.JAM HAD Wow H. TBWAR1V Emordrifct Published Evry-Wedneday v At feallsbtiry, Hi C. CubtoHptIa Price: WajtAiasUa. 1 7u. -75 Tfc VftfrttiiTt Fanner, x.-year. .juoo -artag-aach. only Si fiff , ., ary IttX 105, atOaa poatoffloa at 8slMttT.X C widar jeia act of. Cm SaHBbur7.N.0.;N6V.2l 1917 "i i.i r,; ir Byejtt Whrasi 1 p'rbmi tict1 cityia 6f Sklisbtiry ; before cd thcfState'Seyim Ralcig5 wlieii' a numbet" of citi zhqtt6ik' Salisbury wen t; down to t preMnfWt ibW cereiiabny. Dr! krctuoald ' Hehderson 'o! 5 the University, a kfnsthati, tliade the prenbition:' Of ; bourse' ! 'Jtide Boyfden's enforced absenc6 from Satisury aiid his efforts to ?oid; payment of : taxes in provisions to ihe fChhftditkie 'k were not dwelled upon. ''" "'v- Jim Neill,,. a negro ; teo anion, the farm of A.. Y..NeiU saw nnf amiliar tracfcs . acrpBe the field as he started ont to wotk Wednesday morning He reported to Mr. Neill and investigation proved that a deer had been passing along that1 way. A search w as made and in the bottoms the fleet-footed animal was pight ert. Mr Nell fired at the buck with his pistol wounding bim. buhefled going toward tbe rivp tottoms.; A . general alarm-was sent out and . with in a yery short time about 2 persons ? were after the deer1 Bogs tan' him to bay in the Plytet Bottoms, where he wap shot to death1 by Ql J. ShetiU. fhe iohkse kept urj for Itwa hours, l.fhe'deer weighed 113 pounds and vas presu . about . three years d i d. 4, Morjssvi Enterprise. i n(Weejg8 killed iri.Bputli . Ireejiliaiyearorf twp ngo; TheLaiiid marlc.) ? ; It ; seems that a peaceful, unoffending ' a n d valuable anfraai' arouses as much, hot blttbd-tis a iron, a maddog or "mMer; hat" a jpitty sacfi animals are not permit , inU lU 11VC 111 IU1B J lAlCStlJlU f: landl' By the way, isn't trier .JJa ' is ' iJ. .iA .?H't.. a, 1 a w .protectiru? d fe.e r?r- Watchmau. V;" ''"); 'Winston-Salem, Nov. 15.: "t Dr H.Q Alexander, of , Char lott6, ,was today re elected. . president! of tltjie -State meisMJnion over, T B Parkei of- Raleighby ajarge, raajpr ity and . the: .-. elecUon , was Matter niade pnani m o us. . , '; ,: .Dr Alexander assured the union of - his. , loyalty, to , the . . ia vurrti; a res lal ion that the . gau: nation invest $J0.t)00 of , lH flrplus , in jtle , next Issue qf Liberty bonds- ' ' 'M Other Officers elected are: V f ' residentT-'J Tern pleloi. :; -of Cartiy', i ' iSecTreassiSiJ-Faires ol :. .Aberdeen., u ; , , , Orcjanizer arid Lecturer . J Z (ireen bf .Marsliville. - ; Cdnd uctSr-G N Glover of RdWan'coUntyr ' i- Doorkeeper H.Iend ren of Wilkes' county. k 4 v Chaplain. ; Q .M Duke of Frankliii county. " v -A ' Eiecutive ComW Bib son -0 Weatherly V VVV H : Mo6re CO Wright R B Diion. ; Delegates td NatUnibni , Dr Ciare.nce toe y , G Lind seyQrlin Cruse M K Daiey. - -' PUci Cured In 6 14. DaygS Your dranict dtt: ifn&i motiey if pktb OINTMENT falls to cure any cue of Itching, Blind, Bleedintf or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 day n Tbe ftrtt application ivea ase and Rest. States to raise the' war work of the YrM. C. A.v wp fffn lyi $ Davis atM Rowan umieV' is concerned ' $l$;ooa was tl ! In Salisbury " the campaign was of a very 'strenuous charac ter r,Addresses ' ' were :?irnade.; teams were organized and 4 he city was . thoroughly, canvassed. Thetresults as given below ind i- cate jthe sticcess of,.eaci tem J diytsions; and community t ast giv , en by the omcers. Salisbury, men's division. SaUebys , Team i.lS.Sp Uldl 3 BrownV . . . . 463.00 46o.5o Sniders Quinn's . . . . . . n 437 .00 v. v 384 oo- '.'i'ijri I '3H. oo Wallenborn's Keslers . Newman's,. . . Holland'.s . . vc0urdy?s ;145,5o " Total . . . V V. . ;. . V $4;58o 601 Salisbury, Women's Dfvisiohi Mrs E ' W Tatum's1. : bo -ott vtiss"Mary Hendetsbns M9t7S Miss Susie Whitehead's t33o25 v? rs E D McCall's ..... 37.75 tal':'.:... . .. $1,737.75 Boys & girls public schools 177.o4 - Salisbury, Colored "Division ; Livingstone College , ' . . '. $26o;oo Masons Team v. . . 2o, 5o Total $285. 5o $285.oo Special Pledges ..Total for Salisbury $7,ooo.29 Salisbury District Salibsury- . . . , ... .$7,bo.29 Albemarle ...... . 3.5o66.66 Spencer . . : . ". . .'.'.Ijboo'bb Looleemee .5;65(y.bo' China' Grove "... . . v . . . . i'v 479ipo hsaoiit ' ... . V . . , . 3oo.oo Clevelahd r 283 .80 lioorwood ....... . . . . 235 00 GranitevQuarrv . . .i , . ,268 15 E Spencer Mcdall's team ; 13o 4o Rockwell . . ,.129.oo Ritchfield hvt. 'ri' 82; 52 New London ... 72 bo Faith . . ... . . . . 60;75. Oakboror & . v. 1. Grand total- for district5 l5;ib4 Report "of bounties ! Rowan . ; i . . .', x. 1 . .i.': 9,778.64 ! I . r 7' Specvvere 'for old folks when grandrria was young.lShe wears specs now but often forgets -to use thein in the :me!ow;Suri: light f - 'f f. the shade. Of, pomfcrwtiori--artistici -tucy. give . ungnt rucK;ej light tHat leaves eye-stram " : 4sk for them by to btir 'nearest .i I i f;. stoves. STANDARD OIL COMPANY is:i!'v-"ytf..'.T 'AHtkm Jacsav) -r'..; .r Winn., J , -SCrnxion St JohnTs Iiulh"eranTB S7 V go.oo ;- v A0-00 ?aurs . . , Jcqa lo;obi r3 '.. Certain Care f sr Croa?. - - ; 'V'r-. . ; rrsARose Middlkt6n,ii Green villll4V ha44tfexjnce in the treatment of - this disease. Stie; says,' When" my children were small - my son hadcrotip frequenUyi Ghamberjain'i&Cough Remedy always . broke .up these attacks '...(p4iavei.and.",;I was never without it in -the hopAe. I bave taken it tfyself for coughs and colds with good reMittS;1' . -l Iii the absence of Rev W A La in be th last" Sdhdajf he coiigregationo d i ?1 ch urchj u o w worehippiiig in tabemacfe 'li stoned to-. a ayerrnQn Jy A.J Best, iai eigh r correspondent ofhe Greensboro News'. Mr' Boat al ways makes a veryJnterestv- ?ug; talk anQ as; jirjaay f ri oVds I ' herV who like to heai: him.7 m . ..t 'Yesterday rnorohig Po?t ;na:-ter W J latley.;readbed hie store j uFt" in titne to (r3re veui its destruction by fire. vVhn be arrivgda good sized bbza was found in the midd le r the building, hnt it wapl exun guisnea cerore any great damage was done ,; The . QuiDbia That Does Not' Affect the Head Becanse of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is Better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness noi ringing in head. Remember the full name acd look for the signature of E. W. grove.. 30c What is iLAXFOS tAX-FOS IS AM KPROVED CASCARA A Digestive Liquid Laxative, Cathartic and Liver Tonic. Contains Caicara Bark, Blue Flag. Root, Rhubarb Root, Black Rckt,May ApieRdot,BennaLeaves and Pepsin. Combines strength with pala table aromatic taste. Does not gripe. 450c Optometrist, CHINA GROVE, U. O Headaches, NevvousnessVNeu ra'gia Dizziness, Nausea, and Many Other ervoas, Disaii-f aersw.. uue to .iiiye o train Jr'iwi tively Kelieved. x t. '? 'W W LRabblt SlUHS Pperly handled car be sold to V. Wallace & . Sons '.Salisbury, N. C. 25c per doztr. LAMPS . cari Be ligrited as f I 4 a$ a, gasjet without talc- g stroncr. simrile rriS3esiji$ I '! rv:.?,. rjame fstatidof J ;'?' ' ruuncston. a. 5 - . - i . 'Tim in mim m - - .1 b . m m lis;.' itbred to Health by Lvdia a m - s m V VeJgetable EllimrlaaMill ran down iind weald inwardly. 'I had female troubles i ana nervous ieeiinjrs and my head both ered me. . I would often have crying' spells and feel as if; 1 was not safe. If I heard anyone com ing 1 would run and lock' the door so they would not see ; me. I tried several doc tors and they did not help me so I said to my mother '1 em ess d'wtfi have .to die as there is no help for -"VTA ' .' 1 .' V.ha 1MV Wl. AT . AtlM It.f 1 A V'.' funs, gun yu . vi. jfuiu uiiWQ 1 i yaia t A: It ejetahle Compoun soon made a r haire in me and now I am strong and I Go fau ray - worK. ' 'Mrs. Augustus IAtfGHMAN; Box 86, Enhaut, Pa. vfry will -women continue to suffer ly in and'day out and drag out a sickly, h iFfrhearted existence, missing three Aw'ilis of the joy of living, when they c.'mnd nealto m Lydia Jii. Pmkbam's etable Compound t -. H:you would like free confidential ad : ao ad.dress Lydia E, Pinkhantf edicine C wVLyhhMass ' . ' EECt!HD HAND LU11BEI FOE SALE. ' We are Rearing" 'down tti old Kdiwau ' Chaif Factory and will have a quanity of -framing- and rourh boards tor sale., also scrap Ittaber for wood. Apply to lr , . W, L. Harris, llf6-4t .,i; : China Grove! I Bf -T D1A . 'iHi. dEST FOK I J1 KIDNEYS Stetson IHlatts Ul 1x1 IIVU VI bhbV ltt! tiiki if'if ift'titlf I -.SfUll. x ifvook and my husband said I should try .! r netfcottler'.I stopped the doctor's : i wcine and took Lydia E. Pinkham's "MV" fl VI 1 IK III I I II 111 ! Ill II n I I I III xmmm u a mum -.u wmm). i ' - - at the , h h ' : r -j ySs. bpecial Attractions' in V H ., : $12.50 toslo. 1 f I '' Mens Conservatire Morlels ; 3 I T'- j v- ' jPh f at the same prices. . ? " I ' 0ne lot en,s 8uits : PTiwt ? "" BSBBSSSSflBBBBSSBBBBSBHHSBBBBSBBBSBBS 5J. j Hi ther Brando in Hetv Oinfer Sweater Coats. ? Winter TJnder- wear and Hosiery inlar&e ass6rt- ments. m MOELssmsbbssssi is no vr itodkidith a: M For: this : All Ready - to - REASONABLE Liies '. Hull's. Bofs. anfl wmn A s ' ...v-.--;'. " .'; '' From Head to Foot. iia N. Main Street, ONE MINUTE PLEASE! Is there any necessity for buying Jewelry from strange concerns hundreds of miles away, when you can get the same or BETTER QUALITY MERCHANDISE RIGHT HERE IN YOUR OWN CITY? . We do not ask your trade simply .because we happen to PAY TAXES HERE, help support the schools and so on, but because WE CAN AND WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. Keep Trade at Home,, J China Grrove, North. Carolina. J Regulation Army Siveatera Dress ihirts, : Neckwear and Mufflers in .Beau tiful Patterns rea- - . sdnabjy priced Salisbury, . erchaindise Season at year Goods for Salisbury, N C. All Styles in Boys Suits and Overcoats at very Seasonable Prices. Mats Ci Boys' Macinaws, Bain Coats and Caps at the old prices. n M - - . " ffi . v r -tp . - - . . . wm 11

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