LOCAL NEWS ' of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS. Archie Sbunarn; Baijbn . Sheets and W H Welch, got into a row in Tobe Leiitz's joint, recently opened in Ho. ganV AUy,.and ShumWs throat wa badly vcut Welch claitr that Shuman and Shet-ts attacked him and knocked him down, when he pulleu his kuffe and pro ceeded to do some slashing. Shuman had a doctor sew up his throat- The Churchland school in Davidson county is hold ing its closing exercises this week. The program con tains many items of interest among them being a literary address by Lieut. Gov. O Max Gardner. Payment to the military companies that have . been drilling for the past six months iu this state was made Saturday, the 'Salis bury company being the first to receive its appropriation from the federal govermeat. The old zinc and lead naius at Silver Hill, neai .Denton, in Davidson county are being re-opened and it 13 hoped will continue in op eration for a long time. A regular army officer will be here this week ro examine all who may wish to take the officer's, training at Fort Oglethorpe Gi., J W Thompson, Jr., is mnking oat application papers for recruits at present. The Spencer public schools are holding their clewing exerci8esthis week, beginning today with the baccalaureate sermon by Rev W A Lam beth of Salisbury. The N O Lutheran Synod opens i n Albemarle next Wednesday and will .be pre sided over by Rev (.J A Brown of C hina Grove, president of the Synod. An automobile belonging to John McCanless was stolen from in front of his reid nce last night, it was a five p.is 5 senger Dodge. Chief of Folic Uaab!e has instructed .the patrolman to arrest all Negroes f ound loaf ing about the street at night. Miss Mary, daughter of Mr and Mrs J v P Cathey, and John V Hanford. were unit ed in wedlock at the home of the bride's parents on South Fulton Street last night, Rev -0 B Heller offi ciating. After , a wed Ung trip the couple will reside in Salisbury. The city aldermen held a meeting last Thursday night which was large'y concerned in the diecussiou of street improvement. There was quite n crowd flt China Grove last Friday la truing to hear Governor Hicketfs literary address be f.re the pupils of the graded school there. This was the fiual day of the public school ' closing exercises there which ended a very successful ses pi m. The Salisbury- bakers hav announced that beginii;? to morrow the price of head will be 6 cents per loaf in-ead of 6c Driv3s0ut Malaria, BulSus c .'-" The Old Standard general strengthen;.: -. GKOVB'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, viti MaUria,enriche$ the blood.aod builds tr V Xtm- 4 teutonic For adylts aod qhiloreo- 50c Th6 Salisbury military organization, known as 4th Company Cost Artillery Corps has been notified to be ready to report for duty nd it iM understood that it will leave for a training camp to-morrow. Dr J Eroest Stokes, of "he Whitehead Stokes Sanator ium of . Salisbury, has been appDiuted by Go T W Bick ett ji member of the North Carolina CouacT of Medical preparedness. A code commission to pro vide for the condification of the laws of North Carolina was provided for by the last legistalure. Among t h o p'e who will do ihis work is Stable Linn the Senator from Rowan. The appointment of Mr Linn is a compliment to his ability and a guarntee to the State that the work will be well done. The Ivy Damask Mill of Salisbury has just been char tered by the Secretary cf State, 'its capiUl in to be 50,000, SG.500 cf wliich has been paid in a.d the corpora tors are T B Yarsh, U Le Mahaley of Salisbury and L D Cambell and William Ben nettof iTe w York. Belk HaTry Co., -the big dry goods merchants of Salisbury, has a new advertisement in Ihis paper. Lst Tuesday evening three young Indies rron a Greens boro ciileH, afiivr being ac companied ro Charlotte and back by there yoking men in an automobile, were detain ed here until the father of one of the young ladies came over and took charge. of the truants. Kenuath Brown, the popu lar night ticket agent here, left Sunday .light for Augus ta, Ga., where he has ben given a similar but more responsibly position. Cyrus B Nicholas of Salis bury, &o.u of (Japt J R Nicho las, has 'enlisted in the U 8 Navy at the r:fuitii.g office in Raleigh in' charge of Lieut. John J London: Thos-. families expecting to hold re-uuions this year are begining to arrange their date so as not to conflict with each other. The Yost-Stire-walt"PlecS -families are ex pecting to hold their annual re-union ov n Wednesday. August 1st. Road to Happta, Be airnajjle, clieerful and g-ood natured and you are much more likely, to be. happy. You will find this difficult, if not impossi ble, however, when you are con stantly troi: bled with constipation Take Chamberlain's Tablets and get rid or that and it will be easy. Thse tablets not only move the L'OWtls, hut improve the appe iiie audi :: streng then the digestion. Mm Am$ ior Laoai Coaipany. The examination. . board ' under the directl n of tiie War Depart ment wtiicnwas m session April 11-13, in Greer.&boro, installed the fallowing bflicers belong ing to theOoayt Artillery Compa ny of Salibury;: D E Murpb, captain; W li Ross, :first iieut6n ani; J H McKenzie. second lieu- teuant. borne ot Kie men of this company fprev.se4 a desire to be released iVoni the company and atfeo't themselves to the regular- army p.t Fort Oglethorpe, but advices have heen received to the elf ect, that this will not be permitted at this time, so the men must roiviain with the local company. Ycuns Rockwell Boy Dies from Wounds. Lester Lee Miller, aged 15 years and 1 8 months, died at theft sanatorium in this city Sunday afternoon of injuries received by being accidentally shot Monday, April 23rd, by a companion, Hoy Fesperman, at Rockwell. The body was taken to Rockwell Monday morning and the funeral was held from the First Baptist church at that place and the in terment took place at Lower Stone church. The death of young Miller was distressingly sad. A week or more ago he and a companion, Hoy Fesperman, a son of B A Fesperman, a partner in business of the father of the deceased, were out hunting and in some ;uanner the , Fesperman boy ac cidentally shot his companion, the Miller boy, the load entering the right side near the hip, tear ing a hole and it is said pierced the intestines in a number of places. The injured boy was brought to Salisbury and placed in the sanatorium but at no time was there any great hope held out for his recovery. Among those here from Rock well Monday, at which place both boys lived .with their par ents, was young Fesperman and he was greatly distressed over rhe death of his companion aud playmate. Young Miller was a son of B T Miller, a well known man of Rockwell, and was much liked. His death has caused great sorrow in the little town. Muscle Soreness Relieved. Usual work, bending and lifting- or strenuous exercise is a strain on the muscles, they be :oine sore and stiff, you are crip oied and in pain. Sloan's Lini ment brings you quick relief, asy to apply, it penetrates with out rubbing and drives out the soreness A clear liquid, cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, it does not stain the skin or clog the pores. Always have a bottle handy for the pains, aches of rheumatism, gout, lumbago and grippe, bruises, stiffness, back ache and all external pain. At your druggists, 25c. JaiiTors Mast in Lexington. There was a meeting of the members of the Jr. O. U. A M of the 9th district, composed of Davidson and Rowan coun ties at Lexington last Monday evening when an interesting pro gram was carried out. Among the speakers, were, H . O Sapp, State Vice councilor of Winston Salem, A H Price of Salisbury, Rev. J H Keller of China Grove and Dr. W B Duttera, district deputy of Salisbury. Quite a number were, present from Salis bury a'nd Rowan County and the meeting was considered a success from every stand point. Don't Let Tour C8&?h Hanson. A cough that racks and weak ens is dangerous, it undermines your health and thrives on neg lect. Relieve it at once with Dr. King's New Discovery The soothing balsam remedy heals the turoat, loosens the phlegm, its antiseptic properties kill the garm and the cold is quickly broken up. Children and gi-own. up 'alike find Dr. King s New Discovery pleasant to take as well as effective. Have a bottle handy in your medicine chest for grippe, croup and all bronchial ' affections. At druggisls, 50c. ' KM at Concor d. Concord, April 27. J T Skid-1 more, an aged man of this city, , J Was killed early this morning as j he was going to work at the Gib son cotton mills. Mr. Skid mora j was crossing the Southern track j and waited for a northbound train J to pi?s, crossing directly follow- ing the passir:g tr un ; Stmth - bound train No. '51 struck and killed, him instantly . Mr. Skid more was 73 years of age, a Con federate and leaves a wife and several children Rev. J H Fesperman, at one time a resident of Salisbury, rdied at his home in Statesville Thursday nihi. The funeral was hold at. Trontcian Saturday morninji- his live nepUews, C N, H M, T 1. O M. and J F Brown. of Salisbury, noting as pall bear ers. Rev. Fesperman was 75 years old a nrl a native of t be St. Paul tiieghboi'hood, this eounty, was a Lutheran minis ter'and had lost a leg soaiH years ago. Charlie, i he one year-old on of Cha's. Fisher, died at the home of its parents Sunday. The fu neral was held from the house Monday morning, Rev. M Kinard officiating. Tb inter ment was iu Cnestnut Hill cem etery. ; Clement, the infant of" David Mesimoro, died Saturday night at the home in tbe Van-;e Mill neghb:rhood. The funeral was conducted. Sunday by Rev. G W Vick and the interment was in Chestnut Hill cemetery . President Wilson Expects Every man to Do His Part. In his appeal the President places a personal responsibility upon every man and woman in the United States for the out come of the war. What are you doing to help win this war? Jn. The Watchman this week is givon news accounts of the past week including the passage of the groat hi my bill by Congress; i:.i-iuding the vote and extracts ol ipeeche made by leading senators. , Tlii'j-o are many other news item of importance in the Watch man this week including reports of meetings of the war commissioners, three uations honor Washington, Roosevelt's plan before Congress, the great food crop campaign, etc. You need to read the news in the Watchman this week. .In addition to the above will be found the record of deaths, marriages and all the local news briefly told for our readers. The Waichman gives you all the news. Proper Food for WaaK Stomachs. The proper food for one man mav be all wrong for another. Every one should adopt a diet suited to his age and occupation. Those who have weak stomachs need to be especially careful and should eat slowl3r and masticate their food thoroughly. It is also imoortant that they keep their bowels regular. When they be come eonsiipated or when they feel dull and stupid after eating they should take Chamberlain's Tablets to strengthen the stom ach and move the bowels. They are easy to take and rueasant in effect. THE FIRST STEP Usually the first indication of a lowering of health is found in the j bowels and Jiver. Something goes wrong we eat too much,, or work too hard and the bowel . action weakens or the liver is sluggish. That heavy feeling on arising in the morning, dryness of the throat, with: bad taste, a slight headache, dull 'eyes all show that food has fermented in the intes tines, and that the body is man ufacturing poisons instead of good blood. Clear it all out. Give the stomach and bowels a fresh start. Encourage the liver to go to work. Manalin does all of this, without griping or weakening. It's the ideal laxative and liver tonic, because it follows Nature's plan, without discomfort, inflam mation or forming a. habit. Con : 1 ' stipation may be overcome witn its use. LiiQuid or tablet form. The Tab lets t as t e 1 i k -a candy. Children like tnenr, and they are tsaf;. 10 and 25 cents. The Parana Co Columbus, O. r-T ' ! : f ! I Reed Miller, the Noted Oratorio Tenor, Scheduled to Appear Here REED MILLER, who appears here with the Oratorio artLsts Chautauqua week, is probably the best knuvii oratorio tenor in this country. He was born in South Carolina and le-eived there his early musical educa tion. He has appeared on many otcasiens with Waiiev Dauirosch- and the New York Symphony Orchestra, the Philharmonic Club of Minneapolis and the Apollo Club of Chicago. N3w Officers (or State Library Association. ": The North Carolina Library Association which was in session here last week acajou rued Wednesday after having had a very seecessf ul and inter isting I meeting and electing the follow-1 ing officers for the ensuing year: j President. Miss Grip-jrs. of i Durham. Vice-President, Mrs. Linton, of Salisbury . Secretary, Miss Brougliton, of Raleigh. Treasurer, V iss Malone, of Trinity College. The" place of next meeting was left to the executive committee and will doubtless be at some eastern point. Holies to Creditors. - Having duly qualified as executoi of the estaiewf Date Brown deceased, thi? is to'nntify all persons having clai:n agaioRt sHd estate to piesent ihe same to tlx under allied on or before May lis, 1018, 't tliis notice will be pleaded in bar o thir recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please settle at once. This May 1st, 1917. W. F. Kelsey, executor. T. G. Fufr, atty. CLASS We carry in stock or make to order any kind of medal or rings of the very latest styles in solid gold and guarn tee our prices. v We also -.lo the finest watch and jewelry repairing lh,t can be done and every job is fully guaran teed. ' We carry the largest line of Watches, Diamonds, and Jewelry in North Carolina. See us for reliable goods, no MISREPRESENTATIONS. W. H. LEONARD, JewerSy & Diamond Merchant Wallace Bldg.. Salisbury, N. C. SALISBURY'S B I A 'Full Line A General Meichandise Constantly On Hand FOOT REST HO; IELIY whether it's appearance you waut in hosiery or wheather it wear you will get it if you get "Foot Rest " And this too is an enduce ,ment to most of us. You'll S AVE.MONEY. Fall and winter goods, heavy-weight underwear for men and woman, also Drees Goods, Shoes, Pants, Overalls-, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries, country produce, ieed stuff, etc. When in need come to se me. Farmers are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, W. TAYLO Thone 39, 103 'ir Yon Need n Qfeneral T ; Take Grove's t rii Standard Grove's Tis&, I v s equally valti&bls m. - i- becaa?e it contain! - 'vn oj?j propri'rtiesotQUIN ' ' v i m. :$. .:sc'-s on the Liver, Jtr c "j ii ! h r s the Blood -v VHAT IS IAX-F0S IS AM IMPROVED CASCARA A Digestive Laxative Lax-Fos is nc c a Secret or Patent Medi cine but is cou posed of the following aid -fashioned roots and herbs: CAS6lRA BARK BLUE FLAG ROOT RHUBARB ROOT BLACK ROOT MAY APPLE ROOT SENNA LEAVES AND PK.PSIN In Lax -Fes the Cascara is improved by the addition of these digestive ingredi ents making ii better than ordinary Cas CARA,and thus the combination acts not only as a stimulating lasative and cathar tic but also as a digestive and liver tonic. Syrup laxatives are weak, but Lax-Fos combines strength with palatable, aro matic taste and does not gripe or disturb the stomach.- Ore bottle will prove r . t- ' l 1,1- r gy a ' jvaatus is lflvfauujic lor v.bDsupauoa, Indigestion or lerpia Juiver. irrice 50c. FINS AND BUS. G GENERAL STORE S. Main St., Salary, fl. C. 1 m l-l5 m&&?

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