-" ' - ! v j a '-5-. jP". ji- - .Tl TOMM A Home Newapaper Pabliehed in the Interest of the People and for Governmental Affairs. VOL. XIII. NO. 22. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N. C, WEDNESDAY. MAY 16TH, 1917. Wm, H. STEWART, ED. JftHD fie vv Slit J I f I I 1 14 1 . , 1 I I J XI K I t.X I . . - V TTir ftnwrES mm,m i - - r r- " " ' i, ; : " ' ' ' . . . .mi. I hull wf- ft :"j"'jr r K if V V t i 4 ,u - - 5' -til HODNTY BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Eaard ef County Commissioners Held Two Day Sossian and Transact Business. The board of county commis sioners met in regular monthly session Monday and Tuesday with Chairman J S Hall presid ing and all member being pres ent. The following business was transacted: Ordered that petition relative to Baxter Daniels be a2cepted and he be sent to the Caswell training: school at Kinston at the expense t of the State. Ordered that, certain taxes paid by the Allman shows in East Spencer be refunded to the! firemen of Bast Spencer. It was ordered that the matter of the road by. M A J Bost's and Rbbt Thompson's be deferred. Ordered that CMC Barjrer be given 30 days more in advertis ing for taxes. It was ordered that camp No. 3 when through on the Sherrill's Pord road go to Bringle's Ford road. Ordered t lat the Colored Me morial Association be allowed the use of the superior court room on May 30th. It was ordered that the county line be established between Ca barrus and Rowan counties and that Cabarrus be asked to pay half of the expense. . Ordered that Messrs Gi'ay and Patterson go to Kannapolis and establish a temporary coun ty: line for the benefit of the tax listers in the event the county surveyor has not Bad the time to It was ordered that the matter Vof Back Creek and Bear Poplar road be deferred until next meet ing of the board and that Mr. Knox and Dr. Brown be prese t at said meeting. It was ordered that Rowan county give $400 and Rowan eounty school board give $400 to the Home Demonstration Work and that Chairman J S Hall meet and confer with the Farmers Union relative to the purchase of a Ford roadster for use of home demonstrator. Ordered that the following re port be adopted: That T H Knox property be condemned and road DUt on survey; that survey at crossing near Mr. Goodman's be used; that the road be left on old roadbed near Mr. Goodman's barn lot; that extra width only be taken from the Sherrill prop- erty, and that till be made on north side of raftroad near Mt. Ulla station. ' It was ordored that the follow inar resolution be adopted. It appearing to the board that the sum of $50,000 is required to de . fray the necessary expenses of the county, the following resolu tion is adopted: Be it resolved, by the board of commissioners of Rowan county that the chairman and clerk of this board be authorized to bor row the sum of $50,000 to meet the necessary expenses of the county, and to execute the notes of the county payable as follows: $10,000 Nov. 7, 1917; $10,000 Nov. 7, 1917; $10,000 Nov. 7, 1917; $5, 000 Nov 7. 1917; $5,000 Nov, 7, 1917; $5,000 Nov. 7, 1917; $5,000 Nov 7, 1917; said notes to be dated on the day of their issu ance, to bear interest at the rate ot per cent per annum. . Be it further resolveo that said notes shall be paid at of the proceeds of the colle 1 on of taxes heretofore levied o to be leVied during the current ypar. Be it further resolved, that said chairman and clerk be au thorised to negotiate the sale of ;aid;ubt88 and deliver them to the purchaser thereof at their bid price. Commissioners votiug in favor of the resolution were J S Hall, C J Fleming, B E Gray and W Kester. Those voting in opposi tion to same were R A Riiney, h A Kesler, F D Patterson. It was ordered that J C Dea ton go to Greensboro and see if any arrangements can be made to place Mrs Hodge, a woman in peculiar circumstances, in a good suitable home. Ordered that the Gold Hill and Piney road matter be deferred;. Overman & Co,, were awarded contract to furnish supplies for the county gangs, wdrk house and county home for the month of May. Ordered that the order passed relative to CMC Barger in re gard to advertising of taxes be recinded. It was ordered that th dis tricts repairjforcs be kept as at present and same to be financed so as to get satisfactory results. Ordered that Supt. Thomason confer with the attorney and act on certain trouble on; road to Mr. Kluttz's. Ordered that Supt. Thomason use camp No. U in building the road and putting up road mark, ers. Ordered that Supt. Thomason put in piping.in frqnof Ijomes on public- roaoff ne ..vtmns&i A-- ' J- J best. It was ordered. tbafcEo count v par the railroad fare TAW any Confederate veteran to Washington and return in case he is not abla to do so and that send moiiey for face tax . Wahing ton and re&um be handled through Clerk McCubbins and A H Boyden. Ordered that Supt. Thomason with Commissioner Fleming to look over road near Cleveland, It was ordered ttiat a road be built from Baker's brancn near Kannapolis around the bill by Pethel's store to the county line, It was ordered that the follow ing resolution be adopted: Or dered that Mr. Stabler be allow ed$l5a month from July 1st, to October 1st, 1917, as increase salary. Ordered that the matter of buying a truck be deferred, It was ordered by the board that the construction of Salisbu ry be deferred and that said ave nue be repaired at once by Supt. Thomason; Those voiiug for said resolution were Messrs. Gray, Kesler, Rainey and Pat terson; voting against the reso lution, Messrs. Fleming and Kester. The following resolution was passed. Resolved, tLat the Salisbury and Spercer Railway Company is hereby granted permission to lay gas mates on the side of the public highway from Spencer to the toll oridge at the Yadkin river, location of mains . to ;be given said company by the coun ty engineer in writing, upon con dition that the public .highway be not obstructed, and upon fur ther condition that so much thereof as is required for the said g&s main is to be placed in the same condition as the public highway now is. If it becomes necessary for the said company to make any further connection or repairs to saia main or con nections the saii company shall replace, tho roadway so disturbed in the same 'condition as found at the time oi s-.iu repairs or constructions, upon being given authority to do so by the board. rhe foHow?.ng r solution was adopted by the bo?rd of county commissioners, ;-. having been passed by the,, county farmers' union. j Resolved 1st, That the Rowan County Farmers' Union believes that there should be a board of agriculture in Rowan county to make plans for the development the agricultural interests of the county. Resolved 2nd, That this board be composed of the chairman of the board of county commission ers, the chairman of the school commissioners of the county, the county superintendent of schools, the president of the County Farmers1 Union, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, the president of the Connty Farm Women's Club, the president of the Woman's Civic League of Salisbury, the County Farm Demonstator and two members from each town ship by the above designated di rectors. Resolved 3rd, That this pro posed board serve without finan cial compensation. Several other matters were disposed of, including allowences to out of door poor, and tne meeting adjourned. Muscle Soreness Relieved. Usual work, bending and lift ing or strenuous exercise is a strain on the muscles, they be come sore and L.tiff, you are crip pled and in pain. Sloans Lini tnent brings you quick relief, i-eay. to apply, it penetrates with- i jit . a A out ruDDing ana anves out tne soreness. A clear liquid, cleaner than inus9y plasters or ointments it does not stain the skin or clog the pores. Always have a bottle handy for tte - pains aches i rheumatism, gout lumbago and irrippe, bruises, stiffness, back ache and all external pain your druggists, 25c. At Weather Forecast for May. From 6 to 13, rainy if wind is southwest at from 8 to 10 P M the 6th cool and if Northwest hail around and stormy. From 13 to 20 fair and change able along with threatnings, cool. From 20 to 28, fair with threat ning local rains, standing around some cool. From 28 to June 5th, fair and clear with local threat nings to rain. May shows some warm, some cool, rendering hail, from 16 to 13th, around if wind is as above stated at those hours. Rain first and last of month mostly. Henry Ried Let Stock Have Salt Near All the Time. It is customary to salt the cat tle once every week, or every two or three weeks, while they are on pasture. In the way it is don : probably the salt does the cattle as much harm as good; but there is one advantage in the practice, it means that the cattle get a lit tle attention at this time and any sick or injured animals are at tended to. But cattle should not take all the aalt they need for weeks at one time- The owner does uot eat his "greens" today and his salt next week- Salt should be kept under a shelter where the cattle can eat what and when they want it. The Progressive Farmer. Best Remedy for Whooping Coagh. "Last winter when my little boy had the whooping cough gave him Chamberlains, Cough Rinnedy," writes Mrs. J B Rob erts, East St. Louis, 111. It kept his coiigh loose and 'relieved him of those dreadful coughing spells. It is the only cough medicire I 'eep in the house because I have he most confidence in it. This remedy is also good for colds and j croup. Afi EFFORT TO BREAK THE SOWERS' WILL Suit Filed by Rowan Woman Atainst Execu tors of Estate of Late Philip Sowers. The Lexington Dispatch of last week had the following interest ing story of a suit instituted by Mrs. Minnie C Sowers, of Row an, against the executors of the late Philip Sowers: 44 Mrs. Minnie C Sowers, widow of the late Jacob C Sowers, of Rowan county, has filed suit for $50,000 against H H Hedrickand Philip J Sowers, executors of the late Philip Sowers. The suit is brought by Mrs. Sowers as the representative of her eight year old son, Philip Sowers, Jr., to whom was bequeathed a thou sand acres of land the old home of the deceased on the banks of the Yadkin river in Rowan coun ty. She aliegeTuTbrcomplaint that half this amount is the dif ference in the value of the estates parceled out to the four heirs by the will of the deceased. The complaint, it is understood, fur ther alleges that the will is a vio lation of a contract made 21 years asro between her lale husband and his father, whereby the son was to be given all 'fcthe Rowan properties of Philip Sowers, upon condition that the son pay the debts then outstanding aganst the "properties. It is con tended that Jacob Sowers paid $25,000 of these. "In the will of Philip Sowers the lands in Davidson are given to the three living children and 117 acres near Spencer was be queathed in fee simple to Mrs. reoP Hedrick, the only daugh ter. This was th only portion of the lands given in fee simple. The personality was devised to all equally. The case will likely be fought out around the com parative values of the various lands, their locations and fertili ty and question as to whether the deceased son actually paid the debts of the deceased father. Quite a number of interesting questions are involved. The will which leaves the home place to the minor heir specifies that no timber except for upkeep and use on the place shall be cut and sold during the minority of PhiUp Sowers, Jr, To his mother is left $200 per year so long as she remains a widow. ''The case will likely come up at fall term of Rowan Superior court. Clement and Clement and probably several other mem bers of the Rowan bar will rep resent the plaintiff. Emery E. Raper, of Lexington, and Linn & Linn and R Lee Wright, of Salis bury, have been retained by the executors. The defense has not yet filed its answer to the com- plaiiit, which was filed in Salis bury last week." Get Rid of Your Rheumatism. Now is the time to sret rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chamberlain s Liniment a great help. The relief which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. i ne wise tarmer tnis spring will take every possible precau tion to insure getting good stands of all crops planted, since a defective stand is . a very cer- tion means of reducing- yields and lowering profits. In get ting stands good seed and thor ough preparion making firm, mellow, clod tree seed bed are of first importance. With cot ton, especial care should be exer cised not wo get the seed too deep Where the rund is moist, half j an inch of dirt on the seed will l t 1 t m : . , . I dc pieny i nen use tne narrow to break any crusts formed by beating rains. The Progressive Farmer. THE ROWAN MEDDLER'S ASSOCIATION A List of the Officials, Ladies and Gentle men Compote Rowan's New Organization The following is the plans, ob jects and list of nsmes of Row an's new organization to be known as a board of agriculture, but after reading the objects it would be more properly named if called the Rowan Meddler's As sociation. This is somewhat of a 4 'Lord High Chancellor of the First Floor Front" affair without authority, and r many of the names iouna below will be sur prised to learn of the . greatness heaped upon them, V It is rio known how many are interested in the matter, or just bow many named will serve. Ifcis said this is the result of a uniod of the Cham ber of Commerce, the name of which is about all tnat remains, and the Farmers' Union. The directors are: J S Hall, Chairman Board County Com missioners, b a Krown f resident Farmers Union; H A Rouzer, President Chamber of Commerce; S Stabler, Countv Demonstra tion Agent; T D Brown, County Food Conservation Commission; Prof. R G Kizer, Superintendent County Schools; M Mc- Corkle, Chairman'Board Educa tion; Mrs. F J Murdoch, Presi dent Civic League; Miss Annie Krider, President Farm Woman's Club. The Board will have, among other things, the following ob- jects in view: 1 County development gener ally - -VC 2 Better system markets - and storage. 3 Farm and home demonstra tion work, i; 4 More farm labor and hand ling same. 5 Production of food and fead for home consumption first and cotton for surplus. 6 More and better gardens. 7 Better seeds. 8 Better knowledge of food val- ues. 9 Better farms and farm homes 10 Solving problems that ef fect farmers and business men generally. The following townships and towns representatives were ap pointed by the Board, who will assist in promulgating the work throughout the county: Jos. W Miller, Richfield R 2. Mrs. Milas A Arey, Richfield R 2. A L Kluttz, Salisbury R 6. Mrs. P A D. feeler,, Salisbury r 6. ... L W Safrit, Salisbury R 3. . Mrs, Joseph T ' Riderihour, Rockwell. W P Sloop, Salisbury' R 2. Miss Pearle Julian, Salisbury, R 8. J B Lingle, Salisbury, R 7, Miss Lillian Miller, Salisbury, R 2. Rev J H Keller, China Grove. Mrs. Chas. E Miller, China Grove. O L Heilig, China Grove R 2. Mrs John Efird, China Grove. J S McCorkle, China Grove R 2. Mrs. J S Caldwell, Mt. Ulla, R 1. W D Graham, Mt. Ulla R 1. Miss Brook Umburger, Mt. Ulla. C H Frieze, Salisbury, R 1. D B Efird, Salisbury. Miss Ethel Tatum, Salisbury R 1 Miss Mary Chilson, Salisbury, R 4. W H Woodson, Salisbury. C M Henderlite, Salisbury. Mrs-M O Linton.' Salisbury. Mrs M J Ragland, Salisbury. Miss Susie Whitehead. Salis bury. - MND MPS' MI TfHT'JSriat Convict Gamps Inspects!, Wcst l:.:: R: road Grassing Glassti is His. The grand jury for the May term of Rowan countyr Superior court rendered the following re port: To the Hon. M.H Justice, Judge Presiding : We your Grand Jurors for the May Term Superior eonrt beg leave to report that we have act ed on all bills presented to us. We visited the jail and found it in a very satisfactory condition, with one exception, we reccom mend that the interior of the jail be repainted at once. The Sheriff's, Register of Deeds', Treasurer's audAuditor's offices were , visited and each found to bekept.iti the usual neat attractive way, and so far as we were able to 'judge, .all c- COUOra atkfl' orwikl wr nmtvr . . ' - - w f J aud accurately kept. The Work House was also vis ited, aud found in a clean aud sanitary conditioa. The County Home had the eareful attention of the commit- tee and was found to be sanitary and the preniises were-nice and clean. We recommend the roof of the cook room be repaired at the ear liest possible time. We visited Camp No. I by committee and found 21 prisoners 5 white and 16 t:olore all beins properly cared for, Waiso found ; it mmcs at tnrsxamp-'airxK goba order. allintiei also find i9ttiea all in good working order. We find a dangerous -piece of road, and railroad crossing, ou Innes street near M.I Jackson's, home, and we Teconimetid- that the city authorities be required to remedy same at once. Respectfully submitted. J F. McKnighx, Foreman of the Grand Jury. The plain truth is that the Southern farmer must, because of the ever rising prices in large measure go without the food stuffs he does not raise. Corn is locally quoted now at $1.60 a bushel and oats at"90 cents, and $2 corn, 11-25 oats and $40 hay within six months need not sur- - prise anyone. Wheat has passed $2 a bushei and may go to $3: hogs are $16 a hundred on foot. ana may go to $20 or even $25, People who have to buy their foods tuffis are already suffering. and the situation will get worse before it gets better. "Food, Feed and Fertility First" ahbtftd be the watchword. Have you made it yours? The Progessive Farmer. 74&oe?er You Need a General 7V3 Take Grove's Th Old Standard Groyes Tkstts JftfU Tonic ir equally -valuable. f, Tonic because it'contaln ttsj v J iUJown tonic propM of QDINr dtON. It actsontbeliTWJJtS t, aularia, Enriches tWBWodrcfc I S t! Wboi Svstem-n aoenr . W H Burton, Spencer. -Mrs. O C Godfrey, Spences C E Fespermani EaatSjpncer. B S Krider, Mt. VVh2ft Mrs. G F Houck,vMtXJlii. R 2. . . '-. C A Brown, Clevland. 's' Mrs. S K Carson. -Elmwcfed. Henry Turttereievelaa'3. Mrs R C Currenoomta : ' D L Neelt Wobdleaf.- ' 1 Miss Mary Bailey Woodleaf. A full meeting of ; tixis ! Board and County Representatives :was held Tuesday, May 15 10 oV clock a. m., in the;.Ol CoUrV House, and some de&$te, mo tion on above Hneja may he taktiu tnircamov V -' ;:M. ,-. St1 vr.: V1