v - -.V - v, , f - y . i(sfttJ- ..--''---T"! - 'i,'" ' r-J 1 The- tobaraifS v Jf - : '-te"v- v- ' :: - - ' ' H - A Home Newapaper Published iniW?Intreetot, the People and for Governmental Affairs. ' VOL. Xm.m 9. FOURTH S3KISS SALISBURY, N C, WE3D3PEBEU RY 14TH, 1917. Wm,-STEWART, ED. AND PROP, ?1l HOW AIRPLANE HAS GROWN Wonderful Result That Have Been Achieved In the Small Span of Thirteen Years In view of a recent achievement in long-distance aero flights and the uses to which the flying machines have been put in the European war, day a few weeks ago marked the thir- ieenth nirfhdv nf th .irr,lnp Or.lv ! thirteen yeara and what wonders have been accomplished! Warfare has been revolutionized and surprise attacks rendered almost impossible by this marvelous invention. A couple of young men who owned : bicycle repair shop in Dayton, 0., irued their spare time to "tinker" on ;a flying machine. The neighbors considered them crazy but harmless. .Finally they hit upon a contraption to which twin propellers and a 16 horsepower, four-cylinder gasoline motor were attached a winged af fair with a movable or elevating rud der in front, which looked like a cross between a large eagle and a nightmare. This machine they took to the Kill Devil sand , hills, near Kitty Hawk, N. C, and on Decem ber 17, 1903, made four successful flights, on one of which the airplane traveled a distance of 852 feet. And now aviators ga-winging their way across Half a continent. - - SURELY A COLD CHRISTMAS Testimony That Carried Weight Given by Last Speaker In a Conference of Gifted "Rememberers." Wundel Cold? Not a bit of it! "Why, I remember last Christmas, hen I was in California, the steam from a passing engine froze hard and fell on the line in sheets ! SmylerThafs nothing! In 1889 the electricity in our telephone ex change got frozen, and when the thaw came along all the machines were talking as hard as they could for over six hours ! Chansit The coldest Christmas I on remember was in '84, when the policemen had to run to keep them selves warm I Silently the last speaker was awarded the palm. And frearol-singer fainted. . PROPHECIES FOR THE YEAR. On April 1 somebody will kick a hat with a brick in it. t May 30, some newspaper will call attention to the thinning ranks of our Civil war veterans. , July 4, a certain public speaker will make reference to the Stars and Stripes or possibly the Star-Spangled Banner. " First Monday in September ora tors and newspaper reporters will .make reference to 'labor's holiday." On a certain Thursday in Novem laer numerous neople will modestly jask for a leg and a wing and a slice of the breast., Several newspapers will print pic ures of a gentleman named Wood arow Wilson on March 4. During August a number of peo ple will take trips to the seashore or the mountains. ONE DRAWBACK. "This world would be a pleasanter place if there were not so many fools in it." "Yes; but it would be more diffi cult to make a living." Dallas iNtwi. 0 NOT FAR WRONG. ' First Urchin: What's an autocrat, CThimmie? Second Urchin Ifs a guy wot I owns mi automobile. Boston Tran- script. I s INJUSTICE. Beaver Fur is in fashion. i "Box- And we who have to have it naturally don't get a chance to wear - NOT SO BAD. "My good woman, yon ought not 'to castigate your children." - "1 don't, ma'am, I only wallops 'em.w - 1 : 1 C AT THE SOUTHERN RESORT. , .Newlywed Ind me a V, old ' "Ichap, and 111 pay you in the morn - tiie vlll go through Bessie's clothes jtonight whole 8he s asleep i, .. HIGHLY NECESSARY. " ; . - "Why is the official spelling of gov- Vjernmeht yijjk. a big G?" "Because they could hardly begin jenu1 withost ij.p WORK OF LEGISLATURE. Divorce Law Amended, Bill to Pay Expenses of Veterans to Reunions and Other Biiis. A bill, previously passed in tbe Senate, was passed in the House Tuesday to amend the divorce law. The vote was 53 to 37. The new law makes an act of adul'.crv n e ihQ hushand for divorce, the same as to 4he wife. Other bills passed by the House are: To provide for exemption of Yadkin county from the general primary law; also Graham coun ty; to amend law relative to car rying concealed weapon; to give lodge-keepers Hen on baggage of delinquent lodgers; to protect women: to amend law relative to temporary larceuy of automobiles and other vehicles; to regulate expenditure of money due inmates of North Carolina orplran? ires: to amend law relative to inter state passes held by clergymen; to amend law relative to use of auto mobiles; to providje for State orison management investigation; to amend law relative to itemized accounts as evidence in civil suits; to amend law relative to age of consent; to regulate fees of jus tices of peace; to amend laws re lative to compulsory education of the blind; to reul te sale of medicine; to amend law relative to arrest of felons; to authorize payment of 15,000 expended for troop mobilization; to prevent Sile of impure foods drugs and hquors; to amend law rela'iye to firemen's relief fund. Sills introduced in the House: By Grier to authorize commis- sicners or ireaeu io pay expenses of veterans to reunions; to tax dosrs; to regulate sale of jrasoHne; to appropriate fund for school for j bund and deal; to regulate sale and distribution of agricultural eeds; to prevent forest fires; to1 . . , , . ! exempt certain entertainments . trom license tax; to preveut con flicts between white. and ca! red T races; to amend law relative to d serving-; to rtuire owners of solvent credits to file list of snrne; to regulate guardi-' ; -ns and executors- to arnend law relative to public printing: to ifP fro firp tnnr.wnt ,nd control infectious diseases, io re guLite collection of taxes, to amenl law relative to seizure of distilleries by sheriffs to- relieve - up li ?n law. to amend constitu tion so as to limit service of cer tain ofSciaTs, to provide for elec tion of county boards of educa don, to provide for printing of reports, to provide against ia fantile blindness, to amend law relative to speed of automobiles, to protect convicts agiinst tuber cular contagion, to a;nend law relative to commerical fertilizer, to provide for iccapture of escap ed felons. The bill to limit service of cer tain officials would fix the limit for constitutional State officers at two terms executive fficers of counties at three terms, excepting educational, judicial, legislative and health officers. The Senate has passed the fol UminiT Killc- I V rnntif tho prpc. c ., . ,. , tion of guide posts on the high- xr .v. r. r 4 wavs oi rortn Carolina, io - j authorize the Governor to appoint iustices of the peace for the several counties of the State to appoint C A Lentz to succeed A Ssfd Test For those who are in need of a remedy for kidney troubles and backache, it is a good plan io try Doan's Kidney Pills They are strongly recommended by Salis bury people. Mrs J L Hunter, 122 N. Ellis street, Salisbury, says: ''Several years ago my kidneys caused me a lot of annoy - ance. My back ached and I felt so weak that I could hardly get about. In the morning I could ytgtnUl ' hn fil good and al ter taking several . boxes, my back felt as strong as .$rer and my kidneys acted re- uiriy. , , , , . 'rice d c, ao-i a eaters, uoat'.u u i wu u u -i Lsimply a,k for a idney remedy lhe .b.Wels- W.hen ,thfi bWels igt Djan's K'duey Piils, i t r7-:i.. r:-i., . i liih jsanie that Mrs. Hunter had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., - Buffalo, N, Y. Inquiry As To Status of interned Ship Crews. Berlin, Feb. 11, via Sayville, Fb. 12, Foreign Secretary Zim merman today informed the Associated Press that he had requested the Swiss government to jirake inquiry in Washington regarding the status of the crews of interned Uerman snips in American ports. Pending an answer, the iz Americans taken by the German raider and brought in by the Yarrowdale, whose release had been agreed to, are being held in Germany the Foreign Secretary stated . w - . AHint to the flsed. If people past sixty years of age could' be persuaded to go io bed as soon as they take cold and remain in bed for one or two days they would recover much more quickly, especially if they take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy There would also be less danger of the cold being follow ed by any of the more serious diseases. Thirteen persons LoseL'iYes In Fire. Mineapolis, Feb. 12' At least 13 persons were believed to have lost their lives in a fire which destroyed the ICenwood Hotel here shortly after midnight, according to police estimates. In addition to the known miss ing are 11 others, unaccounted for, who may be in the ruins, according to D. E. Stalker, prop rietor of the Hotel. One woman is known to be dead. A score pf persons were injured some seriously by leaping' from; the top floors of the structure. wnen tne fire escapes became heated. One woman i jumped to ber gth from the third Soon " , , Winter Brines Colds to Children. UA ?bi,lu r.arelr goes through the whole winter without a cold, am1 every mother sh ,uM bave. d rejjable rernedy handy. Fever, soreMht'Owti tight chest ar.d croupy ci-ugns are sure symp toms A dose of Dr Bell's Pine Tar Honey will loosen tho h:.j:m relieve i he congested lung ar.a stop the cough Its antiseptic 1 rjine balsams heal and soothe For croup, whooping cungh and .lionic bronchial troubles ivy Dr Bell's pine Tar Honey.. At I all di uggists 2pg. hmself as highway commissioner for six years, for the better pro tection of persons on the public highways, to allow uMentee voters to vote, to amend the law relative to applicants to practice medicine, for uniform warehouse receipt, to change the title of the bead of the school for the bjind and deaf from principal to super mtendent and njaking the bead teachers principals. Bills introduced in the Senate: To amend the law relative to the removal of cases before justices of the peace, to amend the law to provide that sons of Confederate veterans may serve, on , pension boards to provide for-.inspection of oils, gasoline, etc; to promote the welfare Of the State by the establishment of agricultural dis- Irii-tc rolatiflfr tn iYia rr-r Man P . r . i to provide tor printing ref State r . r officers, relative to the sale of real property by executors and administrators to pay debts and relative to sales made by trustees, to amend the law relative Jo the examination by the .solicitor of the office of clerks of the Superior courts, to prevent and control of certain infectious diseases, to amend the law relative to pre senting claims of executors, etc., to amend the law relative to Chemical fertilizers and cottott seed meal. Aboat Constipation. j Certain articles of diet tend to check movements of the bowels, The most common of these are cheese, tea and boiled milk On tbe oter 1?n?i raw fruits esPe'. cially apples and bananas, also i graham bread and whole wheat 'bread promote a movement of are htd v conslmated. hownrflr. " ' ----, the sure way is to take one or I two of Chamberlain's Tablets j immediately after sapper. PSILUP S9RS WILL FHOBATED. Provision I!ad9 Disposition cf Great Tracts of Lanj ln;Bowan and Davidsen The contee of the wDl of the late Phillip 4$wers,- one of Ro -wan's largeslflattd owners, who died recently will be of general interest Te Lexington Dis patch, speaking- of its probation in Davidson and Row; n says; j Hamv TT 'fedrJrk and Philin ' r o ?' . , t. ... , countv, have tiled the will for probate in l?th Rowan and Davidson counties. The will sets out the terms &f . division of the bulk of the lanJT which amount to about 4,300 acres of the best in the two counties. Mrs G F Heick is given 520 acres of tne March place and 300 acres of the Kefr place, all lyin in Boone township, this county, to have and to hold for life and after her to her heirs. In addi tion she is given a fee simple title to 117 acres of very valuable land near Spencer, this being the only portion of the lands devised in fee simple. L C Sowers gets the old Daniel Boone place and two other small farms nearby, all in David son and containjng about 1,IQQ acres' John Sowers is left the remainder of the rerr place, about 1,050 acrss situated near Sowers ferry and above the toll bridge. Philip Sowers,. Jr., the grand son of the late Phtlip.Sowers and son of the late Jacob Sowers is ffiven the old home place in Ro- i wan. with something over a thou ani aot-'es of lnd Tib widowed mother is allowed, an income of 2 )0 per year trom. the place so long as she, remains a widow, j No timber can be cut from the miHOF'iatt eisept fop neees- . . j . , , aary use until he reaches majority. He is now about ?iht years old. j The real estate rncU mentioned ic the will.a.nd aJJfsottal pro- perty will be sold and equally j divided. Until recently Mf Sq.v- ( ers had divn(eil ail his'income to I the aiquitvinnt of more r ,nriJ ia,1f and , dismissing indebtedness on tru.s sccu'ecl. V or eighteen monili. however,' he had kept a , pc r-an.,1 savings account and ac- cunuUdted over S4.HK) in tjs tiiiik? MtK'h f lhi valviable latnj wir ii-'iiht v4fs ajro for a paper $103 Reward. The readers of this will be pleased to learn that there: I is at leat one -dreaded disease that scuncc has Uen able to cure ... , , in al Its stages, and that is cat , ar i ; ' lUH'si catarih. ?Uf U The ly jHi'ive curt now , known to or the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, Teuuire a constitutional treat - mcnt H-iliV catarrh cure is taken internally acting directly, upon the blood iir.d mucous surfaces of the sstcm thereby destroying1 tho toundatijn of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the Constitution aud assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative: powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails tocure Send for of testimonials Address F. J. Cheney &Co., TwUdo O.' Sold by all druggists 750 - - " : .Take Hall's family pills for con stipation.. The Barking Lizzard.. . V Atlanta, Ga., Feb M Well, the boys of the National Guard of Georgia who quit their jobs rfnd left their families when they inougnr tney. wsre neiain u tie- ienMiiisnki.ctvrn-t-y nave-at least one cmsolation. when they return from the Mexican border, They will haseen the famous ,. - barking hzird! , This strange animal, or re- Dtile, erows from 18 to 24 inches in length barks from dark till daylight on rainy nights and can be hea d for a mile. It does not bite, however, and is not dangerous. , Pretty Good. My friend, if you are a farmer j And labor in the field, " If you improve your fields each year - . i To grow a larger yield. j If you then raise your own sup- piieSX, And sell to others food. Then I must say to you my friend, You are doing pretty good. Mv friend, if you are a merchant Atld sel1 oods for a dress, If by your honest dealing You make a srood success If vou collect all the accounts I hat rm pnnr KrM-ib-e l-i htq ctnnil ; Tli an T i. 4. r j i "cu luus-.aeiy io yuu my lrienu, My friend, if you are a lawver And plead law at the bar If by your knowledge, wisdom, You make each case so clear, -So that by judge and jurv It is plainly understood, Then I must say to you my friend, - You are doing pretty good. My friend, if you "are a workman, iJutlding ships and homes for men, If you can build theoi strong enough To stand the wind or rain, If you become an expert In iron, steel or wood, Then I must say to you my friend, You are doing pretty goqd. My friend, if you. help niake laws pqr tHe nation or the State, If you work for every good cause That makes a people great. If you do. all the good you can The very best you could, Then I must say to you my friend, You are doing pretty good My friend, if you are a doctor Trying to heal mankind', If you do all to heal' the sick Broken limbs you bind, j And if you nurse them tenderly. .s taillitu.1 qjolOFs WQUiQ, Then I muit say to you my friend, You are doing pretiy good. v friend, if youare a teacher, Teaching in different schools If Jou can g"et Jr pupils. AiUo obey your rules, If you can correct the pupils WithouThecoming xude Then I mus-say to vou my friend, You are doing pretty good, My fnetJff, if OU are a soldier ' upon the battle field, If by vour schemes or bravery You cause your foes to yield, If you can conquer them without ; - Then imustsav to vou myfriend i ne sneaaing ot mucn otooa, ! You are doiny nrettv p-ond. j o c j o 1- c . , , Niy friend, if vou are a minister , -And irj tq gave th : if v'ou can show io all mankind What their redemption cost, lf Jou c;n strenghten weak ones i Bv giving spiritual fool, j Thv-n I must sav to you my friend, j You are doing pretty good. : "Now listen all ye laborers, : One thing ! wish to tell; 1 "ai V 7 , ""'7, And do our duty well, Some day we will be rewarded mi. i. ii i.i i r better than we shouia, ! And be forever happv i wjtH n the fa:t'hful good- A Subscriber. China Grove. N. C. Feb. l'th. i - Chamberlain's Tablets. j These Ta51ets ia for djs'( ire intended es oeciauv lor aisoraers oi tne ' stomach, liver and .bowels. If i you are troubled with heartburn, mc-igesuon or constipaiiun -uiey will do you good Weather forecast for Prom 6 to 14. fair, with snow northwest, and threatening to rain and snow east and cold. Frorn'14 to 21, fair, clear cold, with cold rains along and snow flurry. From 21 to 28, snow, rain and cold, stormy. Some blizzard. FVnm 2A tn Marrh 8 freouent i , i o , - . and considerably cold. February shows cold with some stormv coid winds, snow and rains but last of month cold and rougri. iwm? xvsiuj K. Nq. 3. box 167, balisbury, iN.. LiflgerfngXooghs Are DangeroDS. l Gtt rid of that tickling cough tlmb keep8 you awake at nint and drains your vitality and energy. Dr. King's New Dis- covery is a pleasant balsam rem- ed antiseptic, laxative and j promptly eriective. It soothes the ij iated membrane and kills the cold germs; your cough is soon relieved. Delav is danger- ous get Dr. King's New Dis- oovery asonoe or nearly wty years it has been the favorite remedy tor-grippe, croup, coughs UUU CUIUS. VICL tL UULblH 14 MlrL V Mil a a o i tii . ,1 j. : your druggist, 50c. FalssSiMs aa i to ISsHie Pitcaar. O IIkmi'O Nat'ons. Vfc -Pn s ilent Fn Pr s Derffis I: 53 n ''"!,,irer 35 B sute' w ' u"l,inRtl)n D-- Roman Catholic press and pul- pit arid platform are always dil iU'fnt. in ' oa miner aa a Rnmot. I.Vr Catholic every patriot of the rast .whose services were pfcu'iariy brilliant or valuable. It is im material whether the person.-: - o t-l.timed "by them were real'j R.jaaiin Cuthoiics or not if r.be jvibPu - hi l;e deceived into be- i- . that they were. I r a " . . utompt at such dt- O' ption the Canton, N. J . Rom- hh Citbolic National Hibernian (if Ju!v, 1 9 1 6, has been cauyht with the goods on it. Those acquainted with the his tury-of the Revolutionary v'.'ui remoraber with admiratiou tht heroism of Molly Pitcher, who. 'in the buli.lj uf Mom -xu.nx I: whei her od i U "3 'lii I l S 0 i ' ! L V . f.O ilf Lit. place a.d .served the cannoi villi t-i-i i.i -:icy mid f-ffec during the rernainderof the bat ''i'1- I' , t m i erj i u-ulaiit jit- i ) li'ir! :H " ll!.jffi.! - ti-j.i-. of the American people. n nliiiii'rj:! iiit recn I or..' :i f ui"m -iriril to hor at On ii.-'o. i 'im v ' ! ': ' r: til !U .1 ii! :.lt: 1 I;; W l cai oij.sovai'ioM : '"'Viii e it is. grutifyiiiir ' Amet icans .if the Irish ctu to wittiess the honors paid to tii n 301 ry of Molly . PitGher, Uie Irish girl who served a gun ai the battle of Monm uth, ye it U soiavivvhat of a reflactrm -upon our people that the repveseuia tives of the A. O. H. were absent from the ceremonies incident to the Qpeotion of a mem-jr: p.t Carlisle, Pennsylvacia This in cident conveys a moral, while Irish soldiers were using the sword the aqti Irish 4p.tro! wore using the pen." The truth is that Molly Pitcher w ts neither Irish nor a Roman Catholic. She was of German parentage and attended the Ger man Lutheran Churoh, hs the fol lowhig statemeut of fact Ly the Historian General of the Society of the Sons of the American Rev-, olution shows; Molly Pitcher was born of German parentage and attended a Lutheran ehurrrh, " ,fb she was neither Irish nor Roman Gath olic The Journal of American History, fifth Volume 1911, page 83." It was conclusively shown in the course of a debate in the United States senate on July 25, 1918 that the Presbyterian Scotch Irish, known as Orang emen from the north of Ireland played a most brilliant and credi table part in the Revolutionary War, while the Roman Catholics from other portions cf Ireland were almost totally absent from the American armies. - Piles Cured In 6 to 1 4 Days Vor.r drufrefot w:!l tettind ir.otie If paw. 4 OINTMENT fails to cure any case ot Itching uuna,.cieiinsorrToiiuainK files jit6tolKlay8 The first application cives East ud Rest SOc Forty Below Im in New York Stats. New York Feb. 12 A drop in the temperature to three degrees above zero atf 7:30 a. m. today brought to this city the coldest weather of the season. Official furceast was that it would turn warmer. The rivers and bays about Mew York are filled with heavy drift- ing ice fields today, interfering Q soaia ex!ent with navif a ion bor tne nrst time in eve years the Hudson river is solidly f.uzeii over the three-mile stretc' tween Tarry town ;ind Hundred i epulis mve ' walked fi :u -! i;i .:to shore and several air -s have safly negoti ated the t ip SaratvM. N. Y.. Feb. 12 It was forty degrees below ? o in many pluses in this morn'ng cht coldest Wvjather of the wmiur. 'on Need n tV : t;rn . .-cis co. uie Ltivtt- ! . a. Lt . On,;V.. . V. .. Dln,J B miches the Blo ldso? m& WboleSystenuSOoeats. I '-W. . -r" M.IES IPPLOT3N FH GUNS FOR SHIPS. Gsvernnicnt While CpraMd to Convoys Fayors Farnishise Slifp Cans for Defease. Washington, Feb. 12. P A Franklin, President of the Inter national Mercantile Marine, to day mid e formal application ' to -he N?-y depi.rfment for guns" to arm fjjssenger liners of the American line. Trie request states that th company has been unable to find guns elsewhere. - It is indicated that the Navy department, while opposed front nilitary reasons to any project of convoying American merchant men t to the prohibited su bmarine -o iiu g vri for iinr own defense. Inasmuch as vm government iav:jrs icrmsnmc chm has recognized naval sitores are the only jmnlies of naval uns, has bt.i-n held obtaining. guns fi ooi thu' v.urce does not alter private or commercial character of a shit). Tue navy department, it was stated officially, has a consider able number of old model 3-inch to 6-inch riflet; available for arm ing merchant ships, but not enough for, conversion of all "it wonld : equire n time of war, ,. l-.; fnvi.Vp irmament for ne-vb!!:ii ..en. Toe questiou of supplying trained gun crews for merchant ment is more difficult from the departmental point of view There is objection to drawing: men from active services of the navy at this time, and there is also some question as to what effect such a step would have oa the. status of the ship. The French hip owners furnished guu b tneir nay. were requir ed t'. make oath that they be handled by civilian crews. Wfeea Toa Gave a Cold, Tt is when y . u have a severs cold ttat you appreciate the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy . Mrs. Frank Crocker, Pana, ' 111., writes: Our live-years, old son Paul caught a severe cold last winter that settled on his lungs and be had terrible cousrhinsr snails. " O " We were greatly worried about htm as the medicine we arav him did not help him in the. least. A neighbor spoke so high ly of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy that I got a bottle of it. The hrst dose benefited him so much that I continued giving it to him until he was cured. " A "Bone Dry" Bill I&irodncei & th Senati. Raleigh, N, C, Feb. 12. A "bone dry" bill which r e was careful to declare was divorced from the anti-saloon league or Rev. R, L. Davh, was introduced today in the senate by Jonas, o Lincoln. It would utterly outlaw the stuff as commerce; pr- venting even the shipment for sacramental purpo ses, but alio'. it personally for that use, and would permit physicians to have two quarts mcnthly.as the individual now boes. Senator Jonas said be is not offering this measure as a party affair, though four Republicans have joined him. ' I want to know7 whether this legislature for prohibit m or not4 ' he said. Judge R. 13. DoiigJas Dies la Gre&Rhrt. Greensboro, Feb 8 Judge Robert Martin Douglas, son of Stephjn A. Douglas, and eight years a justice of the State Sup reatne Court, died at his home here today at the age' qJ 68 years. He had been in failing health for several months. Cods' ip a tion lakes Tub DdD That draggy listless, oppress ed leeling .genially results from constipation. The instea"tines are clcvrged and the blood be comes poiso e l. Relieve this coi. iition tit once with Lfr King's New Life Pill?; this gentle, non- igr pni;, laxKt ve is quickly of fer x A c'o at bedtime will mu - u ttel ojighter, in ;the morning. GpI a bottle today at your druggist, 25c V.