Ifii v n n ill III A Hofbe Newapaper Published f tbe Interest of the People and for Governmental Affaire. VOL. XIII. N ). 37. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, U. C, WEPUEpAY. AUGUST 29TH, 1917. 1832 GEf THE SCHOOL HOUSE: IN ORDER. KSako Repairs And See That Sanitation Is Not Nested. A Timely Snration. Occasionaly the State Board of Health sends out an item or suggestion that is . worth while and is full of sensible advice, and the following- is one of them: The State Board of Health is urging that school houses be put in order now, that all re pairs be made before school starts, and particularly that the sanitation of the schools and grounds be looked after. Some of the things necessary to be done are suggested in the follow ing questions which every school hoard must answer: Is the water supply for your school dean and safe? Does it contain surface drainage? Have you sanitary means for the disposal of sewage? Would the State Board of Health ap prove of your method? Have you two closets, one for either sex? Is the school yard well drained and a safe place .for children to play? Is the school building well lighted and ventilated so your children will not injure their eyes or suffer for fresh air? Are the windows mad-: so that thev-will raise from the bot torn or lower from the top? Are' panes in all the .frames? Are there deflectors for the win dows which admit fresh air. with out creating a draft? Are their comfortable desks for all the children? Is there suffi cient black-board space? What are the arrangements for heating.tke school? 'Tesjgs: ; should ' be answered satisfactorily by every member of the board before school starts. The health of school children is more important to day than it ever was. Too many boys are denied the honor of serving tneir coun try when it needs them most be cause of defects and diseases that were probably encountered in school. Anyway they were not remedied there. Another timelv suggestion is to the effect that children should be gotten ready for school es pecially in reference to their health This also migru be made to apply to the teacherv Weather Forecast for August, 1917. From 3 to 9, fair, clear, rain southwest, pending dry east. From 9 to 17 fair with slight changeable and mildthreatnings, rain northwest. Still dry some east. From 17 to 25, warm thunder rains with slight storms alorg. From 25 to September 1st., rains slight storms, but heavy storms northwest. Some cool and hot. August shows some wet from 17th to September 1st., and hot all along by scales of moon changes. As you note I give boundaries to expect rains in .the above sections.' August shows some dry. Crops may suffer for 15 or 20 days, for rain, young corn espec iallv. Rain is not shown to me until after the 17th, when fresh ets are expected. ' Henry Reid., R 3, Box 167, Salisbury, N C Ask Any One who Has Used It. There are families who always aim to keep a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Rem edy in the house for use in case it is needed, and find that It is not only a good investment but saves them no end of suffering. As to its reliablity, ask anyone who has used it. Slate Juniors Hold Big Kiting. Last Wednesday morning the State Council of the Jr O U A M which was holding its annual session in Asheville got down to business when Judge N L Eure, of Greensboro presented V'r Britt, who delivered the address of welcome; Dr Charles E Brewr er, president of Meredith college, Kaleigb, presented W P Wilson, state council secretary of South Carolina, who made a short ad dress which was well received by the Juniors. At the close of the morning session the entire delegation went to the county court house lawn and was photographed. The Salisbury delegation com- posed of J CKesler, P S Carlton, Esq., A A McCormick, CMC Dcirger, j v ueciu uiuu,j r Dul ler and others, returned home. gatun .report that the convention CrtT.e to an end Wednesday nisht nf ter selecting Wrightsvilie Beach as the next place of meet- ing and electing the following State Councilor, H O Sapp, of Winston-Salem. - State Vice-Councilor, Woodus js.eiium,oi vyumnKi;on. State Secretary, Sam P Vane, smta a itM.nt Ri Secretary, J H Gilley, of Win- ston-Salem. State Treasurer. George V Fulo. of Kernersville. S, ate Conductor, J E Spears, of Goldsboro. State Warden, CMC Barger J of Salisbury. St ite Inside Sentinel, Thomas C Moon, of Graham county. Stat Outside Sentinel, W A Holshouser, of States ville. State Chaplain, Rev J A Koons of Rockwell. Chronic Constipation. It is by no means an easy matter to cure this disease, but it can be done in most instances by taking Chamberlain's Tablets and complying with the plain printed directions that accom pany each package. W. Thomas Bost Fills the Pulpit of Salisbury Church. W Thomas Bost the Raleigh correspondent of the Daily News, preached to a large congregation attnerirsi Meinoaist taoerna - cle here Sunday morning. Mr Bost is a native of Rowan and Ill II I n VtJUMi12A UOt V i liLi JL 1 d Jk. the ministry in Salisbury. He was heard today by many form- er neighbors and old friends. Mr Bost spoke on "The Un- denominated Followers of Christ" a term he used to designate the great number of people who arej outside the church and yet who are in some cases unconscious fniinworc nf t.o phricf Hie criticism of the creeds of the churches was that they are too little, the speaker claiming that we cannot know God as long as we confine our definition to phil osophy. Another Romish Cardinal Banished. Lisbon, Aug 25. Cardinal An thony Mendes Belo, the Patriach of Lisbon, has been given five days by the Portuguese govern ment in which to leave tne capi tal. A decress due today forbids the cardinal residing in Lisbon or suburbs for one year, Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic in equally valuable as a General Tcnic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts On the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. Mortor Truck Company Gees Throush Saiis i Turner bury. Cfreetiriboro, A 0. 24 - Thin moruiug at seven p'clock th North Carolina; Motor Truck Company rf Raleigh, one, of the new units in Uncle SamV service, left over the road to Charlotte, alter spending the, uight here. They are en route from Raleigh where th company was orgauized, to the cantonment for Worth Carolina troops at Greene villa 8. 0. There are thirty hig five-ton, forty,&ve-fiortV power trucks in the company All of the trucks have army wagon c;vers and preS0nt a thrilling spectacle traveling 4ogethpp The corapany W in gloom last night because of the death near Durham yesterday of feergeant Stev 01 ltlQ company, who,fe!1 under one of the trucks and was almost -instantly Rilled. Lieutenant Boylan will prdb Charlotte tomorrow morning. je the only commissioned 0fficr of the company. T"hrtolhnan.v reafthedSaliB hxmi WM&y evniag' knd parked X)n Last Innesstrect, between Mam and Leet where mey spni me nigoi. iney seemed t-D be in fine shape and the trucks were of the four-wheel drive variety. The company left Saturday morning for Charlotte via Concord. $100 RewatUlOQ . , The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that their is at ieasi one ureaaeu aisease inai science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars f th . f tQ fnr l f nf tetfmritit'ai. Address F J CHENY & CO pBoledo, Ohio. Sold by all Drug glStS. DC. I ' A National ROCONl. Thrt State must stand in admiration for the record of the Concord and Cabarrus soldiery. This town": and county has long boasted the strongest company in North uarouna ana iney nave noi l yi .. i t a i . i only contributed their full quota of troops to the Gov eraraent, but have a good sized corapany to spare. Ca barrus County was called up on for 207 men Two hun dred and ninety men respond ed, or 83 more than wore called for. This is not onlj a State record, but we doubt if it can jbe equaled in the United States. It is but keeping up? the military tra ditions of Cabarrus, its re sponse to the call for the Civil War bavipg been of the same ardor perhaps a little more so. Charlotte Obsery. er. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days . Va. A. 1.4 g x ti 7A INTMENT falls to cure any ease of Itching, Blind. Bleedinar or Protrndine Piles in 6 to M days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. Ste. he fourth reunion of the Tur 1irswas hell at the home of H F r&r, near South River church, Aug u it 23 which was well at tended. The people began ar rivir g in buggies, wagons and automobiles early in the daj and b o'clock the beautiful shad ed rd was full from the little totsf to the grey headed sires. At liil)ast 11 o'clock H C Turner, called the assembly to order and fii cw will chosen words bade JI fvelcotti2 to the enjoyments of ttie day: After talking a- while in. his happv way Mr Turner m ttpduced his oldest brother, Pink ney Turner of Davie county, who made a short but very interesting address. Mr Turner who ie a Confederate Veteran aid 8L years old; began by saying that while he would be glad to talk longer, as it was near the dinner hour, it wal a hard matter to get an old soldier to say much until he had hisdinner. Mr Turner, who was ohof theoW time school teachers tply many' interesting things and advised the young men to be loy aland if any of them had to go to ffie war to do their best for th0r country and to trust in God wlfp doith all things well. if he invitation was given for dibber which was spread on a loi g table under the giant oak tnes. . After having, a photo guph made of the table and the peiple, and the blessing being aj$ed by Pinkifey Turner, the w;'rd was giviug for all to help tlmselTes and the crowd did full justice to the good things pre pared for the occasion, as only tls good house wifes of old Scoth j I1sh kno-tf bow to prepare them iter the crowd hiQ eate.i thev sintered about . the, house and y'ird talking of old tim is and espying, themselves in various w ays. " The immediate Turnet fvinily consists of seven living bothers and sisters, as follows: Frnkney, the oldest, of Davie cinty; Alexarlder, Henry, Cath erine, Mrs Sarah Painter, and Jfmes of Rowan; and Wilson T&fner, the yoVingest, of .Rock iitgham, N C. These all being present at this re-union. A vote was taken, as to where Vie next re union was to oe held ana ii was aeciaea in iavor oi . ji 'a j-'j-j : r c ? jrs Sarah Painter's. tkfcr ay. all these gcod people live pt many years and enjoy many tfore such reunions is the wish 1$ the writer and their many (Mends. Itomach and Liver Troubles. 4 No end of misery and actual differing is caused by disorders x the stomach and hvtr. and ilay be avoided by the use of i ihamberlain's Tablets. Give v-hem a trial. They only cost liar ter. . -r . 5 i Mil Carolina's Standing in the Textile In- fjUStry. . i nr iiii ill a i ii u i x i i i fr-" ir x i 1 1 1 t l j j- wfc v .-m. rvhe textile indusrtv of North Car- I'li: :n a. u s- i (flu u a win ui uuuui iuicich uui &aders. This industry is one of v, : .iir ill. I i ill ill ii n ill iiir. kiiiiiiii. I . ...-w . . ' . ' Mna has neen a nowrtul tartnr the South's deve ODment. Standing out prominently are the 'Wlowirlo-facts: ' X " First, More cotton mills in iorth Carolina than in any other State in the South. Second, The largest towel man Jtactunng company in the world. i nira, une oi.ine largest aenim Ii kills in the world c .i , . T Foath, One of the largest Jac- $uard table cover mills in Ameri- T-.. - Fifth, One of the best textile I schools in Amr.r;, -. nuiu Mcno-wn as the Textile Department r i. . . . K ine iaie UOllCge, Kdieign, fiTblririU r'......i:.. - v" rtmaaaaia a.aaiiiiia. Our Salisbury Herchatns. Mr Business -Man, if you ha.ve, not yet acquired the habit you should get it at once and adver tise your goods in the Watchman if you want to reach va class of &owan county's citizenship thai; is really worth while. Dotj't think for a minute that ybti reach all the peopte tHrpfigh any other advertising midiu'r. There are lots and lots of. peo;Te whom you can not reach through any other paper btif ' this one. We happen to know whereof we speak. If you tare " rciudiced; against the paper on account of its policy to sue an extent that you will not use tts advertising columns you are the greatest loser Our readers will probably conclude that you are prejudiced against them also and do not want their trade and they are not likely to force it on you The paper stands for what it conceives to be the right thing and there is absolutely no apol ogy for its policy. If ou do not believe in r dvertisifrg ,mayCi tht Lord have mere? on your unpro gressive spirit You arc neglectt ing the one essential thing thai will boost your business Get wise, adveitise or the sheriff will do it by and by. Ex, ' Summer Complaint During the hot weather of the summer months some member of almost every family is likely to be troubled with an unnatural looseness of the bowels, and it is of the greatest importance that this be treated promptly, which can only be done when the medi- Ctne is kept at hand. Mrs. F F Scott, Scottsville, N Y, states, 1 ffirst used Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy as much as five years ago. At that time I had a severe attack of summer complaint and was suffer" ing intense pain One dose re lieved me Other members of my family have since used it with like results. Doings of the Soldier Beys. Last Wednesday afternoon the members of the 4th Co C A C marched out to the fair grounds where' they engaged in a sham battle just for practice. Quite a number of spectators were on hand and were impressed with the good work of the men. he armory, headquarters .of the company, is now guarded with sentinels who have orders to shoot. This is the result of some misconduct on the park of some of the members and the pickets will be continued in the future. DON'T TAKE A CHANCE Salisbury People Should Act in Time. If 'you suffer frem backache; It vou have headaches, dizzy spells; . r ' If there are bladder ills; Don't delay likely your kid- l ' . nevs are s,lLK- Salisbury people, recommend P0an s Kidney Pills Here s a balisburr woman's , ovnoriAtlPP' k"- ir'ia " tvw' V "v says: 1 naa acKacne ana omer I .T t 3 .'.1 kidney aisoraers. Aturaes my limbs were so weak and lame, I ceuld hardly ret around. mornings, the trouble was worse. My kidneys acted irregularly and caused me a lot or annoyance, I had heard of so many who had iuuuu uuau o jaiuucj & ma guw !?.alL Dau aK ? a?m i ney uvea up io ine claims , fftr th(T .. . .. m:serv in mv back and reirulat- I . ' ' ing my kidnevs. Price 60c, at all dealers. Jo D' n't simply ask lof a kidney re- 'T,J. U ua ! ,1 . - .i TlAntl'. It tA nan Ullln soiuc uioi a. .v, aiav. Foster MllbuTH Co., MfgrS. Buf e i . vt v t i . k . f - win be stationed in practically every agricultural county in the United States that will co-operate with the department and the State Agricultural College. '; Women county agents for de monstration work in home econ- mics to he increased in rural iouhtries and similar agents to )e placed in towns and cities for first time. Farm help service to be ex ended in co operation with the Juited States Department of j tbor to assist in bringing farm i s and farrm laborers together. Country wide survey 'to be iiadrf of food on farms, in stor ige, in shoes and iq homes. Es imatrts of family consumption of food to be made. Ex tension of crop estimating to crops not hitherto reported ' and to include special inquires to gather information on extraor dinary farm conditions. Hog and poultry production fro be stimulated as far as practi cable. y Increased production and con serration of dairy foods to be en couraged. Animal diseases to be combat ed on a larger scale, ' Increased efforts to be made to combat insect pests of plants and. animals; Further steps to be taken to, destroy animal pest and preda tory animals which injure crops md kill live stock. Work for the control of p'ant diseases to be extended. Survey of seed -supplies and . needs to oe made and' results published so that farmers will be assisted in obtaining a sum-, cient supply of good seed. Seed to be purchased and sold to farmers by the department if neoessary in restricted areas. Demonstrations to be carried. out in the proper handliug pack ing, shipping and marketing of perishable fruits and vegetables to decrease spoilage. News service for various farm products to be extended so that' producers .and consumers can be better informed as to the supply and demand and can sell and buy with less expense, less spoilage and less motion. Take XXATIVEBROMO Quinine. It stops the cougn ana neaaacne ana works on tne Cola: Druggista refand money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVG'S sisnature on each box. 30c. Vacant Scblarcfcip. Rowan county has a free agri cultural scholarship vacant at - 4. the North Carolina State College . of Agriculture and Engineering; The value of scholarship is $4Di.-i oo per year and it continues as" long as the holder remains in; college. This is a valuable od portunity for some ambitious? boy in Rowan county. Techrii- cal education makes a strung ap peal to capable and ambitious young men, especially in. these times wnen proauction of. every - kind falls short of demand and prices are higher than ever be- fore. & uwen, 1 Y71 n s registrar, Raleigh, N, C. I ... Drives Out Malaria. Builds Up System . j, j , ... : GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives ottt Ualaria.enffiches tbelood.aodbuitdsi:Dthesvs- - . . tem. s tonic Fox adults and children. 60c PROflSiaHS CF THE FOOD BILL. A taratle gsvec::t ti do Seme Un (Mscratic Ulztz as War tares. Eleven million three hundred and forty-six thousand four hun dred dollars to be used in stimu lating the production, for pro tecting and conserving foods, wd for a survey of the country's food resources. Staff of county? agents to be increased until at least one agent it- 'A '1 ii , i i

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