J THE SALISBURY WATCHMAN, SALISBURY, N. C. ENDS NOG 1 GAS "Pape's Diapepsin" cures sick, sour stomachs in five minutes -rTime It! "Really doeB" pot bad stomachs in order "really does" overcome indiges tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness in five minutes that just that makes Pape's Diapepsin the lar gest selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated; your insides filled with bile and indigestible waste, re member the moment "Pape's Diapep sin" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonishing almost marvelous,, and the joy is its harmlessness. A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dia pepsin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction. It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated. It belongs in your home should always be kept handy in case of sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at night. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. Adv. Truck Picks Up Load. A new motortruck for lumber trans portation literally straddles and picks up the load it carries. - Both salt and fresh-water fish are caught in Lake Maraeaibo in Vene zuela. WOMAN NOW IN PERFECTHEALTH What Came From Reading a Pinkham Adver tisement. Paterson, N. J. "I thank yon for the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies as they I nave made me well and healthy. Some time ago I felt so ran down, had pains in my back and side, was very irregular, tired, nervous, had such bad dreams, did not feel like eat ing and had short breath. I read your advertisement in the newspapers and decided to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pink ham 's Vegetable Compound. It worked from the first bottle, so J took a second and a third; also a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier, and now I am juat aa well as any other woman. I ad vise every woman, single or married, who is troubled with any of the afore said ailments, to try your wonderful Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier and I am sure they will help her to get rid of her troubles as they did me." Mrs. Elsie J. Van des Sanoe, 36 No. York St., Paterson, N. J. Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicins Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass, if you seed special advice. Cockroachos ARE FILTHY KOI Them Br Usioc STEAMS' ELECTRIC PASTE U. S. Government Boys It SOLD EVERYWHERE 25c and $1.00 Hav you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout ? Take BHEUHACIDK to remort tbe cause and drive the poison from the sratem. "uuraACTM oa thi ixsids WM MUl'HAira 01 THI OCT8ID" At All Druggist Ju. Bafly & Sea, WW tale Dirtritaora Baltimore, Md. For Lameness Keep a bottle of Yager's Liniment in your stable for spavin, curb, splint or any enlargement, for shoulder slip or sweeny, wounds, galls, scratches, collar or shoe boils, sprains and any lameness. It absorbs swellings and en- largements, and dispels pain and stiffness very quickly. - 1 This liniment is the most econom ical to use as a 25 cent bottle contains four times ea much as the usual bottle of lini ment sold at that price. Sold by all dealers. GILBERT BROS. & CO. BALTIMORE. MO. lllMlillll FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Barlr Jersey and Charleston Wakefield, Succession and Flat Dutch, 600, 11.26; 1,000, 2 00 ; 6,000 at S1.6U, F. O. B. here. Postpaid 36c per 100. Satisfaction guaranteed. TOMATO PLANTS at II 85. Hgg and Pepper plants at 11.50 per 1,000, 6,000 at $1.25, F. O. B here. Postpaid 40c per 100. D. F.JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE, S. C CZAR ABDICATES AFTER BIO REVOLT; SON ON THRONE Russian Duma in Control of Great Empire 500 Per sons Killed. GRAND DUKE MADE REGENT Simultaneous Uprisings in Petrograd and Moscow Empress Placed Un der Guard Emperor Heeds Demand to Quit Soldiers Join Revolutionists and Two Statesmen Are Slain. "-Petrograd, March 19. Czar Nicholas of Russia has abdicated and the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovitch, his younger brother, has beeu named as regent of the empire. Nothing official regarding the dynas ty's future has been given out, but it is understood the Grand Duke Alexis, heir apparent, is to be recognized for mally when conditions become settled. Corrupt Ministry Ousted. The Russian ministry, charged with corruption and incompetence, has been swept out of office. One minister, Alexander Protopopoff, head of the interior department, is re ported to have been killed, and the other ministers, as well as the presi dent of the imperial council, are un der arrest. A new national cabinet is announced, with Prince Lvoff as president of the council and premier, and the other of fices held by jhe men who are close to the Russian people. No Peace Movement. The duma joined hands in the revolt which 'aimed at the reactionary con duct of the war and the ineffective dis tribution of food. Its success means a more aggressive part in the war and is said to put an end to German hopes for a separate peace with Russia. The British and French ambassadors here already have established official, business relations with the new cabi net and with the executive committee named by the duma. It was this com mittee that forced the czar's abdica tion. Czar on Way From Front. London, March 10. A Reuter dis patch from Petrograd says that the einperor is expected to arrive at the Tsarskoe-Selo palace and that several regiments with artillery are hastening to the same place. The Grand Duke Nicholas is report ed to have reached the. Russian capi tal. The dispatch says that he will probably take command of the troops. According to information received here the Russian people have been most distrustful during recent events of the personal influence of Empress Alexandra. She was supposed to ex ercise the greatest influence over Em peror Nicholas. The Empress Alexandra, before her marriage to the emperor of Russia in 1894, was the German Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt. A popular revolution has been suc cessful and the government of Russia rests temporarily with a self-appointed committee of the duma. After three days of battle, in which the majority of the 30.000 troops in Petrograd mutinied and supported the revolutionists, calm has returned. The czar's abdication was in com pliance with the urgent demand of the committee of the duma, which notified him that upon his assent depended the fate of the dynasty. I Troops Back the Duma. Telegraphing from Petrograd Wed nesday, Reuter's correspondent says Kronstadt, the fortress and great na val station at the head of the Gulf of Finland, 20 miles west of Petrograd, has joined the revolutionary move ment. Two deputies, Pepelauff and Taskine, on instructions from the du ma committee, . proceeded to Kron stadt, where the troops placed them selves at the disposal of the duma." The Copenhagen Ekstrabladet re ports that the Russian consul in Hapa randa, Sweden, says that former Pre mier Stunner and Minister of the In terior Protopopoff were killed in Petro grad. Both were charged with pro German sympathies. New Cabinet Announced. A new national cabinet is announced, with Prince Lvoff as president of the council and premier, and the other of fices held by the men who are close to the Russian people. The members of the new national cabinet are announced as follows : Premier, President of the Council and Minister of the Interior Prince Georges E. Lvoff. Foreign Minister Prof. Paul N. Milioukoff. Minister of Public Instruction Pro-. EAGER TO PROSECUTE WAR English Correspondent Asserts That ATI Classes of Russians Favor Con- tinuation of "Hostilities. London, March 19. Reuter's Petro grad correspondent sent the following dispatch concerning the Russian revo lution under date of March 14: "Your correspondent has been in the stress both night and day for the last three trays. He has seen long lines of hungry men, women and children, and HAS HAD CHECKERED CAREER New Russian Foreign Minister at One Time Exiled to Siberia Four Years Chicago Professor. Chicago, March 19. Paul N. MJliu koff. new foreign minister of Russia, has been regarded' for years as being "the most cordially hated man in Rus sia" from the standpoint of the czar. He was for years leader of the con stitutional democratic party, and in 100 was banished from Russia for po- fessor Manuiloff of Moscow university. Minister of War and Navy, ad in terim A. .1. Guchkoff, formerly presi dent of the duma. Minister of Agriculture M. Ichin gareff, deputy from Petrograd. Minister of Finance M. Teresciiten k5, deputy from Kiev. Minister of Justice Deputy Keren ski of Sara toff. Minister of Communications N. V. Nekrasoff, vice president of the duma. Controller of State M. Godneff, deputy from Kazan. Control Is Complete. That control by the new government Is complete is undoubted. , Telegrams from generals commanding at the vari ous fronts ha"ve displayed an astonish ing unanimity of support of the uew order. Demonstrations against the govern ment have been frequent during the last few weeks. The attempted pro roguing of the duma fanned the fires, which spread rapidly from class to class and from civilians to troops. Sunday it broke forth in flame. Panic-stricken, the government or dered the mounted patrols to fire on the people. The patrols refused, and a battle between the police and the troops followed, regiment after regi ment joining the revolutionists, seizing and throwing the heads of the secret police into prison. For three days open battle raged- in the streets of Petrograd. Strikes in factories and on street cars were called in sympathy with the revolu tion. Wednesday the week's nightmare of revolution ended more suddenly than it had begun. Planks were pulled from windows, doors were unbarred, factories, stores and banks reopened. 500 Slain in Revolt. The only evidence that a revolution had been fought and won was the smoldering ruins of a few public buildings. The cost in life is unknown. It is believed, however, that it did not exceed 500. Magical and sudden as was the transition from the old to the new, it is believed here that its results will be afmost immediately visible in the in stitution by the new Russia of a more vigorous and efficient prosecution of the war against Germany. Appeal Made to Czar. The duma telegraphed the principal generals at the front to use their influ ence with Emperor Nicholas in sup port of the duma's appeal for a popu lar government, says Reuter's Petro grad correspondent. General Brussiloff, commander in chief of the armies on the southwest ern front, replied : "Your telegram received. I have fulfilled my duty to my emperor and my country." Gen. Nicholas V. Ruzsky, member of the supreme military council, replied: "I have carried out your request." M. Rodzianko, president of the duma, sent the following telegram to Emperor Nicholas : "The situation is becoming worse. Measures must be taken immediately, for tomorrow it may bft too late. The hour has arrived when the fate of the country and of the dynasty is being decided." M. Chtchegiovitoff. president of the council of empire, was arrested in bus home and temporarily held in the min isterial room of the duma. A telegram received by the naval attache of the Russian embassy in Paris reported that the railways and public services in Petrograd had re sumed work. The revolution, which evidently was carefully prepared, broke out simul taneously in Petrograd and Moscow. The garrisons, which obeyed the in structions of the revolutionaries, im mediately took possession of these cities after comparatively little fight ing and equally small amount of de struction of property. ' Petrograd Bridge Blown Up. In Petrograd one bridge was blown up. Strict military rule prevails and the army has the situation so well in hand that it is not expected adherents of the late government will be able to offer any serious resistance, even in remote provinces. After receiving word of the revolu tion, it is reported, Emperor Nicholas returned to the palace, where he ar rived on Wednesday. Tlie following details of the revolu tion have been given to the press from a source usually well informed on Russian affairs: "The soldiers refused to act against the crowd which started trouble when it heard of the ukase issued by Em peror Nicholas proroguing the duma. On Sunday the committee which had met to discuss the food situation was partly transformed into a provisional government under the presidency of President Rodzianko of. the duma and included representatives of the duma council of the empire and of the municipality. The garrison agreed to support the provisional government." The proclamation by the military governor in Petrograd forbidding any street assemblages and declaring that any disorders would be ruthlessly sup pressed made it apparent that affaire were graver than the dispatches al lowed by the Russian censorship would indicate. has seen he wanton firing of rifles and machine guns, and civil war in the main thoroughfares, but has not heard a single word against war. "A shortage of food, the lack of or ganization and the neglect of the most elementary precautions are popularly ascribed to German influences. This is a word of provocation on every lip. "The killing of Rasputin was the match that set fire to the vast heap of patriotic determination that Russia would deserve well of her allies if she would give herself the chance. litical views expressed while a member of the faculty of the University of Moscow He was in exiie for two years, the result. of which was his "History of Russian Culture." After his banishment he came to Chicagw and became professor of Rus sian history at the University of Chi cago, a position which he relinquished four years later to return to Russia. Miliukoffst influence upon European opinion outside of Russia has been great. VIRTUALLY A STATE OF PRESIDENT IS CONTEMPLATING CALL FOR IMMEDIATE SES SION OF CONGRESS. IS FACE TO FACE . WITH DEFINITE WAR POLICY All the Conditions as Autlined By President in His Message Announc ing Break With Germany as Lead ing to State of Armed Neutrality Have Now Been Fulfilled. Washington. With the announce ment of the ruthless destruction of three unarmed American merchant ships by submarines, it was unofficial ly admitted1 here that virtually a state of war exists between the United States and Germany. Technically the United States re mains in a position of armed neutral ity. ' Whether this shall be changed before April 16, the date fixed for a spcial session of Congress, the war meting branch of the Government, President Wilson has not decided. One step the President is contem plating is a call for an immediate ses sion of Congress to hear an address asking for authority to adopt aggres sive measures against the submarine menace. ' Already American ships are beLig armed to defend themselves. The next move must be to send warships with orders to seek out submarines and clear 'the trans-Atlantic lanes. Some of the highest officials of the Government hold that the Executive has the power to declare that a state of war exists and to proceed with ag gressive protective steps pending the assembling of Congress. There is no indication, however," that the Presi dent will follow that course. I Of the three ships destroyed, two were unloaded and homeward bound. I and all were American-built. Ameri can-owned and officered, and manned largely by American citizens. Meager dispatches indicate that all were sunk with complete disregard for the safety of those on board, and that many of the crew may have been lost. Nation Face to Face With Definite War Policy, elopments brought the Gov ernment fact to face with the problem of formulating a definite policy for the Nation in case the Unfted Stat act ually enters the war. This possibility was mentioned by the President in his inaugural address March 5. All of the conditions outlined by the President in his message announcing the diplomatic break with Germany as leading to a state of armed neutrality have now been fulfilled. The "overt act" described by him then has actual ly come if in fact it had not been com mitted when the President went be fore Congress. Since then he has established a state of armed neutrality without the specific authority of Con gress. President Wilson was out automob iling when the first Associated Press dispatches telling of the disasters came in quick succession. Through Secretary Tumulty he was given all available facts immediately on his re turn. Several hours later official reports came from Consul Frost at Queens town and Consul General Skinner at London, telling of the sinking of the City of Memphis, the Vigilancia and the Illionis. These dispatches con firmed press reports but added few details. International lawyers and constitu tional experts here showed no nesi tancy in saying that President Wilson has full authority to interpret as an act of war, an announce that the coun try considers that an actual state of war exists by reason of Germany's flagrant assault on American ship? ping. Such action would be subject to the approval of Congress. Despite the unwarned sinking of big passenger liners like the California and the Laconia, the jeopardizing of Americans on nearly a score of other vessels, and the sinking of three oth er American ships, the Housatanic. the Lyman M. Law and the Algonquin since the unrestricted warfare began, some officials, inspired by the Presi dent's announced reluctance to believe that Germany wduld carry through her threat, have clung desperately to the hope that some slight respect for interational law might still be shown. German sea warfare may fairly be stated, however, to have surpassed even he most pessimistic forecasts here. That she actually means to send every vessel to the botoom that dares to venture within her forbidden zones is now accepted as a fact. Neu tral, passenger, Belgian relief, appear to be all in the same category. Practically Certain to Become Involved With the practical certainty that this country will become involved in hostilities with Germany, officials are scanning the war news with the clos est scrunity. The kaleidoscopic developments of the last few week's history have been followed most keenly. , The apparent crumbling of Turkish power in Meso potamia and Persia as shown in th3 capture of Van Sunday by the Russ sians following the fall of Bagdad to the British, the unexpected sweeping forth of both British and French in a wide swath on the west front, the pro war revolution in Russia, threats of in ternal trouble in Germany and China's severance of relations have served to convince many observers that the be ginning of the end "is near. WAR BETWEEN II. S. AND GERMANY ADAMSON LAW HELD CONSTITUTIONAL IN EPOCHAL DECISION SUPREME COURTS OF UNITED STATES UPHOLD LAW. VOTE WAS FIVE TO FOUR Congress Has Power to Keep Com' merce Channels Open. Fixes Eight Hour Day as Basis For Wages. Chief Justice Delivers Opinion. Washington. In an epochal decision holding congress to be clothed with any and all power necessary to keep open the channels of interstate com merce, the supreme court dividing five to four, sustained the Adamson law as constitutional and enforceable in every feature. The immediate effect of the decision will be t o fix a permanent eight-hour basic day in computing wage scales on interstate railroads, for which a na tionwide strike twice has been threat ened and to give, effective from Janu ary 1 this year, increases in wages to trainmen of about 25 per cent, at a i cost to the railroads estimated at from ?40,000,000 to $50,000,000 a year. The court, through Chief Justice White, declared both carriers and their employes, engaged in a busi ness charged with a public interest, subject to the right of congress to compulsorily arbitrate a dispute af fecting the operating of that business. "Whatever would be the right of an employe engaged in private, business to demand such wages as he desires, to leave the employment if he does not get them and by concert of action to agree with others to leave on the same condition," said the opinion, "such rights are necessarily subject to lim itation when an employment is accept ed in a business charged with a pub lic interest and to which the power to regulate commerce by congress ap plied and the resulting right to fix in i case of disagreement and dispute a j standard of wages as we , have seen I necessarily obtained." j In delivering the 'opini.on, the chief i justice departed at this point from his written text to emphasize the posi tion of men operating trains in a time of national emergency by comparing them to soldiers facing an enemy. ALEXANDER RIBOT IS NEW FRENCH PREMIER. nriiiuuiibCQ rui uiaiiun ui lien uauinci, Painleve is Minister of War. Paris. Alexandre Ribot has formed the following Cabinet: Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexandre Ribot. Minister of Justice Rene Vivian. Minister of War Paul Painleve. Minister of Marine Rear Admiral Lacaze. Minister, of Munitions Albert Thomas. Minister of Finance Joseph Thi erry. Minister of the Interior Louis J. Malvy. Minister of Public Instruction Jules Steeg. Minister of Public Works Georges Desplas. Minister of Commerce Etienne Clementel. Minister of Agriculture Fernand David. Minister of Subsistence Maurice Viollette. Minister of Labor Leon Bourgeois. Minister of the Colonies Andre Maginot. Under-Secretary of Aviation Dan iel Vincent. PRESIDENT TAKES STEPS TO MEET U-BOAT MENACE. Washington. Preparation for ag gressive action by the Navy against the German submarine menace began at the direction of President Wilson. The President authorized the expen diture of the $115,000,000 emergency fund provided by Congress to speed up naval construction and pay for special additional war craft, and the suspen sion of the eight-hour law in plants engaged on Navy work. Immediately afterward, Secretary Daniels ordered the New York Navy Yard to begin building sixty submarine chasers of the 110-foot type, to be com pleted in from sixty to eighty days. With the President's approval, the Secretary also ordered the graduation of the first .and second classes at the Naval Academy. The first class will go out on March 29, releasing 172 junior officers to fill existing ' vacan cies, and the second in September, fur nishing 202 more a full year before they otherwise would be available. FIFTEEN WERE DROWNED WHEN VIGILANCIA SUNK. Plymouth, via London. Fifteen members of tbe crew of the American steamer Vigilancia lost their lives when the steamer was torpedoed By a CKerman submarines The survivors were in life-boats from Friday morn ing until Sunday afternoon. Among those drowned were several American citizens, including Third Officer Neils Peldorth and Third Engineer Carl Adeholde. This information jwas giv en out by Capt. Frank A. Middleton. BRIT'SH DESTROYER SUNK BY GERMAN SUBMARINE. London. A British destroyer and a merchant vessel were sunk and an other destroyer was damaged in the German naval raid at Ramsgate, the admiralty announced. OFFICIAL MAIL RIFLED. New York. Twenty-six mail baffc addressed to Washington . and the British embassy at Washington were found to have been riflel on board the Cunard liner Saxonia upon her arrival here. "SAFE FARMING" IS BY HUDSON COUNTY AGENTS ENCOURAGING FARMERS TO PLANT MORE FOOD STUFF. ONE CROP WAY IS NOT SAFE Estimated That North Carolina Im ports Annually Around Sixty Mil lions Dollars In Foods. Raleigh. When a farmer has stak ed his hopes on one crop for produc ing the money necessary for him to live and keep his family in comfort, he is taking a gambler's chances, accord ing to Mr. C. R. Hudson, who through the medium of the County Agricultur al Agents, is waging a "Safe Farm ing" campaign. It is not safe to play one crop any one year. After the time and labor has been given this crop, it may bring good price and re pay all effort, but it may not bring a good price and then all is not well. It has been estimated that the South ern States have been importing an nually from other sections of the country over seven hundred million dollars worth of food stuff. While North Carolina does not head the list SAYS FARMERS MUST NOT STAKE HOPES ON ONE CROP. C. R. HUDSON. of Southern States in this practice, still, it is estimated that our bill is around fifty to sixty million per year. This seems unreasonable yet it is very true and true in a section of country that has fertile soil, as fine a climate and as intelligent set of farmers as may be found anywhere under the sun. Cotton brought a good price last var hut it is wnnrtoroH hnw mnrri I food the money from a bale of cot ton would buy, now, with all kinds of foodstuffs higher than ever before in the history of the country. The food and feed situation is abnormal now in the United States and the wise farmer is he who produces food and feed at home this year. He may get a good price for both tobacco and cot,ton, but the money received will not go very far in purchasing those necessities of life which could easily be produced at home. Mr. Hudson is having the County Agents of the Agricultural Extension Service encourage all farmers to plant gardens, spring oats and Irish potatoes also need immediate atten tion. A few acres planted now to Appier or Burt Oats will help out very much in the feeding of stock. The Irish potato crop was short last year and a good crop should be planted, at once, to this important and valuable food crop. "Yackety Yack" Out In May. Chapel Hill Editor in Chief James Ralph Patton sent to press the seven teenth volume of the "Yackety Yack," the University of North Car olina annual. The book this year is the most unique that has ever rep resented the institution. The binding is to be of flexible Roycroft with the historic old well embossed on it. In the senior division individual cartoops have been instituted which will in It self, add to the spice of the volume. A greater amount of space has been given to the athletic department. Raise Fund For Cripples. Asheville. Mrs. Locke Craig, Mr3. Whiteford Smith and Charles A. Tay lor, composing the finance committee for the collection .of funds for the children's bureau, designed to aid the -rippled children of the state, reported that over $800 had been collected by the sale of hearts on "Heart Day" Sat urday, and that indications pointed to the bringing ol the total up to $1,000 or more. The girls in charge of the sale, had splendid success and receiv ed varying amounts, from a few pen nies to bills for the fund. Big Order For Cigarettes. Durham. Leading tobacco mer chants in Durham learned from authoritative sources, that the British American Tobacco Company has just received the largest order for cigar ettes on record, from France and other foreign Powers. The order calls for 7,000.000,000 cigarettes, or according to one tobacco man, more than 200,000 miles of the finished product. It is estimated that if all the cigarettes were made into one string, that it would reach around the world eight -:-:.-:-:: :-.-::::-:-.-x;vv:-:-Xv:-:v: Need a Tonic This Spring? Are You Weak and Run-down? is the Appetite Poor, the Liver Lazy or the Bowels Constipated? TRY HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters PARKER'S ' . . HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Reeloiine Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair J too. ana ei.w at uruggiata, RFNTI FMFN Garrett sold 29 Spraj Pomps UCilILC.PlE.nl and Auto Washers in 3 dais Profits 13 each. Write Pump Factory, Johnstown.'u Seeds and Plants CANE SEED, ?JS& fiZ,.? Peas, Cotton Seed, Seed Peanuts, ClOYers. Grasses Has ex Bape, Seed Potatoes, Seed Corn, Sudan Grass Write US for price list. Klrbj Seed Cmpair, GaCav, g. C. SWEET POTATO PLANTS, Grown from genn lne true to name seed stock. Beady for April. Mar and June shipments. Varieties: Nancy Hall. Porto Rico Yam, Pattesaw Yam and Triumph. 1,000 to 20,000 at 11.50 per thousand; 20,000 to 60.000 at 81.40 pet thousand; 60,000 and above at $1.25 per thousand. Boot your order early and be assured of getting prompt delivery and good plants. Remember, we guarantee count and safe delivery to your express Office. Brooks Caoaty Plaat aid Track Fan. Biralek, tirxl . Logical Result. "What a pretty girl she is!" "Yes, and lots of men are tryia? to get the chance to ring her." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Signature of (JZa&ffi&ZZZiM In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Kept Her Word. 'So Edith married a farmer. Ami she always said she would only marry a man of culture." "Well, she did a man of agricul ture." What Dr. R. D. Patterson, of Lib erty, N. C, says: ABOUT MOTHER'S JOY SALVE. My boy had pneumonia, his tempera tare was 104. Had tried other salves, didn't have any effect. Used jar of Mother's Joy Salve on throat ami ciicst, ju one nour s time nisauuk.ra- ture was normal. Adv. They're All Alike: "To elevate the stage," said Augus tus Thomas, at the Players' club in New York, "to elevate the stage would be an easy enough job If there weren't so many people like the new Shake speare club. "I said to the treasurer of this or ganization : " 'I understand your uew S-hake-speake club is a great success.' " 'Great success? You bet your sweet life it's a great success,' he an swered warmly. 'Why, we accumulat ed enough in .fines for nonattendan--during the first month to take ua all to a box party at the musical comply of 'Back Up, P.ettina.' " Nineteen Sons in Ten Years. Frank Scott and his wife of Ken sett, Ark., have been married ten years. Nineteen sons have been born to them. Six died at birth. Of the 13 living there are three sets of triplets and two sets of twins. The parents have been partial to the letter "A" in the naming of them. Ashbell, Archer ami Austin are four and one-half years old. Arthur and Arnold three and one-haTT. Alfred, Albion and Adolph, eighteen months, and Abel and Abner, six months. The Difference. Mrs. Gay I have a knocker on the outside of my door. Mrs. Grouch I'll bet it's nothing t compare with the knocker I've got on the inside of mine. Have You Ever Suspected that the cause of various annoying ills might lie in the daily cup of tea or coffee? A sure and easy way out of coffee and tea troubles is to shift to Instant Postum There's no caffeine nor anything harmful in this delightful, pure fobd-drink just the nourishing good ness of wheat. Postum has put thou sands of former tea and coffee drinkers on the Road to wellville. There's a Reason it Ik - Q O J

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