THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN; SALISBURY, N. 0. LOCAL NEWS of interest to &LL GF OUR READSaS. 4 Anoth-r of eeve'al bur; 'irwd German prisons rn intern I tor til war pnsstd .through Salisbury ?u luute for No' Springs N C tnr day night. C;. cis son of Oapt J II Nichol s lias beeu cboeri at a inem b-r of the radio corps of the US army. Mr Nich rnna will be educated at Mar v rd by the gnven meut for his work. He j ned the na vy at Portsmoulh Va al out eix moiiths ago A law was passed by the lst legislature to ipqiiirti-cit izns or the physiciab in charge to Tepor all confcij?e ous disease to the county q i a routine' nicer within ?4 hours This is done to pre vent the spread of disea? "and e Merries U VV Currie h the Rowan quarantine oiaoei to wh m such reports are to be made. NewtouDBikr Secretin of Var pssrtl through Sal isbury en route t (Jliarlotte last, Saturday whea Iih t? ent the day .inspecting Camp Green. John L ' lieadlem-m JKsqi, it pej'sou il friend of VI i Bakers was at the train and, they exchanged cordial greet ings. . A squad of Salisburians went down to Badin WoLda and instituted a strong lodge if the Pythiau order the; . Dr J J IVIott a prprnfii-iit citizen of Statesv;ile vvel known here is repprte i to be quite ill. The woTk f building six a 'dttioual rooms to the I r' Baptist church has been br gun by Contractor (J P i'os ter. C W Belts fireman ou the S )uthern's yards at Spencer, was knocked unconscious ast TimrsJay morning when his engine ran into some box .iars on a siding An effort is. cn foot to have the womn register and spec ify what kind of service they could render in case the gov ernment should call for their aid; Baxter Cain, who was con victed at the last term of the R( wan Superior court, U be ing held in the Rowan j?tl to aait the decision of the Su preme Court to which he ap pealed. 'Judge ."Cine fixed November 9th for the date of Cain's electrocution but owing to the appeal a rjew date will have tQ be deid d Oil. The Salisbury street car paople are trying out onn of their new one man cars on the Piedmont line rur nog from the old courteous i to the fair ground In this type of car there is a receptacle for the ticket? and money into which the passeugersdepojit same. It, of course has giass sides to it, in order that the operator cau see that the proper fare is paid. iMaurice E Miller of S.ilis h irv. a road euarineer. has - . j , - been appointed supervisor of maintenance of the public highways for several counties in the eastern part of this State with headquarters at Fayetteville. Mr Millar has rinnn considerable -work JUL this county and is considered well qualified for bis. new position. Perry Clins of Catawba Ceunty Commits Sui-: Perry Ciine of Catawba county, shot him self through the heart about noon Monday and died im mediately Mr Cline was about 22 years old, worked during the night at the express office and roomed on West Innes street, where he committed self murder. He was known to ije dissatisfied with his work and was losing weight so rave up his position, was expecting- to obtain employ ment ai Spencer, but a friend who was going to take him out to the shops made f delay and promised to go out with him in the after noon He had been dratted and excused, but received notice to report for service in the army. He . had married only a few months ag3 and leerned to be quite despondent, He went to his room just before noon Mon day placed something over $10 on the dresser, wrote his wife a note, she being at her sister's a shore distance away, telling her that he loved her and that he could not take care of her as he would like to, then shot himself through the .heart. Neighbors were called in aud his wife and the officers were notified. His remains were taken-to an under taker's and later to his wife's sister's home, Mr T L Propst, on i-outh Caldwell Street, where they remained . uniil Tuesday morning when they were taken to Newton, thence to his old home in the country, where the funeral and interment took place. No one seems to be able to give a plausa1 le excuse for his rash act, but it is thought that owing to lack of profitable employment and the fact that he had been drafted had something to do with it. To Celebrate the Reformation in Salisbury. The quadricenteinial of the Protestant reformatio!, the con vention of tte United Lutheran Synod of the South and the cele bration of the 150th anniversary of the establishment of St John's church, wnere these meetings are to be held. This will be quite an event in the history of1 Luiheranism in the South and a larye number of delegates and able ministers will be present and take part tn the exercises. A program covering three days has been arranged which will be gin at 10:30 a m, Tuesday, fcNo v;mberbth, and close with the evening service on Thursday, November 8th. Some of the ablest divines in the Southern cnureh are on the program and some in teresting addresses are expected." Sour Stomach. Eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly abstain from meat for a few ti?ys and in most cases the sour stomach will disappear. If it does not, take one of Cham berlain's Tablets immediatly af ter supper. Red meats are most likely to cause sour stomach and you may find it best to cut them out. Rowan Superior Court in Session. Anone-wek term of the Row an superior court convenced here Monday with Judge E B Cline of Hickor'v. presiding. This is a civil t.rm and consequently only ' i criminal cases will be heard. One of the first cases of import ance coming up was a motion by the attorneys for Gaston Means to have Judge Ciine grant an or der for certain papers being held by New York lawyers which are of value to both the defense and! the prosecution. Solicitor Cle- ment contended that there was no means whereby these papers can be secured, although he is an xious to get them and is perfectly willing for the defense to see them. Croup. If your children are subject to croup get abottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and when the at tack comes oh be careful to fol- 1 1-:. .-:..nA i. t: jow xnt mam lu. c.i ictuuus. You will be suipnsea at the quick relief which it affords. I CARRIAGES trl k M V'Jl Miss Virginia Mary Withers and Samuel Harvey Gordan of Spencer, were united in marri- age at the parsonage of the first Baptist church in Salisbury Friday afternoon, the pastor, Rev C A G Thomas, officiating. T he marriage of Miss Beulab Ma.y, daughter of Mr and Mrs G O Kluttz, and Ulrick Ray Miliar, took place ir.. St. John's E L church Monday afternoon, Rev M M Kinard officiating. They ief t soon after the cere mony for Columbia S G where Mr Viller is in camp with the soldier boys, beinga clerk in the office. Miss Dorothy Watkins and W F Colli n, one of the secretaries of the Spencer, Y M C A. were married at the Ifoaie of the bride in Knoxville, Tenn, last Thurs dayt They will make their home, in Spencer. The congregation of the Luth eran el urch at Kannapolis were surprised after a regular service in that church Sunday, Septem ber 3'Jth, when the church sec retary, read an invitation for the members tthereof to attend the wedding of Miss Mary Ina Bal lentine of Lexington, S C. and their pastor, Rev Geo. Henry Calvin Park, which is to take place in Lexington, October 24th. Mr Park is a son of J Prank Park of this county. Notice of Adjournment of Statesyille Court la Salisbury. The following notice has been sent out: You are hereby notified that owing to the fact that the Exemp tion Beard for the Western Dis trict of North Carolina is occupy ing the Court Room at Statesville, the October term of said court is adjourned to Salisbury to begin at said place on Tuesday, October :6th, at 11 o'clock A M. Do not go to Statesville; go to Salisbury on October 16lh, if re quired to attend Please notify interested parties as you have op portunity. Ey order of the Court. J. B. Gill, Deputy Clerk. Un'ted States District Court. , Western District of NorthCarolina Statesville, N. C, October 8 1917. Farmers' Union to Most in Salisbury. The Rowan County Farmers' Union will meet in the Saturday, October 13th. at 10 o'clock This will be the occasion of electing delegates to represent Rowan County in the North Carolina Farmers Union which meets in Winston-Salem November 7th and 8th. Other important busi ness will come before the Union and each Local should be" rep resented. Arthur L. Kluttz, County Secretary. Mrs. Smith Recommends Chamberlain's Tab lets. "I have had more or less stom ach trouble for eight or ten years" writes Mrs G H Smith, Brewerton, N. Y. '"When suf feriug from attacks of indigestion and after eating, one or -two of Chamberlain's Tablets have always relieved me. I have also found them a pleasant laxative' These tablets tone up the stom ach and enable it to perform its functions naturallv. If you are troubled with indigestion give tbera a trial, get well and stay well. An Entertainment at Patterson School. Tnere will be a play at the patterson school house W the j njght.of October 18th, the same date oi the Community Fair. The play will be given by the members of The United Farm Woman's Club and a very small admission will be charged for the benefit of the Club, which' was recently organized by '.. the progressive ladies of the Patter son Community Every body come and enjoy a good laugh. f. n.i. J2 1 n tfH (a une iuuib oit ior saie, a pt.v to Jacob B Beaver. Rock - j well, R. 2, N. C. 3ARNUS BAILEY CIRCUS IS COMING fSest Show On lEarth Will Soon Exhibit ThlS YiClnity' Once again the glad tidings i.arg uaiiig. spreaa oroaucasi, m- ini& of the coming of the Barnum &cBailey's circus. The great esirshowon earth, it is anuonced wiV p'ossitively be exhibited wfiin easy traveling distance tnis; season anoVas usual, a large percentage of the population wijj declare a holiday to visit the s haw . fl)e big circus will exhibit in Charlotte on October 25th. li' is promised that nothing to compare with the present Bar uujftjaud Baily performance has ev&r been seen under canvas. NeiJ' and novel features have beej imported from abroad and a program of events, thrilling, edicational and screemingly uti .' will occupy every instant n tgree rings, four stages, the iggings above, and the hippo- dr?ie surrounding for more hai:; three hours. Inhere is a new and gorgeous i.' . . . .ragman t entitled, "Aladdin and Hi;Wonderful Lamp" in which neayly 1.400 persons and one thousand animals appear in magnificent costumes rivaling the, dress of the people of the fanlus "Arabian Nights" story. Thfcs.will be followed by a host of Jicts in all parts of the gret enclosure. There will be sixty clowns, a greatly increased menagerie of wild ai d untamed animals, four great herds of ele- phijijts, several caravans of cam els and many recently born baby aulmals. The free street parade, which will start from the circus otat 10 o'clock on the morning oveircu? day; is entirely differ - en from anything of tha kind ev&r shown before. It will be hree miles in length and there wiU be bands on foot 'on horse back, and riding on top of wagons of ired and gold. There will be six!bands in all and they will be agisted by three steam calliopes i nft an electric piano. With the largest tent in the history of ail circuses. the Barnum & Bailey circus prom ises; tn is season to make good agssin us boast that it is th& Greatest Shou On EU'th. Five railroad trains com- prfsing 89 railroad cars, will be required to transport its para phsjrnalia, and more than 75o noises. will be used to transfer its?,wagons from the railroad yvijds too. the show lot. 4 ' A Woman Beat up on the Highway. , A woman giving her name as Mrs L M Conger of Salisbury, wits found at a school house near Lexington last weekconsid eriibly beaten up and without shes. She sard she had left Salisbury in an automobile with h-lr husband, who, about two ' miles this, side of Lexington, stopped the car and demanded her money, but as this was re fused he beat her into insensi bility, took her money and cloth ing and left her to die. She said she was a Kearns before hex marriage and her people lii&d between Stlisbury and OBiria Grove. She claimed that sla had no money but upon her arrival in Salisbury paid the aisto driver from her pocket for tbo trip. This of course spoiled allpf her story. Rev W B Duttera paetor o the First Congregational eynrch, and L ( Isenhour a lay delegate left to-day for Colnmbus Ohio to at tend a celebration of the 30th anniversary of dongrega tTonalism Whenever You Need a General Toalc : j Take drove's. tfThe Old Standard Grove's Tasteless dnll Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the WtUKBOWniQmc proucnicsoi yuinix w 11 j I i- t rVTTTVTTTt j ed iron. It acts on the IAvSr, Drives ' oat Malaria. Enriches the Blood and aildsp the Wbbl System. 60 cents. Berrie Safritof Chestnut Hill; age 24, died at his home Saturday morning from ihe ef fects of tuberculosis. The funer al took place Sunday afternoon and wascouducted by Rev.GHL Lingle of Haven Lutheran church. The interment was in Chestnut " 'Hill Cemetery. A mcther survives. Mrs Frances Ellen', relict of the late H H Swicegood of Davie county, died at the home of he"r daughter, 'rs Geo. H Shaver, on North Main Street last Wed nesday morning, freing 78 yeai s old. The funeral was held from the Lutheran church at Chen y Hill, Davie County, Thursday afternoon, Rev M M Kinard of Salisbury, officiating. Mrs Swicegood had been making her home with Mrs Shaver for some time, but was visiting another daughter in Winston- Salem. She was brought 'to Salisbury in an ambulasice the day before her death. Slie was an excel lent woman and !eaves a number of children to mourn their loss. Benjamin Godfrey died at the home of his bmthery.O C God frey in Spencer, last Wednes day night from rre--, effects of pellagra, being only 31 years old. His remains were t iken to Hertford, N O, where the fun- er&l and interment took place. He leaves a wife and several children. Mrs. W T Kincald DaarJ. Mrs May Steele Kincaid, wid ow of the late W T Kincaid died Monday afternoon at her home on Davie avenue her death r,esujting from internal hemor rhage. She was 52 years old. The death of Mr Kincaid came as a shock to her many friends. Her relatives and inti mate friends had known for some time, she was not in the. best of health, but none suspect ed that her condition was serious. She retired about 9 o'clock Sun day night, Yesterday mdrning her little n'jice, Sarah Kincaid was sent to her room to see if she was ready for breakfast. The little girl reported her aunt asleep. About an hour later her sister, Mrs HL Kincaid, went to her room aud found her ill. She was conscious for a while. Vrs Kincaid was a dau liter of the late John Steele of Rjwan county. She is survived by a brother, Mr J I Steele of Clevelaad, and and four sisters Mrs J P Knox of of Waynesville, Mrs H L Kincaid of Statesville, Mrs W F Thompson and Mrs . Annie Ford of Cleveland Her hnsband to whom she was married about 25 years ago, died in April of this year Funeral services will be held at Lhehome this afternoon at 3 o'clock conducted by her pastor, DrJERaynal Interment will be in oakwood cemetery Bad too In Court. Tom Roshell, a strange negro was before the county court last Thursday morning facing sever al charges in one case he was charged with snatching $15 00 irom tne nana or another negro and was bound over to Superior court for same: the second count was a charge of obtaining $15 00 from three parties which wag to deliver each a gallon of whiskey, a case of obtaining money under false pretense; for this he was also bound over to the superior court. 'The. third count was for soliciting orders for whiskey which drew him twelve, months on the county roads, and the fourth count, that of vagrancy, he was found not guilty, He is thought to be a bad character who is wanted elsewhere for crimes ES DOING THEIR DUTY. Scores of Salisbury Readers are Learnine the Duty of tiie To filter the blood is the kid ney's duty. When they fail to do this the kidneys are weak. Backache and other kidney ills may follnw; Help the kidneys do their work. Use Doan's Kidney Pills the tested kidney remedy. Salisbury people endorse their worth. Mrs J F Barber, 510 W Innes St., Salisbury, says. "My back causes me a lot of misery, when jver my kidneys get out of order. I find Doan's Kidney Pills are he only medicine for relievning hat trouble, I have taken them for years and they h a vg always" een beneficial." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't .imply ask for a kulney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the ame that Mrs Barber uses. Fos Milburn Co. Mfgrs., Buffalo, Y. Jar Salisbury fflcrchatns. Mr Business Man, if you have .iot yet acquired" the habit you mould get it at once and adver ise your goods in the Watchman if you want to reach a class of iowan connty's citizenship that s really worth while. Don't think for a minute that you reach all the pedple through any it'ier advertising medium. I'd ere are Jots and lots of people vvhom du can not reach through any other paper but this one. vvt- happen to know whereof we speak If you are prejudiced -tg aint 1 he p per on account of its polio v to sue an extent that, you will not use its advertising columns you are the greatest loer Our readers will probably conclude that you are prejudiced against them ako and do not want their trade and they are uot likely to force it on you T-he paper stands for what it conceives to be the right thing and there is absolutely no apol ogy for its policy. If you do not believe in ; dvertising may the Lord have mercy on your unpro-t gressive spirit- You are neglect ing the one essential thing that' will boost your businessr - Get wise, advertise or the sheriff will do it by and by. Ex. While the b ys and girls are at distant points they naturally wish to hear from Home. You may write often yet overlook much tnat they would like to kuow. Vi hat could be better than to send them the Watchman and Record, two papers per veek, durning the school term for prily 50c ts. This would give them all the news and be much cheaper than writing. Send in :ubrciptions. J. Montague Smith familiarly Known, as "Monty boy," young, e&sy-gcing banh. cash ier, cf&rlzng of society, interested in socHs and necKtie3. Two hours later this same individ ual is plain JohnM. Smith, fugitive from Justice, charged with murder, hiding in a freight car, heating his way to se curity. A swifter metamorphosis than that which trans forms this character would be hard to imag ine or a better story than that in which he appears hard to find. JKe Real . S jfi an is interesting right from the beginning.mgenious, swift-moving and with plenty of exciting, mo ments. It is one of the best pieces of fiction ever written by that popular writer, Francis Lynde Our New Serial Be Sure to Read. It : , 0 ' V 1 4 1

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