t C . j - . - v.. t - arof A Home Newapaper Published iafihe lutereefclofi the People and for Governmental Affairs. VOL. XIII. NO. 8. FOUBTH SEBIES SALISBURY, He C, WEDHE5i)AY. FEBBU A BY. 7 IH, 1917, Wm. Hv SEBWABT, El. AHD PRO?. Tie 4. POSSIBILITY OF 0. S. GETTING IN WUR. Certain materials Should not be used in Home - 1 Mixed Fertilizers. . Relations Severed and Warnins Given Germany Raielgh, n. c, Jan.- 31. tliat Killing Of AmeriCenS Means War. Some farmers will not attempt Washington, Feb 3 President the home-niixin or fertilizers Wilson has broken off diplomatic because they do not know what relations with Germany and materials to use to make a suit warned the Kaiser that ruthless able combination Almost any sacrifice of American lives and combination is practicable if it is rights means war. o be applied immediately after Similiar action is waiting for mixing-, says S..S. Walker, Assis Austria when she notifies this tant Chemisi to the University government that she joins in the of Florida Experiment Station, campaign of unrestricted sub- but iFt he application to the soil marine warfare. Sis to be delayed after mixing, The President made formal an some special care must be exerci- nounce men t of his action to tfhe sed. country and to the world today j "Such materials as nitrate of at a joint session oPCongress. jsoda, muriate of potash, and oth Pacsports have been handed to er crude potash salts tend to ab Count von Bernstorff; Ambas-i bsorb moisture and to form hard :sador Gerard with all his staff cakes or lumps. This is especial ;and America!! consuls, have been ly true when they are mixed with ordered out of Germany. All caustic lime or any material con German consuls Jn the United j taining caustic lime, such as ash &tates are expected to withdraw, e j or basic slag. The trouble can That the severance of relations be prevented to a great extent by may be complete. German dip- i adding to the mixture aconsider lomatic interests in the United able amount of muck as a drier. States have been taken over by J Those mixtures which will Switzerland. Foreigu diplomatic ( cause a ioss of deterioration of interests which the United States j plant food through chemical ac had iu charge in Germany have J ticn should also be avoided. been turned over to various n u trals. Two years of diplomatic negn tlalion, marked - with frequent j crises. And attended with the loss of more than two hundred American lives on the Li 'h sea? r have culminated witti an whieh in all the history of xkorld always has led to war. Every agency of the American government has been set in mo tion to protect the country against acts of German sym j pathizers. These moves are of necessity being kept secret. With the notice of severance of relations the United States j seal VcrBer tin a demand for the immediate release of sixty-four Americans taken from ships ! captured by German raiders in: the South Atlantic. : At tha request of the Pi e.-i-' dent, Congress, immediately af-' ter bearing his address, began work on new laws framed by the Department of Justice to check conspiracies and plots against the United States which cannot now be raiched under existing statutes. The question of convoy ing' American merchant sbip3 through the submarine blockade has been taken up, and is being considered as one of the next moves by this government. Neutral governments have been notified of the actiou of the United States, and have openly been invited to follow its action it the new submarine campaign violates their reports. The breaking of relations came vwith a crash,, despite the fact stbat it had been discussed and practically determined upon last tnight. The President, returning jfrom his night (Conference with ithe Senators, determined that a break in relations" was the only act "consistent with the dignity and the honor of the United Sta tes." He worked most of the eight preparing his address to Congress. XV I 1U.JU J IU IMViuiuei it became known that Ambassad orGerard had been ordered home and that passports had been sent to Count von Bernstorff. Al though there was no official con Urination of the President's de cision until he foimally announc- H it Viitns1f tn CJnticrrps?;. the knowledge spread rapidly, count von Bernstorff heard it unofficial- ly while talking wi h an- Associat- CU 1 C3 VAyitCtWlUUCUl. MUIIC apparently deeply nioved, he was not surprised. His first act was to ask Dr Paul Ritter, the Swiss minister, to come to the German Embassy and prepare to take over its affairs Then he informed Jiis wife, an American-born wo man, of the development and likewise told the Embassy staff. His passports were not delivered until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, While the President was 'address- ins congress, one of Secretary Lansing's confidential assistants ' since the murder of Policeman uA of iua T?MK,eC a JcnnctAannrohonH . livered the passports and a note, Furr, and much credit is due in reply to the German deciara-i him for his untiring and cease $ion. ' less effort to locate this part. - When sulphate of ammonia or easily decomposed organic am moniates'such as animal manures, biood, tankage, fish scrap etc, are mixed with materials con taining lime there is danger of losing gaseous ammonia. The act commonest lime-contaimng mate the rials are ground limestone caus tic and hydrated lime, wood ashes, basic slag, and calcium cyan amid. "Reversion of phosphoric acid js brought about also by mixing acid pnosphate with lime, mag- nesta iron, or aluminum com- pounds. ' From these statements the be lief might arise that lime is a very undesirable material to use. The explanation is that lime should be applied to the land separately, not being mixed with the fertilizer before applying." Those farmersof North Carolina who desire information in regard to the subject of fertilizers should write at once to C B Williams, chief of the division of agronomy of the North Carolina dedartment of Agriculture and Experiment Station, or to B. W. Kilgore. Director and State ChemisL--J$ c. Extension Service, $100 Reward. $100. j The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is cat arrh. . Hall's catarrh cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment Hall's catarrh cure is takerl internally, acting directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the ioundation of the disease. and giving the patient sirength ! by building up the constitution aud assisting nature in doing its worK i ne proprietors nave so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Till r - . . . fails t to cure Send for of testimonials Address: F. J. Cheney &Co., Toledo O. Sold by all druggists 75c Take Hall's family pills for con stipation. Slayer Of KorWOOd PlliC8 IS Canght in Ga. Albemarle, Feb. 3.-Sheriff G ; D B!alock wired a deputy in Al- bemarle yesterday from Claxton, Ga , that he captured Kirk Furr in that town th's morning and would be home tomorrow at 1:48 p. m. with his prisoner. It is not known how the sheriff learned that the alleged slayer of Policeman W G Snuggs was at lUJaxton, txa., but he left yester- ,day tor that point with the re suit as above stated. i Sheriff Blalock has made an exceedingly creditable effort BEIT WILSON YET0 ON IlHMiGRANTBILL. House flembers. by 285 to 106, Override Present Executive. Will Pass in Senate. Washington. Feb. 1. Tbe House tonight overrode the Pre sident's veto of the Immigration Bill by a vote of 285 to 106. Party lines were ignored, The measure now goes to the Senate, where Senator Smith of South Carolina, chairman of the committee on Immigration, says it will be massed over the veto by more than two-thirds. This is the first bill to be pass ed over President Wilson's veto by either House of Congress. The . Immigration Bill was passed by the House and Senate two years ago. and the President vetoed it, but the House failed, then, by a few votes to override the veto. During Mr Faffs term as Pre sident, the Dillingham Immigra tion Bill, which was much like the present measure, the Burnett bill, was passed by the Senate and the House, and Mr Taft vetoed it. At that time the Sen ate, where the bill originated overrode tbe veto, but the House failed to give the necessary two- thirds vote. President Cleveland had veto ed a similar bill. President Wilson vet(ed the Immigration bill because of the literary test for immigrants. In returning it to Congress on Jan uary 29, the President said: "I cannot rid myself of the conviction that the literary test constitutes a radical change in the policy of the nation, which is not justified in principle." Friends of the Immigration. bill that passed the House today! have been working . on it - Tor framed twelve y ears, i It vas ail&c a commtlClte headed hy the late Senator Latimer of South Carolina, went to Europe to study the problem ol checking the flow of a certain class of European immigrants to this country. The immigration bill, in vari ous forms, has been to the White House four times in twenty years, it nas passeu tne House thirteen times and the Senate twelve times. The committee that made the trip abroad eight years ago cost tne government more than $1,000,000 The forces behind this feature have been determined, and they predict that the bill be called up in the Senate and passed over the veto by a vote of more than five to one. The Senate passed the measure several weeks ago by a vote of 64 to 7 The present bill excludes cag- rants, persons who hve been insane and those likely to become mentally incapacitated. It pro yides a fine of $200 for steamship companies that bring over the classes prohibited by law, and requires that deported aliens be given as good treatment on the return trip as they received on the way over. The literary test was advocat ed by the labor unions of the country. The leading unions demanded that the provision be kept in the bill. Therefore the bill is a victory for the unions. Chamberlain's Tablets. These Tablets are intended es pecially for disorders of the Stomach, liver and bowels. If you are troubled with heartburn, indigestion or constipation they will do you good. Weather forecast for February From 6 to 14. fair, with' snow northwest, and threatening to rain and snow east and cold. From 14 to 21. fair, clear cold, with cold rains al.ong and snow flurry. From 21 to 28, snow, .rain and cold, stormy. Some blizzard. From 28 to Marh 8. frequent i I .... s February shows cold with some ; eTrt- ,j -nm . A stormycoid winds, snow and mi-a but last of month cold and rough. fe. Kdr3. box 167. Salisburv. N.G. - - 1 Uonn Cosa'.y Uas'is an; Piriealars; Mofiroe; gehEeh 3 The rerxjrti,th6J3t4te'ra:x Com- shows; thatTrjjbioii conuty Wads in rt any p& rticnlars. It shovyia thatheveragH Janri apbeesiaimhi State U 8.84 p;rewhil Union's average afgaea vatuatiojj in 22. ine samr applies to horees aud males, tb nave rage being fbu in e State aud being ?83 in Th Hvt-ragB asesBed value of cowp is.$r' mtfre per bead in Urn'ou an'd. lli javetage tax lecy for talS and .outty pu r pt tB& u t h e: B I a t e i I 10 wbie it ir only Bi 3 iu this count y 'I he average boudeu indebtednsa of. he counties in tbe State is near $110,000, while Union is free of debt and tit a verage Va 1 uatio n of all property per county is ex ceeded by more than two miU lien dollars in Union county " m.m-J . - A Safe Test For those who are In need of a remedy for kidney troubles . dnd backache, it is a good plan jo try Doan's Kidney Pilhj They are strongly recommended by Salis bury people. Mrs J L Hunter, 122 N. Ellis street, Salisbury, says: "SeyeraJ yeq,rs ago my kidneys caused me a lot of annoy ance. My back ached and I felt so weak that I could hardly get about In the morning I could not gi out of bed. The first box of Doan's Kidney Pills did me good aud after taking several boxes, my back felt as strong as ever and my kidneys acted n gularly." Price 50c, at I dealers. Don t simply ask for ik:dney reined , get Xoan's K'dney Pills, the same that Mrs Hunter had. Foster-Milburn'O.. Props., Buffalo. N. Y. Gronnd Hog en His M. 1 'I hii Mhd liTJgSs certam ly ( ti his job and is (riving a good account of h'raself He started things on time Frida tnon.'ng and has kept ua on tbe jujnp ever sinpe. Las Thn's-day aftern,ou be.thijr raonidier. standing a abou 65 bt-gm to drop and Satur d-; mo'i.i'.git had dnecend ed I-- four dt-arree.-' abovf zero Sunday ino uiug the temper- nitre wa? luit r around 48 d.yr's, but it o k tuMililri ' nd b. f r leu o'ciot k tb-it night iu iidditiou t kt ol" I'iv'b wi.i tonir- r in slee Mnd t-i. t v, it wa agt u Ufai z-m euus w ul 1 say, "If an; for wt-at! r. 1 ground l'b' can r.at n ai o? out your When You Have a Cold. It is when you have a severe cf.ld that you appreciate the goi.d qualities of Chamberlain's C"Uh Remedy Mrs. Frank Crocker, Pana. Ill, writes 'Our five-years old son Paul caught a severe cold lastwintep that settled on his lungs and he had terrible coughlijg spells. We were greatly' woiried about h;m as the meqicine we gave him did not help him in the least. A neighbor spoke so high ly of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy that I got a bottle of it The first dose benefited him so much that continued giving it tp him 1111111116 was cured M Every Exit to the Port of New M Closed. New York, Jan-. 31 . Order .were issued to night to the torpedo' boat stationed at Quarantine to preserve neu traii ty. not to permit any ves sel, either neutral or flying t tin flag of one ot tbe belliger ent o pass out tonight. Tli ' order applied uol only to steamships but to tug boat.. 8 v ral tugs whicl pn-tfed Q ir.i'uline narH iu th-e tiiig before tlin ordr-r was given r-ere compelled to jet urn to port. Th impose of the ordr wis not disclo9- nMiner Vnn Need a fleneral Tair e Old Standard Grove's Tasteless CSS1 Toma is eqnauy vainable M a m43cnown tonic properties of QUININB IEON. -It acts on the liver, Ddves Bf 1 yifl, gnnqftea tne stood sua . PRESIDENT WILSON NOIIF E CONGRESS. Grim-faced and Solemn as He Faces Congress Bases utterance Heard 'Round Wind. . Washington, Feb. 3. President wilson kept himself in seclusion uuring me morning except ror a brief conference with Secretary Lansing, until be left the white . house for the capitol shortly be- .fore 2 o'clock. In preparation for the history making event, the Senate and House has assembled in the hall of the latter body. Justices of the Supreme Court and members of the cabinet were present, and the diplomatic gallery was pack ed, principally with neutrals. As usual, a committee 'of con gressmen met the President and escorted him to the speaker's dais. The whole body rose aud cheered as the President, grim -faced and solemn, took his place and began reading the document which is being heard 'round the world Briefly he reviewed how las' April the United States warned Germany after the destruc'ion ol the Sussex that unless the Im perial government declared and effected an abandonment of that sort qf subrnarine warfare the TJnited. States would have no choice hut to sever diplomatic re lations altogether. Then he quoted from the German reply which gave assurance that no ships would be sunk without warning and provisions for safety of passengers and crew. He recounted the provision the German irovernment attached. which in effect reserved to itself the right to recant its promises if the United States did net secure relaxaMon of the British res traints oo commerce, and then quoted rom the r ply of the Uni ted Si ates which refused to con sider a conditional pledge; lefid gave Germany final warning that it could not entertain or discuss any such suggestion. 'The President d,id. not refer to the long list of submarine opera tions which have been conducted in violation of tbe Sussex pledges but proceeded at once to the new war z;ne order which became effective February 1. when he told how the German proclamation left nothing for the honor and dignity of the United States, but a break in relations and that be had ordered passports sent to von Bernstorff anq a re- call to Mr Gerard, tle assemblage broke into 3 cheer in which Re publicans and Democrats alike joined More applause greeted his declaration that only an over act could convince him that Ger many intended to violate Ameri can lives and rights, and there was prolonged applause and cheering when he concluded by announcing that should American ships an.4 lives be sacrificed "in heedless contravention of the just and reasonable understand ing of international law and the obvious dictates of humanity," he would again appear before congress to ask authority to "use any means that may be, necessary for the protection of our seamen and our people." Soon after count von Bernstorff passports arrived United States Secret Service men threw a guard. about the Ambassador and his suite to make certain that the hospitality of the United States is not violated while he remains on American soil. The states, of count Tarnowski, the Austrian ambassador, was undecided, al though he called at the State Department to arrange for pre senting his credentials to the President. The news of the torpedoing of the American steamer Housatonic coming almost before the Presi dent's words in congress had died away created a tremendous sen sation but it does not necessarily constitute such an invasion of American rights as the President said he would meet by asking cuugress lur au union ai auiaoruy to act. - Piles Cored In 6 to 14 Days Toar drorsiBt will refund mono If PAZO OINTMKNT !! to core aorcaae of r BHad re aarcMje 01 ttooag. disc PUc la 6tol4dTa. ieaiturorPrMnuuar fdcb la fitol Seme Lar?e Hogs. O. D Krimminger. the champion bog raier in Sotitb Liowab, has come to the front agaiivaiif! has broken his pas' record, killing a th rough- red Pland China hog on the I2h f f J anua ry tbat weighed 984 pounds ne . About five eara-ago he killed a tbo ronvbbrtd Berkshire that netted 848 rounds, jn 1914 hen Hnlld a Pul i?d Ubuia pig 18 months old, 704 pounds, in 915 he killed a ttu mughbred ;;iaud China hog. 895 lbs Til's tdioB what cau be d ue villi g od attention to thb- nghr r d hogs in llowan Vhat a contrast bet w -en th iraprcved stock of todav and the razor-back or pine ro ter f fifty years ago. When a oar VHistMd i25 pom-ds was considered very large. it Ibaut Cossiipation. (3.?rtain art;i !es of dVt lond l fit chck amvements of the bovels nitt coiiimoh of these an . .-. a d t milk Oi i' -ithfr h ; 'mI ihw fruits, espe -ity 1 ;; k.U b.Minir s ali gratia 'iicailai" whole wheat r-.d p in i... nx.nvtsu.it ol b sv!s WhtMi lh bowel ire 1 u. ;sl p L-d. liii 'Av.vev,.. 1 he sure way is t 'lake one or two .if Chamberlain s Tablets immediately after supper. Interesting Events Takig? Placo. It iiow a'ppears thnt the sinking of the Americfn steamer Housatonic Saturday by a submarine wag not an ilkgal alt since she e irri d a ntraband cargo of wlieat, wa-rnii g wa given the crew saved. Officials today heard with considerable attsfacthm the report tnai me uerman gor ernmeut had ordered be Ira eiate release of the A.meri can Sailors taken from British ships by th German raider- in the Atlantic, as demanded by th United States.' Tliis action . iuterrrted in some quarters as an ftdicaion of a conciliatory atti'tade since formerly (xermany had main taibed these men were legally priEohara qrwajy having ac. cepted service on armed hiU ligereut merchant vessels. The State Department if making ejiorts to get a guars an tee of safe conduct from allied powers for Cotitit trbn Bernstorff to return to Ger- tany with his staff, and pjre paration8 were undr way t day to turn ov-- atiaii s of the embassy here to the Swire minister. In accordance: with orders frcra the navy deoartraent. the Geimaujauiiliary cruisers Kronprinz Wilhelmand Prinz Eitel Friedrich interned at Philadelphia were seized early Saturday night and their crews imprisoned. GonstiiatieB Sabs Til 088. That draggy, listless, oppress ed feeling generally results from constipation. The instestine are clogged and the blood be comes poisoned. Relieve this condition at once with Dr King's New Loie f ills; this gentle, non- griping laxativ. is quickly ef fective. A dose at bedtime will make you feel brighter in the morning. Get a bottle today at your druggist, 325c, Washmrl v, CJ. 7- The American liner will not be given co voy if the decides to sail for England through the German submarine ohe, it )s announced at the State De parlment today: It is under stood that the government is acting ou the policy that Americans have an inalien . able r?ght to travere.-f the. high seas and thatthi Ger. man suomarme pjQcxade is - 1 1 IJ SF1S0N IT HIND. State Beard of M Arises ErcryiPrecaQ- fc"n Icalnst it. .Pneumonia as a cause of death is about a top notcher," I says the Stat Board of Health, as it ranks third and is outclass ed only by tuberculosis, and or ganic heart diseases. It is a sea sonal disease and we are now in the midst of that season. During the .winter and early spring s.ea 4on pneumonia is greatly on the increase and causes about ten percent of all death . "One of the most predisposing Causes of pneumonia is the pre sence of other diseases, espec ially those diseases urodufiinc a. debilitaing effect Such diseas es might be mentioned as colds, grippe, bronchitis, and other re spiratory diseases. Debility dev eloping from any cause increas es susceptibility, therefore it is ill important that all functions f the body be kept in good working order and that resist ance be kept as high as possible. 'Resistance ia lowered by ov ereating, lack of exercise, lack f fresh air to live, sleep and work in. lack of regular sleep and relaxation, and irregular liv ing habifei. Excesses of all kinds lecr.v.se resiST-ac and predis pose 1,0 pneumonia. Excessive heat, worry, fatigue and undue exposure to cold are factors predisposing to pneumonia. Alcohol has been called by the United States Public Health Service "the handmaiden of pneumonia." It is a well established fact that pneumonia is a germ dis ease. People sick with rraeu- mooia should not be visited for two reasons : ,M3eir chances for recovering wili be better with out visitors, au i the chances for the spread of the disease' will be reduced.' V - If people ast sixty vears of A t 4 ige could ho p, suaded to go to bed as soon aa y take cold and remain in bod for one or two days they would recover much more quickly, especially if thev take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy . There wo ild also be less danger of the coid being follow ed by any of the more serious. diseases. Sctiooh for Iredell and Rowan. Dairy shools were held iu Rowan at Oak Grove School on February 1, and at the Patterson school on beb ruary 2nd. At Amity, Ire dell county, February 3rd. StiffSore Kuscles Relieved. Cramped muscles or soreness following a culd or case of grippe are eased and relieved by an ap plication of Sloan's Linimenc Does not stain the skin or clog the pores like mussy ointments or plasters and penetrates quick-. ly without rubbing.. .Limber up your muscles after exercise, drive out the pains and aches ox rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, -strains, sprains and bruises with Sloan's Liniment. Get a bottle today. At atl druggists, 25c. tiopt Socialistic Doctrine. As was to have been x- spected the bkard of county commissioners at their meets ing Monday adopted the so cialistic doctrine of an all time health otBcer and appro priatetl f 1000 of good dembv cratic tax -money to pnt it in to effect for one year. It is expected that Salisbury and. otfi :r towns in the county will a Id something to thtB so a tri make the job Worth whilew M DaaroBs. , Get 1 rid rot tht tlokling cough that keeps you awake at night ahd drains your vitality and energy. Dr. King's New Dis covery is a pleasant balsam rein edy. antiseptic, laxative aijd promptly effective. It soothes the irriattd' membrane and. kills' the cold gui :s; your cough is dorm r;iie 3 .! Delay is danger- ous king's New D.is For nearly fifty ; en the favorite ppe, croup. tioushA co rery av rr' y -fcr i? vrac re-acly & and colas. Get a bottle todav at Coajwssiaasrs . . 1 : - your druggist, 50c 1 r- -w :-" 1 JrZ - 5fe - "t,'T",7!1?''" x - - -

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