THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, SALISBURY, N. C. LOCAL NEWS of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS. Au auto prk-d on West T u. 1 . 01 Iiv fetreet in trout of t ie ... ,. ..,. . W alhue building was started by yomn bo8 and ran into a pjaie fflasa breaking it and the marble baeboatfrl, caus ing (l-'HiajjHs amounting to about 'Th. . Six gallons of liquor wer captured by Sheriff Krider Monday 11 igiht. It was in two suit caset and was check ed to Salisbury, from Wash ington. The owner of the stuff h s the checks but for s unt! reason did not call or it Thn sheriff is holding it and woa'd be pleased t ) meet the o w n 0 r W I) Prlhl, postmaster of Spencer, h sbeeu re-appoint ed by President Wilson to conduct tint office auother fiMir years. I is rjputd that owing tc the heavv rains the bie dara at Ba lin is now fall and ever flo.ving. The lake formed ts p-o ah v five miles wide and .ibut tn mil long aud pres ns the appear ance of a smal P-sa. Quit" a number of boars h ve been placed on the wa' rs and boat r'des are bein e ij yed. Theannuil VI .-onic picnic Tor th -i benefit of the Barium Apings -OrpVinage held at Mooresviile, take.- plae to morrow. Last week it waa anncnue ed that Charlotte had landed one of the big army camp, bat since then the wir rie partment has decide! tbw.iie there was not large euo:?' po the matter is still open Salisbury is still hoping tin 1 the camp will be located here DrWH Kern of Wins oa Salem, son of Mr and Mi a J B Kern -of Salisbury, having off red bis services as a vt eriaaiian had been accepted and Motified to present him self for duty. Gr B Greenhill, an engineer of Spencer, has purchased the residence of the late B H Marsh on Main Street. Henry E Bonitz, of Wil mington, state -eeerar- of the Royal Arcanummet vith tlie local chapter Mor i ay night Joe McCanle-s nas bje.: re leased from Eugen-s Thorn p son the Star Garage located on East Liberty, street uid will conduct it in the f ii ire uuder the firm name of the MeCannleas Motor Co There were 410 of. t use who registered from R van who were drawn fr ser vice but as ony 24 are wacted many will be excused b tin -exemption board which vi!l ment at SUtesville. The men will ba called like ?t is ofteu done iu eoiir, bgl mg with No 1 and coiilinuinj? un til the number require! i nhiuinp.rf The COUUtV IS credited with those who have joined the local milU tary compiny and other branches o the service thus reducing fhe-uumber to be taken'by draft. It is announced by the Charlotte Observer that the gannapoiis band has been accepted as the musical organ ization of the North Caro lina field artillery now being organized. This baud con sists of twenty-six members and is a very capable musi cal organization. A I) Ilartman of Salisbury j is now bning engaged iu in- struct ng a new baud just organized at MooreeviJle. William Jimes. ex secre- tarv of flirt R f n tt w.,: A" . f. T uuuu' -cair Association, is now in tUbi1, n . , . .Denver, Colorari). in tb n. j terest ot bJs li ith. Arnold B !;!?, who has been interested in and man- ! ager of the Isis picture show in (freeusbcro for a month or so, has sold hi interest, in sme aud will pcobably re turn to Salisbury. During the storm on Tues day of last veek lightning struck the residence of J D Lawrence on South Fulton Street, did very lijitle dam age. The fire department was called out but its ser vices was not needed. 11 T Tranthara, one of the oldest physicians of the city, continues quite ill at his resi dene -5 on West Fisher Street. His many friends hold out little hope for his recovery. The Woman's Missionary uuion of the South Yadkin baptist Association htld its annual meeting at Spencer last week. Mrs O S Cash well presided over the ses sion which were full of inters est and much profit to the uumerou's dlegjtes in at- tendance. Lily Wynne McDowell of Raleigh, step daughter of Victor 11 Boydeu, a nat've of Salisbury, now of Raleigh, aud Theodore I (Jordan of Morgantou, were married Saturday, July 7th. Thinkli? 0! Holding a Fair this Fall. A meeting wa. held in the old cours houe last Thurs day, eveuiug by some of the -t jc'xholders of -the People's Agi ici'tural Fair for the jurpo,-e of considering t he ad visaodity of holding a county fair thi fall. It was decided that the cou-ity ought to have a strictly agricultural fair, eliminating the profes- siDnal racing, and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, October 23rd, 24th and 25th were selected aa the days to hold it. The officers of the associ ation are tlie anrn i5 lat v ar L" .mot press dr-nJ, S VV Harry, treasurer, T I) Brown, secretary and H A Rouser chairman of the executive committee. Ons lisans Mao Rills Another. Statesvill Inly 28, News has been received here that Robert Moose, ot Iredell, an inmate of the state hospica! for the insane at Morgantou, was killed this morning by Causey Allied, another -in mat. Allrd struct Moose in the back of the neck with an ax--' death resulting in Si) minutes. Mo sh was 41 ye;rs old He has three sisters, Mrs Dm Morrison. Mrs Noah Evans and Mi rid Maggie Vfoo&e, in StatHsyille. The body was brought to State ville laie today; burial will take plane at thd local ceme tery tomorrow. Meeting Mm Church This Weak. , Grace E L Church, Locke Township, of which Rev Q Q Ritchie is paster, beginning yesterday, is holdiug daily service, at 10 ' m, all this week, closing with commu nion service Suuday morn ing at 11 a m. The public generally is invited to attend these services. 1 . The death of Capt A S Lewter, who was some years ago a resident of Salisbury and agent for the old Rich mond & Danville railroad company while here, took place at Aberdeen NO, last week. Capt Lewter had many friend3 in Salisbury who will regret to learn of his death; Mrs J Kirk, an aged lady of China Grove died at her home Sunday and the funer al an 1 interment took place Monday. She leaves three sons, J R Kirk of Salisbury. J M Kirk of Greensboro, and Rev J L Kirk. Mrs J M Trexler who was about 62 years old. died at her home in the vicinity of Gold Knob last Thursday The funeral and interment took place Friday afternoon from St Peter's church Rev H A Trexler offi ciating. B-side a husband VI rs Trexler leaves five sons, Samuel, N A, of Salisburyi Guy of Badin, James of iv ckwell aud Luther of StatesTille, and three daugh ters, Mr.s 0 M Miller ot Raleigh. Mrs Sidney Trexler of Rowan, and Miss Esther, who lived at home. The sor rowing ones have the sympa thy of a large circle of friends. Mrs Bessie A McDaniel, who lived on East Fisher street, died Wednesday July 4t,h. The fuuera1 and inter ment was held the day fol lowing her death from tht Chestuut Hill Baptist church, ii v Caswell officiating, and the interment was iu Chest nut Hill Cemetery, Sh leav'- a husband aud several small children to mourn her d-jath. was a daughter of J KP Heilig of the St. Paul neighborhood and had many friends. The remains of Ernest Kes ler of Barber, who was killed in a railroad wreck at Hunt tersville, N C last week, were taken to Barber where th-.-. f unrral was hid last Wed nesday. He was the firemaii ci the wolfed train and was ab mt 24 years old. . .Mrs E nma Mclutyre,! do .v of in-" late Wm Mclntyre, died ai her home on West luues StvfcHi; last Weduesd-v night after a long illness. She was 75 years oi l and leaves vio children. Tlie funeral V7.1S held from tho First PrtfS- i,u.,j, fM-,M,.,.!i Timf A it bytei Till Chundl 1 ImrUy , pftenioon, Rev Byroil C h rk 1 oflicia ing, the interment he ing iu Chestuu cema tory Miller, one of the substantial Citizens Of the Vl t.i- , . r 1 n ir rrr , i an ail his houiH last Friday morning iiym 'be tffe-ts of hronchial pieurariTiii - He was 62 years 1 ohl ar.fl leaves one son, Aj l.nher Villeiv and fourj tus Johuson, David L Lyerly, Mai tin B ger and Albert A Lyerly, all of this county1, The funeral wa hold Satur flay morning from Christiana ! E L Church, Rev N D Bostic' officiating, the interment be-' incr in the cerneterv arlioininp: the ChUrch. Mr Miller WaS a Confederate soldier and had i j j p " i . just rtnrnud from Wash'-ngN d J ttui v here l e attended the a"nnual re union. Cicero R Barker, the veter an druggist of Salisbury, died in Asheville early this morn ing after an illness of several yars. His remains were brought home this evening ad the funeral will be held from the First Prebvterian church to-morrow morning being conducted by Rev 1 ' . w Byron Ciark. The interment to be in Chestnut Hill. Mr Barker was a drummer boy daring the civil war and al ways took a great interest in the .Confederate veterans. He was an agreeable man, a valuable citizen aud had a great many warm friends He leaves a wife and one brother, W R Barker of Sal lsbarg. How's Tilh? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. ' Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years and has.become know nas the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru ,the Blood and healing- the disease portions. After you have . taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great im provement in your general health Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh, b'end for testimonials free. F J CHENEY & CO, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. YoaniHGD for the Ministry. The conference of the Sal isbury district ot the vletho dist church held at Albemarle came to a close Friday after- noon. Dr J 0 Rowe p- esided aud-a very satisfactory con ference was held, the leports being generally satisf;..etory. Oat of the seven app icants for the ministry fivt were from Rowan, four of whom. Augustus Tippett, V O Dut touj Everett Rufty and Bruce McMilhan, were giv, n li ceuie to preach. IDDLE AGE Mrs. Quinn's Experience Ought to Help You Over the Critical Period, Lowell, Mass. "For the last three years I have been troubled with th Change of Life and the bad teehngs common at that time. I was in a very nervou3 condi tion, with headaches and pain a gooei deal of the time so I was unfit to do my work. A friend asked me to try Lydia E. Pfnkham'a Vegetable Com pound, which I did. has helped me in every way. I am not nearly so nervous, no headache or Pain 1 must say that Lydia E. pincham's Vegetable Compound is the best-remedy any sick woman can take." Worthen St., Lowell. Mass mm. Vri-AH'JARET yuiNN, r.ear Z&J )ther warning symptoms are a sense f suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, . timidity, sounds in the ears. uaVnitation. S of tlie heart, sparks before the eye3, j appetite, weakness,, and irregularities, constioation. variable - ' If van neec! soecfal advice, write to tho Lydia E. Tonkham Medicine Co. .(ccrfid?nti?li, 'Lyun, liars. The Beauty Secret. Ladies desire, that irre sislible charm a good complexion. Of course they do not wisli others to' know a beautifier has been used so they buy a bottle of Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER mentis noticed at once, loathing, cooling and tefreshing. Heals uabrn, stop 1 an. Finkt whiU, Rme.Rej. I 73c. at 'Druggists or bp mail direct ' 88 , Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp, UonMfgCo.t 40SouthFifthSt..Br6oLiXn.N.Y. t ..n' " i imnmiAUiHiim Extraordinary Mud of Historlcr Pottery. Santa Fe, N, M., July 19. An extraordinary find of historic pottery and relics has been made by Earl Morris, excavating Pue blo ruins at Aztec, San Juan county, with a force of 25 men, for the American museum of natural history. The discovery includes 61) pieces of rare pot tery, over 20,0 0 carved red and black stone beads, baskets, mat ting, knives, battle axes, and other stone implements. Tur quoise beads, mosaics, and shell PROGRAMME IDE fill GROVE IBIP SUNDAY SCHOOL IIISII1E. EBlzNEZER E. L. CHURCH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17TH, 19117, Beginning a t 0 O'clock, A. M. Music. Devotional Service Address of welcome Response Music. Review of the work of our Township Association . . . . by Secretary Goals set for coming year Department o' administration organized for service, B F Stevenson Music Department of Education organized for service, Rev. C M Pickens Music. Organization. Business. Pledges. DINNER. 1:30. P. M. Music. Elementary Division organized for Music. Secondary Division organized for Miss Harris, MissCarnpbell. Boys: Rev. C. P. Fisher Music. Adult Division organized for service 5. A. B. Saleeby Music. Benediction. B. S. SHUFORD, Shc'y. Pr;:nu of tha Gold Hill Township Sunday School Associafion. The Program of the thirty-fifth annual meeting of the Gold Hill Township Sunday School Association to be held at Organ E L Church. N. C, Friday, August 10th, 1917, promptly at 10 a. m., is as fellows: Voluntary Devotional service Address of Welcome Response t Review of the work of our Township Association by our Township secretary. Gcals set by our Township president De partment of Administration organized for service . . G H Peeler Department of Education organized for service Rev N D Bodie Recess for dinner. AFTERNOON 2 o'clock Elementary Division organized for service.. . by Mrs. E D McCall Secondary Division organizied for service. Boys, . . Rev C P Fiser Girls, Miss Harris, Mrs Jenkins, Miss Campbell. Address by County officers Business and organization. J. L. H. FISHER, Pres. Z. A. KLUTTZ, Sec'y. North CarounaStateCollege f AgmcultureEngineering WEST RALEIGH, N. C. An institution where young men of character, energy and ambition H honorable work in many lines of industry which require training and skill for success. Thorough and practical courses are offered in Agriculture: Horticulture; Ani mal Industry; Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; Chem- j t;:.:KShAL'.--TKTlLEn jstry; Dyeing industry. 1 acuity of 64 instructors. Twenty-seven.-buildings. Eighteen depart ments. Military features. For catalogue and entrance blanks, write E. B. OWEN, fWiiflEEeirtG-ACrtEWSTeY aotAjas ji3a Sotajp tiren u3noaui jatnouv ..j, .-"n n" i SBXSX 81lidUI3iV mTU QUO iCfUQ ornaments are classed as among the finest ever excavated in the southwest. Grains , of corn with cobs, tassels and husks were found intact, as were also beans and bean pods, pumpkin seeds, uine cones, cotton fibre. Yucca leaves, rushes, cotton yarn and cloth, sandals, snow-shoes. beaver teeth and bones of animals and human beings. One skeleton, in a sitting position, indicated the man had been decapitated. The find was made in an under ground communial dwelling bu ried for centuries. by Rev. fH. C. Marley .Geo. M. Beaver Rev. P. E. Shealey .by President service Mrs. E. D. McCall service. Girls: Mrs. Jenkins, REV. J. S. WESSINGER, Pres. by the Choir by J L H Fisher by L AITespermnn Guy L Sink SESSION. p. m. and Textile Registrar. snounsj aaoZoa2 m'8 sg:6 BiqaauR 'bai or uid nn irwo aa 'I. nooa lxsn . ' ' AfStttAL INDUSTRY ADfl5TPAll(y 6LDQ 1 r " "" 3 WW

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