T r Exhibit cf Receipts And Disbursements and Financial Condi tion of Rowan County at the close of Fiscal Year Ending November 30, 1916: Receipts. Balance December 1, " $14,545 40 From hire of prisoner . - 72 50 From donation to roads 98 68 From commissioners on phone tolls 1 12 From W B Crompton for auto 250 00 If mm ft F Montcrnmerv. ele't'n fund 159 00 From State Automobile License 2977 40 From Bankn as loans 22000 00 From overcharges on freight ' 95 89 Vmm sale of confiscated DrODertT 7 1 i From sale of Steele cages and lumber 767 05 From rents 652 00 Frnm r.lerlr nf onnrt. and register of deed faon 9390 61 From Beeriif and tax collector fees 6770 02 From taxes 128928 95 Total receipts $186,717.69 Disbursements. Generl county expenses Wooden bridges Steel bridges Roads (.convicts and free labor) Special township roads County jail County home Work house Department of justice Assistance to poor Register of deeds Clerk of court Sheriff Treasurer Auditor Tax collector County commissioners, per diem Pauper coffins Coroner's inquest Blection expenees List takers and assessors Health Bonds and interest Railroad bonds and interest Appropriations Vouchers of 1914 paid $10604 97 2091 86 34053 23 6367 1 91 11828 54 1862 82 1620 80 2950 18 8002 10 946 OS 3541 59 4599 96 2499 96 1800 00 990 46 2250 00 . 1647 61 137 77 163 25 792 44 2093 48 1735 7 15296 50 2225 00 706 25 1638 55 Total vouchers issued Less outstanding vouchers $179751 08 7640 79 Total disbursements $172110 29 Balance in bant Dec 1 1916 8115 63 Balance in bank from school fund 6491 77 Total $186717 69 SETTLEMENT WITH J. C. KESLER, COUNTY TREASURER, SCKCOL FUND, FISCAL YEAR ENDING JULY 1,1916: RECEIPTS. Balance June 30. 1915 $512 57 Genera! County Fund for Year. General Dropeitv tax r.0cl 28794 39 5599 50 General State and count; poll tax Fines, forfeitures and penalties Dog tax Marriage license Borrowed money 5536 74 1009 00 313 CO 10000 00 Total $51252 63 FUND FROM STATE. Special $250,000 appropriation State equal'g school fcmd 1915-16 Loan fund Public high schoohr Libraries Farm lifs schools 4024 45 14824 04 6000 00 1000 00 95 CO 2500 00 Total $28443 49 LOCAL TAXES. Rural special local lax City special local fax Total 4690 00 14597 00 19287 00 FARM LIFE SCHOOLS. Appropriation PRIVATE DONATIONS. For libraries 2500 00 95 00 Total funds from all sources $1020'.0 69 ' EXPENDITURES. ADMINISTRATION OR GENERAL EXPENSE. Salary county superintendent 1620 00 Expenses of county superintendent 25 00 Census 393 14 Mileage and per diem of Co. board 231 30 Expenses of countv board 276 34 Total 2545 78 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS. Buildings and sites Repairs Furniture, desks, etc Total 2194 76 323 66 491 64 3012 06 BORROWED MONEY. Borrowed money repaid Inte cots Total 16000 00 250 00 16250 00 PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL FUNDS. Paid principal 2305 00 Paid teachers 757 50 Paid other expenses 178 02 Paid floor oil, janitor and supplies 84 79 Total Farm life school 332531 7020 88 EXPENSES OF WHITE SCHOOLS. Paid white teachers 28534 28 houses and sites 204 00 repairs 121 42 furniture and fixtures 222 10 fuel and janitor 1236 06 supplies 245 98 libraries 255 00 iusurance and rents 54 73 'installments 1742 00 white teachers, Salisbury 29699 65 white teachers, Spencer .1419 75 Total . 63734 97 ' EXPENSES OF COLORED SCHOOLS. Paid colored teachers 5639 32 houses and-sites 133 45 repairs 7118 furniture and fixtures 28 1 3 fuel and janitor 212 62 supplies 24 10 ' libraries 30 00 insurance and rent 13 75 Total 6152 58 Total expenditures 102041 58 Balance on hand Sune 30, 1916 49 11 iffot&l as shown by receipts 102090 69 Statement ot Assets and Liabilities of County. FIXED ASSETS. Court house Commnnity building and annex 160000 00 75000 00 County jail 20000 00 15CO0 00 Work house and county nome Steel bridges . 45000 00 500000 00 County roads SCHOOL PROPERTY. White school property Colored school property Total fixed assess 59725 00 8386 00 8831 11 00 CONVERTIBLE ASSETS. Road eauiDment 32000 00 Conniy and school tsx 1916 181896 31 Hash (school fund July 1. mo) W u Cash (county funds, Nov -0 1916) 14607 40 Total convertible asset Total assets 228552 82 1111663 S2 LIABILITIES. County bonds Township railroad bonds Notes Current expenses. D c 1916 Interest coupons due Jan 1, 1917 Outstanding vouchers Total liaHlities 208000 CO 430OT 00 36000 00 18024 15 3632 50 7640 79 316297 44 Net worth to Rowan o.o. Dec 1. 7953C6 38 Classification o Ex penditures ROADS WORKED BY GONYICTS AND FREE LABOR. Salaries o' superintendents guards and foremen Labor Provisions and feed Freight Drain pipe Lumber Stone Repairs Medicine Fuel Hardware Clothing, blankets and shoes Superintendent of roads, salary purveying and helpers Cropdaroare' Top soil T umber on Central Highway Machinery and wagons Supplies Dyntniite Mules Asphalt Wilkesboro Roid contract tatesville road contract Cement 7172 75 515' 50 11166 41 2173 54 2183 f;4 53G 05 4S6o 73 340 46 146 10 336 31 901 30 942 98 12S7 CO 1299 40 618 So 1205 78 74S !() 2899 3 937 49 278 9-1 3582 50 2368 6 9264 9 8184 00 80 7S Total 63671 91 STEEL BRIDGES. Steele Stone Paint Lumber Cement Labor Freight Total 16497 4 113 55 158 95 2633 30 5594 30 8084 91 970 76 340?3 13 WOODEN BRIDGES. Lumber Labor Total 1116 G9 9 5 17 2091 86 GENERAL COUNTY EXPENSE. Book typewriter ' 275 00 Disinfectants and paper 173 54 Umce supplies oii 6z r O box rent and stamps JOS -o Vital statistics . -218 75 Farm demonstra'or. sal ry 886 14 B'irial expense of. pensioners 384 00 Fuel 747 18 Lights ice and water 277 86 Pension board per cUetu 12 60 Janitors 1092 50 Repairs to jail, couniv home 846 08 Supplies 115 93 Exper.se of insane 17J bo Telephone rents and tolls zzU 24 Printing 125 98 Refund of excess tx 400 71 Reward for escaped prisoners 23 00 Premium on officers bonds 12 5 Fees returned to county treasurer 37 50 Commissioners expense 93 85 Printing names of tax delinquents 20, 60 Uountyatiorney 5 00 Steele beds for jil 334 5S State taxes paid to St) te treasurer 2870 96 Automobile for farm demonstaator 6Vv 2o Total 10604 g7 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Witnesses countv court 128 68 10 f 06 2?02 18 1200 00 213 00 1279 33 972 33 267 38 280 00 415 00 665 39 58 86 83 89 ty 105 00 Justice of the peace rost Jurors Judge county court Solicitor do Clerk of court'fees (to Treas) Officers fees Officers' expenses Stenographer Solicitor Superior court witnesses do Printing Meals for iurors Settlement of law suit vs coon Totat 8002 10 COUNTY JAIL Jail account 1313 7H Fuel 272 27 101 19 45 60 76 55 53 51 Electricity Drugs Repairs Supplies , Total 1862 82 COUNTY HOfflE. Provisions Drugs Salary superintendent Labor Hardware Blacksmithing Seed Repairs Clothing arid shoes Insurance Supplies 675 24 85 65 498 35 5 00 43 97 6 50 6 40 162 28 50 18 2 85 18 40 There are times in every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take Cardul, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womaniy organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of, weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same, for you. You can't make a mistake in taking The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., ays: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, or women. Before i so weak and nervous, spells and a poor appetite. Now 1 feel as well and as strong-as I ever did. and can eai most anything." Begin taking Cardul today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped HHH Cow Telephone rent Total 60 00 800 1620 80 WORK HOUSE. Machinery Salary supt and guard Feed and provisions Labor Fuel Drills Hardware. Heed and fertilizer Phone Repairs Blacksmtthinjf Shoes and clothing Total 168 02 1048 30 1168 89 35 61 159 65 18 25 32 80 111 44 7 50 74 54 19 80 106 48 2950 18 SPECIAL TOWNSHIP ROADS. Atwell township 1250 62 Cleveland township 81455 China Grove do 1102 94 Franklin do 795 08 Gold Hill do 585 72 Litaker do 8 9 95 Locke do 750 57 Morgan do 512 40 Mt Ulla do 566 71 Providence do - 942 85 Scotch Irish do 516 68 Steele do 440 82 Salisbury do 2152 55 Unity do 536 80 Total . 11828 54 OUT SIDE POOR. Assistance given poor county home 946 08 REGIS1 ER OF DEEDS: Salary Salary Salary Salary 541 59 CLERK OF COURT: 4599 SHERIFF: 2499 96 TREASURER: 1800 CO 990 40 2250 00 AUDITOR: Sa'ary TAX COLLECTOR: Salary COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Per diem of board- 1647 61 PAUPERS: Coffins fnrnished poor 137 77 CORONERS' INQUEST: Expenses of investigation 163 25 ELECTION EXPENSES: Registrars and pollholders 792 44 LIST TAKERS AND ASSESSORS: - Ara't paid for list'g & assess'g 2093 48 eTa"Cooke got his start to wealth and honor by investing his own saw ings and practicing thrift. During the Civil war he raised one billion dollars for the federal government Cooke was a great financier in his time. You will need an accumulation of money sooner or later. You may want to buy a home, or make a profitable investment, or go to college, or save the life of a loved one stricken, with disease. Start an account with us with a part of your earnings this week. Add something to the de posit every week. Know the courage of prosperity and the independence of ready funds. Multiply your money SALISBURY BANK Heed a Tonic oeean to take L-aram, 1 was and had such awful dizzy Thousands. HEALTH: Amount paid health work COUNTY BONDS: Amount paid bonds and int. 1735 77 15296 50 RAILROAD BONDS. Amount paid bonds and int. APPROPRIATIONS: Public library Bowan rifles Children's society People's fair Total Old vouchers paid 2225 00 206 25 100 00 100 00 300 00 7C6 25 1633 55 Total disbursements $179,751.08 An itemized account of all receipts and disbursements is kept in the Au ditor's office in the Court House and is open at all -times to the inspection of taxpayers T R H Npav. Tr . rnntitv nurlitnr do hereby certify that the foregoing statement of receipts and disbut sments ana oonaea indebtedness or Kowan county for the year ending Nov. 30 1916, is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief Respectfully submitted. E B Nhave. :R . County Auditor. I n every home Sloan't Lini ment has earned its place in the medicine chest an a relief Irom pains and aches. Quickly penetrates without rob bing and soothes the soreness. Cleaner and more effective than mussy plasters or ointments, it does not stain the skin. For rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, lum bago, sprains and strains use Sloan' Lini ment. At all druggists, 25c. 50c. $1.00. While a poor clerk in a Phila delphia bank he in our care. AND TRUST GO i6i r ' l Hlarch one of the Belks chain of 16 stores that always sell at the Lowest in the city Prices, and we are now selling some merchandise cheaper than we can huy. These M arch prices last until goods are sold. Our 8c Counter. Good quality ot fast colored aron ging- nam vv mie ouung x2c Kimono out ing 10c dress gingham 8c Yard wide blleaching 10c grade Special Tc Gray and blue chambray or gingham 32 inches special 10c Light or dark percale yard wide Dress gingham made of fast color German dyes and will not fade 15c Gibson 36;in soiid colored suit ing grey, brown, etc. fast colors 15c white shirting madras 36 inch wide 36-in middie twill for Better middie twill worth wide priced at 36-in white P K 25 and Our March special 25c white madras 32 in Quilt roll for Corsets. We are still selling same corsets at old prices. A good corset medium length with supports attached 50c value - 39c Our 50c corsets These are the same quality of corsets we have sold for many years We bought a big sup ply Made long or medium supports attached The next we buy will be 75 cents Price 50c W B & Warner's Rust-proof corset the old reliable none better for the price and few really as good Price $1 OO, 1 25, 1 50 to 3 OO New Spring Oxfords, New Suits for Men and Bojs, all priced in the Belk s usual way for cash. notice. Norlh Carolina, Rowan County. ) In Rowan count; cour J March Term. 1917. Mary Annie Earnhardt 1 Robert Lee Earnhardt J The defendant above, named will take notice that an action entitled aa above bat been commenced in the Superior ( ourt o) Rowan county, N. C, to dissolve the bond of in-itricQony now existing between the plait tiff and defendant on account of th fltndnnt having committed fornication ml a lull cry as alleged in the complaint, ai.l the said Robert Lee Earnhardt will u'lher take notice that he is required to ippear at the term of the Superior court o( il (ouuiy to be held on the first Monda fter i lie first Monday in March, the Mm !eiiii Jhnh 12, at the court houee of sai L-ount ;n alisbury and answer or demu' to he complaint in said action, or the plainr lift will appeal to the court for the relie lern ruled in said Complaint. This February 7, 1917. J Frank McCubbinp, clerk. John L Rendleman, attorney. lotice North Carolina, In the Superior Court S March Term, 1917. Kowan ' omJTY. Blanche E. Keaton vs Frank Keaton 1 he above defendant will take notice (hat in action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior court ot Rowan county, N. C, to annul the bonds of matri mony now existing between plaintin and defendant on account of the defendant hav ing committed fornication and adultery as alleged in the complaint; the defendant, Prank Keaton. will tare further notice that lie is required to appea. at the term of the Superior eoirt of said county to be held on the first Monday after the first Monday in March, the same being March 12, 1917, at the court house of said county in Salisburv, and answer or demur to the complaint of plaintiff in said action, or the plaintiff will appeal to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This February 10 1917. J. Frahk McCubbins, C S. O. John L. Rendleman, attorney. The Peoples National Bank SALISBURY. N C Does a general banking business and cor dially invites your account. WE PAY FOUR PER CENT interest every three months in our savings depart ment. Prompt, careful, and confidential atten tion giyen to all business eutrnsted to us N. B. McCanlesa, W. T. Bnsby, President. Cashier. J. D. Norwood, John McCan less- Vice-president. Asst. f asluer D. L. Gaskill, Vice President. Salesman Wanted to solicit orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or commission. Address The Victor Oil Co., Cleveland, O. Specials fobs 12 1-1c 12 1-2c 20c yard 1 5c 35c quality 20c wide 20c 49c roll - v. SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE A Full Line of General Merchandise Constantly On Hand FOOT REST HOSIERY whether it's appearance yon want in hosiery or wheather it wear you will get it if you get "Foot Rest " And th e too is an enduce ment to most of us. You'll SAVE MONEY. Fall and winter goods, heavy weight underwear for men and woman, also Dress Goods, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected atock of staple and fancy groceries, country produce, ieed stuff, etc. When in need come to see me. Farmrrs are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, W. W. TAYLOR, 'Phone 39. 103 M H m u m v M u M "Onyx" For a generous trial tube of this exceptional tooth paste, send 6c In stamps ; and your dealer's name to Vlvaudou, Dept. r, Timns Building. New York. N. Y. ' , ii i -SJ.i You Get GOOD Value at ANY Prio 25c to $5.00 per pair Emery -Beers Company, inc. WHOLESALE 153-161 153-18 1 Found at Fosing at Old Prices. Children's white ribbed hose all sizes 10c or 15c Women, s white or black hose at 10c Ladies' Silk boot hose, blsck or colors, special at 25c Extra good value in Ladies' silk hose white or black for 35c, 38c 50 Special value in Children's Dresses, Middies, etc Children's middies for 48c Children's real 75c middies made of twill for 59c Big stock of middies, all sizes for 98o Children's dresses, 3 to 6 and 6 to 14 years for 48c and 59c Our children's 98c dresses are just as pretty and stylish as well, all sizes 6 to 14 years, special 98c Children's white middie skirts for 98c Spring Coat Suits, Coats, Skirts and Waists at Very Reasonable Prices Ladies' wool serge skirts for $1-25 and $1.48 Ladies' $4.C0 all wool Poplin skirts, newest styles, price $3.48 Women's extra siige skirts up to 38 waist, for $3.98 Spring Coat Suits made of all wool Poplin for $9.95, $15.00, 16.95 and $20.00 Millinery. Visit our Millinery Department for yonr Spring Hat and you will save mon ey. Hats at almost any price. J S, Main St., Salisbury, N. C. l ft Hosiery ft m R k I II Silk; Lisle or Cotton EAST 24th ST. EAST 24th ST. NEW YORK M H M M M M M M M

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