four men drove up in an automo bile and carried into the lob by suit cases containing a total of 81 pints and 11 q-i'irls in bottlep. They were phe-d under arrest, given a heari:. adjudged gnnry ai'i from 810 !o ;nr! They all g;;ve tr 1 peal and thti?- h ; fixed from $25 to h o. fined f MP , Stomach Troubles, If you have trouble with stcmach you should try Lha Iain's Tablets. So many your havf h"Jft 23 cents, that it is worth I whil e to give them a trial . Have a. Bottle Handy! S loan's Lifiirnent is assigned its t. . place among the trusted family remedies in thousands of medi cine closets. Confidence in it is i based on the uniform effectiveness with which it banishes the pains of rheumatismj neuralgia, gout, lumbago, core stiff muscles, bruises, . sprains and (trains. Cleaner and easier to use than niussy plasters ot ointments. It penetrates end relieves quickly toithoot rubbing. At all drist425c. 50c. and $1.00. v " ----- 1 POQLTOWN. ! f Jan. 27. Mrs Louisa Morgan has been confined with cold and lrigrippe for several days, but is improving some now. A I Ketchie and daughter, Dorothy, are confined with pneu monia The tro children ot J W Bean who have been confined with something like pneumonia are improving some. Mrs R F Crook has a deep cold at this writing' Mr Elliott, the superintendent of the convict camp, who has had tne pneumonia, is able to be up a luue UKe oi tne colored p;i- is also conhiied with pneu '.IlO.i ! ft . Jiinmi..1 Morgan and Caiia Wil iiHiViS iire cutting crossties for Duko Morgan J L Morgan has recently pur chased the Wiley Morgan store house and lot in Pooitown from R Jor.es Kcid. Early Morgan will soon move his -hw mill on- Love Miller's lan-.i Ilrs Harvey Morgan of Salis bury, is visiting hom?folks for a fe-.v da s. O'ir. Ait-i'.: of v 2ar Wauesbqro vifcit-d hi Mrs Delilah Miller's Sunday. Kulus Cro)k has a cow that had a twin calves a few days ago. Tt-- . 1 1 1 vnnr n ! w.ic Venus Waller Lagle and J'amily re centlv movoii lo the John I Shav er w'uice They had been living in ;!5v nc-ir W.':C .vesie n part or tne otate shevnle for so:ne time. W e iluin brick to th ie o:d . i e SIdsi's timiti For Stiff Jiir. s. ii':e i n ;!.ic pi-ius and aciies g!! ii' joints and muscles, nit!-;i sr every movement tor- IO s't your suffering ainiji'; itqiiiik without, rubbing and wiiins your .!oi:i r lr ) melt'tiv and sioiht sore muscles T le congested blood is simulated to action; a single applie ition will drive out the pain. Sloan's Liniment is clnan, convenient and quickly effective, it does not stain the skin or clog the pores. Get a bottle to-day at your Druagist Walter W i'oole, city sani tary officer, whose duties in clnd seeing te it that all back 'ots in the business sec5 ti;n of Salisbury are kept ill. ha?- hUel un si wMcrnn j . l)U-r,baeed a ual and h'r self hauling awry a I j;iSid ships, manner i i . i i ... ! iiiiKH'EC in cc!ie oi t tie nnnr I f ;ir iQ'e txpv.usH tea ni and iai;j: VH58avr Vou Need n Oenera! T r '--' Take Grove's Th t?i-4 ?!.atnlarc Grcye's Iasbg.?5-a Toote i equally valuable 9S 4 i , J m&ria. Enriches the BW Mid Ia& og tbe Whole System.. . SO cent. Prefers Chamberlain's. ' ; yn the course of a conversa tion with Chamberlain Medicine Go's representative today, we had occasion to discuss in a general way the merits of their different preparations At his suggestion I take pleasure in expressing my estimation of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have a family of six children and have used this remedy in my home for years. I consider it the only cough remedy on the market, as I have tried nearly all kinds." Earl C. Ross, Publisher Hamilton County Re publican News, Syracuse, Kan. RRIACES At the home of I) L Kfird on Loug street, Tuesday of last week a marriage of Mi?s Margaret Lentz and Arthur Scott was solemnized. Rev Or W Vici- olRchitiug. The bride is a daughter of Police man aud Mrs H (J Leniz The engagement of Miss Nellie Holmes Pearson, daughter of Mrs B G Pearson, Lto Smith Fouehe, formerly of Greensboro but now con nected with the N 0 P S Co here, was announced la?t Friday, the wedding to take place April 19th. Both are very popular in Salisbury. How to Check That Cold. . When it is painful to breathe and fever sends chills up and, down your back, you are in for a cold. A timely dose or -Dr. Bell's Phie Tar Honey will stop the sneezes and sniills. The pine biisiiin looens the phlegm and clears the bronchial tubes. t,he lioney snathes and 'relieves the sore throjit. The antiseptic qualities kill the germ and the congested condition isreliev.ed. Croup, whooping cough and chronic bronchial affections quickly relieved At all gists 25c. Drug- A force of men from the city fire department were busy last Saturday with hose washing off the street in front of the passenger s.ta'ion get ting rid of the dirt and sluch accumulating during he re cviit bad weather THOSE AWFUL CRAMPS Suggestions that may save Much Suffering Marysville, Pa. "For twelve years I suffered with terrible cramps. I would have to stay in bed several days every month. 1 tried all kinds of remedies and was treated Dy pocors, but my trouble con tinued until one day I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and what it had done fop ethers. I tried i and now I am never troubled with cramps and feel like a different woman. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound too highly and I am recommend ing it to my friends who suffer as I did. ' Mrs. George R. Naylob, Box 12, Ilarysville, Pa. Young women who are troubled with Eainful or irregular periods, backache,1 eadache, dragging-down sensation fainting spells or indigestion should! take Lydia E. Pinkham's, "Vegetable Compound. Thousands have been re stored to health by this root and herb remedy, Wrjte for free and helpful advice to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con fidential), Lynn, Mass. Only wqmn, open ana read such letters. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil linizrient. ghat's the surest way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is Horses, Mutes, Catde, Etc Qocdfc your c,wn Aches, Pains, Rhevsntatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. t 25c 50c $1. At aH Dealers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! I I i I I i 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 i ' v r i& ,5 far mm f m - urn February Specials to be Found at BELKH ARRY COMPANY'S of tft.e Bel Chain of IS Stores Th3t Sell for G uuay ana seu Tor Less. When vou w.e with us everything- must be right or we make it so Don't :,uv i.fore you see what we sell it at. You- can always dc:enu on findi 1 it as cheap and generallv cheaper,' at BELK-ElAeiiiY SHOES Vj.w S .oe now tor next winter V e ,.rc now buying our i917 fall st.n'- (j Shue and paying much !D-.;c' .'ii.i v are now selling same siie at and no hopes of chcdpr .ri.i soon. Let of Odd Pairs- Hig lot of odd piirs of Shoes ali kinds picked from our regular stoek. Tiie.se are marked very chi-ap to ciose out, much less than co.Vv io make. Women's $2-00 vici kid, kanga rooor boxVrain blucher or but ton shoes Sale price $1.49 Women's vici kid, gun metal, dress shoes $2.50 value for 1 95 aud 2 00 Women's 3.00 gun metal or pat ent high, lace or button 2 75 Women's 5.00 kid high lace shoes lor 4 50 Always come to our store and get helpypm read fcr hours without a strain. t.?3iier than gas it ere restful than elec trichj cheaper than either. No troublesome lamp-shade chimney to remove when lighting. Clean Steady Portable Use Aladdin Security Oil the most eco nomical fceresene oil for best results. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New lersey) BALTIMORE, MO. Washington, D.C. Charlotte, N.C. Norfqlk, Va. Charlcstea. W. Va. Kicnmond, Va. SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE A Full Line of - General Merchandise Constantly On Hand FOOT RBST HOSIERY whether it's appearance you want iu hosiery or wheather it wear you will get it if you get "Foot Rest " And tb' too ie an enduce ment to most of us. You'll S A V JS ' ONEY. Fall aud winter good?. ' . avy weight underwear for raeu and woman, k .yros Goode, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Hat?! .., ('rockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. Ihrr ja well selected atock of staple and fancy grocr.ies, country produce, leed stuff, etc. When in need 'ime to see me. . K;twrs are invited to maks my place headquar ters u jiile in the city. Very truly, IV. W. TAYLOR, 'Phone S9. xdZ S. Your Druggist has sold Dr. Kinc NLf., - . o r ,V-VY Uiscovery for coughs and v,-vao O ilC uie oav flf 7 i " upenea nis own store, and before that, when he was clerkir.g for his "old boss" he made satisfied cus tomers when he sold Dr.King s New Discovery. It has-been the standard preparation for bronchial affections for nearly 50 years. Those who have used it lonsrest are its ket- (rinAo gives grateful relief in stub born coughs and colds. Try it. COMPANY'S. Women's 7.50 dark tan high lace welt shoes price 5 95 Godman's shoes for children .five- thv. best service of any and e!i cheaper than other makes io- near so good &3G to $1 95 Men's d--es3 slices gUa metal !ccher fcr only 2 00 den s 3.5o dress shoes in English r blucher welt our price 3 OO Jharlotte ond Belk's special shoes :n pateut, tan, guu metal and kid 1'rice 3 50 and 4 OO SPECIAL IN COAT SUITS S7.50 and $10 coat suits not this season style but good, ser viceable suits for 10 serge coat suits this season style clearance sale price 4 95 $15 coat suits serge and poplin all new style Price - . ' 7 45 $2.50 and 3.C0 wool skirts clear ance price 3 25 and 1 4ft postedv BI.KitlArtlY60. CharUrton. S. C Ala u t '., fee -bury, N. C.