( , : ' - - - . - .-ft '-p' " - ' v ' ' , - . ; V' i' A Home Newapaper Pablished in the Interest-of ttaeople and for Governmental Affairs fci " li. - ' ' " - " & VOL. XlS : 43 fOUETH 33MI S3 SALISBURY, C., WEDNEf A OCTOBER 31ST, 1917. ESTABLISHED 183& SftiD TO HAVE TAKEN 100,000 tRlS01iRS. Onrc-a of ilw Aastrainsand Gerws. Oct. 29.--The po.wertui ;us-tro-Gerraan advance wliich Las been pressing thnugh the foot- I hills of the Jaiiao AtpiJ into tre plains of Norther Q lUly, is pe ,ing kept iu check by the Itaiian forces whicU ure Jaithfuily 1 fiiliug their tluty, it is aunouticetl by the war office in Koine tocfey: London advices say thalCtb6 Italians will be given aU'aidJtnd that steps already have Been taken to t. is end. PresJirnably Italy's own reserves of - :men and guhs by this time have been drawn up ina notable .plume, and supplies have been jtiu rried to reinforce Italys arjaies in the great battse raging' in , the Friuli piaiu. - r- Italy's soldier s.ave failed to check the onrush of ibe Austro- Germans and the etitirelioe ol Isonza is threatened with anm bilation. Sweeping down irom t.hfl mrinntains Wthe uium.s oi Friuli, the invaders have cap tured Cividale.aiid Gorizia, 100,- OaO prisoners and 7lX! guiis. Great Br itian and b'rance an reported to be ta iug steps.,, u give the shattered Italian arni prompt and full sup-ort What form this aid will take has not been disclosed. The Ftprieli cabinet met last night to deaid , upon the manner of coopert .on on the Italian front. . Where Gen. Cadorna?,wil make a stand is not clear,., but two positions capable of def 3tise are available. The Germans' have reached, the lowlands and are but nine. ihiles from ue :ri-e, Cadorna's general headqaarirs. The railroad run tiing nor-th w&- south through Udine might make a defense line, but the Tag liamento rnzer, eighteen ranes west Udine, probably will crifr a strouger defense The fall of Gorizia is a serious menace to. the America's timto War. m Hypccntes- fJathrilifi nriests and editors y. 1 lit! iiCVV UCtUJUH """'J I I Jr.t. otror-v restriction aside are grr eat on harmony just now. tt. - i "c w.nA wliai Thov dpnlorp. anvthiner that V GSSeis Ol cVBl v n iuu, . i 1 - . i -' thoiri'aa. their- character, would create dissension in war thftSr destination, times or hurt the feelings of ruthless- anyone or. create strire, yet vucii sk muw v v .! - . I . 1 ! A n 4" l-l -A iv sent to the bottom without their real Teeungs uowaiu ror,no-nn. without thought of people ouisiae iu .wm v,i.. mo,.,v fnr t,hoG on church is shown in the foljow- k.a ti.o ftip!R of friendly inefr-jm the Tablet, of Brooklyn, , .i,-.. -m V ( Dioopsan oran ) or Uct. Tio ir.M a.iniitr Willi i jusc ui ux - i v . U V W V. v ' -v ' J J - - I Euon h"oniial shiDS lHth. :! v,: ' I .oiiaf tn t.hP Sneaking, at the dedication .oU v,o-o.vprt and stricken of a Uathonc scnooi iu riniau- v,. - -r tt : nnianf Rpkhim. though the ulna, riev josepn j nai.uiu latter were provided with safe recently put the whole subject conduct through the prescribed oi uaLiiouu Buu.uu iU,u hv the German Govern- in the lollowing woras. RGiross tesveniion. Ralalgb, X C, No- mm 1st and 2nd. H cWvention of Red Cross CI ij p te r;L A u x i l i aries, Branches, Qi.s ntl workers in North Oar- oliRa have been called to meet in Raleiglr,1 November 1st and 2nd, njhe Red Cross organization is thtfofiicml institution for relief atorfie'tatid on the battlefields on Account of the great war. Its .msiDetswuiraaKe xne uauuagc wlch ovr wounded will be treat ment itself and were disting uish by unmistakable marks of identity, have been sunk with the same reckless lack of com passion or of principle. 1 1 'More than a generation Df our people has been educated without relisrion. It could not - - be taught in the public schools and was shamefully neglected "I am not now thinking of the in the homes and churches. !.c2 i,f nrnnprtv involved. im mense anu senuus a iuau Knr. nnlv-nf the wanton and 1p dpstr.uction of the iup4 or noncomoaiants. uieu Amid all the splendor which prosperity and wealth are show ing forth there is a pathetic hollow ness and shallowness which foretell grave moral dan- Mathematical to. Our Catholic friends are Jiay- J "The ctfan or woman- who in ing a hard time of it, in settliBg the question .of what percent of-1 the different American armies the "church ' should' be credited with. Their only trouble seems to be in agreeing upon a. suffix ciently large percetit So far a portion of thee mathematicij clerics kindly admit that the non-Catholic five sixths of the population havs furnished one--half th militarv forces for Bui i Ksnniar ir Tefra a Shchr. these critical times fails to read a good newspaper regularly, is a slicker, "declared Prof. Wiliard G Bleyer, head of the Department of Journalism at University of Wisconsin, in ad dressing the students of the Li brary school last week. "It is the patriotic duty of very person in this country keep informed in regard to the epoch-making events and utter- $here are now in North Caro lina' HQ Red Cross chapters, and abpiit 500 auxiliary organiza tiris. It is desired that each of vvnmen. and children, engageu 501 n nnr.nirc which: have always, iug forth their hands tor Dread, .4ronin t.hp darkest periods of and many a heartless scheme j V LJ &. v IT I 1 modP.rn history, been deemed cahea eancawon is uueuug iuoui lesitima te . Prop- a s lone. . i. -:j, v. un i;TTci 'No wonder there are over riv can o ua.iu. uji. uij-o iivo f peaceful and innocent people ou,uuo,ouu innaeis in out wuu- - . . -- 1 i. I-v n r r f l not he. The present lier- iry uiiu ooc?a hatover. No wonder commerce is a wariare agamsi mankind Woodrow V ilson. Presideat of the United States. religion there are anarchists ana oociausis and materialists, who are under mining lawful authority. Np wonder there are shocking crimes, murders, suicides, rob beries, clever swindles, unjust an A nrnp.l sneculatknv even in rA$ ixri) fcnif tlid vtra cwpafpfS heuetsf socks, etc, to protect which condescension we sup- ances that are reported in the thlm ffcrn. the cold, while' its pose we should be profoundly press fromjday to day,vhe con- nues ffill attend - the suiter- taanamui, as u wouiu uuauwisj huubu. 5 in in th hospitals. to claim all of the m. 4 The food of opinion is the At arecenii gaiuwuug 4 jjwo nswaux Hie ua,y, as fresiuent ton an enthusiastic Catholic de Wilson has well said, and it be- clared that the regular army was hooves every citizen not only 4 to one half Cat holies and that 90 read the news, but to form in- vhtse will be represented in this percent of the enlistments since pellient opinions in regard to it. convention by from three to five then are of Uathohcs. nowever, "Intelhgent . public opinion, dejegates -But as there are many some are more ujouerai, s'vs wunput wnicn we cannot have muniripaiint vt ortranized. generally a claim of SO percent; true demof?rucy, is the sum to- it iV aW: desired that delegates Archbishop Glennon of SLouis; 0( the opinions of individul sh'Sl come, both men and women, going on record with a claim oj fnin every community in the 40 percent. A few others limit stje. their claims to 82 per c ut of the She object of the convention total while all or. them appear to Ulivn fold, ' agree that they are furnishing f irst, ito prepare the way for 35 per cent of the new drafted seltng tip 2,000 active Red Cross or National army. As this last orgiiiizationa in North Carolina suppossu ur.o . Iflbu desire to have a part in tooted wtho dHcrimnmuon thS great work, come to this con- agaiusu ioo w , velion and learn what is required best authorities omy shoy - toldrm a local organization. Wilu .s fr, .nMro.r, a tvl itl tO Oe JCtOm III VAWIUUUS BU OB - I 4.Vv nnnanmntmn 1 0 that, fchp rtll ITI strnct ora-anizations a, ready flcouu,i:u . fol!ied fu the great tasks row at Whenever Yoa Need a General Tonic Take Grcvo's. TJi - old Standard Grove's Tasteless 211111 J.0111C IS equany vaiuaure o I . i-x X t ( o,tii i Uhe. verv necessaries of hie.' Tt- 1 1 r. 1 iiA XUi-2.A L-'V-V-US Afc w - I . . r TTTTTTTA 1 . . eukno-wntotiic properties GtyuArii.N ft condition: a generation -.nTOM. Tt acts en the Liver. Drives . . 0 . Mwia. Ehricts the Blood and educated without religion, aiids up the Whole intern. 60 cents. uo.000,000 infidels. anarchists, socialists "materialists, and the The Brittish'-hokl the . southern whole category of crimes. And .side of the forest , and" a continu the . Catholic church the only :itizub, and lhe opinion of thee ' i iz"os-tt.oskt bts formed largely s -!. nPA which is printed in newspapers. f't.umux to read the news 4,id to consMei'its significance, ' mn is ahjrWng his duly to is couutry jn?st as trul as be is, nenhe fails to express his opin . n by ca ling his vole at' an jJeciion.' holding the Garso line south ward to the. head of the Adriatic but Gen Cadorna would still be able tu offer a stout resistance on a line through Tole mezzo, Ge- moha,, Udine, "Buttrio tind Gradisca The 'capture of Gradisca bv the Teutons how- - w , ation of the Belgo French ad- yauce would make "the German positions untenable. -A Germ ah. retirement between Italian troops. Warneton and Dixmude to i ! . ----- straighten out the line and eliminate the Ypres salient is not"' ualooked for in German military :, circles. One leading German critic, Mai. Moraht, says the front is untenable and that the Germans will have rfit.irp t- a new. line, ouch to ever, would make.a retreMrom througl 1.1 j.1 1 -J J Salt OOX.in tue wuriu, aua tuau has lost its savor if it ever had any. VVe read that 'hnrity covers a multitude of sins," and we will ieb it enveloje iu its mantle such libplers of the American public as The Tablet and Priest Hannigan. and ouly advise them to take a good look at the cbm- I mon people of the United States papal mirrors. The Menace. bzjd. -I ' If here will be practical demon stations ;acnd displays and tech nifil instruction. ;here.will also be add ossess ed Craas specialists' of na tieal reputation phe Convention wili open Thursday .uorning, November 11 and cUse Friday evening, Iferember 2-.r .. VerV mu OL a luwu m nui iu Til Ckctjsxt Fcrrtlksr In Wtrid. PoorTarid'farmefff are roor ' in fartnr,;c( JfinicfaWy and rd edr in niethocfs. This is trn'e the world ovfr. and" will Li other words it is impossible jvfayi be io. ConverWy, to prove that one-sixth equals Hbi-iai4 larmers average i'iii . -t -RTTi rviir-'fiant. 'TinlQCG X? I 111 il I i'V i i t sn . luyieiaa sun are wen en. ber of the availnble men is bout the same in one sect as another, their CMirn is absni on its face financially, aud thi, toot will awWyftbe-ttn' -The biggest economic croMetn ef the average Carolina is ;i.ithorized to appoint tpee. de'eg.ivis to this conven tn, but whether appointed "or pvp.rvone in svmoathv with T - - J - 1 aess'in the City of Toledo", W81 preoption cost, that sad firm will pay the Vv&en lieba done this, Ue is of ONE HUNDRED DOL- on the road to prosperity. S for each and .avery case of f?nmmPAui ffiUa Carso inevitable an&val 5b some what of a difficulty. The 'line of the Tagli r iver, it appears would give the Italians a b- tter -natural nosition" from whic'A to hold the Germans from the Ve- netain plains and from, over run ning North Italy. The whole of Isonzo front is in erave danarer there is tilso a o - serious threat in the T'iton orive to the Italian liue in . tlie Carnic Alos and even. in. the Dolomits north of v Befluno Apparently held Marshal von Mackensen is endeavoring to drive a wedsre between the armies on the Front aad these in the mountains nbnhWes t of Udin;' Some of tha advanced Italian nositions in the Carso x Alps, probably have been ahari'd on ed already. If this ""should Menih to "Roulers, to Tbourouf and thence to the sea. Oh the Northern Russian front the Germans have extend ed their withdrawal move ment to include the force that recently was lauded on the Wer- der peninsula, after the capture of Oeseland Mbpn Islands at the entrance of the Gulf of Riga. This landing, was viewed at the time . as a threat, against Reval, the .naval base on the Gulf of Finland, and as a pos sible prelude to even more ex tensiyland. operations by the Germans in the direction of Petrograd. fho withdrawal leaves the A. U V ' - - 'Germans without a toothold on the Esthonian coast, attempts by litem to follow up the origi nal lAndinsr bv outtuiir troops Chsmb8rla!ns CoiigS Remedy the Most Re llatHe. After many year' experience in the use of it -ind other cough medicines, there are many who prefer Chamberlain's to any oth er. Mrs A C Kirstem, Green ville, Ills, writes ''C iamberlain's Couh Remedy has been used in my mother's heme and mine for year, and we always found it a quick cure for colds and bronch ial troubles. We li id it to be the most relnbie couh medicine we have used " till i u-five per cent unless you use Roman Catholic pencils. T3ib Menace. . - State of Ohio, City o,f Toledo, Frank J. Cheney makes oath farmer ip how to double yields that he is senoir partner of the without correspondingly in nrm oi r. .j. uuairev ut , uUIU8 rfiiio niv-rt ri-irkn .no . . tu.- ni.ir f rr,AaAr, creaBing prcauction cosx. and that sum a l;r U nf tv,." rnnvnuon wiii AKO,AU.r" rrir Commercial ferUlirers are uj-.v-w v - - i vjawirru liiiai cauuui: ubcuivu i -.. . V - -z '4- . ''-E: - I - - . r. - . Afm ft 1 - v-v-ra I lAClf ttVnlmiA -M mV 4. I 1 heartily welcomed. the use Of HALL'b UA'i'AttKtf. i "c wuw iy Vf P'nTP.TNFi. narl "hnt fh man ti FRANK J. CHENEY. s . Sworn to before me snd sub 1 e- 7 . -i j : k:., u tieantfa top- iaiinri. - Thivr fSCiloeu IU. my JitJSftucc, ima vim I , '"rf 000,000,000 Liberty Loan Over Sub- day of December, A w.Gleason. urnith no humne.aud hnmus T ' kj fc ublic iV,WUi ufcwBary ;- to onr u?ipkfa.vh MprimifLirmi soDt: tbey f Ornish nitrogen; inteiually and acts through the but at a cost I ar too higb 'Void Blood on lhe Mucous Surfaces Drcd with that ttie letumes. Ol tllti OJ'SUeiil. ucnu loam monials, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co Toledo, O. Sold by all druggist 75c. Hall's Family"- Pirs for constipa tion. J W Bailey, Chain-ian, MEDICIN '' I . ran Raleigh N C prove true, Tagli river seems .to;! points brth north and offer to General Had orna first J gh. of the pensula having defensive line unless the armies f..a aecrordiBs: to Russian stiffen greatly and hold, the in- rep0rts. vaders within a lew miles or the present position. Operations carried out by the Belgians and French -Jobking towafd the elimination 61 H'ontb' list forest northrof - Yre) are progressing favorably, v T.j en tire -erctrem penisula south of Dixmude has been captured by Row Ttiay do TIta in fesari. Her ia a letter from Dr L L Cress of Ciiuton, Mo, na tive of Rowaa, which gies . t r I. , il J " one sniaea ui wnai s aouig in that section ci oar great country. Gentlemen yon wMl fiad eclojsed P O money order for $1 00 to keep the Watchman aud Record 'coming. Some times I catch a uews not'ee of interest. We are stiU living here iu the central west getting along Washington, Oct.27. The lib ey loan apparently has passed tflb $5,(j00 000,000 mark. IK last day drive of titanic pro portions through out the rations rinded up more' than i 1,000 03,000 and was bGlieved to have Carried the total several hun dred million dollars beyond the rjsaximum sum treasury officials lp,d hoped for. ' HFederaf reserve banks were Struggling tonight under an ava- pnche of last minute subsenp- pected. tions to form some idea ot the r&hd total. Indications are fjiat they- will not complete their lobulations for several days. At least 8,000 000 persons ffiroughout the country wrote eir names oa application s. How many more did so ill not be known until the final Sour Stoiiisclr. " v - "v ." ' Eat slQ.wly. masticate your food fhorOughly.tabstam .trom meat ? MiPS0U1j has a for a fewdscysan-in most cases .j,.ve corn erpp this year the sour sxomacu m.uwopoi. iunt. several days hence;, The j&Q oaber may go as high as 10,- pt),000. V ; Each of the 12 districts appear d to have passed its minimum fend indications were mat most .wf them.had exceeded the maxi mum as wtl!. nice of Ibr bUlon bushels. Uiir little city ana I If your children are subject to roup get abottle of Ch amber Iain's fonntv Slough Kemedy, and when the at larbscribed nearly one-half Sack comes on be careful to fol- If it does not, take one ot Cham berlain's Tablets immediatly af- a.-- - Do,- ni,itQ arp Tnost'--.. . . . E- 4.1 . ,i j: the allied troops, who have also liky to'cause our stomach and mailV" m Wnifeou will be surprised at the IiH. I Mil . iUGL O.dI. . UIUU - m-v W. VA I Villi T1ISLV UUVft A " w - " . HI II II K IT ITI Willi. II II M III 11 i. . . . '-. uw v j - - vlav j& . pther villages westof the forest, out. . . jua. ft 1 : peas, beans and the clovers, bring -down from tbe' air above us. Here, then, in the legumes, jg the key to Southern farmer's golden epportunity. An acta nf onnrl p.rimKrm . nlfivT r From 30 to Nov 6, fair aud beanff wU1 cont ; sevent ysfire pounds of nitrb' geo taken from the aW, and tbis i equal to 500 poundrdf nitrate of soda, or 1,250 pounds of cotteuseef3 meal. 1 addition, the hiimiis added. Weather Forecast for Octe&tr. 1917. frosty, wi'b rain, tltrnat'iig snow then cold wave is ex-- October thf.ws cold waves along, with equinox, some warm and some cool along. Not a all weather menioned in forecast does uot wean ean 4 4l' - k''u' rain every dnv, but note lhe . , , : - exnectincs iu weenu?,t. Iron, 1 Pwea nndar gives na the to 3 or 4 days ram as above Henry Keid, li 3, Box 167. Salisbury, N . best drouth insurance known. And, furthermore; peas and bans may he7' grown with our corn crops wit h nut - injury to the corn, and clover grows in the winter! andeafcly. spring aud-ia ready to plow linger by April o fertiliie.tUe crop following. r Tiie Progressive Farmerbe :atinjic, one or two lives th Ignme route is tbe iams Tablets have route to ' " big' crops aiid always relieved me. 1 have also prosperity Are yotr travels ing iw ine1 rrogressrve Farmer. -,ff ' Sirs. Smith Recommeads Ctaraberlain's Tab lets. "I have had more or less stom ach troub'e for eight or teti years" wrilcs Mrs G II Smith, Brewerton. N. Y. 'When suh f ering from attacks of indigestion and alter e of Chamber found them a pleasant laxative. ' These tablets tone no the stom ach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. If you are troubled with indigestion give them a trial, get well and stay well. to Cure o Coli ln Dn Day. TUe iAZATtVfi BROMO Qnlii It stop the QojtM u4 Headache and woxfcjQ4rtfct2Dfc Drugista refusd money il it ttila to core. K."W. Q&OV'8 sigaatnrt a Mck box. '20c, .., v. . -. 9 jr. - ?i 'r i

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