i , r . -it-..' 1W WW"8 A Home Newapafcer Published in the-Interest ot ths -People nd for Governmental Affairs. VOL Xm. NO. 18. FOURTH SEBIES SALISBURY, 17. C, .St . APRIL 18TH, 1917. Wm. H STEWART, ED. AITOPBOJK Q130BA? 'J N. C. BILL FOR INSPECTION IS K1LLE9. Succeeds in Rita Bill in Senate Com- ; mitae After it Had Passed the House. Ill The inspection bill which re- JO UOOOUiVlJ Vi. AllI IJLA vmii u una alter having been introduced by Hon. P. C. Coggins has, since reaching the senate, been killed I by a committee of that body. ftVe are reliably informed that i(Judge)Thos Jones of Asheville, who last year sent his daughter II to a Roman Catholic convent was p very 0c live in presenting his (?) V-t Ohlfift.ihn in t'ho hill in tlifi sanatp j committee. When we stop to consider the bare facts, this gen tleman and thecommittee where- lit) the bill was killed have cer- tamly distinguished themselves t bjf-this very singular action, to isay the least. In a state where fonly one person in every 235 is a sHomah Catholic (according to the ; 1917 Roman Catholic directory) especially in view of the fact that house had unanimously sup- poriiaa ine on1, sucn an action is "l not only unwarranted but is like I wise clearly in direct opposition to the will of the people. No sane Iperson would believe that out'ol the 235 non:Catholics to every 'Roman Catholic th.u sufficient I puu9 uaivo Uvw llx v cuauii ed of ;Romo's peculiar institu tions as to desire to protect tliem irom state inspection . which, in 1 the evefnt that they are as, whole - Isome as tljeirRom ish promoters woulH ift ns Relieve,'" do them no harm. - The action of this committee means nothing more or less than that Mr. Jones, et al. are near- , ing the end of their days in po litical usefulness as the repre sentatives of staunch and true - Americans, wiiose desire is to preserve inviolate the absolute ;! separation of church and slate. ' jj,' It is not improbablo, but on the f contrary a necessary result, that K the district which sent Jovtus to M the state senate will select at its finext regular election a man who yj lias no leaning towards Rome, t religiously . or otherwise, and ( whose past life is evidence con elusive that he will work for the preservation of American ideals f instead, of attempting to block i measures that must rebound to : the best interests of the com monwealth such as placing all in .stitutions not controlled by the state in a bosition" where they will at leasi be subject to state U ' inspection.- The Menace. 1 According to our inforrcntion i- this bill was considered too dras ' -r . f J. -J 11 , tic. it proviaea ior wie rev King and of course it applied to all in stitutions. We undorstpud it would have passed .' had it provided a -penal ty , ' auch as a fine, for fai'ure to, com- hlv with its provisions. Of course the bill could have and should have been amended to suit the requirements, but it was on the eve of adjournment and it Tvas allowed to go, as many other bills did. Ei3, Watchman. Plant Here and Cultivate it and We Wil Have Hore. Superintendent R G Kizar has invited the public school teachers of the county to meet in the old court house Saturday, April fist, for the purpose of discuss ing ways and means of produc ing more food and feed stuff. Of course it is not for us t,o butt into such a discussion, b it we Tvil; venture the suggestiv , that if more stuff is planted anil cul tivated and arrangement-, are made with tbe Lord to ft rnish the right kind of season, tht mat ter will be solved. Of course there are,, several people . ound about here somewhere who know this and several, those -who ex- pect to do any thing, have already proceeded on their way. Receiver for Royal Arcanum Claimed Orsan- iiation Solvent. At Boston Friday Federal Judge Aldrich appointed Tbos. J, Boynton former Attorney General ot Massaa- chusetts, letieivor of the Sir pre me Council of the Royal Arcanum, a fraternal insur ance organization. The appointment wa made on petition of Arthur L. Uo bart of Bain tree, Mass., a member of the order who holdadath benefit certifi cate calling for $309.' , Hobart alleged that the reserve fund of the organization amount ing to $:j,80G,00(V had been illegally administered and that it would be entirely depleted within two years unless the court interfered He asked that an injunction be issued restraining the officers from further adminis tering the funds and that tbe receiver wind up the affairs of the council. The petition stated that 110,000 was lost last year in the sale of bonds of the ccmraouwealth of VlHSS4chueett3 ?nd that in 1915 the sum cf $1 500,000 was illegally nsed in the pay ment of preferential death benefit claims. The organization haB been in existence in orth Caro lina for many yrrs, a lodge 1 having existed in StateBville for 35 yeaiv or more. Yester day J. A. Brady received ,the folluwing telegram from H J Bonitz of Wilmington, grand crelary of the State coun cil. "Following telegram just received f rorr. supreme regent Receiver appcb leid without uoticH and ?ertaiuly without jiiitificatiou. We will move promptly and jeffective'y U. have iecivrshi vacated. Ve are absolutely solven. All claims pro tn pity paid Four million dollars cish surplus aud nothing to fear.'" Stpteville Landmark. A oimilar telegram was re ceived in Salisbury j esterday by Theo. Buerbaum. Secre tary of the local chapter. Sprains tod Strains Sslisved. - v Sloan s Liniment quickly takes the pain out of strains, sprains, bruises and all muscle soreness. A clean, clear liquid easily appli ed it quickly penetrates without rubbing. Sloan's Liniment does not stain the skin or clog the pores like mussY plasters or oint ments. For chronic rheumatic aches and pains, neuralgia, gout and lumbago have this well known remedy handy. For the pains of grippe' and following strenuos work, it gives quick re lief. At all druggists, 25c. Herbert Boeth Conducting Services at the Tabernacle. Herbert Booth, youngest son of General William Booth "found er of the Salvation Army, arriv ed in the city Saturday and is conducting a series of religous services in the Tabernacle under the auspices of tbe First Metho dist Church. His first sermon 1 "I ft m m was pieacnea ouniay morning and regular services. will be held each ever ing ai. 7:45 o'clock. Mr. Booth is described as a dra matic speaker of much force and logic . Pi'ss Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your drugrjr.et will refund money it PAZO ; , IBUS lo cur any case I Itcninff Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6tel4days. The first application gives Case and Best 50c T7 m&imtMimvim. ' i t nr .-'in. . Big Dam at ttM Ktarty $Cizi!ib Water wH li Tam:i h Albemarle, April 14; It is expected that the large dam across the Yadkin at tjie NaT- rows will be completed.' within the next sixty days and the task of filling the big pond covering about ten square miles of tern-t tory will begin. Ir is estimated that it will take practically sixty to ninety days to fill the pond after the dam is completed. Th ree large turbine wheel ate being installed in the Power House with a capacity for de veloping 35,000 horse power each. The mammoth dam toWehng iit to the air presents one ' of .the most interesting spectacles in the way of constructive engineer ing ever seen in the South The steel-tawers sspporting the, large cable for transporting thei electricity from the power house to the manufacturing plant are now completed and it is expected that when the pond is filled and the water begins to rush on tC: the hills that every thing wilt be in readiness including the Power House, the towers and tor bles and he manufacturing: plant. In addition to several hum houses which the Aluminum pany of America nas bunt Lpr its employes, this Company as also constructed ie of the mesf modern and up-to-date hos in the State. JUso has erected a large ing for its children, with all of the latest and most modern equip ments, one special feature of this building is the wonderful facility for lighting. Practically the entire sides of the rooms are made of glass, some of which is plain, while some is tainted or frosted. Bad in is becoming one of most beautiful and most modern cities of the South. ;V&itors coming to Badin and Albemarle practically without exception declare that these two cities which are located right near, to each other are. among the most progressive small cities in the entire country. Catarrhal Deafness Calia Cujgi v: - by local applications, as . they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and. that is by a constitutional m . . m m. - mim "- ' mi remedy. (Jatarrnai ueainess is caused by an inflamed dondition of the mucous lining' of the Eustachian Tube,: When this tube is inflamed yotf Have a rum - - bling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the. result.; Unless fr the inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucons surfaces. Hall s Catarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of system. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case, of Catarrhal Deafnes that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarth Medicine.' Cir culars free. All Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,Toledo, O. Card ef Thanks. We take this method of ex tending our sincere thanks to the many good people, friends and neighbors, who didf so much to assist and comf rt ns during our recent great loss in the death of father and grandfather. Re? pect fully. Thomas E Webb and Family. Qrrl FWM i w mm.--? Negro said Jie was going to do 8 boa Id the white mnt go to war has "been reported from a half dozen diffei'twr. points. We have been inclined to believe U a fab rication fr an the whole cloth, and think so yet to somer extent. (The statement alleged to have been made was to the effect that tlie.Kegro was going to get him a white wife, or live with white women, etc. A similar story told wlfo much coldr cimes from jSpenCer in reference tfi" a Negro py.the name of Gene Kussell. Jt is said The white workmen, hear ing of the, alleged remarks be came inf urated and a mob of sev eral hundred, hungry for the blood of the man really struck biiati tore his vest and caused him to wish himself absent. He went to the kitchen of the Y M C A with the howling, hooting, surging massses , consisting of two or three oirig in the same direction. Here the whi te angel of peace; the presiding - 'genius, law-abiding citizen and champion Of justice and rightegusness, held uhis little finger and com- landed the raging storm to be iitili Just then a matchplod - ed and b thing was off. Of course the Negro, gtnlty pr not, rzs arrested and : lodged in the county jaii. inus nis trace was kaved frpm utt&r annihilation d the temcamUifS5that tnreaiene prougnt wl success MarjiMagdalejBe; 1 a. it "ISS MARIE MAYEE, who Is iiv&i M Rnns a'Nefro . ; A"hbair , story about what a Ik. to tell the storj of. tfte World's Greatest. Drama and of the quiet, peaceful village of Oterammergau; widen nestles lja ' k high hanging mountain railed in Bararia. Not or ly will she tell the story of the Passion Play, wt she will also describe the present unhappy state of her people in the midst of n. world at war. . ' Kiss ; ilayeT. has aken part in thet Fsj$sica Play three ttmes first a -- one of the chi'd.en of Jerusalem in 890, tea yea.ljiter.sa te Ansia the Gartte of OeUisemane, and then in 1910 bhe realized the greatest honor which csji come-1? may girl of OherammerC .,., ' - -rtjP Jfefccs before -her ?wn mother: had.' dreamed, of playing the same character, but tbe coveted honor went 1$ itytiftf RKa married and in 1910 an joyed the supreme happiness of seeing her dream realized in her lovely 4ttISta ;Mry Magdalene. Mlidfhl stereoptteon pictnres . - f ' ' fr&j 'mwic for the pve mng on SalaJwth assLsting arliats Ball fflfiptain Quarries Opened. The following is taken from the Lexington Dispatch: It is good news that comes out from Newsom to the effect that Messrs. Raglandof Salisbury, have secured the Ball Mountain quarries and will resume opera tions there under the name of the Ball Mountain Stone Cc. They have rented all available cot'Ajes and assemblingjaborers for the work. The quality or the rok here is tip top and a large demaudis found for this product for commercial and ballasting uses. It was formerly operated by Paul & Cornell Co., who re cently went into bankruptcy. f ul and joyful close. Seriously a lot of this stuff about Negro talk is rot. The Negro is too in telligent to make such foolish re martfs and a lot is being said and attributed to him that is false. M uch of the sime kind of talk is being indulged in in re gard to many of our foreign born citizens. Of course there are Isome bad in every lot and need watching but, while we hold no brief for - the foreigner in gen eral, suffice it to say there is much being said that can be bet ter unsaid. 1 ''"sBBBr. You Need a Oeoeral To ate Take Orove's "TSfe Qhl Standard Grove's Tasteless a', V-raia is eanallv valuable a nJ tonic because it contains ifca nn tonic properties of QUINTJRE v wn. . it acts-pa tne I4ver, lJrt?3 ; 5a,r Bntirhem.-.t&e Blood ac3 p .tte.wnoi Svstetn; SO cam 6i tfife Passion -fplay Coming Hi MISS MARIE MAYER. to 4ppear on our forthcoming Chautauqua will be mietl'to illustrate Miss Mayer's interesting story. ....' - - I4 - ; 1 . 1 111 V- I -1 j i it . ' . i. wuieii iiiss mayer Vi.ii win u.uvugu uy -! m-n c Mr. Sala's snccessea, both in this country and MEETING OF State Htaraiy swiflaffsa Cats Ii SsStsnr en tte24ttjr!25tttfC..; The annual conYdntiSTotffi State Library Asscrciatiotrwill "b hold in Salisbury on the tfatfnd 25th of this month, irr the ibid court nouse. There wnl&tbir ty five or more visitors arid homes for these will be found by the ladies of the city. There will be speeches made and several interesting reports handed in, showing the rapid progress the Library campaiffn has made and the good "success it is having throughout the S&teV ) There will be a very interesting program rendered by the asser tion. Ground Broken for New Church at ttmu Sunday afternoon the congre gation of the hpencer Methodist Church, of which Rev. C M Pickens is pastor, gathered- on the lot where a new church is to ba erected for the purpose of breakip S3 IF ground for the new edifice, speech making and the tam of a collection. Short talks were madkby the pastor, W S Freeman and T M Stanback, The treasurer,--B L youngr an nounced that he had $6,721.91 4 is h' in hand arid pledges for $8,-' 5.98. The buUding isoj03t 5,C0O or more aattdwttj t?e.i modern structure In every pit tlcular. , ( ; program, has come across the sea. eUisr, Antonia abroad, have b in jot notable. : 1 '''' a 'N TV. iis--"