' - ' i a :. 'i"- ' - - ;.s A Home Newapapnr Published in the Interest of the People and for Governmental Affaire. VOL XIII. Ml. 32. FOURTH S SALISBURY, ST. 0. , WDHE JDAY. JULY 23TH, 1917. Wm. H. STEWART, ED. AND HtO. Wife!) t -V. 7 V Kir 1 GO ON TuUR VACATION PREPARED, j Dates far Family Re-U. i and Other Gath- SC. 11 h!3b!3 hbmiatian teng W.t Ju;L5th Dl Reunion. Lan- ls h Far tef Bliss ami him?. Oak. ;dis. Everybody going on counn y July 26th, Lltakvr Township S t.ipor to the woods ihis summer : S Convention. Shi '.oh Reformed should leno'.v wiiat to do for in- j Church, j'aith. sect '.ites. es- eoiaUv Miose- whoj August, 1st. S. ire wait Pless inr,nl CHiu . n ; oat liesides. u'r : y.-t . Keujiion. Mt," Hope ml 'a b vinntr to !now if :-u Ji, si reh. stay a vmio. The m-s o-m-j August 2nd. Winecoff Ren in m b"es or stings are those of I riion. Center Grove OiiUrcii, mar fie hie wasp, yellow jacket. ' KVM.ins.;)o!U. spider, horsrfiv, bug or caiger ci low :r . ret iL:h, m.vsquito and bedbug. In ctse or a sling of atiy kind, the first tiling to do, of course, is to remove ihe snug. This. can best be done with the point oi a laiite ( r needle but care should . be taken not to break the skin for fear'of infection. Then the next best thiug. perhaps, ts to apply ammonia water to tlie af fee ted parts. In case of bites as well as of stings, when the sling is'reiiioved, as a rule a paste of common bak ing soda applied to the efVcted parts or those bathed in ainr.ionia water is all that is necc sary Where the poisonous effect is se vere, however, send for a d.-ctor In the meantime, the ::tieut should lie down and keep q :ict. An application of a tiity per cent solution of a saturate solu tion of potassium perman:. nate which you get at the drug .sre is very efficient for insect po sons and for the poisons of pi ants, too. such as poison ivy atu; su mach. In planning your or outing, include one or mo; of these remedies in the lis, of sir-.-parationsi . J The best thing 1o do about poisoning from poison oak is to prevent it. Wear gloves or go- mg wucic it duu K p n iuus ji ! from tace and nose. If, however you get the poisoning-. w;-sh it off as-soon possible with s'rong soap and water. If you are in thewoods and soap is not availa ble, use fine Sand or mud and rub vigorously in order to remove the oily-like substance. If soap and water or strong soap suds do not check the irritation use baking- soda in water or paint the affected parts with a solu tion of potassium permanganate (1 to 2,00'), For this treat Tien t. it will be well to call in a doctor. Women Give Oat. Housework is hard enough when healthy. Every Saltebiuy. woman who is having back iche, blue and nervous spells,, dizzy headaches and kidney or bladder troubles, be glad to heed tbis Salisbury woman's experience, Mrs M A Winecoff, 331 E Kerr St, says: "xMy back ached so much I could haidlv drag myself around and mornings I could hardly geWJut of bed. My kid neys were in bad shape. My nerves were all unstrung and I suffered from headaches and of ten telt as tnough I would lose my reason. I tried many medi cines but nothing seemed to do me any good until I got D'jan's Kidney Pills at the People's Drag Co. and took, them They relieved me from the first and I continued taking them jntil iny back didn't ache and my kid neys caused me no trouble." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same "that Mrs Winecoff had. Foster-Milburn Co Mfgrs.. Buffato, N Y. Whenever Yo Need a General Tonic The Old Standard Grove's Tfsteless'.rangements. emu Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the wellknown tonic properties of QUI NINE and IRON. It acts on the Uver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches, the Blood and Builds US the Whole System 50 cents ' "r w waote oystem. ou cents. August 2nd. Farmers' Insti tute, Mt.U.'la. August 2nd, Farmers' Insti tute Miranda School House. August 2nd, Nazareth Home Picnie, Crescent. August 3rd, Morgan Town, sliip Sunday School Convetion. August 3 5, Norlhern Confer ence Lutheran Church, Gibson- viie. Aughsi Gth, Salisbury Town ship Sunday School Convention, ilavon Lutheran Church. August 7th, Locke Township Suidav School Association, Sa lem E, L. church. August 9th, Overcash Re uni n, Euochville, . August 9th, Farmers' insti tuio, China Grove, August 9 lb. Farmers' Insti tute, 0:tk Grove School House. August lOth, Gold Hill Town .ship Sunday School Conventiou and Institute, Organ Church. Augirst 14t4i, Fisher Reuuion, residence of . Samuel R Fisher, C tb.tr rus county. August 15th, Scotch-Irish S S v.uventio!i, R C Current's Grove. August I7ih, Cliina Grove S -Qlui T,eitt-b.U , E Ufineaw:. E. L v-hrch." Auirust 25 t-h. The Provident Tnv.f . r()n,on!inri ftnH rc,;. tme gt peters Church. Wester Forecast for July. From 4 . o 11, ciuaigeable mild with thunder showers, locally some cool along. . From 11 to 18, wind, rain, by short storms, local 'y around. From 18 to 27, rainey, if wind is southwest at 8 to 10 p. m., the 18th, slight hail locally around, if east cool rain storms. . From 27 to August 3rd, fair and clear rendering some dry. July sli:jws some hot, arid thunder storms a!ong, pending some haii in localities around, and storms from 11 to 18, ihe days of rainfall is not known by me, no man knows the day to rain out God, only. Henry Reijj K. No. 3, Salisbury,' N Second Annual Fisher Re-Union. The programme of the second annual Fisher re-union to be held Friday August 14, 1917 at the residence of Samuel R Fisher of Cabarrus County, three miles south of Lowerstone church, at 10 A. M, is as follows: Called to order by President William Fisher. Devotional exercises by Rev. J A Koons. Opening remarks by President History of the Fisher family by Rev Henry Fisher and J L Fisber. A ddress by Dr J M Lyerly. Dinner, recess for two hours. 2 P M, Family re-union, Rev C P Fisher and Jno D A Fisher Short talks by others. . Election of officers and appoint ment of committees- 4 Every body is invited to come and bring well filled baskets G A Fisher, GS Kiuttz, T S Fisher are the committee on ar- m " Plies Cured in 6 to 1 4 Days Your4 druggist will refund money if PAZO ointment fails to cure e ay case ef itching. BlinJ. Bleeding orProtrudins Files a 6 to 14 day. The fa8t application 8 Ea5e and BesL 50c. SOLDIERS 10 YGTE;JIT FRONT: : M Ton Host RedsteT Nov Dolor the Absent Voters' Law. cannot Register by ifcj Under date of July 21st, W E Wusdn, secrntary of the North Carolina Council of Defence sends out the following. informa tion on the subiect: Please permit, me through your paper to call the attention or your renders to tho' iaw en cted at the last session of the Geri eral Assembly which perinils; absent electors to vote. . ' Soldies in the National Guar,d, all men who are called to service under the selective draft, and any other voters who may be absent from their home voting plicosat the time of the next primary election in May, 191S, or at the general election in No vember thereafter should by all means see to it now that their names are entered on Absent Voters' Registration Book, unless their names are already on the regular registration books, . The chairman of the county board of elections in each courty is the registrar for all su2h vo ers who wish to register, XThJe sheriff cr any county officer will, upon request, furnish his name and address If a voter is now registered, he will be entiled to vote by mail if away from home at the time of the primary or the general elec tion, but there is no provision in the .'aw for registration by mail, Theie is no fee for this regis tration and every voter whose name is not now on the registra- b oks, who may be absent, owes the duty, both to ;-himselffb),-t3lhat. they are grouped rather his State to regis tr and register now, for unless he does so regis ter in person before going away, he will not be permitted to vote by mail, and, if away from home, wi l.thus bse his vote. This law was enacted primari ly for the benefit of our soldiers, and it is hoped that they will avail themselves of its privil eges. Are you one of Them? There are a great many people who would be very much bene fited by taking Chamberlain's Tablets for a weak disordered i stomach. Are you one of them? Mrs M R Sea.l, Bald winsville, N Y, relates her experience in the use of these tablets:- I had a bad spell with my stomach about six months ago, and was troubled for iwo or three weeks with gas and severe pains in the pu of my stomach. Our druggist advised me to take Chamberlain's Tablets. I took a bottle home and the first dose relieved me wonderfully, and I kept on taking them until I was cured." These tablets do not releive pain but after the pais has been re leived may preyent its recurrence. Salisbury's Military Organization Gets Ready for Camp. The Salisbury military organ ization known as the 4th Compa ny Coast Artillery 'Corps, North Carolina National Guard- entered the government service today at ten o'clock and ate their first army rations at noon. The men will be quartered in the armory on the third floor of the Wash ington building, will eat in the vacant store room opposite the old court house and those who reside here will be permitted to sleep at home. This arrange ment will continue for about two weeks, and then the company will leave for "summers else." The Quinine That Does Not Affect Ths Head SSSSlvfi!,18 tonic and laativ effect. AXA-! T1VB BP.OMO QUININE is better than Mdintrv Qninine anddf.es act cause nervousness nor by Some Other pOVVer as iiui-u k m neaa. Kcmeinber Hie lull name and n - " i'. :., look for the signature of E. W. GHOV& 25c ' iat Lrila:U. R9IS IN 3 KAISER OP TO SAME TRICKS. Statistical Reports Indict Southern Ireland, Papal Pint Sliows Germany's Hand. The Menace. An indication of true condi tions in Ireland is fouad in an article which appeared in the Belfast Evening Telegram of April 11th. In recruits to the new armies Uliter has contributed 59,000 while the combined total of the other three provinces is only 51,- 700. The percentage of males of "military age who have recruit ed are: Ulster, 33.8; Leinster (in cluding Dublin), 17.7; aad Mun- ster, 11 7; and Connaught, 4.9. The above statistical report together with relative matters commented upon by the Protes tant Alliance Magazine of Eng land in its tssue for June as fol lows; As regards the War Loan, we read that "the city of Belfast contributed 25,000,000 and Ul ster 85 per cent of the total rais ed in Ireland for this purpose. ' It has been sometimes alleged that the Protestants in the South and West of Ireland re ceive fair, or even generous treat merit from the Romanists in the matter of election as county councillors. Well, let the fi- ures speak and the public judge. In Connaught there are 23,273 Protestants, but they have not a single representative on the county council. In Munster, though they num. ber 60,715; they are entirely un represented. In Leinster, owing to the fact largely in a few places, they have secured twelve sea-s,. but this representation is utterly in adequate, as the Protestant pop ulation of that province is 107, 230. Thus outside Ulste- there are only twelve Protestant county councillors, while the Rebanish members are 789. This shows a deliberate policy on the part of the latter to ex clude Protestants from all parti cipation in local govrment, not withstanding their relatively large contributions to the rates. "No taxation without represent- j ation" is supposed to be a funda mental principle of dem jcracy, but in three fourths of' Ireland well to-do ratepayers have no in fluence in the expenditure of the rates, soley because of sectarian animosity. The subservient and unthink ing pfhcials in this country who believe that papal support in Ire land and in America depends on their interference with the ques tion of Home Rule for Ireland, a matter which concerns England only, can certainly gain some enlightment from the above. Do our congressman and sena tors in this country want to put Protestant Ulster under this same yoke, which in all proba bility would cripple her efficiency in this world war? Little won der England wants to keep Ulster jree from papal domination when ia contrast with the rest of Ire land it is doing so much to ad vance the interest of the entente allies. Further evidence as to just what kind of a move this move for Irish freedom is, is. -set forth very clearly in an editorial contained in the Boston Transcript issue for July 7th:- A; republic in Ireland could only exist on the basis of England's complete conquest, on land and sea by the Germans: for Irish in dependence of England could be maintained onl v bv ftermnv or dPC -y -Y ftnUV Or strong- as Let us see what the situation is. Great Britain and England lie side by side. They a rei sep arate but closely neighbored por tions of the same island group Their lands are on opposite sides of the North Channel, are only twenty-five miles apart. The western shores of Euglarsr and Scotland make a bend which strategically-holds Ireland wi;h in its lines, and at the same tirat .presents Ireland as a cattfile sticking. into Grt Britian. Great Britain's sea road to the world lies past Ire lie Ireland land's door; in fact is .Lnglands Atlantic door. Ireland completely blankets the English coast. It i it were independent and un friendly, or if it were nominally independent and leagued with an unfriendly power, England Scotland would be but a pawn it Europe's game. If England ships could not ride in their owr harbor at Queanstown, the might as well keep off the seas altogether. Now this is the ven thing no doubt thai Darrdl Figgis and his fel low Sinn Feiners would like U see: but the question is; How dc they expect ever to bring it a- bout, so long as there is an ounce of strength left in ttiP Rn'tUcV. nation. The population of Eng-land, Scotland and Wales is 41,689 384 that of Ireland is ,4,375,54 including Ulster. The disparity of streng-th and resource is vast ly greater than that of popu lation. Great Britai sormous navy Ireland not a ship. Great Britam haa an im merif.e army Ireland soarce a single musket. Nothing- ever more impossible to England was ever suggested than the iude dependence of Ireland and noth ing was ever more Quixotic than the suggestion that Ireland will be able to gain complete indepen dence alone. For the fact that the' must always have some po- litical connection with England Irishmen have only the Almighty to thank, who placed their small er and poorer island in the physi cai armsota greater and nr.hpr inland. his being indisputably the case, the onlv nossihlp vnro fv Mr Darrell's entirely independent Irisrf republic in two years or in two hundred years, restsV upon tiie overthrow of England and is whet makes an agitation for in dependence now a hostile and a warlike act, a German act, a- gainst Great Britain. It is what makes the advocacy of in dependence for Ireland just now in the United Statoe fc. (-4. k V. O a proceeding of a warlike nature against a country with which the United States is allied It is consequently a very mis chievous agitation, from Ameri ca's point of view and any indul gence in it on the part of Ameri can citizens gives a measure of their loyalty, or lack of loyalty, to this country, and shows us that they are willing to this which is distinctly on the side of our enemy. Germany. From the showing it seems clear that those "Friends of Irish Freedom" in this country who are demanding '-Freedom for Ireland nw, are steering a course as directly in opposition to the allied cause, the settle ment of which in accordance with their views, would without doubt be a calamity to the en tente government and as unjust to Ulster as it is in accordance with the program Germativ would direct were sh given fiee range to do so. ROWAN COUNTY FARBERS HEEL ro Have Big Rally and Business Session With Ufrrty Local Joiy 27-28. The program of the Rowan County Farmers' Union v w with Liberty Local F, & & C. U. of A., 10 miles east of Salisbury. Friday and Saturday, July 27-28, is as follows: Meeting called to order, by county president, F B Brown, at 10:30 a m, Devotional exercises, by couuty chanlain. i x I Address of welcome by Rev R Response by S A Earnhardt. Roll call of officers. Roll call of locals, and seating )f delegates. (Each local is ex pected to make a brief report of she work done). Reading of minutes of previous neeting. Appointing of committees, an touncements. Dimaer. 1:30 p. m. Meeting open for msiness. Reporc of secretary-treasurer. Report of county business igent. Unfinished business. New business. Report of executive committee. Report of resolution commit tee." Report of committee on good if the order. Adjournment. SATURDAY" MORNING. Meeting opens at 10 o'clock a. m, . ' Address by Miss Lida Olive, home demonstration agent, Row atr Cou nty . Su bject, "Conserve ation of Foods." 11:30. Address by Dr. H Q Alexander, president of North Carolina Farmers' Union. Presentation of banner to Ban ner Local in Rowan County. Saturday will be a public day and the public is cordially in vited to come out and hear these speakers, both of which will oe for you who till the soil. F. B. Brown, Pres. A, L. Kluttz, Sec-Treas. Cuase of Despondency. Despondency is often caused by indigestion and constipation and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets are taken. These Tablets strengthen the digestion and move the bowels. District Exemption Boards Named. Raleigh, July 23. Governor Bickett today announced tho ap pointment of the district exemp tion boards for Eastern and Western North Carolina districts and notified these members that Thursday the Eastern board would meet at Raleigh and the Western board at Statesville. Each board will consist of five members and include a laborer, a farmer, a lawyer, a business man and a physician. Those appointed members of the .West ern board are: . O R Jarret, of Asheyille; W B Gibson, of Statesville; R B Red win, of Monre; W N Reynolds, of Winston-Salem, and Dr. John W Long, of Greensboro. Doing Good. Few medicines have met with more favor or accomplished more good than Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. John F Jantzen, Delemeny, Sask., says of it, "I have used Cham berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Re medy myself and in my family, and can recommend it as hairier an exceptionally fine prepara.- turn."

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