v1 . 1 'V J? a. f - y- k c. vsl;;.v yv ; tr-j1iiii!i ;lll-Jil ri jirj .i?,K3ran:snE5iTeiJOBs. v ' 'v'jft.'lUsswilftT' executes , hr po,- J Mbn April 11 she obtained a leg- cply stir patriotic citizens. ffler trickery in ttiis case waf ex ?$cutc4 so covertly that n6 .pat- ro - in: conpress or elsewhere . aeemstp.hsY; known what was ing-. do'ne till, the trick was landed. 4 Kt National Defense Act pass--'at ttie last session of the sixty ourthf 'congress contained a pro Tisionthat in the appointment of chaplains, preferenceand.pri Qfty should be given to veterans, .This would absolutely exclude Rodman priests from1 appointment none of them have served this country in the army and con seOiUently none of tnem are vet cxans. In spite of 'much blatant and impudent lying by the Rom an press and, plates regarding tiie ioyal'ty of priests to our gov ermeat, the Roman hierarachr quickljr discovered that no priest could be appointed chaplain un--htt tne righteous provision of law just mentioned Accordingly, ' priest L J O' Hem, who is the regular lobbyist for the" hierarchy in congress, became active under direction of Oily prel ates who sh ape Roman Catholic political activities and had ;pic provision in favor of vet erans as chaplains repealed in or der that Roman priests may be appointed and placed on the pay roll of the goverment not with standing the fact that none of itttia hae Yever served in the ' sMfMi Gatholic JeVriOfficris! organ of Cardinal CUbhinai gives the. following ac- and Uf per jr " wrong Ury Baker, Rev; L J O'Hearn, a j BBtka wresens the Cath mentsi bean work looking to the ox taw cxausc, layiog me of the case before the mem befs oi the house military com mittee of both the house and sen ate. ana m this work ne was reatlir a53isted byftHon. Mich ael Farley, a member of the house military committee. Through the unanimous con sent of the 'members of the mili tary committee of both the house and senate, the repeal of the ob jectionable clause was printed in the Regular Army bill. Its po sitionjwas rather precarious be . canse being new matter it was subject to a point of order, and could have been thrown out of the ArmyAppropriation bill by objectiononthe part of any mem ber of either house; however the bill with repealing clause passed the house twice and finally the senate becoming a law April 11, 1917 . This is of special importance now, owing to the fact that the army is to be increased imme diately. It is estimated that at least sixty-five new chaplains will soon be commissioned, the war . department being now free to fol low its policy adopted in 1916, v &y distributing the chaplaincies according to the strength of de ' nominations, and it will be in a position , to offer the Catholic cnurch -approximately twenty . fire chaplains at once. ! Owing to the. 1 act that veterans 'f of vyer stripe have applied for ; the ; army chaplaincies, should the veterans clause uot , have -,fceeaN' repealed,, it ; is doubtful if the Catliclit church would have SpsPS? members rfmOTU-t-n?Biit a esc Ai - s ifei WOiMurveterans andm- a llpf f ? vAialrovai of of, Secre- - -v--;receivtd.tny of -these new ap- -i f otttitioti With thUtnaHr" ittnight be remarked that vwhen . - n-dtH'A-i arlaxwrJicli'worV WWrm wise to set to work immediately to "remedy tlie 'evil. The following' news item which appeared in the Minneapolis Jour nal of April-23 further demon strates the determined purpose of the Roman hierarchy to obiain a monopoly of chaplaincies in. the immense army which the present crisis requires our goverment to form. Washington, April 23. Arch bishop John Ireland of St. Paul and Bishop McGolrick of Duluth called on Secretary of War N D Baker today and pledged their co operation to furnish the new army with chaplains. Tomorrow Archbishop Ireland has an en gagement with Fresident Wilr son. Piles Cured In 6 to M Days Votir Ararvitt -will tefnnd money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of Itching m i n) .fileedin c or Pr otru d i n ir Piles in 6 to 14 day Hit St application gives Base sod. Best 50c. SDlice to Creditors. Having duly qualified as executor of the estate of Date Brown, deceased, this is to.Qotify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the under sailed on or before May Its, 1918, or ibis notice will be pleaded in bar oi their recovery. AIL persons indebted to said estate will please settle at once. This May let, 1917. IV. F. KslsV, executor. T. G. Fubb, atty. Do You Want a New Stomach? If you do "Digestoneine will mve you one. For full particulars, ' literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to SMITH DRUG COMPANY m SALISBURY, N.C f THE BEST will always be found at oar store. Seed Potatses, Corn, eta an Graee, CJJpyer, Grass, and Velvet bealie Also full line of all kinds; cf garxfen: seed. Dont forget weke8p Sal-Vet for y6ur IQtocK atJa irouitry. ' cnAO. O, ADAHS, Farmer's Seed House 116-Eas V Fisher St, Salisbury, N.C. 5 TrAde with THE GROCER, He carries a fall line of Higi Grade Groceries at i ery low prices, bays all kinds of Produce Chickens, Eggs, Bacon, and - vegetables. See him Headquarters for Watkiu Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inniss'St. CP. SHUPIM The Peoples national Bank SALISBURY. N. C- Does a general banking business and cor dially invites your account. WE PAY F0UR.PR CENT loterat every three months in our savings depart ment. ...... j Prompt, careful, and confidential atten tion given to all business entrusted to up. N. B. McCanless, ; W.T. Busby,! President. Cashier. J. D. Norwood, John McCanJew.1 Vice-President. Asst. Cashier D. L. Gaskill, Viee President. . ' v-T KUB-rjiY-Tisrj Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralitia, Headaches, Crampi, Colic SprainSjBruiiei.Cuts, Burns, Old Sores,-Tetter, Ring-Worm.-Ec-zema, etc Antiseptic Anodyne used internally or externally. 25c Dr. B. C. Taylor, DENTIST. China Grove: Mouday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Landlsr Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Examination Free. No. m Tbh ia m precriptim prepared etpedally fer MALARIA ox CHILLC & FEVER. Viva or abc doaea tHH break mv c: mu! 1 wmtomm tOBW Um vpt Will not OF SEED V 1 SALISBURY'S BIG A FulJ Line of General Mei chandi9e' Constantly On Hand FOOT REST HOSIERY; whether it's appearance you want in hosiery or wneather it wear yon will get it if you get "Foot Rest." And this too is an enduce ment to most of us.. You'll SAVE MONEY. Fall and winter goods, "heavy ' weight underwear for men and woman, also Dress Goods, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected tstock of staple aad fancy groceries, country produce, ieed stuff, etc. When in need come to see me. Farmers are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, , W. W. TAYJLOM, 'Phone 39. 103 S. Main St., Salisbury, N. C: Sa MEDALS, CLAS5 PINS AND KINGS. We carry in stock or make to order any kind of medal or rings of the very latest etyles in solid gold and guarn tee our prices. We also do the finest watch and jewelry repairing that can be done and every job is folly guaran teed. We carry the largest line of Watches, Diamonds, and Jewelry in North Carolina. See us for reliable fgoods, no MISREPRESENTATIONS. 7. H. LEONARD, Jowerly & Diamond ttorchnnt. Wallace Bldg.. Salisbury, N. C- THE GLOBE BRISTOL, Wholesale and Retail Growers of General Nursery -Slock. TRADE WITH A RELIABLE HUROERY. NO EFFOfTf SPARED TO SATISFY UUU CUSTOMERS. Agents Wanted. Salary or Corrimisaion. Rkad TU13: The Globe NurMrieaBrl Gentlemen: I -had the very bes success in all raj 4eliveries at all points. The people were bo pleased that X did not have a single objection Yon knew that this is remarkable, no fault to find in near lOOeliveries The tree were all in nice condition. Yours truly, (Signed) G. W. Pui,jjjif. ' SPECIAL TRAIN TO WSMGTflN, D. i Monday, June 4th, 1917. Account TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REUNION ; and TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REUNION SONS OF VETERANS Southern Railway System will operate special train from Charlotte and other North Carolina points to Washington, D. C. Monday, June 4th, 1917. Train will consist of Standard Sleeping Cars and First Class Day Coaches. Baggage will be checked under usual conditions, Feom Lv. Charlotte Lv. Concord Lv. Salisbury . Lv. Lexington Lv. High Po'nt Lv. Greensboro Lv. Reidsville A Washington 7:45 P. M 8:20 " 9:05 JS' 9:37 44 10:03 10.35 11,11 1 1 7.00 next day, 3 Also stopping at Harrieburg, Kannapolie, China Grove, o lomaafrtmn liuffin, to ,,take on passengers. u FaeBehiorers at Branch Line Points should take connect ing ;tr&iiTtp fanctipn points. Fares from all intermediate stations and branch line points oh same low rates basis. In addition to above ppecial train and date, tickets witt of Bom na to vm inclusive, and witneeB the splendid reception that will. bMyMthe Vefefkns.-' - ' - " :fi -PitT ... Tickets and Pullman reservations should be MttifciS&DitmM Advance through your neaieei S.. BURGESS, m m mi ii k i; j,-.rf 111 IKWM; III II I II Ml 11 I llll I --KJ - - V : NURSERIES, TENN.-VA. ichmqiad, Va., Nov. 25th, 1916 r 1 '. . i-i'er m ; 1 Schedule of Special Train. ; Schedule. Round Teip Fabe $8 50 8 30 f 65 7 30 6 95 6 65 6 15 at the same low round trip fare ticket agent, o? write Division Passenger Agent, . in i .saatfntmtpg cjiir-Mirtoim . - ii in irr n mil r HfHi in n i I will oiler . for sale to the hUbest bid der far cash, at the court hoose deor. to Salisbnry, at noon, Holiday, Jims 4th ,1911. the following describad real estate. Thia May 5th 1917, Jj8. H. Kbideb, . gheriffof Bowan. WBXTS. Blackwelder. M A 115 acres tax 1916 $17 48 Beaver, W F 50 6 65 Freeae,HFN 14 Rogers. V P 46 Teeter, MA 60 Teaser, A 112 Overcasb,HH 108 u 172 730 13 13 17 22 31 16 f Cliea Crave IswasWp. , - WHITE. Blackwelder. Jno. V 56 acres tax 1913 7 74 Collet, Mrs. C B 4 do do 3 31 Correll, J W 8 1 lot do do 14 00 Deal. am'l J gard'n 41 do do 7 84 Deal, 8am' 1 J 1 do 64 do 1 lot do 1 lot do larfrdo 1 lot do 4 l'ta do 67 ac's do 'Hot do 96 ac's do do 7 16 do 15 19 do ; 34 do 9 91 do 3 87 do 272 Freeze. E Claude Hendrix: Harrv KimiAoBs, Victor Lindsay, M A Miller, Henry C Phillips, atinnieJ Roberts. CB Shufler, Mrs. 8 N . do 6 59 do 15 39 do 3 54 do 31 00 do 8 98 do -&85 do 14 35 do 0 08 do 4 88 do 1 78 do 12 04 do 213 do f7 72 Slapp, A"V executor Slapp, Mrs. Alice M 42 acte do Smith, H 8 Hot do 8tevens, Est' 112 ac's do Wagoner, Chas. A . 1 lot do Wallter, Mrs. MO . 2 l'ta do A j cock, Mrs. liillie 1 lot do Cook, Joseph W 1 lot do M'esemore,' Kobert 1 lot do Reed, The. L Est - 60 ac's do Riley, Edger 66 ac's do Ritchie Mrs. Marj J 1 lot do Rogers, D H ' Hot do Beaver, Will F Hot do - 5 C0L0BX2). do 15 67 do 5 83 7 76 $44 do do Holbrooks, aek 3 aca do do 4 ; Cl:vc!and Towcsbip. ' WHITS. Barber, Mrs. Joseph 200 ac's do Barber, A ftdio'r 6 8 ac's do Sprinkle J P 80aac'do Steele, OA 220 ac's do OOLOBGTJ. Campbell, James ' X 1 lot do Coleman, John . 12 ac's do Cowan, AndersoniEst 67 ac's do Cowai, -Delia r . 1 lot do Cowan, Marjah - ' 1 lot 00 CEawfora.'KYallpeiEst 1 lot do CLrrd,.qrdv i 1 lot do arete, esse ' 7 r- t- - 1 llotdo man; Beb .1 lot do 1 lot po 1 lot do 1 ao'rdo S6aeado 1 lot do lacado 1 lot do 42 ac's do ' 1 lot d o 97 ac's do 1 lot do 1 lot do !-H)dxmii 'V StokM Hyde, Ueorgtf Kerr, Henry Krider, W A Lucky, Abb Est Oakley, Alios Est Pearson, Will Phifer, Johnson PWferTfiAdefson Rankin, John Smith, Rer. J 8 Smith. Laura lOjac'ado Taylor, Charlotte Est 1 lot do 1 lot do 1 lot do 1 lot do 1 lot do White. Aad? Wood, Price Wood, Richard Eat 'Wood, William : . FrutfiB Tswnship. , - WHITE. Coley, Max' . 5ae'ado Dunn, Mise MO 1 acrdo Freeze, C H & wife- 76 acr do Grubb, Gerald G - 328aedo Grubb, Mnr. Nata B 43ac'edo Hannah, JP lOSac'ado Helton G W 116 ac's 1915-16 Belle Hill lot 1915-16 do do do 80 do 37 do 11 do 15 28 Young, HH 100 acres tax 1915, 10 Young, F M ; ; 78 acres do do 11 Ghunn, Ambrose 10 ac's do Hannah, Ned 9 ac's do Hargrave, John lSacado Hawking, Scott 14ae'edo Parker,103 ac's ba! doe do do do do do do . Litaku Tiwasbip. WHITK. Bame, Pearl G M Boat a?ent 8 ac es tax 1919 Barnkardt Est 1-4 d do do P feeler. Mrs Anna Canop 17 . acres tax 1915 Cauble, Miss Maggie 12 acP tax 1913 CorneliBon, "Mrs. Davie 12 acres tax 1918 Cruse, Orlin . 2 arres tax 1915 Fink, C W 1 lot do do Holshciueer, Jno A iO c'b do" Pless4 S L Q&crea tax 1915 PriCQjrSjUsa Jennie 32 acres Rosemats l,ala 25'aciea Safrit. i Q 14 ftOres Sides Alice R 88 acres Yost'AdaLpe 89 aerei Brown, H M 40 acrea. Brown, Napoleon 5 acres Forrest, Henry 18 acres Heilig Peter 9 acres Maria Eatella 5 acres ! Lacks twsWf. WHITS. ' 197 12 40 1011 262 197 25 315 29 JO 09 1 97 8 83 2 29 4 79 8 26 158 863 560 4 31 64 Black. J 0 846 acres Brown J G 104 acres Holehouger, J A 48 acres KluUzrEd waroV 7 j acres Lowier, J $ 60 acres v eniur, Sr.raK i 58 acrs McCabbirjs J S 77 acres Stiller, J B 75 acres Wallace, J B 10 acres 1915-16 Barringer, Mra. Cora 12 acres OOiQBKB. KerrHenry 13 acres Smith. Annie 1 acre Galer A Suggs, 92 aorea . G5li liifl IiwisWj. WHITE. Beck, LW 39 acres Browr, Geo 155 aerea bal An 74 79 85 28 8 77 180 tJOO 588 18 69 24 68 324 180 5 77 17 80 641 2118 86 261 . 84 9 5 65 63 Cor, W H 1 luteal due ' Caynthers. O A Xloi Farmer. H 02 acr4a Fesperm&b. Jno Adam 1 lot u?cii,Jiea0iri o5.&erfea friiln Hill uYiTiAmaA m 819 acres Morgan $1415 Gold 190 9 - i. -3 v .... . Holthont- r, 'JM.'bvs Ril2 .Scref ;i Hnchir86n'. JS E I lot i ' mm vr 1 Mabrev-Mr1'. Jennie. 1 lot il 03 Mauny;-jr ii uetra z it jf : . M uier, w B 1 IQ t. i ; . -. - ivvf Morrison, Mts Flora 40 Serea : 8H McCombs. M -s SB teres - fJ . v 7 18 S3 Peeler Quarry Uo 8 acres , - 1.41 Pobahauntat Qaano Co. Uot ,M Rctreis. Daniel I lot 69 Small, 61 lot y;: 88 Shaw, h L 1 lot- ' . 499 Trexler, JUl l.-t 1 Wvatt, John Thomas 1 acre ' - if? colored . r Fisher, Winsle 6 ae e : T JO Uiehen, Cat hero Henrietta 1 Acre 82 TohBSon. Governor 8 aores Morpan, Summie 1 lot . McOienathan, Mazme 2 acres Price, am Hot v Scatt, John H 12 acres WHITJI. Brady, D U Jr.i5 acres Bochanan E 1 1 acres Boat Mf g Co. f 3 acres Carter. R L 8 acres Corriher, Grover 23 acres bal due Ducker, Catherine 29 aorta Earnhardt, Geo 15 acres Goodman, G G SO acres Holshouser, Mu:nie 16 acreg Hardpster, Thomas 28 ace's Lisk, Lucy 0 acres 1915 ! 6 Mcrgan. Jno O 3J ac es Morgan, David 10 acres Morgan, Jno C 7 acres Matiney F F and J C Fugga 68 acres 1915- 6 Mauney urn nent ivv acres 1916 Par ker A d a 28 acres Scott Lee 9 acres Swans- n, Riley 11 acres Thomas, John M 75 acres Thomas A 90 acres COLORS B Oulberttson Eva 29 aores ?J9uot Ulla Tewnski?. WHITS Craven. A F 51 acres Corriher. T O 89 atires McNeely, Mra. M C m aerr Phifer, Geo M 93 acres bal due Miller. J W 90 acres 66 Overcash, J M 80 acres Kennerly , 8 E 4J acres OOLOEBS Carr, Arthur 1 acre Carr, Ernest 1 acre Carr, Gartield 1 acre . Chamber, Frank 1 acre Chambers, John 1 acre Gray, Caroline 1 acre Oakley ,Osar 1 acre Walker, William 2 acres Oowan, Charley 7 Oorneliaop, 8 J 7 acres iKnozMag 5 acres McCorkierUi.le6 62 acres . onuioru saixie acres WHITS ' ;. Davfa, A D 61 acres J.-; Bargar, John 8 acres-, v Eller. Arthur M 3 acres Morgaa .. X915 $12 87; Providenol915 ; and mw&mimmd arnnarat u w acres oil i Mm- .ausrrAf.s acrea5iffl:f,?s Goodman Maggie 4 aes t JELernai no jy j am es 4-efler, W Ml lot milliwiifti5m wjau, Jira uii2 tew S9 StawMMri Alice S0& aerea $-2172 Treer Gold; Mine acreefe f K 7 84 Yatei, B A'5 acre's mvA- 64 4 72 Peeler, Mrs. CatherirfiS2 Smith William 14 aerei--i, ; y : "COI.OBKD.''?. Barrier, Anderson 1 lot - ' Barger, Onpelo 12 aeea ' v v, Lyerly W M 3 acres - ' Roberts. C V 2 acres bal due Ford, Remy acres : : WHITS Rex, W O 32 acres Bex, G W 41 a ;res COLOSBIK. Brown, W O 80 seres C wan. Jim 25 acres Holt, Tom 45 a r.s Miller, W K 40i acres Miller, Ransom 129 acres Miller, Green 98 acres McConnaughey, Dan 23 acres Trexler, May 51 acre Scotch Irish TowssMf. whits Abernathey Mts M G 89 aerea Cranford, Mrs N A 114 acre Haineline, Sidney 5 acres Murph Bros. l08 acres McCubbina. Mrs L N85 acres Bice, L A 160 acres Thompson, J F 120 acres colokbd. Daughten, M les 5 acres Hodge, Cleinintine 17 acres Hall, Vina 9 acrt Leach, Lloyd 38 acres Neely, Lizzie 87 acr? s Unity Tcwnshij. WHITB Benson , E W 81 acres Correll,TC2acres I azenby , 8 F 86 acres Morrifi. Mrs Max 12 acrvg Bice W F 144 acres Whitaker, WUey 85 aores colobso Flemjpg. Pearson 45 aeres Myers Wi'liam l acres 56 64 37 72 68 74 69 415 88 89 2 36 6 40 161 1 97 5 02 Jno. R, Brown, OpUiI) Optometrist, CHINA GROVBp tU 6 Fourteen Years Practice 'iin'y uawiiuu na ruling Of rQl y -'-i Hoadaohoof rjcivcqA neuralfllar01lncrr-! voii nisoirdcns :6 88 43 w 03 - 1 6 4 7 94 v 67 8 57 v 4 16 15 460 4 52 4 04 2 25 141 354 113 "214 716 lft 84 62 9 88 19 81 I 48 102 i2 176 768 206 V -ft' ft. i 6H 4 21 17 62 84 64 10 45 892 5 21 2 7? 31 2 71 825 2 97 81 3 90 47 119 9 64 8 07 178 .1 1 i K ? - . - ft 11)55 47 480 M 89 92 47 Mrs 8 26 1 SO 5 73 484 283 896 6 489 712 8-57 538 688 8 65 17 08 140) 22 644 87 1175 64 15 98 886 24 40 11 75 9 99 78 4 79 8 28 18 29 142 1221 826 id 28 929 r 754 116 3 '' 4- 1 MiAIAli';rlldjlQ'' v : V 5- 1 - - '1 .A

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