7 JM FLOWERS CQLLLCHU -r A Home Newspaper Published iti the Interest of the People and for Governmental Affairs VOL. XHI. NO. 42. FOUBTH SERIES SALISBURY, IJ. C, WEDlTE'iDAY. OCTOBER 3TH. 197. ESTABLISHED 1832 Mil ' : y . . ' t 0 ' Tbd Wonders ol Science. A camera man. working: for the educational department of a coinoanv. met an old farmer coming out of a house in the town where he was working and explained his presence in these words: I have just been taking- sonn moving piciures of life out on your farm. Did you catch any of my laborers in motion? asked th old man curiously. -Sure I did. ' The farmer shook his head re flectively, then said: Science is a wonderful thing." Ssur Stupacb. Eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly, abstain from mea; for a few days and in most cases the sour stomach will disappear. If it does not, take one of Cham berlain Tablets immediatly af ter supper, i. Red meats are most likely to cause sour stomach and you may findt it best to cut them out O'LcaryFer Elaier af New York. Jeremiah O'Learyof Amer lean luth ? Society, and of the fam as letter writing -pi sode with President WiNoi. prior to the late election, is talked of as the fntue ma vim of New York. He is backed up in his aspirations by the Friends Of Irish Freedom and othnr haters of Kuglaud and proGermaufr of be soap box variety The idea strikes ii as a joke at the nxpense of the. New Yorkers Yet. O'Larj is but a shade removed f-om . some other noted politic! of that Romanized town. Cronp. If your children are subject to croup get abottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and when th at tack comes on be careful to fol low the plain printed directions. You will be surprised at the quick relief which it affords. Prssbyttriaa Action Ys. Loyalty to Romo. "Philadelphia, Septfrnbr 14 The board of education of the Presbyterian church has taken action asking min isterial candidates to waive exemption for military ers vice, believing it la neither wif nor patriotic to i akn advautage of the exemption provisions. ' 'Although the army bill exempts from the draft tLeo hgicalor diyinity students who have actually entered upon their course, the board recommends tftat unless they are compelled to seek exemp tions under some other pro Visions of the act,1 they waive exemption relating to their caUlng as fiUure minis ters of the Gospel? "This Btaudf the board adds, 'represents the soirit of loyalty on the part of the Presbyterian church.' " -At lanta Constitution, Sept. 15 197. In the United States the Catholics secured exmpt;on from military snrvice . for their Dfiests and. students and loudly boas of their loy alty. In Ganad t they theart en forcible resistance to con scription. The Presbyter iatis refuse exemption for their Students. Do you see tbe4iimeef American Law Witt Roman Excoptlins. Attorney-General S P Free ling of Oklahoma decides that by tate constitutional provision aid bone dry law" of Oklaho ma the use of wine for sacramen tal purpose is prohibited in that state. Bishop veerscbaert, Catholic, denounces the decision as "intolerable; and outrageous," and declares his intentions to use the vcine. Of course every Citholic priest in Oklahoma will follow the priest-bishop in defy ing the law. Many Protestant ministers use un fermented wine or other sub stitutes for sacramental purposes and consider that they have no need for alcoholic wines, either by the bottle or the case, or bar rel as do their papal brethren. Sirs. Smith Recommends Charaherlala'x Tab lets. "I have had more or less stom ach trouble for eight or ten years" writes Mrs G H Smith, Brewerton, N. Y. v,When suf fering from attacks of indigestion I and after eating, one or two of Chamberlain's Tablets have always relieved me. I have also found them a pleasant laxative." These tablets tone up the stom ach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. If you are troubled with indigestion give them a trial, get well and stay well. Tbe Usual Injustice to tfci Fear. At a meeting of the board of alderman last week it was de cided to give three per cent off the taxes of the rich wlio havethe money and will pay their taxes this month. The poor who can't come across will have to pay the full amouut or have their I property sold with an assess- ment added. Probably this is the reason. Justice is usually Chamberlain's Coush Romedy tkoHost Re- liaOie. After many years' experience I in the use of it and other cough medicines, there are many who prefer Chamberlain's to any oth er. Mrs A C Ktrstetn, Green ville, Ills, writes "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used in mv mother's home and mine for years, ana we always round it a quick cure for colds and bronch ial troubles.' We find it to be the most reliable cough medicine we have used " Weather Forecast for October, 1917. Ftom 7 to 15, fair, clear, some changeable, mild with thunder, rain followed by cold wave with frost along From 15 to 23, rain and if U7 1 1 1 1 1 u llf ll'l iLHHHr. M r TrriiTi j : 2.1. i j. n - . to iu d ra on me iota, com rain with suow north. From 23 to 30 cool slight eauinox wind Btorm and cool wave. From 30 to Nov 6 fair and frnatv wih rain thrHatlni?! snow then cold wave is ' ' C3 pected. rM nioa al.tirr wt I T li unninnc ... miiiini warm and som cool alonff. Note all weather mentioned i uatoreeaat does not mean rain wvery uny. uut uuio eXDectingrt iu sections, from 1 to 3 or 4 days rain as above Henky Reid, R 3, Box 167. Salisbury, N (J. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chiU Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IKON. It acts on tne wver, uxivca out Malaria, Bnncnes tne iuooa ana n-nj. nn 19(7ko1 Rvsti fiO cants. Buuoa up toe wwue eystesa. ovi caws. Exemption Essrd Still Busy. Beginning today the local exemption hoard has order? to call th men accepted and send them right on to the training camp at Columbia. As soon as all the white men have reached camp, then the Nesrross will he sent. 1802 men have been examined np to date out of the 35P0 drafted from this count j. Kowau.' quota is only 243 aud it seems a little odd mat so many are called when so few are needed, however, the number needed may be many more those named. The result o? the examiua tiona is as follows: 85 were examined Thurs day and 71 passed the physi cal test and 14 failed to do so. 53 of those passed asked for exemption and 18 did not. Friday 83 men were exam iued, 62 passed and 21 failed, 48 asked for exemption and 13 did not. Sftlnrdav ft& m ATi whta ay amined, 63 passed and 23 j iauea. ou asKea lor exempiste ticn and 10 did not. A- The examination of in et three hundred Rowan mem called for examination befogP"'of P.. Cheney & Co., doing the local exemntion took place last Thursday Friday and Satarday, onjs hundred per day. It Is thought enough will be ses cured out of this lot to fur nish, the full quato required from this county. A reward of $50 is offered by the government for those who were drafted and failed to a ppeaer for their delivery at the training camps. Town anrl rnnnv offtoialo these men to the front. Having failed to come tor- roarrl th lnloV' the army. D01K6 THEIR DUTY. Scores of Salisbury Readers are Leominc tfco Duty of tb Mm. To filter the olood is the kid- nov'adiitv- When they fail to do this the : kidneys are weak. ttackache and other kidney ills may follnw; ' Helo the kidneva do their work. Use Doan's Kidney Pills the tested kidney remedy. Salisbury people endorse their worth. MrsJ F Barber, 510 W InnesMf men without boasting about StM Salisbury, says "My back causes me a lot of misery, when- niairar rt-i -rr l1lnaira rrat nni- rt nrrtor I ... .... w,v..w jr .uw;v v . i una uoan s rviqney fins are the only medicine for relievningjyu the land of his forefat- tfaat trouble, 1 have taken them for years and they have always been beneficial." v rnce wt aiau ueaicrs. xon i r J isimpiy asit lor a Kiuncy remeuy -get Doan's Kidney PillsT-thel same that Mrs Barber uses. Fos v ri j IN. Y. BryaB Contrihtor. Uoi. wm. j. tiryan, a mason, has contributed $10 a month to the Knights of Columbus fund of $1,000. OOOaa longas the war lasts, 4-l-iCk nnnfi"i Kit fir-n Ya n rr marl a Col. P. H. Callahan, chairman of wuu uwu . vuw.wu wviiifc uiwuu fha Pa mAiia PkaiiiH naa Pnm m it tee. uuu a af v4a aw m o a aviuuivvv vvu4 To Cure Cold In One Day Take laxativk bkomo Qiaia. It tuogm tbm i congn and neaac& ana waraa on tut coia. I Druggist refund money if it Uila to cure. K w 0 utm on eack bu. aoc. of Gernantiwu, Pi. According to the Independent Gazette of German town, Pa., thjgre seems to be a rank and un justifiable discrimination on .the psyrt of certain officials against the Sunday schools of German toyrn. It has been the custom tq'allow the use of the city play grounds for civil and other pur poses without complaint or hind race. Fourth of July celebra tions were held in them, also various athletic societies con- dtizi their sports there. At one tofVj them the Hibernians were alEbwed to hold a carnival for twb" weeks, but when the Sunday schools Of the city asked use of a playground in which to hold a hijjorical pag-eant showing the reijgious life of the community in its early days they were re-1 fud. The Hibernians were an I lmh Catholic organization and could get a playground for two! weeks. vThe Sunday schools are po&ed of protestants and couldn't gemeuse ot a playground for an fnstoncal.pageant for one day. WUt Kind Of Officials does th cuy.or uermantown have? of Ohio, City of Toledo. tmcas County, ss. Krank J. Cheney makes oath jw us senoir partner of the bmuness in the City of Toledo.) and .that said firm will rmv thn! suu .of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv tKf7nse of HALL'S CATARRH MJsPICINE. r g.worn to before me and aub- scUd in my presance, this 6th uy V1 secern oer, a. W.Gleason. Kail's Catarrh Medicine is taken . ' . UKUUUll inmaMn 4. 4.u , -v wugu nuo V. A a...... v" "" rauwua ounaces ot;the System. Send for rtsti- uiumaia, x. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, U;v. bold by all drusrsrist. 75c. Hall's Family Pil!s for con stipa- tn. im n Citizeas. ,We see br late mnorc that, there will be about 60.0fto Jaw- ltV soldiers and sailors in thel united States servlcA wMnh will i . - H? a very large per cent for the I Ktai of Jewish population. The I w s are always true to the coun - tr.les in hich they live ai d are I especially loyal to the I Jnitfld at!s vTher? the , find their fZrr" uuu 4;In every instance thev nan Ha Iqeponded UDon to db their dutv Z Arr somf0ersf LT i ",rr I -J l freedom he deserves in everv i ajntuoui lie aeserves in everv icuuiry. ana a comDlete restor- l""; . - rJJ JOM All, ne Uolumbiad, Knights of iMpiumDus, omcial organ prints a I M - i , , . . question from a reader who I wants to know if the mainritv Af LN5 m wyvs muwnr uc uuu ui iiieiw - - -'- UJat Pope John XII lived, and drie Mr Farrell answers that they cCnot because "to utter the very l-itVi wVicm- k.... : i- . . v uwu M. k uailUS (JUL ncigti tpr is a positive sin against parity. So we do not make a practice of teaching our children ifiall their pruient details the 1 , as you name." wcutc IHC CUliaren are raised 1 fr-s ; " 1 trim ic all popes srood and oure nd anyone who cities history to the contrary to be liars aud bi- luia whuucsuc iae iate or wm ..i. r .J r tit B,lack. Homo Grown Seed Are Bssi. West Raleigh, N. O , Sept. 29. irride is often expressea in home-grown and home- made products, but when tt comes to seed we are too ready to discard the home-grown product for that from other sections of the State or even from other States. By this means, seed are often secured which are not adapted to the local soil or climate. Many times a high price is paid for seed that are not so good as the home-grown seed. .By carer ally I made tests, it has been found that home-grown-seed of corn. cotton, wheat, oats and clover (are better than seed brought in from other localities. A few people still believe that crops 'run out" when planted in the same locality for seveial years. This is far from true. Crovs Income better adapted to the locality in which they are Isrrowa. The condition known as com-r'running out" is usually duo to a failure to save good seed each year. in A ft Mum! fmm Dawaii The following is a list of the girlsfrom Eowan county who are now attending the State Normal and Industrial College at Green- boro: Miss Ruth Blackwelder, China Grove; Misses Mary H Blair, Bes- su : Brant Brown, Camile Camp- beU. Flossie Mane Foster, Mable Linn Foster, Margaret Ruth Kinard, Jaunita Koontz, Beul ah Linker, Agnes McAdams, Ellen Marsh, Rebekah Marsh, Sadie Movie, Lola J PJiilips,. Margared B Ramsey, Marie Richards, knd Laura Linn WUer. The farmers are resting fine ov- raiti THpv wi il sono havp " - Uttaii rrxvrt hurvtrA tnA art crpf- 1 luv" " ting ready to sow the small grain. iviissju weDD nas Deen sick for a few days but her mends are lad to know that she is getting along fine. I T T Wlh was nn Viia nA run Sunday. L HTCopn has come home Sat urdav to see his srirl friends. Thev were glad to see him. L HHonbarger went to Faith Ritriav wtiititr. , j a- JLRogers was visiting J q Holdman Sunday evening. 1 Doctor Kepass will take up his work at St Paul's and Bethel churches. The oeoole are fif-oine to move the Doctor and cleanup at the church Tuesd ay . Every- bodY is invited to come. John Henderhte was on his old run Sunday evening, Cecil Julian was on his old run over at Satrit was on a new run and s p Rodgers was on nis oia run ounaay evening. J S Koon is going to put one pi his Horses on the race track at the fair. If you want to see some good races see the fair. If vou aQV Aay waon Deus raaae Is - J ttWU anu 4ne uocior, aisoi I TO Tl" J iL- J-. l haT frames. The corn shredder is eroinsr to Viol corn shredder Any one who has corn to shred see Yost local. Preaching will start next week nnA tVif nuhlic tnv?tpd in rump I It starts Monday evening at 7 o'clock. C R Yost went out Sunday evening. Gee, I bet you can't i . . bu wuo uc -u, mioa i4ic wiiiici, visiLcu al v xosrs. isii.ly boy. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System I Th Old Standard rf pfrril atrenfltaninc' toe crovb tasteluss chin tonic, drives out Tht Old Standard sreceral trengtaening tonic. tent. A tnw tonic. For adaltr ana coildrea. 60c Chanse In Pest Office Hatters. 1 The post office department has been making considerable chang es (during the ' last few years, some of which seem to have considerable merit and some look otherwise, however, it is gener ally easier to criticise than to un derstand. The latest move is to make the leading office in a given section, a kind of supply house, or distributing point. This has been done in the case of Salis bury, and it is now necessary for al I other offices in this county to get their supplies from the Salis bury office and also to make re re Dorts to it. This will make it necessary for this office to carry a larger supply and make it un necessary for theother offices to carry as large stocks as they have heretofore. This seems to be a consolidation and simoh- ncation ot business and moat likejy will be of much help and convenience to the oublic. FAITH Sp- 29 Charley Bost has uiov n: 4 acK to fiaitn to be ieai liin work. He is one of the g od granite cutters. There is no i,laee like Faith after all. vlis B C Eagle is confined o her room with a very sore throat. J T Wyatt shipped feven . . . , Q Qf Qf C0Q,emplateg weaving gome (,inth nn an nM lanm ani no ii' millatnntia tArlnrr wants us to put up one ot our looms in one of their build- ings to weave on. When we gat it in operation we can eho w it to visitors when they corae to see our collection iu'j iiJBy uttii Btso ine iaay weaving on it. There is a great many young girls and boys who never saw an old Time loom m operation ana i! 1 . . . TUIS Will P6 SOmetOing n6W f n? th Am 1UI -"OlU. VftmiR wiqprl 9 nnmnlrin 40 inJh6Uaouuf and 18 fnehta nnl? Whnflvflr ran hpnt that trot out your farmer. We saw some people pick ing cotton this week at .Simp son Corn's. Whoever can beat that for early cotton picking trot out your farmer. In old time here the people took off the two hind wheels of the wagon to roll up a four loot millstone on tne wagon. rsow we pick it up witn a I , . , j a . . uolI1UK . y.UL .ll "u lue wa gon ana it is just as easy when you know how. Venus Our Salisbury ffiercbatns. Mr Business Man, if you have not yet acquired the habit you should get it at once and adver- tise your goods in the Watchman u you want to reach a class of Rowan connty's citizenship that Us really worth while. Don't imaK ior a minute tnat you reach all the people through any otner advertising medium. i here are lots and lots of people whom you can not reach through auJ wtuct PdPcl ""t tms one. I X7 U i, 1 1 r c tippcii iu .uuw Ynereoi we speak. If you are prejudiced against the paper on account of its Dohcv to such an pytenf i j . -- you will not use its advertising columns you are the greatest loser Our readers will probably conclude that you are prejudiced against them also and do not want their trade and they are not likely to force it on you. The paper stands for. what it conceires to be the right thing' and there is absolutely no apol ogy for its policy. If you. do hot. believe in edvertising may the Lord have mercy on your tin pro gressive spirit- You are neglect ing the one essential thing that will boost your business. Get 1 wise, adveitise or the sheriff will do it by and by. EJx.

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