mi " - 1 ' - A Home : Newapaper Publislied in, the Interest of tha People ,and: for Governmental Affairfi VOL ZIIL HO. 13 FOURTHS SERIES SALISBURY, H.,C WEDNESDAY, MABCH 14m 1917. Win. H, SJEWART, ED. AHD PROP. Milt f I i"1 i .-ini - i ., i i i ii ii r - .... THE LEGISLATURE CUT. Appropriation Bill and Otliar Eeasures of th? Last Dm. The Legislature finally adjourn ed at 3 o'clock Wednesday after noon. Among- its last acts was the passage ot a bill providing tor ai917t $l25 000 for 1918 for Hos speci'al commission to compile, 1 pitai at . Goldsboro $68,000 for collate and revise the public' sta-j 19i7t 70,500 for 1918 for School tutes of North Carolina. The . for the Deaf at More-anton: 45.- commission is composed of Repre sentatives Dal ton, Stubbs and Grier and Senators Linn and Warren. Sixteen of the acts passed by the Assembly are in line with the recommendations in the inaugur al address of Gov Bickett. No legislation of- consequence for East Carolina Teachers' train--was passed Wednesday," the ses- ing school; 20,000 annually for sion being held for the ratifica- Appalachian Training "School; Hon of bills. 111,200 annually for Cullowhee The most exciting incident ofiMormal; 72,500 annually for the the close of the Legislature was the discovery Monday evening that a "sneak'! bill had been put through repealing the State-wide primary law. A ill was intro duced by Senator Hall of Stokes to include his countyj in the State-wide primary. When the bill was discovered, after it had passed, it was labeled a bill to amend the law but the readiag showed that it had repealed the j law. Senator Hall, who is a Re - publican, bad gone home when tne discovery was made, but he was generally acquitted of any knowledge, of the fraud. It is believed that somebody got hold of the bill and doctored it after the Senator introduced It. A bill was introduced and promptly passed repealing the "sneak" measure and including Stokes in the primary law; and then, to make assurance doubly sure, an other bill was passed re-enacting the primary law. MfeaTflima a committee wjps ap pointed to investigate and dis cover, if possible, the prepetrator of the fraud. There was the usual presenta tion of gifts to presiding officers jand others. Tuesday night Lieut. iGov Gardner got a handsome silver service and Speaker Murphy .got a similar present. The '.Speaker was so overcome with emotion bjr the kind expressions! .-of the members that he couldn't -respond and many of his associat es were moved to tears. ' There "were other presents for clerks, etc. The Legislature voted the usual tonuses o employees. All the clerks, including clerks to com mittees, were given 160 extra, and the pages, door-keepers and others were also given a liberal extra allowance out of the public treasury. The Senate bill to increase the salary of the corporation commis sioner from $3,500 to $5 000 was killed.. . The House passed the Senate bills appropriating $75,000 for permanent improvement at the Caswell Training School and $25,000 for an industrial home for fallen women. The latter bill was at first defeated but was re considered. Bills passed: To create State educational commis sion to investigate and report o the next Assembly; to provide for the use of the property or labor of husband and fathers who abandon wives and children. . Bills passed : To regulate sala ries of secretaries and clerks in the Governor's office and increase the salary of the p'rjvate secretary to $2,500; vest in State Board of , Education the titles of land sold for taxes; to authorize county and municipal xef ormatories for de linauent women: to increase the limit of compulsory school at tendance from 12 to 14 years. A bill passed appropriating $25,000 for building purposes and $7,500 annually for two years for the erection of an orthopedic hospital school, for treatment of crippled children, to be located two miles et. t of Gastonia., The appropriation is contingent upon the people of the State raising a aimuiar amount ior Duuaing pur- jKses. It is believed the amount will be easily raised, Gastonia having already proinised $10,000, j it iasaid.l . - The" general appropriation bill passed both houses as follows: $30,604 for agricultural extenr sion work for 1917, $49,731 "for 1918; $207,500 for Raleigh hos pital for insane; $237,500 for Morganton hospital; $120,000 for 000 annually for Caswell Training School, 23.000 for 1917, 22 500 for 1918 for Stonewall Jackson TrainingSchool; 30,000 for 1917, 40,000 for 1918 for State Sanato rium for Tuberculosis; 165,000 j annually for the University of j North Carolina;, 60,000 annually Blind school at Raleigh; 122,500 annually for A & M College; 12 000 annually for State Nor mal; 20,000 for Oxford orphan age, white; 8,000 for maintenance and 5,000 to pay off indebtedness Oxford Orphanage, colored; 42, 500 annually for Soldiers'. Home; 200 annually for Confederate MV.35um at Richmond, Va ; 250 annually for Confederate ceme- terv at Raleigh; 200 to pay off indeotedtness on Guilford Battle- ground; lS.ooo annually for negro A. &. M College; 2o,ooo annually for negro State Normal schools with 5,ooo for improvements; 12,5oo annually for State labora tory of hygiene; lo,ooo annually for fisheries commission; 37,5oo annually for State Board of Health. An appropriation of $2,ooo was given the Confederate Women's Home at Fayetteville for main ten auce and the general pension bill carrying $575.ooo was passed. t The lM- authorizing ; railroads to give ntinisters free transporta tion was killed. Bill passed to require county boards of educa tion to have accounts audited and statement' published annually. Bill to consolidate indictments, aimed to reduce solicitors' fees and preclude witnesses proving attendance in several cases on the same day, passed the House by a close vote. The county commis sioners of Caldwell were author ized to employ aeounty manager. The Senate passed a joint re solution providing for a commis sion composed of the Governor and chairman of the State Tax Commission and four other mem: bers to be named by the Govern or, to investigate and recommend to the next General Assembly as to tax reforms The commission can submit any constitutional amendment on the subject it deems wise. The bill passed the House. Bills passed: Limit liability of banks in payment of checks through error; amend law as to commitment of patients to State hospitals; to make blockading a felony; to make illegitimate children legitimate when their parents marry, punish desecration of UnitedjStates flag, to prohibit the receipt and possession of li quor in Mecklenbury county. The House passed the $3,009, 000 bond bill, already passed by the Senate, 87 to 14. Of the Republicans present six voted for the measure. The bill for a con stitutional amendment for the initiative and referendum failed in the House, 28 to 65. The Senate bill appropriating $15o,ooo for new buildings of the State School for the Blind passed, The Senate defeated a bill 'frdm the House to assign 50 convicts for construction of the Asheville Murphy scenic highway. The Pneumonia Season. The cold damp weather of March seems to be most favor able for the pneumonia germ. Now is the time to be careful. Pneumonia often results from a cold. The quicker a cold is got ten rid of the less the danger. As soon the first indication of a cold appears take Chamber- ,lain.s Cough Remedy. As to the : value of this preparation, ask any one who has used it. TO LINK RUSSIAN AND BRITISH FORCES Given Assurance of Adequate Supplies Gen. Hands will not be Content to Stop at Bagdad .March 11 .While great pof litical importance is attached to the capture ot Bagdad by th e. British, the military re suit of the notable event are of greater immediate interest, pointing to the possibility of a comparatively speedy link ing up of the British and Russian movements against the Turks in this far away field of-war. . The condition which Gen Maude found upon entering Bagdad, and the status of his supply arrangements must in a great measure affect any plans for further advance. Given the assurance of ade quate supplies and replenish', meut it seems probable that he will not rest content with holding Bagdad, but will at tempt further advance up tbe Tigris. The measure of the Turkish resistance along this line will be effected in no small measure by the rate of progress of the Russian columns, moving toward Me sopotamia from Perisa. The linking up of Russian and British forces, therefore, at a point considerably north of Bagdad does not seem an impossibility. The Turkish minister of war is quoted as describing he Tuikish retiring move ment in Meopotamia as a strategic retreat and declar ing that military reason are likewise inducing a drawing in of the Turkish front In Persia. On the French Belgian front virtually each day now brings news of some active operation of more importance than mere patrol encounter or raid There is no sustained offen sivb on a large scale on either side, however, has yet been inaugurated. Today reports of intensive fighting comes from Paris, recording gains in Champagne, in the region of Maisious de Champagne, the scene of recent activities in this sector. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F J Cheny & Co. doing business in . the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that canot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDI CINE. FRANK 'CHENEY. Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A D-1886. A W GLE ASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is tak en internally and acts through Blood on the Mucous Sulf- aces of the System. Send for testi momals, free. F J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, G. Sold by all druggists,75c Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Weather forecast for March. From 8 to 16, changeable and mild with snow and rains threat ing cold wind, some warm. From 16 to 22,r wind and rain storms, snowers witn snow along and cool. From 22 to 30, fair, clear some cold threating snow, some War mer. From 30, to April 7, showers and some cool. March shows fairly-good weath er moderating to warmer with short storms from 16 to 22. Some windy. Henry Rejd, R. No. 3. box 167, Salisbury, N.C. Presidential Postmasters Must Pass - Exami nation j- . - FoFtmaBter General Bnr leson announces Vthat after April 1 the sppoinfoients of of all postmasters of the first, second and third clais will be subject to competitive examN nations. Nominations, will be sent to the Senate as in the past, but in making se lection! the President will be guided by the -results of ex aminations and will end in the names at the hea4 of the lists. Whether the Cfvil Ser vice Commission, 4 under which fourth-class post masters are now named, will conduct the examinations has not been determined The President's forth coming order for a 'form of modified civil service class ification under which all vac ancies, whether caused by re signations, remova'off death, will be filled by competitive examination Those; already in the service ,will continue without examination until the expiration of four-years 4erms beginning with tbeir last appoitionment, gud will then, it is understood, have to undergo the competitive test. There was a plan io put all presidential postmasters under the civil ser; ice, .but this was abandoned The above simply means that post masters of Ihis efasawiil be named in the usual vay this in porta'n t change 'fie sua ppfnl candidate m 1st pass sitisfactory examination and this will - embarrass some of them Congressmen complain of the ii tjvalion but. . eoia pia4 ni -eear! to b-vi unavailing. mm m - - - All Worn Oat. Dose morning find you with a ame, stiff and aching back? Are you tired all the time-find work a burden? Have you suspected your Kidneys? Salisbury people endorse Doan's Kidney Pills. You can rely on their statements. Mrs. J. E. Ingram, 327 E. Kerr St., Salisbnry, says: "For five years I was under the doctor's care forr inflamation of the blad der and disordered kidneys. My back was weak and I could hardly get about. I had a burn mng sensation across my loins. My -kidneys were inactive and the kidney secretions caused me annoyance. My head ached and 1 was so dizzy that I almost fell Spots floated before my eyes. The doctors conld't give me relief and I began taking Doan's' Kid ney Pills, Every box 1 took did me more good than before and it wasn't long before I was cured of kidney trouble." Price 50c, at all dealers Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs Ingram had. Foster Milburn Co., Props., Buf falo, N. Y. Mr. Collins is Found In River The body of the late M H Col lins who had been missing from his home since Feburary 7, was found Thursday afternoon af 4 o'clock at Sloan's Ferry, by W R Ford of Belmont. This point in the river is aboutiihree miles be ¬ low the spot where the clothes of the the missing man were found. The body was lodged against the abutments of the toll bridge at Sloan's Ferry, having, presum ably, been washed down to that point by the heavy rains. -Charlotte News, Despondency Due to Constipation. Women often become nervous and despondent. When this is due tcr constipation it is easily correct ed by taking an occasional dose of Chamberlain's Tablets, These tablets are easy to take and pleas ant in effect. AMERICA READ? FOR ACTION Shipowners nre Notified tiiat Vessels Hay now mount Guns. Washington, March 10,- The - United States Govern- ment tod ay -began a ctua 1 pre parationsfor arming Amer ican mercnantmen against Germany's submarine warfare Ship owners having been notified of President Wilson's decision that he hasf nil auth ority to proceed with this pol J A V 1 j . icy u mans were tasen up so there might be as little delay as possible in granting re quests for defensive arma ment. When vessels sail under the policy of armed neutrality, they will have the full back ing of the Administration, expressed in' the form oJ naval guns and gunners aue war risk insurance. It war made clear today that the o tire resouices of the United States will be ready tor action should, Germany attack an American armed ship in vio lation of the warning of the American Government. The State Department' view of defensive armament, expressed today' was that the mere appearance of a German Submarine's periscope near an American armed vessel would entitle the sMpio take all measures of protection on on ths presumption that the Uboat's purpose was hostile This was basd cn Germany's announcement, that her sub marines would attck without waruing and belligerent or neutral merchantmen en countered within the barred zone.. tf befher. this position will be embodied in instrtctions to commanders of American armed ships, and wheather armsammuition will, be fur niched t o vessels parrying contraband were up for dis cussion tcday. but no an nouncement on either Doint was authorized. President Wilson's attitude has been that uo steps of a belligerent character should should be taken, and that if a state of war comes, it must be through Germany's commis sion of acts in clear violation of international law. De spite the State Department's ruling, some ofiicials are known to feel that in line with this policy the United States should not sanction a shoot ou sight program which might be construed as ag gression. President Wilson had suffi ciently recovared from his illness today to receive AN torny General Gregory and go over with him legal ques tions in'connectiou with the news policy of arned neutarl -ity. Since the policy of the Go vernment in the past has been not to insure vessels carrying arms and ammunition to the belligerents, it has been con sidered probable that this attitude would be maintain ed. The lists of contraband articles recognized by the United States differ widely from those drawn by the var lous belligprents since the outbreak 01 the War, and therefore it i3 believed that only actual munitions of war will .be placed on the restrict ed list for the purpose of determining what ships are to be insured . Dr C M H'ggins and Chas Gdggins, who were clerks in the General. Assembly, have returned home. The War as it Would Be. President Wilson does not an ticipate that it will become neces sary "to put armed forces any wriere into action." It is wel ior people wno are continually asking what this -country will do if we go to war with Germany to bear that in mind. The United States would be in a state of war with Germany, but it would not be war in thto generally accepted sense of the word. If there is to be any fighting, it will be be tween armed American merchant 3h1ps and the enemy's submar ines, or possibly later on with the armed convoys of these ships and the submarines. As irmnr Americans as may w,ut to go over and get into tbe tranches with the British or French may do so. For that mattor. fhQ. have this privilege r.jw, bat Miere will be no senir.o n, iUnitPti .'-tate-ar:n. . vv., on our p rt would bo -onf,,.;d t 0 protection of our ri.us a sea ana to the nrnt- inn nf 1 American life on the hie-h spa. I'liH probability of Germany send ¬ ing her army and her navy over to our shores could scarceiv en- er ini th 3 culeiUtioas In or ? ul? ) ta .1 Jer to do Thar. G -m -;-' li st have ! win 1 1 tod t!e Allies -.n i unl. 1 to destroy the British outside the submarine fu Jc- many's Navy is about ai useless as if it were at the bottom of the sea. Such actual fifrhLLisr as W GJ might occur between Germany and the United States would be confined to the sea fights of the character we have named. The most effective part of our Sght- mg with Germauv. however. would bo through the exercise of he power of the money and re sources of this countrv to the benefit of the Allies. Tuat will be about the extent of our par ticipation in the wai But it would affect Germany with al most as great's," force &sli this country were to take active military participation, and it would be within the power of the United fStates.f through the ex ercise of the powers stated, to materially shorten the duration of the present strusrerle. It would all be a mighty disagree able duty forced upon this coun try, and one in the avoidance of which it has gone the greatest lengths; but while it would be a costly experience, the one happy feature about it, if it may be so termed, is that war with Ger many would not mean the sac rifice of the young manhood of this country on the battlefield Charlotte Obsever. Chamberlain's tough Remedy a Pavcrlte for Colds. J. L. Easley, Macon, 111., in speaking of Chamberlain'sCough Kemedy says, "During the past fifteen years it has been my sister's favorite medicino for colds on the lungs. I myself have taken it a number of times when suffering with a cold and it al ways relieved me promptly."' Yarrowdale's Hen Reached Zurich in A Fair Condition. Zurich, Switzerland, Suq dajr, March 11, via Paris, March 12. Laden wih cigars cigarettes and food showered upon them by the hospitable Swiss 29 of the now historic Yarrowdale prisoners arrived in Zurich today. They had arrived at the German front ierat Lindau yesterday after a continuous trip of 52 hours from the prison camp at Brandeburg. The sailors, although erm ciated from their imprison ment and seriou lac; 01 food since they arridd in Ger many Drc inter 31, are in fair condition and confident that with a normal amount of food they will goon be themselves again, Ti.e party was met here by Uuitfi Sta tes Ooav-ul General Ktnne who greeted them brHj ahd asked thm not to forget tL they werrt AmercaDd puJ. tiot tn hrini? Hi-p.rfviit fiti -: w n - - - " w . by yielding to an nod-. ;-aid- abie temptation to "kick over the traces. ' TEUluNS THROSSH WITH AMERICANS. - Onrastricted Warfare Will-be Carried on -Despite J01 Protests. Amsterdam, via London, March 10. Dutch newspapers publish the following state m ;ni. made- by Dr Alfred Ziinmermann, the German foreign secretary, to a rep resentative of a Budapest newspaper: ' "As-far as the United Sta tes is concerned, we have spo ke a our last word and the decision is in Preisdent WiU son's hands. "We are determined to car ry through the submarine war o the end. The results of unrestricted submarine war th ii a far have bflen vrv anf y. - - . to peace, I may say thai despite the refusal of our peace offer Germany still tauds by the words of the imperial chancellor and is Drepared to place herself at he head of an alliance of states for the maintenanca of b world's peace. to" European neutrals vhoye there will be no 1 ' in their present relate ou -nn us m the course of the war. Neutral ship own er? should give their ' trade wih England. TheyN have omde enough money and can afford to bear the lossof En giih trade. They will soon rt-ogaize that it is to their merest to keep their ships at u ne so tnat thev mav nRft tf b'em to the best advantage af t or the war " Dr Zimmermann added tb?t the military situation is entirely satisfactory to Ger- Bad :oi From Safden Cfianses. bpring brings all kinds of weu.tb.er and with it come colds and the revival of winter coughs and hoarseness. Dr. Bell's Pine- Tar-Honey will head off a new coid or stop the old one, the soothing balsams relieve the sore throat and heal the irritated tissues. Get a bottle to-day and ' start treatment at once. At' your druggist. 25c. Formula on the bottle. Deaih in Tornado Track, The latest reports from Newcastle reports 24 dead sevural missing. Several hundred injured. One nuns' dred homes were demolished and about 2,000 damaged. Twentyione persons are known to have been killed, several are missing, more than 100 person we-e injured, some soma fatally and property damaged to to extent $1,000, 000 was the toll of a tornado which struck Newcastle, Ind., about 3 o'clock Sunday afteri noon. Confusion and disorder fol lowed in the path of the storm. Those who escaped injury and death ran wildly about the street, women and chidren crying and wringing their hands and men shout in? and cut sing. The men finall settled down and began the work ot rescue, digging in the ruins of their homes f missing members of their ffumlies. For several hours Newcastle was cut off from outside communication. Aid was sent to the striken town. The same day some people w-' e Killed and a man wast prubaoly fataly injured in a to. ia lo which hit Richmond Iu; : tiiid on child wa tni ,1 XV VV '4 mi otnjrs iniurd in sv ti th-u recked a half - -lZ a 5 i m Hyde park, a uentiai district of rhr, ciunati - ' ,4

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