Written by DUO CORRESPONDENT FAITH. July 28. Venus was. in Salisr bury Friday and saw the young soldier boys. Saw them mareh from their hall to the dining room for their dinner. Venus was invited to and took dinner with them. This is our first armir dinner since the civil war, a mighty long" time between meals. The table we ate at was sixty feet long and there were two more shorter tables. We got some snap shots of the boys on the street and at the dining table We visited their halls rnd met Capi D E Marpb, 1st Lient J H McKnzie Jr., 2ndLt R h Van Poole, and others of our old friends. Rev A G Thompson of Tama qua, Pa., and J D Andrews of Catawba College, Newton, N C, g"ave a fine illustrated lecture here this week to a large crowd, At Shiioh church at Granite Quarry when we got off the train we saw a big crowd of the mem bers of the church at work build ing a concrete walk in front of the church and putting a lot of rock dhst over the church yard. A Series of meetings will soon commence there. A big crowd of preachers, ladies and visitors came to see Venus collection Thursday when the Sunday School convention was here.. Cfcamtarlala YCelic and Dianfieoa Remedy. gNow is the time tolbuy a bot tle?of this remedy so as to be pre pared in case that any one of your family should have an at tack of colic or diarrhoea during the summer months. It is worth a hundred times its cost when needed. To Care a Cold In One Day Tot T-AX AT1VH BROMO Ouinine. It Rto tfi ' Cough and Headache and works oft the Cold. Township Convention and Druggists retund money if it fails to cure. r E. W. GROVE'asinature oa each box. 25c. , tute, St Peter 'S Church. August 25th. The Pro videfice Fnsti- Parcel Fist fcr tairfeaa StMfcrs ie Eanpe. Parcels of fourth class mat ter not exceeding 20 pounds in weight, properly packed to withstand much handling, will now be accepted for members of the United States expeditionary forces in Eu rope at theeight zone rate of 12 cents per pound or fraction of a pound, but such parcels cannot be registered, insured or sent COD. Such parcels should be ad dressed in the following mans ner (i) Name of addressee: (2) Official designation of unit to which addressee belongs; (3) The words "American Ex peditionary Forces." Under s uo circumstances should the location or station o a mili tary organization be included on mail for member ot such forces. Every parcel must bear the senders address, which should he placed in the upper left hand corner of the address side, and it is of utmost im portance that parcels be se curely packed and wrapped, fully and plainly addressed in accordance with the fore going, arid have proper pos taga prepaid thereon. DsissGosd. Few medicines have met with more favor or accomplished more gooatnan Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. John F Janizen, Pelemeny, Sask., says of it, "I have jused Cham berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Re uiedy myself and in my family, and can recommend it as being an exceptionally fine preparation." Fsrm fir Rliat, About lOO acres for cultivation, good big barn, 14 rdont comfortable dwelling and plenty of out-iouses, productive land, 3 miles east of Salisbury on the Stokes ferry road. Could furnish two head of horses on good terms. Apply at once, Mrs. J as. C McCanless,; Granite Quarry, NC. 8-1 3t pd. Drives Out Malaria, BulldsUp S?m The Old Standard general stren"cthetJic- GROVE'S TAST3LESS chill TONIC. dr!-r. jjalari,enrichestheblood,audbuUlsi5c tarn. tree tonic For adults a&d cbildr-" Wanted, scrap iron, castings, old piOW pOlUlS, p.'UW SUUVU3) gy springs old horre shoes, worn out machinery, stoves, etc. Will pay SO cents per hundred, pounds for prompt delivery. North Car olina Steel and Irou Co., P. H. Thompson's Foundry. 7-6btf Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts. Burns. Old Sores. Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne used uternally oreitenially. 25c 3 You Can Afford Good Light You up-to-date farmers who own your property take pride in your home and love your good wife and children you should have good light. The day has passed when good light in the farm home could be considered a novelty or expensive luxury, j Nor is it a matter of big investment Today good light is an inexpensive necessity. Lighting and Cookimg Plants have totally changed the old fashioned methods of house and barn lighting and cooking in the country home. Hundreds of thousands of progressive farmers in all parts of the country have selected the PILOT because they were cjuick to recognize the value of good light its safety and the convenience it brings them and their families. These country home owners men like yourself found they could easily afford the moderate in vestment for their PILOTS. So can you afford it. You can afford that new mowing machine, seed drill, and sulky plow. You can afford all the improvements that make your place a model farm, because they save you time and work. Think of your good wife. She is your business partner. Her duty has been to make your home. She has done it well. She has contributed as much to your suc cess as you have yourself. The PILOT is going to save her a lot of hard work dirty work filling, cleaning and carrying lamps about the house the meanest work a woman has to do. Think, too, what a gas cook stove will mean to her on hot days and when quick meals are wanted in a hurry. If you can afford improvements for your farm, surely you can afford this one great improvement for your home your wife and your children. It is the one thing that you and your whole family will enjoy every night-S65 times every year. Consider the PILOT from every standpoint safety, comfort, convenience and better living. Your decision will be what 300,000 other country home owners have decided you can't afford to be without it. Write for illustrated catalogs and descriptive booklets giving all the facts. Find out, today, about the PILOT. 121 W. Fishre St , SALISBURY, N. C. OX WELD ACETYLENE CO., NEWARK, N. J. Largest Makers of Private Lighting and Cooking Plants In the World. ? An Ambition and a Record i I; 'THE needs of the South are identical with the needs la ' . i i win! K a n -4 t An mn the upbuilding of the other. q The Southern Railway ask bo favr no tpecial privilege not accorded to others. The ambition of the Southern Railway Company !i to tee that unity of interest that is born of co-operation between the public and the sail roads; to see perfected that fair and frank policy in the manare ment of railroads which inrites the confidence of fwrernmental Vend; to realize that liberality of treatment which will enable it to obtain the additional capital needed for the acquisition of better and enlarged facilities Incident to the demand for increased and better service; and. finally To take its niche in the body politic of tie South alonrside of Other treat industries, with no more, but with equal liberties, equal rights and equal opportunities. " The Southern Serves the South." Monterey County Needs Good Farmers NotwitJ standing the fact that Monterey produce 3 millions r f d hi lars wofh of potatoes, sugar beets, apples, plashes, barley, aljalfn, dairy products, live stock, etc., there is much land (hat only newt farmers and settlers to make it m re intensively productive, i h s is a rich coat county with a mild tve i climata. YOU CAN SEE THIS COUNTY WITHOUT LEAVING HOME. We have issued a beautifully illustrated booklet lellint of Monte rey County, and the opportunities there for YOU. Send us ten eents for this booklet and a sample cory of Sunset Magaztnk the one big NatioT al Magazine telling of the life and development of the West."' Address, SUNSET MAGAZINE SE VICE BU EAU, San Francisco. 6-33 it. "Nothing Slow About This Fire!" "The kettles boiling alreadybreakfast will be done in a jiffy ' The New Perfection cooks fast or slow as you like. r The flame is always visible, always Ask your dealer to show you the re steady. Its the Long Blue Chimney versible glass reservoir a new and insuring perfect combustion that exclusive feature, i does it. . . " I p , , ALADDIN SECURITY OIL h or hot weather comfort, cook on a , a superior kerosen. always clean and New Perfection. clear-burning, is mbst satisfactory. STANDARD OIL COMPAnV (New Jersey) Nollfva0-0 BALTIMORE ruX' D k J r MD Charleston. WVa. Richmond, Va. mu' ChrUr Q r -- -w. ii SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE A Full Line of General Me chandise Constantly On Hand FOOT REST HOSIERY, whether it'a appearance you want in .hosiery or wheather .it wear you will gel it if you get 'lFoot Rest" And th s too i? an enduce ment to most of us. You'll SAVE MONEY. Fall and winter goods, heavy , weight nnd iwrar for men and woman, also Dress Good, Shoes, PantN Overalls, Hats, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, etc. GROCERIES. I have a well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries, country produce, ieed stuff, etc. When in need come to see me. Farmp rs are invited to make my place headquar ters while in the city. Very truly, W. W. -TAYLOR, 'Phone 89. 103 S. Main St KoHv, tvi n 7- - wuucuiii J , XI. J. . MPDALS, m FINS AND KINGS We carry m.stock or make to order anv kind of medal or rings of the very.'iatest styles in solid gold and guarn tee our prices. We also do the finest watch and jewelry repairing that can be done and every j b is fully guaran- We carry the largest line of Watches, Diamonds, and Jewelry in North Carolina. See us for reliable coods no MISREPRESENTATIONS. rouaoie gooas, W.'H. LEONARD, Jeweriy & Diamond Nepchant. WallaceRldg . Salisbury, N" C. THE GLOBE NURSERIES, BRISTOL, TENN.-VA Wholesale and Retail Growers of General Nursery Stock. urganizea iyu3. Cap tal $50,000. TRADE WITH A RELIABLE NURSERY. NO EFFORT orancu IU9AI liSFT UUR CUSTOHERS. Agents Wanted. Salary or Commission. Rsad This: The Globe- Nur.vriM. R.Utni TM . - v. th, 1816 - - J -r y A.'WUUl Gentlemen: I had the verv hPst-Rtic-o in all m- dc ; e-i -t 11 Th. people were so piea.ed that I did not hve a -single obW lion " YotTwIt hat thus 1S remarkable, no fault to fid in near K 0 deliver" The tree wre all ip nice condition. Yours truly, (Signed) G. W. POmn