IS s - V 1' are A Home Newapaper Published in the Intorestfpf .the People and for. Governmental Affairs. VOL. XIII. NO. 40, FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N. C, WEDNEAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH, 197. ESTABLISHED' 1832 V TV O i 1 . A LITTLE INSIGHT TO ROMISH HISTORY. Bare Suctions of Historical Facts That Put their Pretensions to Rout By Giiy Fitch Phelps. 'You refer to the priests and higher dignitaries of the church? Percy questioned subduing the irritation which rose within him. and moved by a cuxiosit to get the view of the point of those. who constituted the very head of the new movement. ' I do, beginning at the pontiff. Think not that they will pay a very close regaril for thetruth. Already those who have the 'guilt of many debaucheries among them, and who have filled the nunneries and convents with such scandals that no ton.ue dare repeat them, have sent out' whisperings and insinuations. But Doctor Martinus is with us, we know his life. These twelve years he has been as familiir in this town as the sundial in the square,5 and as faithful and as that in every moral trust.' "But I am told that he mocks at the-excommunications of the pope and treats his , bulls with contempt. That he openly de clares that the Scriptures and not the Holy See, are authority in human conduct, and -.that he exhibits a ferocious nature when opposed?" " - "Which is true where it should be and false as well. That he treats with- cor,' empt the fumings of those bigoted and imperious imposters who hare in- , ... ' i vented, themselves a throne -j me wona lor wnicn tney nav only.jtheirown desires and c?i edness for authority, is quite a tact..- In that I share with Ifim Should not any one in whose soul merciless a thing as excom munication is conceived and said to be pleasing to God. jbc ht .d up to ridicule? What harm has ever come of a. pope's hull except where he could enforce with fasr gart "and spear?- Think yo;i Sir Knight that the lowly and sym pathetic Master could ever larnch against those for whom he s ffer ed such storms of invecave? Has he not commanded, to bless and curse not. - 1,4 Yet the Antichrist sits on the frayed remnants of the throm- of imperial Rome and forges t-;und erbolts for every holy 1 ead whicb dares not think what his own sunken brow does not indi cate. From his mouth rush streams of cursing. He delights in slaughter and force. Ic his coffers is the bread money of na . ;.tipns, and on his head themit e of infamy. ook, about' his throne are ' skulls-of millions, ana the sound of dripping blood 'comes from the ghastly, heap, it is true, Sir Knight, that Doctor Martinus laughs at the bulls of the pontiff, and who would not . . "It is also true that he rurns from the yammerings of those in consistents to the Gospel for his authority Could anythiiy be more, consistent? Popes have , Set aside the infallible findings of other popes; this one coitra diets that one council declares a . doctrine to be truth another pro nounces it error. Some dopes have been Arians, others have Opposed it. Some have denied the incarnation, as did Boniface VHIj who declared that ' men were as beasts, and that one . was as 'much immortal as the Other.' Did not this pope declare that the entire story of Christ was a fable More he contended that religions were invenU i to deceive men and that there ere no sin in any vice which j-u-ided a pleasure. .Shall we lcolc to such source for the truth? Oon sider that around the chair of the Apdstle has raged an age-long war fox: power and gain, that it has been deluged with blood and propped with bones. Think of the terrible factions which have risen up and elected their own popes and set them fighting like beasts in the arena, each declaring his true power and authority by cursing his op ponent. Behold the drunkeness and wonton excess practiced by many of these heads of the church. Investiffate their sod den vices and intrigues with pro Higate women, who dictated the election of pontiffs and pronounc edwho should sit upon the scarlet beast. Are these the mouth pieces of God? Is there no other source of truth for the soul? If not then we afe lost in a desert where no foun tains are and nothing that casts a shade. I repeat it is true that Doctor Martinus has rejected the "mouthings of those profligate schismatics who have exploited the church, who are guilty of eyery conceivable debauchery and crime and that he has turned to the pure streams of inspiration flowing in the. scriptures for his authority. That he does not lisp .in his speech is also true, and his spirit flames with holy in Jigtiation against the earth wide degeneraacy brought upon jt by the example and teachings of these despoilers of the world But through it all he is gentle and lovable. In spite of himself Percy was interested. He had watched the 'ace of the man as he spoke and saw pure indignation fUah in his glance, it was-evident that he was conscientious. There was something feariully wrong some where. That what he had heard of the popes was true? Percy was forced to admit, though the admission weighed very little a- gainst the fixed purpose of a long consent to the church sys tem so far as he was conscious just then. He wished to hear a student talk, so he put a ques tion : 'Do you charge the same condi tion and inconsistency on the en tire church?" "Not to the same degree. The debauchery is mainly in the rank of the clergy and the holy houses. The convents are dens of shame. Have they not been proved so by ecclesiastical investigations? o The cardinals are, as a class deep in the most revolting shame imaginable. Priests are drunk en and full of avarice. Even com mon people hurl their crimes in their faces when they meet them. 'True, the prelates cry out, and why? because they are feel ing the world's indignation. Has it not always been so. When rulers bowed the knee and walked barefoot through the winter to Rome, then the pon tiff was gracious after his man ner. But when the heads of countries have resisted his assum ptions then the smoke of cursing and wrath has issued from the mouth of the dragon. Have not J a Hundred kings stood up against the evil sway of the pope's? Have not the common people risen like the wavesof the sea, and breaking on the polluted chair of these self-appointed, rul ers of mens souls and liberties, swept them to prison, exile and death? For all this there was a cause adequate to. the act, and were my noble Doctor Martinus to live a thousand years he could not sufficiently rebuke the ava rice, cupidity, and unholy con duct ot the popes and their ec e'esiasticai satellite;. What rob beries are in their hands! What wretchedness have their wars and ambitions and taxations have brought upon a suffering world?. Think of the pale taces of women and their crying cfiild ren trampled under the iron feet of the factions of these conscien celess lovers of power. JThe youth paused and fixed his eyes full upon Percy's face with . a glance so penetrating and full of indignation that the knight was held speechles, over aved. by the flame of manly re sentment which we saw. The man who could look like that and had seen fearful things. Percy had no desire to interrupt the conversation and remained quiet The next instant' he started as if he dealt a blow at the man's words: "Being murderers themselves the popes and cardinals 'train those under them to go forth and kiWl' Still the glance burned hjs face and the penetrating keenness of it seemed searching the knight's brain. It was like dragging his fearful secret forth and telling it in the market place. Percy felt a sickening sense of guilt, coupled- with a feeling that some providential intuition was unmasking his vow. He re called how the words of Lady Klare had so fatally paralleled his plans, and now this man had seemed moved unconsciously to thrust him with words that were like the goaring of a spear. He felt the hot blood mdunt to his forehead and his temples began to beat fearfully. For the firat time a stnse of condemnation swept over him Impersonal enough, to be sure, but sufficient to make him very ill at ease A suspicion, taint and" far as a mountain mist, began to haunt his mind that it mierht be the popes were what so many charge ed them, and that he was caugrht in an evil net. The suggestion brought beads of perspiration to his temples. After a time the face of the student relaxed and his usual kindness of expression returned. He smiled as if in apology for his seriousness, assurinc- pprr.v that it was hard to remain calm when contemplating the wrongs inflicted on mankind in the name of religion. "You will see," h continued, that the one who lifts his hand against this tyrannical power must bare his breast to the mang- lings of slander and falsehood. Take the noble Arnold, of Bres cia, who stood up in his day and denounced the blood-letting and rapine of the popes, did he not die bv the torture? Did tho great-souled Savonarola fare any better? Was he not cast out as a dog by the wearers of the triple crown, and tortured with fire and rack till death? Did not cardi nals and priest share in the crime? Did the brave Huss fare any batter? Was he not bestrav- ed af the council of Constance, and his safe conduct disregarded by the pope who had pledged it? Did he not, suffer the extremes of fire? Think not, noble knight that Doctor Martinus stands alone in this matter. If you should so much suggest a fault in the conduct of a pope he would forget your years of loyalty and send you forth under curse and kick; he would charge the word to close its doors against you, and excommunicate all who gave you either a pillow for your head or a crust for your mouth, and he would do this in the name of righteousness, forgetting that God sends the rain alike on the just, and the unjust, and that He is kind to the unthankful and the holy." , . ' -vj i ., iu speak as one with a r T , great grievance my man," Percy ' commented, his own' thoughts f& . . rr ifo much mixed.tb permit a log- 1 reply. 'I do. My heart has felt uch. I -have looked on wide td deep trouble,. I have seen fictions. in. sore pain. The eyes fl",. the race are are full of shad ows. The souls of men are l&arting under an age-long de ception. The marks of a fear 4djme,!ash are on their suffering bricks. They are weighed down wjth burdens too much for them if bear' With one hand they fek to appease the hunger of beir little one while with the other they divide with an ava 1 A ' rjieous priesthood which has thither conscience nor character. They -moan m their night of be wilderment, but the ecclesiastics sleep, well sedden in drunken torpor. They search for rest and ad it is. taken from them. They afee like sheep harried of wolves whose fangs lash their unprotect e&veins. The virtue of woman jsjsown in a terrible waste like piarls under the snouts of swine. Te hierarchy , is their burden itfd their blight. Bowed nn- dkr ages of exploitation thev ttist carry this intolerable weight, this snarling sum of in tolerance and bigotry, which (fares to assume the control of the bjrain of the eirth, and to dicr talc the very emotions and fire- side relations of mankind, bltght- lgg like a pestilence every open ing flower of normal ho e and ajgiralion. No man darr i study as$tarlest he fall under their ig norance for a sorcerer: none shall slag lest they be 'counted too far :enovd from-rthe aus ter i ;ies of i '.ics., km. i rngiQti. Like a horribl iwnwitt slsde the hierarchy has sniother eSall that is sweet and unman, crush i rig the greenness ard fresh ness of youth beneath their pol luted weight. 'Like vultures swooping to the c&eass they swarm about every ifilperfal soul who dares contem jpfate the. liberties of govern mnts or religious ideals. There SIM miast be no thought, no study, net' emotion, no growth of mind rio expansion of mental f -rulties, rktoemocracy of state, no prayer w-iiieh has not first, been mouth ei? by infallibility 'othing wliich has not been passed upon by; this ape browed moloc'h, the priesthood at the, head of which sj ts the man of sin, his garments rifled in the blood of earth's lightest children. 1 f KM Worth While. !j.We recently heard of a girl wio came home from college and thp first day she canned preaches under the supervison of her mother the' second day sbe made her brother some trowsers and made tfe sewing machine hum, the third day she made a loaf of biread under the direction of her riiotber and the other days follow itt was doing different things in.y the. home that are worth while. - ?We would not give one such g&r for- 10,000 of the so-called expprt trained girls in domestic science and arts who when she re.nchcs home lets her mother- can fruit and do the work while she with her expert knowledge lolnnges around, reads sill v books looks wise and -even too oroud to bi? seen in the kitchen. Catawba Counts News. Gtiat Faith In Chamberlain's Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy. 4 'Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea. Remedy . was used by m father about a year ao-o when Pe had diarrhoea !t relieved in immediately anl bv taking j 'tS'ie doss he was a!so!ue!vi . i u , i Allied he has jrreat hnth in i this remedy.'"" writes Mr w ' f w'llivam Sianlev X Y. PEOPLES' AGRICULTURAL-FAIR ASSOCIATION. Catalogue Just Received Contains Many At tractive Features and Big Premiums. Mr. Wm H Stewart, Editor Watchman, Salisbury, N 0. Dear Editor: We hand you udder a e rate cover, copy of on i HH7 Gatalogue and premium li and inv'teyour- personal pe rusal. Page 15 shows two at tractive prerriumt. One foi INDIVIDUAL f am exhibit, first prize being one hundred dollars, total premiums for individual exhibits amount ing to two hundred and twenty-five dollar?. We have read the premium. .-lists of V number of othnr fairs in th state and none of them equal our premium. Oar premium for Farmers Union, or othe Organiza tions, display of AgricnUura products, a' so listed -on pag 15, is another very aitnetiv- y r i ' mi premium, uur nrst prize is fifty dollars, and in addtior to this, the American Ballafl Co., Kuoxville, Tenn, -ill give a 30 ton car of ground limestone, which makes thiF premium worth fully one hundred and fifty dollars. aie expecting a lively ccmest for his premium. The NorUt 'Carolina De payment of Agriculture is cooperating with our fair . m. , . J .... - . . . . iro n page j; - msr.n Uut'eaiiH'i'ed die thaj: soma epinnia premiums are offered, which should bring out a wonderful exhibit in this Department. fWe are featuring the Agricultural 'end of onr fair, as veil will se3, and believe tiie peop'e of the county will appreciate this fact. Attention is directed 1V spial Sweepstake? priz-s on poultry, nn.ei 01 pagA 35. Thse are premiums especial ly for Rowan county exhibN toi s Our Household Depart ment is complete in every re spect and the premiums lib- i . nr. i i ii i ments are erjfficient to bring out a great v.irity of house hold products. rreminros onerea on page 41, for Canning 'Club Girl?, should be encouraging to those who have entered into this important industry in Rowan county . We are ex pecting dispbys from each of the nine Clubs in onr county, and this alone will be worth thgate fee, if no other part of the fair is considered... Depaitineut (r, fiidit-s Handiwo'k, premises to be an importrnt feature of the fair. Our premiums in this department are attractive and sufficient to.bring nut a display of fancy articles. The Department of E fnca tion promises to be fuller in every way, and such a play as will be put on w an education within itself Page 59 describes a special premium of fifty, dollar fy I""'"; trra! Products g irden vege- , iriu hum i ii lrt mi tt f r ri v. . i ;!',hs, fuits anu liorce in- j a uH riHP hy ,.oultVy . .-. J , f t,i v'a.!n or uiih ic ' F5 ' UI Psiic. v e hav-r.r? a ;i'ed for fi -a big free acts, fully -'deMjiibed ; 33 Four-Feoted Farm TractMlteps Risfit AIon. In plowing and.eultivating, a wrli lraiued,j:intelligent learn of horses (means much to a fanner. Therefore it ia not surprising that' many igriculturisis are slow in ac opting th tractor, with its iumsy wheels and grinding notor, 'for'" sach work. For lu sd reluctant ru'-alists, lowever, a uew kind mas ;hine h?s Been inVt?nteIv It s wheejlH s :ind coms iir beii'g a four legged teel hoise as anything ev-,r Muc'ved outside the realm of -carloopdom.- The iugen uusuess of the conlrivance nHkes it humorous It has vrt and Ing as well as hips ai s. an 1 ankles, and is des jj-ju-i to amhle along as ' 1 ' Y ;s any rrei tea in vm- D-ji.l a disk. Th hi-1 difference in the ar- Me M-;ic?inH and flnrh -and -blood ( I t w . -d ai.d hif d legs, td .um r ;n oui. i v Mud tl, i - i- ? - it t ( t wn paii a y. in utv 1 on ' ;;ros ?e cies, rather than ends, of a rec tangularfraniH. A picture of this o id ir.Dchine is a.feature ot th 'Vl.' er P. p lar $ljS Reward, $100 r P ff ders, ot'this papet- wil W plnased to learn that Uiere s science ns boon afcie t67e,uTfti' in ail n,s stages and thatr is "ca tarrh. Uai.arrhr being greatly influenced by constitutional con ditions requires constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Med icine is taken internally and acts thruhe Bk)od on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in flohiir its work The proprietors have so much faith in the cura tive power .of Hajlr5s Cafearrh Medicine tltat they' offer One Hundred Dollars for airy case that it fails to Send for list of testimonials. Address: F J Chenny& Co., T.-ledo, Ohio. Sold by ail Drug gist, 75c. , in this cata'l"gu and con- trarteii with the Metropoli an s iow jf,)"r oui- midway, w h i is h is c 1 e.a n 1 1 ir rf' u g hout. vVh positively, wijj.not tolers r any gamb'ing on our grounds, or allvwahy show v Jiich 'allows a .tendency to wan is i'm mora lily.... . - . We liave arranged a pro gram of exciting and amu ing races for Tuesday, 'ed uesday and Thursday Fair week. Wo liare racen in which the farmers can parti cipate, mule races and. hrrH running races, . autornobile and motorcycle races. Our last race will be an exciting Mfay Loading Contest and Race" which promises to be a big feature of tire fair.'' Details for handling th big -crowd anticipated at the lair, location ot booths, etc, B now being worked out. -WjB nronose to have a-. 3vat"m for nand ling and dispatehng !pf iMfMru,'tir.. Wneflt of bnPinw. establish a liurean , . or our exhibitors, and look after everything in general. Yon re very truly, .T. D. Brown cretsiry PEOPLES J UITTLj HR- A L FAIR ASSOCIATION. i V r I i I: i i