- THE CAROLINA T7ATCHMAM, SAWSBURY, H 0. LOCAL NEW of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS. EaHts B Putmau, who ai one time mou keyed with type and prases in this oliip now a member of the 4th ('... C A 0, located at Fort Cat, well, was a Salisbury visitor lust week and came in to sh?ke bauds. Hh carre to tfalisbury too see his sister, Miss Margaret, who has bteb quite ill at the hospital fo? several weeks. Walter Ran kin, also a member of the company was hee a iw days lastv week to v'eit hie relatives. The boys of this company are reported to be in good health and are get ting alon nicely. Wade Bost, an employee of the iSpeecer shops, -while re luroing hme from his work Saturday eveuiug broke hit? left leg-near tne ankle by elippiuj off a fuot log while trying to tops oue at Graut (jreek near the Mocksville road He lemairied in the water until his cries brougut hlp. He was brought U Salisbury and after beiug givn attention by a doctor he was taken to a sanator ium. A pathfiuder car .will leave Wastiiuufton, D C, on October 30th, to lay out the Baukhead highway which wilt exteud o Atlanta. e party will pas through S. ??s bury and efforts are b '.jg ma le to have the road e roe by way of Salisbury. zaa held iii Salisbury Oct tober 10-13, cleared 78 50 d vided as follows: Sa is buiy S525,Chin ttrove S5, South RiVer $78, Graii te Quarry 69 85 and .Rockwell $31.65 This money will in used byeacii branch to pur $hase material to mike gar ments, bandages, etc.. for toe comfort of the polder boy v. 'Ibere was a meeting of th Red Cross at the old court house when plaus were e.ut o:i loot to greatly increase Us membership. The Patterson Manuf?".l uruig Company of 01 -ua Grove has purchased $14 00 th of Liberty Loan Bo ds That's comiug some China Grove for a PrHahvteiaTi eniiren ,:as jut been organized at B wit h a membership of fifV . 1 u Tndnv will orobably be the big day of the fair Mnnv7 iifAhfl business nou.e of the city will close s ) i at all may havtj au opportu it to atteud; The schools close also and the sciuoi j children will attend i: a body. The fair manare having generously agreed to admit them free wheu acc oi panied by their teachers Four carloads more of in termed Germans passed through Saltsbury Saturday en route for the detenuon camp at Hot Spriugs. Friday will be Negro day at the Fair and a large lo of excellent exhibits are expect ed to be displayed. CMC Barger, who has been tax collector for St Us bury township duriug .he past four years settled rlth the county commissioners at tho regular meetiug of 'his month, this office having been abolished fcy the legis latum ' I FINE FAIR , Somo Excellent Exhibits, Plenty ef Shows and a Good Time for All. The editor visited the fair yes terday and found things taking on shape for a lot of fine exhib its and a successful fair should the weather permit Every thing was oh the move and ex aibttors were getting- their arti cles on tables and shelves and walls to show to them advan agely. Among the fine booths were the following; Corporal Wilson of your Uncle Sam's army, has a lot of interest ing pictures and advertisements display and stands niady to fur nish any information tiesirod. L W Safrit of Crescent, has a fine exhibit of farm and garden produce and is expecting to carry off a big prize. Charlie Yost ahd V L Yost of St Paul neighborhood, have fine general farm exhibits. Mrs J A Missenheimer of the Summer neighborhood has a general farm exhibit. P J, Cress of the Grace Church neighborhood is also contesting for a big prize. The mulberry Local of the St. Paul' neighborhood is doing it self proud with a 'general exhibit. The Center girls Canning Olub of western Rowan" has a most excellent exhibit of beauti f ully canned fruits and vegetables that certainly look tempting. Belk Harry has a fine mercan tile exhibit. The Rouzer Garage occupies a booth that is interesting to auto mobile owners. W D Hartman of tho Dixie Pur- niture Company hus s dice booth. W F Ave?, he ncriorcycle and VictroJa man, i;a a nice line of goods on dtepl.xy. The Farm Life Schools of Chiua Grove has a verv nice ex hibit of farm products and specimens of its work which is in harge of Prof, and Mrs C E il er. The fancy work certainly skows the great skill of the ladies from all sections of the county and is beautifully deco ated. ! The eats department makes one hungry. Here we find the finest specimens of bread, cakes, pies, canned fruits, vegetables, preservee, jams, butters, etc. The educational department is full of interesting exhibits of class workj penmanship, draw ings, pictures compositions, etc These are from various schools in the county, China Grove, Spencer Salisbury and other points. These fine ihing3 brought to gether will interest all progressiv citizens and need to be seen to be fully appreciated. Besides these there are many other attractions. The races the siock exhibits and numerous other articles. Make it a point to go to the fair and thus broaden your own view of the county's resources! ' and help make the fair a worthy and permanent thing. A large shipment of can ned goods, a donation from the members of the Birst Frepbyterian chinch, will be shipped to the Barium prii.gs orphanage this week There is about 1000 quarts in the lot which will do much toward feeding the children there thin winter. A Bi? Raddish, W L Ludwick, one of the best truck and general farmers in Rowan, has a raddish on exhibi tion at Eagle & Sloop's that weighs five pounds. He also had a pumpkin vine that pro duced seventeen pumpkins, three of wnidh weighed forty- seven pound? ach. Now Venus. r - ;t0r prizes. The China Grove $5.00 a day theriaK Terorreens, j sch -is are doin- a good work Roots and Herbs. 10c brings and have carried off .their share book and war prices. Particulars of tha piizes heretofore and ex free Botanical-107-West Hav- pec t to do as much on this oc en. Conn. . . cassion. Mrs J C Pennington, a well known anr highly esteemed woman, died at h -rhomein Spencer. Tivslay evening, October 16th. aftr a long ill ness The funeral was held from the residence Friday afhaaoou. She leaves a hus bnd, a daughter and two youuK eons. She as Miesi E'. ta Earp before marriage. "''1 mud Sifferd died af bin hoiue nere Salem Church in Locks township Friday, October 12th, after several weeks illness, he being seyeral months over 78 years old. The funeral was beld from Salem Lutheran church Satniday following. His wife who was MifS Mary Aun Elizabeth Menius preceded bin -o the grave in March j 89 Ou brother, Daniel A atfferd. five sons, EM, ST, w L, L W, and V S, Kifftrd, and three daughters. Mi W. G Honeycutt iV rs Luther Safrit and Mrs Ross Cress, survive, also a second . wif. Mr Sifferd was a loyal member of Salem K L Church, a faithful Christian, a good citizen,- a brave Confederate, soldier and a true . friend He was well kaowu throughout the coup's and hi many frieud viP ; ?rot to leaiii of his vietli. J iok wb( Hv.-d in East Sa3iibu'y some veaM ago, but later moved to Cb uehland. Davie County, died last Friday from the effects ot hart disease. He was prob ably 50 years oM and was a member of Wiuonji Council, Jr () U A M, of th;s city and a number of the members at tended his funeral wnd inter ment at Churchland Satur day. Annual lea Cream Sficial Each family in the parish is as3est:i one dollar for the annual ice cream social, ano one is exempt from this assessment. Refusal to remit cash for enclos ed ticket, which admits entire fan;iW, will be ielt as a positive act of disrespect ind discourtesy to me personally K.ndly make cash return not later than Wed nesdav, July lah, to Father Kilkenny. ' The above is the contents of notice sent out to his r arishioners by Priest Kilkenny, ot Monett, Mo. This is a little bit oat- of sea son just now, and the mention of ice cream may bring- shivers to our readers, but the c.ird has just reached us and it is too erood to pass up. The point is that the dupes that adhere to Rome must ccme down with the cash. To fail to do so is an insult to the priest and one that calls for humiliation and embarrassment if uot excommunicato n and dam nation. The question ot wheth er you are rich or poor does not enter into the cae in the least, the priest wants the coin, and they are going to connect with it just ao long as you are. easy enough to stand for their impud ence. Catch on? The Menace. Ths China GroYB Schools Taks Part. The Chiia Gove Public schools and the Rowan Farm Lifo sciiool of China Grove have exhibits at trie fair in Salis J bury rhls week and wiu contest Pre sited at Union E. L. Church, . Rowan County J. C, October 21,1917. A cafttata for the celebration of the 4:M0th anniversary of Luth er's naipg the 95 theses to the irate olCthe cathedral at Witten berg. October '3.1, 1517. dk.ST OF CHARACTERS. Mnr'invLuther, Carl Hammer. Phillip Mclanchth.-n, Luther s Co Worker, John Barrinjjfer John TtEel, Papal agent for the sale Ci indulgences, Richard M PeekV.... The Captain of the Gnaid, Hen ry Kejler. , SnipertSr Charles Fifth. Armon LyerlJ-. Jrinces:fayorable tp the Kefor- ? Philip, Duke of Hesse, Charles ;Frk. -;. George, Markgraf of Branden-j bury, Roy Agner. Job n," Elector of Saxony, Hart man Ijeonard. Catherine Von Bora Amelia Sie in unn escaped nuns, Lucy Krnl.and Addie Lyerly, Gretch.a child, Melanchtaon's daughter, Ella May Ljerly. Margaret Ludwick, Jessie Maha Anna fjrmaun. Mary Walton. Emprei. Isabella, wife Fifth, Edna-Peeler. Ladies uf the Court, Blanch Peel er, Lviud Walton, Ruth Leon .ard, tosa' Black well Scenel: A street in Witten- berg, iff'tront of the cathedral. SceneII: A room in Luther's c nouse. , SctnvIIL The, imperial court at AoRsburg. cantata": was wrhien by Caii well- known in Salis burv av ednor and publisher oi S9" the aiburv Daily un, ar . Ua been pi.iahed in full by .n pub ncation - board ot the L,utaeran church, ftvhich is indicative f its meri:. THe jtrcsentation was a success in eer'way and a largre c"Owd attended and enjoyed the c lter- tainmen. - - Second Lfety Loan Facts. 1 Mvr thau 99 per cent of the pple of he Uuited States wan iuvest in the Sec ond Liberty 'Loan 4 per V' Dl iWdiMi'nit heing in any way a6fr :id by their taxable featurC 2 it.-? rse.vv ave exempt from afl utate and lotal axes 5 ii-! income irom tnt new 4$er crut Liberty Budh is Fult t ou'y to nrtax-8 4 taxH.s t evie,v oly on incolne- in excels ot'$ . COO 5 Qui of a tot.l n rrla- tlOll VI 11UUUUUUUHJ Ulrr m '- Un)tea tatee oi ly 400,000 ner oiis La d income ta ;es ii 1916 'ff Gwmv 24t5 uuj p -sjnp (aid tturtaxs 714000 face value of. new 4 ner pnt Lih r'yBonds ar exempt, from all taxes what soever; preeeut and f ut ure. 8 Aii individual may own provifiQf? lie hsL? no other capitail $130 QC0 Liberty Loan 4s andpay ho tax a 9 llie jncom&.oi au ium viduaj) from Liberty Loan Bondlproviding he has no other -riicom ia exempt up 1o $50C0 rgprents-thje 4 percent i-h .... k A f o fano iuioiD?si uu uuu iii yjL " " Value Jof $125,000 exempt '1, . -, . Irom ail normal Taxes ana $200 represents .tlifi interest at 4 pe-r cent on bonds Cf face value C)t' S5. 00 t-xempted U taxes (Paragraph Li "j-- r ii .ibetiy Loan Act. 4 - - Wht nevr You Need a General Tonic Tlie i) Standard Groves TasteleSs lii'-lijnie is equally valuable as a Take Give's. chil General Tonic because it contains the wel1. knon tonic properties of QUININE and IRG3SJ. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria. Enriches the Biood and TheedodythaTl? k beneficial to teeth jkp and stomach is JM best for childreru11 m f massages and, fsp strengthens 'J the gums f 1 1 1 keeps teeth I "CMzv 1 j clean and even; breath sweet. ?SN!v mear I aids appetite I and digestion. hk i The . I Flavor j Lern to admire rightly and you will learn to purchase wisely. Pt jpie of rofirjed taste admire our jewelry most because real jew elry ctrt appeals to them as oniv Wie jewel rv buying begins with provides jewelry ot artistic and tnan tne outsuie coat. To know if our prices are low, JEWELER, China Grove, If RUB OUT PAIN witli good oil liniment. That's j the surel way to stop them. ii' e best rubbing liniment isjj Good f :? ihc Ailments of Ko-ses, i .Idbs, Cattle, Etc. QoodfT rati? own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Btirns, Etc. 25c 50c $i. At all Dealers. Jno. R. Brown, Opt, D,, Optometrist, CHINA GROVE, N. C Headaches, Nervousness, Neu ralgia. Dizziness, Nausea, and Many Other Nervous Disor ders' Due to Eye Strain Posi tively Relieved. No. 66 for malaria or chills & fever. Fe or six doses will bretJc any case, and if taken then a tonic the Fever will nd return. It acts on the liver bettor thaa Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25 Write the Pennsylvania Lumber , prices for mixed oak cros,s ties, in eluding beech, birch and rndple. 2 We also buy white, post or ' (uuuuiaiu van v-i wo j I. - alr hlmhpr.1() ,7 4t flUB-SV1Y'T3Si Will CUT6 Rblimatism, Neil I ralgia. Headaches, Cramps, Lohc i Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns. Old Sores,-letter. King-Wonn, Ho zema. etc. AiiliseDtic Anodvn, used internally or euefuaiiy. 25c LRY. real art of any kind does your selection of a store which intrinsic value extending deeper compare them with values as high. North. Carolina. The Watchman is somewhat in a bad way this week owing" to the bad mail and express service and lack of competent help, but will make good all shortcomings. i J. Montague Smith familiarly Known as "Monty boy," young, easy-going banK cash ier, darling of society, interested in socKs and .necKties. Two hours later tHis same indrvid' uaJ is plain JohnM.Smith, fugitive from Justice, charged with murder, hiding in a freight car, beating his way to se curity. A swifter metamorphosis than that which trans forms this character would be hard to imag ine or a better story than that in which he appears hard to find. JHg Real JKian is interesting right from the beginning.ingenious, swift -moving and with plenty cf exciting mo ments! It is one of the best pieces of fiction ever written by that popular writer, Francis Lpnde Our New Serial Be Sure to Read It Builds i$ the Whole System. 60 cents. "-rV . i

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