tfv V. - 3 6 1 A Home Newapaper. Published in the Interest of the People and i;or Governmental Affairs. . XmV NO; 19. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, H. C, WJBBHESDAY. AFBH, 25TH, 1917. Wm. H. . ED. AND PROP. STEWART WILSON'S OESSAGE STIRRiES THE WORLD l - - . Iq Entlanfc France, Jteia andltaly Smeld- tpl Damocracy Awakes with a mm. President Wilson s distinctly great address to congress sum moning America to joih in the life and death ''grapple between democracy will live in the history of the world as one of the great-: est state oaoers ever , given to humanity. ' Never ha a single utterance so thrilled, inspired arid uplifted the democratic millions of earth as this utterance, which nobly voiced the higher idealism of - the Declaration of Independence and the profoundest sentiments bt our piople. . Nowhere was the address' re ceived with wilder enthusiasm than at Petrograd, the recent seat ofautocracy only equalled in its insolen,t assumption of divine right by the pretentions of the sovereign on the.Tiber, the kaisei and the sultan of Turkey. Here soljpiers and civilians "gathered in-the meeting place of the Duma to. listen to "President": Wilson's message which was read and ex plained, amid profound and al most breathless silence folic wed by the wildest bursts of deafen ing applause tha,t had ever been heard in Petrograd, that ancient seat of despotism. - I'his popular enthusiasm :, wjsich knew no bounds, showed how the new- - born Democacy of Russia was. drawing wisdom and inspira tion from the latest voicing of ,the zjjsnititm aemocracvreverr n?3 e . i&SH. ier daTS-Wh eJ o tmresse t tons of Europe drew inspiration and new hopt from the Declara tion of Independence. : In Rome the Freemasons who are high in the councils of the liberal govermeht, and the s ;ni pathetiomasses who revere the name and the message : of Liaz zini, held great meetings marked by unbounded enthusiasim. Lloyed George, the , prime minister of ISngland, splendidly characterized three phrases of thfc great speech in the folk ;ving words vibrant with the ism of world democracy: The glowing phrases ot , the president s noble deliverance, il ia mine .the, horizon, and make clearer than ever the goa we are.striviug to reaclr . . -There: are three phrases which will tand out-fofever in . the history or this crusade. The first is lha: ' the worid must be safe for democ racy." The hex t, ."tne o :iace to" peace and' freedbai lies in the - - .1 existence of autocratic! v menls backed by Organizec force which is controlled wbol. by frtheir 'ill and nor by -the of Atheireoplev'' And the cruwn ing phrase is tfeai'in ' whit, i h declares that 44a steadfast icert ;for peace can ne ver be rtain taired except by the partnership of democratic' nations." v The feelings of the v r.reTic'h people eire th us voiced bv Le 'Temps of Paris: ; When the -starry, banner of the Union will be untuned on our battlefields it will be some'ung more- th4ri ' tnilitary , nayrf or rinancial ' co-operation, it w..l be the verdict bt the cbtiscictice of the human race before- th-.. tn- , bunal of h istory. ' lh litk-e manner the - London Daily News voices EJng-rutrd's senilmentsr ' - ; lh this great utteranc - we ... .screm to heir at last the auit'.entic voice' of humanity statin'; the issue, pronouncing , iun . nenu and'"a wakening the eosciet - p the world to 'the mighty, ufrig at stake' . 'r . , '' ; Tbg tbndon Star call the ( presiaeni tne. secong. jjidcqi n .ana Sunday-School Centennial Day. A national observance of the One Hundredth -Anniversary of organized Sunday-school work in America is being1 .arranged for Sunday, May 6th, 1917. - Every Sunday school n the country is invited to participate - in this important event, which is intend ded not o.ily to commemorate and celebrate the beginning (in May, 1817) of that great con structive work which has been such a potent factor in the de velopment of our, nation, but also to promote greater interest and cooperation in . future Sunday sch'ool work throughout the coun try Complete, .'attractive programs for Sunda--school Centennial Day in pamphlet form, including songs (words and music), will be issued by the. American Sunday school Union, will be furnished free to all Sunday schools, upon requests in the quantity required. Superintendents and other Sunday-school, representatives are in vited; to secure fuli information as soon as possible regarding these, programs and the use thereof. Ali communicaions should be addressed to the v An niversary Committee, 1316 Chest' out Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Rheumatic Pains "I have used Chamberlain's Liniment for pains in the chest and lameness of the .shoulders due to rbeumatisnii and am pleas- ediia a v ib i4t 4fe Msk fteyer ve rhe prc m- S. N. Finch, Batavia, N. Y. - r same lofty, broad and magnifi- ent embodiment of democracy that characterized the martyred resident's great inaugurals. It s nd: . '" - A second Lincoln; a Lincoln inaugural. In these simple words our emotions hod expression as we" read the majestic closing words of Preient . Wilson's mes- sage ..we are not asnamea to say that these words are destined to echo through the ages and to be read by - free-men with great ful hearts. 'They QU our eyes with tears of pride and gratitude Here and n:w1he future of hU nlanity is shaped and moulded for all lime. Tne Dec'urationof Independ- ence, tne ircrewou message oi Washmgiot Lincoln's Gettys burg address and this great state paper will -irj icejb'-oughout the ages the Juals, "he aspirations, the loftj drea ? s and the sincere purpose o: ltv? 1 Democra9y here andeyery;whete no w and forever. Catairhal'Pa&fn Hsnal be Cured; ' ' oy local appjications, as .they : an not reach the diseased portion of the ear. 1 here is only one way to'care catarrhal deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is ausedby inflamed condition of the mucous lining of theEust- achiVn.,Tube. When. this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfsct hearing, and when it is putirely closed, Deaf ness i? the result Unless the in flamm a ti 0 n "c-n1 be reduced arid this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed for ever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, wbich-is an infianied condition of the,. muecus .surfaces.. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts through the blood on the mucous surfaces of the' system;"' " - We will 'ive One Hundred Dol lars f or, any- case of Gatarxhal Deafnes that cannot be oured by Halt's Catarrh Medicine." Cir cularsree. A.U Druggists, 75c. . F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. AMERIGAr , My country, 'tis of thee, v Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; , Land where my fathers died", Land of the Pilgrims' pridev From every mountain side- -' Let freedom ring! ! :! Let music swell the breeze, ; And ring from alMhe&i; Sweet freedom's song- Let: mortal tongues awai;! Let all that breathe parc Let rocksj their silence breafe, The sound prolongw '.-r Out father's Godl to thee. Adthor of liberty! ? To thee I sing; - JJv Long may our land be bdrigh, With freedom's holy light s ; Protect us by thy might v.. Great God our King, Stop Left Oyer Coughs. Dr. Bell's Pine-Taf -Honey will stop, that hacking cough that lingers from January v The soothing pine balsam lbsens the phlegm heais the irritated mem brane,. Ihe glycerine relieves the eci d inffng- ?u?5 JL 13 uaugcruus. ux. ieu s iine-1 ar- tioney is antiseptic ana pieasent to take, benefits, young and old, get it at your druggist to-day.' v ormula on the bottle. 25. c We Police Help. Carrol Scobeyl 15; Kdith Zig ler 15: and Margaret Paddillo 19; escaped from the House of ihe Good Shepherd yesterday. Within two hours they were in the matron's quarters of the city jail, waiting for the officials of the home to take them back.. oo says a Denver, uoio., paper of recent date We are inform ed that the Denver police force. is more than 60 per cent Rom an Catholic, which accounts for the readiness with which it aids in the recapture of runaways from the pope's prisons. It is saidvajso t kt more than 400 girls are incarcerated . in these '.'charily" . slaves pens of Denver, the:buildihgs and prop erties;of . w,Jiich are" valued at $200,000 'but' ipay Jiof tax while several auto-, trucks patrol the. city reguljafjjjr gatherihg up I the 1 iundry wprwhic&iJhe imprison 'j ed girlMo forlth profit olf ' .the . pbpe'-njff'.ftiseavepriestsV- j It is'.a, vVqngetfuT. charity which j repuires. policemen to -impose : its .benefits rtipbn uwiiltog'benefi ciaties'; and ay et more"..jtnarvel ous exhibition of charity t6vsee those it benefits- (?) trying to espape its benef actn . Are the American people - blind, deaf and dumb, or are they or has Rome , merely succeeded, through her censorship to lull them to slqep in the dark as to her prisons where child slaves enrich the master grafters of the centuries. The Menace Clear Your Skin in Spring. Spring house cleaning means Cleaning insidV'and outside. Dull pimply skin is an aitermath of .winter inactivity. Flush your in testines with a mile laxative and clean out the accumulated wastes easy to take, they do hot ripe. Dr. King's' New Life-Pills will clear your complexion ajad brijgh ten your eye. Try,jDn King-'s New Ivife Pills tb night and throw off the sluggish winter -spell. At Georgia Veterans M Awake. . . The- Gbn federate. Veterans of Georgia will hold a memorial eel - ebratiou ai .Mucoi,;Ga.; on April on.t --'a ii- iu ... Jae delivered vc great patriotic ad-' ; dress by'J. Govtloit Jones, mayor. of Condele, Ga. , and one of the ablest lawyers in'the state. It seems that the Daughters of the Confederacy arranged for a me morral celebration at the same place, and on the arae date., and made the mistake of Mnviting, as the speaker of the day, Benjamin Kelley, a rank Roman.. Catholic and a man who could uot possibly have any heartfelt interest in a public, patriotic demonstration of the- character in question. This .made it necessary for the old Vets', to arrange a dilf erent meeting, at which they expect to -have an -old-time barbecue and a great speech by Mr. Jones as above stated. The Old Siar.cari p.fjcisl r.irea;;:hcti',rj. t - . GROVE'Sr TASTSLIiSSchilt TOS:C. Offv- M&laria.tnricfaesthctilobd.and tiuiidy iiy tii t? tem. A true tonic. Vor adults aod cUiiJi en Siic 1 its lias Princess Waiahwaso, I ill Coining Here on the Big Redpath Chaataugua PPSSSKifwr" v' 11 '"Kt0 mmm '' lit;.. Photo by Matzene, Cliicago. A S a mosseiisrer from a denartins: tiful Watahvi-aso ("Biljjlit Star,") Princess of the Penobscot tribe and flower of one of the' .last -famlllei. of-., unmixed Indian blood. Longfellow's artful story of "Minnehaha," with its wondrous colorings and its tale of love and -sorrow, revealed. much of ' the beauty of the aboriginal life and character, but it has remained for ,this modern singer of the songs of her fathers to bring their message to this later generation. ' 5 "M T ' 'Her Indian chief tain, father, true to racial traditions, established and kept his family intact at theirtribal is land home at Oldtown, near the coast of Maine. Far from, resisting those Influences which he knew ' would .at tract his people away from the old life, he welcomed them, he himself laboring incessantly' for that education and equipment "which later brought' him wide prominence and membership In the legislature of the Pine Tree 7 State. ,Then, one by one, came pale faced "Hiawathas" and carried off Watahw.aso's sisters, and their children and tbeir children's chifdren, Americans all, will gather to retell the fast fading stories of their fathers. ...In later years invading hunters sought out. the Penobscot tribesmen to guide them through the Northern wilds' and paddle their' canoes through the treacherous waters while the women remainingin the tepees wove the gor geous baskets and beaded the buckskin garments. Watahwaso's father was now a recognized authority in Indian history,; and folk lore and a speaker of distinct charm and more and more. was called to speak in public Often ac comiiailying him was his little princess, charming and demure, who with-remarkable skill sang the tribal songs and thahts and gracefully danced the ceremonial Indian dances. Up to this time her only tutors had been Sisters of ; "Mercy ih their.' Indian school. '-.; . . - e ; ' '' ; A" professor from Cambridge, inquiring among the Penobscots for information concerning an ancestor whom-' that tribe had taken prisoner in the French and v Indian war, discovered that Watahwaso's ancestors had befriend-, ed his relative, . the prisoner. "In gratitude for ttis and in appreciation of the remarkable talent, displayed by the little princess he arranged for her schooling at Canrrldi,,'. tacludhig' .study" with, masters in musical art vTh'us she has come to her own, an artist supreme ' i$ 'the portrayal Of Indian 'lore and in the intcrpj Ptniion of -Indian music. - . - ." ' - I Love of Country. Breathes there the man with soul - so dead f Who never to himself hath said, ims is my own, my native lanai v nusc ueart nam ne er wnnin him burned, As home his footsteps he hath turned From wandering on a foreign ; strand? If such there breathe, go mark him well! 'For him no minstrel raptures swell; -n - High though his titles, pioud his name; r Boundless his wealth as ish can claim, Despitet hose titles, power and pelf, Fhe wretch, concentred all in self Living, shall forfeit fair reknown And doubly dying shall go down To the vile dust from whence he sprung, Unwept, unhonored, and un sung. Sir Walter Scott. t Tn f!iir m fVlrl in Hua nv Take iativb'bromo Quinine, it Btops the J Coueh and Headache, and works off the Cold Druggists-refund money if it fails to carer S. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c race noble, nlcturesaue, yet little understood cornea charmine and beau Ugats for Idiseing Xostallsdi. Candis, :;votie of "the tnpst' prOsjperous Rowan county towns, is to Jhave a system of electric J fghts. A plant is , being built . anbwill be completed in a few weeks time and; the lights for streets nd homes will be turned on. ' ' -. ' 'i. The plant is being built by-the town; but the current will be bought from the Southern powe company,; Land is has no light plant and the streets have not been lighted at all;, and private homes have depended on the old lamp. It is thought , the, new system will be in operation with in the next thirty days. Nature Cures, The Doctor Takes t&e Fee. There is an - old saying that ? 'Nature cures, the doctor, takes the fee," but as, everyone know 3 bu can help Nature very mutfi and thereby enable it to effect' a cure in much less time than is usually required. This is par ticulary true of colds. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy relieves tn lungs, liquifies the tougfe f rdncus and aids in its exoectOriatkmr. Iays the cough and aidsrNatwrc in restoring the system to a healthy condition. -: . eooni2e tn tb e mes age th e druggists, 25c. ' 1 . vk ' - a .- - --- - . - - . : . .- . .. ,- J . ...V, .. , - J - I , - , ' . - . " 1 1 .- - -- ' '' : '- : . ' .-' - 2 mi" ,' - -i.r

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