pi. iH p: ' THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, SALISBURY, I?. O. -4 8 1 3 4 V Written by: BUB COBRESPONDEN! FATTH Oct 15 John M Beet show ed U3 an Irish potato he raised tnat weighed 21bs Who can beat it? Carl Tioatman took a load of young people in his auto mobile to Mt Pleasent where they went tt enter school. Peter Swink has a pump kin that weighes 501bs Who can beat it? J T Wyatt shipped seven pair miilitones to Georgia to day. The farmer who lives on Lewis Kluttz's farm had a corn shucking Friday night. , Who can beat that for early corn shucking? Venns spent Friday night with Mr and Mrs R L Pickler near Rockwell. We slept bur ried in a good warm s' ft old time feather bed and had fcleasent dreams, Mrs Pick ler is one of the best house keepers we ever saw, everything in the kitchen and house is as clean as a pin and she i a fine cook We got some fine meals there Mr Holshouser. the bid soldier, Mrs Pickhr's father is still en joying life and can entertain anyone telling about war times and the ups and dewns they had during the civil war. We met H Bowman the the showman in Salisbury Saturday. Ha was in Faith one time with his sho w and it was one of the best lit le traveling shows We ever saw. This show was in China Grove rlast week. Venns took dinner for the first time with Charley Bar per Sunday and got one of the finest dinners we ever had. Her light bread can't be beat, Everything on the table was home raised except the pepper and It. lie has two acres in fiue late Irish potatoes and he is a good farmer. Beauford Rinehart has gone to Badin to visit his grandfa ther, W D. Rinehart. Mrs. P. A. Peeler and grlfrid ' diughteis Helen Jones, -has gone to Star Town to spend lu days with Mrs. Peeler' daughter, Mrs, H.A. Feaper man. Solomon Rinehart of Badin has been visiting his brother, John Rinenart, for a few days before he leaves for the war. Mr and Mrs John Rinehart the following Sunday mht. Everybody is cordially invited to attend the services and if they wish to take part in them, they will be gladly received, for we want to do this service for the Lord and want the prayers of Uncle Sam Needs 10,000 Stenographers and Typewriters at Once. " Washington. D O, October 15 Now that Uncle Sam has th young men ot the country iu training for military ser- fell! LOOK HERE FOR IT. theChristian people who can and' vic he finds that he needs cannot attend these services. They m-iy accomplish a lot of crrnA in mil pnm'mnnit.u fnr t.hp sake of Jesus Christ who oied oe the cross to redeem us from our sins. So let's make use, of that great loving and merciful sacrifice by letting him cleanse usin his blood Rosewood. fflaly ft Salisbury Reader Will be Interested. f - KWhen people read about the c$es made by a medicine endors eftfrom -far away, is it surpris ing that they wonder if the state ments are truer out, when they reid of cases right hers at home G&ANITE QUARRY. Mrs R R Boggs and son, Claresceof Catawba, N C, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ed Kale at Granite Quarry. Mrs Hattie Kale of Albemarle spent Sunday at Granite Quar ry with her neice, Mrs Ed K tie. J B McCombs, II P Lyerly. C H Lyerly, E L Lyerly and Ed Kale of Granite Quarry, went to Camp Green at Charlotte Sun day and reported a fine trip. TheLadies aid Society at Gran ite Quarry will have a play at tfie school house Friday night, October 19th, 19 17. entitled the "Dutch Detective," for the ben efit of the church. Admission 10 ?nd 20c. Vr and Mrs John Safrit and little son of Kannapolis, spent Sunday at Granite Quarry with Mr and Mrs Tom Peeler Mr and Mrs Paul J Lyerly has gone to housekeeping next door to the bank. Herman Wilkerson is assistant to the agent at Granite Quarry and they have a lot of granite to handle now while the granite works are. on a boom all along the granite belt. Many carloads of granite go out every day.' Ele is studying telegraphy and typing and is getting along fine. Wagamaw. ' MILL BRIDGE. John v organ and VV E Lyerly took Mr M organ's dog out the other night audit hid never seen a 'possum before and it caught one the first 10,CK)0 typewriter operators and stenographers and type writers, both re en and' women for the Departments at Washington. The CivP Ser vice Commission has notified ail f it's 3,000 boards of ex-MMrsT Robinson 122 E aminers that they should put ST,, Salisbury, says. foHh their best efforts to be- rheumatic twinges in my limbs cur.' these urgently needed a3& back- 1 learned of the mer- i i j tH'fpugh my friends and I used tious are now held weekly V J -. .. m Ar ritit thtt I InmniiaaiAii I er I have noticed my Uidtieys since or puive proof is within their rich. tor close investigation is 5W ... jafeasy matter. Read Salisbury endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. Kerr I had Stal :8 that arrangements will be made to have an examina tion held at any accessible iilaie where a small class rf applicants can be secured. The eu trance salaries range thji least out of order nsS back has been weak or lame Ivijave . taken a few doses of an's Kidney Pills and they re- gyed me. iPr'ice 60c. . at all dealers from Sl: 000 to SI ,200 a year DkVt simply ask for a kidney Promotion is reasonably rap- roSnedy get Doan's Kidny Pi41s in iw QttT,tr;atb. same that Mrs Robinson uses . IF&ster-Milburn Co, iVfgrs, Buf- prove satisiaciory. io ap fb, N. Y "point ments can be made to . - there or otlaer positions m tlia WW Sale Ol Heal EStM i?r(irai ciassinea civil service 1 Money worKs 24 hours a . fn l M day andseven deys' a J Iff est op. Investments does not Vv Ly how in the statistical tables. n fon o n f f iliA nrrhoicirhna rrn t al noA in o i. i r: i I r" umsauiuuiiAou uy ki vn mTtgge trust deed registered in Book 20 SerVCe Commission Under p&e 304, register's Office of Iredell County 8 Office of Fowan 74, executed by ee Wright, Trustee the civil service law. Any alf, in lx Agister's . j . 4 a . Cnentv in Book 57 page information to the contrary L 0verca8h to R Le is unauthorized. This is a 2. default having been made in the payment and children took an autoi?8. tr 80 co1 jiSht equinox wiiMi Hior.-a ana cooi wave. t)ip to Cabarrus County. to vlMt Mrs Rinehart's sister, Mrs. A.dam Hagler. John Ritchie is moving beck to Faith from Salsibury in his owii home. There is no place like Faith after all. VenuB is invited to a corn shucking at Mr Pickler's this week. John Waller who has been driving a two horse team here for many years for J A Feeler, is confined to his room. He is not so very well. A good road is being built below Faith . now. It was badly needed. Venus. PHAN1EL CHURCH. October 15th. During the prayer meeting at Rock Grove Church they had the pleasure of having one of the best preach ers ever known to have preach ed there. He was young Rev. Ruben Sowers of uearCooleemee There will be pray er meeiiug at Rock Grove M E Church next Saturday night, Octber 20th, also at Phaniel Baptist church nirht. Venus if you can beat that trot out your 'possum dog. A young farmer at Mr and Mrs C A Goodman's of Mill Bridge. C A Goodman and a crowd of Utile boys went hunting and caught. five 'possums with one dog in one night. Who can beat that? Extra. Weather Forscast for October, 1917. Fiom 7 to 15, fair, clear, some changeable, mild with thunder, rain followed by cold wave with frost along From 15 to 23 rain and if wind is north-east at from 8 to 10 pm on the 15th, cold rain with snow north. From plend?d Opportunity tO Serve of principal and interests the holder of the vmir nnnntrv. Full informs. havin& demanded foreclosure, the nn- ji I designed will sell, at public auction, to the nun. may ue secured irom me ihj secretary of the board of civil U service exaniners at the post test bidder for cash, at the court house r in the Town of Salisbury, at 12 o'clock ollice in your city. North Carolina, . Rowan county. In Rowan County Conrt Snider & Company T8 EF Carter and N A (jri gg, trading as Carter A Gregg Supply Co J Notice m, on October 3Ut 1917. both of the tracts d inscribed below, first separately and then together, and will also sell at. the Court hipse door In btatesvule at 12 o clock M. ofcthe 5 33th day of October 1017, tff firpt named tract, the following describ ireal esUte; iiFirst Tract: In Coddle Creek Township, adjoining the lands of Whistori M- lion, &J3Q From 30 to Nov 6, fair and frojy, with rain, tinea t;rg wave ex- to October she v;s cold wave along, with equinox, some warm and some cool along. Not- ail weather mentioned in forecast does not mean rain every day, but note the expectingsiu sections, from 1 to 3 or 4 days rain as above. Henry Reid, H-3, Box 167, Salisbury ,-N VT The Beauty Secret. Ladies desire that irre sistible charm a good complexion. Of course they do not wish others to know a beautifier has been used so they buy a bottle of Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER and use according to simple directions. Improve ment is noticed at once. Soothing, cooling and refreshing. Heals Sunburn, atopa Tan. Pink, White, Rose-Red. , 75c at "Druggists or by mail direct Sample (either color) for 2c Stamp. Lyon Mfg. Co., 40 Southfifth St., Brooklyn, N.Y. The defendants above named will take Ick McKniyht, und oiheis, and beginring notice that summons in the above entitled a Hicfeory, ..Mellon' coron r, thence action wag issued against said tlefendants I yfth this line W. 70 polss to P. 0 N. on the 3rd of October, 1917, Irom Rowan County ( ourt, to recover the sura of Two Hunddred Twenty nineDollars and Twenty Cents ($229.20) by account, which, summons is made returnable before said court at the Court House in Salisbury, N, C. on Novem ,bei 5, 1917. at 9:30 A. M. The defendants will also take notice that a Warrant of Attachemeut was issued by said court due November 5, 1917, against the property ol said defendans which war-r ran, is returnable before said court at tbe time and place above named for the return of summons, when and where the defendants are required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief de nia'ded will be granted J. Frank McCubbinsT Clerk Rowan County John L Rendleman, Attorney. .'Jorth Carolina R .wan County I la Rowan County S Court A It VVertz va NOTICE 1 S Reams ) O S Reams will take notice that an action entitled, as above, h-aa been c mm need in Rowan rounty court to u CDVPr the sum of four hundred, dol lar? ($400 00) ag damages for breach of cot; tract for failure to convey said r al estate in accordance with the wr'tt-Mi contract, and the said defend ant ttill further take notico that he if required to appear at Kowan county c urt, the same to be held on October 9, 1917, at the court h me of. sid county, in said State, at 9:30 ? m. ano answer or demur to the complaint iai, t I th" C JUEfc in said com pi This, September 6, 1917. J Frank MoUubbins , Clevk Snperior Courl. John L Rendleman, attorney. .binniwg at a stone, G. G. McKniaht's cpner; thence with his line N. IS W. 60 pes to a W. O ; thence Wl 27, poles to the cpek; thfence down the creek 38J poles to atiwee'gum iJtump; thence W. 83 F.. 33 p9e8 to the beginning, containing 6ix (6) aSes. " Terras of sale cash. L his September 25, 1917. j K. JLee right, trustee. 1, -pi Executor's Nottce. The undersigned, having qrfalified as executor of the estate of L J Dancy, de ceased, this is to notify all persons having, claims against the estate of the said de ce ised to present the same to the under signed duly verified on or before the 12th day of July, 1918 or this notice will. be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. July 9. 1917. J M Dancy, Executor of L J Dancy, deceased, MooresvilTe, R F D., N C Zeb V Turlington, attcrney.' Notice to Creditor?. Having q-ialified as administratis upon the eptate of W A Ranisey deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present , tlic , Ktue 10 me unaersigned on or before Sept. 21, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Any person indebted to the estate will call and settle with the undersigned at once This September, 21.1917. I Mrs Weston Capps Rarasev, Bisoiai k Capps, Atty. A'dm'r, ! nston'a corner, thence with' hij line F. 5 E 25J poles to Mulberry; thence S 20 Hj:il4 poles to a Sweetgim; tnence S. 20 E. poles to a stake, cor er of 5: thence said lot E. 92 poles to a stake; thence E 29 poleB to a stake at the corner of tie barn lot, thence N. 75 E. 31 poles to a fike; thence N. 20 E. 1GJ- poles to a stake, tfjLhce S 78 E. 45 poles to a stake corner o. 1; theace with said lot N. 52 poles r&ja stake, G. G. McKnight'H line; thence wh'hi8 line 123 poles,4o a sione; thence N fc; poles to the beginning, containing six tft(60) acres. See deed tJook 25 page 465 Te above tract is in Ired 11 ounty: lecond Tr,act; In Rowan Count, on tlddle Cieek, adjoining the lansof Locke Knight,-Dan Fisher an-1 others, and at Trade with 6, P. SHUH THE GROCER, itafSfallf demand U 01 ' miaint. S? (irade Groceries at 3 very low prices. Iibiiy all kinds of Produce ghickens, Eggs, Bacon, and vegtables. -See him Headquarters for Watkitf fi- Medicioe Co. I" 'fhone 57. If 119 W. Inniss St. P.SHUP Cfi ForSale. A veiy fine fresh jtnilkcovv. Apply lo T E Webb R;. Salisbury, N C. s, ; Peoples National Bank SAUSeURY.fi. c ani cor show ir That is why England is rich. Money placed in a savings banK is ah in- , vestment safe and sure. - MaKe yourself independent V One Dollar Starts an Account! it AND SALISBURY RUST GO. s t C V v n 4 We carry in sto k or rnakH to orri --r any kind of medal or rings cf the very' latest styles- in' solid gold and guai u tee our prices. We also do the finest watch' and jewelry.' repairing that can.be done arid every j b is fully guiraii teed. We carry the largest lirje of. Watfhe. Diamonds, ndf J ew!rv in 01 in. t art; ina . aee ns ror reiiani-5. uooas. no M IS REP It E 3 K N ;f A T 10 N S. ' W. H. LEflAOO Jawsf-'y & Ota me ad Merchant. V'aliaceRknT-.' Sali?ryt N' a 1 SALISBURY'S BIG GENERAL STORE A Full Line of Constn 1 1 5 f I whether i'I'h jw nrance FOOT UEST HOSIERY yon want m hosiery or wheaf'her if. war vm wil! it if yon get "Foot Rest." And th s too is an eirfnce- rnent to most of us. Yon'll SAVE MONEY. Fall ano winter gociH, heay weight undj?wetr for men womn, alsM Uivxs G ;. Shoen. Pantn, Overalls:' Hat?, Notions, Crockery. Tinware, etc. CRO a: d f;nc VVI eu in . X have p. ?cell eelectei nck of staph', groceries, count rj produce, ieed,plnftr. etc need come to" Hoe me. Farnjf rs are invited to make my place headquar ters wliile in the ciiyi Very truly. ; W. W, TAYLOR,- Tboiue. vi9 103 S. Main St , Sn??! ury, N. C, ""M"m"Tr111" "I"' ii ii "K'iii i iii'hi mmi ' i i hi n I, i nw J w Tim 'tasjtasaas HiE-:'SOVIHS 9' i An Ambition and a. Record; J TKE needs of the South L.re identical with the needs J of the Southern Railway: the growth and success of one meant l J the upbuilding of the other. Tv-:-' ' The Southern Railway asks no favors no tpecial orivileee not i accordf-d to others. v ! t The ambition of the Southera Railway Comoanv is to ee that ! i unity of interest that is born of co-operation tjetwewa the public and tbr raiireadd; to reperfeaed that fair and f ranlc'policy in the manage- Bent o railroadj wnicU invK.3 tLe confidence of eovemmental arenciesj to rcaHze that liberality cf treitnent -hich will enable it 1 to obtain the additional capital ner led for the acquisition of better and ' eniarei facilities incident to ilic demand for increased and better ervke; and, finally To take its niche in the body politic of the South, alongside of Other ereat industries, with no more, but with equal liberties, equal tights and equal opportunities. " The Southern Serves the Souths" E8 a genera IF banking business Uv invites your accotinr. tWE PAY I0UK.PLK CtWT m:er.st egry three mat lbs in our pav.ngn drpjirt- ' 'Ijf'ronipt, c.pr. tt .-and confidential ti given to wi iHine. s entrusted MeCanws VV T Btisby,' 1 ridenL Casliit-r Ji D. Norwoo John Mc' anJ . ui . auuup s aIC UIDlffiera. De l. Gaskill, Vk FtnidiAt. " 1. f'':- i 4 -i '9 - '4 'J A A w m

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