6 l- -- LLLU(flU; A Home Newapape? Published in the Interest of the People and for Governmental Affairs. VOL. XHI. N). 23. FOURTH SEEISS SALISBURY, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23RD, 1917. Wm, H. STEWART, ED. AND PROP. Carotaat Tike BE A BONDHOLDER The Nature, Terms, Special fldvantases and Desirability of Liberty Loan Bonds. There are two kinds of Liberty Loan Bonds. Bearer Bonds are to be issued in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000. These Bearer Bonds, which are made payable to bearer, have interest coupons attached which are de tached by the holder when the interest installments they repre sent are due and can be cashed at any bank the' same as a United States Treasury note. Registered bonds are to be is sued, which are registered as to both principal and interest, in denominations of $100, $500, 31, 000. $5,000, $10,(!00, $50 000, and .$100,000; checks for the amount of interest due will be maiied out semi-annually to the holders of these regis terered bonds. Liberty L)an Bonds of the first issue of $2,000 000. c00 are to bear date of June 15, 1917, and to rut: for thirty years, excf p that the Government reserves the riuht to pay them fifteen year after date. If this rhihi is not exer cised b,y the Government fifteen years from ihe date, the bends will ruin the full thirty years. These bonds bear interest at 7Yi per cent per annum arid the interest is payable semi-annually on the fifteenth day of December and the fifteenth day of June in each year. One especial advantage no oth er bonds, National State, munici pal, or corporate, have is that if the United States during the continuance, of this war shall is sue other bonds at a higher rate of 'interest, the holders of these Liberty bonds have the riirbt to exchange their Liberty bonds for bonds bearing the higher ra.o of interest, dollar for dollar. N,Tbey are nontaxable. If your city, county, and State taxes are three mills on the dollar, a not unusual "tax, these bonds are equivalent to ordinary corporate bonds or other investments bear ing b per cent. In addition, no Federal tax which wai conditions may later make necessary will affect these bonds. The only tax these bonds are subject to is the inheritance tax, which applies to all prop erty of all kinds whatsoever. Blank forms of application for the purchase of these bonds can be obtained from the Treasury Deparmeut, any Federal Reserve Bank, any National State or pri vate bank, any express office and any post . office in the United States. Any bank or postmaster will aid applicant in filling out his blank and the other acts nec essary to obtain these bonds It is not necessary to advertise these bonds to sell the whole is sue but it is earnestly desired that this loan shall be a popular loan, a loan by and from the peo pie at large of the United tates and not alone from banks, trust companies and fittanciers. To that end bonds are to be issued in small denominations and subscri bers for small amounts are to be supplied before the subscribers for large amounts are granted their full subscription - For Your Child's Cough. Here's a pleasant cough syrup that every child likes to take, Dr. Bell's Pine-Taj? Honey. If your child has a deep hacking cough that worries you give him Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey, the Tooth ing JHne balsams reliev the cough, . loosens the phleg . and heals the irritated tissue? Get bottle' to-day at your druggists " Q,n" start treatment at once. 25c. GonfederatG Veterans to Washington for the First Time. Atlanta, Ga., May 16 Plans for handling the thousands of visitors from the South who will attend the annual reunion of the Uuited Confederate Veterans at Washington, D. C.. on June 4th to 8th inclusive, were made at a conference of officers of the op erating av.d passenger traffic de partments of iu-'j Soucern Raii way System in Ah an sit Monday and Tuesday. Arrangements were perfected t the conference for the opera tion of between forty and fifty special trains to Washington in addition to extra equipment and axtra sections on the regular passenger tra'us. For the re union a special organization will be formed by the Southern at Washington to assist the veter ans and their friends in making arrangements for return trips, A large number of expert pass enger men will be assigned for this purpose. Special operating and mechanical forces will be de tailed to assure the prompt movement of trains and special p iice protection will be prc v.ded. That this l-miniou, which is the first, to be heid at the nntiona .capital, will "Uicct larger crowds than have assembled at any pre vious reunion, ard that the war activities will not.in any way i in terfere with the program already arranged, was the view express ed bv Passenger Traffic Manager W H Tayloe. The appearance of the old veterans at Washington is expected to stimulate patriot ism and thus help the present cause. Roaa to Happiness. K Be aimable, cheerful and good natured and you are much more likely to be happy. You will find this difficult, if not impossi ble, however, when you are con stantly tmubied with constipation Take Chamberlain's Tablets and get rid of that and it will be easy. These tablets not only move the bowels, but improev the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Spread Salt on Streets to Lessen DnstEyil. Common course salt, when properly applied to dirt roads, quite su:ceLStuiIy allays oust during the dry months of sum mer. The scheme has been tried 1 in many places, and among them the little viilage of Belleville, Pa. where it obviates the seed of street spinkling. At this parti cular town the salt is scattered over the road surface with the aid of a lime spreader The nat ural affinity of calcium chloride, which is present in salt, for moisture keeps the village thor oughfares fairly free from dust even during very dry periods The material is applied at inter vals of about six weeks at a com parativeiy low, cost, io obtain I good results, however it is neces sary that the salt should have an opportunity to become thorough ly mixed with the dirt before en countering a heavy rain. From the June Popular Mechanics v agazine. Best Remedy for Whoops Coush. "Last winter when my little boy had the whooping cough I g-ave him Chamberlains, Coug-h Remedy," writes Mrs. J B Rob- erts. Eact St. Louis. 111." It kept his couth loose and relieved him of those dreadful coughing spells, It is the on! v cou h medicine I keep in ti c ho'-ise .Decause I have the most confidence in it. This remedy is also god for colds and croup. PLANT, PLANT, PLANT. Sweet Potatoes as Well as Corn May be Planted as Late as July. West Raleigh, N. C, May 6, 1917. For a week I have tried to find time to write an article urging the farmers to plant heavily of sweet potatoes. If the war con tinues for another year the pro duction of human food crops will be a serious problem not only in the South but throughout the world. The West as well as the Northwest has annually been supplying the South with hun dreds of millions of dollars worth of food necessities to feed toe people of the South, The enormous quantities of food that the United States have been shipping to Europe must con tinue, and hardships are inevita bly coming if the war continues six months longer. There is no crop grown in the South that will furnish as much food value per acre or so cheaply as will the sweet potato. A dollar's worth of sweet potatoes used as human food has practically double the food value of a dollar's worth of wheat and corn. An acre of av erage land in sweet potatoes will produce more food than two acres of corn and more than four acres of wheat in the cotton belt. Sweet potatoes may be planted as late as July and yield twice as much human food as corn on land of average fertility. It is the most important crop that the South can now grow, and there remains May, June and a part of July in which this crop may be planted. The sweet potato has a higher food value than the Irish potato, and it is now too late to plant the latter with any assurance of suc cess, and then there is practical ly no seed available. There is ample sweet potato seed availa ble, and a bushel of sweet pota toes will produce plants enough t) plant from six to ten times as much land as a bushel of Irish. An acre of land that will pro duce 15 or 20 bushels of corn, 8 to 12 bushels of wheat, or 150 to 200 pounds of lint cotton will produce 50. and may produce 80, or 1C0 bushels of sweet potatoes. depending upon the good prepa. tion of the soil and good fertili zers. No crop will yield so much per acre of so high a food value on so poor land as will this high ly nutritious root crop. Sweet potatoes may follow the various early truck and farm crops har vested in May and June, such as cabbage, Irish potatoes, etc., small grain, crimson clover, etc In view of the scarcity of pot ash I would recommend for sweet potatoes between 6 ;0 and 1.200 Dounds of a fertilizer ana lvzinff 8 to 10 Der- cent of phosphoric acid and 2 to 4 and 2 to J. n per cent of nitrogen. On very thin land I would use the higher per cent of nitrogen, and on better land the lower per oent. C. L. Newman, M. S. Prof, of Agriculture. Muscle Soreness Relieved j Usual work, bending and lift ing or strenuous exercise is a strain on the muscles, they be come sore and stiff, you are crip pled and in pain. Sloan's Lini ment brings you quick relief, easy to apply, it penetrates with out rubbing and drives out the soreness A clear liquid, cleaner j than mussy plasters or ointments it does not stain the skin or clog the pores. Always have a bottle handy for the puns, aches of rheumatism, gout, lumbago and grippe bruises, stiffness, back ache and all external pain. At your druggists, 25c. ROMANISM WANTS STATE AID. Doctrine of Union of Church and State to be Revived Whenever and Wherever Possible. The Menace: On April 15th The Menace nublished an extended article on h i -fi, J Bay State Constitutional Conven tion. That this article showing how to make Massachusetts "safe for democracy," was a veri table bomb shell thrown into the camp of Cardinal O'Connell and his Roman Catholic Political Machine, is clearly in evidence. Excepting the Christian Scien ce Daily Monitor, the Massa chusetts daily press respected Rome's Index in a manner that promised great things for the cardinal's machine. Rome ex pected to secure an overwhelm ing majority of subservient can didates who would oppose per mitting the citizens of Massa chusetts .to enjoy the funda mental rights of a democratic state that of voting on the anti sectarian Constitutional Amendment, which has no other purpose than to take religion cut of politics and render it impossible for any church to loot the public treasury for sectarian institu tions. This great and vital issue, if permitted to be freely discussed in theaily press, would ere this, have been submitted to the peo ple of Massachusetts. It is fav ored by all persons who favor our Federal Constitution's doc trine of absolute divorce of chufch and state; by all persons who wish to preserve the integ- j rity of the great principle that no special favors are to be shown to any church or faith. It is fa vored bv all patriots who do not wish to see the public treasury looted in the interest of any re ligous denomination. But it is opposed by the sinister Roman Catholic Political Machine in the same spirit that Rome oppos es freedom of speech and press, and all questions which run counter to its plan for substitut ing the papal for the democratic theory of government. Hence Rome for years-has striv en to censor this question, and seldom has the pa pal Index been more shamefully in evidence than in regard to this very ques tion in the state of iMassachusetts. The Christian Science Monitor has been the one honorable ex ception in the daily press of the Bay State a press so dominated by the papal political machine that this great fundamental, vit al, political, non-religous issue 1 has been resolutely denied a full and free discussion. Kome can be depended upon to vote as the machine directs ' Her vote is practically a unit on mill i j an questions in wnicn tne hier archy is deeply interested. So all went well till Menace No. 314 reached Massachusetts, urging patriots to consult the Advisory Committee at Room 303, Tre mont Temple, for information in regard to candidates who could be relied upon. Of the six- een candidates-at-large there were only eight whose known po sition was sufficiently satisfac tory to make our committee feel it was wise to support them. Of these eight, sihave been elected, while information given for local candidates all over the state has resulted in the election of a large number of candidates who are resolutely m favor of this anti- sectarian amendment. Quite as .. significant was the success of candidates Cardinal O' Connell had put on the Index Black List, as here out of seven teen candidates which he pla- carded in his organ as bigots which Catholics should oppose, ten were elected. The Pilot's consternation at the interference with the "con spiracy of silence" by the Men 1 ace's broadside found voice in its editorial leader of April 28th, in which the cardinal thus attacks one of the greatest and most fun damental positions and theories that has been held by our nation and various commonwealths from the foundation of our repub lic that of keeping religion and politics separate and giving no special privileges to any re ligous body. The anti sectarian amendment, it will be remem bered, is nothing more or less than an amendment designed to take religion out of politics bj denying to any church the right or the power to loot the public treasury for sectarian purposes. The proposed amendment readt as follows: No law shall be passed respect ing an establishment of reiigior or prohibiting the free exercis thereof. nor shall the state county, city. town, village oi other civil division use its prop erty or cred it orany money raised by taxation - or otherwise oi authorize either to be used for the purpose "of founding, main taining or aiding by appropria tion, payment for."services. expen ses, or in any other manner, any church, religous denomination or religous society, or any insti tution, school-society or under undertak'ing which is wholly or in part under sectarian or ecclesi astical control. It is with- -refrence , to. .the amendment that the cardinals official organ says; For some years a coterie of bigots ;have stormed the state enactment bouse demanding the of measures that are aimed only at thetare rights of Catholics. Here is a bold and brazen dec laration claiming the right of the Catholic church to loot the public treasury. The cardinal's organ further says: Catholics do well at this time to find out the record of men who seek the election as dele gates to the convention. In an- other colilm we print a list or candidates, who as legislators have voted for the so called anti- Catholic measures. Catholics snouiu Keep laesi names in , ..11 1 j.i i mind and show them that they will not tolerate insults from public servants. A.s above mentioned, ten of the seventeen candidates referred to in the above black list, were tri umphantly elected in spite of Rome's bringing religion into politics and denounouncing the proposed amendment, whose only purpose would be to take ecclesiasticism out of politics. Rome with her greedy eyes, is looking forward to the day when she can loot the public treasury for her sectarian institutions. She wishes to get her hands in to the treasury so as to receive funds for those nurseries of sec tarianism and religous bigotry the parochial schools She hates the public schools with a bitter hatred because they foster love of our liberal democracy and loyalty to the Constitution of the United States with its guarantee of free dom of speech, press and assem. bly. How Rome and her paro chial schools hate freedom of speech was typically illustrated' King's New Life Pills at your in the Haverhill riot, and is ?.Isodruffists' 25c e cquntly in evidence in :he pa-: ' pal censorship in :be daily Massa-1 When you find that you are casetts pape-s m funeuUl I bound to have a new corn ... A . I planter, why not fgo halves questions, like thj anti-sectarian ith t neighbor of -yours and amendment wnicn nome does not wish discussed. Can Food at Home. . Vast amounts of edible corn, tomatoes, pickles, strimg. beans, pumpkins, apples, peaches, grapes and other fruits and vegetables are allowed to rot on the ground each year in this county. The average family with a garden is supplied so bountifully dur ing the season that long before the first killing frost comes waste begins. In the country . and country towns especially, there is little or no profitable market for the overproduction. This year not a pound of vegetable food jcapable of being saved, by drying or canning or preserving, should be allowed to spoil. The boys can render splendid service by care of the gaTden and gath ering the produce, and the girls can do their part . in preparing and canning. The process of booking for canning is not diffi cult to learn, nor Joo exhausting co perform, and this year we should put upon our shelves for iext winter's consumption mil lions upon millions of quarts of ;anned food. This will release 1 4 . ui equal amount, which other wise would be taken from the mtput of the big canneries' and which can go to feed our own Army and Navy cr be shipped a broad to starving Kurope. No boy or girl need wait until he or sne is older in order to do some great thing. If only 5,000,000 families can an extra 100 jars each, the result will be 5,000,000 000 jars more than last year, and that is anything but a small ac complishment. Don't let a pound to food go to waste this year. Those of, us who are not already thrifty must learn to become so and once the habit is formed, the results are so surprising and sat isfying it becomes a pleasure. H H Windsor, in the June Popular Mechanics Magazine. Don't Let Your Conzh Han? on. A cough that racks and weak ens is dangerous, it undermines your health and thrives on neg lect. Relieve it at once with Dr iving's New Discovery. The soothing balsam remedy heals the throat., loosens the phlegm, its antiseptic properties kill the germ and the cold is, quickly broken up. Children and grown ups alike find Dr. King s New Discovery pleasant to take as well as effective. Have a bottle handy in your medicine chest fol grippe, croup and all bronchiar affections. At druggisls, 50c. If you haven't already arrang ed to let your boy have a piece of land that is all his own this year, do it at once. Let the money he makes on it be his own even though it be with the un derstanding that he is to buy his own clothes and obtain his spend ing money from this source. . It will develop in him invaluable business ability and increase his admiration and respect for you. The Progressive Farmer. Clear Away the Waste. Bowel regularity is the secret of good health, bright eyes clear complexions, and Dr. King's New Life Pills are a mild and gentle laxative that regulates the bowels and relieves the congested intes tines by removing the accumulat ed wastes without griping. Take a pill before retiring and. that heavy head, that dull spring fever feeling disappears. Get Dr. pUt the rest of the money in the bank? The Progressive Farmer .

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