THE SALISBURY WATCHMAN, SALISBURY, N. C. CHLOtfL WHEN BILIOUS? ACTS LIKE 1 Rn!leweer??dSOn.,S Llver Tone" Wil1 6ive Y" the Best Liver ana Bowel Cleansing You Ever Had Doesn't Make You Sicki Stop using calomel! It makes you ick. Don't lose a day's work. If you feel lazy, sluggish, bilious or consti pated, listen to me! Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes-necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that aw ful nausea and cramping. If you feel "all knocked out," if your liver is tor pid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It. Nature warns you when the track of health ia not clear. Kidney and bladder troubles cause many annoying symptoms and great inconvenience both day and night. Unhealthy kidneys may cause lumbago, rheumatism, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache in the back, joints or mus cles, at times have headache or indiges tion, as time passes yu may have a sal low complexion, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, sometimes feel as though you had heart trouble, may have plenty of ambition but no strength, get weak and lose flesh. If such conditions are permitted to continue, serious results may be expect ed; Kidney Trouble in its very worst form may steal upon you. Prevalency of Kidney Disease. Host people do not realize the alarm- SPECIAL NOTE You may obtain a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root by enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. This gives you the opportunity to proye the remarkable merit of this medicine. They will also send you a book of valuable information, containing many of the thousands of grateful letters received from men and women who say they found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed in kidney, liver and bladder troubles. The value and success of Swamp-Root are so well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample size bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Lapse of Memory. Lawyer You'll have to sign your maiden name to this document, madam. Mrs. Casey Shure we've been mar ried so long that Oi've forgot it in tirely. Phwat was it, Pat? Mr. Casey Begorra, Oi used t' he so attintive t' jure cousin Kate, Oi'm forgettin' mesilf phwich one of yez Oi married. ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT! t No foolishness! Lift your corns and calluses off with fingers It's like magic! j Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with tie fingers if you apply upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a. Cincinnati authority. For little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain. This simple drug dries the moment it Is-applied and does not even irri tate the surrounding skin while ap plying it or afterwards. This announcement will interest many of our readers. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to surely get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. adv. The man who publishes the fact that he takes himself seriously is inviting the derisive ha-ha! Dr. Peery'a "Dead Shot" not only expels Worrna or Tapeworm but cleans out the mucua In which they breed and tones up the digestion. One dose sufficient. Adv. A. Laf ranee of Ottawa, Ontario, has six sons in the British army. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong, sick women welL no alcohol. Sold in tablets or liquid. Adv. The United States in 1915 produced 550.055 tons of lead. WHATIS LAX-FOS IS AN IMPROVED CASCARA A Digestive Laxative CATHARTIC AND LIVER TONIC Lax-Fos is not a secret or Patent Medi cine but is composed of the following old fashioned roots and herbs: CASCARA BARK BLUE FLAG ROOT RHUBARB ROOT BLACK ROOT MAY APPLE ROOT SENNA LEAVES AND PEPSIN In Lax-Fos the Cascara is improved by the addition of these digestive ingredients making it better than ordinary Cascara, and thus the combination acts not onlv as a stimulating laxative 3 ad cathartic but also as a digestive and liver tonic. - Syrup laxa tives are weak, but Lax-Fos combines strength with palatable, aromatic taste and does not gripe or disturb the stomach. One bottle will prove Lax-Fos is invaluable for Constipation, Indigestion or Torpid Liver. Price 50c. Money b:ick without question if HUNT'S "URE fails in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, BINGWORil.TETTER or other Itching skin diseases. Price 60e at druggists, or direct from k. B. (tcharis Ktillclne Co. , Shcmaa,Tei KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest ila.o jigu Prices aud Catalogue upon request! wt S. Galeski Optical Co., Richmond, Va. "R0USHonlUTS"Lnce.B ,B mam outdoors. 16c and s NO! STOP! DYNAMITE ON LIVERI spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel line and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dod son's Liver Tone is destroying the sale, of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of. Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fam ily feeling fine for months. . Give it to your children. It is harmless ; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. Adv. ing increase and remarkable prevaleney of kidney disease. While kidney dis orders are among the most common dis eases that prevail, they are almost the last recognized by patients, who usually content themselves zvith doctoring the effects, while the original disease may constantly undermine the 6ystem. If you feel that your kidneys are the cause of your sickness or run down con dition, try taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the famous kidney, liver and blad der remedy, because as soon as your kid neys improve, they will help the other organs to health. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles at all drug stores. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Dr.' 'Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., which you will find on every bottle. Quite at Home. "Is Mr. Jones at home?" J!Yes, sir. You'll find him club." Passing Show. at the i To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System ! Take the Old Standard GROVE'S ' TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know j what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is , Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The i Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents. The Speechless Wives. "What are the wild waves saying?' murmured the woman, as she stood on the silver lining of the mighty main. "Nothing, Maria." replied the man, hoarsely ; "they are like some, people we know. They make a great deal of noise, but don't say anything." GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Few persons -can be sick who use Green's August Flower. It has been 1 used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and innctive liver, such as sick headache, constipa tion, sour stomach, nervous indiees tion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart from gases created in the stomach, pains in the stomach, and many other organic disturbances. August Flower is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion, both in the stom ach and intestines, cleans and sweet ens the stomach and whole alimentary canal, and stimulates the liver to se- crete the bile and impurities from the hlood. Trv it. Two doses will relieve ' you. Used for fifty years in every j town and hamlet in the United States and In all civilized countries. Adv. Sparrow Plague in England. English farmers have appealed to the government to allow them to use poisoned wheat to destroy the spar row pest. Fifty years ago the farm ers were free to combat the sparrow with poisoned wheat, but the practice is now forbidden by law. The theory was that game of all sorts might eat the poison intended for the sparrows. The farmers ask that they be allowed to use the poison only during Decem ber, January and February, when these birds swarm to their lands in search of food. GIRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT, BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur iant and Remove Dandruff Reai Surprise for You. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluf fy, abundant and appears as soft, lus trous and beautiful as a young girl's after a "'Danderine hair cleanse." Just try this moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once, Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purines and invig orates the scalp, forever stopping itch ing and falling hair. But what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use when you will actually see new hall? fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all oyer the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it, surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danflerine from any store and just try it. Adv. In Cuba tobacco is planted, and gathered in 90 days. grown MEET TO TALKJF LIVESTOCK Exposition and Conference to Be Held In Wilmington is Attracting Much Attention in State. Wilmington. The live stock exposi tion and conference to be held here March 28-29, promises to be of equal Interest and importance to farmers in eastern South Carolina by reason of the fact that the object of this mat ter is to stimulate the deevlopment of the live stock industry in the coastal plain section. The sessions will be devoted to practical discussions and there will be an exhibit of pure bred cattle, hogs and sheep. The United States department of agriculture appreciating the signifi cance of this meeting to the people of the two Carolinas, has designated the following officials of the bureau of animal husbandry to attend and ad dress the conference: Dr. W. K. Lewis, inspector in charge of Uck eradication for South Carolina; George E. Rommel, chief, animal husbandry division, beef cattle; Fred R. Marshall, senior animal husbandman, sheep; A. J. Reed, dairying; Dr. F. D. Owen, hog cholera, and Dr. E. P. Yager, in spector in charge of tick eradication for North . Carolina. The experiment station and extension service will be represented by Prof. B. W. Kilgore, Dan T. Gray and R. S. Curtis. A large attendance is expected. The meeting is being extensively advert tised and 6,000 invitations have been sent out to farmers, bankers, land owners and business men in the two Carolinas. In addition to this, the railroads have made special rates for the occasion in North Carolina as well as eastern South Carolina. North Caro'lina Statistics. Washington. North Carolina's pop ulation was 2,339,000, and the value of products of her industries $289,411,987 in 1914, according to the census of manufactures made in that year by the United States Bureau of Census and just made public here in pamph let form. The value of her products increased 33.6 per cent in the five year period. Persons engaged in in dustry in the stat numbered 151,335, an increase of 13.4 per cent, and wages and salaries amounted to $56,282,679. an increase of 36.4 per cnt. Capital invested was $253,841,808 in 5,507 establishments of all' kinds. Capital increased 16.9 per cent and the num ber of establishments 11.7 per cent. Materials used in manufactures amounted to $169,941,971, an increase of .39.5 per cent, and value added by manufacture was $119,470,016, an in crease of 26 per cent over 1909. There were 10 cities each having a population in 1914 of more than 10, 000 inhabitants. They were: Ashe ville, Charlotte, Durham. Greensboro, High Point, New Bern, Raleigh, Rocky Mount, Wilmington and Winston Salem. These cities, whose aggregate population in that year formed 8.9 per cent of the estimated total population of North Carolina, reported 34.9 per cent of the state's manufactured pro ducts. "In total population," says the re port, "North Carolina ranked six teenth amdhg the states in 1910; and in density of population it ranked twentieth, with 45.3 inhabitants per square mille, the corresponding figure for 1900 being 38.9." Hardware Men Meet in June. Wilmington. The hardware men of the Carolinas will be in session at Wrightsville Beach June 19-21 inclu sive, it was announced at a luncheon of the Rotary Club, this making no less than 10 conventions that are al ready booked for the beach this Sum mer. There were other cities and other resorts in the race for the honor of entertaining the hammer and saw dealers but none had anything quite so attractive to offer as this city, hence the decision to come here. Over 300 men from the two states, members of the Hardware Association, will be in attendance on the meeting. Choose Dates For Catawba Fair. Hickory. September 25, 26. 27, and 28 have been chosen as the days on which the Catawba Fair will be held at Hickory this year. County Agent Mask is going to organize a number of community fairs in different sec tions of the county to be held just prior' to the fair at Hickory and these are calculated to arouse more than ordinary interest in the big event. NORTH CAROLINA BRIEFS A branch society of the AmiKcan Red Cross has been organized at Hick ory. Aldermen of Gastonia voted an ap propriation of $600 for up-keep of the library. Twenty elk, the forerunners of the immense herds that are to graze in the Pisgah National Forest in the natural course of events, arrived in Asheville and were unloaded and trans ferred to their new home in the Pis gah Forest. Three cars of sweet potatoes were shipped from Hickory to Cincinnati and one car to Chattanooga. The tubers will bring from $3 to $3.75 a crate of three bushels. The heirs of George Richardson, a native Union county man, are bein sought to obtain $35 and interest from the 31st day of March. 1861, trum the United States government. TITis is an amount due said Richardson for services as a mail carrier rendered for the quarter ending on the date named above and provision has been made for its payment. Plans have been perfected by the Durham County Dental Society for entertaining 300 delegates,, expected for the 1917 convention of the North Carolina Dental Society scheduled to meet in Durham June 27, 28 and 29. Charlotte is making an effort to se cure the 101S annual convention of the Tri-State Water and Light Associa tion. Ex-Sheriff F. C. Berry of Burke county, was severely injured by being ing thrown from his buggy, when, ow ing to some, part of the harness break ing, his spirited horse, "Black Beau ty," became uncontrollable. SON'HAD TO DO HOUSEWORK Lady Became a Nervous Wreck From Three Years Suffering With Head. Says Cardui Made Her Well. Texas City, Tex. In an interesting statement, Mrs. G. H. Schill, of tills town, says : "For three years I suf fered untold agony with my head. I was unable to do any of my work. I Just wanted to sleep all the time, for that was the only ease I could get, when I was asleep. I became a ner vous wreck just from, the awful suf fering with my head. "I was so nervous that the least noise wouT"d make me jump out of my bed. I had no energy, and was un able to do anything. My son. a young boy, had to do all my household duties. "I was not able to do anything until I took Cardui. I took three bottles In all, and it surely cured me of those awful headaches. That has been three years ago, and I know the cure is per manent, for I have never had any headache since taking Cardui. . . . Nothing relieved me until I took Cardui. It did wonders for me. Three bottles of it did more for me than all the medicine or doctor's treatments, or baths I ever took." Try Cardui for your troubles It should do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other women. Begin taking Cardui today. Adv. His One Thought. "Now York waiters," said Dr. W. W. Campbell, director of the Lick observa tory, during the sixty-ninth session of the Association for the Advancement of Science, "think too little about good service and too much about gouging you out of an enormous gratuity. "I had a very typical experience with a waiter in a Fifth. avenue res taurant the other day. " 'Got any celery?' I said to him. "He gave a great start. Then he bent down and whispered in my ear: "'No, sir. Ye got to rely entirely on yer tips here.' " LIVER; No sick headache, biliousness, bad taste or constipation by morning. Get a 10-cent box. Are you keeping your bowels, liver, and stomach clean, pure and fresh with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every few days with i Salts, .Cathartic Pills, Castor Oil or Purgative Waters? Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and reg ulate the stomach, remove the sour and fermenting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the live and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken of cause any inconvenience, and cost only 10 cents a box from your store. Millions of men and 'Women take a Cascaret now and then and never have Headache, Biliousness, Coated Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or Constipation. Adv. New Conception of "Cultivation." Cultivation a generation ago meant acquaintance with letters and fine arts, and some knowledge of at least two languages and literatures, and of history. The term "cultivation" is now much more inclusive. It includes elementary knowledge of the sciences, and it ranks high the subjects of his- tory, government, and ecnon.ics. Charles W. Eliot, in the Atlantic. CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION BOWELS While You Sleep With Cuticura Soap j towns. The choosing of a manager for and Ointment Trial Free. ! Bristol for a term of three years prom- ises that the plan is to be given a fair On retiring, gently smear the face j test which it should have if any com with Cuticura Ointment, wash off in i parison that will be satisfying is to be five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water, and continue bathing a few minutes with the Soap. The influence of this treatment on the pores extends through the night. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard. Cuticura, Kept. L, Boston, Sold everywhere. Adv. Strong Proof. She They must be engaged. That's her fourth dance with him this eve ning. He That's no si en. She Isn't it? You don't know how she dances. FRECKLES Now Ja 11) e Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spota. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription o'.hlne double strength Is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othlne double strength from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished cntirrly. It is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to com pletely clear the akin and gsin a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othlne, as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it falls to remove freckles. Adv. Utilizing Dust. L'ust that collects in glass factories la collected and oast into paving blocks by a Berlin inventor. Sore Eyes, Blood-Shot Eyes, Watery Eyea, Btlcky Eyes, all healed promptly with night ly applications of Roman Eye Balsam. Adv. Turkey has put bakeries under gov eminent rule. Romelbwn WIDE PIAZZA ADDS TO HOME Part That la Roofed May Easily Be Converted Into Sun Parlor During the Winter Months. A good wide piazza. or porch adds greatly to the comfort and beauty of most any home. In order to serve the best purpose it should be wide and built around several sides of the house. This will Insure a cool, shady spot to hang the hammock on a hot summer day for rest and reading. A piazza should be at least seven feet wide and may be as deep as 12 feet. It is not necessary to have all the piazza cov ered with a roof. . It is a good idea I to have the part which is to be roofed over so constructed that by the erec tion of glass sides a sun porch can be provided for winter use. In the win ter a piazza which is entirely roofed tends to shut off light from the first floor. For this reason the piazza roof should be high, extending to the bot tom of the second floor windows. In. the summer the piazza may be covered with an awning, or a vine trellis, which on nights when there is little air stirring does away with the feeling of closeness otherwise occa sioned. It is a good time to be fore sighted when ordering the piazza to tell the architect that it should be maue so as to be screened for the warm season. A fine piazza is some times a discomfort from the presence of flies or a swarm of mosquitoes or moths. For a bungalow or summer cottage near the salt water screens made of copper wire are best as they corrode less from contact with the sea breezes. Ordinary black screens should be painted two months before they are Intended to be put in use so that the paint may have time to harden. When windows are put up in the winter the window sashes should be painted with black paint over the red wash which is put op in the fac tory and has little preservative qual ity ill it. TO PLACARD DIRTY PREMISES California City Adopts Unique Plan to Raise Standard of Cleanliness in Residences and Business Houses. The city of Alameda, Cal., has adopt- I ! ed a unique plan to raise the standard ! of cleanliness in residences and busi j ness houses. In future the sanitary ! condition of the various premises is to i be shown by placards bearing the in J scriptions "Clean," "Dirty" or "Filthy." ; Those places which do not satisfy the board of health will be placarded as dirty or filthy until they comply with the demands of the authorities. This action was decided upon by the board of health, which appointed a committee to post the placards and to care for the general health of the city. The board of health intends to inspect not only the business houses but also the private residences of the xuty and to affix the placards to every house in' the city. Those residences which can be designated as "clean" will not be placarded, but those in which sanitary conditions are disregarded will be des ignated as "dirty" or "filthy" until the house owners remedy the conditions, upon which the placards will be re moved, j As the board of health has arbitrary ) powers under the city charter, the pla- j cards must remain on the house or places of business until the board is j satisfied that the conditions therein j are sanitary. If any householder tears i down the placards, the extreme peu ! alty of the law can be enforced. Bristol Has City Manager. The adoption of a city manager by the town of Bristol, Tenn., wth a population of about 10,000, may not be of the- highest importance from a po- ! litical viewpoint except for one reason j jt adds to the evidence that the city i manager Idea is spreading, leaving the j inference almost a certainty that it is i a question of time only until adminis i tration by city manager is taken up by the biggest cities as well as the smaller maue Denveen tne town s oin political system and the new. Unless a man ager is allowed the necessary time to work reforms and present results, the handicap would probably be too heavy and in case of failure would register a mark against the city manager un justly. Shade for Pennsylvania Highways. The Pennsylvania state department of forestry and the state highway de partment have completed arrangements for co-operation in planting shade trees and fruit trees along the state high ways. The trees will be grown from seed by the forestry department in its nurseries, transplanted in areas set aside for the purpose, then turned over to the highway department when they have attained suitable size. Good roads organizations will also assist in the planting at that time. The spe cies already transplanted are Scotch, white and pitch pines, Norway spruce, Douglas fir, sugar maple, white ash, white elm, black cherry, honey locut and European larch. -X "Clean-Up Boosters" Organize. A "Society of Clean-up Boosters" has been formed in Philadelphia There are no dues, no fees, no fines, no ex pense of any kind for members. They sign a pledge: "I will be a Clean-up Booster and help keep rny city clean." In return they receive a tag to hang on the front porch, reading: T Help Keep My City Clean." This is sent free by the city highway bureau. An electric heating pad has been in vented that can be fastened under the carpet in a room. Keep It Handy Ward off attacks of grip, colds and indigestion by timely medication with the thoroughly test ed and reliable remedy of the Ameri can household PERUNA It's better to be safe than sorry. Many a loot spell of distressing; sickness might hava been nrevented if this Droved remedy had been resorted to In the first states. Any article that has been Hficiently aaed for Dearly half a century haa proved II Us value. Tablet torn if you desire lull THE rUUXA CC W. L. DOUCLAS "THE SHOE THAT HOLDS, ITS SHAPE" $3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 tJBSftmm Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas shoes. For sale by over 9000 shoe dealers. The Best Known Shoes in the World. W. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot tom of all shoes at she factory. The value is guaranteed and the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the price paid for them. ' I 'he quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more J- than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. They are made in a well-eauipped factory at Brockton, Mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision or experienced men, all working determination to make the best shoes for the can buy. Ask your shoe dealer for W. I Douglas shoes. If be can not supply 70a with the kind you want, take no other make. Write for interesting; booklet explaining; how to ret shoes of the highest standard of quality for the price, by return mail, nostaare free. LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas lAA?. stamped on the bottom. j The United States coast guard in lOlp saved 1,507 lives. A woman may make a fool of almost any man if nature doesn't get the start of her. The Quinine That Doea Not Affect The Head Because of ita tonic and laxatlre effect, Lazatiye Bromo Quinine can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. Tnr 1 only one "Bromo Quinine."- H. W. GEOVH'8 signature it on each box. 360. Their Status. "I see they are suspending juries in England." "Then they'll be hung juries, won't Uiey?" Obstinate attacks of Piles are relieved and the difficult stools which accompany them are softened through the use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Send for trial box to 372 Pearl St., New York. Adv. Her Proof. "I've brought back those eggs you gave me this morning," said the new bride, as she began to take the articles in question from her basket. "They're duck eggs." "Duck eggs!" sneered the grocery boss. "You're mistaken, ma'am. I don't never sell no duck eggs." "But I tested them," triumphed the matrimonial novice. ' "I dropped them into water and they floated." Judge. FRUIT LAXATIVE FOR SICK GILD 'California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver and bowels. Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs" that this is their ideal laxative, because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels with out griping. When cross, irritable, feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this -harmless "fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bow els, and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic remem ber, a good "inside cleaning" should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask at the store for a 50 cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Adv. Switzerland auto imports. imposes a tariff on Died of Premature Old Age! (BY V. M. PIERCE, M. D.) How many times we hear of compara tively young persons passing away when they should have lived to be 70 or 80 years of age. This fatal work is .usu ally attributed to the kidneys, as, when the kidneys degenerate, it causes auto intoxication. The more injurious the poisons passing thru the kidneys, the Quicker will those noble organs be de generated, and the sooner they decay. To prevent premature old age and promote long life, lighten the work of the kidneys by drinking plenty of pure water all day long, and occasionally tak ing Anuric (double strength) before meals. This can be obtained at drug stores. Anuric will overcome such con ditions as rheumatism, dropsical swell ings, cold extremities, scalding and burning urine and sleeplessness due to constant arising. W CPHLL U with an honest price that money Boys' Shoes Best In the World U A. $3.00 $2.50 & $00 President t W.I Douglas Shoe Co., 186 Spark St., Brockton, Mass. FRESn-OHSP-WHOlESOME-DEUaOUS MAKING OF Tries BISCUITS MAKE THEM THK STANDARD F EXCELLENCE lump PmUt has iura. or if not he should. cIsk turn or writs us quarts tus nam CHATTANOOGA BAKERY CMTTMS tuh. "My boat was arrested by the in coming tide." "Then I. suppose you baled her out." The most successful employer is the one who recognizes fidelity on the pay roll. Rest Those Worn Nerves Don't give up. When you (eel all unstrung; when family cares seem too hard to bear, and backache, dizzy head aches, queer pains and irregular action of the kidneys and bladder may mystify you, remember that uch troubles often come from weak kidneys and it, may be that you only need Doan's Kidney Pills to make you well. When the kidneys are weak there's danger of dropsy, gravel and Bright's disease. Don't de lay. Start using Doan's now. DOAN'SW 50at all Stores FosletvMilburn Co. Prop. BuffaIo,TJ-Y. I Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surely but gently on the hver. Stop after dinner dis tresscure 1 indieestion. improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature STOCK UCK IT-STOCK UKE IT For Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Contains Cop peras for Worms, Sulphur for the Blood, Saltpeter for the Kidneys, Nux Vonaica.aTonic.and Pure Dairy Salt. Used by Vet erinarians 12 years. Mo Dosing. Drop Brick in feed:hox. Ask yourdealer for blackman's or write BLACKMAN STOCK REMEDY COMPANY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 12-1917. A West Virginia Woman Speaks Volga, W. Va. "Golden Medical Dis-. covery proved so beneficial in my past state of ill health that I was glad to try Anuric, the new discovery of Dr. Pierce. I was in a delicate condition and suf fered from many discomforts. I ached all over, was constipated, had indigestion, was ex tremely nervous; another discomfort was shifting rheumatism, som'ething I had had for years. At that time it was in my hips and lower limbs. I took the Anuric Tablets according to direc tions, and caii say, and speak in the bounds of truth, that I have not had rheumatism since. I have no indiges tion and am not constipated. The re lief could not be more satisfactory." MRS. JOSEPHINE COEDER RYMER. M Z r IPADTCDv m mm itti sr i M I I i t .rv I II "Si- Sold for 47 yean. Fcr flaIana,CbJIs& FeTer. Also a Fine General Strengthening Tonk. SOc and $1.00 at til Drug Sura.

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