: am A Home , Newapaysr published in to 'h".' VOX; XIII. NO. 49. FOURTH -r.--.i-:.. i - -o: - . . - W ' ZiS ' - '" ;rr t -T -A'.iV :-U-:;;; .... Slip v NEHHER SIDE WINNING. War Pressnts Stalemate, Na Dedsltn Before 1919, Says Congressman McCermick. 'The Germans are not win ning the, war." "Neither are we," That is the statement of Me dilli McCormick, member oi Congress from Illinois, who has just returned from a visit to the European war zone Continuing Mr McCormick said: ' "The war presents a stale mite from which we are unahle to extricate ourselves, because of the collapse of Russia and the unreadiness of the United StateV No where in Europe did I.find an informed - soldier or public man who believed that a military decision could be achie ved before 19 19. When the - 'United States might add effec- tively to pressure on the Centra empires. There is practically no hope that Russia can be ise ful during 1918. Russia is ho disordered that she cannot make war. Happily, in all pro bability neither can she make peace. ' "The resources of the Centr.'-.l powers have, been energetically spent. They are bleeding i-rri- )ljly put tuey act with gr -.ter, unity skill tha,n their e . ; mies; ? hus, they made a seem Higly uppessfiil 'drlS into Italy. The real objoct of their : tU cal foray into V enetia was r rt "ly tp make cam oullage, to ct i; : eal their losses -" from Verdi . to r; Pass0h6ftdal4 and parti y to provide rvbiutionin Italy. - 4 -The. Italians were uder guaneddeither hadtbey rim- iiition, But even so they v jld not have! been driven back as ' deoauched by the spy sy - rem of Germany, had not thrown down their arms. 'The French and British have moderate prepondrous in guns, and man for man they out tight the Germans.." While there are still excellent Ger jaafT divisions in Pianders, there was - an appreciable dimuhition ir the mgrale and the physical quality of the German troops on the French and Brittisb fronts "The issue of this war will ba decided in Washington, and by the furnaces of . America The splendid little! A.mevican 'army which has already cr'- sed the sea rendered a great service when the echo of the tirst American feet on the sou of France carried to every ju6me the promise that that str ngth 4 and still more toe industrial ge ?nius of America would I ring succor to France, "France is fighting will- he :;' : roic and dogged courage. Her , ' steady, thoughtful soldiery are "ready to spend their blood and r to die, in the belief that Araeri- V ca will -forge the weapons to win the war. As we glow older and les?. ac tive, less and less food is rec 'Aired to meet the demands of our bod ies. If toov much is habitually taken, the stomach will lebel When aman reaches the adv need age of 85 or 90, you will fiml that he is a light eater. Be as care ful as you will, however, you will occasionally eat more than -nm cViniiiil nnr. will tppI thp need jrwi - of Chamberlain's Tablets t" cor - rect the disorder. These ' inets do hot contain pepsin , but Uhe period when the soldiers and strengthens the stomach aud en-i sailors are learniog the details of "bles it to perform its fmutions this law, the Government auto aturally. They also cause a;maticaily insures each man and gentle movement, of the bowels. - woman, cdmmissioned or enlisted U--JJ V.'-j'.'J ' ,'.'.A .. . -r , JONEf FOR SOLDIERS' DEPENDENTS. Tne Gonernment has Made Gsnsious Provi sions for all Enlisted Men and Dependants The Secretary of the Treasury. Washington. To the officers, and enlisted men and women of the army atfd navy of the United States and their relatives: The Secretary of the Treasury through the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, has been charged with the administration of the War Insurance Law enacted by the Congress as a measure of justice to the men and women who have been called to give their lives, if need be. in the ser vice of their country. I wish to acquaint you with the benefits and privileges which vour Government has placed at your disposal. It is essential hat you and your families at home should know of your and their rights under this law in or der that, full advantage may be taken of them. To care tor the wife and child ren of- the enlisted man during 'us service, the War Insurance Uw compels him to contribute ip to one half of his pay for their support. The Government on application, will generously add to this 'an allowance of from 5 to $50 a'month, according to ihe size of the family. Moreover it the enlisted man will make some further provisions himself for.a dependent parent, brother, sister, or grandchild, they may be included, in the Government allowance' If, as a result of injuries in curred or disease contracted in the line of duty, an officer or en listed man or an Army or Navy sion is made for compensation of from, 30 10 $100 a month to him, and, should he die, compensation of from $20 to $75 a month will be paid to his wife, his child, or his widowed mother. In order, however, fully to pro tect each person ana family, Con gress has made it possible for ev ery soldier, sailor, snd nurse to obtain life and total-disability insurance. This insurance, ap plies to injuries received while he or she is in the service or af ter he or ahe shall have left it. Exposure to the extra dangers of war makes the coit of life, in surance in private life insurance companies prohibitive. It was therefore, a plain duty and obli gation for the Government to as sume the risk of ins,urnghun dreds of thousands of our soldiers and sailors who are making the supreme sacrifice. Under this law, every soldier and sailor and nurse, commissioned and enlisted and of any age, has the right, between now and February 12 1918. to take out life and total- disability insurance up to.$10,000 at very low cost, with the Gov ernment without medical examr inatibn. This right is purely optional. The soldiers and sail ors are not compelled tovtake in surance, but if they desire to ex ercise the right, they must do so Oefore the 12th of Februrary, 1918. The cost ranges from 65 cents monthly, at the age of 21 to $1 20 monthly at the age of 51, for each $1,000 of insurance. This is a small charge on a man's pay small in proportion to the' benefits it may bring. - The pre miums will be deducted from his - If 1. AOIi-ao 4 title iT-ti M o . ra,f' - . '. ting trouble on his part., v. j To provide adequate protection ' until Februrary 12, 1918, during The Western N: h. Conference j &l ;;WS WMm which has iust adjourned: at 1 M hTfrttf Asheville made the fallowing ap pointments for the Salisbury District: " " J C Rowe, presiding elder. Albemarle, Central J E Grav, C M Gentry, supply; Fir si Street, W I Hughes; Albemarle circuit. H P Starr, supply; Ba din, J E B' Houser; Bethel J T Stover; China Grove, W S Hales; Concord, Central, Z Paris; Ep worth Centre, A ,fe Rapei ; Kerr street, J W Strider; Fores Hill, R M Taylor, Westford and Harmony, AP Bran tier, supply. Concord Circuit, P L Shore; Cotton ville, J G 8ro Arn, supply. Gold Hill, EJ M Averette; Kan napolis station, G W Vicks, Kan napolis circuit, RL Foibis: ifbunt Pleasant, ' G Stamper: New London S E Richardson, Norwood Randall. J A Bowles; Oaksboro-Loves, J J Eades; Sa lem circuit, A , L Coburn, sup f ply ;Salisbury, First church, T A Lambeth; Park Avenue, S M Short: South Maine, P W 'Tuck er; A S Whisher, supply: Salis bury circuit; R C Kisk; Spencer Central, C M Pic eriS: East Soencer and North Main, R K Brady: Woodleai, E J Poe: agent superanuate fund, J'P Rqdgers assistant Sunday school secre tary, W R Shelton. Monroe was selected as the place of meeting for next year, Whenever You Need a Ceseral Tome Take irxove's. , The Cld Standard Grove's Tasteless Tonic i3 eatillv valixable as a Generl Tome oecuse iz coniains iae well fcnowsa tonic pre isertit's 'of QU1NIN13 ?rJL IRON. It acts on fcuwer, urives out Milam, Em;:.: r- Q Blood e-d BuiiSs -en the Wi.ola .. t.;2i., 60 cects,;! in the military service of the r United States. It pays the nian j j5'25 a month duria . total pt-i-- msiiect disability : ii he dies'j . within 20 years, it. p.-i.ys the rest ; l of 240 mouthlj installments of So? $25 each to his wife, child, or widowed mother. I desire to call th ; provisions j un lai '.i. o ' itn o-f 4,Ti Sec of this just and generous law to u) LntiuT ;" i -hf v 0, ve to' the attention of our officers ! rue VAoer. . Is k U-ifjt; did twery and enlisted tae i and women so.hhiniu hvjr n that they may not br: deprived of their rights throu-rli lack of knovledge. Full ii-forma t i o n idge. may be obtained from the Bureau of War Risk Insurance of the Treasury Department, Washing ton, D. 0. - I earnestly urge that the officers of the Aroiy and Na vy give to the men under their command all possible aid in help ing them to unclerst-aud fully the benefits that this insurance may bring to their families and the small cost at which it may be ob tained . : This is the grsatcut measure of protection to its fighting forces by any nation in the history of the world. It is net charity; it is simply justice to the enlisted men and women and to their lov ed ones at home, ar.d each, and every one of them should prompt ly take the benefits of this great law. W G.. 'cAdoo. Secretary of ihz Treasury. M. P. 0. StDGhel! Tells Bw Sha Cured bar oSfi 3s 2 COld. "When my- son Ellis, was sick. with a cold laVt winter I gave him Chamberlain's Cousrh Remen : dy. It helped him at once and!a v.r M bl hen m the quickly broke up his cold," writes Mrs P; O StUchell, Homer - City Pa. This remedy has been in Use foe many yeas. Its good qualities hav tre been fully proven Dusand of people.- It nd safe to take. by many thou is "pleasant and safe to take of hlmMiAuyrs v'j)o.cl.iivl ..viETS Qlii&Mm- Htrefe; .ioriitbriuiJi: and. VUtnreMH.-iiW! ( r J VvllJi Ills fi,V.H'lfr ?f mum. .fs-tiruisr m cou torm . w ffi-U wUiioii,... ' lujt-iJtQ'f ou -fi" Vicceiary for Judg Ki. f y - d iy l ac ke r t ja:jf u.iie Oi thfiir jf meotin il tV, OisH Vi;i'7 lli a vmh wlvW-Ued. dale Jjhs 'a'if -'.v . his : AviHingurss deer ,j s 1 1 vvishns. ' : ' Fdfd lieD.U-fckstmriSYble Jec tur!; J !ice exposures of Ro 'iftJV'cLM p reached from Bi M'd fbsf, after ha'vij.i? a" ccu-Jjf-d for t-he same tudi-' Oii-'sil? m tifteun days -"experi- -,ioi p fsssan?- ui shush 3 . - jtt 1 1 tJ j : Lilt litV'P 'ui lrr.rd'M i u.-iV ij it 'for four i ucfi Jx" i mjv wh'f acted as'tik l Nil . "f Trr'Tn- i?i " denying Uf-Xl to a rr Ainei i- .'.J-.H Of!'. 'of li r ry -ho :1 n '.a cttv tor r H-n incksdn Ind evt-ii had 'Ti-t --c.-' of In -.r ' ! ''!"! ?vd. t--o! e ;iTid her - : f-o.i( 'pliant r.u '( rfrT t Mi. 1 ' ' - ) A 1 ! 3ye ! - r " f. gained. j m r. !:': ' . .a-P sV vii'Viol'iiv to h'-ve j i!f i -J - she j aUojUts, ivi : : co.ii'ut j r ri 'v ! tCi! Lilld fro veiiv-.iu ' sui tfriinjj- i t . ; :j'-'r t:'l Of : i hoi-c v.dio Ui? iii)!ittt If tiiis '.. staVu'.d" sit A.!i'fcrtc.an ix - ireInjWiU''i.h i vjie U- Ur.ua ix'ri ) - ici a n :r; of UoilH of rt-:ii.ou. . lOI i.'. h tom a.f;d .'iiliiW her uniions o (-ceed Uijc'iailengd. Rom- s tfi m w i s idi a si o p i i i g iioitLat,.- , apprt;.tching ui('4her a'v:i.K?nh5g and vviiev thi, a wik 1 1 C'';iii:is . tli renc !iiot,wiIl b doubly eUtieliye. TUMeoace, i! m ' p. srrfe G.Jt B Hast Spera Boy. rnb n hi v t h e :il rs N or t . ' rro L'ance hSuu cJiiled in tnUie in' vfes ,-tsse .lar of Fst ! spencer ' hntile ". t- frfept in IT ago. - .m! T-tl? trunk .v eft.lrv his sister lifKast 'S)v-nc? S iro'wn aher -..oiide' non tiis remans xv.re r-u ifFrauee SergeaitH B.lir. was, v . arrsy in the Philippines aj , jj.-.- Ctf lethorpe and was a vciuffteer fthe Canadian company. H id been in the service of t.he 'father r Railway prior to ;his ' $aoe'ctioo wiih the Canadian ! my. 4 j- -bum - . -un -u-t- j Ajome , wiitdnws are being chiefs are much in diand t lie Ivoh i oij a - cold ui-iH tl ' :!,rV:t.!h 41 :u d we1; know that ' In : 1 ii- y are y can be irey are t-r t-i vxr mors t;; ; to consider the ra Colds are most eeridUfS come wiUM-ut II lh!U- t ra j-'-'v.- Jit!! danger 'is r:re:m the wa$; for .ri 1 -tv , .ue-.nnoiii S'-'S Jii.O : vor-t" of :ia - ii hs'tit-.d a9 mea -I i iV-Vt -r, and rr'.'-ni' po? itV; kj ;?n -f lit" l -; U'c f c- vd:i.hty nv.--;pi?'de t readily ai Ir viil ? - t;ui d at i i i 1 1 tile j oi di ot Otli.i.'Oi- TOO the : rsu r you i1. n , bU-e d vv-j ope ('j , i ; ? a a coi fit c' . ti arms?, fch Jiilil. HVrTy IT!(' :g . i mi i. .i 5 V ilrll kr p .aw.a fr.;'n piacHs w;i-r- ;K5 , II i. v. (I i"M any L'';m 'li'-stot4 airi -shnn i - a with tho:n, on mouth an i nctr wrU;; you have fevir oi! auhes bod a ltd ttcs y t e uiif ij ! ; i iVi' an:.osd yi nexi day. A "man i)f U. b his i.aim- "1" rt , :--iV. ih- i '" i - i . - JL i t he 1 ; the i ; " to m-hilt , v k j ,.t-i and piac - sheriff fu :i it'' un-rMonday .-and t 'ck In: i tO ldiaTiVvUrt vyh;-r. I Wa i : 5, .. j givviil a u-r:i ' :t u -.c.t v. J Otttef NU'tler i. -ai -1 irbm p - v;. V', v; ,.i.M. " , t on eap .h.r oitUt:ry prW'Ouer. tl a r.' v w -i!-! Pld i.v Uis Ocitv r at the camp. ui IS'Siemis .ISixiBi:.ii! ttrtoilS''ll, ths Germans is 1&8 S3me. U . ' The KeTGsiocge A Crinimen pastor of St Peter's.; Catholic c lurch, Iaewistowh,. :'Y. ,.. in a I -tier to BecreraTy of War BaSer v?s. ho has facts to snoW; that .iueral 3eil,intn addres.silo'iie idier iu training at the Port ; itigra training camp which" is. viihin Pother jCJrimnieu's Parish id drat "Th4 .Oer may's. ' iikex "i JesH.ji.eJieves : tliat ' tha j v iu 'Vltitj "niean-s-.-" . The abov.a taken fro m .the Ca-r-oi.ie : N o vvs, , oi New YoVk. Usu e : ltvjjU'iHr ! 5,; w is father :: .,ti' in. arriving but Ji't-elj-s; us a ery interesting atorjrV ..Iiis; ied.;e: s to say either .'itauii;iiS liidi very extended' jiir.ieii-Jo r , iiakii.r. ; about r 'in : ti- i h ' I (ir very grav;.';- ;;:?;u!iHU ( ,.:.u lieu; :li Heli had evidently yki showing hovy Jesuits have atu x' ihti Gc-r - .i i"; hi i2iM i',y v..-'.'. ; ir inans. ni:l y t-i- - -H ' V' :ii J v.r- :''. ' .;Tr - 1 r ::,-.'.i-y- ;. ? t-h. ' ui'rj mo.V tr-.o woiid't most conspicious r.u:,- -aw to d-tv The. German y S'.;MA' of w ;s k: ?r-r a rKl I Jit: .Jer , . .y h Mfi :-i -'xarK! ig are .so .;-;u--abiy ai'pted V ach other :',..! ijvwx !'o -!;:s .closer .:":.;-..: v. , ;- j-rot'S Oil. rum Hilt ot - I' ' irjoriiiag .lU-staace oi it. i Ll 3 COli- I version of tha . 3rown pr'iliCe to Th'" T)fa'ri "failh i ti fin;-. -Tae Gerhich ivi-ifefues :,ftw ) a.uMUior example.-'" And he p i. ai atroiiipt; to bring peao before dviiK.'Ciaey ruseats di-5-?ir.o rig;."t?sai1s another. All t,f of til - :-.,at.etne:its could.be am sufiicient.remarffs V i miiu: ut: stick like burs in the ! me aiijy f the people but each I sti?)j.;i :l has been treated ;as the .ccussson "aiTr.nrect ou prior occasions VVe mely meutio:i ii5 tn to .-dinvv that. General Bell has. plont-y nf iilcnce. 1 he A- hil alt of sirrt sup ;.;.v.,;-4 loretvira th ink fit our ii s' 1 t " ramvinber th v v : .:. -;;i-, o.f Gfii in our f.ryd iy lit'?,. tht: ppoachiug d .v t thaiilKgiviitg ought to cauttf all :f us to think morti sriou- ly upon t nr ' raauy biasing nd bo w our heads in grat f .il praise. ; To thhk of all the years : -5:1 ;d us. and ti?y fortunes Thai xV'n', orp, to know be prs arid i'o'ree th years 1 iy !ni!e caure for a . H lit ( 1 ilh or.i u imtry t wnr ir tm.-ch-'tietff :ho'"ild be i K ih.J aud ihsjufc'ts mount - h:?s 'Y the ,arativo 1 ' i- -vhiiui it (ur?; To U:i;ih nf -hi ?ufftjr:ng endur i -ii : .v "at war and to t ! ; f; . - i-.iti iy to tide time i ?-oTO'r' ;: :d grit have bariy ! come lontt eho.ut to yit w s 4-1... - - 1 ui i xunur, v.'iiu u s c - I tain iin, i ns batik (rod , our-people areMi.it r i an i 1 a d; v Mlsiii? ran C ha- p. ! la fctoi ;. rflUWi 4 . . .- ft i

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