7 5." 1 Home Newapapar Published in the loMryo$le People for governmental Affairs. Wm. H. STSWASADPSIi SA1ISBTJHY, S. C WEDBEf tY; MAFC .7 ?H,1917. VOL. XIII. SO. 12. FOURTH SMIES " " ' " W 1 1.110 r' T tiriTH ini1!Ml!C 1 r-!,J Wnm me nrftWffM SftSf rftBCOTll. linmKCMriGdUnaif lareh. - BRITISH OPERITH ntti wnnaubwaaia.i-aiiM nw. ----- l ft J fo.l?Ai Concord Mareji o iviary LOWAL NtWOl Washington. March 5 -The ; . . . m f u , f W(Jyindl No. 11 rr of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS. mighty procession which marked President Wilson's second inau- jtftation today marched with iHVUV UWWMw - - ( East Halts tns mnnng. Townsmp, u,ub M-rr.h 5.Except for (Jhnrch yeaterdagrftorning was the 'cashed from Herfbuggy while u nra nnnft(r attemDtinjr to crass a swunon o,:.u.0v1mi1,.,.,j, tn.syivmia avenue irom uiu vp- - " v ,M, droned, mere " " - . 1 t - .1. . TltTUCt, -.a t, i 4 V, Q fr..t in France, where 3 winu-wuippeu jua,s uvci j. cnii ; month of February without a fire alaim being urned in . , ii., ..1-. o t iprp nave uccu litol to the White hiouse between i"c c.aUo , CCulteiits Ul nuaai, - uiuuziou- : of the oun lines iru.ir-cisraen from New -York, W .A Uoisernan, who waa . 'u,me from service on the border, .found "guilty of selling beve-iT, was the first time since the rages, waa dismissed with a inauguration of Lincoln in 1861 fine of $200 imposed instead j t troops had guarded the line of a prison sentence. of march. i Despite the wind and lowering Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days ich .uds, which early in the day Tonr drugrgist -v '.l refend money if PAZC : , , , . thi-oatc OINTMENT fails io cure any case of Itching dllKened the City Wlttl tnieatS Blind, BlecdingorFrot-vidiris: Piles in6tol4day .. The first apolicBtibD eives Ease d Rest- 30c ! (. f a COI1 UnU'XtlOn 01 trie QOWn- pouv of yesterday and last nigh:, aiujost every foot, of vantage v ine usual uuik'uk f, k (i , 7 " a Arnntirf! buggy. The otlie.l-two escaped. t.- KritiQ-n Reports t r-om all. pai ts oi this Arras ana vtiul.u, - - x . .ma fc..,,,-.! county Luuy jaiv w"-'"""-- Meport of the Glerk of tbe Superior Court Dec. 1st, 1916. LIST OF MONIES IN HANDS OF THE CLERK MLONGING TO OFFICERS, WITNESSES, ETC, February was one of the dullest mo.iitlt in a Joi-g -while in the matter of mar xiage in this crutvty, only seventeen license? Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening GROVE'S TASTFr Hi-S c'ail- TONIC, arrec atalaria.enriches tr.o bloodncs r uilds upth tem. Atroetouic. For adoUs .bildrm Miss Marg?e' Kiteh ha? rr tarnei from a trip to New York where eh l id been buying nnib'nry for th' Belk Harry store1 here. , T1 Quinine That Does Not Af;t Be BeCftl'Se of its tom end laxative f?reU ..Aa. TlVE BBOMO QCt- INK i better .i otc:r--r nine ens "v.r cf:- ..r. - . YVr: ic V ' ' ' The aldermt--n have had a cai.vass of the city made by. a man looking for defective pole? 11 foi.r.d 229 partly or wholly, nevave und these, have bn com d earned troops nave car.iK - brought hire yesterday 1U.K 1 C11U J - lions, according to London In j 1 hat travel in oeft-aio parts of l. f r.-. !fi.hn.rrus is linpl-SblDie on ac- xne vicinity ut ioo, . ed the last four days Tn Cure a Cold, in One Day Take LAXATIVE BBOMO Duimne. It Stojtfie V i ;t i Drutrelst. reiuno muuer space a'ong the mile-long way ..a occupied, and the great re viewing stands, windows, bal copies and housetops held thous , ..Jo suore. , of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss- . . Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the rm of F J JCheay & Co. doing buair.ess intli City of Toledo, ivu-iy and State aforesaid, and -h ,t ;aid iirm will pay the sum ,v - .:,E HUNDRED DOLLARS jr ; ten and every case of Catarrh ...a, u:.ov be cured by the use of IMJVS catakrh medi- - irrE. FRANK J. 'CHENEY. tr'wom to before me and sub scribed in my presence, this 6th ,,-av of December, If. 1886. t AWGrLfiASON, (Seal) Notary fvtbiic. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is tak en in'ernally" and ac.ts , .tbtbpf. Elo'd on thp Mucous Suif: ak.es of the System. Send foi testi free. . I t- fliQ 1 .iu-il.W: M.tPI. HHQS oru-e's men struck at two places ; -j- . - MifiM on I by' the continuous rams of t and lnuicteu uinu.v the Germans, took 42 prisoners and captured a machine gun. Prisoners also were, taken near Ginchy Near Bouchavensnes. the Germans endeavored to wrest from the British the positions captured Sunday, but met with Ti,a' PrprJ, muntfir-atlacksi your Kidneys? Salisbury people XU - , - . . . DECEMBER 1 iT3 1916. To Whom Owing Docket No C M Morean. D S 12 Unrton Cr-iige g"l W C Yarboro Maiy i;a-per Raruiond F'oarclr W S Brown D h Arey H O Kenerlv. D S Q F Winecoflf, D 8 Davie RufusKSafrit, witness L M Holshonser, witneps J A Rose J P Trexter James kMumroer. comror D E L sator .V Wilcox J C Fair, witness BosHarris, wifness H T Graeber F R L setter O S W Wilcox Diiiil Ttrra in 1 li ease it fails tc-.. cure V., t-i C" ctcinnrnrt Oil C2C3 A taken "MorVanton Saturday -l UWm 3! C'jll3ll Has38;i3S. treatment. His .mental con- v - v;rk March S.Immedi dition has been impaired for ;na upension of hostilities by BOme months. the. Cuban revolutionists in the . Province of Oriente to be effect- -,,, rd bv a proclamation signed by Bad Colds From SaMei cranses. r:,.r,s.,ntives of the Liberal par- Spring brings all kinds of ! ty' and lhe coniman.jer of the -weather and with it come colds ! A .. ,.-rican naval squardoa . at rand the revival of winter coughs j s n. ;ayo and I0pl0wed Ly. .an And hoarseness lh Bell' Pine- j a-m:i:ilj):e thoughout the entire Tar-Honey will head off a new .t lieplbc. i3 foroc.ist ia cable-, ".cold or stop the old one, tht.j !Qs reCeived here today by soothing bjloams relieve tho sore . Dr ore3tres Ferra-.i, representa .throat and heal the irritatfcij north of Bois Cauriers, where the Germans had made a gain at one j point in an attack delivered over! a front of one and three-quarter miles, regained part of the cap tured elements. The French official communication says that elsewhere than in the Bois Cauri- eres, the Germans were repulsed with heavy casualties in their Sunday, attack. There- has been considerable aerial activity along the line in France.- London reports that Sunday six hostile machines were brought down, two within the British lines, and that eight oth ers were forced to descend dam- aged. It is admitted, however, that the Germans forced down two British machines, and that five others failed to rettfrn to the:ir base. Trench airmen and an ant'.-aircraf t !f un accounted. .fct three Qerman airplanes -Moaday. HI Worn Ml i Dose morning firid you wiih a l.tme, stiff and aehpg back? Are VJ LliCli nil iuw .i ji ..u 1" , 6 burden? rTaye Vou suspected .- nr Kidnevs? Salisbury people Lniher Canble ndorse Doan'sKiSney Pills. You Tmtor em reiv on iheir .statements. r m ronard, cemmr St.. Saiisbnry, sis: "bor rive yars I was utid,' th3 doctor' c ire forr ittflmatfon of the blad (!er and disosiered kidneys. My back wa? weals and I could hardly get aboufcjf- I had a burn j ; B E 'ones, sheriff Guilford Mr I. C 'Imping 9 D l ent? C F Swaim, witnees B H Hamilton, witness W R Cox do 0 O Hnflines ''lood 12 12 12 12 ;2 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 ia 13 13 IS 14 14 14 14 14 14 H 14 14 It 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 144 14 14 14 14 14 was so dizzy thatv almost fell Harwood MgiT Spots floated , bore my egSK I M YoungbloodL witness rthnr rowo.torm i ' v ,r,;5c Theatheron tra nintr sensation across my loins, i j f Perkinson My kidneys werp inactive and the kidney secretions - caused me oL Oaskill, comror announce. My htaddied and I VVwut.rbrd U 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 '.4 14 14 14 14 ,-14 14 i he djctors conm'f give to reni e D4) Jnh neV Pi li'IS'rv 'vc itin did j u a sharer tne 'ii - v s-. KWe JftWtl uun t.eryre auu n 1 IV do v.-:-s curea qj n t.ili B ;4 Tbur.-tnm ImVii Jones . ;tt a 1.1 (Icajxrs Don't ;,rn I M -urtatt verman L. -f I :y troub' ?.'" VfUe 50c, at aU dcrs Don't y asW for kn; re me ly- - 7v- !Van' KiinJ 1 Pills the r Efir.-wn " in Rumania, and at various points artillery duels are m progress, j P Hartra tc, wifeesR. MisS w Summers, steno?r ,1 ...2. mfrtilllD" - t.rnweu. witness Ira!, mTmL. . Thp h!s been no ciianu-e m tne S M U : 1 1 I ' I 1 I 111 V ' V- .w.....w " I and Macedonian theaters. The repulse of a small Turkish attack near Kalkit, in Turkish Armenia, ;n is reported by Petrograd. jT 3 o !.d n H ("nil ( 1 Iier T H Vanderfoid ;j ) L Welch .i alUb-iry & Spencer ' y l T Uee s Joner D IM ;..n lie-il't ;t til City J D Kibeiip l T P i arfpr .-ca. , S3l5b & spencer Ry Co k5 or 60 . . . - . T -1 issues. Get a bottle tooiy kuv j R A i. i . . .i ....I- . , . i n .1 4 i ! t.ve or L : beral party, from Fernandez, military comma". The request tor iu ha vi"? jour druggist, 25c. formula on armislice, the c tblegratnsaid, the bottle. Was- !der of Oriente, !utn lie rresentf;fi' to President - Mt?nocal of Cuba through The city aldenr.e i ha hington. , . ; .t , 7.y 3v this turn oi events, acc rl acreed to fippropn-"ta J f , . dgI , j !in ' i-i.r to Dr. Ferrara s intormaium the cityS P'YS '"r r ? - Liberals will receive salary of a Vvholte 1 L th rh the Unite, states officer for this county. ihe GoverQment of fair elections in --.Cdliuty commissioners (i'ir' Jorknte; the recognition of Fer - : .neady pnl up WpO aud Othe nilldez 'as military commander of towns are expected to my, :-jt.12 province, and an assurance .' tip the balance of a 2,000 ; th..t tlie -enocal Government shall not interfere with the Uib Sloan's Liniment For Rheumatism. Th'j f, .rture of. riieu ma-1 is rn , -the ' (!..; pains and aches tl:ui uiake li fc-! uubera'wle are relieved by Sloan "s 1 ., Liaiiaent,ac!ean clear lin'id X-ii-tt fli- 'i is easy to apply and more e'Te'.- j When tive than in ussy plasters or otut- 'tack vur ments because it penetrates ' fu ic;i .n- r, n'.n'u-l vr without, rubbinir. ror-;pa'.ei ll. m.inIT 1-5-1 Ml H.f i 1 5 t' ) I ! O W - ! ill .Tl .. 1" 'U filC UlCll'ljf v.. , .. ia" exoosure. strains, sprains Wi-ev.ing 1 ni". milames the aud muscle soreness, Sloau's !stom -ch and r:.,;.-wi io ni'inn'it.W iT.c!.ivrt. ! it iiii .;'.id IJIIlllUCHU 'a ii...... "-,7 r. i!WJw a. i?.t e hiuciv i l i.i:-;e 1,'illious 1 1- iivv-r fails to perform its Y.'-'U become consti t U c food you e-at fer- siomach instead of salary. rrrrrz jer,i'S i tioi 1 li'ev in their present admiuistra of affairs h. Id. in the territory u!T.jd up her,d . oat, lu naba o. to )th ich batf - ache, stiff neck and all externa; pains At druggists, 25c. , Iu the county court Wed I nasday moriiinp Nick Farris ! a Syrian mereiiar r, was aa judged guilty of operating aj g aiihiing devic J in hqpf ot a flit machine and judgment, was s-ii-py.ded six mjnlhs on pTvmuii' of costs and "e.trus li-.n of : ii-- clrtrM. Notice w - given i!.d bord 10!) a uses nausea vom- a terrible hendaehe. nn-'erlin's Tablets. Th y wiii tone up your liver, cleafl out our stomach r- ud you will s . )n be as veil as ever. They on. , cost a quarter. innniM m n BUSS s-sse uys-u . I oi Hp;iK It; i .gen' I-:: l co: s Yon Ni a Spring: Laxaiivs, LTliat seal, with all it means tof the public, might well be put on every botue mat contams PERUNAI No other remedy ever offered the Arrwoican Deople has more frienis 5 after twe generations of success; no n other ttmr7 is more generally usfcd u in the hemes of the people; no aw -f has been so enthusiastically enUors- fed by thf. taouaanas. f Tbereas-r is found in rral merl'. Fot J 1 SSwSft ' WraWebili: y following ?ny B. nTtna r. j i fn n wiii iwuuu tablet f ormfor convcnieiice. TW Ponfcn Company, Columbus, Ohi SprlfiS Colds era Da-isgnms. Sudden cliangs of temper a ui-e :-!iil u nderwejir bring spr 'los with r. mv,;,o;ns. A uosof Dr King Neiv Discovery is sure' relief, Dr. King's-New L'fe PiiU will Lis hippy combination of an- j remove the ac.cumuluU-d wastes li.pttrt balsams clears the head, j of winter from your intestines, sooihei the irritated membranes ; the burden of the blood. Get " :, i vvii;i,t mi-ht rive been a hn- : that sluggish pving b ver feeling i-rering co;d is broken up. Don't ' out of your s -stern, bright, u stop "treatment when relief is ! you- eye, clear youV complexion. it as a half cured c rid is . Get that vim ana snap or goou . 1 ...... 1,1 , i t .) Take Dr. King's pun heel heaiiny iio u. livings New Life Pills are a non-griping laxative that aids nature's pro 'cess, try the ixi to-ni-ht. At all rino D Brovn his heer- ! druggists, 25c. -o ccted Mil act epted thr j - ncition of secretary of th ( fe NH a pie.i I i- -. ,r .7.r. . :; it" i ''-'" - j LkJU-M . it acs on tlie va'-'er, 1 HARDLY STAND Restored to Health by Lydia E, Pinkharo's VegetablQ Compound. m v "Whv will women cay out their money for treatment wid when bo many have first fv daugero is. N:vv Dit-cvery till ycurcold is hmminiyuilliil j M Daniel, wi ness lid the W F Snider, oi nl .1 b ri'irwooti o Fruiees Richardson R Hallicutt, witneP8 N ( ' Pennington as V Brown J 10 Dobson Bill. Tones v lex Oakley, wftnem VV VI Roach dp li Mvera do n B Ory H L Owen O L Hendrix L I Davis i; B arah Johnson witnfss 8ne Walton, witness VV I Hartlev J VV Mxwell P H Bernha-dt MatrtieLLinn admix VV Horih .be 1 rchle W n ' ifftird, N P N C Pnblio Service Co Wachovia Bank & Trust Co V Wallace & Sons Henrv Glover Ft i Hole " H .W Frund L A Kesler I A Dry Tessie M Eagle, admx Dr H L Monk, wi nes G F VVinecoffD S R X Myers P A Ilaitman, witness B' Kerr wnnrss . . . . . j . - J lcnoipon uo R l'roft do t a tiooum ii uo j C Isenhonr do N W Co!!eti do J W Zachary N P ( j B Flor nee, witness r -i Vc 1 do L AUe i do I F 1 r v. a f 1 i B .t o . do S B 1 i raves no Ivev S Brown do J rf Barber J ' McLean, witness R C Knox do R, L linn do , O L Murdoch D S L rl White, witness J '! Bullock do 14 14 14 14 14 H 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 . 14 14 14 14 11 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1 5 .15 ir 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 i5. 15 Am't .60 50 100 2 16 3 07 3 60 1 10 30 6Q 2 83 100 1 00 100 100 1 60 3 03 50 60 1 40 30 3.01 123 45 75 50 1 10 3 W 1 10 1 (P 1 00 1 00 60 2 05 30 600 1 10 1 30 130 1 23 10 10 1 30 10 00 1 3( 2 00 2 0 6C 1 20 2 38 2 62 275 263 2 75 1 05 110 1 23 1 0"; 4 7( 2 '0 2 23 2 23 1 20 60 1 10 1 10 300 60 5 1 1 30. f 8 3 10 3 10 60 3 30 1 70 3 20 4 30 10 60 1 16 1 10 1 20 60 30 -3 5i 10 66 30 J Hn l .op do 0i l3l J H Kincidd do - 80 J teilifi J P do 125 G W Poplin D 8 rlanly uo 30 J H Kinc id do 90 Mrs Uedwine do 14 30 J R-Bame do 2 60 H B Harris do 2 10 EG hlte D-S Iredell do 60 c V B ofn do 1 97 c J Fkming do 1 97 J A. Lyerly do 1 97 R N Goorth (1 s n ro 30 cEFenpemnn - do 1 23 A A Suther V do 7 70 J R Walker do 7 70 W Y Wjirrin do 7 70 S K Wile.- do 2 70 T bla Lerly do 148 J U Lyerly t do 143 T E. "ohns hi comtnr ' do -2 00 J D Dorse: i do 2 00 G H Pe r do 1 60 Liz?ie V itbr.-a do 1 77 Maggie Peihel do 60 'D W Snider do 50 t- E Sh iver ' do 50 Mr- L L llnttz do 60 Le-rt ! efl v, witnes do 60 June Fr.issier do do 60 Mary L Evans do do 60 c E Fesperman J P do 75 A K Griffin do 60 Hattie Pendergraft do 60 I V iciur i .-i do 60 3 - hi'y d IreJeil do SO ! M :I.tt"n. witne-s do 4 90 " Mi I. r do do 1 70 El jab li ler do do J 0 Vhe.i Paid. . ;$-in U H-93 It; -. 2-1-9 5j 11-93 d Dec 12 P 8 X tl J May 7-0 i Slav 2-4 " Ju v 2-t-Oi- -e 25 t-5 Sep. 2-05 Ap. 600 N-JV 6-4 iaf;07 Mar 07 Jin 4-08 Aprfl8 Apr 08 j-.'ily 08 do Aug 10 May il june 10 rTQ Apr 12 do Dec 12 jan 14 Aug lo C 3 ODyTis do I H Westmoreland do L W Westmoreland do GWMcNeely do J IS McCorkle do J E Connell do c L Bench . do c H Ro?eboro 7T VTilliamson witness W c Manpin do I A i.iblock ootnmr R N Moore do A L Phifer doj Johnston & Robertson aocfri toseur. "''ilev, witness Leo Vallaee do 0 M Ximhall d WLKisaballjp D M Milier j p JBYostds Geo H Page d s 1 tl Wilkinson d s B B Miller referee 3 VV caldwell sheriff cannrns do J H Mingne witness J A HarriHon do Johnson & Robertson, nact'n do Lee Portr, witness .Vachovia Bank 4 Truit oo J R cruse Calvin Friek M M Mask T HiKritzer J L rc-fltroeg W H Harabrigbt R L Krttikin d s i Tot. I fur wiiBbsses, offieers 1 1 H7 ft THE LRK Oi T8 C3UST TO HIM, KIM- u m -m $mM m paid into office bt EiEnrregs, id. iNlSIRTOES m OTHERS, DECEMBER 1. 1316: Wiuiii Paid. To Whom Owing. Wrrr touer, administrator Eva Anne Lewis do &0 do 590 do 5 6Q do 20 do; .270 do 8 2 7? m i so do 80 do 110 do 200 do 2 00 do 20) do 8 50 do 60 do 60 do 90 do 60 do 60 do 120 do 60 do 90 do 10 00 do CO do 170 do ira do 100 do 100 oV 2 70 do 120 do 3 SO dor 2 70 do 60 do SO do' 80 do 5 10 do 60 . $529.90 J VV Harteb. master J H ion, admr VV M Linker, admr J .tewart do ICt.-vi pvercash admx Jo.isvh A F -o, exr J A t. adriir J A Locke aOmr Button 'r.iige. drnr JHH Sb-jtj. admr P S t.'aritori, admr B H Mi'ler cornmr O L wyatt admr D M fenrington admr ReuTjen Harrison, est w A EUer, t;dn j F Muroh extr aiqusl Beeker. admr F N Bryau, Adair Geb H Centz. admr P S Carlton, admr L H ; lemetjt commr S j Overcash. admr Hattie lodie, admx w E Beaver, admr do do john D Harkey. admr 30 P S carlton admr do Lizzie Springs, exr Arthur wagoner, admr i L Hellard, admr do 1 tsmitn, auuir jtjne 1 j B Goodnight, admr joly 14 G w connell pdu jan 14 3 Ss Jioon, a"1:: Nov 16 J L Kendieua commr Thos Bolt, apprentice WiUiam Klutts' heirs L.ena Dixon et al Leo Haxgrave et at P S Carlton et al Lavrson Poole ' Ale sBost's hira LiUie Kerns Hatlrey Cicero Smith Mary Sloop George Leaser Gtorge Neely et al Emma Bracken et al winders heirs . George Thomasen Dora EUer Tost heira Alex Staley et al jonas Lackey heirs john'B Gheen's heirs Ohas Robinson's heirs Anriie Bringle heirs w A Overcash's heirs Martha R Lents jane johnson Alice Tucker's heirs Lottie Harkey Li Lee wo mack Henry Tolbert jerome Springs Delia wagoner wilson, heir Bessie Snrttfc- -Sophie Bteelmaa et al wm U clemnt j A Koon's heirs ienj Gay CASH BALANCES IN THE HPS OF CLERK AS RECEIVER, DECEMBER 1ST, ISIS: proved that Lydia. E. Pmkham'sVeger table Compound will make them well? For over a year I suffered bq from female weak Join Arey f t- tio'oell D S v ml It 1 nesa J. COUlO naraiy Rowan 'o'-ntv. expenses etoni ft n fl OT C 3 i V T VM, .i.,,. 1 ! afraid to ro on tlia Wood ' street aione. upc- it; Hudson N r -a jBt -KSTil tor$ said medicines r l Nuesman lenient e al do rery lams comtnr rA can do any kind oiwore. -airs- O M- Kimball D S Nfilie Phelps, care ot K. A. Kiaer, j o Kesler, witness ppil No. 5. Fulton, IN. X. V Edmiston D S ncpieas and only an operation n,vden 0 would helD me, but Lydia E. Prnkham'? (lo ,r f'nmnounQ Iiaa uruvcu it. I V nv impaired stionand nin-)i -sm tigj ... , is aahr. ruble tonic. jp "' m-JC. tSplltg ill pl?Ce O. Penan: may b otahscu in , :maa .u.. T.afl ,,nnA ri-j-erwise I am now perfectly well pitos'Ad J. fo Ao any kind of work."-Mrs. 0 M.Kil ellie Phelps, care ot K. A. Kiaer, j 0 Kes x- K Fnlton. N. Y. V FA, we. wish every woman who suffers j. h Ramsav tn-st om feiViale troubles, nervousness, 0 - r Rodger- j i nil ii : ' ,i -i urha.-r the blues cf u:Q see iei v Comer . ..o.Unrol hv I V. I . . i . Vlliitr s to, -c-rit -l bV Women Juo wen ujr jr- b: vretable Compound. ma n. r r icuj o - . 1 .wfAma onrl rli Tinr. 1 . , 1 a . i If vou rave Daa Byiiiwiiuu wuvv . ;cwPp raw t4 joinery co Colorado on account of hiu Health. understand the cause, write to tne M L Ro(jgers coni.nr Ij&8 V te Vtois ysfc?m. 5C seat I Sass. , for helpful advice givea Wee, j chaa OTercash fio 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1ft 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 3 70 6Q 2 05 1 60 1 17 1 20 1 2" 1 14 60 02 62 69 60 .1 10 1 20 f 0 OQ 50 60 1 20 305 2 10 1 10 1 10 2 40 3 90 00 1 27 1 80 3 10 2 36 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 i 10 110 50 1 87 74 3 83 70 77 6 83 77 73 4 80 5 SO 2 37 1 2) 9 M) 10 to 50 90 8 65 1 2-5 1 85 50 3 30 60 1 20 I 28 5 00 Reulah 'rid wm Sluicing waiter Graham Robert Floyd 'ahaley heirs Brtnegar heirs carrie Bver . ; wi'herspoon helis john" Mitchell frank Pethel L ;thcr Olvercash Sarah Foster . . - wil iam and George MUl r Kee heirs Brady neirs. Lil ian Kluttz '., Dewey clarke F Barrier Bost heirs Eva Brown et al j T Coble jame hornbarrier Arch and sid Miller "shnping heirs ..... L j Cvereash $ 76 47 Lot; i- L Leraly. . . 51 15 , wil ie May Goble . . 36 00 Bose Marks ..105 41 walker heirs... .. 15 41 Eloise smith... .... 37 91 Cuk ley heirs ...15 23 , D L Thompson.... ... 176 97 john Fleming 56 41 1 Lncile jones et al . . . . 4o 41 . 29 79 . 10 74 .121 14 163 83 54 77 20 78 41 61 100 87 24 04 52719 37 54 93 93 . 345 66 63 57 con-ell heirs . clif'oa wisemsn Fisher heirs boss, man heirs Louisa holler ctmpholl heirs halhe Hay Purser heirs clco Bogle . , Mtlindt L &sper. . . . Robinson heirs carrie howard Uisenhelmer heirs..., cicero Klntts' heirs. . . , . 2190 17 01 . 28 07 .. 49 27 .. 89 24 99 78 2962 ....... 28200 319 1ft 60 49 88 50 2 12 25 5 ..807 3 .. 15 10 .. 20127 .. 24 7 ... 1380 ... 421 ftt .... 17 60 60 35 3,71617 . 3.639 00 t Totl (1103 92 RECflPITOLIlTIOH. Amount due witnesses, officers et al S 529 96 Amount due minors, non residents et al. . 1140 48 Receivers balances 11503 92 Total $13,174.86 Amount in Wachovia Bank & Trust CO. S609325 do do Savings Department 419 43 Amount in People's National Bank 4546 02 Amount in People's National .' ank Savings Department 868 51 Amount in Davis & Wiley Bauk 5?SZ Amount in First National Bank 7 2 69 Check and cash in safe , .......... 387 68 , 113,174.36 Total pfiTiei-tf ullv submitted. j F. MccUBBlNS, C.8.C.' Sworn to and subscribed to beTbre me, this the. 15th day of December, 191. j. L. mENDLEMAN, commission Expires 7-8-18. Notary PabUc Examined, passed upon and approved January 1st, 1917. - j . 8. HALL, chair. -nan Board county commissioner. Holies to Crtdii.rs. Hiving oua'ifled as ex-eut.-rg of the lal will a-;d tf-traent i Mr M Lou Me ti CrttiUn. Having qualified as administrator ot the estate of Land Caspar, this is to netify all Pai.torson. 'his is to notify all per n j ironf l-avinc elaitas scsinstlhe said de having '-laims against the said deo'-j cedent io file as itemised, verified ststemeat ent to file an itemized, veiifiM s-ate- o' sime with the undersigned oo or before menr of ?smo wi- Ii the undevign.-d rr, 5,n day of Febroay, 1918, or this notice oi bef re thrt 26 h day .f J : nv . be pleaded in bar of their recovery, or this notice will b? pit ! ' 1 of. Peivons indebted to said estate are notified their recovery. P - ' oX? tu io make prompt settletaet. gai '. estate r-ri ii " i .. uokv prompt Th e February , 1917. set.tlm-nt Bu Caspsb, sdsar Th- J;iu 1 l I,'. ' John L. Reedleman, attoraey. M tr T. ... . Ct . . f WALOU.W.D . I I aiR rv r. Executor's Mm lilies ti Crcliterx. H qnalifled as administratrix Of 'lit stat? O l A ougniBuur of the : h- to - otify 11 persors having elaJme 3. this , :w t the iid deoedent to file aa 60 1 10 Havir tuly qualineu as exc or A AO I nf M rj iS T?. IVaonnot ilopt laorl v vv ' . ' 1 " . . 1 w 5-"-- - - , - - - , . - . 60 I is to notit'v all person? having ck '.tns against .'nwdd verlna iaienn m 2 20 a.i' ' estai- t present the same the under ' with be under igred on or befot h 3 70 I s'ned on nt before Februa-y 17tl., 19!S, eri2 b rlayof Jnnnvy. 1918, or this notice 3 !0 i ibis notice will be pleaded i- ar o- their:- U pieac.- c bar of their reeoverj 2 30 . recovery A'-l persons in. : ter to said: a iul 1 to fftste are) 8 ) ! estate will pUtse settle at - v x. 1 to v. ' prompt setttemen. 1 00 S This Febru .ry 17th, 19- ii.- 24 LL9jl .Ar..- 1 00 I O. V Fmzvzc, executor, i Majus N CotSHisoira, sdmtlsV 1 00 J Chins Grorsi . 0. Wm C Conghemmr, Jr., auoraey. i 5

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