of interest to ftLV 8F OUR READERS. II Effective last Monday the Southern Ra'lway shops in Spencer increased its working time to nine hoars per dayg The first quarterly confer ence of the year 0 First Methodist church here wiP be held tonight with Ir-J G Rowe, presiding elder. Capt. R R Crauford of Winston-Salem, a former citizen of Salisbury, is re ported quit- ill. A force of carpenters here b3guu work'ou repairing and enlarging the Y. M. C. A. building in Spencer. Among the features on the program now being arranged for the county commenct; meut, which i to be held oi or kbout the 6th of ApriV will be three band3. It is learned that John Cro?sette, the Rowan man whpse throat was badly cut hv a druufeeu IMegro gome time ago at Neverson and is now in a hospital in Wiifon. is improving and now believ ed to recover. Hie eon who who was also attacked by the negro at the same time, has almost recovered. Rev. V. Y. Boozer, a former Rowan Lutheran minister, was officially installed as pas tor of Lutheran Chapel iu Leesvile, S. C , last Sundav John Stuart, a well knon engineer on th3 Southern oi Crescent, was brought l Salisbury Friday enroute i Morgauton where he was to be put at the. State hospital for the insane. Sometime ago he received a blow on his head which is considered to be responsible for hie unbal anced mentality. The work of erecting th- tmilding for the nt-w lex?!" plant at Yadkin nar the to!, bridge is nearing a comple tiDn It will take only about a week or ten days, to .finieh the laying of the bricks unri then the irachinery will b installed and the plant made leady for operati m, John W Peeler, of Koct well, who was in Salisbury Saturday has ju?t returned from Atlanta, Ga., where he attended a big gofd r ad-meeting. The Salisbury Spene.ti Mini8terium held its remi'ar , monthly meeting iu the home of Rev H A Welker in Faiih Monday and the member were invited to a sumptuous . dinner. The Y M C A campaign gan yesterday for raising the budget of the work for two years, and the amount aekd is $1,250 quarterly for eight quarters. 12 teams 1 m-.n and 2 women were nair.ed to canvass Up to noon today nearly $5 500 has been secured. rowre. YOV r'" I , ( Cf'i'" I ! ""lauC , or- . FT2MOoin - j, (a tun H v I . ' ' ' " ' ' ' . ' " ' " " ' ' y ' s. ' l2 : -J 1 The boards of county com-ni- to tiers, aldermen of Spn ?er ind al i-rmen of Salisburty went ou a tour of inspection M-iiu street. Salislmry ave tr.ie and the highway throngh Sncr- Tuesday and there - - idence of tver7 member agrfei.ig to widen the road ud u-rt the chain gmg on same. It will thusly minimize ihv danger of accidents. The annual inspection of t'ni ?ocal militiamen, 4 h Co 0 A C will re hll about the itil-ielle of March and it ie lioj.ed that our company will sink-' a crt-ditab e siiow ing. The companies of th Firet ? 5 regiment which ha j; -eturned irotu t- e VUxi ia! oider have r-iiiv ! or ie to be mustered ut a. (. u i as possible. 'i he Salisbury Chapter of tb American RHdC'r' held a in. eti)g in the old .-ouit h- u-f Monday ft rj;ooi. M; Eleanor Clark, - f Old Fori, and a trained nu the first volunteer to i.-fler her rij rice to the natio. in case ot -vdr. John, the young son ot En gineer and Mrs James Branch met with a painful accident at their h me ou West Lafay ette street Monday when he fell from a tap z in the yard and his arm was badly cut. L D B Brown, ?. weT known officer of Granite Qa-irry, has rec-rived two fuP.-Modtd bloodbmnd:- ind I MARRIAGES l Miss Je89ie Josephine Sur ratt was married Saturday evening to (ruy Sloop, the ceremony being perf jrmed by R-v W A Lambeth, the bride's pastor, at t.'-e home of Mr and Mrs Kerr Mowery on Sout h Long s- reet. M r Sloop ! ravels for a WinstcnSalem ''ouse and his bride is a laughter cf Mrs S R Bntner of Badiu. 'ihey wi'l live here. Tuesday morning Miss. Jo ?ephine B Atkins, of Concord, n;d Russell A Barntaidt. of charlotte, were married at the Fi st Baptist pirsonage, ilev C A CJ 'Ihomas nffi-iaU ng. Mr Uaru-'aidt is well known here having beu con nected with the Thompson Construction Uompnuy fiere, M-.duow with tha1- company in Kannapolis. Mrs Bar; nardt is teaching in the ludi- in-schools iu New MeX'co. Court News. The February 'erm T Row an superior court convene! last Monday with His Honor Judge H M Jnst'ce on the bench. Ti e term is fo" two weeks Tli-Te wns oji" mur der case, Na. c" 1 arks, a ii j;.m .) wi)iii'i! , sbsyerot' Emma Jack-w'J. anulhr-i- ngr wo rn ri. a n ram;) iu Western KowaM. crif''. c t iegrer' n:d w;i.-: s--nteuced to ten ye.:i i i ih" 'tate pHni-. enitnr- . Siie entered plea of i trder in second Will Cciton eo Eack to 20 Cents? Atl-ui'M Ke'. 9. In spite of ti e a ai d the diploma- ic r'.'i 'uie 'vitb Germany and th-1 1 r-rik in fiduies on N-w Y;k ! Kxchc'.Dffe, cot ton1- go';.:-ir h .-; to 20 cents an'1 -wty ! e or 1 hereabo.r for the .isii i?e and'fuud un tl hi hat world 'd iIH:T-:d. :! f Xc'ndjimr ill Cen I t weis r j g e;t r vi Hew Sliotling The pope's Morning Star agrain attention to some things t cause wide-spread Sy.tem Company of Ohio. Cjrntihe vrld'- ttj?ply. A ' such irlie opin- ioi -'l Kt.ile. K. Calloway, of h- t c -: ; s ire A g r i j n 1 1 u ra 1 Co m w " w-v T-V 1 . x a runnier J I) fru-w ano Iheftock pej,sot Speuce. jrt!;. ,M.h. ,;ljrf!0,j the eub. J I Klnt former chitf of UUUCO 1 LI JJOOV kjvtiv - - 1 . . tried this week in Virgiu'a lor; vv - "-7 bigamy and pleading guilty of tiwking eriirmals was sentenced to three years Salisbury is n? w engaged in in the state prison. He has a making a thorough inspection wife living in East Spencer 0f telegraph h.'i:? ligh. another in Virginia and a:an1 street rai.'ay poh; with othei in Alabama, makiug' Q the city limit with a view three living wives. : to ascertaining thuir sound- rT.:, o zja nA 90 es.. All defective poles will ' m 4 1! h vnara snn nT .ivira Alice ivi J VM m Ih7 ' -v - ' 8unday were rilled with n;any ?ar loads os horses as:-d mul s destined for warring countries in Europe It is not known just what route they will be taken across since the German -ubmarine campaign makes it impossible. Dr L C Brown, p Rowan native but now at the head of a great Lutheran s,.hocl in Japan, is here on ? visit ani will make an address a,t St Johu's Lutherau chnrch liext Suuday. He h s been ia Japan aF a missionary for years. . who r .dvi-ii;g !hf tn 1 i.;ne purr pre.-ent flurr in the nwiik t. but to In Id all the sp A co't u 8!i!l iu th-jir 2 fai stT';t'ken bv tii' haj'.d.s unt:l back. tiie price goes 18 HnMur Viuro mpf. 'orith iliiliri" es at Neverson, a granite Bound ones, town near Wilson, Sunday' resulting in hi death. fcH was employed as a stack painter at the rock quarries and fell frm a derrick and was rushed to a sanatorium at Raleigh hut he d!ed a few hours later. His be condemned and ordered removed a; d replaced w.tb iiiaiiguratioa Will Bs Held As Planned. Washington, Feb 9. Formal announcement was made yester day that in spite of the foreign situation, the public inaugura tion ceremonies March 5 will be remains np.ia as planned. werft hroncrht to Salisbury 'twas stated that it will be Monday and interred iu ';he -tn tde impressive" in oro.-r to aff - niiuatnnt H511 mpfrvr rr.l an onoortunitv fjr a perU. Vl-LVC AJL&& w-uvvva Against any Farther Discussions ol Peace. Washington, Feb. 12. Sha p letusal to cnns'djr hints for a discussion of the subnvriiiH siluntiou with G jr many unless iJ be preceded by the abandonment of the cr.mpaigr; ut ruthlesnegs and re'storaiiou of Suffolk pledges wa.; fu-rec-st today. The offi' i 1 opin ou hai srlid fijd til -i t the Grma sn.rr tioii tor neg T;atnns c-nnot be ousi'erl while sliios ar hf'b'g sunk iu a The infant of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Rradoly, died at the home of its parents on Nrth Shaver Steet, late Wednesday after noon. Its remains was taken to Liberty church for interment on Thursday. - 4 Gerard and Suite in Washington, Feb. 12. Official report on the arrival of former Ambassador Gerard and his suite at Zurich, Switzerland, reached the State Department today from the American Minister Stovall. at Berne. They added nothing ti the information already pub ished. Oavihon ioiiiK Mm is Instantly Killed. Lt-xb'gt'-n. Fe. 7. Clois Kv-rhardt, a young man of 18 yars waabi Oct suddenly kilbd vet-terday afteruncn about four miles east ot here when a shotgun w?s accident ally discharged while he was crowing a fence I he whole load tookeifeet in the gioiu, ?ev-red two arteries and broke one thigh. Before aid could be secured h verb art iid, although a phy ician who examined the wouno said no medical aid could have availed to save the young man. A FRIEND'S ADVICE Woman Saved From a Seri ous Surgical Operation. .oftamnnn Hh leaves lv sDOutaneous extooiuon ot tne: April, ine sti:i was Drofcj a wife and a child. Officers Capture Sill and $ Operators. - A big 60-gall n still was cantured near Mewmm. Dav- idson Uouuty last Thursday j campaign wnicu nas rrougni revenue officer? n nioial condemnauou i,t the uutrale of the world. Officials are ad mi it ng to- dv f r ihe first timf the re- cj''pt of Mich an o'fer iiirougii the S i-s .minister, regard- this sug.'sti n a an attempt to bech'u 1 tl:e i-?u' and weaken t.! gov ;n -i-: ;:".- t u rition. T .-y g . ve nr imatio) that it inuM bemni b y ? , n. i a ti) -T'iey re.ird it as sme what slrauge that .Germany should dow sljnv a williujr- ietiB to negj;iat. on a subj-..-? vnicli sae u i.ito -tf witiibUi disc iCU w:th t'a country or aay a'l-mpi. Uj i give the Am-inca-a "viewpoiat afternoon by E. Toibert and (.-. L. NIy and Deputy Sheriff F. C. Sink. It was at the home of Jim Baily, who with his sev- enteenyear-old sou, was ar rested aud taken to Iexing ton, aud, remaining there over night, were brought tu Salisbury Fri lay morning. Ihey whi's. giveu a Lnwriii.. before U S, (Jommiio .:.v, W. L iiay aud were put uti der bODds of 250 aud $100 respectively. Not, t- to give bond t iej to aii to aw tn t v x of the f. erf. ;;uii; ;. tu v u. -ia here on tie : ord an opportunity t.ir a 1 . .,,ii..aniK pirh v ri ill itl iv sjuuiaufcun" - - " 1 . - patriotic feeling of the country,"up and the outfit confiscated. 1 consideration. Tomsville. Kv. "For four years I suffered from female troubles, head aches, and nervousness. I could not sleep, had no appetite and it hurt me to walk. If I tmed to do any work, I would have to lie down before it was finished. Tne doc tors said I would have to be opera ted on and I simply broke down. A friend advised ma to try Lydi8 E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, and the result is I feel like anew wom an. I am well and strong, do all my own house work and have an eight pound baby girl. I know Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound saved me from an operation which every woman dreads. Mrs. Nellie Fiseback, 1521 Christy Ave., Louisville, Ky. Everydne naturally dreads tiie sur geon s Kniie. sometimes nouung eise -will do, but many times Lydia E.Tink haxn's Vegetable Compound has saved the patient and made an operation un necessary. If you nave any symptom about which yea would like to know, write to. the , Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, j Mass., for helpful advice given free. calls .i . mai must cause wiue-xpie.-iu consternation and alarm. On its i editorial page of Uct zb we are told that the president of the United States has actually re-: fused to receive the Most Rever- end John Bonzano, Apostolic ; Deleeate and several other j things; but tnerely permitted the1 said John to hold audience with his private secretary. , j And that is not all. On an other occasion when Cardinal Gibbons made one of his numer ous incursions into the of3.ee of the national executive, he was addressed as Mr. Gibbons, thus insulting the church. Just think of a president so wanting in re- ect for this aggress bn of mountebanks! Tbe ship of state is rushing on the breakers. Cal imit.y is not more than r haw ser's length t-head. Pass thu life preservers, and everybody io the boats! What is the use of mystic mon keyshines if gendemen of the red headgear can be "mistered" by a mere president of the United States? This president must entertain the heretical idea that nothing outranks an Amer ican citizen. He should be dis ciplined; and will be if the Morn ing Star can shine long enough. The Menace Dormitory at tbe Normal is Burned. Greereboro, Feb. One of the dormitories of the State Normal aud Industrial college w?sdestioyed by lire shortly after midnight. Thirty yourg ladies escaped unin jured, but lost.ail tneir per gonnl effects. Less is proba bly SI. 001. The building was owned by Mrs Jones, of South Port and was used as a dormitory by thf- chopl. (t in Sell;., of Haleigh, is sTtiidiug several days in this cii y with his mother. He is in w traveling for the Ingle For Stiff' Neck Apply Sloan's Liniment aithot!t robbing to the sore leaders and the pain wiii soon bs relieved. For rheumatic aches, neuralgia, gout, lumbago, bruises, strains, sprains and muscle 6tiffness, have a bottle handy. Quickly penetrate1; and soothes, cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, does not stain tlm skin. At all druggists, 25c. 50c, and $1.C0. , RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the surest way to stop them. The best rubMng liniment is Li it! iff Korca, Mu, , Cattle, Etc Good for gi-.r own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cnts, Haras, Etc 25c 50c ;!'., " At all Dealers. unlit rw IhtlllllIAIlfiHlJ4tM J9, A M!j.i r i After a night of resdessness due to a hacking cough, with its strain and disturbance on your whole system, you feel completely exhausted. Do not let the cold wear you out and encourage more serious illness. Take Dr. King's New Discovery and get grateful relief, it quiets the annoying cough, relieves the colds and grippe makes you reel com fortable again and you get the much needed rest Yorjf dricrsflst has sold it for years. 1 ry it