.i t .- r : i?f ... i 1'.: v : r t , ,v 7,-. . fi, v i, : . , V J ' A J , ' J M FL0WS& IteCTfflN' " 1 hie A Home Newapaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Governmental Affairs. VOL XIIL NX 24. FOURTH SSJRIES SALISBURY, N. C.r WEDNESDAY, MAY 1917. Wm, H, STEWART, ED. AND PROP tm no Watelh 11 . I If I I I II NWCUSii AUIiliii 3 THE FRENCH BOND BUYERS. Row and Where to Buy Gsvernment Bonds on the Installment Plan. . Tb French f eopl1-? ar tlie greatest iti-tors hi Govyru rneut bond? in t' world. A the close of.ih- Fm nco-Pni?-slan. War in 1870 Germauv dwraaiHed aud col ected 'roro France $1,000 OOtt, )?.0 indem nity. The French people. who were as loyal then ia re t-poaiing to their country's need as their Foldiers are to day, hastened to loan thh tremendous sum to thMr coun try. Their patrotism turned a great raitfortnue into a great benefit. Their thrift in thiii saving their money audin vestiug i' in (government bonds not only t i ought gretit prosperity to France hut h boucU rose in vlue - 1 1 ve' the world and marie tb Freucli iPitioual credit good wherever civ:Sizati n existed Ten year: after th bond were issued they coinirunrieri a premium of 25 pr c;nt. What the America Nation is called upon to do in lend ing the American G vein ment $5,000,000.0 V and tak ing its bonds, thtrefor ;? lit ft corapar d with the Si, 0 )0 000,030 to France a f t-r I h Franco-Prussian v ar by th French people. Called urojj to "do much less than their present allies, the French ! Ameiican people will demon strate that they are second ti no people in the world in pa triotic support of their Gov eriiment The act authorizing tht Liberty Loan Bonds of 1917 waa paocd Apiil 2i, 1917. It provides for the issuance of $5,000,000,000 of 3i per cent bonds, the interest payable eemiannually on December 15 of each year. The principal is repayable on or after the 15th day of June, 1932, at the option of the Government, aud if this opt'ou is not ex ercised the bouds will run full 30 years and become due June 15, 1947. The bonds are exempt both as to prinsip'd and interest from all taxation, national, State, county, or municipal, except the inheritance tax, which is reaPy not a tax on the property, but on the transfer of property by will or inheritance. The bonds are to be sold at par; that is, $1 for $lno premi um and no discount. They are to be sold by the Treas urer of the United States and by all Federal Reserve banks. But all banks, National and State, po9toffi2e3. and express companies have been design nated as agents of the Gov ernment to receive applica tions for thes3 bonds. It is almost as easy to purchase one of these bonds as it is to get a post-office money order. It is not necessary to pay cash in full for a bond. One can pay down 2 per cent of the purchase rice onnpplica tion that is, $1 for a $5C bond, $2 f ot a $100 bor d, etc. 18 .er cent on Ju'y 2;;. 1917; 20 percent July 30, li)i7; 30 per cnt August 15, 1917; and the balance, 30 per cent, Au gust 30, 1917. The Woirdarfal Powej of Congress. Mr. Editor: I notice in the Charlotte Observer of May 23 that Congress is about to pass what is called the ''Dayliyht Sav ing Bill " I had not learned until recently that Congress is a bout to pass a bill what is called daylight to be worth.over $40,000, 000 a year But this is to be done by making 7 o'clock a ra come to us at 6 a m. So we will have to set our time pieces up one hour in order to Keep up with the daylight savers, whip ped up by the driver of Old Sol's chariot. I once heard of a State legislator being accused of en deavoring to have a law passed to change dog days. But maybe Congress will make the moon change oftener so we may have more moonlight nights and a gain a few more weeks in a year Then why not change the ther mometer so that the freezing point will be about zero instead of thirty-two degrees, so that early vegetation will not be kill ed by the spring frosts? How ever that might make it too hot for us in the summer. Still it would be a great saving. Then, while they are at it, why not pass a law t'lat when one has a pain in his back it shall be in his backyard instead, so it will not give much trouble? Now, it does look to some of us that this daylight saving law is nonsense. The middle of the day ought to be at 12 o'clock noon and the middle of the night at 12 o'clock at night If people want to go to work earlier in the morning let them begin at six o'clock in the morn ing instead of at 7 a m and not begin at 6 and call it 7 o'clock. So let the sail and seven stars continue in their regular course for they will do that anyhow. P L Terrell In Concord Times. ANOTHER SALISBURY CASE. It Proves That There's A Way Out fer Many Suffering Salisbury Just another report of a case in Salisbury. Another typical case. Kidney ailments relieved in Sal isbury with Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs M A WinecofI, 331 E Kerr St, Salisbury, says: "My back ached so that I could hardly drag myself around and in the morn ing I could hardly get out of bel. Mv kidneys were in bad shape and the kidney secretions were unnatural. I suffered from head aches and often felt as though I would lose my reason. I tried many medicines but nothing seemed to do me any good until I took Doan's Kidney Pills, procur ed at the People's Drug Co. They relieved me from the first and I continued taking them until .my back didn't ache and my kidneys caused me no trouble," Price 50c, all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs Winecoif . had. Fosters v.ilburn Co., Props., Buffalo. N. Y. Boy flccidently. Killed. Karl Gilbert, 10-yearold son of Mr. and Mrs. John O Gilbert of Newton, accident ally shot himself Friday with a 22 calibre rifle and died ia p. hospital at Hickory Saturday afternoon. The ball entered the abdomen and perforated the intestines. The rifle was n old one and out of fix. The lad took it to a stone a. d ith the muz -zle poi'uii toward him pro ceeded t y hammer the wap on, when it was discharged with the result stated. REGISTRARS FOR SELECTIVE DRAft. Rowan County Board Registration Men in Each Voting Precinct. Clerk of the Court J F McCub bins, Sheriff James H , Krider, County Attorney Kerr Craige, composing the registration board in the selective draft in cdinpli ance with the proclamation by the President and the Governor, have met and appointed registrars for enrollingon June 5th, the names of all the men in the county 'be tween the ages of 21 and 30 years inclusive. Simultaneously this plan will be carried out in every voting precint in every county in the United States. The registrars appointed will be at the usual voting places, in the county on Tuesday, June 5th, betweeu the hours of 7 a. m and 9 p.m. and it is mandatory on all males within the prescribed ages to registar on that day. .If a man coming under this order is away from home on the date of registration he must apply and ge a registration card to be forward ed to his home address. The penalty for failure to register, every one, black and white, ot whatever occupation, married or single, is a year in prison. The registrars chosen for Row an county are as follows: North Ward, M A Shank, L A Swicegood. A L Smoot. East Ward, H E Rufty, B H Isenhower, W H Crowder. South Ward, N B McCanless, W A Propst, Geo Bernhardt. West Ward, Jno B ManlyT J Rabe, P N "Peacock. ' Spencer, J R Cruse, Paul Nuss mati, W H Burton, East Spencer, H J Peeler, C E Fesperman. Franklin, W A Shuping, Hen ry Foard Woodleaf, Ira Bailey, Geo B Wetmore. Scotch Irish, F N Bryan, Jona than Lyerly. Cleveland, W F Thompson, C H Rosebro. v Mt Ulla, P E Sherrill, V C Edminston. Steele, S R Knox, F G Hall. Bradshaw, C J Karriker, T F Corriher. Enochville, A Leroy Karriker, F B Brown. Landis O LLinn, PE Wright. China Grove, W L Harris, iIc L Ritchie, Bost's Mill, R. L. Lingle, Lu ther M. Safrit. Grant's Creek, Albert Miller, P- J. Cress. Bostian's X Roads, W. C Kluttz, W. A. Shuping. Heilig's Mill, W. H. Canup, W. P. Sloop. Bernhardt's Mill, Z. Augustus Kluttz, Orlin Cruse. Gold Hill, C. F. Montgomery, J. W Jenkins. Rockwell, Arthur Shoe, J. W. Peeler. Granite Quarry, John H A Ly crly, Chas Brown. Hatter Shop, M h Agner, Os car Phillips. Rowan Academy, W B Oddie, PA D Peeler, Morgan. No 1, J A Miller, Nee ly Lisk. Morgan No 2. C A Campbell, James A Morgan. Clear Away the Waste. Bowel regularity is the secret of good health, bright eyes clear complexions, and Dr. King's New Life Pills are a mild and gentle laxative that regulates the bowels and relieves the congested intes tines by removing the accumulut ed wastes without griping. Tj.ke a pili before ret'ring and that heavy head, that dull spring fever feeling disappears. Get Dr King's New Life Pills at your druggists, 2oc. Guineas 'Valuable to the Farm. If better known by the average lady in charge of the poultry op erations of North Carolin Farms, a small fiock of guineas would be kept by every farm in the state, says Dr. R F Kaupp, poultry In vestigator for the North Carolina Experiment Station. The gui nea is an excellent protector against hawks, crows, and other enemies of the poultry yard. Long before these enemies reach the yard, the shrill penetrating cry of alarm from rhe flock will speedily rout them and send them away in headlong haste. The least suspicious noise, at night is also quickly noticed and any ani mal or other disturber soon learns that it means discovery to go into the yard where guineas are kept. The only great objection which may be raised against them is their wild nature. When prop erly raised, however most of this wild instinct may be eliminated. It is a good idea to buy theeggs, when beginning with a flock, rather than to-buy the old birds. These eggs should be hatched by a hen, and when hatched, it is a good idea to give the old lady a few chicks to carry along. These wiil mind her and cause he young, wild guineas to follow their example. It takes four weeks for guinea eggs to hatch. The young bifds are very active and as they grow up will destroy many insects about the farm. They should be fed in about the same was turkeys. The guinea hens ars very pro lifiic and lay during the entire summer taking good care all the time to carefully hide their nests. It is quite an easy matter to find them by the peculiar noise made and wnen the nock has been watched, it only takes a few min uses to locate the nests. In the summer they like to roost in trees near the house. Their flesh has a flavor similar to game, and is relished as a great table delicay. Best Remedy for Whooping Cough. "Last winter when my little boy had the whooping cough I gave him Chamberlains, Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. J B Rob erts, East St. Louis, III. It kept his cough loose and relieved him of those dreadful coughing spells. It is the only cough medicine I keep in the house because I have the most confidence in it. This remedy is also good for colds and croup. Auto Owners Must Pay a War License Tax. Washington, May 26. Elimi nation of 5 per cent manufac turers tax on automobiles in the 1,800,000,000 war tax bill passed by the House and the substitution of a license tax at a rate yet to be fixed on motor vehicles pay able by those having possession of the same was decided on by the Senate finance committee to day in revising the House meas ure. The income tax section as first drawn including the personal normal tax and the House com mittee sur-tax was also adopted by the Senate committee It stuck out, however, the increase sur-tax on incomes of over f 40,000 added in the House amendment by Represenative Lenroot of Wis consin. Get Rio of Your Rheumatism. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatisyn. You will find UharnDeriain s Linimeut a gret help. The relief which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. HORRIBLE CONDITION OF BOY INDICTS MM Lacerated Boy Escapes From a Romish SchooL Tells Frighful Story to Officials. The Menace. Some distance south of Seattle, Washington, near Orilla and on a rural free delivery route served from the post office at Kent, is the so-called Edwin Briscoe me -morjal Orphan Asylum for Or phan Boys. This is listed as ) Roman Catholic institution in the official Catholic Directory of 1917. which, states that the place is run by four Christian Brothers ot Ireland, whatever that may be that it contains one hundred or phans and that it has for super intendent one ''Brother" F F Gibbs. Brother Gibbs and his Brothers of Ireland seem to be dispensing charity in a wonderful way at their secluded asylum with a long name. We gather the data for that conclusion from the Ta coma (Wash.) Daily News of a 9 1617. One of the orphans escap ed after sevenyears of miser v and made his way to Tacom.i We let the News tell the stor : but would call the reader's atten tion to the care with wnich th:i! paper avoids mention of the natm or connection of the "private school." It is unbelievable that all v. hr heard the boy's story did noi know where he had suffered and from what he had escaped. But they would not mention this place because it and its managers are so religious and so jious in thier service of their blessed pope and his peculiar institutions. But here is the story as told by the Tacoma newspaper: Rivaling descriptions by Dick ens Arthur Kivarci, age lb. ex hibiting: marks on his body to substantiate stories of brutal ' eatings, and in a condition ot filth which caused Mrs S S Heal ey of the county probation office to break into tears, was brought to the juvenile detention hotnc last evening bv Probation Officer Jur isch after he ran away from a pri vate school between O'Brien and Orilla. The story of the boy brought investigation by Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Phelps, and the case is being dis cussed with Dr Lilburn D M er rill chief probation officer of King county this afternoon- If the story of the boy is veri fied even in a part of its detail said Rev S S Healey probation officer, this morning a complete investigation of the school and its method will be demanded. One hundred boys are kept in the school according to the Rivard boy including a younger brother and two cousins. ''I've been there for seven years and I couldn't-stand it any long er ' said tne ooy as he alternate ly told his story and wept this IiT 1. . morning. -i naven t seen my father for two years and I don't remember my mother Father used to pay something at first for us boys but I don't know whether he does now or not." The boy was dressed in a suit of ovehalls twice too lare for his spare frame and his shoes were several sizes too large. The condition of his erarments was the most filthy ever brought to attention of county authorities according to Officer Garwood in charge, of the juvenile station. "They never strike or beat some of the boys but they treat! some of them worse than me," young Sword said. "Some of tLem are dressed worse Some of us milk cows ?iiti too. feed the pig55 and work around. We get up at 5:30 every morning." Across the latter part of the boy's back were welts and bruises Why Meats arc Bringing Big Prices. The following iS a clipping of our reading market journals that give some interesting informa tion relative to the meat market: Choice steers are now worth $13 35, against $9.95 at the cor responding time in 1916, when $8.00 and $9.70 took the bulk, against ulll.25 and $12.75 at present. A year ago $9.70 was the limit on shipping hogs, $9.30 and $9.60 taking the bulk against $16.50 and $16.40 at the high point this week, when 16. 50 was the top. The best JColo- rado lambs sold at the 11.7o a year ago, when the bulk cashed $10.75 and $11. 4o against a $15- 80 top this week, and a $15 and $15.65 bulk. Sheep are now quoted at $13, against $9 at the the corresponding time last year. Two years ago $8.50 took the best cattle, on the market, top uogs sold z.-. $7.40, choice lambs at $10.65 and sheep at $8.40. Medium and cheap grades show nore advance. than top stuff.' All the creameries about us ire anxious for more creem. vVith the above in mind and re- nembering that during the last rifteen years, there heis been a decrease in he United States of six million cattle: ten million shce j), and an in .rase of soma fwenty live million people during the same period" of time, it seems that high prices for live stock; are . to continueyears. for a number of years. At present time we are looked ,to for food by millions of people across the seas. Never before has the time been when we should exert ourselves more profitable female cattle, hogs and sheep for breeding purposes and to retain more food stuffs to support these animals. Be sure you plant for an extra supply of forage and hay crops, and if possible build a silo this season. Muscle Soreness Relieved. Usual work, bending and lift ing or strenuous exercise is a strain on the muscles, they be come sore and stiff, you are crip pled and in pain. Sloan's Lini ment brings you quick relief, easy to apply, it penetrates with out rubbing and drives out the soreness A clear liquid, cleaner than inussy plasters or ointments it does not stain the skin or clog the pores. Always have a bottle handy for the pains, aches of rheumatism, gout, lumbago and grippe, bruises, stiffness, back ache and all external pain. At your druggists, 25c. and the skin was lacerated from a terrible beating, which Arthur said was given him with a leath er strap- He cried with pain as the bruises were touched. Unable to endure more of the treatment he ran away from the school and was given a ride in an automobile to Tacoma. A woman gave him his supper last night and then took him to a school he said where there were a number of boys. He was then taken to Probation Officer Jurisch when the school about which he was indefinite said they had no place for, him. Officer Garwood took Arthur to Seattle early this afternoon as the school from which he ran away is in King county. Road to Happiness. Be aimable, cneerful and good natured and you are much more likely to be happy. You will j find this difficult, f not lmpossi- ! ble however, when you are con- stantly ttoubled with constipation i Take Chamberlain's Tablets and set rid o! that and it w b.; only- easv. Thss tablets no. move lb c bowels but improev the appetite and strengthen the ' digestion.

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