. r 1Mb dm mm A Home Newapaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Governmental Affairs. VOL. Xin. HO. 25. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N. C, WEDDSDAY. JUNE 6TH, 1917. Wm. H. STEWART, ED. AI?D PRO?. Japan Tatias tar Gild. Treasury officials engrossed in the far reaching programme of international financing upon which the country lately has en-! tered, have' turned their chief at tention to the unexpected and somewhat disconcerting- discov ery that for the past month Ja pan has been withdrawing gold from the .United States at the rate of 150,000,000 to 200,000 000 a year. Gold exports to Japan within 11 the past three or four weeks, it is stated, have been between $10,000,000 and $15,000,000. Since January I they have totaled 35000,000. Within the next 30 days, th government has been informed they will approximate 50 per cent of the entire sum already exported in 1917. The mystery is more economic than political it is said, and there is nowhere apparent any disposition to question the mo tives of the government or citi zens of Japan in withdrawing all the gold to which they are entit led. At the same time it is realized that heavy exports of gold from this country is highly undesirable. There are a number of reas ons why Japan might have adopt ed her programme of withdrawing gold from this country. She is prospering under war condi tions, and with , the United States is a creditor nation. Russia is known to have gone in to debtfto her to the extent of many millions. jj' Stand." ,4 Thisis a mild form ot indiges tion. It is usually brought on by eating to rapidly or to much, or a food not suited to your di gestive organs. If you will eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughlyj eat but little meat and none at all for supper, you will more than likely avoid sour stomach without taking any medicine whatever. When you have sour stomach take on of Chamberlain's Tablets to aid di gestion. fftniuTkxtis A Waraint It wants to be remembered as we go along that vegetables or anything to eat is or will be more highly prized this season than diamonds. Therefore it follows that any individual who aids or abets directly, in the de struction or damage of any kind of foodstuffs whatsoever is liable to suffer the most estreme pains and penalties that can be inflat ed, without the benefit of clergy In brief, the citizens who sweats and toils and spends good money to cultivate a garden, in . .,. A J j- obedience to requests and advice of President- Wilson and about j evereybody else is not called on to stand, for a moment, the dep redations of the neighbors chickr ens or fowls 'of whatsoever name or denomination. He will be fully warranted and public sen timent will protect htm in re sorting to extreme measures in stanter Fowls are foodstuff? Yes but the individual who per mits his fowls to pasture on other folks' gardens is without the pale of the law this year He is an undesirable at any time and this year will receive no consideration whatever. He may be thankful if he doesn't land in jail or escape lynching. .Statesville Landmark. Hts a Gc:i Opinion of Chambeflain's TIats. "Chamberlain's Tablets are a Wonder. I never sold any th ing that beat them writes F B Tressey, Richmond Ky. When troubled with indigestion or con stipation give them a trial. TAKE THE LOAN. BY EDWARD EVERETT HALE. Come, freedom of the land, Come, meet the great demand, True heart and open hand, Take the loan! For tho hopes the prophets saw, For the sword your brothers draw, For liberty and law, Take the loan! Ye ladies of the land, As ye love the gallant band, Who have drawn a soldier's brand, Take the loan! Who would bring them what she could, Who would give the soldier food, Who would staunch her brother's .blood. Take tho loan! All who saw her hosts pass by, ' All who joined the parttng cry, When we bade them do or die, Take the loan! As ye wished their triumph then, As ye hope to meet again, And to meet their gaze as men. Take the loan! Who could press the. great ap peal Of our ranks of serried Steele, Put your shouldes to the wheel, Take the loan! That our prayers in truth may rise, Which we press with streaming eyes On the Lord of earth and skies, Take the loan! (Written in MaylS&l, at the outbreak of the Civil War.) ANOTHER SALISBURY CASE. It Prom That There's A Way Oat for fflany Suffering Salisbury Folhs. Just another report of a case in Salisbury. Another typical case. Kidney ailments relieved in Sal isbury with Doan's Kidney Pills. Mra M A Wineqoff, 331 E Kerr St, Salisbury, says: 'My back ached so that I could hardly drag myself around and in the morn ing I could hardly get out of bed. My kidneys were in bad shape and the kidney secretions were unnatural. I suffered from head aches and often felt as though I would lose my reason. I tried many medicines but nothing seemed to do me any good until I took Doan's Kidney Pills, procur ed at- the People's Drug Co. They relieved me from the first and I continued taking them until my back didn't ache and my kidneys caused me no trouble," Price 50c, all dealers. Don 't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs Winecoff had Fosters ilburn Co., Props., Buffalo N. Y u"w Eexicans Go' Aboand American Schooner. Galveston, Tex., June 4, The American fishing schoon er Areas was ooaraea Dy a crew of a. Mexican gunboat off the ccast of Mexico on the high seas on May 31. and looted of clothing, fishing gear and medicine chest, ac cording to information brought here ry Captain o A McDonald, of the Areas. - - - Names of Seized Ships Have Been Changed. Washington, June 4. Secretary Daniels announced today that the names of the seized German ships, assigend to the navy, have been chang ed. Among them is that of the Hudolph Blumberg to Beaufort. v The Geier, the gunboat in terned at Honolulu, is renam ed for Carl Shurz, the famous German-American soldier. WAR TAX ON PRESS BLOW TO DEMOCRACY. Pronesed Postal Levy at Yartace Witfc Dem ocratic Idealsas World's Greatest Educator, The Menace. The 'apparent failure of the present administration and the house to use proper discrimina tion and judgment in fixing the portion of the war burden to be borne by the press of America is strangely at variance with the theory of Liberal Democracy and is already arousing nation wi4e indignation and resentment, not only in the press, but among the fundamental democrats every where. A democratic state should, and if true to his princi ples, will always foster the wide est possible dissemination of knowledge. Books, newspapers, magazine in a word, all the literature that educates and stim ulates research and discussion, should be promoted and fostered in such a way as to make literacy and general intelligence the rote, and not the exception. This was loner the rule and working principle of our gover ment, as it has always been in an exceptionally marked degree the working principle of the En? glish govermen and other liber al nations. Indeed, it has not until the Roman Catholic hier archy organized its secret oath bound politico-religous societi pledged to the furtherance of the interests of thepapalsovereigntj that the attitude of our govern ment toward the press changed. In recent years, however, the post office department has system atically sought to. hamper ajsd restrict, if not penalize, the press.' Great railroads enjoying what a- mounted to be vast subsidies through extortionate mail, ap propriations were passed over, while the most successful agen cies quickly building up news paper circulation such as the lib eral distribution of sample copies and the giving of premiums to introduce publications, has been warred upon by the department. There has, under President Wil ron's administration, gone for ward a systematic attempt to levy enormous postal taxes on papers. In many instances where such publication enjoyed a national circulation but were neither subsidized or the recip ients of a great abvertising pa patronage, such as a postal tax would mean destruction to the journal. In the taxes now proposed to meet the extravagent war ap propriations the levy is not a rev enue-producing tax, but in the nature of the case is a tax that would lessen revenue and could ... serve no purpose but to injure the press of the nation by great ly limiting the circulation of journals and killing great num bers of papers. Hundreds of pa pers have recently been stifled to death by the revenue extort ing newspaper trust. The Newspaper Trust, when exposed by the government in vestigation, became alarmed and the public was informed that tb.2 newspaper manufactures were willing for the Federal Trade Commission to fix the price of paper. When this was done nothing came of it for the reas son that the newspaper combine fails to furnish the paper at the reduced price to any appreciable degree or amount. The trust magnates were indicted, but wnat nas oecome oi ltr nere as elsewhere, justice moved with leaaon strides, while newspaper after newspaper dies as a result oi .trust extortion ana slow ac tion of the eroverment in behalf of the people versus the trusts wnile now the government pro- 1 New Bern Man Killed at Rsfsizh. f. .. . - ... Raleigh. June 4.- R J Whar ton, said to be from New Bern, fWa kmed by a Southern passen. erer train here this morning at the Union station sheds. Mr Wharton was en route from Greensboro to Goldsboro, and during- the time the tram stopped here he left the cars. When the train started to back out of the sheds he fell under the j - cars as he attempted to board it, falling under the car the body was badly mangled. ' Mr. Wharton was about 55 years of age and had been visit ing relatives at Greensboro was returning to his home. The au thorities have communicated With relatives at Greensboro and members of the family will ar rive here this afternoon. -The body will be shipped on to New 3ern for burial. i Goad Suggestion. , A good suggestion coming for several sources is as fol 4 lows: Save the glass and stoneware containers and send them to the women on the farms for preserving fruits and vegtables! On account of the expected enonage m tin cans, ic is sug- -.1. i - - i! ' . 11. I gested that all commercial canneries, girls' canning clubs I ana otners promptly aesure themselves of an adequate supply of containers. The conservation of glaesand stone warn rtontainers mav h ac ,UVia thr.K i l " I ' r ua s operation of th6 consumer in the towns and cities with the gins canning emus ana 1 1 1 1 J Jl ers wno may oe lmeresiea m j- i T A A J Z I :ne canning oi iruice ana veg- ecaDies. -All dlfllAtfA flf A ll M ft I bHIIGi BlUlUUAt This is a very painful and dangerous disease. In almost I every neighborhood some one has died from it before medicine 1 could be obtained or a physician I summoned. The right way is I o have a bottle ' of Chamber - am s isouc xiarrizoca xvciucujr i in the house so as to be prepared or it. Mrs Charles Enyeart, Hunington, lnd., writes; Uur- iner the summer of 1911 two of my chlidren were taken sick with cholera morbus. I used Cham berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy and it gave them immed- iate relief." poses to further tax to death pa- pers of national circulation that are not subsidized or have not be- hind them vast resources. A congress so intolerant of honest criticism that it would penalize free press, and a erovern- ment which would substitute autocratic and bureaucratic measures such as marked , the Russia of the old 'uregime, may ride the high waves of (power for a day, but unless we entirely mistake the temper of the vast mass of our people, the hour is aooroachin&r when a real demo- cratic reaction or renaissance has set in and the verbal parroting -C A iAaAti4My mitt mtra place to actual practice. j o . o tin. A l I ffDOOPK wm. In this disease it is important that the cough be kept loose and expectoration easy, which can be done by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. P H Mar- tin, Peru, Ind.f writes. J My two daughters had whooping ' cough, I gave them Chamberlain s Uough JKemedy and it worked like a charm." Will Operate Canning Plant The old Rowan Canning Com pany's plant, located in East Sal isbury, will be. operated this season and will begin business about Auarust 1st C Y Sum mers, of Statesville, who has had eleven years experience in this business, will superintend the operation of the cannery. Par ticular attention will be given to the putting up of tomatoes and beans, especially the Stone and Ked Kock variety of tomatoes will be canned and in beans the Burpee Stringer, Green Pod and Refugee variety will be put up. It is proposed also to install a fruit evaporator and probably a sweet potato dry kiln. It is said there is some difficulty in getting cans. Chasles M Summers of the vi cinity of Statesville, and Martin P Moore, of Salisbury, have bought the factory and will operate it this season. The Sal isbury factory has a capacity of 60,000 cans daily. Mr. Summers will have personal charge of the factory when it begins business. He is an experienced canner and a good business man. Sloan's Liniment for Rheumatism. The pains goes so quickly after - . . you apply Sloan's liniment for rheumatic pains, neuralgia, tooth aehe, lumbago, sprains, audits so easy io use. it quicuiy pene- trates and soothes without rub- bin& fnd is far cleaner and more effective than mussy plasters or omtmenis. V l4...1 I it - 1 "CCF m ine nouse ana got prompt relief, not only from !t L-JL Z. all nerve panis hut from bruises, strains, snrams. nvtr p-s-frMc -1 "I WV-W an external aches. Atyourdnur - w ist 25 50c fl 0Q Tha n;rfonn.a 1U9 UlllOIOIlbO rhurrh coif gregation. and the alleged church owned and dominated by the pope 0f Rome, is strikingly illustrated by an incident recently occuring at Suauamish. Washinerton. At this nlace the conff relation 0f the Congregational church re- centiy. passed a resolution re questing the assessor of their (Kitsap) county to appraise ,and assess their church property for the purpose of paying war taxes Inasmuch as the congregation j of that denomination don'tengage in the laundry and clothing-man ufacturing business it is likely I that the orooertv uoon which they are willing to pay taxes is actually used for religious pur- poses of worship. Contrast the genuine patriotism I of that Protestant bodv with the attitude of the papal system with its millions of investments in real estate, factories escaping- taxa- tion because listed as charities I and asylums, and other vast prop- I erties used untaxed, for specula- tive and commercial purposes 1 The genuine patriot is interest- ed in welfare of his country and is willing for his church to pay its way and bear its proportion of the burden. gyjjg jj I 1 r4..; : r v, - l"c uidtu icasuua wuy iuc a. v ci ati c human life is below 40 years Leaving waste material in the body, poisons the system and I blood and makes us liable to sick headaches, billiousc ess, nervous- ness and muddy skin. When you note these symptoms, try Dr Kic:;s Kew Life Pills. They give prompt relief, jre mild, non griping in action, add tone to your system and clear tne com- iplexion. At vour druggist, 25c No Liqaor fldvetosnts for N. The law barring liquor adver tising from tho United States mails goes into effect" July 1. This law provides that no letter, circular, postal card, pamphlet, newspaper or publication of any kind which contains solicitation of an order for any intoxicating liquors shall be deposited or car. ried in the United States mails "when addresssed or directed to any person, nrm, corporation or association or other addressee at any place or point in any state or territory of the United States at which it is by the law in force in the state or. territory at that time unlawful to advertise or so licit orders for such liquorsor any of them respectively." Croup, Wfioopine-Ciush Relieved. Children's diseases demand pre paredness. When the child wakes" you at night, gasping and stang :ing for breath, how thankful you ire to have Dr Bell's Pine Tar loney at hond. This effective emedy loosens the mucous and permits free and natural breath ing, its soothing balsams heal the irritated membrane and ar rests further inflammation. Pleasant to take. Keep Dr Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey in the house for all colds and bronchial troubles. At your druggist, 25c. Rowan People in Wake County. Apex, N. C, June 4. I wish to state a few words from Wake County in Regard to our condi tion. We have good wheat and corn so far, but cotton is not a good stand and the farmers are replanting with corn and peas. All crops are looking -welLand the farmers are keeping right up with their wor$ Wake County is trying to get to the front and they will go to the front in a short time. We have some good farmer people in our county and some good people. We have one of our best men vis iting his native county, old Row an. G H Morgan is a visitor with his daughter, Mrs Earn hardt, wife of D W Earnhardt, and a number of brothers and friends. He is a good farmer and a splendid man well known in Rowan and Wake counties. He has a good farm in Wake and has a good, man on his farm crop ing for him, C L Black welder, another Rowan family. Never Nedeet 1 Cold. A child after bathing, cooling off suddenly after exercises and drafts, give the cold germ a foot hold and may lead to something worse. Safty requires early treat ment. Keep Dr Kiug's New Dis covery on hand. This pleasant balsam remedy allays inflamma tion, soothes the cough and re pairs the tissues., Better be safe than sorry. Break up the cold with Dr King's New Discover before it is too late. At youf druggist, 50c. $1.00. Would Pat $100 Tax on Aliens. Washington. June 1. Former Governor fcrlynu of New York and former Mayor Fitzgerald of Boston today proposed to the Senate finance committee, which is revising the revenne bill, a tax of $100 on each alien in the United States who has not expressed intention to become an Amer ican citizen. They, said such a tax would raise $300, C00 000 Aliens who enlisted in the armed forces of the United States would be exempt. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVH BROMO Qulnlac. It atop the Cough and Headache and work off the Cold. Drnreiata refund money if it fails to cvre. B. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 2Sc r