3 1 4 ft i LOCAL of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS At a receut meeting of the Baraca and Philatheas held in the First Babtist church, Prof J E Redtern of Spencer, was elected president, C W Andrews secretary, Mrs P W Moore assistant secretary, aud F I Y organ treasurer. Hunters report rabbits to plentiful this season. The latest prohibition mea are is to the effect that those receiving Uwhiskey must get a physician's certificate cer tif ying that same is solely for medicinal purposes owing to whichilittle is being return ed. Thar now. Attention is called to the advertisement of J. M. Miller in this paper. Mr. Miller ie a clever gentleman to deal with aud you always get your money's worth at his place. A baby was bum to a ne gro woman in the North Ward recently and was in terred without a permit, which caused suspicions of foul play. Coroner Side? called a jurv and held an in vestigation and an arrest was made, but no definite infor mation could be obtained and and the matter, though fou! play seems evident, is yet in suspense. An assault on his Bister with a fire shovel resulted in a negro man being sent to the chaingang for thirty days last week. The city is said to have ens gaged 1000 cords of wood to help out Salisbury in her fuel apply. This will put a crimp in the hogs who want to charge two prices for wood. Whitehead Kluttz of Washington D O is spending a few days here with his father, Hon. Theo F Kluttz and his sisters. One hundred and nineteen women in Rowan county purchased liberty bonds to . the amount of-$34,800 an i al have not yet reported. Misa Elizabe h L-'.-ve, mo. Lie a. suurt vieit ia; o ; week withher parent.?, Oc and Mrs J u JLt we aua bsrv.t. Mrs E W Tat urn left I week for OharlDtto and wH- oon leave for France via New York where shu wl do American army. N White M.3niaa wa v. Salisbury Saturday aui brought with him dorat- ' ipe trawherries of the a- Ing variety. It i these berries will rU' the snow falls on thnm The Citizens of S; are holding a prolonged lec- tion on the question a i to whether hogs shall be kept within the town limit. The election started Saturday and will close December 7th. Lewis Parker, colored, was arrested here this week by Chief of Police J Frank Mil ler. Parker had been drafted at Washington, D 0, and-faiN ed to appear when' called Chief Milter will delivf him to camp Green and rece?r th I reward of $50 for the en , are. Rev J R Morgan wt ha teen locate i at Oonov 8 C, for several 7ears has ac fcd a call to the Landis rt? which includes the X adie and Concordia Lutheran R SAGES Miss Alma daughter of Mr and Mrs Kri DavIh and James L McCall of Bad in, were married last Thurs day evening at the home of the bride's parents on the LincoUon Roa.l, Rev G Q Ritchie of Grace E L church officiating. The couple will make their home at Badin. me marriage of Misa Myrtle Lillian Moore and Fred F Shamel, took nlace Saturday evening at the home of W B Kinnev in East Spencer, Pastor G A G Thomas of Salisbury official ng Miss Moore waa here on a visit. Mr SliftmHl ia an aw WU employee in the Southern's hops. The marriage of Miss Adal Shof rty of Greensboro, who. was brought here in an auto mobile by her husband A B Saleeby, Saturday, afternoon and the ceremony was per formed that evening at the home of A B Saleeby, Rev W A Lambeth officiating. The marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth, daughter-of Mr and Mrs John W Felts of Salisbury, and Eugene B Tomlinson, son of W H Tomlinson of Fayettville, took place at the home of Mrs D A McCutcheon's in Badin, 'aat Wednesday. They will make their home in New port News Va, Roea Vardell 'Rex and Robert Lee Thompson were united in marriage at the Lebanon parsonage near Barber, on Snnday, Novem berllth, Rev V R Stickley officiating. A marriage of interest will take place in the Episcopal church at Wilson, N. G., Saturday noon, when Miss Mildred Telfair daughter of MLr and Mrs Thomas Atkin son Davis of that place, and William Marvm Snider, son of Mr and Mrs W F Snider, of Salisbury, will take the vows that will make them man and wife !B a neice of Miss Davis Vlr Percy GH"nefi -t B l E I ! Sam I il Mi V7 t A. ?f J M : plead c ubbi ! m a o Si i -i -I pa; In: LD sr.U Of vi Vt Speuct-r wer i vrit' j Eat-t u c nt i at the home o v i' parnis , ttev C A Thomas r.fiio r is a member with headq i i ' in Michigan 1r D iviti th U S A uia camo The bzar I by the King's Daug a , er3 last week, was well f troaised ind the ladies ay it was a success in every wav. 8trTdaj , w .iile rid Co iiieil J 'viKO inc a r c reu iutw & . , TOdU ?5HOily in- roiiflrht $c ' ' w bridge a and wi8 : giit l 1 . ,i tit was latpi" ta.'u a IG!I1J DV mi J I JwiB SwSr.V Miss A P Davis, daughter of Rev John Davis, who was a missionary in China, for many years and a brother of O D Davis of Salisbury jumped from a Canadian liner, when out from Yoko hama, Nov. 4th, and was drowned. Her body was not recovered. Miss Davie was mentally Bderanged, wa in charge of nurses and wap returning home for treat mentt She crawled through n port hole and jnmped into the sea. William M Jams, well known here as the Secretary of the People's Fair Associ ation, died at Denver, Col v Monday night, November? 12th, from the effects of tu berculosis from which he ht d suffered several years. Mi JameBwae 35 years old and leaves a wife and daughter. besides his parents. Mr and Mra E K James, to mourn their loss. Mrs James was with her husband at the time of his death and accompan ied his remains to Salisbury which arrived late Saturday evening and were taken to the home of E K James on South Fulton street. The funeral was held from the First Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon, the pas tor of the deceased, Rev W A , Lambeth, officiating. The service was attended by a, large number of friends of the deceased. Miss Addie Adams died at the home of her father at Woodieaf, Sunday night, November 11th. Miss Ad ams was 35 years old. The funeral and interment took place Tuesday following her death. 8 Y Goodman, ' aged 64, a well known farmer who lived several miles west of Salisbury, died Saturday eve aing November 10th, The fu aoral took place Sunday .iternoon from Gay's chapel . Taccb A Shuping of Persia, .4., died catorday evoihug ovember, 10th. Mr SUup- was a uiive of tnl , . belii . member of the x ?11. known lmy by that aame in Franklin township. Ie was a brother of Chas. F ' upi'jg of Salisbury and B ,. Shuping who lives four ilea frum Salisbury, on thj ilkefebro road. Mr Shup ag v-lth iuze other broth - c visited here about a year 3'nue vInch time three a and a sister. vl Deafness UfiMt ba Cared. , local appucauons as tney cut! iok -each tee diseased portion of -.he ear. There is only one T a to cure catarrhal deafness, ard that is by a constitutional rtmedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition f the mucous lining of the Eu stachian Tube. When this tube j it inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and wlien it is entirely closed. Deaf ness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced and unis tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de- s r jyed forever. Many cases ' of 1 ii af':es are caused by catarrh,' "'ca .'s an inflamed condition of i liie mucous su- faces. Hall's Ga- , j.oii' he trucous surfaces of it,-. tm. w , nil y Ve ine Hundred ' ..or .. caR of Catarrhal v.-i ia-xi :ann -t be cured by s . aiai r i m eaicine. uir - VilarR'free. A11 Drno-rri.fo 7Co ' North Pain Strestasl UuM. lie -bandsonie new North Vaio Street public school build inJlocated near the Car baro, wa'partly destroyer by what is thjjjaght to have been a fire of in cendiary origin early Saturday taq'tning-. The blaze was first discovered bv some Railroad emlojees and the alarm w4' first given by the blowing of engine whistles. lhe fire company soon respond edJind though the men did goo work, the fireTnade rapid heiway and destroyed a large jrartjon of the building betore it coufd be gotton under control. Thibuilding was insured for $2$pi0 but it cost about $84, 000, be&fdes the equipments, but as all lefialerials have advanced con sidifably it cannot be replaced at the original cost. Maor vVoodson'called a meeting of fihe board aturday morning -to siJer the matter rebuilding at ofice This was decided upon and bids 'or the reconstruction is trow b ijf asked The sc.iool board also held a How is the r. The Carolina Wa The Rowan .Record Before the Increase in Price which Is THIS 18 YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Be Patriotic. m Paper I :ze fwatchman and Heoril AFTER THE GOLD WALK HOME The glowing comfort dispensed by the Perfection Oil Heater is mighty welcome. It lights instantly, warms any ordinary room in no time, and is easily carried wherever it is needed. Invaluable for the between seasons of fall and spring and for providing extra comfort in very cold Weather. Now used in over 8,000,000 homes. For best results use Aladdin Security Oil. STANDARD OIL CoSJaNY (New jtr.v) i.'s& For best results use Alpddin Security Oil. rMShSfe wSSSSSBPiP llpl I, S STANDARD OIL cdkJANY (New jMy) IWStflfc rf W&sfiinsten, D. C. BALTIMORE Charlotte, N. C 4 i sWip 7 Norfolk, V. MD. Cberleston. AV. Va. lUHIiyUv V'ililgPS w . Richmond, Va. Charleston, S. C lldrSlH 1 PERFjCTlON JHflfiPMl 2 ' r ' .. " . ' " ' 5 ' J- -- f $ - - I , ' - - meeting and made plans to. -continue the school and as Chair man J S Hall of the board of county commissioners offered the old court house and the second floor of the new court house for use it wai decided to make use of these and continue the school without a break. Hut owing to the Superior court being in ses sion seme objecii;ii Was ra ide to the use of the court house and though the children assembled vfonday mrninth y were dis missed until further plans coald be made. Dr W B Duttera also offered tho use of the splendid Parish house, but this was not accepted. Hie plan finally de cided upon was to permit a por tion of the children to aifend the Ellis Street school and to make an additio i to th old Vaiittr mill schoo! hou for the child red in that immediate vicinity. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TOM IC, drives out Malaria, eariches the blood.and builds up thesys tem. A true tonic For adults atid children. 00c .5 Ci Tims hi (FSeneiv and Suhsorilae for Bound to take place Ha&e it a.'P&fu Published by 7 35 MAGAZINE Fashion ' Authority A For Nearly 50 Years! Join the 100,000 women who torn to MeCALL'S vrr month for correct fitsfa- tons, for patterns, for economical baying, for fancy needlework, for good stories for pieasnre, tar help, for sty is. BicCAUr fstteras fit. t 75c m Year nm SDO AP05TALCJOL0 AlSASZroX SiJfTXB COF7 f KeCAIX-S; er ! mcnons cost: or btotctje cinmf tl. jsvnsz user m wemn; or JU8S or OUTS i irU: or Uteet PATTERN CATAIXXJTJJfc or tag Caah Offw to AftiSXS; or ue.e Frlse Offerto xowcatmcH. AddreM TSEIoCALL COl. 285-250 Wot 3711 Stae;HnrTi R.T. HESBSI 1 400 Typewriters 11 kiftda and al! grades, REMINGTON 8 12 up. Inatructiu: with each machine. Tji'-- !ni r! fir purl for all makea of Mewri!?r EMPIRE TYPE FODIsD k Y ItUFFALO, N. Y. IL1-18. 1 pi T JT soon. r If. v our i' "'1 4 vear. Copy Jl tcliman churches, father, H (J Grautord I F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo 0.1 . .'if r.