- ( .n , n . , . , ; t j, - -: T7 I I I I 1. 4 ! THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, SALISBURY, NLii art j" fi't jv .Viia"-''i-" mwmmy x-w-- : ft," THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN iWm. H. STEWART. Edltor sfri Owner Published Every Wednesday Subscription Price: r sJ; vrwatcnisiia, l year .$ .75 , Record. 1 year. .75 -; tjt All 3 for a year each, only $1.50 :.' Watered as second-class matter Jan ncry lftth, 1905, at the postoffice at 6iliibory, .N. C, under the act of Con Crew of March .'3rdvl879. Salisbary, N. C, May 16, 1917 It has been arranged so that Col. Theodore Roosevelt can get atl army on the firing line in France. When the Germans see those teeth you can play marbles on their coat tails. ' Joseph Choate, a national fig ure, died fat his home' in New York Tuesday nig-ht, Mr. Choate was at one time embas sador to great Britain, a member, of congress and a prominent law yer. ; i Both of the North Carbliria senators voted to place-a censor-, ship on the press in the Senate this week. This may be a very, different matter, but it seems to us if they had experienced what the editors did in the South dur ing the reconstruction days, their votes would have been dif ferent To Cure a Cold In One Day "Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Ceash and Headache and works off the Cold. Dnj?srist3 refund money if it fails to cure. . W. GROVE'S signature on each bos.. 25c Giassis Ehcts Officers. The North Carolina Classis of the Reformed Church convened in the Faith church, Salisbury, . last Wednesday, the opening ser- jxion being preached " by Rev. L A Peeler of Letioir, which, after the administration of commu nion, the election of officers was gone into land resulted as ; foi- - lows:, . T ' ' - - Rev. D C Cox, president. A. A. Blackwelder, vice presi dent. GEPlott, corresponding sec- - retary. ;W C Lyerly, reading clerk. Thursday morning and after ' noon was devoted to business matters The night session "was devoted to the discussion of educational matters, especially Catawba, Col lege. Addresses were made by Revs. J A Palmer and R D An drews, president of the college, who also made his annual report. Rev. J M L Lyerly, as presi dent of the board of manager's of Nazareth Orphans' Home of Crescent, made his report, show ing that the institution has been well managed and is successful ly caring for -41 children. The total receipts for the year were over 7,000 and the expenditures over $6,000, $500 for an endow ment was received and invested, the granite dormitory, completed and dedicated i The value of the plant is estimated to be $25,000. The resignation of Rev. and Mrs JW Bell will take effect June 1st, and they will be succeeded by Rev. and Mrs. W B Werner. During the Friday business session the question of taking over - the Reformed Church Standard, the organ of the church established and conduct ed for several years by Rev. J M L Lyerly, was discussed and by a vote of 40 to 2 it was decided to do so. The selection of an cd , itor was referred to a nominat. - ing committee. , Friday night home missions "was" discussed by Rev. H A M .'f- rJ5olshouser and foreign missions tbyRev. H A Welker. ... Sunday morning there was ; address -on Sunday school vv wOTlc aoi a?sermon oy wev. ah -..ei'd'jBundajrnlght'a ser jV. Tj; moiias preac M A r -." i. -ft.,. 1,'. -IhKMlM.of lt tonic and laiative effect. L'i.&A' :j-i5wM4ftHQmatt'.iid' doc vot cause 'nervousness iici p &?WVBOMO QUINIHSJs better tn.an ord? pry V v ?v - TiSSIM.IailMtd.? tofmiet the full nameaitf 1 DON'T WAIT Tata Adyantase of a Salisbury Citizen's Experience. When the back begins to ache, Don't wait until backache be comes chronic; . 4 'Till kidney troubles develop; . Till urinary troubles destroy night's rest. Profit by a Salisbury woman's experience. :vrs.D.A.Holbrooks, 213 S.Lee St., Salisbury, says: "Some years ago I had attacks of lumbago that nearly put me down and out. ;?y back ached constant ly. Doan's Kidney Pills were re commended to me by a friend and I began taking them. They helped me at once. Whenever my back causes me an misery now, I use Doan's Kidney Pills and get prompt relief." Price 5Qc, at all dealers Don't simply, ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney. Pills the same., that Mrs.. Holbroks had. Foster. Milburri Co.. Props., Bui fal.6, Nv Y' V ' v. y v " ST. IAULN. - Rev. Troutnan' will hold ser vice at St. Paul's church May 20th, at 11 o'clock. The public ii- cor.dially invited to attend. Cal. Kesier and f amily were ''welcome visitors at Mrs, J. A. Koon's Sunday, May 13th. Misses. Patler Correll, Mary Jor dan and David Jordan were wel7 come visitors at John Safrit's Sunday evening. The fanners are getting afraid that their cotton seed will ro; and then will have to plant them. B. T. Propst swaped horses last Friday- He is going to farm properly now.' Sydnie Stabler, our county de monstration agent was out on L H Koon's farm Mondayjlaying olT terraces to save his fields The people are 'getting inter ested in some more good roads in this community. BILL BO. - - There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all otner diseases put together, and for years it was supposed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure wih local treat ment, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine, manufactured by F J Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio is a constitutional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood -on the mucous Sur faces of the System. One Hun dred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials free. F J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. About 40 union paving block cutlers on the granite belt about Oranite Quarry recently went on a strike for an increase of $3.00. per thousand blocks. A compromise of $1,50 was offered but refused, ;. Some time later they decided to 'accept the offer but it had . been ithdniw.n and as a consequence' a number are leaving ' .; ." ' WHAT I: -';, i AM i t if ii, :ine bet is composed o! tr.e f 3ld-fsb.iox:ed roots and hei.os: 'BLUE F:.A ROOT ilov.'illi RHUBARB HO 'BLACK ROO NtAYAP.PLB T &Eim& LEAVER 2iits ajsViijct-ii b.?itertii:-;;i i. . Li" out rise- a? f V;gesiv- sn '"'er torj io I-Inaiij2Ji -cr.tToi-pid Iiver. Price 50c stem m Tte Lata Qua if !Mis Uys Its ' The Kimball Memorial Evangelical Lutheran church of Kaunapolis will l.y the ! corner stone of its new j church next Sand ay after ; noon, May 20lh. at 3:30 p m This church was o--ganged by the Rev. (J A Brown a j little more than three yean- ago with 23 members In the ! past three years it has grown j as rapidly as the town itelf and now enrolls 140 confirm ed members. The church building will be an architectural , gem built of red briel? laid in grey mortar and trimmed in lime stone. The services Sunday wili be in charge of the pto:. Rev G H C Park, and the special-address will he deliv ered by the Rev C A Brown of China Grove, the organiz er of the congregation and president of the North Caro !iua Lutheran Synod. e What Does 1 Catarrh Mean? It means inflammation of a mucous membrane some- where in the head, throat ) bronchial tubes, stomach, bil j i-ary ducts or bowels, it -always j means stagnant blood the blood that is full of impur ities. Left alone, it extends i.o;il it is followed by indigestion, I c olds, congestion or fever. It w oakens t'iL ttrcfnm frniinrn !J r nnfl cnrMHc t to I coer xtions until systemic catarrh or c:i acute illness is the result. jtba cnJ ion's reliable remedy for ..is ccr.iluion. It restores appetite, c'r. 'lestion, checks end removes f'an-i?i:ition, cud thus cnab the cr.ibra-'.-.s.tliroush vhch we breathe .d tl.ro.jh which our food is ab rirvd, s i tlo tlicir work properly. '.-Un'.r i c'-.rs of success, with thou r.. c' i?si',Tiion'il h:c established r - t'o l;T:c rer;iedy Ever-Ready- 'f'aS.?. Its recorJ of success y.ii-i a n'cisc for jou. TLT PEIIUNA COIPANY. COL.Ul.-IIiUS, OHIO s cMr.m Pc:r:jti :;i tablet t t Report of the Co-idiiion cf THE BAKU OF SPENCER, at Spencer, in the State o North Caro liua, a' the cHs? oi bu-inssa May 1st, 1917. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .f 113,971.72 Ost rdrafts secured 98.85 Km niture end tixtur8 $3000. 3,CX).O0 Dne from National Banks 7,715.57 D if from State Bank and Bankers 14,625."3 Oah items ' 2,luViO Sih er coin, including all minorcoin curency . . 941.31 Naf.-'onal bank notes an 1 other LT. S. not;3 8.870 CQ $44.353.1 Total 161,424 38 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $25,000.00 Surplus fund 2,500.00 Undivided profits les cur- reat expenses and taxt-s ( d. 2.530.93 Oep -.sitj subject to eh ck 7j,899.93 Tim? certificates of deposit 3.280,00 Savings deposits. . 5',158 22 Cashier's checks out standing.. 55 25 13 '03.40 Total " ,$Uil 424.K8 State of . O., County, of RcwaP, May Is t. 1917. I, J. K. Dorsett, president of tho a:)ovt namnd tank, do solerily swear that the above statement is true to the best ottny knowledge and belief. J. K. Dorsett, president Correct Attest: E M. Sweatman ) J.W.Carlton, Directors. H. P. Brandis J Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th day of May, 1917 W. A. Goodman, notary public. The Beauty Secret, Ladies desire that irre sistible charm a good complexion. Of course they do not wish others to know a beautifier has been used so they buy a bottle of agnolia Balm UQVID FACE POWDER and use according to simple directions. Improve. mLnt tooticed at once. Soothing, cooling and refreshing. Heals Sunburn, stops Tan. Pink, White, Rose-Red. 75c. at 'Druggists or by mail direct. Sample (either color) for 2c Stamp. Lyon Mfg. Co.. 40 South Fifth St.. Brooklyn. N.Y. iiiiiimiiiii win-i--wi' f M rpm mmwr9sh& to 3 Lj bm k U $q w e want to impress upon your minds you spend over ovir Counters u spent to our mutual ad vantage. Our Combination of 16 Stores enubies us to buy goods cheaper thun any other store in this section, and then we sell only f r cash, and for a smaller profit. It's "up-to-U" to trade where you can get the Best for your money. If you coin-pure quality and price we'll get your trade. ', -fey p p Low Shoes. y Women' and children's lennis blipj.ers . 4Sc Women's boys' and men's bet ter Tennis Shoes at 70b and 39c. Our 89c Counter, : ' Big lot of odd pairs, close t wemen s ana children's nen in r aliboury, make our Store We are always glad to be of service to E3 SCL IL If Wm 'MA m Interest on investment is the source of surest income. Money worKs 24 hours a day and "seirn . - days a weeft. More people are made inde pendent by saving than by slaving, " i England has -Inyestedo wonderful adtrafitage.'. Ev ery year statistics show that England buys more from other countries than she sells to them. ; But inter est on investments does net show in the statistical tables. That is why England is rich. Honey placed in a savings banK is an in vestment safe and sure. MaKo yourself independent. One Dolla r Starts an Account I NK ,?Iareh Dtll. Cotton aud: corn -iou't look so good on account of ."old weather. J' here will bn an ice cream supper' at M j Overcash'a' ptore Saturday night, May 19tti. Everybody is cor lially invited to come out. Will Park is doing a Hive; vumess in hits rock quairy. n&iiv K cR Grove. JVrey Povvla. is working at .Kaanapolia now. Clarence Wiliiam.-, visiled at ?vl A Ovrcah's Su-iday. ! For Your Child's. Cough. Here's a pleasant coug"li syrup that every child likes to take, Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. If your child has a deep hacking- cough that worries you give him Dr. Ball's Pine-Tar Honej', the soothi ing- pine balsams relieve the couh, loosens the phlegm and heals the irritated tissues. Get a bottle to-day at your druggists and start treatment at once. 25c. ".jt- .a, ..awMijfcuastfli-.iaitfwi rubber - bottom - outs'1 etc., in j white - af "VS. ? ftT f : Corrected veekfrb c p. Shuplng': iiauon, sides per $,.22&'to 26 41. shouluv.rh, per , 22J if- 25- hen per ft,, 27 H t 80 rou no, ner ft. ,26 '-' It Buiter, choice yellow, 45 Chickens, per lb, J2to 15. Dut-ks, 20 to 30. (rUil)fcvlS, 2T to .V) i'Jggs,-;.! ei''de3. 25 to 30 Pm, pr huhnj. 2.00 to 2.10 KIouin straight,, l)er seek, f 7 2" to -f7.50 ;ps.t, -$7 75 r.. -.-8.25 ly, per hur.-irei fc to 1 00 'i-'ney, per lb,. 18 to 20. ijurd. i-i rer Jb. 2.'.l 2D. MhuI, hoUtHl. tv-r bu 2,4 td. pes bu.- 9 - to 00 ' j'V'.'ofi. Irish. p- bu. 3 00 Vheat per bush. .2.oQ to 3 CO "R:ns. 9-0 to 100 rtye, per bushel, H0 i ,iri:ey 15c per lb 12f. ppr ij, rJcfpnn'f. L'r4'' iiiOll Q :i b Mlm. Ilav tat estate iteof D M f 38 """trator upon ill. oi Lf IV! . ftmniK.11 t. j ... tiee is herphv -r", .""u. no- ; I aEaAsasj Kmxzz igt Cal ' r VM ik , s .id e-tte to 11 T P?ron? ,ndeb,'d ' J "D Dorsett addllK.n to East Spencer, "'N. iav and ai ' , r,on halTl" WiUl i C conveyed by G C Kesier to Oa, D 1 W t,olor nuS-dv ,i Vonh lH6JTn' C,;n" ' S 28, 1&05, ut roistered in Row the F.aid D MVam : i efiectorltate of , fln ronntv, S C , book of deetis paU render The me t?t unde'rn' ! i 224' N 61 ' 52' 67' -68' 6S 64' All persons hvirVim.. SM nT" 14' i 16' 1?' 18' ? lot ... 3, ' ms againef estate i arl shown mr.rp nn eu ar v on rhP YK.r i iic iicitruv ii'jliueu to nrooont ii .u a a.., p8e.nt the ame r0 B.TTSr.MhJ TJ!!J ed in baiof iheir recovery fTl ...... J ' ; K-.f .,: "c kic. u . ini8 May 14, iyi7 . . R. Lek WaiGHT, Adm'r of.D. M. Campbell. tht verv luHnr 1 Slippers, patent Mary Jane Pumps, Oxfords, etc., worth Up to $1 98, choice . S8c. Worn eh ;s or iV'isses white rub ber bottom Sport Oxfords for $1 .48 Women's Styhsh white Pumps for ... . ' $1.48 and asp Women's Kid Oxfords and Slp per.vfor.. $1.25 and $1.5 Women's Stylish patent Pumps also Vary Jane styie for . $1 .88 up your uartefs. vou. - "' - ''' m Sals of YalaaMe'Farm V- reliant to an order and de-rep of the : iipvrior Court in the matter entitled Mar aret () Gaither Rohert Fafriet. Martin Sa 1'riet, John S Safriet June Safriet, Martin Sfifriet, Jr , Bessie r-afriet-West, Edna Sa-friet-V est, Dora Fafriet, Arthur "8afriet and Louise Fafriet, heirs at-law of p M. Campbell, deceased, appointing the order signed commissioners to sell the eaXetxrW the late D. M Campbell, tl;e undersigned will sell at pebiic auction to the highest bidder on THURSDAY. JUSE 2p,1917. at 12 o'clock M., on the premises. . at th s late home of D M Campbell, ihe foJJowinfg de scribed real estate to-wit.: y One tract of land in Scotch Irish To, wn ship, on Sonrh Yadktn River, -.and boufidgd. as tollows: Beginning at a ftofie dh Kb e bank of South. Yadkin Biver; and r-ms 11 dtg E 260 poles to a stone, artnerV corner; thence h't .88-deg. ,E IlOpolts to a stone; thence N. ; 50 deg E. 6 poles lo a stone cn the bank of the river; thence with the meanders of said river to the beginning, containing 209 acres more or less . This is i valuable tract of land, in a high etate of cultivation, and has several ihoiand dol lars nxrth of ;imber on if, a. great.: 'deal of which can be used for buildiug purposes . If it is desired, the land will' be made into several tracts and sold as such,.and then as a wliole. Terms of sale one-third cash, the balance in six rnoMbs v illi approved securily, with interest from date of sale Now is the time to purchase a valuable firm, and pr.specf ive p-,rcf si-rs mav con fer with W A Pi i-t-.. Iq . t-ttesvi'le, N. ('.or J-.n;is' A (:enu?it, VVin-b n- ' !eir,, or K. Lee Wrkli', SaHsbnrv. NT. C. Tilp ? fi-c; ;.nd ibs: pui chaser will Lret a con r I i; le S.ile will I,- left open ior an increase hid ;is now provided bv law Tliis May 12, 1917. J H Ct event, W. A Bristol, Commissioners. K. B J xks. inston Salem. K. f., i Lee Wright, Salishuiy N. C, ..ttorneys. Sale el Yalratta Lsod. North Caroiika', " iiOWAN OUMTY. f Pursuant to ihe provisions co tained in a certin.Mortg-ee Deed of Tnjt executed on January 16, 1913, by James D DorRett and wife, Hesier L i.'orsttt, to W F-nider Tmet-'e. whii-h is d-ily rer- rded in the of fice of the K'ecis'er. of Deeds for. Rowan ronntv in hook of !i:ortg:ces Ko. 44. p:!re 193 default having been ma-'e in ti e pay ment of the indebted-ess -herei--! s?cund nd at the rcqmst of the .!.!ei of the note' thereby secured, the in. iersned r rnstee will pxpose for sale at tie , eoaft liouse door i:i the city of Salisbury, M. i", , Thursday, Ihs 11th day o: Jmc-1917, ai t he hour of twelve M. , tht iblluwing.de seribed real estate: 1st, lying in the town of Nnencer, N. 6. in tie c(-ner of McCnhuins Ave. and' Hahlwin ttet, and being lots Nor land 2 in block No. 3, B F Lively' Addition i Np'iieer, X. and more paTticnTarly described in a deed from T. E. Connellv iind others to J D Dorsett, Nov. 25, 1907 ;tnd record d in the office f the Register of Deeds f- Rowan county, K C , book 125, pr:ge 466. 2nd. A bo a not fr piece, parsel, trabt or !rt of land lying on .Second street in Spen cer, N bting WA No 13, Block 5, as s'lo-vn by ohn 'U'hitetiead's map- atldi- uon t0 sPJ,itei 'Mi map is recofdej-Jn the oflice of the Register o( Deeds for Row- ... V ' nu 3rd, One half undivided interest in the ... '. , . ii i i . . .. . tolb.w my hs wnicn ipis pre located in Hie -. f " J D Dorseti's addition to East Snencer K ;C,..a J. .be office ,f hi Fih. ter ot Jeeas for Kowan county. If. This My 14, 1917. W. F SkideRj j0HJJ l BmLi(AN, Attorney. Trustee.

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