7' "1 " ''J-ff 2G " ' : ' ' V ' . . v.- Hie Card. U II Li A Home Newapaper Published ia the Interest ot tbe People and for Governmental Affaire. f f VOL. XIII. N J. 33. FOURTH SEEIES SALISBURY, N. C, WEDHESfiAY. AUGUST 1 T, 1917. Wm. H, STEWABT, ED. AU& PBOP. BIG RALLY AND FAREWELL TO SOLDIERS. ErtrjMj in lbs Ciuaty Invited, Bis Pafade, Good Speeches and Two Bands at Music. Salisbury id to have a big patriotic rally and farewwJi for the soldiers who wil soon lea e for a i'aiuiug camp to pu'e.lo auve ihd . count! y during the war with GeJ uiai The patriotic citizens have arranged for a big parade, plenty of muic sun e txceK lent aua timely- addresses, a barbecue, religious service ad tiio presenlatiou of a 1e.?famnt and useful articles to each me ber of I lie Salis bury 'company. 1 his is a Work in wli ch every one can and should tak part. The exerc Ses will begin w th a pa adr; consisting of Hi- military, tw. haudsali the mtsu of Kowau who havn- re gitrredare nquedted tu join, ti e fire-department, c.ty offi cials, and ladies of the Rtd Cros work iooin. At a meeting of the Knights of Pythias Monday night they decided to attend in a body and the committ m iuvites all civil fraternal and patotic bodies to take part in the parade. The route of the parade begins at the court house thence up Main to B-mk, 10 inter march to Iunes, theucd down West Innes to to Jackson thence up South Jackson to the tabernacl where the exercises of the day will take place. And muh will be furnished by th bands. Gov W T Bickett, Senator L elS Overman and others will make lalks md Mrs Lyman Cotton will pre-" sent each soldier with a vork bag containing a testament and oth r articles useful in camp life. After the exer cises the members of the local company will be given a bar becue and the day will dose with a religious service at the first Presbyterian church, beginning at 8 o'clock, for which a suitable program ban ben arfanged. The committee of rrraige ments appointed by Mayor Woodson, coueists of A H Suider chairman, W B S: rag ham, A W Tucker. J D Carrol J F Miller, W M Ruth Mes dames M C 0-en J D Nor woood E C Gregory and Ly man Cotton. Come and help give the soldiers a-htarty farewell and let them know that they have the good wishes aLd earnest coperation c f all our people it will be a pnite com fort to. them id menototi"us camp iife tofol'ow. A Good Riddance. " President Wilson did the right thing in getting: rid of both Gen. Goelhals and Chairman Denman whose bickerings about the man agement of the shipbuilding pro gramme had become a public nu isance. Evidently both were to blame in some -measure for the quarrel and the delay in the most important work, and it was ap parent, as the President decided, that the trouble could not be eli minated so long as either of them remained on the job Gen Goethals has bulked large in the puclic eye as the builder of the Panama Canal. He maj not deserve all the credit that is given him for that job, but some men who make. a success in one instance fail in another. Soon after Gen. Gcethals' appointment as manager of the shipbuilding programme he was wined and dined by members of the steel, corporation, and this was follow ed by his announcement that no wooden ships would be built, but all would be constructed of steel Then followed the disclosure bv Chairman Denman that Goethals had agreed to pay a price for steel nearly double that paid by the navy. This revelation caused a good manny people to question Goethals' capacity as a business man and his disregard of the proprieties was evident. Then, too, he appeared to think he should have a free hand and go ahead without consulting the shipping board Chairman Den man naturally resented this and it was impossible for the work to go on with both- men on" tie job. Statesville Landmark RUH, ROMANISM AND REBELLION Cardinal Opposes Prohibition, Centers Wftir Hoover, Mm the Support of Romanists The Menace. The Washington D C Times, for Tuesday, June 26th, con tained an article three columns wide aud 19 inches long, set in large type; extremely large in fact, in which Cardinal GibboniJ is quoted as follows: I do not believe in national pro hibition of light wines and beer. and am of the opinion that such a law could not be enforced. I am opposed, the Cardinal, continued, to any state wide or nation-wide prohibition measure. A law of this kind interferes with the personal liberty and rights of the people and creates hypocrisy on the part of the pub he. If the people of any particular country district find conditions such that to have local option would mean the betterment of the community, then thej should close the saloons in that district. But when it comes to having prohibition in large cities it is a bad thing. Pro hibition in any of the large cities is practicalfy impossible for en forcement however far-reaching the attempts are to carry out the law, notwithstanding reports that the law has been carried out successfully in certain loca tions. The uninitiated might believe that this big three column display of the cardinal's mouthings is a fete of journalism due to the ed -itor's fits brought on by brood- THE BILL IN CONFERENCE. Women Give Out, Housework is hard enough when healthy. Every Salisbury a oman who is having backache, blue and nervous spells, dizzy headaches and kidney or bladder troubles, be glad to heed this Salisbury woman's experience, Mrs M A Winecoff, 331 E Kerr St, says: "My back ached so much I could hardly drag myself around and mornings I could hardly get out of bed. My kid neys were in bad shape. My nerves were all unstrung and I suffered from headaches-and of ten telt as tnough I would lose my reason. I tried many medi cines but nothing seemed to do me any good until I got Doan's Kidney Pills at the People's Drug Co. and took them. They relieved me from the first and I continued taking them until my back didn't ache and my kid neys caused me no trouble." m Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Vrs Winecoff had. Foster-Milburn Co Mfgrs Buffato, NY. Are yon ene of Them? There are a great many people wno would be very much bene fited by taking Chamberlain's Tablets tor a weak disordered stomach. Are you one of them? Mrs M R Searl, Baldwinsville, N Y, relates her experience in the use, of these tablets: I had a bad spell with my stomach about six months a&ro. and was troubled for two or three weeks with gas and severe pains in the puof my stomach. Our druggist advised me to take Chamberlain's Tablets. I took a bottle home and the first dose relieved me . wonderfully, and I kept on taking them until I was cured." These tablets do not releive pain but after the pain has been re ceived may preyent its recurrence. Weather Forecast for August, 1917. From 3 to 9, fair, clear, rain southwest, pending dry east. From 9 to 17 fair with slight changeable and mild threatnings, rain northwest. Still dry some east. From 17 to 25, warm thunder rains with slight storms along. From 25 to September 1st.. rains slight storms, but heavy storms northwest. Sonw mni and hot. August shows some wet from 17th to September 1st., and hot all along by scales of moon changes. As you note I give boundaries to expect rains in the above sections. August shows some dry. Crops may suffer for 15 or 20 days, for rain, younar corn esner- (ially. Rain is not shown to me until aner ine lin, wnen iresh ets are expected. Hbnry Reid., R 3, Box 167, Salisbury, N C. ing over the "miseries of a dry nation as a result of war legis lation; "but, this same article treated in the same way, appear ed in the Washington Post and it also appeared in the Evening Sun of Baltimore and it is hardly likely that these three editors suffered convulsions such as to result in excatly the same kind of publicity being given this matter. The article referred to bears all the gear marks of either an advertisement or an article given special prominence through fear of a loss of patronage. The ob ject of the editor in printing this statement, however, is of secondary moment. The one vital fact is that Cardinal Gibbons is a friend to rum. We have often heard the ex pression ''Rome, rum and ruin." We have Rome and rum in the article referred to and if the cardinal and the liquor interests arc allowed to run the country and divert the nation's food sup ply into liquor channels when three fourths of the world is at war and crying for food, we may have and opportunity to deserve fuin. The cardinal, it . would seem is determined to impress upon the public arid the goverment his ability to handle the Catholic church throughout the country and to line them up for whole sale patriotism on the one hand while pledging them as the op ponents to legislation which many staunch patriots believe is necessary to the welfare of the country; namely, legislation that will prevent food stuff be ing consumed in the manufac ture of liquors. We find in these same articles this further remark as to the cardinal: The cardinal has just conclud ed a long conference with Her bert C Hoover on the food situa tion and had promised the gov ernment's food administrator his hearty co-operation personally and through the Catholic church es of the country. Principal Differences About the Food Measure iiay pass this week. The food control bill was sent to conference of the House Wed nesday with blanket amendments. The conferees held their meeting yesterday but it probably will be at least a week before it is ready. Blocked in sending the measure to conference Tuesday by the ef fort of Republican Leader Mann ioft a separate vote on the amend ment creating a congressional war expenditures committee, the Democrats brought in a special rule to force action. Thirty-one Republicans joined in supporting B'niOtlOn Shutting off dphnt and j O Mr ann's opposition collasped. The principal conference doubt less will center around the Senate amendments for the war expen ditures congressional committee. to s tood control board of three L members, for a $2 minimum price roE Whe,at and to permit continu autre ui me use oi ioodstutts in thnanufacture of light wines anfttbeer. ffipview of President Wilson's announced opposicion to the war expieaiditures committee, whir.li hejkfiaintains would embarrass him in the condnrf nf tVia nr 4; . - w vu, nai administration leaders are certain tnatjthey can eliminate it. The proposal to have three food com- ujiaiuucis instead or one oroba- btyill lead to a very stubborn ;f S, since the President's desire at? it be stricken out to e-ive ixerpert Hoover a free hand has mat?y opponents in both houses Ideations are that the Senate prtobition provisions may be greyly strengthened. At least fivei)f seven Senate conferees are satfito favor personally a bone- dryj country and Chairman Lever has; -promised the prohibition re presntatives that he will t ndeav or Mretain the bone dry l?lan for wnicn the House voted. Whether the $2-a-bushel min imijri price for wheat will remain in the bill is entirely problemati cal!,; f The House conferees will mak a hard fight against it. Distoia? Accident In Albemarle Monday. Stanley Enterprise, Blautou the lOyear old son of Elijah Cooper, of Forth er, was killed, Mr Cooper nimselt, paiufully injured. and Grady Cooper, an older son, badly bruiled, as the re luit oi a run away accident on Main street, here on Mon day. Various reports have been given ot the runaway but the essential facts aeera to be as follows: Mr Cooper and the two boys were in a buggy and driv mgdown the street from Mor row Bros. & H rtai n I Vim - m-m vv IXA pany's Ftore toward fSoutben depot, when one of the hold ing-back straps to the har ness came loosrt. The horst somewhat frightene 1 by this was entirely unnerved when the auto truck of Raymond feriankle, grocer, was backed toward the center of tbe street. The horse then b 6au iv iuu at ueaaiong pace down the street, turning in toward the depot. The bust gy wheels struck the station with tremendous imnact. throwing Mr Cooper and tbe boys violently against the station. '1 he bruised and bleedinc trio were quickly picked no and carried to Hall's Phar macy, where Doctors Hall and Andersou looked after their wounds as best they could. ANNIVERSARY OF NAZARETH 0HPH1NJGE IE ftiaiegf Despondency. Depondency is often caused by indigestion and constipation and; quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets are taken. Thg Tablets strengthen the ion and move the bowels. the above, when tatpn in cdnection with that sweeping pledge made by Rome's priests, etcfif the loyalty of the Ro- mahlpatholic church in tLe pre sent)! crisis it seems apoarent thapome's agents in thte coun try ant the goverment to under standi that Roman Catholics are f $2nj PuPPets ready and will ingid eager to jump' in any di recin their overlords desire Moreover to emphasize the fact eachquestion must carry its in divi&al pledge of loyalty. On theirlher hand they have been trying to convince the public ever ince The Menace began its campaign against the aggres sionsof the Roman Catholic hier arcH and its minions, that no Catholic owes obedience to the JpPpr any of his representa tivesrexcept in spiritual matters. If; othing more The Menace anats millions of friends are in debti to the cardinal and his associates for having so eloquent ly stamped the lie on their as sertions that the laity owes them no oldience in matters temporal and ;or having come out in the openand admitted that on them or thjough them, or in them is fouhjfej the key to tbe actions of Catholicism in America. i ' U I? How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. TT 111 n , . nan s oatarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years and has become know nas the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thrusthe Blood and healing the uiscttse portions. Atter you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great im provement in your general final th Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. end for testimonials tree. F J CHENEY & CO, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. kniz aud Lingie Re-union. The Lentz and Lingle reunion will be held Tuesday, Aug 14th, at Fulton Heights, Salisbury, N C. A grand time is expected. Programes will be out in a few days. This July 28th, 1917. J C Linger, vice president. Karl A Lentz, secretary. Hifltaiy News. There was a meeting: of the Salisbury Chapter of the Ameri- r i can- xs-ea across last week and among the important work trans acted was a motion to see that an entertainment be provided for the members of the 4th Co. C A C before they leave, and another motion was to the effect that a religious service be held for their benefit on the Sunday afternoon previous to their departure. A phonograph has been our chased for the company and was paid for by contributions from pa triotic citizens. Douglass Collins, son of Geo R Collins, has successfully stood tne examination for service in the aviation corps, has been ac cepted and will soon he in train ing for his duties. ro be Held at tbe OrptmiGresctat, ii mis wflflijr lomorrtw. Tie frtsraa. The Eleventh Annivers aay cf Nazareth Orphan7 aome, the orphanage of the Keformed chuurch in North -aroiina, will be held at the rphanage at Orescent, this county, and DreDaration ' made to entertain a large 3rowd. In the past ths occasions have drawn several 'tiousand people and this year ,is expacted to break all )thers in attend Anna xeroses will beam at n clockin the auditorium of ne boy's building and ther !ill be out door sports and a Jig dinner as well as music. Kev. J M LLyerly is mroU ; leut of the board of mana prsofthe institnti nn onH uu ovtiioioijr. vhv VV B Werner is suDerin- end -in of the orrhanai?fl md Mrs Werner is matron Caere are now quite a num. er of children being cared xor at the home and the pros iieeds derived from the anni versary gathering and picnic are to be devoted to the in stitution. The program for the day is as follows: The anniversary address w Vbe delivered by Rev. J L Murphy, DD, of Hickory. - Invocation, Dr A D Wofh, ger, Greersboro. Hymn led by Rev JDA.u drew, Newton, N C. ocripture lesson. Rev W ( Lyerly, Mt. Pleasant. i rayer, R-jv Shuford PhhU er, Charlotte. Music, Quartette directed by RevC C Wagoner, Sali bury. Anniversary Address, Rev J uFPhy D D Hickory. Offering in charge of Rev J U Leonard, Lexington Solo, Mrs Shuford. Hick ory. Address to Superintendent elect, Rev W W Rowe, New ton. Address by Superintends ent elect, Rev W B Werner Crescent. ' Induction of Superintends ent into office by the presN dent of the Board, Rev J M L Lyerly. Prayer, Rev J H Keller, China Grove. Doxology. Benediction, RhvCC Wag oner. Salisbury. Music by band, during which the board of managers will lead the procession of visiting ministers and the orphans from girl's cottage to the stage in the giove. Piaver, J A Palmer. You're welcome, if y0n Keep Right Still. y "Song of the Rnoir eight smallest boyg. music. 4 'In Grandma's no eight smallest girls. Motion Son ur. "T John," eight boys. Drill, -The Star of Lib erty," seven girls. "A Bunch of Firecrack. ers " ten bovn Pan tomine. 4 'ISTa ro God to Thee, "six girls. . "The Little Soldier Red CroBS Maid." hov ..Mil, ;4The Defenders of the U S A, twelve largest boys. Ribbon Drill, Twelve larg est girls. Closincr prayer and bene diction , Kev J A Koons. 1 Band Concert. My and and if if