i THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN Wm. H. STEWART, Editor and Owner ' Published Every Wednesday At Salisbury, N. C. - Subscription Price: Watchman, 1 year.... .75 Record, 1 year 75 lb Progressive Parmer, 1 year.. 1.00 All 3 for a year each, only $1.50 Entered as second-class matter Jan uaryuitUi, 1905, at the postoffice at Salisbury, N. C, under the act of Con- of March 3rd, 1879. DR. DUTTERfl PRESIDENT P. 0. S. OF A. Salisbury, N. 0.. May 23, 1917 .There are numerous com plaints of chickens injuring neighbors' gardens. This is an important matter that de serves consideration and peo ple who have chickens should be considerate enough of their neighbors' welfare to keep their chickens at home. It is bad enough to have 'ene'ti own chickens scratch up the garden and it is too much to expect your neighbor to tolerate it. No one wants to kill his neighbors' chick ens, but the law gives him this right after giving the owner three notices to keep them Off of his premises. A negro woman was haled into court the other day and taxed with the costs for per mitting a little poodle dog to ran at large without a muz zle on. This is nothing short of the rankest injustice and a specimen of littleness of which an enlightened people ought to be ashamed. There are hundreds of unmuzzled dogs to be seen on cur street every aay, large, vicious dogs, belonging to people who know the law and are perfectly able to purchse muzzles and. if the law is to be enforced, all should be treated alike, or it should be repealed. This thing of dragging some Negro into court and taxing her with costs while the more able and "dlliberate guilty" are allow ed to go free is a blot on our civilization, We think very lettle of an officer who will show such unjust partiality. Feer Hsases Burned YesterdaY. A rather serious fire on the east side of the southern Railway's main line on Chest- nut Hill yesterday morning completely destroyed four cottages and a barn The fire originated in the residence occupied by a Mr Keith and owing to a high wind spread Quickiy to the adjoining houses on each side, one of which was occupied by Mrs John Trexler and the other by Mrs Morris. The flames then crossed a narrow street -and consumed a cottage oc cupied by Charlie Hartman and also destoyed a barn near by All were burned to the ground. The occu pants saved a part of their householi " goods Other nearby homes were endanger ed by sparks fanned along nd at great distance by the high winds ine nearest nyarant was jou South Main street about two blocks or more from the scene of the fire.: The loca tion of the fire was at a point between the Yadkin railway just where it leaves the main line roadbed and the Good man Lumber Company's plant and first reports comi ug to the city were that it was the lumber plant burning and a great crowd flocked to the scene. The barn destroyed belonged to Mr Link. W. A. Daniel of Salisbury Secretary. Goldsboro Gets Next Meeting of this Organization. Lexington, May 15. The state camp.Patriotic Sons of America began its two day session here this morning with upward of a a hundred delegates and officers in attendance. Vice President J C Kesler, of Salisbrry, presid ed in the absence of President M F Hatcher, of Salisbury, who was called Sunday to Port Ogle thorpe to enter training. Major Young and Major Wade Phillips delivered the welcoming ad dresses and the response was by past President T Ivey. of Carey. Devotional exercises were con ducted by Dr W B Duttera, of Salisbury, and Dr J C Leonard, of Lexington. The report of the officers showed that the order now has a membership of over 3,000 in the state, having made a gain of more than 600 during the past year. During the past year an insurance department with funeral benefits by each member has been chartered and put into working order. The state camp was organized herein 1911. This afternoon the annual elec tion of officers resulted as fol lows: President, Dr W B Dut tera, Salisbury; vice-president, Fred O Sink, Lexington; master of forms M W Allen, Watts X Roads; secretary, W A Daniel, Salisbury; treasurer, H B Koonts, Lexington; conductor, Daniel Barton, Winston Salem; inspector, J E Prazier, Swepson ville; guard, J M Branock, Spen cer; trustee, Jethro Almond, Al bemarle; directors, E A Timber lake, Lexington, and W A Her. sham, Concord; delegates to national camp, J C Kesler and CMC Barger, Salisbury; H H Koonts and R C Harris, Lexing ton. Goldsboro was chosen over Gastonia as the next meeting place. DON'T WAIT Take Advantage of a Salisbury Citizen's Experience. When the back begins to ache, Don't wait until backache be comes chronic; "Till kidney troubles develop; Till urinary troubles destroy night's rest. Profit by a Salisbury woman's experience. yrs.D.A.Holbrooks, 213 S.Lee St., Salisbury, says: "Some years ago I had attacks of lumbago that nearly put me down and out. My back ached constant ly. Doan's Kidney Pills were re commended to me by a friend and I began taking them. They helped me at once. Whenever my back causes me any misery now, I use Doan's Kidney Pills and get prompt relief." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidnev Pills the same that Mrs. Holbroks had. Foster Milburn Co.. Props., Buf falo, N. Y. 0. VSaSrVir You Need a Ceiers? Take Grove's Tse Oti Standard Grove 1 3 ... - TSi;i,? is equ-iUy vaiae.fci.5 m - VMi '.tonic: becaase it contains- 5 t-i nfm tunic pcopet ties of QrjIN?A" i1 i fc-sON. It acts on the Liver, Dr ? ! & Malsria, Enriches the Blood ? fe tt fcte Wbrlrt Systetn, 50 SCPU Ever see a $ Mark on a Tombstone. In glancing over a dailey paper the other day, we found the no tice of a farmer's death and in the obituary a paragraph that seems worth passing on: "For twenty years Mr. Mitchel has been chairman of the local school committee, giving his whole-hearted support to the school, the education of the youth of Rolesville being his one great ambition. It is gen erally conceded that to him is due the credit for the fact that the school is the social center of the communit3T that it is to day." And the gratifying fact is that all over the South we have an in creasing number of men and wo men who, when their obituaries are written, will likewise have it said of them that they didn't live for self alone, bnt did something worthy and specific for the good of the community. There has always been a desire among our people to help the commnnity, but until lately it hasn't found ade quate means of expression. "A dollar mark is something you never see on a tombstone," says Dr. D W Daniel. "A man may give his life to making money, but he wants something better skid of him when he dies." And now with all the new forward movements in tha South, a man may easily work so that this something better may be said. Ask yourself what unselfish movements you are helping for ward. The Progressive Farmer City Election. The city election, which was a very quiet affair, only 200 votes being polled, took place here yesterday, the voting being done at the us ual polling places and as there was no opposition to the Democratic nominee? they were elected unanimous ly, to wit; Mayor, Walter H. Wood son. Alderman, West Ward, J. K. Conley, J ( Crowder; North Ward. J E Hcnuessee, (J M Henderiite; East Ward, H E Rufty, R L Julian; South Ward, J D Norwood, J F Ludwick. - Get Rid of Your Rheumatism. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chamberlain's Liniment a great help. The relief which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. We want to impress upon your minds that every dollar you spend over our Counters is spent to our murual ad van age. Our Combination of 16 Stores enables us to buy gcmds N cheaper than any other store in this section, and then we sell only far cash, and for a smaller profit. Its "up-to-U" to trade where you can get the Best for your money. If you compare QUALITY and price we'll get your trade. Low Shoes. Women's and children's rubber-bottom Tennis Slippers 48c. Women's boys' and men's bet ter Tennis Shoes at 75c and 89c. Our 89c Counter. Big lot of odd pairs,' closerouts, etc., in women's and children's white St. Matthew's Chnrch S. S, Picnics. On Ascension day, May 17, the pupils of St Mathew's Sunday School, had a delight ful picnic at wyatt's ferry on the Yadkin river. There was an addrees by Rev. 11. A. Trexler and a delighful soci able time was had by the pupils of the school and visi tors from other parts of Row an and Davidson counties. Drives Out Malaria, Buiius Up r f lv. Old Standard general strengthening t -. -.. CJROVE'S TASTELliSS chill TONIC, drive. t Malaria.enriches the blood, and builds up th -y -iein. A tree tonic. For adults an i children. 50t The old wooden building on North Main Street adjoin ing the railroad has been torn awayand an oil supply sta tion will be erected in its place. Quite a number of SaK isburians att mdid the State convention of the Ba racasand Philatheas ;t Ash ville lat week. li FOR GRIRCOUCMS COLDS .CKTARkMAl Diseases wowmcmatonic u r.ouireq Directions - Hanufwbrol hTHE FERUHA COHMNr CumDuiit Itodol Dyspepsia Daara Digests what you eat The tablet form of this old reliable remedy makes it possi ble for you to check any illness at the very onset. It is a safe guard against coughs, colds and other catarrhal conditions, no matter what symptoms are manifest. Catarrh is an inflamma tion of the mucous membrane that lines the breathing apparatus and the digestive apparatus. PERUNA relieves catarrh. In tablet farm it is EVER-READY-TO-TAKE Its prompt action makes it in valuable for men and women ex posed to sudden changes in the weather or compelled to be out in slush and rain. It will also be found most satis- l factory as a tonic following an at- jj ::ack of illness. CARRY A BOX wherever you go. Travelers and ethers com- fenea 10 taEs long urivesin the cold eca t.ayone whose occupation subjes rjiui to the 'laager of sudden colds ruay use it as a preventive with the assurance tnat the tablets made are from the same formulary a i the liquid medicine with its 44 years of success before the American Public The Parana Compaiy, Colombo. Okio Slippers, patent Mary Jane Pumps, Oxfords, etc., worth up to 1 98, choice 98c. Women's or Misses white rub ber bottom Sport Oxfords for $1 .48 Women's Stylish white Pumps for $1.48 and up Women's Kid Oxfords and Slp pers for $1.25 and $1.50 Women's Stylish patent Pumps, also Mary Jane styie for. .$1 .98 up When in Salisbury, make our Store your headquarters, We are always glad to be of service to you. :Y M wwwwwm iiiiuiuiiiuw.;y;; Interest on investment is the source of surest income. Money worKs 24 hours a day and seven days weeK. More people are made inde pendent by saving than by slaving. England has invested to wonderful advantage. Ev ery year statistics show that England buys more from other countries than she sells to them. LBut inter est on investments does not show in the statistical tables. That is why England is rich. Money placed in a savings banK is an In vestment safe and sur. MaKe yourself independent. One Dollar Starts an Account I SALISBURY BANK AND TRUST CO. An Asnbition and a Record j T"HE needs of the South are Identical with the needs i of the So uhcr.T Haiivcy: thegrov.b afiu success cf one mcins , !e upbuilding of the olijir. The Scut' rrn U: ::coriic:l to oiLc-r.;. v7 as!:3 no f..vorc no special privileee net i The ambition cf t'.ic Fouilxm Ra'Itrr.y Company is to see that "Tiity c f interest tli.it is b-.rn cf operation between the public and J '. i-.iir.iic; to sr; r-r-'. c:cd that fai.- 1 frank policy in the manage ..-.:t of - rai Jr. ::! r-hi: h ini-ites ti.e conhderce of foverninental i-rericl.-s; to r -:::.:'f. i!iat l:bcr?.!tty of tr.-atment rs-hicb will trt-ible it li to fbtu.u t!ic pJ.iitior.Rl capital ik-cJcJ fir t;.e2c:i!iiWea of beuer ai.u 'j iT.!a-tro.L f.-,ci:hie3 inciUcs.i u tie dci J tor increased and better ! Er.vk-t-; t.::J, ilimijy j To ta':e r:. nicli: in tbe hoc? j. of the South alongside of rr'r eirat ii.r.jirit--. v!-'i no ii.or.-, '.ut with e.;ual liberties, equal r::;'.ila a.-.d e.jua, o::pu;ii:ai.;tj. Th2 Goutliern Ser the South." Southern Railway System List Your Toll and Propei ty for Taxation. All pal' and pr peity must be lifted for taxation during the month of May. 1917. Any person, firm t corpo ration not listing within th prescribed time will be sub ject to the fines and penalties provided by law. By crder Board of Com missioners E. B. JNEA VK, Ccn lily Auditcr. 5-23 2t. Sale ol Valualsle Farm Pursuant to ho order nd de tee of the Pnperior ( oun in ne matter eniitled Mar garet C Gaitber Robert ."a friet Martin Sa friet, John Salria Jnne Safriet. Martin Safriet, Jr, Bessie alritt-West, Edna h-friet-Uest, Dora Fafriet, Arthur Safritt and Louise Safriet, heira-at-law of D M. Campbell, deceased, appointing th under signed commissioners 10 sell theeatate ol the late I). M ( ampbell, the undersigned wi 1 sell at peblic auction to tbe highest bidder on THURSDAY. JUKE 21, 1917, at 12 o'clock M., on the premises, at tha late home of D M Campbell, the following de scribed real estate to-wit.: One tract of land in Scotch Irish Town ship, on South Yadkin Rivtr, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone on the bank of South Yadkin River and runs S. 11 dig E 260 poles to a stone, Cartner'a corner; thence: 82 deg. E HOpoUsto a atone; hence N. 50 deg E 6 poles to a Rtone on the bank of the iver; thence with the meanders of said rivn- to the beginning containing 209 acre? more or Jess This is a valuable tract of land, in a high state of cultivation, and has several thousand dol lars worth of timber or. r. a great deal o which can be used for in. Idim purposes If it is desued, the iVnd will be made into several tracts and sold as such, and then as a whole. Terms ol Hle one-third (J) cash, the balance in -!x months with approved security, with h.mest from date of sale. Now is the time to purchase a valuable Hirm, and prospective pun basers may con fer with W A Bristol. Esq , Statesville, W.C . or Jones & Clement, Wi nston MIOANhor R- Lee Wrif-'J,. Palisbnrv. M. U Title perfect and the purchaser will get a court title Sale will be left open for an increase bid aR now provided hv law This May 12, 1917. J H f'T EMENT, W. A Bristol., Commissioners. B. .T- nk, WMnston-Halem. N. C, R Lek Wright. Salisbury N, C., Attorneys. Notice to Creditors Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of Wincie Fisher, decea . d, notice is hereby given to all person having clvms ng'-Mitst s id e?le to .resent ti e pj me to the nnderaiyno ' on or before May 18, 1018. yU nn'.ict will T,e pleaded in bar of their recovery ny person indebted fo the estte will csll and settle with the une'errifned at once. This May 18, 1917. J. 0. A. Fisher, Administrator, R F D No. 3, Salisbury. N. Cf