fir 1 4. Written by pina scons bicnt FAITH. Miss Mary Stirewalt . has-been elected principal of the school at Wnitevjlle, N C, and has gone tUere to teach school this win ter. Mr and Mrs D W Sides of Kpnnapolis, visited their daught er, Mrs D C Peeler, Saturday night, October 13th. J O Yates raised a Dumi liJUU ' If CilgUlS U1UJ UHC V UliVA ijl . Who can beat that? Venus vrent to a corn shuck ing at' Charley t Earnhardt's. A a.e crowd was thtsr we ci.uuted one hundred and four at the corn pile shuc'iing corn; and thera was forty or fifty at ihe house and around We all got a . fine supper. Mr Earnhardt made mora, than his t'rocorn cribs will hold. The taole was 17 steps long. Pinkney Ludwick showed us a hf'n ef7g. just in the shape of a small gourd, that one of his hens laid. Venus met Mr and Mrs L J Overcash of near Mill Bridge, in Salisbury Saturday. They say ti;at they read Venus's items regularly. They are good farm ers and bring produce sto Salis b j vy markets for sale. We expect to visit them some time and get some of tiieir good rations as Mrs Overcast! is a mighty good cook. We met Lum Sowers in Salis bury Saturday. He came over in' his automobile with jais boys He is the man that entertained us at the big Daniel Boo i cele bration some years ago when took over a big two horse load of old time relics to put in the Daniel Boon cabin for the occasion. Mr Sowers came after us nd the relics and brojgln us back ail free of f'lage and we furnished our fi ie collection free. That's the the way tu do to make a nice display. r and Mrs Murry Peeler and family spent Saturday night at Mi's Peeler's parents, Mr and Mrs J A Peeler, in Faith. A Davidson county man in Salisbury Saturday told us he hud an old timo pepper box pistol that he was going to sell iia for cur collections. T.J in B'arger has bought a dw automobile. He lives i ai Faith on a fine farm of his own. We mat all threo of the pret ty fat ttflepone givls of Granite Qjir?y in Salisbury Saturday at a li ve and ten cent store trad ing with a mighty pretty girl clerk. Thoy told us her name arid we found out she was a daughter of one of our old school mates. Her name is Miss Mar gie ICetchie. How times (do change and the young people do grow up. Misses Geneva and Alma Hess and Flora Brown were visifinn ' id. Hhiiia Grove over Saturday and Sunday. Irand MrsR Williams and family took an automobile trip to Kannapolis and took dinner with Mr and Mrs Baxter Mc Corabs Sunday. Mii3 Letha iPeeler is visiting zA John Efird's near China Grove. Hihii Blanche Ward of China Grove visited her parents Sat urday was accompanied by Mis Ma gar et Wilhelrn. j!isa Pearl Fisher has gone f. ;S hol ah Mt Pleasant Semi nary thi3 year. She !,s;tys she likes it tine. Miss Lena Moose, who was te aching in the high school at Fi'i'wi1., L; s accepted a position -in the seminary at Mt Pleas ant. i?s Soi3ha Moosq, a sister of Professor D W Moose, will teach in ','ie public school at Faith this winter. We visited at Daniel Hart pjan's at Chestnut Hill and saw him grinding new corn on his 1 corn mill. He makes shch good ) bread meal that his customers come miles for his meal. Rev W B Werner, Supt. of the Nazareth Orphans' home near Faith, is doing a good work and every thing is growing and prospering under his care. Who wants to buy a pet squlr rel? There are t wo here for sale. Who wants to buy one dozen young chickens? They icjii be delivered to you any time. J T Wyatt huy.s all the old zinc jar tops he can gel at his store in Faith. Venus. jbraniiS Quarrymen Visit Salisbury. - IXtt VV H(i u a y ' wen ' y eigiitxiTiHii frcm vririo- r parts of thecountry. lartrly from NwHartip?hirj and Vei men!, representing t lie granU in rhistry, aceomrauied by a number of lady frier ds, scent the day in Salisbury Thy were shown over the city, th granite quarries, eutt n fields, gin factory antl were bthfcrwie highly entertaiued by local quarry m.tu, They jvere dined at noon and in the evening when Mayor VV. H u'ood?on and A. H. Price, Eeq, made talks?, of welcome. The party wan en route to attend a convention in the interest of their buines and ritpped here, to ?ee the fin Rowan granite at hot baud EVirs. Smith Recommends Ciiambsriain's Tab lets. "I have had more or less stom ach troub'e for eight or ten years" writes Mrs G H Smith, Brewer ton, N. Y. ''When suf fering from attacks of indigestion and after eating, one or two of Chamberlain's Tablets have always relieved me. I have also found them a pleasant laxative ' These tablets tone up the stotn ach and enable it to perform its Junctions naturally. 11 you are troubled with indigestion give them a trial, get well and stav well. Weather Forecast for October, 1917. " Fioni 7 to 15, fair, clear, some chaug able, mild with thunder, rain followed by cold wave with first alor-f? From 15 to 23. raiu aud if wind is tiorth-east at from 8 to 10?" mou tbtt15tb, cold rain with snow north. Froiu ?3 to 30, cool flight equiLrx windstorm aud cool wave. From 30 to Nov 6, fair nnd frosj, wi!h rain, thr;at:ug sdovv heu cold wave is ex pected. October shews cold wave alnug, with tquitiox, some ftarm a:d some cool along. Notrf all weather mentioned in forecast, does not mean rain every day, but note the expecting in sections, from l to 3 or 4 days rain s above Henry Keid, R 3, Box 167 Salisbury, N (J. The Entertainment Last Monday Evening. TheRobRy Quartette, the first of the five entertainments to be given China Grove under the hus pices of the Redpath Lyceum Coarse, gtive an entertainment there Monday evening and the large audience present was high ly pleased. Other entertain ments of equal merit will be jziven there during the fall and winter and those who have not yet secured season tickets would do well to do so at once, as only a few remain unsold. What is LAX-FOS LAX-FOS IS AN IMPROVED CASCARA A Digestive Liquid Laxative, Cathartic and Liver Tonic. Contains Cascara Bark, Blue Flag Root, Rhubarb Root, Black Root, May Apple Root, Senna Leaves and Pepsin. Combines strength with pala table aromatic taste. Does not gripe, 50c Tc5 The F&pit?p We will give you 4olbs of Su preme flour and 12lbs of bran for your bushel of good wheat. Ludwick milling Co., 'Phone 137 Salisbury, N C. 9 19 tf . THEdAEOLINA WATCHMAN, SALISBURY, II. 0. l-TtiS AN OPERAT10 iVER Philadelphia, Pa. "One ye$$: ago I was very sick and I suffered wftth pains in my side and back until I nearly went crazy. 1 cent to differentdo3ors and they all saf I haS female trofjgrte and would" not yet any relief nntilM trould he operatetft on. I had suffered forf our years befre this I JED si-. e3- liiiMiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiii time,butlpptget- Hmd back. I learned of the ma ting; worse Me more , n...... r.. , medidne I took. Every monf since I was a young girl I had suffed with cramps in my sides at periodsj&d was rfi'pv rpoiilar T saw vnnr aiTverbsa- "? r,oTOCr,nr. tvltnr of a woman who had been sap from wi operation and this ctareMBS un- pressed on my mind. The doegor naa given me only two more dayslf) mate m n 7 mind so I sent my husba to the crug store at once for a bottlefj Lydia E. i'i:.kham's Vegetable Compcfijid, and believe me, I soon noticed a ch&nge and when I had finished the thirdfbottle I was cured and never felttttrpgrant you the privilege to publish nw letter Ll am only too glad to let otheVwomen knowofmycure.."-Mrs.THOsffJcGoN- IGAL, 3432 Kartville Street, P1a., Pa. 400 Typewrirs ilv nn 1 nut rnntiAnfl nrith aarh - mliinO I I yV nd repair pBrts for all akes of l ypew riters. EMPIRE TYPEFOuN D- j KX, bUALU, l. x- ii-i-ijsi pr.. . EMUtOr'S KOllCfi v . Hivingthisday duly qualified asgxecutor of the Last Will and Tentementof&Trs Fan nie. E Swicegood, deceased, this M;4o notify s all persons having elaiins said estate to pre sent the same, duly venheoV to' a under- sinneti on or before the loth day oWctobec. 191G or this notice will be pleadedn bar of their recovery, All persons inciebtKl to said estate are requested to cail and settle wuh .i . i : l me untiereigueu. ; Thumas L Swicegood. eSfecutor, CooleenSe. N. C. ?! North Carolina, Kowan county. In Eowan Cofjtty Court Snider & Company . " V8 I E F Carter and N A -"otrcE Gregg, trading as . If larter A Gregg Supply o J . The defendants above named ill take, notice that summons in the abuv entitled iction was issued against said (ifei:anls i.ii the 3rd of October, 1917, frot Rowan Count v ourt, to recover the SufSlof Two Hundlred Twenty nineDollars andTwenty (.. ems ($229.20) by account, which; fniiiwuons is made returnable before-said crt :tt the .Court House in Salisburv, N. C onjfNovem- bt-i 1917, at 9.30 . M l The defendants will also take. rgUce that a Warrant of Attachemeut wn issued by said court due November 5, 19i& against she property of said dferidans. wfech war ratii is returnable before ?aid cof it at the time and place above named for tjje return ot siMuir.ons when and whe"c the d pendants are required to" appear and aiiswer or demur to the complaint, or the ihfcliiif tle niaded will be granted . fl J. Feaxk McCtrBiNs, Clerk Rowa County John L Rendlenian, Attorney. North Carolina R iwar Uoanty A H Wevtz j vs 0 S Reams ) In Rowan County Courts KOTICT3I A C S Reams will tako nctico Jfeat an action entit)pd as alove, ha. betu C"mmnf!ced in Roan roniitj court to recopr the surh of. -ur hundred Uol lur (!?100 00) as damages lor.fbrpach of eon tract for failure to con- vw sitd. ral encate in accordance- r.-ifjh the writtei. contrast, ani the said ri fend fint will further take notico thal!M- it required to appeu at Rowtwj' ounty c urt, the samo tr be held on (ctr-b 9, 1917, at the court h nn1 t said county, in anid. State, at, 9:80 tn anc artsvver or demu. t. th comp??ln; in sii(j net jn, or the plaintiff y. iljnnply m th" a urt for t: e relief demanded in said c-'ir. plaint.' This, September 6. 19I7-'-' K J Frank Mc!uft0lNS . Clert Superiority urt. Jo3:n L Kendlemai, attorney-. -3. Executor's Kettce The undersigned, having quailed s executor of the estate of L ' J Dani, de ceased, this is to notify all personswAaving claims against the estate of the sr?d de reseij to present the same to ihc'jinder signed duly verified on or before tfrer J 2th day of Jul?. 1918 or. this notice 'ill be plead in bar of their recovery. Jj- All persons indebted to the sailesiate wil' please make immediate pavmeri July 9. 1917. m J M Dancy, Exeru or tf L Janey, d f ceased, Mooresvi lie, R FItJv I V Z-.-b V Turlington, attcrney. 5 HJ Holi?? to IMlssv. M Hf;viiK qaalified as pdrtinistrnt upon (he tftute of W A Ramsey dMexi. r.o-ice is hereby .siven to all person vh claims against paid estate to present ;.e rm e to tho undersigned on or befn- 21, 10! 8, or tnis notice will be, pieced in t ir ot t; tir recovery, n v person indebted to ihe esjfiye will cil and settls wilh the underh?ied at onc ThisSfplember, 21,1917. ' M " Mrs Weston Lapps Ham? Bismark Capps, Aiij. dm'r. LOOK HERE FOR IT. Many A Salisbury Rsadsr Will l)8 Interested. When people read , about the cures made by a medicine endors ed frqm far away, is it surpris ing that they wonder if the state ments are true?- Bur when thv read of cases right here at home positive proof is within ihoir reach, for clse investigation is , an easy matter, liead Saiibury endorsement T's Kulnev Pills. Mrs T Robinson 122 E K vr r I had iim Os at., baliaburv. says rheumatic twinges in toy !fc 01 Lroan h tMuny k.iis through my friends and I used f nem D's lived up ' to t h- . CiUims muoe for them. When- lever I Jiave noticed my Kidneys Uae least out of order since or mY hack has been weak or. larae I have tu ken a lew dose - of Do an 's Kidney Pills and they re- Reived me. " Price 60c. at all dealers Dot simpJy ask f()r a k,dney remedy-Set Doan's Kidny Pills 47 . . 0 , r -Y the same that Mrs Robinson uses Poster-Vilburn Co, ? .'fgrs, Buf- falo, N. Y Mortgage Sals of Real Estate '"onge .r,.sl aeeu regis-trea in nook 20 page reiter'fl Uttice ol Iredell County and aI?o in th Kegister's Office of Powmi i - County in Book 57 page 74, executed by M L 0verca8h to R L Wright, Trustee J default h win;j been made in the payment 0f principal and interest, the holder of the noto havinsr demandpd fnrAolnanro tu. 1 - w VIVtlMI V IIIV 1J dersigned will sell, at public auction, to the Lightest bidder for cash, at the court house d. ,or in the Town of Salisbury, at 12 o'clock M 0n October 3lst 1917. loth of the traoia described below, first Hemratvlr snd thn together, and will also sell at the Court bouse door in Statesville at 12 o'clock M. I ' I on the I J the nainta trac!. e following describ I oil rfll utnlio First Tract: In Coddl-e Creek Township, adjoining tlie lunds of Whiston Mnllon, tock ilcKnight, and oiheis, and beginning at a Hickory, Meilon's coron, r, thence with ibis line W. 70 pedes o P. o ' N. Johnstor.'f" corner, thence wiih his line iC. 21 E 2o poles to Mulfterry; thence 8 20 E. 14 poles to a Sweetgnm; tnence S. 20 E. 133 poles to a ?t;ike, tor er of 5; thence with snU lot E. 92 poies to a stake; thence S. 5 E 29 poles to a stake at the corner of the barn lot, thence N. 75 E. 31 poles to a stake; thence N. 20 K. 16 poles to a stake, '.hnce S 78 E. 4o poles to a stflkc corner of No. !; thdhce with said lot N. 52 poles to a stake, G. . MeKnight's line; thence with his line 123 poles to a stone; thence N 12 poles to the beginning, containing cix' ty ((i0) acres. See deed Book 25 page 465 The above tract is in Ired !1 onnty. Second Trad; In Kowan Countj, on Cod'dle Creek, adjoining the lansof Locke McKnight, Dan F:sher an-J others, and al beginning at a stone, G. G. MeKnight's corner; thence with his line N. IS VV. 60A 'poles to a W, O ; thonce W. 27 poies to the creek; th?iieo down the creek 38 poles to i Swee'gum stump; thence S. 83 E. 33 pole; to l!)e beginning, containing Bix (6) acres. Terms of sale cash. This h'vptember 25, 1917. R Lee Wright, trustee. rr-.-vJ., 11. If s I e THE GROCEP, lie carries a full linn of Bigi Grade Groctrifid at rery low price?. hnys all kinds of Prcduc ChicKeiis Kgps, liacoD, aud ..vegetables. See him Headquarters for Walking Medicine Co. 'Phone 57. 119 W. Inniss St. 8 C.0W For S?IC. A veiy fine fresh i itlkcow. Apply to T E Webb R 8 Salisbury, N C. . The Pbcpies Mm Bank - SAIJS3URY. N. C- , Dees n rener nkit:g business and cor d i a 1 1. ? lnviU f vtr account. ' WF p-y I PR CtrT interest j ever tliree uiiJis in our giVinLP denart- ' mer: 1 ? Pron fi-ii"wf ?md confidential attend tioi -iven 10 u; bu-'iiies eutrnsted to us 2 N B. Man, VV.T. Bnsby, f J rident. Cashier. J. D. Nor?oot John McenJ. sh. I Vice-Piuent. Asst. Cashier. I D. L. Gaskill Xiem Pttmut. 1 lb r . , " - t T W 10 Years of Sa?5i Ira r- The first savings banK in the United States was opened in 1816. , There were then 246 banKs in the United States. Today this country is served by 27,062, banKs whose combined resources are nearly 28 billion dollars. Thrift has done that much in one century but there is much greater worK for thrift to do. Help yourself by becoming inde pendent Help the country by helping yourself. One Dollar Starts an Account! SALISBURY BANK AND TRUST CO. MKDALS, flW AN IS HiM.S. We carry in eto.k or make to order any kind of medal or rings cf the very !at-pt styles in solid gold. and triiarrr tee our prices. We also do the finest watch and jmwN'j repairing that can be none and every j b ia fully guaran teed. We carry the largest line of Watehep, Diamonds, ud Jewelry in !Mortl?"(.Jarolinn .-. Sew us for reliable good?, i o M IS R EP KES E Ni A T ION 8. allace.HIdg . Salisbury, N' C. ; SftLiSB'JRY S BIG GENE A Fti!) Line ot , General M chamlifct Constautly On lijuui FOOT REST HOSIERY whether it's appearance you want iu besiery or "vhe?? hr i1 war yon will ge? it if you gr.i Foot Rent." Awi th p too ie an endure merit to most of us. Y.u'il SAVE MONEY. Fall and winter goodn, heavy weight uisdnvwt for men and women, aler, Drp G?od- Shoen. Pantr, Overall Hats, Notions, ( Crockery, Tinware, etc.. GROCERIES. I have a well selected stock of s-.taplt- ,a -f fnc groceries, country'-prod ce, feed fi;uli, etc. When it; need c tne to tve me. Far, iiit? are invited to make my place hadQuaiv ters while in the city. Very truly, 'Phone 39 X ft An Ambition and a Record ; needi of the South are identical with the'needi of the Southern Rail v ay: the growth and success of one means tb upbuilding of the other. ft ' The Southern Railway asks no favors no special privilege not accorded to others. The ambition of the Southern Railway Company is to see that unity of interest that i bora c f c-ope ration between the public and the railroads ; to see perfected that fair and f rank policy in the manage ment of raiboac' which invites the confidence of governmental ageiiciess to reslize that libera ih:' cf uearmeht which will enable it to obtain the add:icual capital needed fcr the acquisition of better and enlarged facilities incident to' the demand for increased and better ' service; and. finally To take it niche in the, bodv pol!:ic cf the Sontb alongside of Other great industries, with "no inrc. but with equal liberties, equal lights and equal opportunities. Ihe Southern it 1 W fit. 9 i It V. RAL STORE . TAYLOR, , 103 S. Main St Salisbury, N. C. 1 t Serves the South,?

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