4 ' V - V" f , 1 if ft 1 " .- ,HE CAROLINA WAT0mi4N, SALISBURY, nT 0. -3 EA' MJX THE BEST CLEAT LIVER AND MCARONI V Just Once! Try "Dodson's Liver Tone" When Bilious, Consti pated, Headachy Don't Lose a Day's Work. - . i ' " ' . . . ,'. .. i ; ' -. ffiVKirIryCli UGH! ALOIliK S YOU SICK! , S 3 BOWELS MY WAY J Tm Not Excepted. "Axe there any piscatorial amuse ments about here?" "No, sir; nothin' doin' but-fishinV' Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are not "coal-tar product" .oxer a "confection," bat a good, old-fashieWd dose of medicine for regulating the stomach, the liver and the bowels. Get a boat and try them. Adv. Few Sheep on Farms. In the United States only one farm in seven, of more than twenty acres, now supports sheep, and consequently we import nearly a third of a billion pounds of wool yearly. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that It Roars thtk Signature f m In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Commercial Facility. "Jones is a regular golden-mouthed speaker." "I nevet noticed he was so much of an orator. What made him golden mouthed? Perseverance?" "No; his dentist." To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as, the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents. He Would Pay. It happened at a Christmas party. A pretty young lady had asked one of the male guests to pass a dish of al monds and raisins. "With pleasure," he replied, "but do you know that what you have asked for is called in the vernacular 'Kiss miss,' and that the penalty of a kiss attaches to the request?" "Is that so?" answered the lady, calmly. "I must consult my husband." And she called across the room to him, and repeated the observation. "Quite . so," he replied. "According ,to custom, it is a just debt and must be paid. But is the gentleman aware of the arrangement made when we were married that I must settle all my wife's liabilities?" How Germans Attack. It has frequently been stated of late that the German troops attack in mass formation even in "the face of machine gun and shell fire,, a policy little short of suicidal under conditions of modern warfare. A Dutcu army officer who has been an observer on the front says that this is not strictly so. He states that the attack has the appear ance of a mass attack because it Is composed of successive waves of In fantry. The rear waves are kept In close formation to heighten the morale of the troops, but the attack Is not a mass attack, strictly speaking. The Germans charge in close order when they have located what they consider the weak spot in the line of defense. Coercion. "Charley, dear," said young Mrs. Torkins, "do you want me to vote?" "Certainly I do." "You're sure you want me to?" "Yes, indeed." "Well, then, I won't do it unless you buy me that hat I showed you in the window." What He Did Know. "Are potatoes hard to raise?" "I don't know. But the nrice of po tatoes is." Made from choice wheat and malted barley, this famous food retains the vital mineral eleme: nts of the grain, so essen tial for balanced nouri ment, but lacking many cereal foods. From every standpo in int -good flavor, rich nour ishment, easy digestion convenience, economy, health from childhood to old age Grape food. uts There's a Reason' Grape-Nuts ' 1 RECORDS WILL AID BREEDER Dairyman Must Answer Various Ques tions Asked by Prospective Buy er of Herd Sire. (By U W. WING, JR., Missouri Agri cultural College.) The present sharp competition In the dairy business and the Increased price of feed force the successful dairyman to secure the greatest return possible from his outlay. If he has registered cows he expects more for his progeny than if he had only grades. But to obtain more and enough more to pay ,to keep purebred stock, the dairymen must be able to answer the following 1 Superior Purebred Bull. questions from the prospective buyer of a herd sire. Is the sire registered? What is the record of his dam? How many advance registry daughters and proved sons has his sire? And what are the records of his granddams and grandsires? If the breeder is selling a registered cow he must answer: What is her record; the record of her dams and granddams and the ability of her sire and grandsires to produce advance registry daughters and proved sens? VALUABLE HINTS FOR DAIRY Overfeeding Causes More Trouble Than Underfeeding Make Change to Skim Milk Gradual. (By H. H. KILDEE. University Farm, St. Paul.) In rearing and developing dairy heifers : Don't overfeed. Twice as many calves are stunted by overfeeding as by underfeeding. Don't change suddenly from whole to skim milk. Don't keep calves in damp, dark, crowded, poorly ventilated barns. Don't feed milk in dirty palls. Don't be irregular as to time of feed ing, temperature or amount of milk. Don't feed too much alfalfa hay be fore the calf is three months old. Don't let calves suck each other after drinking mflk. They should be placed in stanchions and fed grain. Don't make calf go without water because it has had milk. Don't let calf drink foaming milk just from the separator MILKROOM IS A NECESSITY Particularly Desirable in Warm Weather and Should Be Screened and Kept Clean. A milkroom is a necessity In dairy ing, according to W. E. Tomson, in structor in dairy husbandry in the Kansas State Agricultural college. A milkroom is needed at all times, but is particularly Important in warm weather, pointed out Mr. Tomson. Milk must be kept away from flies. The room should be tightly screened and kept in a sanitary condition. The milkroom affords good facilities for keeping the milk cool. This is es sential, because when the temperature of the milk Is higher than 5 degrees undesirable bacteria that cause the milk to spoil In a short time are likely to develop. GOOD TREATMENT FOR COLIC Disorder Is Result of Feeding Materials Not Adapted to Stomach of Young Animals. Colic In calves Is the result of feed ing materials not adapted to the un developed stomach of the young ani mal, or the feeding of the regular ra tion at unusual hours or in unusual amounts. The calf usually suffers vio lent abdominal pains, Indicated by an unusual activity of the animal, fre quent and continuous kicking, and, finally, complete prostration. Unless relieved within a short time, death usually follows. A standard treatment is to drench the calf at intervals of two hours with a mixture containing a teaspoonful of turpentine and a tablespoonful of raw linseed oil. GIVE RIGHT AMOUNT OF FEED Careful Feeders Study Individual Ani mals and Keep Them at Their Maximum Production, Many careful feeders have their cows giving the most milk four or five weeks after the freshening time. They study the individual animals and endeavor to keep them at their maxi mum production by giving just the right amount of feed and no mora. ESTABLISHED VOGUE The vogue of summer furs appears to be established and the globe-trotting public is probably responsible for It The whereabouts of those who finally make fashions appear to be de termined by the variations of the thermometer and these fleet and fleet ing seekers after comfort and change, carry their furs with hem to the four corners of the globe. While we are looking for reasons for wearing furs in summer weatherwe are not to over look the fact that tney are amazingly becoming. I But furriers have seen to it that fur garments for summer wear look iery different from fur garments for In ter wear. Summer furs borrow a sum mery look from crepe and silk liberal ly used in combination with them. They do not take the business of ito viding warmth at all seriously, but tfce made up usually in small, loose-hatg-ing capes, worn as if slipping off tlh shoulders. Scraps of white fox fun nlsh one instance of a fur piece goci for both summer and winter wear aid scarfs in dark gray or taupe, appeif among summer furs that will be use ful in winter. j Small ermine capes and small capes of Hudson seal trimmed with ermine, lead the little procession of summers furs and, next to them, capes of MILLINERY IN BLACK AND WHITE. shirred silk or crepe banded with furs ' the new colors, trimmed with compact are conceded the place of honor. Of course not everything that calls itself ermine is really ermine, nor need we inquire too closely into the peMigree of all the neck pieces that are called white fox ; furriers are amazingly clev er people. Imitations of white fox are especially effective and there with small rapes like those shown in the illustration are inexpensive little lux uries that no one will begrudge the summer girl. Tn July and August summer is crowned wl'cJi millinery in black and white. The reign of the all-black hat is shared with the all-white hat and with the cool sparkle of black and white combined. This summer that darkest of blues, called after the ra ven's rwingv is used with white as, a substitute for black And just by way of FOR SUMMER FURS. variety. It is so very dark that if Is really blue-black and the combination is the most reserved and elegant thing ii) mortal eyes. The big black hat knows nothing of Earning favor, either for summer or winter. One of the pretty and simple summer models Is shown In the pic ture. It is of black satin with a wide lorder of fancy hairbrald -about the edge which is bound with satin. A long sweep of slender feathers and a little emplacement of ribbon make a trimming exactly suited to the shape. A large and picturesque hat Is of white georgette, crepe with a border about the brim and crown of narrow milan braid. f hite satin camellias and little white roses are wreathed about the crown, with the small rose, clustered in the t$p crown. The chic small hat of white crepe georgette, faced with black velvet and finished with a border of white feath ers about the upstanding brim is as cool and crisp as frost. It is a late summer hat of the kind that may be worn at almost any time and any where. For sports and outings, rough straw sailors in bright and vivid colors are candidates for favor that are sure to win., Along with them appear soft, ex- quisite felts in wonderful shades of rosettes of ribbon, in ouUng hats of the most elegant type. Pockets and Belts. One of the attractive new girdles, made of silk, shows two deep pockets hanging from the belt, one over each hip. This girdle is wide, and the pockets are deep, and it is one of those interesting accessories that adds quite a new tone to the frock with which it is worn. It could be developed in silk of almost any color, to harmonize with the figure in silk or cotton or linen fab ric with a white. ground f Vhlch. tha skirt it tops is made. Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure; be vigorous and full of am bition. But take no nasty, danger ous calomel, because it makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel , is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when -you feel that awful nausea and cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. ' Tour druggist or dealer sells you a 60 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal money- hiJiJ-'"" "uuwy A (( Sold for 47 years. For Malaria, Chills end Fever. Also a Fine General StrentReanlng E 1 11 ! ii 1 -1 . 'Mi jimwi jVww fnir?'r'''','i?yjaiJ'','a!',,',4i WHISTLER WAS MOST ACTIVE Observer Marveled at Great Energy Displayed by the Famous Artist in His Studio., The studio was surprisingly differ ent from the room he previously used Jn Lindsay row, and entirely unlike the studios usually occupied by other artists, says Hay In "Memories of Whistler." I remember a long, not very lofty room, very light, with win dows along one side ; his canvas beside his model at one end, and at the other, near the table which he used as a palette, an old Georgian looking glass, so arranged that he could see his canvas and model reflected In It. xThose who use such a mirror (as he did constantly) will know that it is the most merciless of critics. I marveled then at his extraordinary activity, as he darted backward and forward to look at both painting and model from his point of view at the ex treme end of the long studio. He always used brushes of large size with very long handles, three feet In length, and held them from the end with his arms stretched to their full extent. Each touch was laid on with great firmness, and his physical strength enabled him to do without the assistance of a mahl stick, whilst the distance at which he stood from the canvas allowed him to have the whole of a large picture in sight and so judge the correct drawing of each touch. FOR ITCHING, BURNING SKINS Bathe With Cuticura Soap and Apply the Ointment Trial Free. For eczemas, rashes, Itchlngs, Irrita tions, pimples, dandruff, sore hands, and baby humors, Cuticura Soap and Ointment afe supremely effective. Be sides they tend to prevent these dis tressing conditions, If used for every day toilet and nursery preparations. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. The Point. Former Premier Rene Vivianl of the French commission Impressed the country with his eloquence. They tell a story of M. Vlviani's youth. He had accepted an Invitation to address a political meeting, and he launched Into his maiden speech with trepidation. But he carried all before him, and, when he purposed to sit down, there were loud cries of: "Go on! Keep her up! Go on!" "Do you really wish me to go on?" said M. Vlvlani. "Yes! Yes! Goon! Go on I"shout ed the audience. "Then this is the exact point," said M. Vivianl, "where a capable speaker sits down." Lovers' Quarrel. "Jack and I have parted forever." t'Good gracious! What does that mean?" "Means Til get a five-pound box of candy In about an hour." Balks at One Thing. Biff He's a pleasure-loving chap. Buff But he doesn't enjoy a good reputation, somehow. Town Topics. The occasional use of Roman Eye Balsam at night upon retiring: will prevent and re lieve tired eyes, watery eyes, and eye strain. Adv. Ontario in 1916 ounces of gold. mined 486,679 When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy Ho Smarting -Jurt T Comfort. 60 cents tt Druggists or mall; Write for Free Bye Book. MUBIIOB ETB BJEUJEDY CO., OHIOAOO f flMMUlipiffl!! back guarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morn ing, because you will wake up feel ing fine, your liver will be working your headache and dizziness gonev your stomach will be sweet and your, bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and cannot salivate. Give it to your chil dren. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dan gerous calomel now. Tour druggist will tell you that the sale of calomefr is almost stopped entirely here. Adr Tonic. SGe and 51.GO at all Dniester Till tiumev ymMM tSBIttn 111 TUB .- THK SANITARY METHODS APPLIED IH THB MAKING OF TO ESI BISCUITS MAKE THEM THS STANDARD F EXCELLENCE foqr PtftLer tu them, or it not ht shomUL c4sk turn or writ as qlvtag his name. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY '"'ffiT1 Muddled. The day was drawing to a closet. Judge, jurors, witnesses and lawyer all were growing weary. Counsel for the prosecution was cross-exan lning the defendant. "Exactly how far is it between th two towns?" he asked at length. For some time the man stood think ing, then: "About four miles as the cry flows," came the answer. "You mean as the flow cries I" re--torted the man of law. The judge leaned forward. "No," he remarked, suavely ; "b means as the fly crows." And they all looked at one another, feeling that something was wron; somewhere. Life's Prospect Patient Will I live, doctor? Surgebn You must! You havethr more operations coming P-Life. Tor peedy and effective action Dr. Peerr "Dead Shot" has no equal. One doae only will clean out. Worms or Tapeworm In a tmw houra. Adv. Give a woman a clew and she will worm a secret out of the best man. Don't take chances this year Use RED RUBBERS Thcu Fa All Standard Jan Experts teaching "cold pack" canning qm GOOD LUCK rubber, becauw they won't "blow-oat" (luring sterilization nor harden, hrink or crack after the jar it aealed. Send 2c stamp for new book on preserving or 1 0c in stamps for I doz. rings if jnwr dealer cannot supply you. Address Dept. 54 BOSTON WOVEN HOSE & RUBBER CO. CamSri?Bc, 5f.-!. IXTXTY TQ Women as well as men v are made miserable are made miserable b TO BLAME kidney and bladder trou ble. Thousands recom mend Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, the area kidney medicine. At druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. .You may receive m sample size bottle by Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling: about It. . Address Drv Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. T., and ; enclose ten cents, also mention this paper A Treatment Prescribed by New York SpedaBstB that Conquers Ftta, Epi lepsy and Nerve Dfsovdevsw $1.50 bottle sent FREEt J any sufferer. Write today 1 r0 Dlir f IDADITABV OT XV -11 C. V VS- . 9 DAISY FLY KILLER ?Ia"rh Burasnana aiiw a aiimea. hmi ornamental, eon ap. Lasts all Mad of bmUI, ' or tip rtar ; will m4 r Iniara anythmi antsad ffoctta. Sold ay . tfaaJara, or 6 sent my as proas prepaid for fUaV I HAROLD MMEM, ISO DI HALS AVK MOOKLYN, M. lb f . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparatloa of merit. Help to eradicate dandruff. For Riatiw iit going aaJ Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair J BOcaaa slop at uruggista. if ona If Q sr Bar sT-a W UfcVfcLUPIKQ All roll films developed 10c Prints 3te Sets. Prompt attention to mailorders B. O. BKRNAU, Greensboro, N. OU OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED We pay 13 to $16 per set for old false teeth. Doeaa matter If broken. Send br oarcel ooat and meet-re M ii 1 1 1 1 jd!a. cheek by return mall. Bank reference. M&aer'a f a Tooth Specialty, 2007 S. Fifth St.. PblladelpMaJPa. l WT r a trn a mwvmmw nta T . J We also do highest class of finishing. 16 Prices and Catalogue upon requests U S. Galeski Optical C.( RkbaoatL Ysv PILOCURA CURES PILES TheNewIntenaalTreatmt Be end GOe a box. Send for sample today. KaU4 tree. Plloeura Company, Washington. IV Ok,. v i' 1 1 . ii .i i .... PMtiijiaifffo W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 28-19171 t ,: I t' i r 4 "S r V i i "51 .v.