' :"it .-'4 ' .... -S5T r! r , j - r I' 1 - Wudff onloyernmental Affairs. V0L.,XItI NO. 20. FOURTH SERIES SAtKlBURY, H. C, 3&V2Efc40lt. . TO. H. STEWART, El. Ai) BOf. 165 s. VI t -: - . f. . I w - - " 1 i W nxM rv- I- - i it i:- i 4 CHAUTAUQUA PROGRARI, HAY 2-9. Cich Attention Given to Children Without . S$seial Information Concerning Teachings. The Program for the Red path Ohautauqua "which opens here today with many attractive fea tures, and including much time given to children's hours, is as follows: Wednesday afternoon May 2nd. Introductory Exercises. Concert, The Bohemian-Orchestra. Children's Hour, in charge of Children's Worker. Admission 35c, children 15c. Wednesday night. Concert, The Bohemian Or chestra. Lecture, America and the World of Tomorrow. Dr. Martin D Hardin of Chicago. Moving Pictures, Admission 50c children 25c Thursday' morning, May 3rd, Children's Hour. Community Singing, Admission 25c, children 15c. Thursday afternoon. Concert, Beulah Buck La dies Quartet. Admission 35c, children 15c Thursday gight; ConcervSeulah Buck Ladies' Quartet. Lecture, An Analysis of Suc cess and Failure, Har? L Fogleman of New York City. Amissioft 35c, children 15c. Friday morning, May 4th. Children's Hour. Community Singing, Admission 25c, children 15c. Friday afternoon. Concert, Members of the Ora- Lecture. Moonshine; B Mc Donald of Newark, O. Admission 50c, children 25c. iFriday night. Concert, The Oratorio Artists. Moving Pictures . . Admission 50c, children 2oc. Saturday morning, May 5th. Children' Hour. Community Singing. Admission 25c, children 15c. Saturday afternoon, Concert, Antonio Sala, Spanish Cellist and Assisting Artists Indian Songs and Legends, The Indian Princess Watah waso The Great SINCE the days when we followed our first circus parade, to tfie " pulse-stirriifg strains of te uni formed band sitting aloft hi their Silded, palatial wagon drawn by pranc ing horses, we have never qr.iie lost the mcgic thrill which always returns when we hear the rousing strains of a good band. ! trl L " " Admission 50c, children 25c, Saturday night -Concer t, The Sala Trio Indian Songs, Legends, aud Dances, Princess Watah waso . Lecture, The Passion , Play, Fraulein Marie Mayor of Oberammerau Moving Pictures Admission 50c children 25c, Monday morning, May 7tjh Children's Hour Community -Singing Admission 25c, children 15c Monday afternoon Choral and Orchestral Pro gram 'Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company Admission 50c, children 25c Monday night The Mikado, Gilbert and Sulli van's Famous Light Opera, (Complete Production by Company of 3', Including Orchestra) Moving Pictures Admission. 75c, children 35c Tuesday morning, May 8th Children's "Hour Community Singing Admission 25c, children 1 Tuesday afternoon i Lecture, How to Meet the High Cost of Living, George L McNutt Of New York City Admission 35r children 15c Tuesday night Mother Gooe Festival, In Charge of . Children Worker Lecture, Let the People Know, Cogresswoman Jeannette Rankin of Montana5, (Subject to Congressional Duties) Moving, Pictures .Admission 50c, children 25c Community- Singing Wednesday afternoon. Grand Concert, Creatore's Band 5 Admission 50c. Children 25c, Wednesday night . Grand Concert Creatore's Band, Led by the Great Cre atore himself Moving Pictures Admission 75c, children 35c. Guisepe will direct Creatore's Band at the Evening Concert only. Piles Cured-in 6 t & 4 Days Vour druearif t will refund-on if PAzcr OINTMENT fails to cm- itrvcasfi of Itchinsr The first application vives Ease Rest. 50c Creatore On 4- Creators is one of the greatest band leaders our couutry, has ever known. When the well known Italian leader first came to--this country, he was a veritable sensation. Dramatic, pic-, turesquc in tis directing", and cycltmic in -his intensity and a revelation of musical energy, he v. as a marvel of emotional possibilities. He quickly be Wednesday mornm, Jfa 9thi . WALTER GEORGE IS AT IT He is men to Wt&zfofc? ar.nD O swer Falsi Prefcj New Yorir, April 26. A man described as Walter G NeirniSO, "stock promoter,' wasarrcsfcd today in a stock brbkerage oitda, at 80 Broadway, on warrant sued in Washington, stating a)t: he was under indictment on a charge of larceny. No er details were supplied. locked up at police heaqiiart to await the Washington poLo The prisoner said his arrealJi sons in vy asmngcon wisiieu utc to give information poncernin Washington officials. Washington, April 28v WalSl George Newman of (old Hill aid New York, was brought here tc day by deputy United; State! marshals to answer a charge Of false pretense preferred against him by Charles H Martin, Sena tor Overman's secretary. New"5 man has already been indicte by a grand jury in the District of Columbia. ( W r. Newman spent most oj.tjje day in Marshal Splain's, ofnea trying to obtain bail. Up to noon, the time government offices close on Saturdays, he had not been successful, though his nephew W C Jones of Richmond, hadTt rived in the city an4 ..probably w ill be able to secure the proper amount. .' It will be remembered .Newman came into prom; the last time while boosting Hill stocks in Washington. ' Jit. number of United States sen- pro3ect3ftidu. bought large- amounts ?of Mr Newmans interests. The stock went up from , something like 2 cents a share to approximately one dollar. Then a New York newspaper discovered that Newman was writing letters on United States stationery. An investigation by the senate was ordered anji with in a few days the bottom had fallen out of the Gold Hill stocks. It was while Newman was boosting his stocks, that Martin bocame acquainted with him; IN e Will an Was a Welcome Caller and His Band eventti Day came the rage. Creatore's genius lay, not -only in his Singular ability to im part to his men the ocmtagioo of his vivid emotions, .but lsb in his unusual mastery of instromeniation. Erom;the shrill call of the cornet to the thunderous roar of the ketttedrums every instrument is in perfect harmony. Some one has rightly styled the result v Bowel t 3l4rltt is the ?sie cret ci tjoo4 Uealtbt?f bright eyes t&T iccpiwfcitnd?Dr. Kg2aUfw Itiattve that frnlatcs the bowels kt relieves iragedted itrtes tines byaartwj the acenmntat a, pill before retttinff, aod.taatf h,thati2! spring: fewr feelmff lisappg Get t Dr. jdruggiati 25e on almost a dozen or more sea- ators the most of wjaqrn boogh stock -in the Gold BiU f Jar tin alleges that Neivmaft ob tained $1,000 under e frch inse, The case wWiestljr ed hy the W asiungton, autnpri Inland ah indictment returned by the grand jurv about a month in con versatipn wtttv S ip.uy News correspondent Ht. man sai44hat he had donethr ing wrong and tbat be would in table to prove his innocence A preliminary hearing wU be. given Newman Monday -when the (amount tf. bond required by the district attorney will be fixed.; These is more Catarrh in this. Section of the country than ; all diner diseases puf together, ant; -S ' m tor rears it was supposed to be curable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and bv constantlv faiiog to cure wlh local treaVil r Z - meti pronounced it incur Carrh is a local disease, atly J consutt6natreUet Catarrh Medknne ,maimacCttre44 by F J Cheney & (Tbjfedf is a const! tut tonal remedy-; is taken interftjlly , ,an4 .aeS:W the Blood on the ; muecfaiVi'Sinu faces of the System. On Hull. 1 dred Dollar34-eward.ts offered ior any case that Ball's Catarrfr 4 Medicine fails to care. Send , for cirCalaad wimiai, circulars and testimonial free., F J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c.. Hall's Family Pills for con- StipatlOn. of y the as a "Sublime Festival at Cnrmoaj." Wilt Be r- Htere- Clasaie and popular txpxfr sike fertef is Um Boston 0 the atidience thrilia of delight t tef The prosed tte Creatore program is sufficients frt to pteaoe !d beta caHMdt Ji4ilf doeenf times, the diYersiflS3' tjiiX the crest' he get .taaj-toietnOT and repeated crowds which tua ttf bear tins The 8tar Spieled Banner with an ceiebrsted .wder tSeece Ote ciimsx scccwpewlmeot ;tft. mosicai. fireworks the audience reaches high pitch g that sent everytdy home in an exalteti enthnsissa. state e, nroUtelstioa,?, j Creatore s Hmm tiJh Ssitk ti ffla JirpS War. Atlanta, Oa , April 28 Gif -ford Pinchot, former head of the national forestry service told an audience'at the econd Baptist church here tonjtgiit that if the war lasted for more than a year 'it would be won by the men who piow-the soil pf the south.' Jf the south is made self-sus taining,' ht centiqued 'so that the S700,000,00d worth of foodstuffs which yearly bfve to be sent here for your people, can be sent to the allies who are actually fighting abroad, tewl be settled.4 , : Speaking hf effects of the .war upon American views he de glared it had 'opened! ouzl mind to many things to which we were blind. ! . ; 'For instance he said, France in our minds has 'always appear fd as a nation demoted to frivoli iy. Today France stands out hefore the wprld; a& the most efficient nation in khe world. 'Because of qur histories unfortunately, George the Third l is still alive and we fail to realize the good - character of EngUnd today. England through hei great fleet, his heen the means ol.pnr safety, through her army, ajs she is mjitress of the seas we fNp ris ihe time to get rid of i ypur. rieuiujusm, x on wui nna 4amblai,S; Liniment a great help, . The relie mm l 3biinciL;No. : 0; U.;A. IIZ of this dtyl issned .ftuv urgent appeal to order to do all in their power uphold the president and flag our country in the crisis now ccfcfrantmj the ration. In clos - -j- r- , jjliif say j;!tKememberthat our 17; TSS i 1 t1 pabUb schools and oux homes." f .1taln'if Csef m fct The Hsfr" ae of it tost atxl iaative effect; m isyoaco yuuuntt better tban ordmr as.ua aoM sot ve nervoataes oof tta -It hMk tenbex the foU name and "At the tb& .fe0 oi Ui Tconcerts." mm the 3 Resolethns of Appreciation. Rockwell, N. C, April 27. At a meeting of the joint con sistory of the Faith charge of the Reformed church on April 15th, 1917, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we, the mem bers of the joint consistory of the Faith charge, hereby express our appreciation to Rev. Welker, our pastor, and his wife, for their untiring interest and devo tion to the, needs and necessities of the spiritual welfare of eur people, and we hope that the in terests of both pastor and people may so blend and harmdnize in the future that the result may be many years of useful service and sacrifice for the Master to the end that our people may be constrained to follow more close- ly in the footsteps of t;the meek 4ndthe lowly Jesus, and may the All Seeing Eye ever watch over and direct them until their labors on earth have been com pleted, and they have been called hence, where labor ceases and joy is forever more. : At no time since the formation of the Faith charge hasr harmony ejxisted between pastor and peo ple as it exists at this time and we trust that it in a v continue f6r time to come. By order of the joint Con sistory. L. M. HoLiSHUser, Sec'y. - -4- For Yonr Child's Cough. I Here's a pleasant cough sy ru p that every ckild likes to take, Dr. f Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. If your chnd has a deep hacking cough cell's i'me Tar-HOney, the sooth v Pe balsams relieve the cough, loosens the phlegm and heiIs tne irritated tissues. Get a bottle to-day at your druggists and start treatment at once. 25c. jThe clofeing exercises of the Mt; Ulla school began Sun day-afternoon with the bac calaureate sermon by Rev LA Falls of Moresville, and closes this evening with a plky entitled "Tomskin'a Hir ed Man." v appearance at the Panama Exposition proved s similar sensation. Creatore and his band come here on the seventh day of the big Bedpath 3hautaaqna program. Creatore will direct his band only at the evening performance. The concert of the afternoon will be led by the sistant director.

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