r r -'--- rr-K-.e-: -' ..:y A Home Newapaper Pabliehed in the Interest 'oiJiha'.Teople and for Governmental Affaire. tiiM" i ii it --rt"rt--i ts.i- SALISBURY, N C. , WEDHH) SBlfjTSSSIJ A ET 21ST, 1917. Wm, H, STEWART, ED. AHD PRO?. TOL. XHL KO. 10. FOURTH SERIES hi 1 If - l Iff -t 1 WATCH IS BEING KEPT ON CUBA. Ha Me Ti Interlera Unless It Shall Become Necessary Ta Give Island Stable Gevernmeat. Washington, Feb. 17. A close watch on the situation created in Cuba bj the insurrection of the Liberals was continued by the State Department todiy, but no further steps were decided on, and official reports indicated no radical development either in the plans of the rebels or those of the Gorerment. The rebels still hold Santiago Camaguey, and minor successes in small towns and in the country aear-by ere reported. The GoTernment troops, it was said, iwere moridg steadily toward the .occupied districts. Owers were spent today to Min ister Gonzales the 12 American consular officers in Cuba and the ommanders of the American taaval vessels at Havana, Santi ago and Guautanamo, to make a thorough investigation not only of the military phases of ,the sit uation, but of its economic and political aspects. It was declared that unless made necessary by developments, no step towards interference by the United States would be taken un till the reports had been studied. Administration officials have made it plain that there is no disposition- to interfere with Cuban affairs unless they are compelled to do so in order to cmaratitee the' oeoole of that country a stable government. When Tei Hare iCeM. Jfc is when you have a sevei e cold that you appreciate the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Mrs. ..Frank Crocker, Pana, I1L, writes: rianht a severe cold last winter hat settled on his lungs and he had terrible coughing spells' We were greatly worried about him as the medicine we gave him did not help him in the least. A neighbor spoke so high ly of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy that I got a bottle of it. The first dose benefited him so much that I continued giving it to him until he was cured " Some Big New Engines for the Southern. Fifteen new passenger locomo tives of the powerful '-Mountain type have just been received by the Southern Railway System and will be placed in service be tween Washington and Atlanta, handling the heavy limited trains Nos. 37 and 38, the "Na.w ori? and New Orleans limited". These locomotives are heavier and more powerful than any previously in service on the Sou thern. The engines alone weign 316,000 pounds and with their tenders measure 74 feet, being seven feet longer than the Mikado type freight locomotives. They have eight driving wheels 69 in ches in diameter and are of high steaming -capacity, the boilers having a diameter of 76 inches and being equipped with super heaters. The cylinders are 27 inches in diameter with a -piston-stroke of 28 inches, the S-mth-orn Valve Gear" which was in vented by Engineer W. S. Brown, of the Southern's Knoxville di visiou, being used t?or the present they are being operated in freight service but afrer they have been "broken in'" Lhey will be placed in their re gular runs. They were built by the Baldwin Locomotive work. Eight others of the same type were ordered by the Southern in November. PROTECTING HEALTH IN FEBRUARY. GOARDSfflEN CRDIrSB TMOIP BQRDER. ' Killed by Fallin Tree. Mooresville, Feb. 16. Jim Goodman, the 14 year-old son of Pink Goodman of Bear Poplar -neighborhood, Rowan county, was killed yestjerday afternoon by a. tree falling on him in a field where h and three other Drothers -were plowing. They had set fire to a couple of trees and one had already fallen and the other fell unexpectedly, killing the boy in stantly. He is survived by his father, mother, several brothers and sisters. One of the many Bufletins Belne Sent out'flnii tastUmt is ExpscteCJc feelEn&alned Washington, Febf , 17. Orders That is Wortb Consideration. Tf U i tnie that Februarv is t ie I-..';. . - it I it J .nara iactl&A lV fllf -TiHTia ft unneaitniest monia m mc yci, , :r-r---.-r.-t is there anything a man can do to ment today - directjf General nrotert himself during this Funston to begin ttt immediate month?" This question was asked .demobilization of av the guard the State Bord of Health recently units remaining in j.tuer camps. and received the following reply : ( and it is expected tJt-at the last Tf ic tniA 4hat Februarv UaS ine irouu iidu win wajr If oeoole past sixty years of age could b persuaded to go to bed as soon as scney iaKeeouuu remain in bed for tins or two days, they would recover much .more quickly, especially if they v take Chamberlain's Cough Rem -,edy. There would also be less danger of the cold being follow ,ed by any of the more serious diseases. Say go Before Congrss any Time. Washington, Feb. 15. ,While it atill was indicated that the ac cumulation of violations of Ameri can rights tnight lead the Presi dent to go before Congress at any time, it was stated today that he has made no definite plans for taking such steps im mediately. When he will go before Con gress, it is said, will depend en tirely on circumstances. Opin ion grew among officials, how ever, that such a step would not Joe long deferred. .Nothing has been heard by the fState Department today from -Germany in reply to its inquiry ; as to the exact status of Ameri - cans taken into Germany on the shirjr Yarrowdale. Like- f" r yiise no news cam from the American Embassador at Con- lfantinopie, about Americans in 'Turkey. Winter Mm Colds to Children. A chila rarely goes through the whole winter without a cold, and evry mother should ha?e a reliable remedy handy. Fever, soro throat, tieht chest and croupv coughs are sure symp toms. A dose of Dr Bell's Pine Tar Honey will loosen the phlegm relieve the congested lungs and atop tne cough Its antiseptic nine balsams heal and soothe. For croup, Whooping Cutrgh at chronic bronchial troubles try Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey. At all diuggists. 25c Civil Serviee Examinations. The following civil service ex aminations will be held in Salis bury on the dates named: Clerk qualified in modern language pn March 7-9; Electrical machinist, Landscape gardener, and Mech anical draftsman March 13; Phy sician March 14; Foreman brick maker March 20; Assistant in market business practice and Copyist draftsman M?rch 21. freacb User Sinks German Submarine. New York Feb. 19. In a forty minute battle between a German submarine and the French line steamship Guyane off the coast of France, on January 22, the submarie was sunk, according to officers of the freighter which arrived here today from Bordeaux. The Guyane was one day out of port. At 3:30 p. m. the Captain said the submarine was sighted some distance to port, and appa rently endeavoring to cross the freighter's bow in order to stop her. The submarine fired a shot which fell short, and thg Guyane then turned sharply to star-board so that the big gun mounted at the stern could be trained on the approaching vessel. The sub marine fired tfcp second torpedo, which fell considerably short and the" third, which struek the water close by the freighter. Meanwhile the Guyane sent one sheli, which failed to hit, but struck very near the mark, the second shot from the Guyana, the captain said,, hit the submarine fairly, and the underwater boat was seen to col lapse. highest sickness rates oi any month of the year. Last year this fact was well tested in New York City. A census was taKen, in August and another one in Februaryof a district that con tains almost 30,000 people. The August census showed that .the sickness rate was only 8 per 1,000 population while the February rate was Z5. in otner woras, there was . three times as much sickness in February as in August. The census showed further that 75 percent of those unable to work in February were ill with colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, and diseases o'f the breathing apparatus. Rheumatism and digestive disturbances were num erous as also were nervous disea ses. "It appears from the foregoing statement that February sickness is largely preventable, therefore there is much a man can do to guard his health during this month. Fortunately for those who would take such precautions, usnally whatever is done to guard against one disease guards again st several. To prevent colds whiph is inlhe main "to create a resistance to colds by living and sleeping in fresh" air and by avoiding . overheated rooms, people with colds, overeating and constipation will largely prevent also pneumonia, grippe and -brSiicMti;.i-: 'i'os? "To relieve rheumatism, which is quite frequently doneby having the teeth repaired the gums and tonsils treated or adenoias remo ved. Will also relieve digestive disturbances and nervous disor ders. To keep the body in a fine, healthy condition is the best safeguard for one's health at any time.'? Nnrih hv March 7 J - GeHeral b unston win have on the border nearly. 5K(U0 regular troops disposed aloig the line from Brownsville to Yuraa, Ariz , on plans worked out ty the gen eral staff. li - SeQ-etary Baker Smphasized that the withdrawaoi the State troops is in no way -connected with the crisis wita Germany, but carries out a policy determin ed on long ago. The order; was issued after General Funston hid reported that he had.fenough re gulars to meet any border exigeus cies that might arise.- " M'aiJy guard units already had been war dered home during the past' few weeks, and the number of guards men remaining and to?,be?d.emofi iized under today's crSfcr is ab'ottt 53,000. V Administration ofhdals are un derstood to have bejen Convinced by the reports of special observers tor the State Department and the MAY GO BEFORE CONGRESS AGAIN, j Anotlier Dam Started on the Yadkin River. ' , ' Albemarle Feb. 17. That Steps Considered Because of Possibility of there is to be another big dam on Emeraency Necessitating Quick Action. . lhe Yadkin river, constructed by Washington, Feb. 17. The ad visability of going before Con gress before the end of the pres ent session March 4. to make cer tain that he be clothed with sufficient power to protect Ameri- tne Tallassee Power fompany, no longer is a matter of doubt, as more than 300 men are already engaged in active work down the river, about four miles below Badin. A railroad is beingfbuilt can lives and propertv , from j frotn Badin down the river so as German submarine activities, was, to convey materials and supplies discussed by President Wilson to day with members of the Senate .wbom.be called into conference during a brief visit to the Capitol Afterwards, it was indicated that the President had not made up his mind on the question, but had such a step under considera tion because of the possibility that after adjournment some sudden emergency might arise necessitate ingaction before Congress could . .The suggestion was made that Congress might be asked to pass a broad resolution, authorizing the President to take any necis sary measures for the protection fvAmerican rights, and avoiding specific stipulations as to how the protection should be afforded. It was'indtcated that Mr Wilson re mains as anxious as ever to avoid war," and that he gave no sur Ifestion that a declaration of war which Congress alone can make, iseven considered by him at present in connection with the Army that there isliUle possil possibility of a request for addi- bility of a recurrence of serious Ubn al authority. raids. . . . i he general reeling nere It also is desired tn.it the. Car rbeen lhat Germany's submarine A WOMAN'S BACK. Advice of This Salisbury Woman is cf Certain Yawe, Many a woman's back has many aches and pains. Oftimes 'tis the kidney's fault. That's why Poan -s Kidney Pills are so effective. Many Salisbury women know this. Read what one has to say about it: Mrs J r barber, 51U W. Innes street, Salisbury, says: "My back causes me a lot of misery, when ever my kidneys get out of order. I find Doan's Kidney Pills are the only medicine for curing that trouble. I ha ve taken them for years and they have always been beneficial." Price 50c, at all dealers Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan s Kidney Fills-the same that Mrs Barber had. Foster Milburn Co., Props-, Buf falo. N. Y. . . ranza. government b?embarrassed as little as possible ft its effoftsl to control Mexico .uV the pres ence of a large army. t the border has been a cQiistaBt-cau.e oj QO'oj plaint from Mexic.ai The re duciion is expected b v. officials' here to have a bentjticijil'effecf'-on rda'ios between Xyfmi tries, especially just now when diplomatic intercourse is being reumcfl. Constipation Makas You Dull. That draggy, listless, oppress, ed feeling generally results f r-om ccsiipatiuii. The instestines un; cii'ggfti and the blood be conieN ;-i.sui)ed. Relieve this CQ:.-4tii;n M1 QCi With Dr Ring's No t .if A re t lli.- U its li Lie, n-n- srr i i i ' Fux;-.tive rs quickly fec'tvw. A dose' at bedtime will feel brigh'er, in the Uofc a bottle Uduy at your dni-'gi-- 25u. m.S;t' you up the river, at the big lake which will bemad for the work, already commenced. it is a!so reported, upon good authority, that a big reservoir d.iui is to be built several miles head of the when the-water is stopped by the big Bdin (am which is now well on towards completion. it is said that this big reservoir dam will be about four miles above the old Whitney site, and this is to be used oniy as a reserve for any drougth that might cause a sii-.'r;ae oi WMier -..u the dams io .vt r down. St I io ' i 'i I ! d tt .iiivu!U(Mifcs of the bowels -i i-oiiiiii'di of these Vii't ', ' s i i ; i ;e i :;i i ; ;i i ) o iMii i ;t ,v fruits, e.j)e ujipi -s .i tj h maii.-.s. ni" o b; ('a ! ;i iid vii -ij v heat (Ji'i lUlO L(l l iUON'utHctft, oi we!s. Wlh'ti thr: bowe 1;.- ' or-) llie campaign sooner or later wiillead inevitably to such a violation of American rights as will require the farther action forecast by thg President in his address to Con gress two weeks ago. The Presi dent is understood to feel, how ever, that when the nme comes, the solution outlined in that ad dreswsliould"be-f ollowk-i out aad-i the steps taken should constitute an extension of further protection to American interests rather than a declaration of war. are b idly 'constipated, -however, lhe sure way is to take one or two of Chamberlains Tablets immediately after supper. Livestock Exhibition and Conference.' Wilmington, Feb. 17. The Livestock Exposition and Confer Big African Liner Starts From Liverpool. Liverpool, England, Feb. 15, defayed The Philadelphia, the first American liner to leave Eu rope since Germany's declaration of unrestricted warfare,- sailed la'.e Wednesday evening la ad diiion to her passengers, she car ried a general catgo ' or bodies known as express freight, and two tpns of dispatches from the American" embassy in London for the State Department in Wash ington. The dispatch bags con tained important messages from American consulates in all coun tries of Europe, including a large quantity from Germany, which "fere dispatched before the diplo matic break. A jolly and good natured crowd waved farewell from the Philadel phia's decks to anxious friends as the ship left its dock. Prior to Pnm to Be held in this citv March' ' embarking the passengers had, 28 29, promises to be one of far been told that there were prospects Lingering Coughs Are Bangeroas. Get rid of that tickling cough that keeps you awake at mgnt and drains your, vitality and energy. Dr. King's New Dis covery is a pleasant balsam rem edy, antiseptic, laxative and promptly effective. It soothes the irriated membrane and kills the cold germs; your cough is soon relieved. Delay is danger ousget Dr. King's New Dis covery at once. For nearly fifty years it has been rna jayorte reaching importance to the farm-.; er; banker, business man and land pwner. This great undertaking will De tate-wide in its scope and will be held uncjer the- joint auspices of the Southern Settle ment h Development Organisa tion and the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce with the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service, the A. & M. College; the State Department of Agriculture and. the transportation lines cooperating. W&SOttvSsr You Need s leesrf Take Grove' Rj8 13 Standard Grove . -dhSi fSfa&i is eqaaliy ,. J-1Mts& "Tonic .beCaase it jt.oudn i' v iMMm tonic propertlest QUIN -; ' remedy ror grippe, croup, coughs lt acteSnthUw-i iv'v and colds. Get a bottle today at 1 1 larin, Enriches the Blood i. j your druggist, 5Qc. . Lcfflflf v& the Wucte Systw- 0 ceau. of the liner being attacked by a submarine, but most of them treated it lightly. Rush of Aliens to Become Naturalized. Washington, Feb. 1?. During the two weeks since the diplo raatic break -with Germany, for-- elguors H'vitvg u the United Sta tes, noia'oiy Germans and Aus trirtns, liave-"flocked to the courts to become American citizens in such numbers that Labor Depart ment officials said today the to- jtalccmid riot eyen b,e estinjated. I An Idea of the unpreoedbnted -'rush for naturalization papers is afforded by the fact that on one day alone more than 50 000 cer- tiactes or naturalization were issued. Chamberlain's Tablets. These Tablets are intended es pecially for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you are troubled with heartburn, indigestion ox constipation they will do you good The Legislature. The legislature is on on for forty days and nights as long as Noah's flood and the tax payer "will foot the bills. The legisla ture meets every two years and does nothing really worth while. In the bunch are some bright lights and some blockheads. Men are representing "the people" who are ignorant in letters who have been chosen, not because of ability but because they were good fellows and popular. The crowd will collectively pass laws to govern all the people, and after adjournment the state will be no better off, no matter how you look at it. We shall always insist that the legislature should meet not often er tlian, eyery nve years. In the old days it is said that in Greece a law maker when introducing bill did so with a rope around his neck. If the bill wasn't what it should be the offending law mak er was uroinDtlv hinged. Such t - ' ... a law in- this country would be good thing. However, ever and always will be fresh and refreshing he lines: "You see his poor old, mother, And break the news to her; Bill's in the legislater But they didn't say what fer.M --rFairbrother's Everything. " Says Critical Period of war is at M. L tndonFeb. 17. The Earl of Derby, Secretary of State for JYar, speaking at Bolton today. expressed the ppinion tbat the critical period of the war womd occur in the next few months. .rzlJi jwpujd Joe a u false- friend " he said, 'Ht 1 diet notT 'warn the country that the war is going to be long continued and the strug gle even more bitter than in the past. It can only be won by everyone doing his utmost. The three things most yitalare mon ey, men and munitions. Money and munitions are being suppli ed in large quantities. Men" we want and must have. The Nat ion will have to make greater sac ritices in the way of giving its manhood to fight its battles.'' BETTER FEELING OYER SUBMARINE DANGER President Win Uy fie Situation Before Law . Haters Before li'OBniment. VVashington, Feb 19. With the German crisis apparently sus pended in midair i was officially stated today that President Wil son will rot go before Congress "at present.' There was no disposition to state, however, that the President has determined not to lay the de mands of the international situa tion before Congress some time between now and the expiration of the 64th Congress on March 4. Despite the clearly defined lessen ing of the international tension, 't was apparent in administration circles that the President will not illow the present Congress to die without making ample provision to meet any emergency that may grow out of the German crisis. It was seated that will probab ly go before Coi gress late this veek or early next week. The slackening of the German :ampaign of destructiveness on he high seas, and the fact that is yet no "over act" had been ommitted involving American oves and American ships brought a general feeling of relief to Washington. Tcnigbf in some juarters there was even an in clination to believe that some neans may be found for prevent ing the German situation from developing into open hostilities between the two nations. No one in authority, however, would ac cept the responsibility for ppint ing out a method of accomplish ing this result. But it was clear that the administration generally feels less alarmed over the situa tion than it has at any time since relations between the two nations were broke off. $100 Reward, $100. l he readers ot this paper . 1 will be pleased to learn that there ' is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is cat arrh. Hall's catarrh cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment Hall's catarrh cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the '.foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for of testimonials. Address:" F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo O. Sold by all druggists 75c Take Hall's family pills for con stipation. . Bill. Columbia. S. C Feb. 17. An other one of i'outh Carolina's many new prohibition measures, known as t ue Boyd bill was pass ed by the lower huuse of the leg islature today af ;er it had Jbeen debated all day y-sterday and far in tolast night. It provides that no intoxicant containing more than one per cent, of alcohol may be imported except for medicinal, sacremental or scientific purposes. The House passed this bill in lien of the Duraat measure which would allow any one to import- one quart of liquor each month. The Sea ate had passed the Dur ant bill and refused to accept a "bone dry" measure. The Boyd bill now goes to the Senate. Wants to Tors the Clocks Forward an Haur. New York, Feb. 19. Marcus M. Marts, president of the Nat ional Daylight Savings Associa tion, ' announced today that ha had written to President Wilson urging him to expedite the pas sage oi a bill now in the hands of committees providing for turning the clocks frw;ird one-hour dur ing the summer months. Siiif.Sore SSussles Relievod, Cramped muscles or soreness following a cold or case of grippe are eased and relieved by an ap plication of Sloan's Lmimeni. Does not stain the akin or clog the pores like mussy ointments pr plasters and penetrates quick ly without rubbing. Limber up your musc;es after exercise, drive out lh a pains and aches of rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, strains, sprains and tjruises with Sloan's Liniment. Get a bottle today. At all druggists, 25c, Soon to U Erected at FortyNew Mario. Albemarle Feb. 15, Coutract have just been closed for the er ection of forty now d-v. iiaigs in AlbemarlG. Tuv -,j buildings are to be erec.tvid by the Wiscassett Mills Company, the Efird Man ufacturing Company and the Lillian Knitting Mills Gaaipany, and at e bu,il$ to accom aorlate the additional employees which are to come in to operate the new machinery being installed by these companies. The filling of these new homes with tenants will ."bring two, hundred or- more additional population to marie. Weather forecast for Februarr From 6 to 14. fair, with 'snow northwest, and 'threatening to rain and snow east and cold, From 14 to 21. fair, deari cold, with coldvrains along and snow flurry. , From 21 to 28, snow, rain and cold, stormy. Some blizzard. From 28 to March 8, frequent showers along- Some changeable and considerably cold. Febiuary shows cold with some stormy coid winds, snow and rain but last of month cold and rough. Henry Reid, R. No. 3. box 167, Salisbury, N.C. Poole school house, at Graven in Providence town ship, was destroyed by fire Monday aft. noou, the blase slar.ds'g xfi T-. a spark from til flue. Nku one wap injured and thve. wn? aome insurance on tae trnc tiie. Another bn'ldii'R Tav -dated, and the nc1 ' co"j ' '.jos' while the Aibe-. pt oi mi iciiiity are ar- ranging to rebuild at once. '.; '-ft." -2