- c ii Its. te. A Home Newapaper Published in the Interes&bf the People and for Governmental Affairs VOL. XIII. NO. 43. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N. C, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 10TH, 1917. ESTAPLISHED 1832 A! ill i i i f i r i i 11 i cat i, 3 . THE SECOND LIBERTY LOAN. Bonds Now on Sale. Will Bear 4 per Cent. Interest, for Cash or Installments. The btnde of the second issue of the Liberty Loan are to b issued under the act' of Cougess apprvod hy tbe President Sertiinber 24, 1917 .The. amount of the isue, will be $3 000,0 0,000 or m- re $3 000 000 000 will be offered, and the right is reserve : to allot bonds in excels ot tbat to the extent of 'one-halt of the oversubscription. That is, if $5,0X1,000, 000 is sub scribed the right is reseived to issue $1,000,000 000 more than the S3 000,000 000. The bonds will b- offerer) for sale on October 1, 1917. and subscriptions will be re ceived until the eh se ot the bu-iness day of Ocorvr 27, The 'bond -will bear dutn November '5, 1917, and will mature November 15, 1942 Bat the Goervnmeut -reserves the right to call in atiH pay the bons in full, - with &c crued inerest, any time at': er 10 years after their d alt. The bonds are. converrihle gold bonds .and. hear 4 -ei cent anuual iuterest, ti e in terest hing payable seiiii n noally on May 15 and Mo ve fiber 15 of each year. The bonds are -exempt, both as to principal r-ad interest-, f rouau a 11 taxaii on now or hereafter i m posec;" by the Uni ted tat es, -an y 8 t a t e, or any pth er poseesi otn o f the United Stares or by miy local tlxing authority, ex . p a 03tatrt or iuhnritanc tux es,. ; and r gradmted a di -tional income taxe, comm u ly know a as surtaxe?, nd excess-profits and war-profits taxes now or hereafter un posed. They are not 'liable to the ordiuary Frder5' in come tax The interest on an amount of bonds the principal : of which does not exceed $5 00, owned by any indivifiual, partnership, association or corporation, are ' f xeai tjd fro m h e taxes pro v id ed for in clause above. The r ig ht i s gi veil to bidd ers of the bonds to exch. r.ge them for bonds beariiu ,a higher rate of interest if my suh shall later be issued by the United States before the termination of the var This conversion privilege must be exercised, if at all, within six months after the issuance of such high-rate bonds, ' The second issue of U'jer ty I oan Bonds will be of Vwn kinds, registered and cou on . The regislered bond vill be registered at the Tre?, ary in the names of their ov. ;ers and will be of the deuor; na tions of $50, $100, $5 00, $10,000, and $100 00. Checks for the inWe- On tbesebonds will be nu led from the Treasury tc the owners each Bamiaunna) in terest date. The coupon bonds wil be payable to bearer and vill have coupons attached "lor tbe iuterst. They will ; o in denominations rf $50, 100, 500, $l,r00, $5,000. and 0 -OO. The coupons cat; be gashed like a Government cbrck at any bank. The coupon bonds of - this loan will have only four cou pons attached, representing the semiauual iuterest for two yaers. Between Novem her 15, 1919, and May 15, 19:0- . the holders of coupon bonds must exchange their bonds -for new borate having full sets of coupons. These temporary boi ds are issued because the work of engrav ing so many bonds withsol 1- large a number of coupons attaihed can not be com p-eied within a reasonable time or delivery. Bonds of the Second Liber ty Loan can be purchased by filling out an application blank made on the form pre scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, which can be obtained from any bank or Liberty.- Loan committee, and sending U or having it sent to tlie '1 reasury of the United States or auy Federal Reserve Bank or bianch accompanied by the. payment vi 2 per cent of the a:T'.ouut "f bonds ap plied fo- T.heirt? applications must reach the Trea'iry Depart meuy' a Federal Reserve Bjiiik or branch thereof, or ?ome hicorpornted or trust company in the Uaited States on or before the close of buss inessOi-tcrbtir 27, 1917. Prac tica I lyr v:ry bank in the XJpj ted States wil1 willingly receive these applications and handle the whole trans ;u turn of the purchase of hond'- for any subsciber. A purchaser may pay in full toi his builds at the time of making his application or, it he o pvf,r, he can take ad van tag 3 of the instalment plan - nd pay 2 percent on application, IS pe cent on November 15, 19I7,1 4o per cent on December 15. 1917, and the rein lining 4o per ceuori-Jnnuary 15, 1918. Although ? far as thr? Governmen is concerned the purbhase pric'for the bonds must he paid asaboe, nearly every bank in the country will make arrangmnts by which LUjtrty Loan Bous can b ? paid nu an installment plan 1 l'oviding ior weekly or monthty payments, and a great many employers will make the sme arrangments tor their employees. Pay ment be made to the TreaS n r y D e pa r t m en t 0 r 1 0 any one of the Federal Re serve Banks, but purchasers are urged 'to make their pay ments to the banks or ether agencies with whom they p'aced their subscriptions. U is believed that the Sec ond Liberty Lomi, like the first" issue of Liberty Loan Bond, will bh heavily over : subscribed, burner' mattej how largely oversubscribed, the policy of distributing thet-e bonds as widely as pos sibie among the people of the country will be f jilowed. and every subscriber to an arrouut not greater than $1, 000 is sure to recei ve tti9 bond or boutis snsCiibe.i for. Drivss Out iVIaiaria, Bnilds Up System The CId ( aodbid veneral 'iren&thenine tonic. GROVE'S TZItUSsa chi.I lou i C, drives out mujiu seacrai 7-rnsvnenine ionic. mdjiiiia,ri'1ii.iicoiiicunyui,aiiuuui;jjupinesys- tern. A true tonic. For adults aad children. 60c -JURORS DRAWN FOR NOY. TERM COURT. fijpropristei $100 to Peoples Fair flsso. for furicoliure and Education. The board of county commis sioners met in regular monthly session in their room at the court house October 1st . and 2nd, with all members present and transact ed the fallowing business: j Ordered that Thos. Kerr ,be givsn $3 a month out of outside' poor fund, same be paid to W A; Lucky, Jr. Will JDuck worth was ordered discontinued from the list of out side poor, It was ordered that Mrs Lee Freeze be given $5 for the month of October. . ' Ordered that Henry B Bost .be dismissed from the county home. The .board ordered that Mr Thomason, road superintendent make any changes he deems nec essary on road survey from China Grove to the Fisher mill place. Ordered -that no change bee made in survey of Ebenezer road. It was ordered that work on the Sherrill ford road be contin ued and W W Miller be summon-fe ed to annear before the hoarn1 flier" Qrst Monday in November andKbfln' for certain1 lhese men show reason why the original fld "ot. ,n ? sense "present survey of said road should not be fcthf.Cst or .deeeQt thiaff used across his farm. . ?hoSQ authority of uubrok- It was ordered that Undertaker pn Sion does Pope Pius X., Summersett use his own discre-Pe?' lalm is possession as tion as to the burial of county FIIol? See? Fiure that out if subjects, ' fjoucan. If you have a priest in It was'ordered that the build-ourJ tomi' or archbishop, or ii'g af the South River and fsom-:member of the hierarchJ Woodleaf road be deferred. 'f hp can Prove that black is Ordered that Mr Raney and f3Uc and tbat ad ood-let Supt. Thomason look after the 1 how autho"ty can be soiling of the Salisbury and A! tnandcd down if the Holy Ghosts Pleastant road. goever conferred it on them. Je- It was ordered that the Cres--f us someh.ow argued that a cor cetft load be built while the campruPl lrce cu,d not bear good is down in that section. -fruit, so that during the time Ordered that the Old Shefrill?these base men were occupying ford road from the Wilkesborothe chair at. the Vatican the Ro road to the new Sherrill fordPian atuolic church was with road at Lingle's gin be deferrrd.i0ut a PPe and when you deprive The board ordered that thethe organization of a pope you People's Agricultural Fair belhdVe taken the life out of the given $1C0 for agricultural andbody and lhere is a corpse and educational purposes. jit certainly stunk. It was ordered that the sand-f But m-il?d 'ou reader, if people ing of the Krider school housecin believe and accept the pope and Cleveland roads'be deferred.. and a11 the claims made for the The Salisbury township tax?Romaa Catholic church, under collector's time having expired such conditions, tbs t is no affair and it.becotning the duty of theot our Our conr n ion is thai hio-h Kherriff to do this wort ifthis Roman Catholic shall not connection with his other work,lbe ma?e a slate church with all the board ordered" that the sheriff i:thdt tKe PPe wants. be given 125 a mouth for said n:onths of October and November,! 1917. t - The following men werejl ber term of Rowan Superior r . ' Pe Jonn x' -arged court: with treason; died in prison. First week: UG Wilson, 3 Af 3f . PoPe Silverius. Put to Foster, H RSeaford h R Emery, tdeathlor treason. C E clntre, WS- Porter, " J hf 555- Pope Pelagius I. Accus Morris, J A Wiley, 2eb Good-pd poisoningr his predeccessor. man, H F Miller, D C Livengoojd. ' 604 PoPe Sabininus. A.vari J C Arey, G C Eagk, FrontzJclous an cruel Foutz, JR Beaver, C A McCallrt 607- PoPe Boniface III. First C D Pcwlas, Fred Sides,. Walter calied "Pope;" titled bestowed on Rodgers, P M Shulenberger, F.fbirn b the blood-thirsty usurper. N McCubbins, G H Trexler, JoeEmPero phocas. Davis, R H Walker, F M Glover, 7(jS; Pope Stepen IV. A J W Trctt, H C Norman, j' cbloodV tjrant of the worst char Kiuttz, John A Morgan, S c'Hill, iacter- (See Draper s "History of A J Mahaley, John W Fraley, f11!1611601,11 development in , Eu Kerr Rufty, J F Heilig, M MiPPe'") -Smith, Ney Kcsler. J 816 Pope Pascal I. Of very . Second week, L C Bassinsrer. J Mil filler, as, a iit-,ur H A Lverly, L V Goodman,' Levi Trexler,. M L Gantt, t J Maha-resPects-v : ley, L A M'iller, J A Hart, I Gf 855 Popess Joan. Woman: Ledwell, T Gillespie, R L Hols4of bad character. (See Platina. houser, A Luther Miller, E H QtoViiq" a mh eauoi.i u Woodson. E D McCall, J C- . , " f . several other Roman Myers, H H Davis, Solomon f;1S I" sto"ans Wagoner. A P Miller, J .JQ' 8o6-, Popes Benedict III. and leaver, JL Lyerly, J Cline,Anastasius fighting for tbe.pon Koiiicr A Safrit. , ttificate. - v : -.lJL I &58. Pope Nicholas t Accused To Cure a CoM in One Day. by his bishops of tyrany and . ism LAXATIVE BROMO ou nine. It ston th Cough and Headache and -oxks off .the Cold?. i site i.AAATivu bromo Quiame. It stops the urugrgisrs reiuna money it it tans to cnre.M' . W. GROVE'S sixnature on each box. 30c., THE BHD POPES OF ROME. W it is Passible to Give Things Sacred t Nomas and then Drag to Vilest Depths. MThc Menace, fcfc: TTlt t- i ine ivienace nas no disposition mo make black any darker than it s,.or the bad worse than history warrants. If The Menace said pi ere were, bad popes' the reader Jnight say it was prejudiced. iTo avoia misunderstanding and jjo let the truth hold the reader's interest. The Menace publishes a list of bad popes, according to Uatbolic historians The Menace renows how bard it will be for 3 ome of its readers to understand Jjcw it is possible-for the viceerer- ipnts of the Christ, on earth, to be -as bad as presented, but it is even Hp and only part of their vileness Iwe may presume, -came to the uiowledge of the public. Readers of The iv'enace neld Miot doubt this catalog of crimin al men for it is true, and terribly flrue. What bearing-, then, does this iist of base men have on the claims of the hierarchv? It looks to a man who has studied titles that there is a break in the BAD POPE;s and a lot of them. 498. Pope Symmachus. Bad N'orals. 5U- PPe Hormsidas. Cruel Ebad morals, and exceedlnglv w - Acruei. 827 : Gregory IV. Bad in all .rr.rc , uiuiuiauiy. S7v pnna i ' v J ohn VIII. Very 1 Mi Two Floods In September, Crops Short Good Neighbors and Plenty of Wild Game Garland, N. C , Oc. 3rd, 1917. Mr Editor: It has been quite v while since ! reported to your . 1 r-. t . readers. eo by your permis sion I will give them a few items from thispsrt of the moral vine yard. Well, I have two floods It report this ti ma, only two weeksr apart. One on the 15th of Sep tember and the other on the 30th of the same month. It is a record breaker. The oldest cit izens say there has never beer anythinglibe this before in their recollection. We live near the forks of the two rivers, Cobarie and Six Runs, and when the both commence overflowing their banks and spreading out over this flat country it looks like an ocean sue enough. 1 heard an owl the other nibi that seemed to me to say whoo-ee-ee. It seem- d to e press it about right in regard to tht spread of the waler which v;!f about two miles wide. "-.Da rim. the first flo d, the w-.tter in ou yard was two and one half fe deep, and th List fl-d th water was ab-.jut -t wo fem -docj in the yard. Our neighbor.' were good enough to come ir their boats to render us any as sistance they could. It looked right odd to see them rowing their boats up to our sLeps. Tin vited them to hitch and come in. There isnothing equal to in hav iagaieighbors that are ever ready to lead a helping hand in time of need This country can't it beat for true, and loyal, and hos bad. (See Baronius.) ,882. Pope Martin II. Died from horrib'e disease bought on from his. impurity, (See Piati na.) 891. Formosus I. Caused the. death-of half th people of Rome by ais constant quarrels. 896. Pope Stephen VIL Was strangled because of his wicked ness. (See Baronius.). 897 to 9f.3 Pope Romanus. Theodore L, and John IX each "rescind and abrogate" the de crees of the immediate predeces sors 909 to 9,63. Popes Sergius III, and Popes John XT, XII, and XIII. ro infamous-v vi'e, thai the tory.of their lives never ap pears in pnnt (See Cardinal Baronius ) yc-t. Pone I..eoVIII. Caught in adultery and killed by the wo tnau's husbana. 665. Pcpe Benedict strangled because of his wickedness. 975. Pope Benedict VIII Was murdered at a banquet in the Va A tican by sixty of the leading men 6f Rome bis guests. yS4 Pope Boniface VII.. Died in a debauch 9b5 Pope John XV. ; 1012 Pope Benedict Vlt Massacred the Jews in their syna gogues. 10124 Pope John XIX Driven from the city by the people of! Rome for his wickedness 1 1033 Pope Benedict IX .Made pope at age of 12, Deposed; re stored; deposed again 1044 John XX Bought pon tifical chair from Benedict There are now three popes Benedict, Sylvester and John : '. .1073 Gregory VII One of the greatest and 'worst of the popes (Hilderbrand) 1099 Pope Pascale II Ty rant and political intriguer y ; lU)9 Pope Alexander bad 1198 Pope Innocent III VeryH 122 Pope Gregory IX Y as sacres the Albigenses and sells A LETTER pitable people. These floods h ive washed away a good many- b ridges and destroyed a great deal of corn, hay, cotton, sweet potatoes, cow peas, velvet beans and other farm products. Many loosing about, all they had m ide to run them for another oar. There will be much suf Vi'ing in consequence of these vorftows. Our hunting seasons is on again, I have already heard the toot of the fox hunt-H-s' horn and the music, if you wish' to call it such, of the hound chasing the fox. Last hunting season 1 had much, sport hunt irfg. But did not get a great variety of game. I went out ne cold frostv morning, real ... T- 0V eirly, up the river about a half mile to shoot some ducks, but just before I got to the place where the ducks werethey saw ne and flew. So, thinking they possibly wouid come back, I ilocided to wait on them. I had iut bvn w iiting ioug before a s:imrvl simwtid himself and ; Mi!M..'ir..-'d tf brn k. Seeming y m bM.s.-r m. But for ear of m iunx a nise that )'.!: r-iifii-eu the ducks away . wou'd no-, .-shoot. After the squirrel disappparfd I heard a wua lurlrev ve cinir . !if ik i ... i O . - w, fo'nig through ihe bushes, was but fc see it I could not to s:-tve me So I came bme. verv much dis- leartened with my hunt as I did not get a single shot. The crops generally of this section are not considered, an average this vear Cotton and corn are eroinor to bo fntlr n fourth off Sweet potatoes are looking well, but the pea crop is almost, a failure. The water melon crop was not an average,, iltiough my melons were fairly ?ood.' We had melons for near ly three months.' We ate our last oue yesterday, October 2nd. One of our neighbors had i good many volunteer melon sT, I heard -a man say not 4ong ago that he ha.d pulled some nice melons that grew in the Woods. He said it was not far from where a saw mill had been and nesupposed that the hands. h?u bought sotne-melons the year before and had a, en them near the mill In t:nat way he account ed for the melons growing there. I guess I had better close be fore my scribbling t i too long. Bat before closing let me ,cpn grntulate you on the improve ment you have made on your paper the Carolina Watchman 1 consider it the best paper I get and especially do I enjoy the comment on the -Sunday school lessons by P B Fitzwater, D. D. EF Eaton.. indulgences for any crime - 1281 Pope Martin IV. The terrible "Sicilian Vespers" mas sacre occured under this pope . J 288-Pope Nicholas IV. Ori ginated the inquisition 1294 Pope Boniface VIII Romanist historians agree . tbat this man was bad, and say that he is still in Purgatory 1305 Pope Clement V Very bad 1316 Pope John XII One of the worst in all respects. Sold indulgences for every known sin 1342 Pope Clemen VI Al most as bad as John XXII ' 1362 Pope Urban. Grossly immoral. K57s tol4l7 Ther-e were two or three popes reigning at the same time through ail this period the most of them exceedingly ba,d. f 1471 Pope Sixtus IV One of the very worst of all popes 184 Innocent VIII Bitter persecutor of the Vandois . 1491 Pope Alexander VI The infamous Borgia, whose career is so well kr own . 1565 Pope Pius & Ordered assassination of Queen Elizabeth X J trv' . ,91

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