r r V- f- - tili fl Tl ' -rT'"" (ts-sssfissiaramu t tea AH I to a fggfseotib flSS tn Policies on Charfces of Marriage. to Obtain .0 .:H -i-ASTi: LliSS hitt TONIC tJi-wts :-' disi it,c: ichcs tha llooi,aaduilds up tiic y fe ja. Attuetoaic. For adults and children. Wc Rncsxsdta eeccad'CStss miter Jaaua Si" Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 14.1917 Snath Gains In Cotton Manufactuniis Washington, D. C, February 6. "'Each month's report from the Census Bureau adds a chap ter to the pass'.:; of supremacy in cotton maauiucturing to ti. South." The repori oi the con jump tion of cotton ia ihe mills of the United States d r ring the vuoml, of December shows that con sumption in Southern, mills dur ing the month , amounted to 3 '7, 617 bales, an increase of 12,08'.) bales, or-4.G9 per cent, nvpr December, 1915. Consumption in the mills ci all other States durinsr the month amouatod o 228,970 bales, a -I ncrease of 30, v- " bales, a decrease of 30,507 -k-K.. or 11.76 per Cf.! it, below De.e in -ber,191S. In the five months'. period en ded December 31, consumpr.o:; in Southern mills amounted tc 1,583,581 bales: an increase 207,218 bales, or 15.05 percent, over the corresponding period last year. Coiumptiou in d.i other States coring the pork 1 amounted tc i,180,381baW.. nr increase of 23.1' 'H bales, or two per cent. .During the iiou". of Decern"': r consumption Southern rn'ti acceded liiut hi the mills of ;vl oiher Stato h; 78,647 bales, or 34.35 per c-u" Increase In Postage Rde for Newers. Washington, Feb. 10 An luj mediate increase from one to ou . and a half ceul :s a pound in tb: postage rate o a newspaper a. id periodicals for mis year auJ to two cents a jound next year is provided in the postoffl.ee appro priation bill or d er ed "reported to the senate today by the post office committee. . The senate committee also re commended an amendment re ducing after July 1, 191 7, the rate on drop let' ers to one cent ah ounce in cities where tbore is carrier service and also on rur:J routes. Senator Bat U head's amend ment to prohibit liquor adver tisements from the mails in pro hibition states also was incorpo rated in the bill. A form of insurance that is likely o nrnvft .-Donular in' America has ap- ' 5 I peared in Vienna. It is that of insur tlt ; inS a rl a2ains bein-an old ma The new form ol insurance of the nrobabiliry that there would be a great-shortage of men following the war and a consequent certainty that there would not be enough to go around. This insurance is just as business like rrA efficient in its arrangements as is life insurance, according to the K?.nsas City Times. Instead of pass ing upon the applicant's health the agent bases her acceptability as a risk upon her degree of beauty, personal ch?-m and wifely qualities.. The prettiest girls are the best risks, the homely ones having to pay the high est m-eniiums. There appears to be only one dif f :Hv .-.bout the arrangement. Who is to fix the age at which the insur ance becomes payable? To claim the insurance would be tantamount to an admission on the woman's part that there is no hope of her. winning a husband. And a great philosopher L-s said that a woman resigns the iusa of setting married only with life itstlf. And another equally great philosopher has remarked that hope ?:."-:ngs eternal m the leminme brcaoi- So it would seem the insur- i ance company has got all the better of the arrangement. Lenoir Bey Victim On ILL-Fated Ship. Lenoir, Feb..J5. Official con fix mation has been received here that . Lee Hawkins, the 16 year old son of Mrs. John F. Barnett, who lives some two miles south of Lenoir, was among the victims of the merchant ship, the prosper 3rd, which was sunk off the coast of France early last June. Maine ihst Does rial Xt'-il T.h. i -Si c ilE tonic am? taxativ-f .7rcJ ! 4&. t ivii ERGMC QCINIXE is beliei ihxu w ah. - Oi&r-iszs tn& Jo rot cause nervouti " -iavje a I'-r.. i:i5.e;nNr toe uH name Freight Train Wrecked at Harrisburs Sunday. A fruit train, northbound from Florida to Washington, carrying oranges, was wrecked Sunday at noon at Harrisbunr, 8 miles south of this city. A flange on the middle of curbed directly in fron? hi the waiting room at the depot,. - 'while: the train was going at a fair rate of speed. - Wrecking crews were immedi ately sent to the scene of the accident from Greenville and Spencer and by sun-down tern-, porary tracks had been erected ; so that all trains could continue service. Trains lNo. 45 ana 4p were in the vicinity of Harris- burg when the wreck occurred and could proceed no further, NoL 46 taking the passengers of No. 45 and backing into Char It tie. while 45 picked up the passengers of 46 and hacked iu'o Salisbury. Fortuuately all members of the crew of iho wrecked train were either in 'lie front or the rear of the train at the time of the wreck and no one was hurt The car on which the detective wheel is said to have developed was in the train. The February BELK iais to be found at One of the Belks' Chain of 16 Stores that Sell for CASH only and Sell for ri M M M When you tnde with us everything must be right or make it so. Don't buy before you see what we Fell it at. You can always depend on finding it as cheap, and generally cheaper, at we Y Q one of the car wheels broke de- work of clearing the wreck was railing fourteen cars Twelve of carried on all Sunday afternoon the cars were turned completely and' night, and til trains are over, and the track for the entire 1 running over the temporary distance in i'ront of ; the depot tracks without delay. Concord was torn up. The accident oc- Times. SARDONIC MOST EXPENSIVE CORAL. ' The long-nogipcted coral is com ing, into its own again in the mak ing of ornaments for milady. Much Of the beauty of the carving has of lat been lost, because many Italian carvers have been sent with the ar mies in the great European war, but the Japanese have taken hold of the industry and Lev j made considerable advance in its development. 'Aside from the carving, the color of the coral has a great deal to Jo ."with the value placed upon it. The most expensive is ''boke," a pale ,qtdnc0 color. Single beads of this color, suitable for manufacture into ornamental hairpins, bring from $10 to $50 each. The next color in value Is pink, followed by white, light red jand dark red. fillip Man on Top Pardon me! The sidcva'k's rather slippery this morn iy, eh ? Man Underneath' Yes; that is true. But have you noticed it is also hard and cold ? fOR FUNERAL SIMPLICITY. Elimination of professional or paid singers and a general toning down in the splendor of funerals of ihe dead is urged by the Evangelical Minlittrs' association of Atlanta, Ga. The association adopted resolu tions asking that funerals be held on day other than Sunday where and that lengthy funeral sermons be cut down to a few words. Part of the resolutions read: "We urge upon all people the good form of uter simplicity in all things per taining to the burial of the dead." i X OPINIONS OF IMPORTANCE. r . Do yoii ;.fefcdy a question thor oughly before you make a speech?" :H"ofi always," replied Senator SdTghum; "somaiimes I only throw out jfcome vague suggestions so that my instij;uenta will come back at me and let me know how they stand in the matter." ; ANOTHER GOOD PLACE.. . ! 3v"e- can't all dwell on Easy teet" eSo, but we can all live on the Bnare." Eanscs City Journal. TRAINING JAPANESE ARTISANS. A realization of the opportunity created by the war for J apan to take the place of Italy in the production of carved coral has led the Japanese government, through the marine ex periment stations, to undertake the training of artisans in the carving of coral for sale in Europe and Amer ica. It is hoped by this measure to increase the value of coral exports from the $500,000 received each year for the crudo coral exported to $35,000,000 for exports consisting entirely of carved coral. VERY TRUE. "There do not 6eem to be many aristocrats at this seaside resort." " fWhat's the matter with the ocean Ml piers r ITS CLASS. ; " HIS BOLE. f 'Toptlite has only a thinking part in the new drama." 1 les; he is cast' in the role of r Husband." life. "Men like to war against this whole feminine scheme of pillow dec oration." "Oh, but that's only a sham fight." LETTING HER OUT OF IT. Yv if e All that you are you owe to me I Hubby Don't tell anybody ! I'll take the blame myself ! Puck. JUST A SUGGESTION. leaf "I'm going to turn over a new this year." "You ought to have a loose-leaf eydem." Puck. FCHEHNDED. To Cure a Cold in One Day Tate LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine It stops the Co-joh aud Hsaclache and works off the Cold. Urupeisfs rffu' d money if it fails to cure. E. W. C ROVE'S signature on each box. 25c Lady I want to sue my husband lor divorce. l iLawyer'What are your charges ? f Ifedy What are yours first? Tlir fnrnitnre and fixtures for he ii:tfi--or of the" new St JuIilV Lutheran chuich o.vi btiiip liauled tc the church and will be installed in a few days. Mrs.George Parker, Water St.. Men asha. Wis., writes: our family for a number of years, aud have found it a perfectly . reliable mediciDS. If soon rids the sys tem of any traces of a cold, and pre vents serious con sequences. "I began using it for catarrh, which I suffered with a good many years. tnit naa not ueen very serious until recently. Since I have taken Peruna the dropping in my throat has discontinued, and my head and nose are not so stopped up in the morning. I am pleased with the results, and shall continue to use it until I am entirely rid of catarrh. "I hearuiy recommend it as an honest mediciue." What it does for her it is ready to do for you. PERUNA in Your Home A housewife must give the first aid in ecldscougbs snt? other ailments. Her promptness in applying the remedy often saves a serious illness. Her experience with remedies has led her to know that PERUNA is always reliable, that she should have it on hand for the immediate treatment of-coughs and colds, and that it is always to her The Family Safeguard The experience of one woman, given herewith, is typical of thousands of let ters that reach the Peruna- t Company from grateful friends who have found their Homes incom plete, and their family safety in danger without PERUNA. Colds and Catarrh The great weight of testimony that has accumu lated in the 44 years that PERUNA has been on the market proves it, beyond question, to be the reliable family rem edy, ever ready to take, preventing the serious effects of colds, coughs, grip and derangements of the digestive organs. This proof is published from time to time and many families have profited by it. . Rancmbcryoo caa abtaia PERUNA ia taUtt fata far yaw cantaiaaca. Caory k wilk yoa aad ba fartiflea afaiait taadca attacks. The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio i SHOES Buy Shoes now for next winter We are now buying- our 1917 fall stock of Shoes and paying much more tnan we are now selling same shoe at and no hopes ot cheaper prices soon. Lot of Odd Pairs-Big- lot of odd pairs of Shoes, all kinds picked from our regular stoek. These are marked very cheap to close out, much less than cost to make. Women's $2.00 vici kid, kanga roo or Jbox grain blucher or but ton shoes Sale price $1.49 Women's vici kid, gun metal, dress shoes 12.50 value for 1 95 and 2 00 Women's 3.00 gun metal or pat ent high lace or button 2 75 Women's 5.00 kid high lace shoes for 4 50 The Store of many Big Values and little prices bg stock and courteous treatment foraif. Women's 7 50 dark taa high lace welt shoes price 5 95 God man's shoes for children give the best service of any and sell cheaper than other makes not near so good 98o to $1 95 Men's dress shoes gun metal blecher for only 2 OO Men's 3.50 dress shoes in English or blucher welt our price 3 OO Charlotte ond Belk's special shoes in patent, tan, gun metal and kid Price 3 50 and 4 OO SPECIAL IN COAT SUITS $7.50 and $10 coat suits not this season style but good, ser viceable suits for 1 98 $10 serge coat suits this season style clearance sale price 4 95 $15 coat suits serge and poplin all new style Price 7 45 $2.50 and 3.00 wool skirts clear ance price 1 25 and 1 48 mi M M mi M mi M mi M mi M H Always come to our store and get posted. BP M Hotice. ) In Rowan counly court ' ' ' fciS dear steady hght of the" 'J lfffijjlf Rayo Lamp makes thinking gagpfgfgjy " 1 ful to the eyes. IL& pnh Steadier than gas more & JJ cheaper than either. JbAJpI& 1 Use Aladdin Security Oil SSfegll the most economical kero- j d sene op for best results. i H (New Jersey) - I a BALTIMORE, MD 1 Washington, D. C. Charlott- N. C. Norlh Carolina, Kowan Counly. March Teitu, 1917. Mar Annie Earnhardt ) Kobert l.ee Earnhardt J The defendant above named will lake loiiie that an acdon entitled as above has een commenced in the Ruperior ( ourt of Rowan county, N, C, to dissolve the bonds if matrimony now existing between the i Kiauiijn ana reienaani on accouut ot ihe lefendant having commuted fornication tod ad al'ery as alleged in the complaint, i'd the (hid Robert Lee Earnhardt will uri her take notice that he is required to tpnear at the term of the Superior court of iid ounty to be held on the first Monday ifter i le first Monday in Nj arch, the came being March 12, at the court houee of sai ;ountT in Salisbury and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the piin- i ft will appeal to the court for the relief lem -iided in aaH complaint. 11ns tebrusry 7, 1917. J Frank McCtjbbin?, clerk folin L Rendleman, attorney. Ill iet immcdislc xid Troir si !.J I Dr. ShooD's tfz&c Qlntrw No. 66 This ! prescription prepared especially tor MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six dotes will break any case, end if taken then, as tonic the Fever will noi return. It acta on the liver better than Calomel and doea not ripe or sicken. 25 RUS-MY-TISfifi Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores. - Tetter. Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c 400 Typewriters All kds and aU grades. REMINGTONS $12 up. ' Instruction? with each machine Typ and repair purls for all makes ol Typewriters. EMPIRE TYPE FOUND RY, BUFFALO, N. Y. 1M-16. 1 pr. Get rid. of dandruff it makes the scalp itch and the hair fall out. Be wise about your hair, cultivate it, like the women in Pans do. They regularly se 8 the ' mm EAU DE QUININE nderful French Kair Tonic. Try it for your ?A2 its cxcjuisite-ci ualit y and fracrrance. Aristo- c.i-lic r ic : ! women the world over use and endorse I this Lv.'oy.v -reparation. It keeps the scalp clean and v:.V: -:.:C prcseivts trievcutlixul brilliancy of the hair. i fiOo "fwtrle from your dealer: or send 10c to our Ameri . ;kcs for a testing bottle . Above all things don't neglect your hair. ED. PIKAUB Bidg., Kcw York PARFG8EH1E ED. PiNAUD, Dept. M M B h - - - . .x cOnyx' g You Get GOOD Value at ANY Price Silks LUle or Cotton g 25c to $5.00 per pair 9mm Hosiery u M 5 WHOLESALE Emery 'Beers Company, inc. 153-161 EAST 24th ST. HEW YORK KHHlllKMMKKHXHSKMIIIMMMHRKIMHHHHHHKKKHSHKUMBHMai The Pleasure of Reading by LAMPLICHT Is denied many people on account of imperfect vision. You may seem to suf fer no inconvenience by day but find it painful and difficult to read or do close work by lamp light. If the above is so with you, you are injuring your eyes every day that you put off coming to us for glasses. SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE A Full Line of General Merchandise Constantly On Hand FOOT HEST HOSIERY, whether it's appearance yon waul in hosiery or wheather it wear you will gel it if you gttt-"Fo&t Rest " And thiR too ie au end nee ment to mostof ijs. You'll SAVE MONEY. Fail and winter good p, heavy weight nnderwfar for men and woman, also Dress Goode, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries, pantry produce, leed stuff, etc. When in ueed come to see me. Fsi-mrrs are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, W. W. TAYLOR, 103 S. Main St., Salisbury, N. C. Thnne o9. Jbo. H. BrowD, Opt. D, CHINA GROVE, N. C. MIDWINTER EXCURSION .TO WASHINGTON, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Wednesday, February 14th, 1917. The Southern Railway will operate low round-trip fare ex cursion from North Carolina points to Washington, D. C, Wednes day, February 14th 1917. Special train consisting of Standard Putnoau Sleeping cars and high class day coaches to leave Char lotte at 8:4o p. m. arriving Washington 8:00 a. m. Thursday, Feb ruary 15th. The following round-trip fares will apply from sta tions named below: Greensboro $6.00 Gastonia 8.00 Elkin 7.50 Hickory 7.50 Statesville 7.00 Charlotte Coacord SALISBURY Lexington Hijrh Point Siler City $7 50 7. 5o 7.00 6-.S0 6.50 7.00 Morganton N. Wilkesboro Mt Airy Albemarle Winston-Salem $7.50 7 50 7.50 7.00 6.60 Fares from all intermediate points same basis. Tickets srood firoiner onlv on snoAki train ah regular trains except train No. 37, Passengers on branch line points win use regular tram to -junction point, connecting with special t"ain 0 Ticket aood for three diys in Washington Sric- Congress in session and the other attractions at the Na--U 1.il Oapiial. Pullman reservations 'should be made in advance For full and complete information, pullman reservatious, etc... consult nearest Southern Railway agent or write S. B. Burgess, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C;.. vm 1 eiTicrirn WITH YOUR COMPLEXION? svrn rf unti m jU and your complexion will tac care of $011. CHOOSE PURE AIDS. CHORSP rDrur...u. PURE, DAINTY. TOILET CREAM THAT HAS STOOD TUP TrcT cro virr-,r. "Makes the skin like velvet" SEND 10C FOR LARGE SAMPLE JAMES C. CRANE, 104 FULTON ST.. NEW ARE WWWWVAWM 3 YORK "J:-. -'---. 4 .,

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