a- V. - 4 MBI $ r iu rs bw 1 u :Written by: OUR CORRESPONDENT " -J- III 1 I T FAITH April 23. Fannie Ward Williams was born March 27th, 1897, and died April 21st, 1917, age 20 years and 26 days. She wag baptised in infancy by Rsv J M L Lyrley and confirmed in Faiif E L church in April, 1914, and was faithful to her death. On June 22nd, 1916, she was married to Griffith L Will iams. To this union was born one son who was only two weeks old. Besides a large number of relative's and friends she leaves to mourn her death four brothers, three sisters, father, mother, child and husband A large crowd attended the funeral services which were conducted by Rev Love. Her body wa? laid to rest in the Lutheran ceme tery. The pall bearers were: Will Beaver, Junius Fesper man, .Clarence Williams Clifton Garner, Tom Hess, and J E Shive. Venus understands that James Holshouser's daughter, about 16 years old , died Sat urday night of Biigbt's de cease. He lives near Christi ana church. Mrs J H Wilke-son of Faith was taken 4to the sanatorium at Salisbury where she will undergo an operation. Otho Holshouser, who lives on Lewis Kluttz's farm has cotton ud that can be seen from one end of the row totne other, vvno ever can he rents. Miss Vola Oasper of China Grove is visiting friends in Faith. P A Peeler's sale will be held May J2Hi. Mr and Mrs N M Barger ure visiting their children in Faith. Mrs John Rinebardt and little son have just returned from a week's visit to her nephew Robert Mtssimore. Born to Mr and Mrs Robert Mesiirore. a girl, April 17th. They live near Ebenezer church. Fisher & McCombs are load ing a car with millstons at Cresent. At J T Wyatt's store in Faith one can get ,a seven teen dollar cook stove for six dollars cash. J T Wyatt has just moved into his own new. home in the center of Faith. Roy D Peeler has returned from Winston-Salem where he was working ou the street car. tie is now in the Jnrst National Bank at Spencer. His twin brother, Banks, is in school at Catawba college. Newton. Chal Eagle has just bought a new automobile. Clarence Wi'liams has just bought a new automobile. Miss Ruth Yates of Salis bury is visiting her parents here, Mr and Mrs Yates. Mrs Bettie Frick and Mrs J Nance went to Albemarle to visit Mrs Frick'a daugh ters. H C Farmer, who has been hired hands are working on his farm every day. Mrs II A Heaver a n Mas ter Carl Ray have returned to Faith from' a visit to rei ativs and friends in and around Orgau Qhueh Smr day she worshiped in the mother church where jrh.- w is baptised and confirmed. She also v'sittd her only uri 'le. Obediah Hi ei who is now 84 yeais old. , , Mrs 11 A Beaver is - visiting her ibiug!it-r .Mi s M L Jacobs. aud son Hiram Jt Spencer th:s wk. We saw the' following u a small piece uf newspaper the other day. T dd's Point Va,, April lGtii ,1862. Mr JMoi perhaps some of you' readers would 1 ke to hear something form the Davie Greys This will inform them that we are yet at Todd's Pjiut and in all probability will remaiu here until the exniratiou of the present time o f our enlistment. Our brigade is on the Pt'niiifc-uln. A heavy battle. M L Jacobs and family oi Salisbury weie pleaeent vitsi-j tors at J D A Fisher's Sunday eveumg. uiey came out ui their new car. Mr and Mrs Le AlcCrary of Lexington spent a short time in Faith Sunday after noon having brought Miss Mary St ire wait from their home in Lexington where she had been visiting for a week. troubles. Price 50c, at all dealers- Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy--get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Glover has twice publicly recommended. Foster Milburn Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. JllUi iVt DIUWU5 JJU Ut) Optometrist, CHINA GROVE, N. C Fourteen Years Practice in Re fraction and Fitting-of Glasses' Headaches, Nervousness, Neural gia, Dizziness, Nausea and many other Nervous Disorders due to Eye strain Positively Relieved. Office: Sonth Main St. Best Rimady for Whooping Zm. "Last winter when mv little boy had the whooping cough I gave him Chamberlains, Cougfh Remedy,' ' writes Mrs. J B Rob erts, East St.' Louis, 111. It kept his cough loose and relieved him of those dreadful coughing spells. It is the only cough medicine I keep in the house because I have tlie most confidence in it. This remedy is also good for colds and croup. To Care a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cout4 Headache and works off the Cold. SSStatiefund money if it fails to cote. l'Tw. OKOVa-iamatore on eacn dox. jsc. beat that trot out your cot-Uo very ill with pneumonia. has improved a great deal under the care of the trained ton field. Venus understands that Henry Barger has bought an automobile, but cant get it until it is made at the fao tory. Who says Faith not coming when her citizens are buying automobiles, three in one day, with several to be bought here in the next week or less? What town can beat us on autos with a populafion of 500 inhabitants? If you can beat us trot out your town. Charley Raney is having a big pile of shingles placed on tne ground to have one of his houses covered, the one nurse. Come ou all you correpoud J 11 M - ents we JiKe to read your items every week. Mrs Milas Stirewalt has c ;rn hre inches high. Who can beat that. Geo H Smith of Salisbury, arho is one of the best house carpenters in the county, has the contract to erect a store house in Faith for Austire Gardner aud conmenced on it April 26th. Milas Stirewalt and his THE BEST OF SEED will always be found at our store. Seed Potatses, jrn Sudan Grass, Clover, Grass? and Velvet beans. Also full line of all kinds of garden seed. Dont forget we keep Sal Vet for your tocH and Poultry. CHAS. C. ADAMS, Farmer's Seed House 116-Easi Fisher St., Salisbury, N.C. Trad witi . shohn THE GROCER, In the Superior Court He carries a full line of High Grade Groceries at very low prices, Huys all kinds of Produce "Chickens. Eggs, Bacon, and vegetables. See him Fieadquarters for Watkiz' Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inuiss'St. CP. SHU PING Stale of North Carolina Kowan County Lemuel G a mer ) g NOTICE Fannie Garner ) Tha defendant above named, will take notice that an action entitle! as above has been commenced in tne huptrior . ow, of .Rowan County, Carolina, u. dissolve ithe bonds of matrfcnony, and for an absolute Idivorce upon th grounds that the plaintiff land defendant have been separated aa hus band and wife, and hayed lived apart for sinore than ten successive years, and that ithe plaintiff haa-resided in this State for (niore than ten yeattjand the said defendant iwill further take notice that ibe is required tto appear at the terra of the Superior Ccurt of said Bo wan County to be held on the first tAlonflay in May 1917 at the Courthouse in said County in Salisbury, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in sal action or the plaintiff trill appij to the.Court for the relief de manded in raid complaint. This the 4th day of April 1917. J.F.-MoCUBBINS, Clerk of the , Superior t ourt. Good Friend. A good friend stands by you when in need. Salisbury people tell how Doan'sKidney Pills have stood the test. Mr. Glover en dorsed Doan's over eight years ago and again confirms the stor'. Could you ask for more con vincing testimony? John W. Glover, shoere pairer, 130 N Main St , Salisbury, says: 'l suffered severely from back ache and pains across my loins. I couldn't get out of bed. Doan's Kidney Pills had greatly relieved one of the family of kidney troub le and I began using them. The pain in my back stopped and I was soon well." (Statement given January 6, 1908). OnMarchlO, 1915, Mr, Glover, said: I haven't had to take Doan's Kidney Pills for a long time. I still consider them to be the best medicine for kidney THE GLOBE NURSERIES, BRISTOL, TENN -VA Wholesale and Retail Growers of General Nursery Stock, Organized 1903. Cap tal $50,000. TRADE WITH A RELIABLE NURSERY. NO EFFORT SPARED TO SATISFY OUR CUSTOMERS. Agents Wanted. Salary or Commission. Read This: Richmond, Va., Nov. 25th, 116 The Globe Nurseries, Bristol, Tenn. Gentlemen: I had the very best success in all my deliveries at all points. The people were so pleased that I did not have a single objection You know that this is remarkable, no fault to find in near 100 deliveries The tree were all in nice condition. Yours truly, (Signed) G. W. Pui,lBN. J Confederate Veterans Re-Union Washington, D. C.f June 4th to 8th 1917. Greatly Reduced Round Trip Fares from all points via' Southern Railway System Round trip Fare trom Charlotte 8 50: proportionate fares from other points. This rleUnion will be one cf the most Unique and Pat riotic ever held, and will be largely attended from all over the Country. Tickets will be good on all regular trains also Special Traius operated from various points for this occasion. . For fares, schedules, Pullman reservations, flee your near et ticket agent, or write nito S. K. BURGESS, "The Southern Serves The South Diyision Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. State of North Carolina. I In the Supe'r Court Rowan County f March term, 1917 W F Snider, George R Collins and Mary F Henderson, ad-1 NOTICE aunistratrix of John S Hen- deraon, plaintiffs, j- OF vs , Salisbury Granite Company, SALE a corporation, defennant. Pursuant to a decree made and entered in the above entitled cause at the March Term of the Superior Court of Eo wan County, 1917, appointing the undersigned the commissioner to sell the . properly of die said Salisbury Granite Company, a corporation, and in obedience and under signed commissioner herein the hereby offers for sale at the Courthouse door at Halisbury, N. C, at 12 o'clock noon. May 12th, the following described lands situate in Rowan County: ' (1) lt'5 bcres In Salisbury township, Rowan County, known as the new discover ed gold mine, adjoining the land of James lcOanless, T. M. Kernt and othes. For boundry see deed of Mr J. M. Baden to T. H. Vanderford dated April 14, 1891, and registered in Book 74, page 10. ' (2) Another tract of land containing ' seventy-two (72) acres known a Ihe Belly Kluilz fiat Kock, flace, adjoining the landsof Edmund Earnhatdt. Adam Earn hardt and others in Salisbury ' township. For boundry see deed Irom J. M Hadtn to T. H Vanderford, dated July 8, 191, and registered in Book 74. Page 18. (3) Another tract of land containing about ten (10) acres in Salisbury lownnhip adjoining the land of Henry Peeler, W. F. Buckley and T M. Kerns, on the S'okes Ferry. For boundary see Book 74, Page 14.in deed from Mitchell Foster and others to T. H. Vanderford dated Junn 26,1891. (4) The granite and mineral rights of fourteen (14) acres ot land known as the Edmund Earnhardt tract, adjoining the land of James C. McCanles and others,. For particulars and bout dary see det-d of J.M. HadentoT. H Vauderfred dated August 24, 1891, and registered in Book 74, Page 18 (5) The railroad right of way mention ed in the deed of J. M. Haden to T H. "Vanderford dated August 24, 1891, and le gistered in Book 74, Page 20. l6) The fee simple right to the soil and fourteen (14) acres of land conveyed by J.M. Haden to Edmund Earnhardt and wife by deed,'dated June 30. 1891, is hereby reserved and accepted but thin deed con veyed the granite and inireral rights, the said 15 acres being a part of the 72 atrs, Betty Kluttz tract above described (7) Another tract of fifty (50) acrs more or less, known as the -afrii tract,, being on the Norlh East side of the Yd--kin Railroa I about five miles Irom Sl'sbwry, For particulars and boudary see deed fron J.S Henderson to T. H Vanderford dal?S August 24, 1891, and registered in Book 74. Page 22. Terms of sle one-third c ash balance im sixty day. Thi is a valuable granite property locked near Salisbury and is eas ily developed John Busby, Commissioner A. H. Price Attorney. The Mikado Light Opera Company Which Is Coming Here on the Redpath Chautpqua Program : : Ml. yiwSSTO x v' JMAM, IP1 3 : ' , T5 "The Mikado," a comic opera in two acts', text by W. S. Gilbert music by Sir Arthur Sallivan, has been the great est popular favorite of all comic operas since its orinal production in the eighties. Gilbert & Sullivan's operas are pure English classics. The Mikado" was first produced at the Savoy theater, in London. March 14. 1883. The first American produc tion was in Chicago In July. 18S5. Then in 1911 there was an all star re vival by Messrs. Shubert and William A. Brady at the Casino theater. New York. This charmpig travesty of Japan will be produced sat tile Wg Redpath j pany of thirty, including the orchestra, tent amid oriental scenery by a com- Orieatal setting! and beautiful Japa- aese scenery will be used throughout. Arthur AKL-idse, who will sing the role of ;anki Pooh in the Redpath production, is undoubtedly - thf tfrent est interpreter of this role, he ha ving scored tremendous successes iu this part in connection with De Wolf Hop per la the recent revival of the opera in New York citj. Idr. ! Id'-' ige Is but one of an ali star cast i.a is to a$, pear at the bi? Redpap er. The orchestra which wir play for this production will b umier the dy namic direction of Miss May Valen- tine, a band and oro Nostra leader who : is rapidly raining wide recognition. -a I i

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